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Document Release Date:
April 16, 2009
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Publication Date:
March 31, 1954
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Approved For Release 2009/04/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A003701220010-5
EI ' , t hin" ~~Eh sY REPOT T
Ea-1t1% 'ts nrr"'Fo.land f USSR
isa Germaxa R.ailrcyssd T?s: affie to Brest Litovsk
Y1kY# NFdk"Us ve gWip 1M*$ IA1 kYAtIoW Afl9'#'i'EIIG siE.t 11Altai11At6 IY1CYGEY?tk
T'O t. &: iP111? D Atn'IRS, g^EFx*,1/ t $L 18E Yb4 of twit il 8, coot
S AUJUVd@. 1VU.. !d, Bd:F:TIA4fPt 8A&
aiA TR#tY~tYYl3.?iAa 4Yi fRi:'ViE
t.,Oxer ITS EpxtttliS T4 m6E~ii,47' Dl AE U"UTOORIT8U PIPSON
trlt111! 6bt- lhit?`M> 1~6ODuCVi9x.OF t tiS r4kq 18 TtOlae6srtp..
Al "no tst o o
Approximately 15 trains passed through the Frankfurt/Oder shunting ctat oif
going to and from Brest Litovsk. The trains were load d with machiner
parts, dredgers, and uranium or consisted of new passenger cars and Ir
refrigerator cars from East Germany on the way to the USSR. During
harvest timE a few trains with threshing machines and grain were observer'
coming from Brest. An unidentified number of military transports passed
through the shunting station; most military transports were routed
through the passenger station. The exact number of
military traneport$was not known. The only passenger train observed F-25X1
_ --
was the Blue L'.,?....^'.
--J ~; u uuliy, once on the way to Brest and once 25X1
conning from Brest,
MaUf14ne parts were packed in cases and transported in a closed train
consisting of gondola cars and box errs. Such trains usually had from
100 to 120 axles, The composition of such trains was as follows;
locomotive, brigade car; Russian ---escort..... car occupied by one officer
and five enlisted men, and then the gondolas and box cars,
3. Trains consisting of new-refrigerator cars and passenger cars destined
for the USSR consisted for the most part of from 20 to 25An
unidentified number of gondola cars (0 Wagen) loaded with Russian-
gauge axles always accompanied such trains. The composition of the
trains was as follows: locomotive, brigade car, Russian accompanying
car with one officer and five enlisted men, the refrigerator and/or
pas: en,rer cars, and finally the gondola cars loaded with Russian-.gauge
axles. The refrigerator and passenger cars had four axles,
4. The exact number of uranium trains which pass through the Frankfurt/Oder
shunting station was not known, but it was estimated that two to three
such trains went through to Brest each week. The trains for the most
part bore no bills of lading. When bills were observed on thw trains
they stated only that the route was from Frankfurt/Oder to Brenta
Uranium trains usually consisted of from 50 to 55 cars which were closed
and sealed, Such trains were from 100 to 120 axles long. The load weight
!.'-_?~ a 1954
Approved For Release 2009/04/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A003701220010-5
Approved For Release 2009/04/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701220010-5
of uranium trains was not known The following var. mposition of
uranium trains: locomotive, brigade car, Russian ._:
occupied by one officer and from five to six enli, tea :..;;n, and the
sealed uranium cars Ia a special security measure there is a Russian
'!escort car at the eAn'1ilr I of each uranium train. This car is allegedly
occupied by Russian GFU_ (sIce :ap tints and is connected. with all the other cars i thp train by telephone, ut she end of the train in the brake housing
of the next to last c;r., a ttussian sentry with a machine pistol is
posted. The transportation papers for uranium trains pass only throu
Russian hands
Ithe loading number of trains corresponded
exactly to the train number as it appeared on the traffic schedule,
5, The top speed for trains passing through Poland was 60 kilometers per
hour for freight trains and 80 kilometers per hour for passenger trains?
The condition of the railway cars is poor on the averaged The following
kinds of cars Co from .Oast German,, to Poland:
0 Gondola Cars (Offerer Gueterwagon) 2 axles 15 tons
Loaded with potatoes,. coal. bales
of hay, which are sometimes marked
G .tea. (Gese'~lossener Gueterwagen)
4 axles 25-30 tons
Loaded with mineral coal, large
freight (Grossgueter) and ores
All gondola cars which are marked
with a white color can be used
only for the transport of ores.
