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Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIIA-RDP80-0081 OA006800700003-0 +/~p ~ V L!'\V V I I I VTI I I W I It 6-L.-C-R E-d CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 1954 and 1955 Production in the Chemical Industry 6f the Ministry for Heavy Industry THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. DATE DISTR. 17 June 1955 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION N The 1954 production targets were reached 100 per cent by the following enterprises: "walter Ulbricht" VEB Leunawr4, Chemische Werke Buna Schkopau , and Piesteritz Nitrogen Works. Only at VEB Leunawerk was the investment plan fulfilled 100 percent. These former SAG enterprises would allegedly be able to attain a much higher capacity if investment funds were available on a broader scale. These works are badly in need of modernized equipment for which, however, the necessary funds are lacking. 2. Under the new 1955 production plans presented to the managers of the individual plants on 29 ording to these plans was started. In contras terprises which ran into \ force will be ails avatlaihe f,r agricultural work. Dismissed employees A are :~co bee la S a l t agriculture; men will probably also 9 One' 1 es -re said to em o 1 5 dismissals of administrative employees and workers, a large Ta efficiency 10*01 is to be raised by stepped-up wor The quarterly 1954 allocutions of material to the individual enterprises varied between 10 and 25 a dt the actual needs, thus certain difficulties were 'nev cations for the 1955 plans are allegedly inadequiT"e: 3a JsaAl~rtry 1955, no information regarding the volume of the 1955 total allocations was available. in the change-over from difficulties because of he 1954 production targets, no difficulties e chemical industry 4. A decree was alleged.ed by the Ministry of H I u d$ng for drastic rt Us, administrative sections which have become ir~l in relation to the labor p y , 55, be assigiss~to the PP. IN Janaarjr 9 have been dismissed within the complex of HV Schwerchemie. 5. Economical administration was also the aim of the 1955 emplol!mes, plan of ttae Zt is- W be 4 t1sa$ ty CLASSIFICATION S-E-G-R-E-T NAVY NSRB DISTRIBUTION rod A A roved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP pp 8 0-0081 OA006800700003-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006800700003-0 all to Ewa N f ud 1t4 - to peepAe with university training. Accordingly, new job designations will be introduced, for example, chief Referenten and Referenten will henceforth be referred to as investment engineers, investment economists, tee. t, In late January 1955, a new structural and employment plan was in preparation at HV Chemie. A new organizational feature is the assignment of special ex-- rill be given to qualified personnel, preferably to people with university training. Accordingly, new job designations will be introduced, for example, ______ {- aup'e.rrt) and re.fRrents will henceforth be referred to as investment engineers, frrvt economists, etc. perts (Sachbearbeiter) to each large HV enterprise; production at small enter- prises will be supervised by the special production department of HV Schwerchemi*.. large HV enterprjise; production at small ente 1 be superv se by the special production departm chwerchemie. the assignment of special experts (Sachbearbeit 6. In late January 1955, a new structural and employment plan was in preparation at HV Chemie. A new organizational feature is Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006800700003-0 COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO TY?s nocuNwNT roMrA~is is pR N/ * 1p to - R or it r UNITtD $thttl.~p N VW 10400 afAWW ANr iwn, OF Me U. 1L i0S*. 1i Abeam, Nn' 86 ATlI-A ow ~Ti tONttNp 10 N "Caw? R M NMNimen" l d PROW1,5110 A. LMM TIN NUP0000E1/QN 00 tNlw / 00 n M0111~1TIf~. ' h ... ?. ~, r AhsM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. It 'es re,,orted that the 1954_ production plen wss fulfilled 102 p-'r cent in the field of the Chemical Division of the Ministry of Heevy Industry 'mile the investment plant wrs fulfilled only 98.5 T,er cent. The 1954 production targets were reached 100 per cent by the following enterprises: "'."slter Ulbricht"'VI?.l3 Leunaverk, Chemische ;"erke Suna Schkopau , and Piesteritz Nitrogen ;'orks,, Only at VIM Leunawerk n-g5 the irvectr^ent plan fulfille+1_ 100 percent. These former S. enterrri;.es would allegedly be able to attain a much higher capacity if.inventment funds were available on a broader scale. These works are badly in need of modernized equipment for which, however, the necessary funds are lackine: 2. Under the ne?v 1955 production plans presented to the men* '!-era of ti?e individual plants on 29 December 1954, work aecordin,; to these pl-ns was started. In contrast to other industrael enterprises which ran into difficulties because of the nonfulfilment of the 1954 nroducticn targets, no difficulties were experienced in the chemical industry in the change-over from the old to the new plans? I :11QC1FU'ATwvu Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006800700003-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENICY -......,.. REPORT INFORMATION REPORT co NO. NO. OF ENCLS. (L TED Kum East German7r DATE DISTR.. . 1954 and .1955 Production in the Chemical Inc]uetry NO, OF PAGES 2 6f the Ministry for heavy Industry The quarterly 1954 allocations of material to the individual enterprises varied between 10 and 25 per cent of the actual needs, thus certain difficulties were inevitable, Allocations for the 1955 plans are allegedly inadequate. By late January 1955, no inforrrtion rag' rdinp; the volume of the 1955 total allocations was available, 4. I. decree was allegedly issued by the :inistry of heavy Industry nrovieinf' for drastic reforms of the adninistr"Live sections of enterprises . ThX'.' h"ve become ''tops-het in relation to the labor force. Since the efficiency level is to he raised by stepped-up work norms and by dismissals of edministr^tive employees and workers, a l.rrge labor force will be mode available for at,riculturel - ^tork? Dt rinsed ei^ployeec are to be employed exoluaively in agriculture; man Mill, rrohably also be resigned to the VI'. In Jaluary 1955, 5.~."-C ecnloyees 'era sri! to hive been dismisded ?vithin the complex of IiV 3chwercheirie, Economical edwinictrrtion 'r.s also the r.im-.of" the 1955 er.I^'oyment -Olen of the '.?iniatry of navvy Industry, It is to he noted t!-} t priority r! ;,S_ IFICATION 5--z-C-.R.-Z-T_ svrc~F ~~ ! ! v ~x NSafl _ DISTRIBUTIOK -j AIaI-0V AIR#x !r9t Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006800700003-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006800700003-0 will be given to qualified personnel, preferably to pepleyith university training. Accordingly, new job deatpr*tions will be tatroduoed, for example, chief Referenten and Ref ten will henceforth be referred to as investment engineers, investment~ats, tee. In late January 1')55, a new structural and employment plan was in preparation at HV Chenie. A new organisational featwe is the aeatcrment of special ex- perts (Sachbearb iite;) to each large HV enterariee; production at small enter- prises will be sttnervised y the special production denarteent of RV Schwerchemie.i~ a 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006800700003-0