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I ~ Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AG INFORMATION FRG~M COUNTRY USSR Ai~ID Sf,.TELLITE3 SUBJECT >nfliaatic~ ci Dame;; , ~c B_f`. _c~l.t_~1u HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATION ~:'^!~a ~'"-tii=1'~ yo11f ID~,, `~ ~~ Tnu DocurtnT conTAlRS IR-onrenoR ArrccTln{ m[ RAnonA~ nntnsa Of TR[ URIitO lTAT[A ?ITN:M TR[ ^[AMIRD Ol U~IO RAtt ACi s0 N. {. C.. l1 ARO ll. A{ AIIt RDt D. IT{ iR AR Oa17710R OR TR[ R[Y tlAt10R Ol ITS CORTL RTf IR ART ^ARRIR "iu AR URAYTR ORIIID -[R70R I{ !RO- RI{ITlO {T LA-. Rt~RODOCTIOR of TRI{ /ORR I{ ~RORI{IT[D. DATE DIST. ~. August 1951 N0. OF PAGES 6 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ;'.?'~tN R?~a~?t lJo. '.' --- !3SSP n.ncl Satel:.ites ,, ~ d0 :{u:~? 1951 .. ~JIE"T AFFAI$~ p A.' Edituric~~_s PFiAVDA ~:outin~~~s to c;or:p~.f.:a sbo~~t trr _,lo~; rrea:hani.^^?t3 cf thy: r,~a~istAyAs btiyl ~oply r~cie!aua#e:iy dhe n~,~, m.evhods cS mork n~hiah nave been evolved `'."; fi4~~Idi1CL' $'~ 13C1'~ u1nc.~fL~ ~~p Cj. u~,n { 0 0 o A T.?Y~:.IIItiJET O.~ en tai'p~?isea aj:-~.r .::.~IaL th>,a atr.~Fy and e.~pl'.ice.tiurA ~~s s't~n.2::.s~xovite e:,tpa.?:.encd as a tempcrary c.e~psigr_, fir~.~ ing *.~.~:ke~l '~ha s: irst steps, th~ay atop shot, ae~tisf':.ed ~citb. wh2~t they h~'t,~, dodo The 1~ July sd~-~orisl ciH:~~e~ th+: n~y~. First" 'wo:^k>J of the Ministry of Agricultural Machine Building'I:~duEtry as oars es" the rl.s:nts, x;^.rre ~ne~ mach:sac_y is rant working at f"u11 caFacity. the a~cain ct~ust:: of ~.hf.. ?,.~gg'i.~:g b~2-.ina e:~ the "Mgy First" eor~s~ is bwd ~xtil:.z~ati4rA o~ the highly ~.rodLrtive e~iipment. A bt~.c'rd tezhao~.ogy is ~,eing apg~7.ier~ in `hey v~orka, .and manual lab7r is baiug tra~d cn i~ le.rg~1 scale, Xwrts, ~~. the process of ~huxr graducfiirn, mks ra long ;~olaxn~ey ?~t thin the corks and re: rn ttro or ~:^v~e t?',mt3 #o tl~c s; lathe, The stragg3.e~ i'+~ r ~Yg~ a'bio.a atanderdg ib +~le~o ary?ld try be wank .iu the Donets coal mi;;r,?;, 1.?^rt~.~,.~~.~."~~~ fry U~e~l ~n~Y.t?~ c'_' the "'Sovi~t~:l'gr~Z" eGS~I TrAs2.y auitd t~rine~pc~rt uorlce:~ e:C AEus~:~~a~ Gity and Ob:txst (, 15 July), The Lipetsk Radiator Works, Sukreml~enslcy Foundry and KUc.r.~kor Steel ~'lafi.c Works arE accused of delivering ~~~~~'~~~~i~~~~ STATE HAYY ', AIR I', CLASSIFICATION ~Qs~F'l,All:NIT~][. F91 ~~~I~ ~' Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232~0 ~, i:a;,::._.~, Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 ' ,..,.,..._...~..,~_ ~Q~1~l~~N~~ 25X1 def, ective goods to the ccnstriiction sites despi ;e tie .f pct r,:~p ;. the Ministry of Buildiag Materials had ai^eady bees ~ e'buked for legging beiad ~,r.~ requirements of the national eeonc.~aty in b nth the vol.ime and gteal~ ,fir of p-c~?;:c :iua. The fishing industry enterprieas are reminded Qt' the large p-o9uct ton l.oeaa ~?:st~:r_ed last year due to the los quality of the products, and are told t't~t their p~rf'or~i:~.ce has not been greatly improved Ir. seve;~tl enterprises of the Volga.-C~e:p'_a-~ T_rust~ !'or instance, *here ware casES of fish tieing ;.. spoyl9 and of the produ:.tior. of poor-qua:.ztY -paryrs;..e? ;6 ~,ay ) Strict observance cf a~~ y =nd st:~te Q~sNic',~,e s~.d `h=_ proper selection of qualified cadres are suggested ae -the be9t rawed~? ?or s~aeb. m_s~-~.gywci~~ in industry. The Orel and South Kazakhstan Oblast P~rty cemm~ ~tsee _r~ also aub,jected to sharp editorial criticism for der:-liction of dL:y, `xrti :?.us-1';r i*i the matter of Party and state discipli*la t-nd the ge'isctior_ of!'._d c~9 ^a~ 9 cr ir, c?`~er words, the appointment of the xrong People to 'ate wro^g poc:s. :hs 0+?,e7. Oblast Party and Executives committees are said to have fai.ied n ta~'_r =xe.r,?_tivn training program. The case of the Ob:, a1t2:.o?