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Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 ER 11-8987/a State Dept. review completed CM =MW `-_tjO.gA Dear He= Y l tam is a copy of the letter which I sent to Coojrsserssn Ray as a re" It of you letter at ttovsmber 6. 1 appreciate your cailhb this matter to niy attsatien. 4' aru tk,v . vsr sappy the 4oc eQte which be meatlaaed in this now rather cst,brated antvbiio rids ?tac.rsly, E.st a- The Honorable Henry Cabot L'od*e . sntati vey?o`~ . _p P/ DO I - DD GI 1 - IG MORI/CDF Pages 36 thru 38.- --- - 1 - 0GC/Lqw/basic) *Handwritten P. S. I assume he d.-1 not as I have heard. nothing from State eyou Don't bother to answer if reply is negative. AWD Now York 161 Mew lark Two Ps sk A the Usk." $adoas O/fG/LBKirkpoirick:rm (25 Nov 59) Distribution: d'I'ig- addressee Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the unites nations NEW YORK 21, N. Y TR 9-0600 1 r,,., INFORN,ATION ON INDOTTESIA Bulletin No-105 19 November 1959 C 0 NT E NT S 1. President Sukarno Opens Colombo Plan Conference 2.. Starvation in Asia May Be More Destructive than A.3,)nib 3. President Sukarno and Advisory Council Agree on Political Manifesto L1., Plans Being Formulated For Village Developrent 5. Indonesia Offers Scholarships Under Colombo Plan b. President Explains Goal of Guided Economy and Role of Private Businessmen 7. U.S. Seventh Fleet Commander Visits Djakarta S. Indonesian Overseas Chinese Act Counter to Prir_c_ples of China 9. Government Denies Infiltrating Dutch=occupied 1,,e,-,t Irian Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 PRESIDENT SUKARNO OPENS COLOMBO PLAN CO FM :ONCE Addressing the opening of the ministerial level rieetinvs of the Colombo Plan Conference at Jogjakarta on November 11, i'residern Sukarno in his speech outlined Indonesia's requirements in the fife-.d of economic and technical aid conforming with the concept of 'f iice d democracy". The President stressed that no scheme of pure econo.,-n::_; development could be successful if it were not attuned to ! he co'''an'.ryTs "social, political and cultural pattern". The President stated that traditionally and hi.storica lr Indonesian society has been consciously one based on cooperation, e.nd therefore, Indonesia valued the Colombo Plan for cooperative er,_-1OT11C development. He also recalled that the minimum of organization in(i maximum of action of the Colombo Plan throughout its nine years gym:' life had produced real, tangible results. It assisted in attacking SDiu:, of the basic problems of this area and did that by cooperative means :,o that each nation which had contributed but not received assistancc3, acquired some benefits, even if those were not so concrete nor -,.::iii;:*ble in the material sense. Noting that Indonesia's greatest achievement was that i', sur- vived, President Sukarno went on to say that historically the mo;;-, im- portant feature of a newly re-won independence was that it releasfd vast new potentials in any nation. Indonesia had made great prGgress in almost every field of human and :rental endeavour, he said and icided that in ending the servitude of colonialism the Indonesian nat.an t!ntered into a great period of growth, physically, mentally and sp_ritual:_;.r. President Sukarno pointed out that while the Colombo Plan was concerned with economic development, Indonesia was engaged in overall development involving all fields of human endeavour and human potential, wh ,xi were interdependent and essential. Any scheme of pure economic deve_,-Dpnent, President Sukarno said, could be more of an irritant in the bo v-politic and the social organization of a nation unless such a scheme i'itued into its social, political and cultural context. Indonesia had aireadtr a . firm and deep-rooted foundation of cooperation, mutual ass-stance .nd the interdependence of man on man which formed the essence of our so^_nl life. He stated that upon this foundation a superstructure of social ae`.i.vities and cultural expression - had been erected which, of ac-arse. ire;s capable of change., dovelopment ahd growth. The President said that the Indonesian people would not destroy their social foundations as some nations had considered necessar;r. In the framework of the principle of guided economy, Indonesia is 1-o-1, based on a money economy nor on a large-scale capital system. It is ha:,ed on the exchange of goods and cooperation. He concluded that schemes such as the Colombo Plan could indeed help by teaching Indonesia to avcr__.d the errors and the "cul-de-sacs" which trapped others, and the short outs and the acquired knowledge of techniques so long as they followed he basic pattern Indonesia had laid down for its development. Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 Asia's hungry millions might prove to be a more destructive force than the atomic bomb, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. 3ubarcriD told the closing session of the Colombo Plan Conference in Jogjakarta November 14. The members of the Colombo Plan, he said, realized this ani recognized 'their responsibility for establishing stability in the still- developing countries of Asia. These countries, he reminded the conference consists of three-fourths of the world's population. All countries in this area are still in a revolutionary stage, the Foreign Minister declared, a revolution which aims to end the "tgreat disparity" between the living standards of Asian countries and the developed Western nations. 1. Australia's announced intention to donate another 100 fuses to Indonesia; 2. The acceptance of Singapore as a full. member of the cclombo Plan which increases the prestige of the association in the eyes of the world and adds strength to it; 3. The decision to continue the Colombo Plan for another five years which proves the desire among its members for continued cooperation. PRESIDENT SUKARNO AMID ADVISORY COUNCIL AGREE POLITICAL i %MNIFESTO President Sukarno and the Provisional Supreme Advisory Council are in agreement on the adoption of the Political Manifesto of Atu&ust 17,, as issued by the President and revised by the Council-, it was reported by the Council's Vice-Chairman, T,Mr. Ruslan Abdulgani. The Manifesto will no* become the basic document outlining the country's objectives in the political field. Mr. Abdulgani said that discussions of the Manifesto were based on scientific considerati rn s and revolutionary political experience. He added that the document could become the object of study for Government agencies, popular organizations, political parties and would be taught in secondary and high schools. The Indonesian Political Manifesto was outlined in the sp?sch made by .. President Sukarno on August 17, marking Indonesia's Uth year of independence.- It estimates the present stage of devblop nt Indo- nesian society and the Indonesian revolution and sketches the tasi.s that lie immediately ahead in connection with national consolidation anad ieve- lopment. Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 PLANS BEING FORMULATED FOR VILLAGE DEL'ELOPIMIT A large-scale village development plan, coordinating the wore ry[ all government departments, is now being formulated for Indonesia, Deputy i.ILster of Transmigration Achmadi revealed. He stressed the importance of t plan by pointing out that 8S per cent of all Indonesians still live in viLlages. With the aid of a Ford Foundation grant, he said, the Village "om- munity Development Bureau has assigned a commission to do the neeled research and experimental work out of which a common pattern for compatible devei^ument projects in line with village custom and tradition. In formulating plans for village development; the Deputy 14Lnister said, it is stipulated that these plans must be in conformity with the 19115 "onsti- tution provisions that the State must be built along socialistic lines as adapted to the specific conditions of Indonesia. INDONESIA OFFERS SCH1OLARSHIPS UNDER COLO1-M0 PLAN The Indonesian Government has offered to the Colombo Plan countries not less than 40 scholarships for the 1960-1961 academic year. These in~-,Lude a number of scholarships for general purposes -- post-graduate ani research studies at the request of the recipient country; four special scholars!