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Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 , uuiooir(uh(iuiv CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY 'Nast Germany DATE DISTR. 8 August 1955 25X1 SUBJECT Coal $ Ltaation of the Bast Gernan Railroads NO. OF PAGES 7 PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF INFO. SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION . Ti:Le following information oni the coal situation of the CDR railroads CLASSIFICATION I.IL..I FPI I I I I I I I I I Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA- RDP80-00810A007500280009-3 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 a.? Coal consumption by locomotives in 1955 a -j. January February Dist? ci D) _ rerizm 70,621,6 64,308.7 77,139 69,644 Cottbus 74,895.13 69,032.18 76,031 66,912 Dresden 139,713-9 1269042-4 141,407 126,390 Erfurt 105t427 96,739 111,543 98,720 G-reiiswald 39,905.25 34,530 44,080 36,718 Halle 137,708.47 121,115,42 136,483 120,279 Magdeburg 113,163.7 100-` .0 112,379 106,069 Schw rin 50,243.1 45,845 52,780 45,410 Tote. 731,670.15 657,660.5 761,6 2 ;70,142 (in tons): March April May duly 67, 379.7 .,8,x+01>:~ ~ 9 57,238.4. 58,789.8 Scheduled 77,224 Actual 66,923.39 60,738.96 59,096.4. 56,858.44 59,101.68 Scheduled 74,15 Actual 128t423-5 112,093.9 111,203.6 108,580.9 112,630 Scheduled 135s4451 Actual . 25X1 93,950.3 80,160.1 86,344.7 84,400.3 87,070.8 Scheduled 110,087 Actual 38 037 34,364.5' 32,744 33,4? 6 5;633,2 Scheduled 39 683 Actual 129,385,11 114,640.34 110,222.4 108,280.26 117,278.72 Scheduled 132,225 Actual . 106,044.,4. ,.608,8 4.65.9 87,709-8 969597-5 Scheduled 113.24b Actual 43,694.3 40,985.3 39,702.3 37,425.7 40,468 Scheduled 49,972 Actual 613,837.7 607,999.4 587,316.5 5733,91.8.4 607, 507.7 Scn^duie 732,03 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 -3- .tI3D Au-ast September Berlin 56,. 734.2 J J59,806.1 Cottbus 59,662.26 61,317.26 Dresden 114,394 114,909.7 Erfurt 87,070.8 86,379.3 Greifswald 858.4 35 35,466.5 , Halle 116,618-74. 1179840-54 Magdeburg 94,931.6 95,356.9 Schwerin 41,263.6 43,261.5 East Germany 606,733.6 613,337.8 October November December Total. 62,/ 9x0/3.8 6510-06 -72,074-71 086 72,074~ .3 748,0/19.70 Sc?edu1o. 66,250,36 65,859.94 693 766,169 Sc euuled Actual 123,430.4 126,085.9 130,135 1, 448, 443.5 Scheduled Actual 93,711.4 96,236 104,227.7 1,111,654.4 38,851.7 42,292.3 44,533.8 445,643.25 126,415.94 132,856.s6 141,475-2 1,474,038 106,493.1 109,254 .4 113,782.1 1,211.656 45,535.8 46,529.7 49,799.7 524o754 663,622.8 684,201.1. 725,460.8 7,733,276.45 Scheduled Actual Scheduled. Actual Scheduled Actual Scheduled Actual Scheduled Actual Scheduled Actual Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 -4- b. Coal cansumotion said hauls b;f 1ocomctives in the fist o~uaa~te r of 1955: Mcrth Goal ;onaumptiou (in tong) Hauls (in million ton/I=) Sp,,cific Coal Consumption (in tons per million ton/km) 8011.; 6,ula tctua7. Schodulad. Actual Sehodulecl. Actual. January February March Cottbus January February March 70,621.6 64,308-7 679379-7 202,310.0. 