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Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200380007-6 CLASSIFICATION S-E-C-~.-E-T~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT VEB Carl Zeiss Jena - Plant Management Personnel PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 21 October 1555 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. As of July 19555, the man r - llliss Jena consisted of the following officials, who were all members of the plant management collective (Betriebs-Kollektiv): a. Chief (Werkleiter - WL) Dr. Hugo Schrade b. Acting Director of Labor Grothe (fnu) a. Technical Chief (Technischer Dipl. Ing. Rudolf Mueller Hauptleiter - THL) d. Commercial Chief (Kaufmaennischer Dr. Victor Hueber Hauptleiter - KHL) e. Scientific Chief (Wissenschaftlicher Prof. Dr. Paul Goerlich Hauptleiter - WHL) f. Development Chief (Entwicklungs- Dr. Herbert Kortum Hauptleiter - EHL) 2. Under Dipl. Ing. Mueller, the Technical Chief, come the following production and shop chiefs, who also are members of the plant management collective: a. General Plant Chief ( ) Wiehl (fnu) } b. Central Plant Chief (4) Bartsch (fnu) c. Control and Inspection Chief (KonHL) Dipl. Ing. Wolfram (fnu) d. Production Main Chief (ProdHL) Schmitz 4-04 e. Planning Chiefs (PlanHL) f. Optical Production Chief (OBL) g. Spectacles Production Chief (BBL) h. Machine Production Chief (MBL) 3. Under Dr. Hueber, the Commercial Chief, come the following department chiefs, who also are members of the plant management collective: a. Commercial Administration (KAVw) b. Commercial Department Matlerial Procurement C([QCIM) c. Steles and Distribution (KLV) 25X1 25X1 ILLEGIB - Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200380007-6 Erich (?) Hedrich Heinz Ruemmler AIR IV FBI Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-00810A008200380007-6 4. An additional member of the plant .sent collective is Fritz Kaiser, who is the chief accountant and oontreller of V~ Carl Zeiss Jens. AlthenBh his duties fall within the province and jurisdiction of the ocrercial chief, be is not administratively subordinate to Dr. liMa.ber, but reports dirsetly to the plant chief. Other members of the plant mat oalleotivs are the Wier of physical aeoarity (nom unknom), and the ohairmwof the plant psrt,T oranisa t 0WO) and plant union organization CM). Tie chief of Os NO is ah Wulf and the chief of the BGL Is Seale (fau), who also sus as ehW of the Ca t:+S Dspsrta t. The S ief of UP loft the plant in must 1955 and it is not yet knoMa who hill be appointed as his successor. Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-00810A008200380007-6 Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200380007-6 CLASSIFl C L 1 ENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 46 4~: 11W t I ILLEGIB PHIS IS. IEVALUATED INFORMATION 10 As of July 1955, the management of VES Carl Zeiss Sena consisted oi the following officials, who were all members, of the plant management collective (Betriebs-Kollektiv)s a. Chief (Merkleiter - WL) b. Acting Director of labor a. ? aImniaal Chief (Teohaiaoher Ha1Nptleiter - THL) d. 0r swwial Chief (Kautnsennisoher Haaptleiter - JWL) Dr. Hugo Scbrade trotbe (fnu) Dipl. Ing. Rudolf Mueller e. 8oientifio Chief (Wissenaohaftlioher Prof. Dr. Paul Ooerlich Haaptleitar - isi.) f. Denelopoent Chief (Bntwioklur 4w Ibrtvn Ha~tlalter - EM) 2. Wer Dipl. Ing. Mueller, the Teabnioal Chief, came the following production and shop chiefs, who also are members of the plant management collectives a. General Plant Chief (ABL) Wiehl (fnu) b. Central Plant Chief (,,ML) Bartsch (fnu) a. Control and Inspection Chief (KonHL) Dipl. Ing. Wolfrsa (fnu) d. Production Main Chief (ProdUL) Sobwi tz (tam) e. Planning Chiefs (PlanHL) G14aas (far), halts! (fl w) f. Optical Production Chief (0119L) Ing. Werner Schubert S. Spectacles Production Chief (EL) Ltnb (fn ) h. Machine Production Chief (ML) Thiel (fnu) 3. tkadur Dr. Bober, the Cc eroial Chief, come the following department shifa, who also are asaber, of the plant a?ana?awast collective s a. Oo^naeroial J&inintrstioa (KAVw) b. CaOereial Depar~Faiart 1Fterial Provu>t'eoent (JIX) a. Sales Aid Distribution (KLV) d. Hu4et and Fine eas (UP) s CLASSIFICATION SAC-RAE-' 8TA78 flAVY Y ! w$RB DISTRIBUTION AR11Y__ 7~ AIR F81 DATE DISTR. - 21 October 1555 Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-0081OA008200380007-6 Erich (t) Hadrioh salmis ft"Plier Lorenz From Dr. it Leonbardtl Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200380007-6 4. /.n additional" tuber of'the plant management collective is Fritz Esiser, who is the chief accountant and controller of VEB Carl Zeiss Jena. Although h.e duties f l within the rovinco and jurisdiction of the commercial chief, b is not adminiatrati to fto DO. Huebe', but reports directly the plant chief. Oths; members of the plant management collective are the chief of phyp4oal security (name t no' and #4 chairmen of the plant party organization (EPO) and plant union organiza ion (?3GL,). The chief of the DPO is Friob .olf and.; the chief of the W L Is Seele.(fnu), who also serves as chief of the Cadre Department. will be appointed as his successor. t; The Chief of 1'L? left the plant in August 1955 and it in not S3RE1 Approved For Release 2008/10/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200380007-6