-:iD3 in the field of agricultural estates, including a 10-month course in tea 7ul--.i- vation, a two-months study at an experimental rubber estate, a one-yes} s udy in the field of coffee estates and a two-year scholarship in sugar chemist'y at the State Sugar College in Jogjakarta; six special scholarships in ~.h? in- dustrial field, such as the production of vegetable oil, as well as c3ars~s in starch processing. In addition, Indonesia is offering a number of special scholarships for the study of mass communications. PRESIDENT EXPLAINS GOAL OF GUIDED ECONOMY ANT) ROLE OF PRIVATE BUSINESSMEN In a special message to the National Industrial Conference neld last week, President Sukarno explained Indonesians objectives under the guided economy system and indicated the role to be played in it b;v pri~.,{3 businessmen. In implementing the guided economy system.: the message, read -:r :00 delegates, declared the following aims are pursued: 1. Paving the way for socialism in the Indonesian wav, inc no(!ucing happiness and social justice; 3< Curbing and e.'aminating characteristics of the liberal. c.n:_onial economic system that is detrim~L to the general public; such as monf"00.7, Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 -L- speculation, price manupulations, the ttidjon" system -- crops loans t -rc ugh which the lender gets control of the entire crop of the borrower at greatly reduced prices; 3. Guranateeing leadership and guidance by the Government in he build up of a united state economy in all fields, directed at positive elanned development to be attained gradually; 4. Making all Dutch enterprise 7, state capital through nati: na ti z- ation, as well as developing trade, industry, mining, communications etc.,that will not be left in private hands; Within this framework, the message said, there was room for urinate businessmen to play a role in fulfilling primary public needs on a short-;,erm basis. Capital for development activities will be used from arry srurc, citizen or alien, the Presidential message said., and tee welcome so long is these funds and forces gave priority to public interest and national dev?lep- ment and security. U.S., SEVENTH FLEET COIYIIi.NDER VISITS DJAKARTA The Commander of the U.S.Seventh Fleet, Vice Admiral Frederick :d. Kivette paid an official visit to Indonesia earlier this month. The U,S.Seventh Fleet Flagship, the St. Paul., remained in the 'Aarbor of Tandjung Priok from November 2 to November S, and the Vice Admira:L oa- d courtesy calls on President Sukarno and other Indonesian leaders. Meanwhile a group of four United States Senators visited Indrrne:;ia this week as guests of the Speaker of Parliament Dr, Sartono. The Senate: s will also visit Jogjakarta and Bali. INDONESIAN OVERSEAS CHINESE ACT COUNTER TO PRINCIPLES OF CHINA Foreign Minister Dr. Subandrio on November 17 defended the Goinr,nment's decision to ban foreign retailers in Indonesian rural areas and charged ?; hat overseas Chinese in the country acted against the principles of the Chin .se People's Republic. Most foreign retailers in Indonesia are Chinese who were not nrr gress- ive and did not strive towards socialism as is the case with. People is Chi-ia. Instead, the Foreign Minister declared, Indonesia's Chinese businessmen win have refused to declare themselves citizens of Indonesia are comrr tied ,r, capitalism. Dr. Subandrio denied a report in a foreign mazagine, to the ei'i-ect that he had been insulted by the authorities of the Chinaca Perm., rs Peuttlic Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 when he visited that country recently. The report, he said, was completely unfounded, since he and the Chinese officials had settled the oveLrseas *1 iinese question without in any way lessessing the ties of friendship between _irvonesia and the Chinese People's Republic. The Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia, Huang Chen, Dr. Snbandt'_ici disclosed, has offered his assistance to the Indonesian Government in nnlement- ing its decision to ban foreign retailers in villages. GOVERNMENT DENIES INFILTi?JTING DUTCH-OCCUPIED WEST IR11N The Spokesman of the Indonesian Foreign office has deri_ed D,_It _ i reports to the effect that Indonesia was infiltrating persons from its lest Irian province into Dutch-occupied West -Irian.