74,895.13 68,032,18 66,923.39 209a850.7 Dresden January 1.39,713.9 February 6` 126,842-4. 779139 69,644 77.224 2249007 76,031 66,912 74,157 21.7,100 141s407 126090 March 128,423.5 135,445 394,979.8 403,242 ~urt January 105,427 111,543 February 96,739 98,720 March 93,950,3 110,087 296,._16.3 320, 3~0 1,025.1 942,1 1,127.1 3,094.3 1,169.5 K1,082. 5 1,194.2 3s446.2 1,758.5 1,620.6 1,868.3 5,247.4 1,331 1,250 1,362,3 3,943.3 1,222.1 68,892 63,12' 1,148 68,261 60,665 1,327.4 59,781 58,176 3,697.5 65,381 6o,583 1,210.5 64,04 62;81 1,156.4 62,85 57 9 862 19308.9 56,04 56,656 3,675.8 60,89 59,062 1,85a.1 79,449 76,1 1,701 78,268 749272 1,917.2 68,739 701,647 5,476.3 75,2 73,634 1,441.4 .79921 77,39 19315-7 77,39 75,032 1,493.8 68,96 73,696 4,250.9 75,09 75,361 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 January 39,905.25 44,0 80 571.9 625.3 69,78 70, 49 February 34,530 36;7 18 480.9 551.7 70,63 66,554 March 38,037 39,6 83 629.7 625,8 60,4 63,412 112,472.25 120,1, 81. 1,690.5 1,802.8 66,53 66,63 J ax:aary 137,703.4-7 2,048 2p?34.9 6,t.24 63,91 February 121,115.42 120,2 79 1,873-9 1,943.4 64,633 61,891 March 129,385.11 132,2 25 2,197.2 2,208.9 58,886 59, 861 388,209.0 388,9 87 6,119.1 6,287.2 63.442 61087 Magdeburg January 113,163.7 122,3 79 1, 576.7 1,738.9 71,773 70,38 February 1CO,247.8 106,0 69 1,428.9 1,568.9 70,157 67,607- March 106,044.4 133,2 46 656.9 1,768.7 64,003 64,028 319t455-9 341, 6 94. 4,662.5 5,076.5 1 68,517 67,309 Schwerin January 50,243.1 52,7 80 791.1 842.1 63,51 62,68 February 45,845 . 45,4 10 712.1 741.6 64,38 61,232 March 43,694.3 49,9 72 771.3 859.1 56,65 58,167' "35,782-4 148,1 62 2,274.5 2,442.8 61,456 60,653 Total January 731,67815 761,8 42 10,271.8 11,073,3 71,232 6898 657,660-5 670,1 42 9,399 10,127.4 69,971 66,171 March 673,837-7 732,0 39 10,#-'7 11,509.8 62,352 63,601 2,063,176.35 2,164,0 23 30,447.8 32,710.5 67,694 66,157 ,l! Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 6 ., 25X1 c. Smeci.fic coal consumption br locomotives in 1955 (in tons per million ton/km) RBD January Febraa= March April T r June Jul u ust Se tembe October - T+To vember 'Dec ember Total Scheduled Berlin 68,892 68 261 59,761 55,05 53 063 51, 014 50 789 51 431 53 295 56 04 __ 062 59 681 63 328 57 Actual 63,12 , 60 , 67 56,18 54 , 3 , , , , , , , , Scheduled Cottbus 64,04 62985 56, 04 52,64 4996 48, 77 46,69 48, 92 50, 92 52 , 81 54t39 57932 539861 Actual 62,81 57,86 56,66 52,3 Scheduled Dresden 79,449 781268 68,739 64,37 61,812 60,24 61,133 61,129 63,432 651397 , Y ,567 71,76 66,802 Actual 76,1 74,27 70,65 64,8 .Sched11ed Erfurt 79,21 77,39 68,96 66,64 63,16 61,84 61,66 61,66 62,9 66,46 68,99 72,81 67,527 Actual 77,39 75,03 73,7 63,6 Scheduled Greifswald 69:'-78 70,63 60,4 56;1 53,89 53,09 53,37 53,38 54,72 58,65 62,73 66,28 59,08 Actual 70149 66155 6314l 57, 3 S he eduled Halle 67,24 64,633 58,886 54,461 51,53 50,107 50,904 50,677 52,353 55,61;) 58,09 62,181 56 239 6301 b1,59 59,86 5412 , Scheduled Magdeburg 71t '773 709157 649 '003 58, 914. 