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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-00810A007500270003-0 INFORMAJION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY East Germany This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is Prohibited25X1 3.E-C-R-E-T DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED 1, 2. 1954 Production and Distribution DATE DISTR. of VEB Leuna-Verke "Walter Olbricht", Leuna NO. OF PAGES 1954 REFERENCES The following ten principal products constituted about 75% VEB Leuna-Verke "Walter Ulbricht", Leuna, in 1954: Gasoline Diesel lull Annie- Ammonium sulfate Caprolactam Saponificator B 30 Methanol Phenol 8ulpfur Formaldehyde The production of these amounted to 939,178.7 metric 1,480,723,200 kwh of electrical energy was produced. Gasoline, diesel, and fuel oils a. The following quantities of diesel fuel, and subsidiary (quantities given in metric Crude oil: Light oils: Other oils and tar: Brown coal: Brown coal (dried): tons, of the output of In addition, raw materials for the production of gasoline, hydrocarbon oils were used during the year tons); 357,104 40,766 5,670 224,365 102,589 9 August 1955 5 25X1 b, Actual Production of gasoline and diesel fuel, representing 98.9% and 94.2% respectively of the output planned, was as follows (in metric tons): (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) INFORMATION REPORT I N FORMATI ON REPORT Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-00810A007500270003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0 S-BrC R E-T -2 . Gasoline Iii I9 N I quarter 1954 II N N 55,008.6 63,575.5 77,249.2 707= 2 DI"41 Fuel 26,069 26,943 32,134 X67 1f~ c. ,Distribution of these two products was as follows (in metric tons): 25X1 Gasoline Diesel Fuell ERst German consumers (a) 39,005 13,435 port (b) 143,449 31,500 Federal German Re blic 51,082 ) 61,383 State Reserves (a 9,334 2,105 Wi:dnut &.G, 2T*727 Miscellaneous 170 981 (a) through the Deutsche Aandelszentralen DAZ (b) This included the USSR, Poland, Auriga ( ) ho i a s wn n original as Sonderbedarf., d. Production of other hydrocarbon oils (in metric tons) was as follows: Motor oil 725 761 735 752 2,973 Turbine oil 6 29 53 133 221 Lubricating oil 190 221 220 278 909 Compressor oil 86 65 96 332 Machine all 47 32 45 164 Gear oil 7 6 27 S.S. 0112 57 68 98 43 266 3, kagja and ammonium fate a. Raw :oaterials (in metric tons): Lnh$rons gypsum $45,687 MUMIG a4 1,865 onarooal iron 8 be 6, (in metric tons), representing 103.5% and 104.8% resp?etiv y of the p; ann? out put: Ammoniac Ammoninm sulfate: 313,338 155,660 of Distribution was as follows (in metric tons of nitrogen content)$ Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0 -3- Ammonium Sulfate Central Distributing Agency (DHZ) 7,593 97,194 VEB Chemische--Verke Bona, Schkopau 113 VEB Filmfabrik Agfa Volfen 155 VEB Thueringisches Kunetfaserwerk "Wilhelm Pieck", Schwarza .p 720337 VEB Kaliwerk "Glueekauf" Sonderhausen 52,209 VEB Stickstoffwerk Piesteritz 12,894 VEB Kunstseidenwerk "Friedrich Engels", Premnitz 597 Miscellaneous VEBra 3.37 91 Federal German Republic Export nil 57,448 Plant consumption 167,056 927 4o Caprolactam a. RaRaw materials (in metric tons): Cyclohexanone (pure)r 3,742 Ammonium bisulfate: 2,674 Sulfur dioxide (fluid): 3,775 Sulfur trioxyde: 4,602 Fluid ammonia: 1,283 Ammonia liquor: 1,627 Caustic soda: ? 17 Trichiorethylene: 170 Ammonium nitrite: 698 b, Actual Production amounted to 3,288 metric tone, representing 103% of the planned output. c, Distribution (in metric tons): Central Distributing Agency (DHZ) 68 VEB Chemische-Werke Buna, Schkopau 13 VEB Filmfabrik Agfa Wolf en 1,123 VEB Elektroohemieches Kombinat, Bitterfeld 919 VEB Kunetseidenwerk "Friedrich Engels"s Premnits 814 Export 220 5. SaDoniftoator (Nau1astor 3 30) a. Raw materials (in metric tons): Kogasin: 5,Od7 Ohlorine: 2,564 Sulfurous acid: 1,972 Caustic soda: (100% solution) 2,351 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0 b. Acproductioonn amounted to 6,786 metric tons, representing 116% of the planned output. c. Distribution (in metric tons): Central Distributing Agency 1,606 Vi Chemisohe-Werke Bunt, Sohkopau 1,235 VES Kaliverk "Qlueokaufe Bondershausen 93 Miscellaneous VBB's 2,433 6. Methanol, uhenol, formaldeh7de, and sulfur a. Actual 1producti , (in metric tons), representing 105%, 101,$, 107.7% and 99.1%, respeotiwlyy of the planned output: Methanol: Phenol (pare): Fornaldehyds: Sulfur: 47,800 7,801 2,907 19,444 b. Distribution (in metric tons): Central Distributing Agency (DaZ) 40010 19 66 5,553 VD Filmfabrik Agfa Volfen 66 2,537 VD T ingisohes X!unstfasermerk "Wilhelm Pieck", 8chwarsa 1,88 1,594 VU Iiinstseidenwerk NFriedrich Bagels", Premanits - 80 VVS Xektroohem:isohes Kombinat, 8itterfeld 4,865 1,443 VIS baliwerk "Glusokauf" Bonders- hausen 2,540 44.9 V36 Chemisohe Berke Dana, 8chkopau 13,887 171 V33 Stiokstoffwerk Piesterits 1,202 43B Rtcnmbinat Goelsau VIB Fettohemis and Fewa-Wterk, Ew1- Marx-Stadt 188 VSB Meta, Kunsthars- and Press- nassefatrik &'kner 480 t+if in.l 7 e.n+.Mu^ VR t ^ 2.515 1.432 3,7?4 Icport 17,503 175 , Plant consumption 640 5,350 970 650 7. Other chemicals produced at Leuna during 1954 were as follows (in metric tons): Actual Nitric acid 1,700 1,852 Hydrochloric acid 1,720 1,850 Sulfur dioxide (liquid) n.g. 517 Ethane n.g. 5,103 b 420 486 Filter car on (n.g.: not given) S-E-C R-B-T Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0 -5- 8. Labor Force The total labor force at Leuna on 31 December 1954 was 27,757, divided as follows: Technicians. 2,369 Office personnel: 1,915 Skilled workers: 16,on Unskilled workers, 6,126 Apprentices, 1,343 There were 5,796 women employed. The sum paid in salaries and wages amounted to 136,599,000 IIME, representing an average per employee of 4,921 M1Z. 1. n &, The figure for diesel fuel distribution seems to be extra- or nor l7 low when compared with monthly distribution figures previously re- ported. 2, ,ae 8. 8-0 oil (literally "swim-sink oil") is used for testing grades25X1 ofAard oval for ash content. S-F-C R-B-T Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500270003-0