- He id furtier that such charges as have been appearing in the Dutch press were aimed A "arousing popular sentiment." "If the people of West Irian launch any actions against Dutch rlcnia3 regime] the spokesman told the reporters. "the Indonesian Government always gets the blame for engineering them." He added that the people of West Irian are Indonesians and nit Dutch- men and advised the Netherlands colonisers to remember this fact. Gf ,:rurse, he went on, the struggle of the West Irian people is closely linked with that of the entire Indonesian people. The Foreign Office Spokesman predicted that the Dutch would fail in their attempts to separate "the people of West Irian. from their brntrers living in the other territories of Indonesia." It is the Dutch who are the inflitrators, he declared, and :rsrged their infiltration constitutes an aggression against the Republic of _rconesia. Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 R E P U B L I C O F .AND 0 NE S I A Delegation to the United Nations 5 East 68th Street New York 21, N.Y. Mr. Allen Dulles Civil Intelligence Agency State Department Washington 25, DC 65, Wj tZ 11 LZ 31Q Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 4 SEN ER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS I phi''L ?E t ` I$1GA 2 3 4 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE Si 22/ '2 2 UNCLASSIFIED C ONF4EItNTIAL SECRET (Am Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release a20~0`8/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 )CV IIL J 1 t;syec utav ? :r a~asta AUG 1955 SIGNED I . 'tier SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 N10 UtI F (10 Aa-t 1959) Distrib: ~ r4 . & I a**4 ~. A4dif- a ? VQ P071 copy Paper on Chinese Communist Hate-America Y .. GI Campaign EGRET Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 OLUDU I .12 AJJG l9rc MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence VIA: Deputy Director (Ps) SUBJECT: Materials for Ambassador Lodge on Chinese Communist Hate America Campaign 1. This memorandum recommends action by the Director of Central Intelligence regarding transmittal of materials to Ambassador Lodge on the Chinese Communist hate-America campaign. The recommendation is contained in paragraph 4 below. 2. Mr. Lodge requested these materials of CIA in a conversation on 6 March 1959 with Mr. Desmond FitzGerald. Mr. Lodge indicated that he might use the materials when the Chinese Communist representation issue is again raised in the United Nations General Assembly. 3. Attached to this memorandum are a letter addressed to Ambassador Lodge, a paper describing the Chinese Communist hate-America campaign and selected documents from various sour:es which substantiate the existence of the campaign. 4. It is recommended that the Director sign the letter addressed to Ambassador Lodge and permit it to be sent to him through FE Division channels, along with the attached paper and documents. e smon itz e r 3 Attachments: 1. Letter to Ambassador Lodge Chief, Far East Division 2. Paper on Chinese Communist Hate-America Campaign 3. Documents Pertinent to Campaign SECRET Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 943. tieey Mve bean sewed #a * mWtsatt sx highly Chinese Co=mu=itt* sartsblis d the P eo$,'ii td ca for ti United States of a S on to varying degrees of Lotmatty day &b.0 sterttwz, auk fa sib,erad what they The acbaes a in eU the aCa est *-- e,a resreon anA truth. TIm sa i d is r