559828 54P342 54s!38 55 , 175 56, 093 58t622 60t259 35 64 60 172 Actual 70, 38 67, 61 64,03 5712 , , Scheduled Schwerin 63,51 64-938 56965 53, 688 51,335 49t283 50944 50,42' 519829 54, 3 . 56,073 59,848 55,083 Actual 62,68 . 61,23 58,17 51,2 Scheduled Total 71,232 69,971 62352 58,293 55,53 54,047 54,452 54x5%3 5C 09~ 6 907 6;7207 65,14 60,00 Actual 68,8 66,17 63,60 57,7 . 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 25X1 25X1 7-- 25X1 2. Distribution of coal of the daily coal consumption a uota for locomotives in June 1955: RBD Br i own Coa n tons l B riquettes Hard Coal Berlin 520 DHZ Osten 650 80 tt Mitte Cottbus 800 tt Osten 200 Dresden - 1,236 " Osten 306 660 tt Iaitte 394 Erfurt 1,500 " Mitte 700 Gre ifi;wald 690 " Osten 150 10 " Mitts Halle 900 Osten 1,433 500 " Mitte Liagdeburg 600 " Osten 19300 i ncluding co al~srr iving by 500 " hit" w ater Cchvrerin 880 " Osten 133 tt " -t 20 It Mitte 4 Comment. The daily coal consumption quotas listed are not definite.25X1 IV The final daily coal consumption quotas will be fixed during June 1955. The individual RBDs report the coal quantities allocated to them to the 25X1 DHZ (Deutsche Handels Zentralo (German Trade Central)) in Senftenberg (for eastern districts) and the DHZ in Leipzig (for central districts), 25X1 The East Berlin branch office of DHZ Kohle is informed about the amounts of hard coal to be delivered by Poland and the Zwickau mining district. 25X1 Comment. The total actual coal consumption was reported previously. The figure deviates slightly from that given in the pre: en tabulation vThich in addition breaks the total coal consumption down according to months and RBDs. All 25X1 figures indicate tone in briquette units (BU). Comment. These data supplement previous information 25X1 Comment. No comparable data are available. 25X1 Comment. Coal stocks avaible permit the daily allocation of 8,896 tons of brown coal briquettes and 5,766 tons of hard coal (8,649 tons BU) or a total of 17,545 tons (BU). The average daily coal consumption by East German locomotives is, however, 20,000 to 21,000 tons. The balance has to be made up by other type coal. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 CENTRAL INTTELL.IGENCE' A,(3'ENCY f EPORT ARI FOP IO REPORT CID NO. . COUNTRY 1.,N-tut, Go-vmny DATE DISTR. 8 August 1`55 SL43JECT . 8 t. aa.or Of the aL + y Ra 1roada C. OF PAC E3 1-1-ACE. ACQ NO. OF ENCLS SUPPLEMENT RAEPORT' NO. DOCUPICI.T CO11TAINS.EIF03MATIOR AFFECTTN0 THE NATIONAL DE FIVISE TWU UNITED STAT'$S. W178M THE MPASIPIO 07 TITLE. 