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Publication Date: 
October 27, 1955
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Approved For Release 2009/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200730007-7 CLASSIFlUAIIUN Cou - 8"t GONG S U BJI PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. INFOR Ak Ib !REPORT TH15 DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE O~ THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. DATE DISTR. 27 October 1955 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) T~ SUPPLE REPORT 1. The following shows the structure and leading personnel of VEB Funkwerk Koepenick 25X1 as of 20 August 1955: Director: Andreas (fnu-SED) Development Plant: Department EEE: (Department for Development of Receivers)1 Department EES: I- ot.SWsmitters), Department EEF: t-K Jhadio Transmitters), head Department EEA: Department EEW: Department EEU: Department EEM: (Department -!br DealelZo m ent of Antennas), chief not known. (Ultra-Short (Departme headed by., 11 /"/ L 4[ Thermal Generators), Wavy! Maded bye y 2. Department EEU is currently engaged in the construction of a television trans- mitter which was developed at VEB Funkwerk Koepenick. 3. The following are the leading personnel and their fields of work in Department EEM: Ing. Wolf Frost (no political affiliations): Working chiefly on oscillographs; spends some time on broad-band amplifiers. Dipl. Ing. Ebert p olittcal affiliations): Scientific work with the 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200730007-7 Approved For Release 2009/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200730007-7 Ing. S/rsa.# ettU,ph jbft~,, aged in impulse t.. *Ieq. Inj.\ ,w, 16 t wed in decimeter technolaW. AageW MR Works on oscillographs, broad-band oscillographs; worked on the development of a sweep generator. Comment: The Departments in the developp at VEB Funkwerk LJ/~ Koepenick w haA~. 8 TEE, TES, wtc, as they were reported MSMng of the ag rtmental designation 25X1 is as fo for EntwIcAIi4 'elopment) indicating that the department belongs to the developmental pli'!*, not the production 25X1 plant. The second E likewise stands for Entwicklung (development). The third letter is the initial letter of the German word for the type of instru- ments being developed b y the d ? I " - r for Sender (try ncritter~) , "A" Comment: %Reported as De ! ~' / ?. 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200730007-7 CLASSIFICATION. t ~r? CENVft REPORT IN FORM IMN P!!lM - 'CD NO. i 1%'pr s ..AM j . ^ '~ ' r Ja tM. not utrty-i .. .. a. ~ ~:~ ~'9hR;~ SUBJECT Approved For Release 2009/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA008200730007-7 VEI3 Funkwerk Soepeniok Structure and Personnel of the Development Plant 011 - 27 October 1958 25X1 NO, OF PAGES 2 THIS IS UNEVALUATED *1 NAT)ON 25X1 I. The following shows the structure, and leading personnel off' VE :vnkwerk Xoepeniek as of 20 August, 5: , ? Director: Andreas (fnu-D) Development Platt: . Department : (Department for Development of Recei,,r:.:rs,) Department EES: Department 2W: Department E..A: Department EEW: Departu ont FAT:2 (Department for Development of Transiitters), headed by Wo 10 00uske (De""! '!' vVIQpVKt of Rraclio 11-ransmittors ). headed by L nge . (Department for Development of 4ntenrns chief riot known. (Department for Development of Thex-mal Generators,, headed by &*ich Tripmaoher (~.iitrz chart Wave laboratory), hea;k< d by 'Iilli ZvLet.zki Department EM: (Department for. Development of Measuring Devices -,. iox^.zer~_~r headed b;' I3siU Dobeech ; current cg ec not known. 2. Department FRU is currently engaged in the construction of a television trans- mitter which was developed at VEB Funkwerk Koepenick. The following are the leading personnel and their fields of work in Department SM: Ing. Wo1.f Frost (no political affiliations): Working chiefly on osoillographs spends some time on broad-bend amplifiers. Dipl. Ing. Ebert (o political affiliations): work with thz