w# Ue -- a I thin a ca n s& tfr* m** 1&v* *ad e a t11be Cbbwso peas" and set Guise territory as they 414 in the AWO 4r 4to 4 lrnp. iall ista>R #cb are besdt. "aim and , r e rid to s as Adam and wwrlij pea**. T: mx llt cr+ a's Ai- i*ricau Prepm x 1954) Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 7 $***amber 19 600 e' t of 600 AOMen Pease". It reed. #h partz at Public News), tsaot = et 441T zkaWSP&Per, ran as editorial entim .ft c&rrW am r to JX A} hre a Bart a report that lasF rs of taUfti& units have 4 t up v*rMm arts of fte c ;ts po d's cot anee are e g at a mach quicker rate. In iron and stems a ttcn the people art w.rl d roundr e s r$y. The curare wafth n all crier the country is: 0 WM insure Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 it r Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 bar 1954, N ?I*y prepare, to aft$". I I (J-1 BW r Say 0 ws 4 *bw t *OWLS* V. . *64 s i , NO. Mockbo brl* pUmo $A laps t: *1 rauift aaW with as 25 days, two wsi At_*d w.t erat vie + i tt to - i.sesi It sMd; Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 I. ft"Ahower t w Wit. lLL.$*Wbwwa Ia a waif th *; to 1 rub" *km&l in + t of his Tgum in . o r. . M 7- t 4 ut e l d$e3 a**. t Y Met to + - ~ idE 4*1 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 rsg ,Uja Eon mud t g 'Vi'a a atrat ea of raven. women. a td ctdldrsaoE. an I $spta b.r When it sue: pb/uaa er 195. it f ' had afire "... it is y aatursx... *at the wbmU popm"ttua E Il gad *"ors ready to carps sdt% the Imperialist 1 .* eys . tbev& t errrg %&tk labor ale litstry Us* at pzsseeAt is $ sgal at natasrs and *ot * aatst kwmax e d agt to tra as rr at o ft's 3dad of a * ther.'f ("B}g. 3 Ss sibsr 19',x) aarttc in the 13 September 1958, tasse of t=11,1 pr'aaa al, psstscmly act in few ty dare at1c. *arm,, Be" :' o*g, No 530, Tb* eat for all-out mobilisatIm was =&A* at the Sup Octttboi 1i e greeted aa< ao*g, said to have, ba Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 at on 1$ Sspftnber 19SS: that a.r41 furnieas VMrs not, eftetivo 16 -sx 195$. poUng radta s_ ;every &* it 0011ftert pragra aa, an us, a? the poop" win csee *ntrc a, , Iwo e tar~ttrd ra; . elm" d to ? 4sw71ill,. as At-lack su as, the wwe ftgtim 10 arts" to *40 out every ~taMes~er~r ss sr sight. -' 21 `t br ! 9e*. ~y lava .At qP 3, "0 arniou steel "MIUrs high alp . i# 32, nisei a tbei t 4MMa4 in tqr Sys 424 bro rQu ut to 1, 400 tons.:e , '. of the butt verisk ncdvttlr mmAgr s sf re$#ee~a ntitiag nsi t ee of POOP LO. Sam ragrart # cv pt dt '.Tba Cbtstoat psvp. 3oe3g age d out ffi&t the IJaite4 lea is ably a Wit' tigor. mlar the prat St#%&tjO= ,..&..,.. ter... ._ .; x#ad b" ; -r*V+e ad over re r tidl sta s far the t teed gtitas to twIT) Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 L Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 ?1 * T iOtr. Tim Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Ign was la a . The text ace be* Tao-t kit espla d tbs-t dull AnmuL i gsrq, Str"S I th* "'&$w lam*** av aaa~r $ axe pr r tig*z s' . ',,I& a tasaaw, M ara f htndn$t but in rooi8ty, tjWz star a)t is as try afftr Si a xzty )we re from A at c* trtsb tbitt a von To "s Iat*r, oa is Newer 1957, Ma. w d f- th this " r t gsrie OSY t0 eat , memd" by nioq ' is Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 oft 7 's of ssive wao s-arfwt acts se in cr ass., am" Vita ius *0 U- a- beftift by *A mck the t=,w; T`ha.u et th* Cabe imaijwA,d mss, so" r a t s s S. is h go* a; Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 ** I* amllw$ by t ,pees 4aving pe+tle. ~W #w 4Was YmOvo Ott Ou Your pvm ttk a mmm A big ""s -In&" by Ua Y" r I"" tiet skin o Ar* st cat r c t a. yoft, ae me Wis. . ;h t (W MSctvi 5 My 1139) xxm st dar cta . t ,pla ore tht at cam. Sim m it "Mu U* to," Ft be anxibutod to tiea*. Unite Stst t NUA66. A4 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 up as May 19 9, tsd Stns ire, a" S force, boUnd all aaepp oohs.. a he r.p.rt.d: u o have been b& 1caly wiped oat... tt. ? ? 