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COUNTRY, TOPIC Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA005800350003-0 CLASSIFICATION SECRET East Germany Military Activities in the Mechanized Division Potsdam Area EVALUATION PI ACE OBTAINE DATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 22 December 1954 25X1 25X1 1. On 21 October, two companies which wore medium blue service color were observed at drill in the yard of the Ruinenberg Kaserne in Potsdam. Two SU-76 SP uns were observed at driving exercises and aiming practices on the Bornstedter Feld (training ground), from ^,,.hich two infantry platoons, soldiers of which were apparently recruits, returned to the barracks installation. 1 On 4 November, two companies,soldiers of which were apparently recruits were observed at drill in the yard. Seven SU-76 SP guns were observed in a shed. the regiment and all other KVP waits in Potsdam had provided harvest helpers for two weeks. 200 men moved to the General Never Kaserne since the Ruinenberg Kaserne had quartered about 1,400 men and had consequently been occupied above capacity.1 On 12 November, one company was observed at marksmanship training with rifles and at drill in each of the two barracks yards on Pappel Allee and Schlegel Allee. Thirty-five trucks were observed in the yard, 10 to 12 trucks were parked in sheds. On 13 November, four SU-76 SP guns practiced on the Bornstedter Feld (training ground) jointly with two rifle companies. 1 4. On 21 October, a platoon of recruits who wore red-bordered black epaulets were observed at drill in the yard on Behlert Strasse in the Garde du Corps Kaserne in Potsdam, while the men of another platoon who also wore red-bordered black epaulets preactice with gymnastic apparatus in the yard on Neue Koenig Strasse in the same installation. On 23 October, the installation quartered an estimated 250 men who wore red-bordered black epaulets. There was heavy truck traffic, but only limited activity of other kinds. On 4 November, the installation quartered an estimated total of 400 men who wore red-bordered black epaulets. "-)n 6 November, an undetermined number of men were observed drilling with 6 x 37-mm AA guns. 1 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350003-0 ,, 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350003-0 On 26 October, 3 trucks, each of which towed a 57-mm AT gun, left the General 'Never Kaserne. Each truck was occupied by about 16 men. On 9 November, another three trucks which also towed 57-mm AT guns and were occupied by soldiers left the area of the installation. Prior to 16 November, 4 trucks which were occupied by enlisted men carrying rifles and submachine guns frequently left the installation toward Marquardter Ohaussee. According to a KVP majors the installation quartered about 1,500 men on 13 November. 1, 2 6. Lotor vehicles which were observed travelling on the road from Falkensee to Schoenwalde on 12 November included three sidecar ?-otorevclee which mounted ntaohine ,uns and two three-aloe "rmored r,ersonnei carriers which were occupied by KVPs. 1 it was .lanned to convert the area of the Doeberitz Sued forest district, which was bounded api;roximately by the line ;gross Glienicke - zone border of the western sectors - Seeburg eastern perimeter of the Doeberitz training grounds, into a ..VP training grounds. 3 B. On 15 l,ovember, the KVP billets on the Brandenburg road in Preinnitz quartered an estimated 250 men. 1 Jn 27 October, the Kirchmoeser installation quartered about l J Men who were apparently engineer soldiers. 1 10. Jn 31 October and 4 November, the former Oranienburg concentration camp quartered about 500 men who wore blue and black-bordered blue collar patches. On 28 October and 21 November, no activity was observed in the installation and the training Zround on Lehnitz See (lake). On 20 ~ctober, about 110 trucks were observed in the area of the ins allation. 1 11. On 2 October, a portion of the soldiers quartered in the installation was still absent for harvest. About 450 men were daily observed at drill in the barracks yard. Smaller groups were observed training with about 10 light AA guns. Since 9 ..ovei.2ber, the light A guns had been stored in sheds. From 19 to 29 October, 3 or 4 T34 tanks and 4 or 5 BA-64 arzored scout cars practiced daily in the wooded area between Lehnitz Schleuse (sluice) and 5chmachtenhagen. Between 40 and 60 men were observed daily at clearing work in the new training area between Lehnitz and i3orgsdorf. On 26 October, 10 new trucks entered the camp area. 0, 13 November, another 10 new trucks arrived at the installation. 1, 4 12. In mid-November, there were internal moves within that section of the Oranienburg content-ration camp which was occupied by ,,VPs. Numerous tanks and motor vehicles were observed in garages. Other garages were under construction. SURET/ Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350003-0 13. In September 1954, a new training grounds was allegedly under c-nstruction in the vicinity of Oranienburg. An area of about 1,750 acres which extended along the road to Sumt, off the Kleine Briese River, was cleared. 4 It was -enerally known in Oranienburo that, in September, a new training ground was laid out between Lehnitz and Birkenwerder. Extensive clearing work was under way. 4 Comment. The new training year is scheduled to co.:l:ence on 1 December 1954 as in the preceding year. In 1ovember, all IVP units started basic training of recruits. Training of soldiers serving their 2d ar 3d year of active service continued to a limited extent. Over 50 percent of the enlisted men of numerous units were absent for harvest. The present information from stations of .Iechanized Division PotsdaL reveals exactly the same conditions. 2. Comment Z'hdV 37-mm AT guns observed t presumably belong the AT company of the reconna ssanc battalion,' -in this installation. It is believed that bccupation by Z jJ9350".4indicated in the present report is overestimated despite the repoA~ increase by 200 men who camdfrom the Ruinen x _____, , 3. Comm,ent. KVP units from Potsdam have also previously 11.racticed in this area. This measure practivally means an expansion of the Doeberitz training grounds. training grounds. Co:::ment. A previous report contained information on this 25X1 2 A11 JLCRE1,' Approved For Release 2008/06/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800350003-0