~?itipe--re~traioisg criticism of short- comings--ie considered as mu^.h mare ser'iouee Ylhen the obiast r?.ewspaper PRATIOF Y'J2HN0.-0 KAZ.AKHS:'A:NA ezi:icized the ir_corrac~: ~cethodg of work cf owe of '~:!~~ s2cret~ri~?~. of the district committsan the sec.e}pry r,f' the, Party Committee, Yevrepesov, summoned the editor of :.tic news_aaper ~i~~ ~rar.~zed the newspaper not +,o d~.r'e criticize >h~ loce.l ,exec;.:_.?~e Wc;kere. (4 July) Fake reports, uepo~ciam and a ?vd-risty of'~l act'_vi~?':r~s .^.rs. t?h~? par : of plant managers are mentioned '.n the PRA~D~A cf. :; .;lil ; o a.s3 3 saraing to the unnamed executives who mray sti1:2. ba opeculatrng? in. rs.?a~ mr ;t'.r?!.a..s or' ot:'~erxise violating the economic regulations es deFi:~ed by the GovSrTmen:, tb= ee;,:oxfa:L cites the case o? Kiev fac~.ory director Sostyants '~ha we.s re~:z:,:Liy relia~c~ c~? his duties anc:, expelled from the Party ..,becaus. Tie hi3 the amoi.-~t of ~,:~,~p~u.a r?.~y~i?,f^~:~m. thF organs of 9 mate 8C^'OUnt i.'lgy a2..~Ow'ed t'.J.E,PgCI li; ? Ortu :_ i?h ; ??T'Oi': vr: productaoza, ~az:?i:.ed out illegal s Eu::ia ~1~~c ru~:cYsirn~:;'.one with raw maler,Nls, starrounde3 h3mn_e;~f w:.t ~~'~ mers~ ^:^,,: 'i~?troduced nepotism it the factory. The teo FRAVDA editorials (8 and 9 July) derote?3 ;o t:.,r 1?.~::,+ci.;~~F;y Celebrations emphasize both the strength o? the So~,?ie t Ai_~ r ar~?~ rs . .t3 ~~ea::ei~sl p4rsuits. The might of the Sov-iat A?ir Fcroa ie repeatedly;^ .r. v;?.cr paettagea as ?Ehe beat air force in the ~rorldy' "first r?a?; w air forcQ'~ gnu "f`?_re~?~ rs.*.a p...~~~es.n This appl.auae~. is also extended tc the peaceful exploits, of the a_r iaxo~ss The Soviet Union oocupies the first pis.c~: ?.L.~. *?he ~aorld in respect to the use of. ai:. cr^sft s. t~:~ 3:r..:1o11F. ~ economy, .. the Soviet people exploit train e?~r? ::: E. gre~:t e:rtent for peaceful CG~,RtructiOn. o.Pt thF ~:"~8.~'. ^wo'2rs ~:`.'::.:`'~~i0'_Y 9yteB of Communieun.... (8 July) Apart f'ro~ the familiar glorificafiioa of the Sov~itt Aim P'ca ::~ _.Ld its performance i.n the last Ivor, PRAVDA also cls.ime undisput?d So ri?s'., :les.derehi.;~ i:. aeronautical science in generals ' their 33scoJeriea and in~r:rntions (th~~ Sovie~+: s~tientists) have aho?ara tcankind the way of 3erelrpmen? os c?~'Q.t':~,n. Stalin?s falcons (Stali*Yegi.c. eokoli,, an ai"?ac+.'.ionctits reference to So?~-iet pilots) .. o, having ;he a^~p~~o: t of ?h!: best aviation science, have begun to fly farther, fe:5ter and higher than anyone, ~8 duly) The Ministry o? Higher T;~~,oa*ig;~ and the Academy of t~CC~PSav.eF of the USSR are reminded i.n so matey words that a the training of yrnu:g scientis`s is ?~satisfactory, and b) science and are inseparable, This rernindar ir, ?7i??e~ted to the scientific institutes of the TatarD Uzbek, Lithuanian and A.*'m~aL+iars Reg~bl.i~e ~rhere insufficient attention is peid to t21e 961eCtion of qualified sc'?c.nt.ific directors for the trainees. ca~f~~~~w~~a j Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 v; Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL The latter, as a result, are left very much to their own dev3.ces, often committing such ideological errors ae bourgeois obJeetivism. The Scientific Council of the Institute of History of the Soviet Academy of Sciences accepted the doctor's thesis o? Kinderfarbe on pthe social philosophy of Charles Fourier and its place in the history of -socialist thought". On closer study of Ehis work it was found that it had been rri.tten from the position of bourgeois obJectivism. (10 JLly) The higher institutions of learning are once more cautioned against all forms of "Talmudism'*, uncritical spirit, simplification and vulgarization. Serious flaws in the development of riew uovrsr sources are dealt with in the PRAYDA editorial of 12 July, which asserts