4 our c tntry, the rift a ersc*s cDume basis wiping out of the r volution de** n*t intAy cGete Tba re wig, sill be counterrevct erolutiiata`. sJtsr ti *"*i.s At her" bxvs stM remain the ea-aam*.s abva . `ice imperialist secret a, ato sn4 opba and ry intone* a3 s$cutl. 11... Altbaugh cow n r revolutl.'aat i* 0 *re iTA mu- - r, w shtasia g in e3trsaaa h, *std bocoxubg incr a. is atere isd*teal, we sett not elaa eeu * ru is still U - yf 1a the szasa11 * reef taa nt. rcv uticeat cr a>Z c*rryiz eut acett sabo1eg*, fret .seats Opt** di tcLo l the -isa4 a i-a c bloc.. and Count-, ytag out hu'..ssiasg and rr#b*Ui*uj ems froattier rebt ms. t, On 16 September 1958, R r- U& comments, #O_A me rtcau ids is & at$ 4reamisg to doate ea 5 smb*r 1956) 4 ht.tory of !> a r*Ca* rela tta4s ataaev*r exitbtd asses. t-~ rewrote history. I o Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 awarAft" is ldtts. vex to 60"t mss PS0 tit tarwomi s is env est. tbo .t r* ti**. tit form" frt. nds isi . ss01t P ild &=Pm but `s4 Mai. #I" 'MCI 1-1 0 +. {IR`r1M P+anet ands rrsl, 2t ssaUt U.i*s ter, ri* the lauadt t: 4 Si trq-i~Es aid 14ae Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 c t*t 44t the #it err? b,. et G aut as in, P**Lig. t fm tin* at ?n *C1g in 40 OTi 4 aa..e if-1144"; eelf-rye 17 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Prot"As tga m - s re r s* a sa to tsrar t x by pa-, 7 sucr*t reds sus and wow W +wta a t b rwhAch tbw bad * #s u& V&&44 4bs s bwAiatwly, the { #t!64 sAja t Char atlas ali# *Aft xArt be irs **jsta; Gammmis" I Preachod in e? Wis. t. r r gh" th*T P bt be eQ troU#4.. rriiei to furt or T{t 11 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Ut Chess and tart bwAldtW Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 '"Ucinisdaft"y to rv*r ry *+s-.>s )`attaas~i Prafs Crss p*tr, 19 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 y it sttmkod the Wend Com*U of Cri . S. march I.dens sue; tit of ckrus churl. ah C cU of hristis> Cburehes d s cburckos. it 4 ss.d+ad so co: tst ~' t as '+ se tt&en" ;, wrists eb*rehss to clan.. It cenc1 ds `-se s_ $s poa- +it>~-ar s+ Vasue sir stye #h f*lt in cur s t U. d. Im"rtstfs ps." Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 , U. S. Jaint b&tc&tt*n* Reeesaicb Service epter*ber 1956, F7 Octob.r 19%, 9 ToUrtar ram I .ria l is and f.I,l - . cacti. n*rtes arse Paper Thjert Ii a - P r #40t, Suppl* t, F +. 3 Nee rn1 er to I*I* Wis, 1 July 19$4 (eztr&ct). s an ChAnt4a Activity Communist China from aat, F reti D.Woadc.a? t I er >. , May -'954, 4 wane 1958, : 'Mc *u. 'tong o g atrac te). . 26 . sbtu*ry M9. Viou " Ardelos an c these Christina ...etivities from . _ a 13, 191$", IMS No. 1395-N. ZS March 1959. 4,0040 4404 of t P66 00s p is Ad Gb gb!ft it!! * sfs, Hong t=.oog, Zi November 1954 (oxtr "Communist CM*41o Anti-44merlcan Pr agaada", Utah d InforM3404M Age (W 1A), Office of ssorch and Istaell#ganc (QU). I Ibecemus, I ditor Visits ilia and", le cs ez.. Hong Kam, : io. 338, 27 C tuber cartgoaic ctficez of the Norwegian ereign E.rvtca . spabch.. cengsn. M MI :On . eavn ur 1935 (C40fidential). Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 ,g, 23 Fabsuaz y July 1951. d4". rrv 1- I -7tti, Is Jww 19V I. pr g*nda polfe's s. Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000180010-3 30 ,Ytdy l33 The Honorable Robert A. Lovett 39 Wall Street New York, New York Dear Bob: In connection with my letter to you of Z7 Jul;, I believe that I have now run down the incident to -Which. Doan Acheson referred. Apparently about noon on 6 December 1950, Air Force Headquarters in Washington was notified by the Air Defense Command in Gander and some pots in, Labrador that a large flight of unidentified bombers was crossing the southern tip of Greenland. Air Force Head quarters intelligence speedily alerted the top echelons government. However, within half an hour a false alarn was declared when the flight of bombers was identified a geese. :3incereely, SIGNED Allen W. Dulles Director AWD/ji 1 - DCI P.S. Since dictating this letter last night, I receiv