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EVALUATION Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES. PAGES REMARKS This is UNEVALUATED Information The fol'owing is a list of Soviet shipments handled a% 2 in the Erfurt RBI; in August 1954 and at 35 railroad sto tier.;: RBD in September 1954: 1. Total Shipments: Note: The figure in brackets with -a. giver ?,load. unc e .r -'o, d. indicates tl-,, Number of Cars August 1954 Apolda 4 Arns ta.d t Bad Frank-enhausen Bad Koesen 14 Crawinkel 65 Donndorf Eisenach Elirich Erfurt-East Floh-Seligenthal Gera Gotha 19 51 r'.! ACS1~lf l'.T~n ; c70PT rr trucks and motor parts tank troop trains only stones military goods and ? cw tanks military goods sand foodstuff snow chains military goods Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 25X1 d s ,a. ti.oi,.s ~-e same Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 SECCR:Jt" Hermsdorf-Kloster- lau.snitz Hirschbach Ilmenau immelborn Jena Lassa Kahla I=Iec}1 torstaedt 7 P;Iue1alhausen. Iuonchen-Bernsdorff Maur; burg iNeudi etendorf C h rdruf Rulslobon Eudolstadt 38 .13 Saalfeld 13 Schiotusingen 4 Schlotheim Schrn,alkal den Stadium Suhl Truset l Unterwellenborn -., altershausen e imar }eissenfels 'orbis Seitz Zeulenroda SECRET china poles lass articles tools 2 trains with undetermined _loae. (23 and other military oo1 military goods military goods trucks fuel. furniture (15) and other military goods military , goo&s vehicles (11) and other military goods 1 train with undetermined load (10) and other military goods flasks sport articles abrasives motor vehicle ;;,a ro parts motor vehicle. spare pert.s rubber tubes r-rail (31) and ol"her -military goods military goods accumulators milit,_Lry oods machine Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-00810A005500940010-0 September 1954 Apolda Arnstadt Bad Koestritz Crawinke1 Donndorf 7 Erfurt-East Gera Gotha Herms-,'.,:,rf -Kl o s tor.. la,z;nitz Tx? t; tars taedt TcTe iningen "uenchen-? e "n dorf ivaun.bu r? Neud-ietendorf Neus t,:1Jt 0hr .r u R oss1c b, e' n t t Ss 3.1`nc"1C1 111 cup z1- 1 Sch1o-Z';r il'R Se mach9 rdiztii'S_C t Sonne c ru raotor vehicle spare parts troop trains only Doles (17) and militar l Dods ai2_I Lu,ry goods 1. train with vehiclcr_~ (.~ - neL other military goods foodstuff tax-,13 machines lockers ss a!rticlns 4 i:i_ tsa y oo '.s tl ~zc"_s military ooels vehiele:'s _Luci vehicles (15) an. o L , foods L_-Or) t$a-r_s czi ugaX hFi:uw vorl:i.c.~fs mill tary ?;oo s pole: sport a.rt ci..,--s spar parts s 5,on'~ spare 1art.3 tank Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-00810A005500940010-0 Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 r (30), vehicle. (21; and ct ier iii Lary goods '7eissenfels :', orhls 4,2 2 Zeitz 4 Zeulenroda ' 1 From 2. Some of the above shilamenrxts c. ?e hroken down below: Date 1954 .Auk t 954 18-29 5B 2'' 1 2 B 22 2-25 Lumber of Load Cars 25 2 3 26 a UNCODED mi_ jtary roods Crawinkel military goods atdrage'batteries vehicles machines Gera Gotha J ena I;"Iechterstaerlt tf 1 aiunbur ?; Apolda 25X1 Koenigswusterhausen 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 j a Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 23-30 3 F 12 F 10 1 RRv 14-28 2 RRy tank-- 5 2 i2Ry 30 2 B tan1,Dar is 31 1 B 28 2 SS 26 2 SS 4 1 SS 3 7,0 4 1-31 31 mail Se~~vetnzacy~y 1954 30 7-16 18 7Aulenrccya {.,eip i ren 3 B military goods Donn3.orf It4?n'^ "3uehlhausen Ohrdruf :. e roar "-oenigswus.erhausen 77. 77 military goods Crawinkel Brest-T to :sl (:3 nkel Hch ])on ndor~ '? Gera 77 Jena Ohrd:c'u1. 7,. Crawinke1. Kirthiuoesc:r Don ndorf it lisenach 0 iy na f 7 U hY`C I`?,i,.i Donndor'f Jena U ,reimar 11 amili-,ary goods Jena Brandis 2 RRy tanks 1 RRy if Jena, f7 C a ir~kel. l?u einsdo_?r Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 1. PRIE Tanks D6nndorf 2 RRy 4 RRy 6 1 SS 23 1 RRy 25 3 RRy 7 1 RRy 17 1 RRy 3 2 RRy 4 SS 19 1 SS 23 1 RRy 22 13 11 20 37 F 20 14 1? 2 16 3 11 empty ba.r: e1. 4 5 F :fail it .r~r oo s 1-30 3_30 14 2 F +t 9. 30 mail 17 F poles SECR. ??, 4hrdruf Zeitz Kirchuoese Hohens to in -Ens t that ?:'uensdorf n Kirchmoeser it ',ruensdorf Donndorf Halle Eisenach if Jena Cra.wi nkel MeininCeri Stad ti 2 Stadtilm Suhl Suhi Georgon,i ai MeinirL gen Frankfurt 'Oder Rudolstadt 11 Naumburg Georgenthal Frankfurt Oder Fuerstenwl-1_de South Magdeburg; GrLjna i111V11.'_tJ Ji'f.t ~v .,. ,i .4 v'laJ '17 ildpark Me i s sen Zeulenroda Leipzirg--e' ahln Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 0A005500940010-0 Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500940010-0 g ent.'!'e military *uwIYi&m&nts,.vithin,. RRD SLCRE _ '' fi Approved For Release 2008/04/10: CIA-RDP80-0081OA005500940010-0