30. SEC'TIONz 709 Aran 704, OF THE U. S. COLE. AS AUEIIDUD. ITS T'RAMORISSIOR flR REVEL- ATTOPI OF ITS CONTESTS ?TO OR SECEUS f UY AN i3HAUIROUl2TMwll 9ERSika4 I: PROBIUIT`br?D BF LAW TIM REFROOUCTIO)i OF THIS FORS IS PROIII9ITEk. CLASS! HCPMON THIS iS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION STATE NAVY S,is ARMY !!~fi ~'.id Ai R ,1;?? F: Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 S E .C-R-&T - 2 _ coal COi1:a: '.10Y1 locor.c:ivo 17L i j5 (in IR:;.il ?oad January Fobruar? arc., yi trict {IW ) aril 70,621,6 61.,30&,7 67,379?7 53,4.-7o5 77,139 69,641; 77,224. Cottbus 74,C95.13 63,032,10 66,("'3-A9 6o,738-96 76, 031 66,91:_ '14,157 ,7rocden 13171126v842.4 123:423.5 112,093,E 141,407 1:'26,3.0 135,445 .rftrrt 10 j 4 96 7,,c u, "C i6u i f 1 3... DJ / .1 S 111,543 9(-,0-120 110,0077 Ct?sv:uld 59,J0 25 31,530 33-,03 3 rf3-1, 5 44,0`0 36 j 712, 3;16"3 Iiailo 157,700.c7 121,113,12 ].29,3::511 14,6 3li 1;663 120,2'10; 132,225 ii.'leburL' 113,].63,; 1 0,2 106, t.' o!; 996.608.8 11213,9 1.06,49' 11;. 46 50,2 5.1 45045 471 34,3 4O,3. Je3 52,130 45,410 !9,9 2 {Total 751,676',15 653,6 611,5 U7 3,C3707 G0f,9 9. 761,L '2 670,11:2 7 2,03` x:.2y 56 f 53,'' 59,096.4 111,203.6 32,iA4 110,222,! 51,465,9 3,702,3 C'7 , 313,' June 57 ,2333.41 56,? 566.44 103',530,9 C^,4.00,3 '3,42.4.6 103,260,26 07, 709.3 37,425.7 573 f r July 5"70 7 P ~ -- ': ) G 3 59,:62 272 70P~4 ?:,634 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 r ) 25 C. 0 ,1.4 o 57121 6:-a3 6;,76'1 +o= C'bru ' 34.)530 36,`j13 si 551.7 70,63 6,554 5, ::LIZ Gil 3' 9237 39,61T3 629.7 [} 62506 60,4 r'12 112,t.j2.25 120 401 1,6?,0.5 1,(02,8 66,5'1 Vtpt~ 1370-10C.47 136,403 2,043 2,134.9 67.24 63,91 February 121,115a42 120,27;' 1,0'73 1,94.3.4 Z91 633 r1 64 12933L5. .1 132,225 2,1;'1.2 , , 5L , 1'6 5,;'61 li.~,2 u. ;? c, 0 6,119.1 U!'~7a2 63-442 61,07 ,.;a d~~at?y L Jaiaary 113,163f 12;2,379 1,576-7 1,00.9 71,773 70, 3< February 1CO,247C 1u6,oG9 1,422 r; 1,562.49 70,157 67,607.. 1,k xch 'J44. 13,2x.6 fr. 7 64,003 64,02 ' 319,455.9 341,694 4,662.5 5,076,5 6s ,517 !9309 ;'10',_2'1@x111 January" r ,243.1 50 C' 52 0 ,{00 71-1 a,~2 1 e " ') 'n 63951 February 45,345 459410 12.1 (41.6 3'-' 61,232_ Larch 3,694.3 499572 7710) l,,;dl 167 . 1,94 162 .0'1;4:1 ja--azcx- 731967',15 761,0412 ;i ebrtzl;x~~ 657,662-5 67,142 J,c?,,i Cif 673,63N-7 I13?9U 2,274,, ~) n 61,,156 10,271.0 `, 9355' 1U ,Gv 7 2,263,176.3; ,164, 3 1 3014, 1.1 n au 11,07343 10,127.4. 11,50;.0 r 5-11 ie) 66,15', Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 0~f'xc cc~.l ci~n ic'r b; 1oca::loti~tea in 1;5r~ (in tc'n;: or illion t_n/kn ilct ~I ,0 ed,:211d Cr, tbu ctui.1 icv '1 i~C ~ ~.~~"li r?rl , 1^11x3 A0t c-~:L1 ~C ed.lodd ;. ruc;,.,z`t 'cti?Ld od lod. ,c n c xd:.iod '. i, `:; ?r1 Julzo Jul?1 u. t:ti`t t~`:U Cc crze: ro-bc Doccrbo ^1 rn 01 3r~ ~~? 2 2h61 rt' 1'#1 r yJ r , rrJ,O6 I J r. 1 q Q' 56' . q;) it )~q ) Jit q`iJ .Jq 55(13,[., br f312 6 q j.gli 54, 64,04 7v 50,x. 52,G i.9,3 43,71 40,39 '0, 92 J~'q 2 52 ~1 '~ 2 z 9 5'~ 9.'