2 axles 15.-30 tons
Loaded with potash, grains,
uranium or military personnel.
3-4 axles 15-45 tons
Loaded with uranium, heavy parts
packed in cases;
;R care with wooden ride racks
VRR_. cars (with iron We racks)
S cars (with, iron side racks and metal
'superstructure (i haul bau))
ASS care (-with t onside rooks and metal
2 axles 15-20 tons
Loaded with wood, light vehicles
and light iron pipes
4 axles or more 25-80 tons
Loaded with heavy vehicles,
threshing machines and heavy
iron parts,
2 axles 15-20 tons
Loaded with rails and iron parts,
4 axles 20-35 tons
Loaded with rails, heavy iron parts
and heavy vehicles.
Approved For Release 2009/04/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701220010-5
Approved For Release 2009/04/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701220010-5
3T Flat Cars - so-called Tiefladewagen 4 axles or r:., lt;i;- 170 toes
(depressed dent r) Loaded wi h F formt,-rs ,.
RRJ(m 1ro3i Fiat. oars
4 axles 80 tons
Only for tanks (these ears were first
used in 1952;:,
The tut: r:i;nber of cars in operation was not known, It was estina avid -however
that at "tee:_~t 50 percent of cars in operation were in need of repairs Nothing;
vas kno-an c:oricerning new construction of cars and locomotives
while travelling through Poland
locomotives used mineral coal from Jpper Silesi
The trig i'edule for the column in Frankfurt/Oder is chanced twice each year,
n hay area lit October.: In 1953 the number of brigade personnel per train was
increased from 11 to 12 men.. The column in Frankfurt, Oder is an independent
cffice and under the jurisdiction of Reichsbahnamt 7,. The director of the
column is L oe ler (fnu) who resides in Frankfurt/Oder. The column in Frank-
furt/Oder has from 125 to 130 brigades. Brigade personnel are billeted in
caboose ('~Eohnwagen} Replacements of personnel are made from replacement
i.rigade4-, the number of which is not -mown. L brigade consists of 12 Bien:
urea locomotive engineers, three locomotive firemen, three conductors
and three train commanders,,
Brigadiers working hours are regulated by a work plan. Every brigadier has
to perform at lcact six hours of d.ut,r a day and has 12 hours off. :.ach
brigade is required to make at least three round trips a month. auh round
trip lasts five to six days, 'vex brigadier has as many days off each
onth as there are Sundays in the month.,, During their time off, brigadier. s
always otay in the cabooses, except when they are at their home.
The followin( are the chief items
r rice received for ea.ah item:
brigadiers smuggle,along with
Ball point pens
chiffon scarves
Gun glasses
ewwing needles
per hundred
1-5 zloty each
s.lurm clocks and watches
100-150 zloty per watc i
.oct of the goods smuggled are turned over to Polish rail-::ay workers, and
it is rumored that certain persons in civilian dress always ?a.pear at a spot
outside the entrance to the station and pica up the smuggled goods.
Little vas known concerning the papers and documents required by brigade
personnel. Kt was known however that each brigadier, before starting on a
trip to Brest, has to re sort to the border pass office and sign for his
border pass. The declaration of money and personal effects.je made out at
the border pass office. Each brigadier may take only 50 DM,SE with him, and
each declaration of money must be signed by the brigadier himself. The train
commander retains these papers and presents then at certain check points.
For regular freight trains the train commander carries the train papers; in
the ca--e of uranium trains, however. all train papers are kept by the Russians
Approved For Release 2009/04/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701220010-5
? Approved For Release 20 0 9/0 4/1 6: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701220010-5
SEC:,A. 71t
The Derutra offices in Frcnkfurt/Qder are located at tho nj station
be `wccn the shop buildings (Betriebs-eebaeude) and the mid : - -. nal tower.
The baild:ris is about 50 -iieters Joni, 1.s constructed of st and rese.ities
a b rrac ,. jnly completely convinced O:'D members are re;':;.~t.-~dly employed
at Derutra
Approved For Release 2009/04/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701220010-5