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April 12, 1972
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*USA Deda
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ATTG Reg 77-1
Edwards Air Force Base, California 93523 12 April 1972
This regulation establishes procedures and responsibilities
in the utilization and care of all official motor vehicles
assigned to this Group.
1. Scope. This regulation applies to all vehicles assigned
to this organization including those vehicles bearing USAF
identification and markings, and those vehicles designated as
1130TH ATTG official vehicles registered through the State of
California Motor Vehicle Department in the name of the 1130TH
ATTG and bearing State of California Tax Exempt License Plates
("E" plates). The Director of Support will see that this reg-
ulation is enforced and will establish necessary liaison with
facilities at the Main Base and other activities to ensure
compliance with the requirements set forth in AFM 66-1, AFM
66-12, AFM 77-1, T.O. 00-20B-5 and T.O. 00-20B-6.
2. ATTG Vehicle Maintenance Responsibilities
a. The NCOIC of Vehicle Maintenance will schedule all
periodic, safety, lubrication and special inspections. This
will be accomplished by notifying and coordinating with the
user sections. Any deviation from the schedule must be co-
ordinated and approved by the NCOIC of Vehicle Maintenance.
b. Vehicle Maintenance is the only contact point between
the user/operator and Main Base repair facilities. (This in-
cludes all services except credit card purchases and refuel-
ing vehicles handled by the POL personnel.)
c. Vehicle Maintenance will be responsible either for
accomplishing necessary repairs or routing the vehicles to a
facility capable of accomplishing repairs necessary to keep
the vehicle in a serviceable condition. On the road purchases
and/or repairs will be coordinated with Vehicle Maintenance
Supersedes ATTG Reg 77-1, 22 April 1971. (For summary of re-
vised, deleted, or added material, see signature page.)
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ATTG Reg 77-1
after return to the group area so necessary information may
be recorded for operating costs data.
3. Vehicle User/Operator Responsibilities
a. The supervisor of the using section assumes property
responsibility for the vehicles assigned for his section's
utilization. This will include safeguarding the vehicle and
reporting of vehicle deficiencies. It is mandatory that the
user/operator advise Vehicle Maintenance of any suspected or
known defects so that repairs may be accomplished.
b. Even though this regulation establishes maintenance
requirements, it is still the driver's or operator's respon-
sibility to insure that everything is satisfactory and the
vehicle appears to be in a safe operating condition. Accep-
tance of a vehicle without recording and reporting deficien-
cies constitutes acceptance of responsibility for any existing
deficiencies or damage.
c. Often it is necessary to switch around the use of ve-
hicles between Directorates to meet required official trans-
portation demands. Likewise, it is often necessary that
vehicles be used for long-distance and overnight trips. In
these instances, the Director of Support or the NCOIC of
Vehicle Maintenance will designate the vehicles to be used.
It will be necessary, therefore, for each Director to advise
the Director of Support or the NCOIC of Vehicle Maintenance
of each long-distance or overnight transportation require-
ment. This point cannot be over-emphasized for failure to
do so can result in transportation shortages and other diffi-
4. Operation (Maintenance)
a. Vehicle Maintenance will review vehicle mileage/hour
record monthly and furnish the base Vehicle Maintenance Data
Collection Unit sufficient information so a machine run list-
ing may be made. As vehicles are scheduled for maintenance
each user will be notified and arrangements made to have the
necessary inspection/repairs accomplished.
b. Vehicle Maintenance will provide minor maintenance
or parts replacement at time of discovery for such items as:
lights, mirrors, gas caps, windshield wipers, etc., and make
on the spot repairs to prevent additional damage to the ve-
hicle. -
c. Upon receipt of a vehicle due for maintenance the
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ATTG Reg 77-1
AFTO Form 374 will be reviewed by maintenance for deficiencies
and the driver debriefed for malfunctions. A general visual
inspection will be accomplished and any additional items will
be added to the AFTO Form 374 by Vehicle Maintenance personnel.
5. Operation (User/Driver)
a. The entire concept of this regulation begins with the
vehicle operator. He must be on the alert to detect malfunc-
tions during operations and report discrepancies to the Vehicle
Maintenance personnel at time of discovery or when the urgency
demands. He must inspect and/or insure operation of following:
Fuel/oil/coolant level
Battery fluid level
Tire pressure
Service and Emergency brakes
Steering (looseness, bind, travel, pull, etc.)
