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Publication Date: 
February 16, 1965
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* Apr V roi eieItHMR)':'V HO %% 19hJ 070020-5 'EGRET 25X1A2g 25X1A2g STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 16 February 1965 NUMBER 50-3055-22 TACTICS. PANED 1. PURPOSE: To establish a panel for development of new tactics to be employed by aircraft, revise established/approved tactics as required, and to review tactics recommended for inclusion in th Tactical Doctrine. 2. SCOPE: This procedure is applicable tot .. a Personnel assigned on orders as members of the Detachment Tactics Panel, 25X1A2g b,. Personnel requested by the President, Tactics Panel, to develo new tactics, review existing tactics, and/or prepare for inclusion in..the TacticalDOCtrine specific tactics::approved,bythe panel. 3. RE~PQNSIBIb1TY: The President of the Tactics Panel is responsible to convene members of the Panel when items have been submitted for consideration, 25X1A2g or when existing tactics appear to be unsatisfactory.for.operational employment. Rated members of the Commanders f,.and rated personnel assigned to Staff Directorates, knowledgeable of operations/capability, are responsible to 25X1A2g su review any tactic recommended to improve operational capability of th), Qr revision of any. existing tactic included in the Tactical Doctrine. Copies of this Standard Operating Procedure will be forwarded to the Commander, 903d Air Refueling Squadron, Beale AFB, California. The Commander, 14th Strategic Aerospace Division, Beale APB California. has, made-available.to the Commander, 25X1C4a members of the 903d ARS to tunction as advisors/members ot the Detachment Tactics Panel. The. knowledge! experience level of the Senior Staff of the 903d ARS dictates the necessity of requesting representation from that unit as members/advisors of the Tactics Panel Board when air refueling tactics are being reviewed. The 903d ARS is encouraged to submit items for review by the Tactics Panel. 4. P ROGEDURE$ a. Members of the Detachment Tactics Panel will: (1) Be composed of following personnel: (a) Deputy Commander for Operations, President (b) Asst Deputy Commander for Operations, Member (Alt President) (c) Chief, Standardization Division, Member (d) Chief, Test Coordination Branch, Standardization Division, 9-02415A000600070020-5 DISTRIB1~T.ved For Release 2001/08/27: C UT Member OPR: DCO M1. % Approved For Release 2001/0 3-02415A000600070020-5 25X1A2g 25X1A2g (e) Chief, Mission Support Division, Member (f) Chief, Flight PlanningSection,iMisaion Support Division, (g) Project pilots as appropriate, Be on Detachment Ordei4 its R gown (1) above. e-43) Meet ,at the directign. of the President. ,?J :7r~ ,a F ( ) .When desi.gne5edas'OPR.for=item preparation torbe published in Tactical Doctrine, complete preparation as expeditiously as possible and forward to President for further action b~.Personnel not members=of-the Tactics Panel will forward to the President, Tactics Panel, in writing recommendations for new/revised tactics. c.. ..New/revised tacticsiconsidered7feasible by the Panel will be flight tested"as required The President willforward the new/revised?tacticthe test flights, or rejection. The:Taetige Panel will be _the`,deciding authority. I ' F' i'-,) ir(1OJ k q(,' g1.'O (.111 9) rTfsr:m o')c-T 'ij ,.;"? T~ o-the or ,approrva . d 'Allfinal-:actions by. the..Taotics 'Panel .will be forwarded-t ca`f.i Upon approval b theCommaider ?-the'dpproved new/revised tactic will be tttcluded in the 'aetical::Doctrine. Preparation for publication will be I "sUf?t ~ -as-Outlined in.a(4) above, '.oionei, Deputy Commander for Operations olonel, USAF WqP Approved For Release 20S ifiGRM DP33-02415A000600070020-5