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March 15, 1955
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b Approved For Release 2008/09/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400670008-3 CLASS11 F1 CATION L-C-R-EST - NOFQtN COUNTRY ayt Germany REPORT TOPIC,. dildparh-:;ect ICa o.ne EVALUAT ION., PLACE OBTAINED, DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED---_J REFERENCES- PAGES 2 REMARKS PREPARED 15 :larch 1955 ..~~,....~ 1. Betmeen 4 January and 1 February 1955, the `iild':ark-11;est I.acornc VraT:" observed twice and the occupation strength was estimated to be aro,,uiei 2,300 to 2,500 nen. All of the ciuorterin,, buildings wore apparontly observed except for the former underground command bunker which was separated from the installation by a high and dense board fences The individual buildings wore apparently occu,-iod as follows Building r o 1 a. Unit Z?vckin with about 500 mon b. Unidentified air force unit with about 5CC men c. Ar=rj signal unit with about 100 men in the southern section of the bu:i ldin ; the unit was serviced by the ',..erd_or Koch office with ; onior Liouter:ont Atananov (fns) a chief. Duildin T.io 2 This building housed the large kitchen and central hoatinj for the barracl., buildings. The collar ;Roused the transformer station for the barracks buildings and the transformer station for the Potcdax. broadcaetir station, Building ;:o 3 a. Air Force Unit Stradivnov to which Major Golubev (fnu) wa presumably assigned. b, Upit,of supply officer :ajor Caetrov (not OUotcev) (inu) in the southern sect ''bn. ~. his unit had a strength of about 200 nor-.. Build inn ITo 4 This building housed the , mnasium, scriru:-inr, bath and motion picture theater. Duildince IToo 5 -and 6 Air i orce Unit Ga1L-in (fnu) was ciuartored t1lere. that Lieutenant Colow 1 Stradivnov was the superior of 2 unit commanders, Major Galkin and Captain Colubev. it appeared as thout~'3z the 2 units were separa_te_._.units_ which had ailed Idly arrived from Leipzig in mid-December 195t. ;_. IIn11ke? all other bu.ldin6s, trailuing Mo 6 Crc".s j uc xded by qn air force sentry who was po. ted iY, front of the rain entrance. 3-&C ft x-T - ROFc N Approved For Release 2008/09/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400670008-3 Approved For Release 2008/09/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400670008-3 a-s.G-a-E-T Cori-d bunker ?';o "[ bunker was senaratod from the owner ball cL o area b c.. I~~. ~ board fence. Tlhe course of" . the fence could? not; be obcervo.Ll uocause the terrain crag partially hilly and partially covered v itl: ;;?ood3. I n Jaruai' , a Gerrian? el.ectriciahl received *-,err.i: lion from Lieutenant Colonel Zevatkin (fnu)'to enter the bunker to dotornino it the transformer had been snitched off by the Soviet electricians. This mac dono because the G,.)rman electricians presumed that other barracks buildin ;; wore supplied with electric power from thia transformer. 3onewl:at later, however, the rermiosion was rrit,1clrawn. Since that time, the German electricians have refused to do repair wort. in some of the barracks bNuilclin"- . They a^ ed that tln transformer in the bun der be switched off ,M7iiz- their work. But no German was allo>ed to enter the bunk.-or and the ]ov-ioto refused to dive any information cor_cornine: the installati c.h. Therefore, it has not boon cletorninod whether the bunker has a ::eatink; installation of its own or whether it is heated from buildin; :'o 2. The occupation of the bunker was also un;:nown. i .ulldiYL.-c i..0 L Tie 'buildings housed farzilicc and individual dependents. Building Uo 9 The installation roused classrooms. Building; _;o 10 The installation gas unoccur,iod . 1 NW= ~' . The follovrinC: rail shipments wore observed at '1ild--arIz railroad station: 24 Januaz^t. At about 23.15, a shitamont of 3 caterpillar tractors, 1 tank truck, 2 truck trailor p ' , 2 snow plows, 1 concrete tar in :. achinc, 1 bo:.c: r with about 25 air force soldiers and true ti arrived 25X1 at 'Jill i axl: :,~ailroa l station, coninG from I~otl;en';,ur~: Lat?satz. The shim. ont was unloaded botwoon 0130 and 0330 on the following morninG. 2 2n, Janugy. Durin the r.?ornin4, the' followin , railroad car: from Tutovr :more boin, unloaded: 3 f latcero with oid eracks loaded with building equipment and r :achi-.eo. 1 bo:scar v: ith billetin oquinmont and 12 air force cold:ier. s . Also dL!rin, the ? ornin , the followinC railroad cars from VoL-olsan .'ore unloaded: 5 flatcars with sidoracks loaded with. building; equipmon; and r.o.??lhines. 2 bo::cars with billeting, equipment and about 20 air force sold-=. r I.a two shipments obcorvod on 29 January arrived: with the re ular ^rei -Ilt train. 3 Co:: ment. For lay out sketch of barracks area, see A rye :. ri.iC :ilL:berc zltion.c~ in the ro.:art are keyed to tills sketch. 3. Lommont. These shipmonto carried roar details, of the air forco 25X1 cons ruction units that wore transferred) to '?.ildp :r?c-, c ;,t. Approved For Release 2008/09/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400670008-3 5. Approved For Release 2008/09/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400670008-3 W ark-West laserne f_- _110PM _z Approved For Release 2008/09/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400670008-3 rii,;.~:R `ewe.:MTrvRMptMa~,: bn.