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Approved For Release 2 - DP33-02415A000600050028-9 *USAF Declass/Release Instructions On File* DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE ATTG Reg 60-9 1130TH AEROSPACE TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING GROUP Edwards Air Force Base, California 93523 14 April 1972 25X1X7 Flying 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A2g This regulation establishes the general policies and pro- cedures which will be folloy all personnel involved in the periodic training of pilots, hereafter referred to as a. Project Headquarters Directive 10-10-1, dated 2 Jan 70; Security/Cover Program for ^ pilots. b. Project Headquarters Directive 50-10-25, dated 15 Sept 71; Initial Qualification in U-2 aircraft. 72. c. Detachment "G" U-2 Training Syllabus, dated 1 Mar d. ATTG Regulation 60-2, dated 12 April 71; Evaluation of Students and Student Training. 2. Responsibility. The Director of Operations is respon- sible for training and serves as the focal point for coor- dination of all Wactivities. Each 1130th ATTG staff section, and Pro adquarters, is responsible for support of the MW training program as outlined below. a. Project Headquarters: (1) Responsible for the final selection of trainees. 25X1A2g (2) Coordinates and schedules appropriate pre- training physicals, interviews, and pressure suit fittings. (3) Determines identity of the instructor pi- lot and duration of TDY at Detachment "G . .Supersedes ATTG Reg 60-9, 12 Apr 71. OPR: OPS DISTRIBUTION: X Approved For Release 2001 / - DP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release(2@WG3f28 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 (4) Issues Department of the Air Force invitational travel orders for selected _ pilots to travel to and from the United States. 25X1X7 b. Director of Operations: (1) Selects the operations staff officer who will 25X1A2g be respo for all training and unit coordination for all activity. (2) Designates the U-2 instructor pilot who will be responsible for all U-2 ground/flying training. (3) Establishes and monitors all aspects of training to include language, T-37 and U-2R qualification programs. 25X1A2g (4) Conducts periodic evaluations of - progress/ 25X1A2g proficiency including T-37 flight checks and U-2 training eval- uation procedures as outlined in ATTG Reg 60-2, dated 22 Oct 69. c. Director of Life Support: (1) Attends pre-training physical examination, psycho- logical evaluation, final selection, and pressure suit fittings as arranged by Project Headquarters. (2) Coordinates required survival training with the designated operations project officer. (3) Provides complete medical support which will in- clude, in addition to routine flight physicals, routine and emergency medical assistance at all times, required immuniza- tions, and (~.oordination with Main Base medical/dental services for assistance as required. 25X1A2g 4 Selection and procurement of suitable frozen meals for the training area. d., Director of Support: (1) Responsible for contractual arrangements with the Berlitz School for language training as required. (2) Responsible for housing, both in the Edwards local area and Los Angeles, if language training required. (3) Fiscal responsibilities to include advance Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 w. 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A2g Approved For Release 20 ATTG Reg 60-9 payments TDY disbursements, per diem, and payments in sup- port of housing and transportation. (4) Billetting and transportation reservations as required.. (5) After arrival at North Base, responsible for procurement of a rental vehicle or other suitable transpor- tation. e. Director of Security: 25X1A2g (1) Provides cover and security for the N E training program in accordance with Project Headquarters Directive 10-10-1, dated 2 Jan 70. (2) Coordinates with appropriate Edwards AFB personnel the essential details of each training 25X1A2g program including use of Main Base fact i ies. 25X1A2g `(3) Determines escort requirements for while in the local area and during periods of TD . (4) Conducts appropriate briefings for all er- sonnel directly or indirectly involved in the 25X1A2g training program. 25X1A2g f. Operations Staff Officer for Training: This officer will be de by the Director of Operations prior to the ' commencing training. (1) Develops master schedule in accordance with training requirements. 25X1A2g (2) Coordinates all activities and re- quirements with appropriate s a sections. (3) Prepares monthly training summary reports during ground and flight training in accordance with Project Headquarters Directive 50-10-25, dated 15 Sep 71. (4) Reviews training syllabus and updates and/or revises requirements as necessary. (5) Coordinates all flying and ground training with the designated U-2 instructor pilot. Master training schedule will be revised as necessary. Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : (3IA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release i -RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A2g ATTG Reg 60-9 (6) Insures that all ground and flying training records are maintained in accordance with Project Head- quarters and 1130 ATTG Directives. (7) At the completion of all training, prepares in concert h appropriate 1130th ATTG staff sections, a detailed training report. All personnel directly or indirectly involved with training will be familiar with all details 25X1X7 of the security/cover program for = pilots as contained in Project Headquarters Directive 10-10-1, dated 2 Jan 70. 3. Procedures: a. Training Requirements: The following areas and duration of training are listed in their preferred order of accomp s ments: LOCATION DURATION(weeks) TRAINING (1) Pre-Training Physical Examinations San Antonio 1 1/2 (2) Pre-Training Interviews; Suit Fittings -Washington D.C. 1 (3) Language Training Los Angeles 8 (4) Mt/Desert Survival Sierra Mts 1 1/2 (5) Jungle training, Water Survival drownproofing Florida 1 1/2 (6) T-37 Ground/Flying i North Base 3 ng Train (7) Physiological Training North Base 1 (8) U-2R Ground Training North Base 2 Trainin i North Base 10 (9) g ng U-2R Fly Approximate Total Training 30 Weeks b. Pre-Training Requirements: (1) Pre-training physical examinations, interviews, Approved For Release 2001/08/26 CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 200,/6, f-G-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 25X1A2g and pressure suit fittings will be scheduled by Project Headquarters. (2) - selectees, upon initial arrival in the US, will be met in Los Angeles by representatives from the Life Support and Security Sections. Designated personnel will provide escort services and assistance as required during the pre-training physical examinations, Washington interviews, and pressure suit fittings. (3) Commercial transportation and billetting re- servations in San Antonio, Texas, will be arranged by the 1130th Support Section based upon requirements established by the Director of Life Support. Reservations in Washington D.C. will be handled by Security. (u) During this portion of training, interpretor services, if required, will normally be provided by Project Headquarters. c. Language Training: d. North Base Training: 25X1A2g (1) Normally, the will not be exposed to the 1130th ATTG activity un anguage training has been completed. Upon arrival, appropriate orientation briefings Approved For Release k'mQL-EDP33-02415AO00600050028-9 Approved For Release gaffi ? CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 tQ4t ATTG Reg 60-9 will be given by the Commander, Director of Operations, Life Support, Security, and Finance. A sample letter of welcome from the Commander to each - trainee is con- tained as Attachment 1, appropriate policy instruction as Attachment 2. (2) The basic objective at this point in the training program is to complete all requirements prior to the start of U-2 flying training; this includes survival and physiological training, pressure suit fittings, T-37 transition, etc. Once initiated, U-2 ground and flying training will have priority over all other requirements until completed. (3) T-37 and U-2R ground and flying training re- quirements are contained in the 1130th ATTG U-2 Training Syllabus, dated 1 Mar 72, and Project Headquarters Direc- tive 50-10-25, dated 15 Sep 71. '(4) Prior to the start of U-2 ground school, a CAF instructor pilot will be assigned to Detachment G for assistance during U-2 ground and flying training. IP selection and duration of TDY will be determined by Pro- ject Headquarters. 25X1A2g e. Transportation: (1) Upon arrival for training at North Base a 25X1A2g rental vehicle will be obtained for use by the during the remainder of their training period. (3) Essential details of the rental car lease -agreement will be coordinated by the Director of Support with Project Headquarters for approval. Approved For Release 2001/08/2 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 f, Housing: 25X1A2g uring occupancy, the Director o Support is responsib e for providing daily housekeeping services; wives of 1130th ATTG personnel may be used for this purpose. In addition, the Director of Support will be responsible at all times for the general care and maintenance of this facility and for accountability of government furnished equipment maintained at this location. '(3) The Director of Security is responsible for conduct?ng appropriate briefings for all personnel in- volved in housekeeping services. g. Finance: (1) The Director of Support is lble for all financial matters in support of the training 25X1A2g program and will accordingly budget tablished expenditures: for the following es- (a) 1W Language Training As approved by HQ. (b) Housing, California $250.00(per mo) (c) City Housing, Language $700.00(8 wks) (d) Training Rental Vehicle $250.00(per mo) 25X1A2g (e) R&R $120.00(per mo) (f) (g) TDY Survival Training $30.00(per dy) $16.00(per dy) 7 Approved For Re leas DP33-02415A000600050028-9 c.. R _1 I Approved For R : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 i 25X1A2g ATTG Reg 60-9 (h) Escort Officer TDY 25.00(per day) (i) Transportation Costs 4,000.00 ( j ) Special Allow- ance 10.00(per day) (k) Housekeeping expen- ditures (telephone, gas, water, etc.) 75.00(per mo) (1) Frozen meals 300.00(per class) (m) Misc. Items 