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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1955
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A005800350010-2.pdf267.4 KB
?---- ; Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 25X1 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT CD NO. DAt 7 Marel `I g `CZ* NO. 40S 4 25X1 NO. T DATE INFO. 111$ OOOMNINT 4O171I1t "Mm"" Arr[CIWO TIP NATIONAL Uf)I01 OF we MM OTATMI. OIININ in NNAMN Or 1RL1 N. O[O710N$ 75* MI711.- Al,. M. Or "I N. N. am. AN ANVONN. ITN AA$OIMION CO A1811 N IH 0W=M Ns OO UCPIR IN AN ONMITIIO IUD 511501 IA NOMw7M' NT LAO in MNONNOHON of no 10111 10 NOMOITNO. -*A 04ve 55 G 58 G cus to W SUPPLEMENT T REPORT THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION AMA *a 6WjW#* ;* 44040 1" ' "0 low ! /' i/-tt~1t~ 1% Fuerstenberg U II as .iMi r V, Ap" ' e# 4& P" ? P ? 'A ,4 ! *AW 55 G 59 G 54 G 61 B 45 G 3 4:4 G 57 G 53 G 57 G CLASSIFICATION grain hard Guben Fuers'.enberg 11 II II II Yagodixt Katowice Guben `uersteraberg G r --g N B - ox ar F` - flatcar bet and, 9k move* 11111110541111PRO % ? 1IS71.... .,. . the following rail shipments passed 25X1 the Gubben border station. in the direction3-144 , , +...... ug Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 25X1 4 53 59 54 55 5Y 55 56 55 54 1_.rc eoa 5 54 G 56 G 53 G 56 G 5`'r G 14 B 52 G ,,,,rain li.: rStGYiberg Y ,,g 3 :i in Gu..-) en hard coax ato ice tLed?r;tem b o.c ,. E:O grain hard coal 0 a rail. u xder.,ea?,r zIoIa. W1in f?.:::cry EG.p `.. coal '.i.':.; 2.bC3 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 a Cit;~`L December 9 56 G hard coal L4:towice Fuerstenberr 56 B grain U,;odin Gu -j-sn 56 G hard coal Katowice oluers tenberg 56 G of 56G it December 1 41 G er pty 59 G 59 " 5 59 G 51 G 5 G 52 G Guben it 58 G 53 G 14 B 24 G 52 G '99 G 52 G B partition walls for I rain 3 5 eE.p ty to 53 G eiaty j 58 G 52 G 53 G 57 G 58 G it 2 G 54 G 52 G 59 G 59 G 56 G 58 G 5 59 u " 35 G 4 S b 2 undetermined 45 G e.ai;ty :59 n ,i v C 50 G 5`' C 59 n T EC -11':, T ? Poland ,;atowice of Poland ;~atonice Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 December 6 59 57 53 54 59 53 57, 57 20 5 19 3 58 58 49 8ZC2: Ts empty Guben it '+ of if If , +1 +1 8 56 G 11 59 G ,+ 60 G it 24 G it 2 Q partition walls 1 B` '' it 9 55 G empty 52 G 4 G 510 A is L towice +1 Poland Katowice It latowice ca,,,-?^nt.. t:oupared to the lab t reported period, hard coal i~po ?ts _`::?o" Poland remained about constant with a 'daily avers.,;e of 47 carloads'ainst 344 carloads in tare kst period. The rv;:ber of o?._.pty cars for coal'shipr e0b decreased from ' daily a.vora.:e o 365 to 32). Grain ; hipments from the USSR increased From a daily average of 60 .ca.rloadt to 83 carloads'. JL' C? iii ?L Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 CLASSIFICATION SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. East Germany CD NO. DATE DISTR. 17 March 1955 Rail Freight Traffic through Guben NO. OF PAGES 4 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DIFRNSR OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE ^RANIND OF TITLE IS. SECTIONS 753 AND 794; OF THE U. S. CODR. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSWIONON OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT ET AN UNAUTHORIZED PINION between 1 and 9 December 1954: an fetun*w a" ddool r - th ev* as Iii - leer abowkn, fa /re 4i !rtl~iei, B - boxcar F - flatcar G - gondola oar T - tank car Date in Number and December Ty-De of Cars 51 G 55 G 58 G 61 B 57 G 51 G 56 G 56 G 57 G 2 57 G 60 B 55 G 59 G 54 G 61 B 45 G 3 54 G 57 G 53 0 ST 4 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT-TO REPOR THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION hard coal Katowice 1 11 N ? grain, wool Brest Litovsk and cotton hard coal Kattowice N N 11 II II N It N grain $agodin hard coal Katowice N N n grain bagodin hard coal Katowice Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 Faersteaberg II N 25X1 25X1 Fuerstenberg of Guben Fuerstenberg It It Guben Fueratenberg Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 December 3 59 G hard coal 59 G 54 G 55 G 55 G 54 G 4 53 G if 59 G If 54G -- 55 G of 57 B grain 59 G hard coal 56 G of 55 B grain 54 G hard coal 5 54 G 56 G -- 53 G -- 56 G -- 54 G -- 54 G -- 14 B grain 52 G hard coal 6 58 G -- 53 G of 56 G -- 58 G -- 57 G it 56 G of 36 B grain 12 G ore Katowice Fuerstenberg -- -- -- -- 11 -- Zagodin Guben Katowice Fuerstenberg to -- lagodin Guben Katowice Fuerstenberg Jgodin Guben Katowice Fuerstenberg 5- to -- t- H -- It -- to it -- -- 7 55 B grain Tagodin Guben 18 B -' Poland to 13 G undetermined 60 B grain Tagodin 48 B grain of 5 G hard coal Katowice Fueratenberg 36 F sheet iron and Brest Litovsk Guben tubes 12 G ore 8 48 G 62 B 38 G 47 B 53 G 55 G 50 G 46 G 34 G 9 57 G 53 G 58 G 59 B hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg grain Yagodin Guben hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg grain $agodin Guben hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg grain H 1- -~ fl N M -- It If It M -- Agodin Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 SECRET December 9 56 G hard coal Katowice 56 a It 56 G to Fueratenberg -t 56 B grain fagodin Guben 56 G hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg December 1 41 G empty 59 G 59 G 5G 59 G 51 G 59 G 52 G From To Guben Katowice It to it of it -f it it of II " to ft II to It it to of It of 2 58 G It 1t -t 53 G ft ft to 14 B to Poland 24 G 52 G Katowice 59 G 11 ,/ It 52 A fl it If 3 B partition walls for'krain Poland 3 B empty 53 G empty it Katowice 3 58 G 52 0 53 G 57 G 58 G 42 G 54 G 4 52 G 59 G 59 G 56 G 58 G It of it it n -t to I1 11 of II II 11 of to to of it of of 11 It It It it to I, If -f to It of it to to It 5 59 G ft It tt 35 G to it it 49 G it -t of 9 G it to Poland 2 B undetermined 45 G empty Katowice 59 G It tt to 6 50 G 59 G 59 G 48 G 60 G SECRET) ,1 it -I It -t it I- it of n to to to to -t Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2 December 6 59 G empty 57 G 53 G it 7 54 G 59 G 53 G 57 G 57 G 20 B 5F 19 G 3T 58 G 58 G 49 G Guben Katowice ? to 11 ? to It Katowice to 8 56 G it 59 G it 60 G to 24 G to 2 %partition walls 1 Bfaa2grain ? 9 55 G empty 52 G -- 54 G to 51 G to Katowice It Comment. Compared to the last reported period, hard coal imports from Poland remained about constant with a daily average of 347 carloads against 344 carloads in the ]sit period. The number of empty cars for coal shipments decreased from a daily average of 365 to 329. Grain shipments from the USSR increased from a daily average of 60 carloads to 83 carloads. SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350010-2