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Publication Date: 
February 24, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 CLASSIFICATION SI?xRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY F~.st Germany SUBJECT Rail Freight Traffic through Guben PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECfi NC TXE NATIONAL DEFEN3t OF THE UNITED STAT[S. WITHIN TH! YEANINB OF TITLE I5, SECTIONS 75S AND 751. OF TN8 D. t. CODl. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSM18910N OR RiVEL? ATION OF ITS CONTENTf TO OR RECEIPf'BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PtRSON IS PROXI KITED BT LAW TMt RRPRODUCTION OF TXIS FORM IS PROHItITED. DATE DISTR. 24 February 1955 N0. OF PAGES 5 NO.OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOIM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS iS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1V11~~ ~~~4~ throug e u en or er s a ion, in the directions indicated, G -gondola car Date in Number and Load From To November Type of Cars 10 58 G hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg B -boxcar a. Westbound. 59 G 48 G 52 G 58 G 57 G 52 G 55 G 55 G 52 G 12 59 G 57 G NSRB DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 25X1 ,,4 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 ~2 53 G 56 G 39 G 56 G 55 G 53 G 56 G 38 F 7 G 15 53 G 59 G 54 G 58 G 5i G Katowice Fuerstenberg pig iron ore hard coal Brest Katowice Guben Fuerstenberg ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ .t ~~ Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 17 44 B grain 3[agodin Guben 2 G bruised sunflower kernels 53 G hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg 56 G 62 G 1 B canned fish hard coal 44 B grain Yagodin Guben 6 G undetermined 54 G hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg 57 G ,~ ,~ ~~ 56 G ~~ ~~ ~~ grain and Yagodin Guben bruised sunflower kernels b. Eastbo~ ~l of which were empty and dispatched from Guben ~~ ~ as stated. Date in Number and November Type of Cars 10 5o G 59 G 5o G 54 G 51 G 59 G 56 G 59 G 56 ~G 56 G SECRE 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 SEC RET~ 5s G 12 54 G 58 G 53 G 59 G 53 G 59 G 42 G 56 G 56 G 56 G 52 G 5a G 39 G 59 G 57 G 59 G 59 G 29 G) 3 F~ Poland 4 B) 15 59 G 5o G 59 G 59 G 54 G 59 G 59 G 59 G 59 G 59 G 59 G SEC REZ~ Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 _5.. 16 58 G 59 G 17 38 G 59 G 54 G 52 G 61 G 5o G 57 G 59 G 54 G Comment. Compared to~the last reported period, hard coal shipments from Poland increased from a daily average of 259 to 341 cars. The number of empty cars for coal shipments increased from a daily average of 250 to 343. During the reported period, grain arrived from the USSR; a daily average of 15 carloads were recorded. Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008_ /03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 sew -_ CENT~'~TELLIGENCE ~ic~ENCY' . ._ , REPORT ~~VF?RnAA~'1?IVI ~~PO~'~' ca No. ~3$ CiE;~7-lan~- .;~.~t..t ~ a~~11 ~'r~;.~ti~ i`ra~i'~: thrau~;b %uber~ ~'LA~;E aCfJ~liRtC` ~~iFO. ~4 THIS DO:U NEMT CONTAINS INFORNATlON AFRRCi1N8 THE NATl6NAL DifCNSt 1F iNC 4NIT[D 3TATE8. NITHIN TNfi N6ANIN8 Of T1TLt IN BECTfON11 TYt !qD 7A5. L~F THE b 3. CODE. Af ANfiNDED STS TRANNHISStON OD CNV[l- ;:'r~~m 1 t~ to 1 ~ ~zo~*em'>7er 1954 0 411 ~; ll~.':1 CYul pia U111 Wa~:a11. :.J ki u.j:itu L'r~ut c~sslr-ICATCay f ~Tk7t I~ ~i'JAW~_~ R1SR@ 'F1Ri~:~t FlIR ~ FBI 1_.~..______. n-~?ou~;h the i'uben 'aord.er st~zf;ion, i.n i}-ie direcfii.ens in~.i ;sated ".'t~~tbound ," " of er~4er ~...T.~'.~ o-~' C.:,r~ Jfi~~'E. k~3STR 2~ February 1;5`1 ?~: tl~ prat,. ~ : 25X1 NU. OF ENCL5. 4L"cTED BEi.A1Ns SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO- THIS I$ UNEVALUATED INFORMATIONi >., t D;~te it ~?'~s'tar~d .' Load ~- ~OISTRIBUTft)N d. - ~on~,ola c~~.~ 1=~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 r SECRET; 25X1 :,2 53 G 56 ~ 39 G Katowice Fuerstenberg 11 10 rt f9 rr /r rr r/ ar n 56 c 5 li 53 G 56 G 55 G 5fl G b0 G 38 F p~.g iron Brest Guben 7 G ore ~~ 53 G h~.rd coal Katowice Fuex~stenber~ 59 ~ x 57 ~" 5e 55 G 54 G 46 G 5o G 57 G ff fr rl rr !1 Ir Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 EC.~cET% ~7 44 B grain Yaoodin Guben 2 G bruised sunflo~^ter Kernels 53 G hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg 56 G 55 G j1 G 58 G 58 G 6?_ G 1 B 64 G hard coal ~e ~~ ~, ~~ !f IM 55 G ~, f. 50 G n n ,~ 44 $ grain ~lagodin Guben 6 G undetermined 54 G hard. coal Kat:oe+ice Fuerstenberg 57 G 56 G 52 G 5t $ grain and Yagodin Guben bruised sunflo~.^.er ~.erriels b~ Eastbound oex?s~, all of which were empty and dispatched from Guben to K.atovrice, except. as stated< Date in number and "ovember _ T~y~pe of Cars 50 G 5s G 5G G 54 G 5t G 5~ G 56 G 59 G 5E G ?5E G ?~EC R ~T;/ Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 `%p ~.. 2 j ~y (a 'j8 fix' r~ rr~33 ~ E; 7 r j 3 ~; r, r~ ~$ 2 G 5~ ~-; b is' ~~ ~t j ~ U +~ L~ 5 ? (; ~~ cp XX C7 S~ t CC-- ~~ (ryr i) ~ 1] t~ >.3 0 ;;~ C Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7 S LC 1't,",T ?,} .: 4~ 58 G 53 C 3a G 50 !? 5( G 5~ G 54 G 54 G C~>>;~~.~eni :. G=or~p~~,rsd i.oki;re Ia: t repor~;ec pe.~iF~dq parr; cc~~~:~ sh.prae.l~s zro.-~ ~n~.~,y~~'~=ze-rc~~,sed i'x~c+m a, dai2.y a~~e~~,~;e o~' 25~ ~0 37~ c~.rs Tr:e Rt t ... ,. %i ~f~'j'; d,3t C..-s.'x."-~ 0Y' i;q~,] rlr.~)LTiE':'t~S ?..T1CTGu.S~C~ .4~~~L Fl C?if:1,1. ~ 457~1"vi;,: , {J ! i'.; .._ ~ t ' ~'l~ '?'.21~{ 'Lilo .~?~T:(~,1'~',F?d iJ+~:"7~OC? g ~I'~Y~.;', . ~j,l"PJ.it$il ~"C,;;:; ~';.Fi ~T:?.:+ .' ; :,i' ~,. s. r?~ '~ -~ r. C;tY' ~ C~~,~S rfJ'~'N v.~ / a~ Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005900430006-7