that this branch of industry is lagging behind the terms set by the plan. Inadequate socialist competition among the power workers and insufficient attention to technological improvement aid stakhanovite work methods are given ae 8ome of the reasons. Another- is the familiar lack of supervision on ? the part o? local Party committees. The flurry precipitated by the unsigned PRAVDA article (2 July; not broadcast) exposing nationalist tendencies in Ukrainian art and literature reveals that Sosyura s poem, "Love the Ukraineo" (Lyubi Ukrainu~), was merely a convenient peg on which to hang e blanket accusation of the Ukrainian Union of Soviet Writers. As indicated previously, the first hint of deviations in Ukrainian literature was contained in the PRAVDA editorial of 15 June, which stated bluntly that the modern industrial Ukraine was badly depicted in the novels, stories and plays of today. The significance of tine recent PRAVDA outbursts against the Ukrainian intelligentsia may be seen in the vast inflow of material from every part of the Ukraine approving the paper?s Justified criticism. Also significant is the resolution adopted by the Central CcxmDittee of the Ukrainian Communist Party (home Service, 13 July) saying that the pRAVDA criticism "ie recognized as Justified and well timed Bolshevik criticism of the serious defects and mistakes in the field of ideological work in the Ukraine." The first admission of guilt comes from BOy,HEVITSKOYE ZNA1+dYA. (Odessa, 6 July) which blames the Oblast Party organiza?tione for their failure in the political and ideological education of the inte113genteia, and points ~o she weak spots in the work of the Odessa section of the Union of Soviet Writers: writersessewelltaseinadequat~e selfedlemandiareisometimea~e conducive to over-praising works of art which are very weak from an ideological and artistic point of view. (Russian version: otsutstvie nastoyaschei kritiki i eamo-kritiki aredi pisatelei i slabaya ?trebovatelnost privodit k tomu, chto inogda zakhvalivayutsia proizvedenia soverehenno slabie v ideinom i khudozhestvennom otnosheni~.)~ The PRAV~A editorial of 7 July said that .G.osyura ? s poem was so bad from an ideological point of view that it might have been signed by "any enemy of the Ukrainian people from 'the nationalist camp" but, likesstance oftwhat~mpght~betinterpretedfaseUkrainian the contents of the poem. Another "tolerates nationalism is the opera "Bogdan K1 ~H ~a~n K~YunElnitskyowaedanUkrainianDnation~x'list deviation from historical truth." leader who led the revolt against Poland for Ukrainian independQnce in the middle of the 19th century.) RADyAALSKA UKRATNA is the most vociferous of the lead~!.ng Ukrainian papers in its criticism and self-criticism, related to ideological blunders in Ukrainian literature. In addition to charging all the C amnunist editors and publishers with "an atrophy of political awareness," the paper criticizes itself, as wall as PRAVDA UKRAINY, for having failed to criticize the ideologically harmful verse of Sosyura's "Love the Ukraine!" The paper even goes so far as to hint that the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Ccamm~r-ist Party, its publisher, is not entirely blrmeleae in this respect: C ONFIDENTTAL Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 ' LAX"I ,~-. r CONFIDENTIAL _ ~ _ This paper (RADYANSKA IIKRAINA) failed to assist the Central Caamnittee of the Ukrainian Comvnmiat Party in exposing in time the ideological perversions in literature and art... and the verse (Sosyura~s poem) was frequently published. (Kiev, 13 July) The belated Ukrainian press attack has now also been extended to the works of Rylsky, Pervoimaiaky and Voakrykat?nko, whose poem "Oh, Ukraine, 1[y Native Land:" is said to be particularly offensive', since it digresses 'from