~ i79 5-- 62,31 57,36 56,66 J 7c, `6 . 6 3 6:? G1tf J ..:7 63 2~ 1 13 3 67. 1,'n G') 7J 4 71.01' 917 , I f f 519`^'1 '939'7 67,5(7 ' it 76,1 74,21 /0,65 6t;,3 79,21 ! 7,39 68 i,96 66361. 63,16 61 , e! 61,66 61,66 62,'' (6 ,t6 (, 72 7 ~2' ts~ 15303 75,7 C3,6 695 /v 7063 56,1 53,29 53,09 53,3 5; C rir 2 1 ? J'", 12 ... p6,, 73 9 6r 5 63, %1 570 6724 6[i 6 3 5 . t_6 r~ ,1161 .11f ) ) J 3 50 In 0 90 50 1711 P t r' r 23 o . P 3J ) '9 J ~ 9 7 'WO t i S 5 6x6 J f'? i '1L 3~j) i q r,:. ~ 62,1 1 G/ 'C. 63,91 61,09 5 ,2.6 51,2 71 r r5, r ~1 r? ~ ~-,'l 73 70.157 62,003 50,9914 5 023 51,312 Jr.q (,.: 55,175 56,09 _ 3,622 C -C) 172 2 ~,i 70,33 67,61 6r 903 Ji ~) a. .. ~,~) f)., f 61,51 61ia53 56,65 53,608 51,335 49,2L3 5o',:, 9,42 6 9 56 7 5 59 242 C;' P 62,68 61,23 ,,:,17 51,2 71,232 3 '01,71 652, 352 X 55 53 5t5".' 047 54 9 /, ,92 6 23 6L u 66,17 63,69; 5';','7 ;0608 5 ~ifa;7 lq 7 315 C" oc Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280009-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA007500280009-3 25X1 -7- 2. 2ictrib~~tion of coal o:" lccoa.. ivee in Juno 1 %5: ?I daily coal tie n qucta for :iotr Coal :3riructtco ard Coal (in tci: aerlin 52 1L 'sten 650 0 ~. * :?:itte cc _:'i*o?don 1,236 660 ::;rfrrt 1,500 reifociald 690 10 e e?L? r ;00 500 boo 500 C X30 '~ ~'v 0 s t o n 306 :..w.tte :.:itte 100 0s tell 150 tt It. Coten 1,~ 33 -,t -te . Coton 1, :"0J '~y ..iuu. to sto i.itte 133 jCor:,m.ont0 The daily coal G?Y:':u~ ? `.ion c:,otac iic end are no', defini :25X1 'a:: e fin ..l rd fly coal cons:.,:.^tion c_uotao will be fixed du:. L n - Juno l ~ : The individual. JDs ro- o,-t the = 1 iuenti tied allocated to ~r.. to the DE~; 11aYlc.e1 (GermozY ::r;de Central)) i Co' ~-^ ? .:.~ '?~,. ' cry (for eaotern districts) and the ,11Z* in (fczr central :ictriet:-) 0 The .et Lorlin branci;, c -'T ice of D11 =:ohlo is~ inf owed abcL? t the ":cur of `hard coal to be delivered i.;, toland and t e _ctr`xc 25X1 CQ .aer_t ?: The total actual coal c, ncua. Rio:: o re ostod -,:rovic. oiv _'?~Yc f_.r, are 25X1 s1i;, tly from t:;at Given in the :-recent tabulca}.ion in ed;:i.tion bro:z::o ho total coal cQneuP..s:t1QY1 ; o\,n accoru ins" to cii ;1C ' nC'. l Wis. ll 30 :;ora-~ert j ho civet;' our:;;lol-xent j:rovious informat7 on, Coram_Cl:t , ."0 col-,- aru,':'1C 0.ata =0 Lvai1ai loo i trio 1;,? c:.1 location of C, 056 Conti of Liro??'n cc- 1 pair iC otto ::.n ?7CCi Of i an CC 1 (:?, 6$ one x. ~~:1 0 , .i r, 5 a. Qri 1-he rac;o d.. "ily coal or a 'c .f. 'l~~ n ~c r r - ? v.Y.Q1Y U v .UV 1-he ~`i d. ? .. rv y~ y ^ ..r ~: w a v c t G co O t .1 Ve c :v G: } v C .,' It ., O 5 1 :f C t; . y ~ ?%l...i.1 . G;. o T , 2 ~ ~OU J r_Y0u e u.`.'s' ace has to be ii" b o'1.*; or ``r'0 Coal0 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA007500280009-3 f i, ores indi ate imon:. ;~ j, bri,;uotte