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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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-)r-V1 Approved For Release 2008/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100320004-6 CO%J 4TRY SUBJECT PUCE ACQU I.RE4 DATE OR INFO. at Ger az 7. JSSA Badi1 Freight Traffic throuh Frankfurt/Odor % sstRCATIOm CENTRAL INTEWWiCR ' !P1FORM 014 REPORT REPOW CD 140 DATE DISTR. in OF PAGES N OF ENCt.S..~ 08m SUPPLEMENT TQ REPORT NCb w ' FJ ,4to 29. A . ust .Yt.: 3 ~ra ?'f, .,..i ~C..... C QI ASSIFICATION .S- -~?.. t T-I 1PISTRIBUtION AVY x imsre- _ ARMY ix AIR FW i..? Approved For Release 2008/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100326004-6 13 Or 1905 15 C C ve,. ' (3 with. te.F";E?.i'...3. s .. 26 a'r'c Qi 'ec i or of CC''f bus L,. ct:i.rec :.ioi o: ` C.?j.1_tondorf c: Approved For Release 2008/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100320004-6 undetermined undetermined iron we crates coke empty Brest-Litovsk Brest-Litovsk Ziltendorf Brest-Litovsk Brest-Litovsk iron ore coke empty iron ore iron ore pitwood and boards ammunition Ziltendorf 2 Brest-Litovsk Ziltendb,f 2 Ziltendorf 2 Note: The SS cars observed on 30 August were of Polish origin and were used for incoming tank shipments recently. 2. The following shipments which came ,Exam the direction of Frankfurt/Oder and moved toward Cottbus were observed passing through the Muelirose railroa'jWd1 31 August At 081D, 4 flatcars loaded with 4 tarpaulin--covered tanks, and l boxcar carrying personnel.4 At 0905, 23 flatcars loaded with 23 tanks, and 2 boxcars carrying personnel.4 2 Sentaber At 0825, 5 flatcars loaded with vehicles, probably radio trucks, and A boxcar carrying personnel .1 1C. Continued incoming shipments of sedans and -pecial motor vehicles within the framework of the known program. C . Continued shipments of iron ore for Eisenhuettenkambinat Oat ron Foundry. East). C The return of the heavyduty flatcars with sideracks to Poland 25X1 to continued incoming tank shipments. 25X1 ~2-Sept. 52 B 54 B 56 G 42 F 54 G 56 G 2/3 Sept 56 G 56 G 35 T 56 G 56 G 52 F and G 35 B Comments Continued incoming tank shipments, which were reported for the first time. It is possible that the shipment of zb tanks observed on 31 I Amount was identical with the two shipments joentioned in paragraph 2. Approved For Release 2008/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100320004-6