Windshield wipers
All other safety devices
Gages (gas, oil, temperature, amp, speed, etc.)
b. Any deficiency must be recorded on AFTO Form 374 and
the "Remarks" column should reflect specific deficiencies,
e.g., generator not charging, right headlight out, brakes
pull, horn inoperative, etc.
c. In addition the vehicle user/operator will be respon-
sible for:
(1) Removal and replacement of wheel assemblies (flat
tires) as necessary and the delivery of flats to the Vehicle
Maintenance shop for repairs.
(2) Vehicle cleaning will be the responsibility of
the user/operator. Material and equipment are located behind
the Vehicle Maintenance shop. Vehicle washing will be accom-
plished by temporary hire employees when available and will be
scheduled by Vehicle Maintenance.
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Approve4 , elt,a 00 / 8 26
ATTG Reg 77-1
6. Transportation to and from Lancaster
a. Headquarters approved the utilization of the Group's
official vehicles to transport. those civilian employees who
reside in Lancaster to and from work. This mode of travel
will henceforth be referred to as car pools.
b. Four official vehicles (station wagons) will be used
for this service. During the day these same vehicles will be
used by various group components to meet the official trans-
portation requirements of the group.
c. Those employees working an after-duty shift such as
the Signal Center Communicators as well as Security and
Avionics personnel must arrange late transportation through
the NCOIC of Vehicle Maintenance immediately after notifica-
tion of such work.
d. Reimbursement for the use of official vehicles as
car pool transportation will be at the rate of $0.30 each
one-way trip between work and residence, not to exceed $3.00
per week.
e. By the tenth (10th) working day of each month, those
employees who participate in the car pool program will make
the appropriate reimbursement to the Finance Officer (see
attachment 1) for the number of rides utilized for the pre-
ceding month.
7. Designation of Riders and Car Pool Captains
a. The Director of Support or the NCOIC of Vehicle
Maintenance, will, in coordination with individuals con-
cerned, assign the riders for the various car pools and
designate car pool captain for each pool vehicle.
b. Car pool captains will ensure that pool vehicles de-
part Lancaster in sufficient time to arrive at work promptly
by 0730 hours. Pool vehicles will not leave North Base for
Lancaster prior to 1600 hours on regular work days.
c. Car pool captains will be responsible for arranging
with other car pool captains for double-up rides whenever an
official vehicle is not available for car pool use. Should
further arrangements be necessary, the NCOIC of Vehicle
Maintenance must be contacted for assistance.
a. Vehicles will be maintained in top operating
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ATTG Reg 77-1
condition at all times. This begins with care, cleanliness,
and judgment the individual uses in his daily operations.
If the operator does not perform his required duties and a
malfunction occurs, abuse may be assumed as the cause of the
b. Vehicle Priority. The following vehicles are iden-
tified for priority purposes and will be maintained in the
best condition possible at all times. All other vehicles will
be maintained according to established standards with a mini-
mum of expense and labor expended. There are designated
general purpose cargo vehicles available to preclude the use
of passenger type vehicles for heavy cargo hauling.
(1) Commander
(2) Life Support
(3) Operations
(4) Medical Staff
(5) Tactical Maintenance
(6) Materiel
(7) Communications
(8) Security
(9) Support
9. Insurance Coverage. As Government-owned property, 1130th
vehicles do not carry commercial insurance coverage. The
Government is its own insurer of such property and damage and
accident claims will be handled and processed pursuant to es-
tablished Federal regulations.
10. Personal Usage. Personal usage of official vehicles will
not be permitted.
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Approved For F elease.2001/Q8126 : CIA-RD!33-0~415AO00600050042-3
ATTG Reg 77-1
HAMBER, Colonel, USAF 1 Atch
Commander Car Pool Collective Form
Summary of revised, deleted, or added material______ .
Title changed. Reference to Commander's vehicle deleted
(para 1). DD Form 1358 changed to AFTO 374 (para 4c and
5b). Arrangement for late transportation changed (para
6c). Reimbursement for car pool transportation changed
(para 6d). Para 9 and 10 added.
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Approved For Release 2001/0 6i. 7 1 DP33-02415A000600050042-3
ATTG R,,g 77-1
SECRET (When Filled In)
Individuals whose signatures appear above thereby certify that
they have paritcipated in Car Pools and made appropriate re-
imbursement to Station Finance as indicated.
Station Finance Officer hereby acknowledges receipt of funds
as stated above:
Finance Officer Date
Approved For Release 2?9,'1@8/4$mG1app-lR6?HO24UA000600050Q4 t3achment 1