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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A005500810009-6.pdf370.63 KB
Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 or o .>eia s arw : xvovm~ e+ru ?a~rss~+^u ~i~a, ts;rtoaca~. ~tts asi. ::,p{ i4 ins isT}+YkB N'arux'lilq Bi;4gINi 77f$ - .CC:S ftL A '~ RR ~}fii 1.s196#Ci5'R VYV R-i7A@LT901? z '+x' qt! +P; aPt:?. ~~'~? +e-b *p.PltAggs:77M[[??10 oc ~74iIF iogi4 +n.' rtr!tdD. L. - express` i:rtiri coach 1 t?: at nay- ' c, -? g.d Ol L car, P R - ? 3frggerr_.toL^.- l.?ar. T rank car DR-tocu .1imh:r able.-itA a"t Sj1*tr:~; z- Tvp f.` C?ar 22 Rail Freight Traffic 2 .45 B * "I~rd+&~1~11"191 J 8 r~18 hf3lE r~r ,p~Crt ~' ur~tia :a ~n n c d 4 F mar.k!nf:r" . $.:- r ._.. urariitim tre :46 'i3 . n 'potash t_r.z: ks 71i hh ,rs ma a l~ baery o` , ka 4rrver3er ses::t.'.ons mairles9 as t:s 4 B: ,,.. ate mi~-e . 4 F I t_ I ir;.pGur R NSRB Ef, RiBUTION 4-1 tiJX -D BELOW" Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 ou&h East German 25X1...:. Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 5r0 B 7Sic,?,''k nc is it 2 1 }1 ,.1G' rw F tThea - ets 8 F w:t 4 ;.P@s 27 4.5 B 2 F .a.~;e oox s 6 B LP.3'Iliwr1o 0 _J ~Za^^lhh, 50 B o t ash. C < nm z es::au heron't z Aue 2 Cher? 1 z 2isko:rbe ;1_;h& Ori bE:r n E'1. ;hu n 'r.Z fires': z' ovsk 8 0 50 4 F L"laKa_ninc^._`y par'cs 24 F boxes ax. _:'o, ronstr^ "t `1.o xs 50 'ert z 1. `ize C .: Gkc.rcbe _'la. QT-,,1), : 9 Fa> y 16, B and 3 f T jeJ7aL::... L __ !E1 E T; C 'D S Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 O tote, 6 ( 25 sra'. ff ~rrtbe:r 6 ' machine; y part3 Cheziw z 2 4 f 25 r Eye s: ] uontainera 2 F ship bol.ers 3 F bf;u1er parts 4 F machinery parts 0 F ',,rucks 2 F brx?es 45 3 ]'ranium ore 30 F 60 trucks ant". jeeps 25 B undaterm .:s.ed 50 F 21 R flew J i thse1 sets 14 2 paxhirei?; ptW=`.-. .i.0 T 0 M 2 B 83 ic;rgde burg Koerzigsm.s ver-?, Fra k uz' /,tkIer 5 Dresd n Brest Lito?sk m .~ Fj'a f r-t/Jd,.-;r 5 -Ta. "ctC ":)- T :s C.i e ;jr B-ee s4. L i1;, Trip g Lg Le Z 1:Trash ca --n-, 2 n 1 .2 cars .3, th1 7 t7:c..1 "mot E 6 1 ? Slr s C' s, .Sirvst .,:L';3`1- P9 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 15 40 B ._::FJ.*., i Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 w4- 50 car g 30 new ma l ~a~s c z e e Z ii .a . 6 . m- t'ehiriery parts " .%9 2~ R ne ? 1< ~Theel ;e is 20 '12 F m vc;Izw .er ,s 8 B y ?de"cet`m ec 211 T onde i'E:C'rinc' :. i; sza c f,, ?pvs .+ .c~;. D. i s of Tyra n Bra' L lt r e k Z i Brest L1 i; oy k B }?e s t i L i. L o 9 s k . Fra-,:Lk 56 G ^on. (:,-:'C iY r~.s k 'L~ ?A(y 2YI'1fi pis "' T' _^&t its 1.%-_~',~,.}G.9"-i' B b` v a 3r t'4 '. .: z 24 1 OBa =,2 F 28 :B ~,0 r 26 large bridge, It., a .d 16 p gae P b,)xea B t naecisr rmin cl to 21 r : ~ 8 Sep t jcaber On,%re?ia The roi o : g ?a; m ,n+:: c: c ~dserr ~,'. 