1,000.00 (2) The escort office submit an account- ing for his expenditures. The are not required 25X1A2g to submit detailed accountings, ception being trans- portation receipts. A statement to the effect that they have spent the $30.00 per day alloted them will be suffi- cient. Prior to any travel or escort duty, the designated individual will. be briefed by the Commander, Director of Support, and Director of Security regarding specific es- cort responsibilities and entertainment policies in ac- cordance with Project Headquarters Directives. (3) Use of representational funds, home enter- tainment, etc., will be subject to prior approval by the Commander. (4) Any expenditures in addition to the above authorizations will require specific Project Headquarters approval.,, h. Security: (1) Project Headquarters Directive 10-10-1, dated 2 Jan 70, details the general security/cover program for the -training program. In addition, the following policies and procedures are established. (b) Prior to the - arrival at North 8 25X1A2g Approved For Release 20 6 1A-RDP33-02415.0000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 25XlA2g Base, the Director of Security will coordinate the essen- tial details of theMtraining program with appropriate Main Base personnel. h s will include the Commander, AFFTC or his deputy, Public Information Officer, and Commander of the Security Police Squadron. 25X1A2 (c) Upon arrival at north Base for training, g will be issued an identification card by Security which w 11 authorize their use of the Main Base Commissary, BX, and Theatre. Use of any other facility on Main Base will be as approved and coordinated by the Director of Security. 25X1A2g (d) will use the Main Gate for en- try and exit from North Base. The guard will notify the Security and Operations Sections of their arrival each day.25X1A2g Every effort will be made to avoid posure to "Red Badge" or assigned British drivers. movement in the 25XlA2g 25X1A2g Administration Building will be restricted to the Operations Section,' Command and the training area. Visits to any other areas of the Administrative Building will require escort. Use of the British Flight Surgeon in support of the flying training program or for back-up medical assis- tance will be as approved by the Director of Security. 25X1A2g (e) During duty the 1130th cafeteria will not be available to the Frozen meals will therefore be provided in the training area by the Director of Life Support. 25XlA2g (f) When the are not residing in California City, the P.O. ox w be serviced on a bi- monthly basis by Security. (g) The Director of Security will determine all escort requirements during temporary duty or travel and will conduct appropriate briefings of assigned person- nel. i. Administration/Reports: 25XlA2g (1) While attached to Detachment G for training, sage traffic concerning the will list 25X1A2g as an info addressee. (2) At the completion of all training, all25X1A2g of the following records will be assem e and given to the Director of Security for subsequent delivery to Det H. 9 Approved For Release 2 0 .JbEft-3PP33-02415AO00600050028-9 OL-UMOTOUND 2X1 A2g Approved For Rele review.` ATTG Reg 60-9 (a) Medical/Dental Records (b) Survival Training Records (c) T-37/U-2 Training folders to include mission grade slips and flight evaluation forms. (d) Forms 5 reflecting all flying accom- plished at Detachment G. (e) Final Training Report. (3) Each staff section will prepare a training summary which will be given to the designated operations staff officer who will prepare the final detailed - training report. The intent of this report is twofold, a comprehensive record of all mary of all recommendations whit w 11 be considered for future training. Copies of this report will be submitted too Project Headquarters and Detachment H for I- Kz/- R.A. S HAMBER, Colonel, USAF Commander 2 At ch 1. Sample letter of Welcome 2. Local Policies and Procedures 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 10 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 Approved For ReleaaI'CE10-R2P'~000600050028-9 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS, 1130TH AEROSP TEC DEV & TNG GP (HQ COMD USAF) EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 93523 REPLY TO (Date) ATTN OF: Commander SUBJECT: Letter .of Welcome 25X1A TO: Ident) 1. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, to offici- ally welcome you to Edwards Air Force Base and to the 1130th Aerospace Technical Development and Training Group. During the next few months, you will receive an intensive course in instruction which has been specifi- cally designed to qualify you for the U-2 program. Your selection to receive this training is indicative of your superior professional ability and experience. I feel confident that you will find this program very rewarding; both from a personal standpoint in flying the U-2 and h' a mission of great importance to the Free World. 