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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500870004-3 CLASSIFICATION S-E_- R-E..T INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT - "Sponsorship" of West German Enterprises ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C., 91 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM 15 PROHIBITED. DATE DISTR. 8 August 1955 NO. OF PAGES ' 1 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION _ docvrding 10 0 *f he FDGB 1tatSi I Njocutive Board, it is aesiraol& that as many -as -pose .hle- didates fW the Shoff Trade -Union-Managea~ent4----4 have close connections in West Germany,?-either through relatives or through their work in the trade--union movement. It was stated that such connections would promote the solution of all-German problems which had assumed the highest importance. 2, The FDGB National Executive Board therefore ordered that each national enterprise and each "Yereinigung organisationseigener Betriebe" (Association of Organization-Owned-Enterprises) (VOB) and each government agency in the GDR adopt a West German or West Berlin enterprise as so-called B1sponsorchip enterprise". The workers of the enterprises sponsored were to be induced to promote the reunification of Germany. Financial and moral support was to be given to them if they had lost their jobs through their fight against the Paris Agreements. 3. It was stated that 7 percent of all membershipl_ dues received by the FDGB were earmarked for financial support of. West German and West Berlin industrial enterprises within the sponsorship program..lforeover, it was arranged that in Mar 1955, all FDGB members would hs7ti a sum ranging from 0.5t to 2 DNE. The money collected in this was to go into a fund for the support of `nest German workers victimized for poiitiosl'r easons. FDGB members fiercely criticized these measures taken by the FDGB leadership. In East Berlin workers are of the opinion that the money collected ticula a p r r, --- ~ w. _- _ should be spent on needy workers,- .nd-employees--in the GDS,, NAVY X X AIF Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500870004-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500870004-3 CUSSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUL$TRY Eaa, b *. , l w 1 11 .. SUKIEC1" !r.?. ,:J 3 OI" a of ` ~ ~:e ry 7; f PLACE ?,,CG'U i R Eta DA'L'E: OF INFO, _i75{'r z;;1?M 9R +tt' t4~.M~AMRA 911 dCytlA 1'l1CfA~ A,~RYC!'15 4 U W 4ATPE~Mr,11A A1Vft fi ,4P JWV !~ 9_+RYk Br ffSis ? jp R ld 'ft W!!tI!R6 A* 'MR l9PSAMAOY ACT 64 0 C., ,; 14b ;K! AT A*ATi44V MW TBANItSmAIG ! A! TN& fd6YELAT104. ao KV tk ik, LAS. 3 `ksaA,lCfiR,.'* W T4tS W40 P PAYS!&il9 Vt ? cor'iing to a decree of the FDGB Rational Exo u-A%-c 13oard, it is desirable that as many As- p)oa'*ibte. canii:i.da.tes fur the Shop TxvP e 't+ni,o~y, ;der ', et,:Fnts liui''e icso connections in 7?c'3'c Cc):i::a iy : .'..? I-, (- r through rlal tires or ti iou h their work in the tr de--an on iov' mpn.a It srae sstatt''d that such ccr.n`ctions wou-id promote th.=: cc? utlon of- all-German proaler_.s. ?:.hhich hid assuriod the high.:sv importance, i. '.. ' r.. . 2, I c FDOB National ixecutiv Board th4r6-1x)r `':dri red; t -aft eae*An t4onAg-- ^rt r.'rise and each' 'tVereini;'u y o a rill Si ti029^~P, z;;.tl~ C`' DotriCbe f' (Association v. Orf; niza.tion-Ownted inter;irisaWea (VOB) and e er*i.en:, !ehcy-: 'thy Cif: adopt a Vk.st German or st Berlin enterprise s si: e:as.' 'd "sponsorship enterprise", the workers of the ender prisw:, s %cniore:l tc ';'- induced to promote tae x ~:?tr i 3 o.?.'Gion of Germ.".any. mcral L'pport was to be given to them if they h:-.d lost their: john t?. 'eu :h their fir,ht .i ainst the Paris x~;r'ee...ents, is It st--t~,d that 7 percent of, all =bership rites received by the b'DGii were c.rmarited for fin--neialsUpi_ ;r. t of blast G and -#FoO r45y:;: it ib xu riwl ^r t rprisc;s within the s a: sor.,.i .. , ro ;r.c a reovi:ra it v;as : rr:a 3ed th. t tr it, ay 1955, ` all PDGB merAb::rs :voul.ci h_.ve to _,ay -a. stir; r ri._; n .r_ o U *", `,>. .... I;t 2 DM: The money collec .ed in this 'may ;ray to ~,m .in'..,, ;he support -'/est German workers vic _ir izea for political rca oz '= F DU ^}artoers Y c rely cry tici zed, these siie:;.sures taken by the Fu3'3 -l adi ^shi, . In - r~icular, East Berlin workers are of tha opinion i; t the xtoney coli acted .. e t ^.r' r be , spe tt : on : needy C:or::ors and oxplo : 3S in the i 1.T.~ IR 1i; CLASSIFICATION a:;.Cii %-T f- T~u b _?~~