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June 30, 2008
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Publication Date:
March 27, 1950
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I AA 9 7 MAR 1950
Approved For Release 2008/06/30: CIA-RDP78-01617A006100060006-8
1. Australian attitude toward Pacific defense pact--US Embassy
Canberra has been informed by Australian Minister of External
Affairs Spender that his government desires to do everything
possible to promote a Pacific pact which would include mili-
tary commitments, In Spender's view, however, no Pacific
nation or group of nations can be expected to embark on a
course which without US backing might prove "futile and even
disastrous," Spender believes that discussions at the forth-
coming Baguio Conference (called by the Philippine Govern-
ment) will be futile, because of the lack of support by Asian
countries themselves and the absence of support from the US.
2, GERMANY.- Reform of German interzonal trade set-up urged--
The Berlin branch of the US High Commission in Germany be-
lieves that "the time has come for the Bonn Government to
clean house" and remedy the unsatisfactory situation regard-
ing German interzonal trade. The Berlin branch recommends
that the Federal Republic's interzonal trade negotiator be re-
placed and that more adequate customs supervision be estab-
lished on the Soviet Zone border; the branch-also suggests that
preparations for sanctions which could be applied to the German
Democratic Republic whenever it departs from the interzonal
trade agreement should be completed, The branch proposes
to ban at once iron and steel shipments and 40 percent of other
shipments to East Germany until the present trade unbalance
3. IRAN: US views on recent developments--The Department of
State, in connection with the Shahs recent appointment of
Ali Mansur as prime minister and his reported statement that
State Dept. review completed
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Date: fiMAR 1978 $V:
Approved For Release 2008/06/30: CIA-RDP78-01617A006100060006-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/30: CIA-RDP78-01617A006100060006-8
the "fight against corruption" must be postponed, has author-
ized US Ambassador Wiley to impress upon the Shah. the need
to bring forward "less questionable" political leadership
without too much delay, The Department adds that unless key
officials who symbolize policies of progress and reform are
named in the near future, the effect will be to disappoint the
US Government and people and to discourage Iranians sincerely
working for the benefit of their people. Wiley is also author -
ized to ask the Shah about the truth of reports that secret
Irano-Soviet negotiations are being carried on, supposedly
because Iran failed to receive what it considered adequate US
4o MALAYA- LJS aid for Malaya recommended--US representa-
tive Griffin, in continuing the analysis of prospects for US
assistance to various Southeast Asian countries, concludes
*MPOI that Malaya's strategic, political, and economic importance
justifies a small but urgent US aid program. Griffin believes
that Malaya's long-run political orientation is at stake and
suggests the extension of immediate US assistance to provide-
(a) communication equipment for civil police; (b) earth-moving
equipment for the clearing of jungle :roads, resettlement
areas, and airstrips; and (c) educational personnel to assist
in reorienting the present pro-China and pro-Communist
teaching in Malaya's Chinese elementary schools,
Approved For Release 2008/06/30: CIA-RDP78-01617A006100060006-8