the true visage of the socialist reality of the Soviet Ukraine...devoid of ideas and bereft of the feeling of Soviet patriotism." ', Other Ukrainian press comment: RADYANSKE SLOVO, Drogobych, 11 July: A. aeri.aus situation also exists in the work of our oblastpress, especially that of RADYAALSKE SLOVO. The editorial staff has omitted the critical article of the 3~oecow PRAVDA. PRAyDA UKRAINY, Kiev, 10 July: It is root out to the end any manifeBtations of bourgeois nationalism and all signs of bourgeois ideology. KIRO"VOGFtAD.SKAYA pRA.VDA, 13 July: The Oblafit cinema eerv'..ce is criticized for bad work..'.one librsxy is attanked for recommending to its readers books with old and bcru_rgeois ideas. From Stalino,lll July: ..oBol'sbevik criticism by the paper FRAVDA concerning the sex?ious shortcaanings and mistakes of ideological work in the Ukrair.~e apply fu11y to the Sta1L-xo Oblast Party organization. From Rovno, 12 July: ;..Shart..omings inn Party political and ideological education i'n the Ukraine, especis]?y amoli~ the intell'igeutsia...also cropped up in the work of the Rovno Town Communist organization. Criticism of Azerbaijani ''literature, recently discovered to be blundering ideologically, is comparatively mild; t2ie only reference to it appears in the P.ttAVDA editorial of 7 July which credits the ''Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Commux-ist Party with uncovering the sires of the Writers Associations and taking appropriate measures to raise the ideological level of literature. _ y~hortc~ omiru?s AericultuTe: The Stalingrad and Rostov oblasts, frequently referred to as slow-progress industrial areas, come in for some official criticism of their agricultural efforts by STALTNGRAD.SKAYA PRAVDA which lists four rayons in whiah the performance of workers and machinery in the farm fields, is ?a_ r be_or the maT~C, Tn Perelazovsky Rayon harvesting equipment is said to be lying idle through lack o!.' lubricants. Leaders of Kotelnikovslty rayon pay little attention to the organizatia~n of harvest work, and much time is wasted in B81.~tieisky Rayon in removing the grain. Serious shortcomings are also said to exist in the Dubovks Rayon where neither personnel nor equipment ham.: beer. properly 'organized for the harvesting campaign, and, what is worse, where political work has~been badly organized. The paper particularly deplores the inefficient utilization of combine harvesters, whose average daily productivity never exceeds 10 hectax.s, and suggests that Poor organization may be the cause: Tt is essential to change this abnoxzmal situation and to insure that every combine-harvester work according to an hourly schedul? (because) shortcomin s are often caused by the bad organization of field work. (3 Ju1y~ .._ ..., CONFIDENTTAI. i ~ Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 sir Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 25X1 CONF'IDENTTAL C O IvI: I D ~N T - 5 _. The Rostov MOLOT assails agricultural officials of the Romanovaky Rayon, where thousands of pooch of uncleaaed grain are lying in heaps and where deliveries to the State are not made. Rayon Party secretary Kurochkin, who visited those pieces, ie sewP,rely reprimanded for net reporting the disgraceful affair s.