2. The attached policy outline has been prepared for your use and basically outlines the procedures which I will expect you to follow while you are attached to this organization. While they are directive in nature, these procedures should acquaint you with all aspects of our training program. It is my expressed desire to provide you with the most professional training available in the United States Air Force; your cooperation during this period will greatly assist my Staff in accomplishing this training objective. If I may be of any assistance to you during your training program, please feel free to call on me at any time. Again, my personal congrat- ulations to you for your selection to the U-2 Program. R.A. SCHAMBER, Colonel, USAF Commander Attachment 1 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIARDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1. FORWARD a. The following policies and procedures have been established for your period of training. They are both directive and informative in nature. Policies provide a guide for your personal conduct and movement within the local area while procedures will acquaint you with our method of operation. b. It should be kept in mind that your entire train- ing schedule is flexible and will be subject to change or modification consistent with requirements. If at any time during your training you have questions or suggestions, you are encouraged to contact any 1130th ATTG Staff mem- ber. In addition, at the completion of your training program you will meet with the 1130th standardization/ evaluation board; at this time you will have an addition- al opportunity to comment on the entire training program. 2. CONTENTS Paragraph Subject I Housing II Vehicle III Security IV Finance V Medical VT Operations/Training VII Edwards AFB Facilities VIII Area Travel IX Telephone Usage Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 I. Housing: a. While attached to 1130th ATTG for training, you will reside at 21135 Bancroft Road, California City (tele- phone: Area Code 714/343-4448). b. You will be responsible for the general maintenance and condition of the house, yard, and furnishings. Any malfunction of equipment should be reported immediately to the Director of Support. c. A housekeeper will provide daily housekeeping ser- vices; i.e., making beds, changing sheets, cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, etc. Dry cleaning services are avail- able at the local area. d. You are to avoid excess contact with your neighbors and particularly avoid any discussion concerning 1130th ATTG or North Base. If you feel that any individual shows undue concern over your status, you will notify Security at the earliest opportunity. e. There are many suitable restaurants in the California City, Boron, Mojave area which you may use as desired. Kitchen facilities are provided in your quarters and groceries may be purchased in the local area or from the Edwards AFB Commissary. f. There are no mail deliveries to your house in California City; instead a central post office is used which is located in the Business District. P.O. Box 2627 is provided for your use (combination 3R-J, 2L-C, 1R-A/B) and your correspondents should be advised of the following address: , (Name) P.O. Box 2627 California City, Calif. 93501 g. A MERBISC recreation card will be given to you which entitles you to free use of any recreational facil- ity in the California City area including golf course, tennis court, swimming pool, boats, fishing area, gymnas- ium, etc. Three sets of golf clubs and tennis rackets are located in the California City House; ping-pong table Approved For Release 20&1k8/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 table and equipment is in the garage. II. Vehicle a. A. Rental Car has been provided for your use and a copy of the rental agreement is located in the glove compartment should it be necessary for you to provide evidence of ownership (i.e., if you are stopped by the California Highway Patrol, Air Police, etc.). b. Comply with all California State laws and pay particular attention to speeding laws both on and off base. In this way you will avoid undue attention and eliminate any undue embarrassment to yourself or 1130th ATTG. If you are involved in an accident or are stopped by the Air Police or the California Highway Patrol, not- ify a Security staff member at the earliest opportunity. c. Report any maintenance difficulty to the Chief of Vehicle Maintenance. Gas will be furnished at North Base; if it becomes necessary to purchase gas off base, retain the sales receipt and you will be reimbursed by Finance. d. If you plan to drive outside the local area (i.e., Boron/Mojave/Edwards) please notify Security so that you may be contacted in case of emergency. III. Security a. When reporting daily to North Base, please use the main gate and drive directly to the training area provided for your use. You are cautioned not to drive or walk around the area unless accompanied by Operations and/or Security personnel. b.' A telephone is provided in your area; when first reporting for duty each day please contact Security or Operations. Do not leave the immediate training area under any circumstances unless accompanied by Security or Operations personnel. c. A lunch room is available in the 1130th ATTG compound, however, this is not available for your use. Due to this restriction, frozen meals will be available in your training area. Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : C1 RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 d. A safe is provided in which you may store classi- fied documents; i.e., U-2 Dash 1, supplements, etc. The combination of this safe will be furnished by a Security staff member. You are reminded that the security of this safe and of the training area is your responsibility. At the close of each working day, please initial the security checklist located on top of the safe. This action will certify that the safe is secure and there are not other classified documents in the training area. are established solely to restrict your movements and as such are unnecessary. You must realize that your attach- ment to North Base is highly sensitive and that any undue exposure to other than authorized personnel would jeopar- dize the entire purpose and objective of our training program. IV. Finance. a. While you are attached to 1130th ATTG you will re- ceive a special allowance of $10.00 per day. While per- forming TDY at other locations, you will receive a per diem rate of $30.00 per day with the following exceptions: the rate will be $15.00 when quarters are furnished at no cost to yQu and the rate for survival training will be $16.00 per day. b.' Cash advances may be received at any time from Finance; at the completion of training you will receive a check for the balance of all per diem payable to you during the entire training period. c. During visits to areas of local interest, refer- ence Para VIII, routine expenses will be paid for by the escort officer. V. Medical a. is the Flight Surgeon assigned Approved For Release 2001/08/ : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9ENT 2 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 to North Base who will provide medical attention as may be required; he is assisted by a medical technician, during normal duty hours these individuals may be contacted at any time. After duty hours they may be contacted at home by telephone. b. Immunizations as required are given daily; how- ever ; you will be restricted from flying for a 24 hour period` following all shots. c. Sun glasses and some form of head protection should be worn during the day time hours. VI. Operations/Training a. (Ops Officer) and (driver) have been designated as being responsible for your training. They in turn are responsible to the Director of Operations, who will monitor and supervise your entire training program. Dur- ing the initial T-37 training phase you will fly with an instructor pilot assigned to North Base. During the U-2 portion of your training program, instructor pilot; (driver) will be the pi your final U-2 flight will be monitored and conducted under the supervision of another highly qual- ified U-2 pilot selected by the 1130th Standardization/ Evaluation Board. b. Attached is the training schedule which will be followed as closely as possible; you may anticipate changes to this schedule, however, as may be dictated by aircraft availability and/or operational requirements. VII. Edwards AFB Facilities a. Amember of the Security staff will furnish you with identification cards which will allow you to use the base commissary and BX. You are cautioned, however, to always use En lish? under no circumstances should you converse in either among yourselves or with other personnel. b. A base theatre is available for your use; however you must once again observe the English language restric-, tion. c. All other base facilities should be avoided unless Attachment 2 16 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 otherwise approved and coordinated by Security. VIII. Area Travel a. While you are attached to 1130th ATTG for training, you are encouraged to visit areas of interest located with- in a'reasonable distance from Edwards AFB, (i.e., San Francisco, Reno, Grand Canyon, etc.). For scheduling con- venience, your desires to visit these areas should be made known as soon as possible. An escort, if required, will be furnished on such visits. IX. Telephone Usage a. To call your home in California City from an Edwards AFB telephone, dial "9" for a dail tone, the "0" for the Operator. Ask for a "collect call to California City, Area Code 714, Telephone 373.4448". Be prepared to give your name and number of the telephone you are using. b. To call Edwards AFB from California City, dial "0" for the Operator. Ask for Area Code 805, Telephone 277-1110 for the Edwards AFB Operator; tell her the extension you de- sire. To call Edwards AFB housing, ask the operator for Area Code 805 followed by the desired number. NUMBERS FREQUENTLY CALLED Base Extension Home (Commander) (Director of Operations) (Flight Surgeon) (Medical Technician) (Director of Security) (Alternate Security Officer) (Assigned Operations Officer) (Assigned Driver) (North Base Switchboard) Attachment 2 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CD-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9 ATTG Reg 60-9 c. Please notify the Director of Support of any long distance telephone calls other than those listed above. 18 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000600050028-9