16 & L 18 0.d; robe.: Da-;e in NTxni:br . and'. Load Oc'zebGr Ty ?e '34 F Al;q,deL, r:l Dr3eden D ss s a BrLs t Litovsk t; :+. li"t.:.c t".r111 '>s3 I Fra"?k. r1i0~ o. La4?c kf:T'ri; cje:~ BrDGk L 56 B.ac e Lc?t ?z~e:L 55 F ;..?c 56 F oik. n Ay pa Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 4. On 14 October, a 3h.ipmen of about 45 new trur::ki which had arr : e`1 from Frankfurt/Odor--'!border was unloaded at .he Daligow ?a L 1rosd station. On 20 0vYober, 51 tru(;~k s were loaded at the M~ '.Igow rail,{ ,.!ad station and dis t h pa c ed to Frankfurt/Oder, 5 5. The f011017-Ong shipments were obsez r'ed..passing through the I~duel1roze railroad station between 14 and 19 October: Date in Number and October Type of Cars Load ''-4 30 F 4O truv?kt d iroct .on o f F r?ant',Sa t /Oder 5 7 F :oca wheel seas nxgswrs tex? hausesP 16 40 B ammunition B rest Litov sk d ire;:tion of 12 crash cars A 17 50 F 70 trut ks F rankfurt/Od ev 5 !O E new H al .? u z,er: ~ ~ .r~,_ r 19 23 R new De ssa.,:A 8 F wheel sets 6. The following shipments were observed passing -through the Sat2kavil railroad station on route from :'rankfur?t/0der: 14 October., 75 new trr+rk: to an unde?t -.-_ inr.d destine-ou 17 0,rt..aber, 25 :o.- trucks to Perleberg. 7. On 21. Octobe , a train of 42 cars with 839 Bona was disuati.;hpr9 r,. DallizOw to Brett :C,i tovek via Frankfu:r i;/Odes. Ou 23 Octobers 50 f1atw7,sxs with truc>kFq ware of served at the Dal 'Core railroad station. The -trucks were,, probably to be 'Lanloacted there s a.cu the train had no c. ngi.z~ s On 24 Octobe.--, r sh 3.pY e.ra ; of about 60 was observed at i;he Whsto?fTmark railroa.d o ,a'_.r crn ; r ing f roffi trhe direction of Seddon and n : 1v i tower e Da 11,ow., 5 ,,h- zi d .spatehed to y 21 Octo er, I cone-er"ted boxcar and An Oe:r Xs from Ra :henow 25 Oct-,ber, l converted box:a .? and An F- I s Sp Gibe r LQ ? u 3 60 -that; USSR. The Sts :vet gTM.c.; ~ ^th.eel sate ::a 'ied along will be on the new y. r :> r. the USSR .nd the s udax*:a? g :ug~ wheel sets rr s a . - returned co the fac cr:Les.. . 0 :L 17QW. ~Ii~ uF Sfl a or-, ore miT"siXj t 5 in ~`QI#CiT3}d o the QSSF., 3. rr Comm$e)n~,. Deliveries by the 1 East O-er+-na, 9h~ydrogena,~.on p1 a,a . at l::.r oss`t or JG l.[1.4 (.fea.na)' sal .CLL .:A4 i..iA',}." .%h~TI C..L F1 ~.lka 4_rte to the US S& 4 , x smen 1',r s:a;; r= r:e f's?om Ens t +e !a fa_: tc ^ies possibly for Chin a (Red Star) off' 11h - 25X1 25X1 25X1 LDA I 25X1 LDA I Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6 t MM6nt; 1 T'ifz w; e %-}, A, a r+ur Gicn x)i> ..`'{ :uA +ViC' s R tel. z..~.,:? i .?,. 1 ~~ollr dry 1 lamb a'.e Fau C ) .. t: .k. Llt.rs C U :t;}/ Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810009-6