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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80-00810A005800620005-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the iapionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorlaed person Is prohibited by law. COUNTRY USSR (RSFSR) REPORT SUBJECT Projects and Activities at Kuchino DATE DISTR. DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRES DATE ACQUIRED NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 8 March 1955 9 RD 2. On T)age 2 read Lieut. Aleks..ndr Arkadyevich Bavykin for Lieut. Alexander Arkadevich Bavigen. 3. The obscured name of a colonel mentioned on page 2 may be a certain Mailikovskiy,who has previously been reported at this insta.llation. 4. Read Marfino for Mafino throughout the report. STATE j ARMY x NAVY X All = PSI AEC INFORMATION RE P-01" Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80-00810A005800620005-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800620005-8 (iii) Comment The present report dealt; with __]work at K in the Test Gear IaboratcrY No 5 T II-0 1. 16GB Institute - KU1 Q. The Institute bore the name Signals Research Institute of the Ministry for State Security; MOSCOW - KUCHINO. The village of KUCHDIO lies some 33 lan. from the contra of MOSCOW on the railway to G0RKIY. The Institute itself is situated in a wood north of the railway and about 1 len. from tho village. The grounds of the Institute are surrounded by a stone wall with watch-towers.- The Institute consists essentially of a manufacturing section and a design and development section. The manufacturing side is housed in a series of 2-storey buildings laid out in the form of a horseshoe. , Some anciila*- buildings of 1-storey are nearby i.e. storehouses, garages, etc. The laboratories are in four large, 4-storey buildings.- also inside the walls is a lapacial itone for housing the 500 prisoners. the number of prisoners at KUCHINO progressively decreased after 1951 arid. in P+overnbc;r 1953 they only numbered 200. In 1950 and early 1951, Institu` KUCHINO worked in closest relationship with, MdFINO, and was administered by the same higher formation. The it i Mediate head of both KUCHINO and. MAFINO was Colonel Famo Famovit6: ZHEIEZOV. 2. Or&anisation Head of KUCHI1 0 .Deputy Head and Chief Encineer - Colonel fnu BERGEL5(N - Lieut.-Cbl.onel fau DOBRW2=IY Organisation of the laboratories was as follows:- (i) General Physics Labgratory, under Ltout.-Colonel fro imt m, wa3 sub-divided as follows:- (a) L department for development of ceramics end plastics. 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800620005-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/07: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800620005-8 (b,) Development of special valves arid tw&. (a) Quartz crystal production and frequency etatdesds. (d) D'dlopm46nt of chenical testing proeesu, (e) (f) Mechanical Workshop. Television department. engaged in the buV#4 end repair of TV sets for WB officials. (ii) Laboratory for Dovelopment of Miniaturised Equipment - Lieut..sColonel In4n, Ivamsfi( KOV Ii f Main taakk being the development of KCiMT set (See .$ppsndix 'J of this report). (iii) 2nd Radio Technical Laboratory Development of Miniature Radios for fitting t%Ao Voter Vehiolea. the frequency used was about 100 m/cs and that the equipments were frequency awdttiated. (iv) 3rd Radio Technical, Laboratory - Liout..Qolonel faa K ISIN Development of Air Navigational Equipment Ord Nonito ring Fquipment. Main task was for development of KRUG ($ee AXWOUX IV of this report), and TYPHOCF. (v) Test Gear aboratory - Lieut. ,Uexander 4rkade/UC6. BJYZEN. Iaiaintenanc, and development of new test gearg all the test -gear in use was of U.S. * U.K. or (vi) Tape Recorder Laboratory Development of recorders for special tanks sUals as moetttoriM telephone conversations. (vii) Border Guard Laboratory Development of Border protection devices, (viii) Msdioo-Chemie al iaboratory - Colonel -feat MAC! Electro-medical tasks and development work on p AMU diemtoal problems. Miniature Motor Laboratory - Development of small motors. 3. Details of Two-vU Radio KO.TET (See lppen .ix (i) First production type:-- n1