-fd for not doing anything about it. The 3sartynovaky, Stepnavaky, Zapadny, Egorlykaky and Mechetinsk rayons are reminded of the very large qusatities Gf grain they have accumulated and of their failure to do anything sheet delivering the grn~ to the State? (5 July) RADYAN$KA UKRASIIA speaks of the "disdainflil and crisriral" attitude on the part of the Genicheveky Rayon leaders (Khetraoaa Oblast) toward the utilization of machines: "Eleven combines are still not im~tt~." In some rayonh of Gdessa Oblast all combines and machines, are not used to fltl.l rapacity, and some combines are Idle for Lang periods, (7 July) A KAZAKKSTAI~LSKAYA PRAVDA editorial calls attention to tY,e especially alarming aituaticm in the construction of livestock shelters In the (,,iriev Oblast: By July 1, only 6.7 percent of the annual plan for the building of sheep barns had been fulfilled, and the construction of co~r barns lags behind even more, Six thousand building workers era necessary to fulfi3l the plane,. only (one) thausaa.d are employed. (7 duly) A letter to S?talir. frown the agricultural workers of the Tatar ASSR reveals that the ', Republic as a whole is behind plan in both ha-veetiug Bind stockbreeding: We cannot forget ths.t our hepublic ie atili eer::crusly behindhanr3 is agrx.culture, ee regards the ha:?vest yield of crops and the prGdL'Ct3.V'=t;~ of oorr~s:nal stockbreedi.r:g. Among other localities reporting agricultural ~;,,c,Z?tcomiaags .sre Oral (low milk production), Bryansk (inadequate repairs o? sorti~.g mschinee sad ?e?~naws-g ), Kirovograd (machines' are idle throagh lack of service p?I?sonnel), KiE?r (lc~tr ',har=vest yields in most of the' Poleaye kolkhozea), Vo=oshilo1?gred (enctremeiy low combine :v.8 trsctor output), Odessa (great ].osaeefl slotr meehani.zaticn a:.d idle r~schio.Nr~r} and Dnepropetrovsk (inefficient utilization of machinery). Housing? The Stalingrad O'blast also leads the others i~ ~tioox? housing construction, ', and STAI,IIdGRADSKAYA PRAVDA natal that thc~ sit?+~~tion i.c 'sa?, iously alarming. The main; housing construction trusts of the oblast (S+,e liog'?adst?^ov, Glavstalingradstroy and Zhilstroy), says the piper, atilt lag behind their production plans from month to month, and some of them not only fell ~~;o raise th~s tempo o? work -they even lower it. Kirovsky Rayi-~n, where 'nearly all the buildings which have bean put into operation have received an unsatisfactory appraisal", :?s cit,?d as the Borst example with the warning that"this situation csnnot be tolerated arty iorger,,,,o? According to RABOCH"iY PITT (Smolensk, 11 July), thera~ iS an ~~lt~ent of sabotage involved in the lagging housing constxuction of the Oblast. C2?e.:rgii~.g thpt the constructions of communal housing is far behind schedule, the paper ass~ri:s that the Smolensk City Construction-Assembly Aaminist?ration, the Repair~3onatz?uction Bureau and the (Utyaginsky) Construction Tr.:st sre systematically disrupting the fulfillment of the', program. The machinery. on many construction sits ins a ~.nding idle, says the paper, because of the lack of experienced workerc~ and e:cperierced workers are lacking because of the poor organization of la:~or and technical trainingo SOVIETOKAIZ HAYASDAN complains that a whole aeries cf co~sts~.iction organizations failed 'to fu1Si1 their constx?uctian plans for the first five months of this year, but it does not name any of the organizations nor their location in Armenia, (Yerevan, ~ Ju1y) ,~grty ,Ag~iyities A warning that the Kaza~sh Republican Komsomol organization must mend its ideological trays is sounded by KCAS50MOISKAYA PRA'~DA on 10 July, the, day the Kazkha~tan Komsomol convened for its fifth conf.'erence. Taking its cue from this warning, KA,ZAY "~STANSKAY6.. PR.AVDA criticizes the Gentral Coaunittea of the Kazakh Komsomol organization for "remaining aloof free the solution of the urgent problems of ideological wont among the youth," and remiuds it that not a sis.~gle lecture for ;yroung ?a-orkers has been prepared by the lecture section of'the Central Ccamiittee this year, A goon COh~Ia~I~TI~~. Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 25X1 C ONFIDENTLAIbi ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~+ lecturing organization, however, is not usually a grave enough misdemeanor to call for the censure of the Central Komsomol Committee. The actual reason behind the paper's attack may be inferred frown its suggested remedy: The S,ooieomol committees must mobilize their forces in the struggle against the bourgeois nationalist distortions in questions dealing with the history o? Kazakhstan which sere revealed in PRAVDA. (11~ July) SGiemce and T_AVE'-nt~On Medicine: Among the new medicines reported to have been produced ry the All?-ZJnion Ord onikidae) Scientific and Research Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute are Fenagon and Feratizin. The firs? is used to reduce pain in cases of kidney colics, intei~sl ulcers, neuralgia, and also after operations. The other, a vegetable al]caloid, is intended to reduce high blood pressure. Both remedies are now being produced on a large scale. (in Russiaar !, July) The Bordanko Prize for successful ezperiinents which may lead to the solution of the longevity probleaa has been awarded to scientist Denikhov who successfully transplanted a second heart into the thorax of a dog. (ia English, 2 July) One of the new Soviet-developed methods of treating hypertension and inJuries to the central nervous system, according to Abrosov, is the introduction of a brcmal campaund into the organien frith th.e aid of direst current. (TAS.S, t, July) The Bleep cure method, o:?edited to Pavlov, is now said to be applied succesa_*ully in cases of stomach and duodenal. ulcers as well as during child birth. (Iicme Service, 5 July) A ation; Reiterating the familiar Soviet claim to every i+ivention in aeronautical science, including the science itself, Academician Yuriev lieta as the present outstanding Soviet airplane designers Polikarpov, Petllakov, Ilyuahin, Yakovlev and T,avochkin. Designer Tupolev, whose planes usually bear his initials TU, is not menticned. (Rene service, 6 July) The Satellite radios are in their discussions of internal affairs and stereotyped, although sa~mawhat more vshement~ in their attacks on Yhgoslavia. The anniversary o? the death of Georgi Dimitrov occasions Satellite-Belgrade exchanges in which each aide claims him ae its friend. There are charges wad counter-charges eonoerning treatment of minority groups had there are increasing Sate111te rePerencas to resistance xithin Yugoslavia. Belgrade, or. the other hand, reports internal problems in broadcasts to the variws Satellite countries. Radio Moscow aoakes only passing reference to Yugoslavia in comment on the death anniversary and morely says that he "undressed the criminal designs of the American imperialists and of their Titoite lackeys against the Bulgarian nation...." (25 June); but nowhere is there any mention of the reportedly cordial Tito-Dimitrov rElationahip. Accusing the tSSSR of murdering Dimitrov, Belgrade claims that he approved Tito's stand against Cominform control: Later Dimitro~r...suppoxted the point of view of the Yugoslav Coamnunist Party (against the Cominform resolution) and deolared to Comrade D~i1as in the presence of another member of the Bulgarian Co~nunist Party: "Stanri firm" (in Bulgarian, 16 June) Georgi Dimitrov was eliminated lest in the course of time he opposes the hegemonistic policy of the Soviet rulers. .... S inee 191x9, 13 members pf the Central Camnittee of the Bulgarian Workers Party, mostly C.eorgi Dimitrov's close aasociatea, have been removed. (2 July) The Bulgarian OTECIIESTVEN FRONT re~ecte Yugoelavie's claim to Dimitrov's friendshig: Tn their dirty attempts they (the Titoites) invented lies... about an a7.].egedly benevolent attitude of Dimitrov toward the Titoites. It is xe11 knoxn that Dimitrov... took a clear stand toward the betrayal of the Titoites. Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 ~~~ Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 1ZAPRED's reference to the dispute over Dimits~ov's attitude is phrased to suggest that the matter hse long been settled and is there?o,re not even subject toldiecussion; I tfith unheard of cynicism the Titoites represent themselves ne the a]leged friencie ;and followers of DLaitrov.... The Titoites, Dimitrov's enemies during his life, cannot be his friendsiafter hie death. (2 JI ly~ '' Buoharest caam?ent o~n domestic affairs is f gmeniary. There is I etically no material dealing with industrial progress, sad the Daly reference to agriculture is contained in a SC/i3iTEIA editorial which alludes to collectivization se~tbocks and blames the class enemy far unspecified failures; I i' J+ There are...both State and collective farms which do not set a good example to tho othez farmers.... Such practices maiet stop because millions of working peasants watch the collective farms eageirly awaiting to aeR wY.~t results they achieved and to decide, influenced by those results, .. whether they shou_Zd~ i join collective farms) themselves. (!, Ju].y) i i s , ...ia Rumania, the Soviet Bovercvment had not contrib-ited its statutory share of capitallto;the Soviet-Rumanian Oil Company (Sovrom), 50 perce:~t, out'; of its own mesas, tut used German assets in Rumania.;,. In other words, the Russians used property which the Germans had stolen from Rumania. (20 June) I~ Eu ria The Sofia radio stresses the brilliant achieaements of the Bu1g+~rian econom~r, which are said to be due to generous Soviet aid, bu't' conf3.nes itself to geaeralitiea iu the brief referenoea to domestic affairs. Itsadmits that afforestation and erosion control are iu an extremely poor state, sad ;that two high offiei;ale in the ylinistry of Forests were summarily diamissed~ one 'of.them- being prosecuti d~ for dereliction of du-tY? ~. The Budapest radio complains of eacessiveldrifting of manpaseriand leak of discipline among Hungarian workers, particularly inithe building and mining industries, and admits that, Soviet methods of recruiting~mai~power are being employed. dlthough the Party, trade union organizations and manageiaent are officia7ly~b].amed for not taking care of the situation, the real reason appeaxs to be the attitude of the workers themselves: "These drifting work~rs...are also neglect their machines and to show insufficient e~atbusiasm in the fighi for happier days." (15 June) Pursuing the manpower theme, SZASAD: 'P~ILD~ ibelabors the producers ~ groups and cooperatives, especially the larger onea,~;for their unwillingness to work more than eight hours a day, and says that an g-haux!'work day in agriculCure during the summer season is utter nonsense. Apart jfz~aa that, 'the introduotion of an eight-hour day in cooperative farming is even theoretically impossible: Lately one can observe stxang~ symptoms in more than ~uat a few producers' groups and prc~ducerat cooperatives, especially in the larger ones:.there is something very much wrong with these workara:~.:an'ly the open and seoret enemies of progress and the cooperative movc~anent..~can entertain such designs (ae t~l height-hour working dl+ay). The paper accordingly urges cooperativelatid Party leaderaxto launch a merciless campaign again8t the harmful, hostile d~gogy sad the phSl.oaophy of idlers "in order that they shall be coanglete:ly liquidated as soon as possible." (2 July) Ili ~! I li ~rw~-= - - -! ~_?,~ ~ ~ ~~1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0 Belgrade reports that a Party purge has beeY- in progreaR: For some ti~ae past a purge has been going on i~ Fittngary affecting both higher ranking State a.nd Party officials as sell as many ordinary citizens. the last congress of the H~uigarian Vlorkers Party one third of the Central Psceeutive sae excluded from the leaderahip...during the past tso months shich elapsed since the Congress, tso members of the Politburo have vanished. (25 J1u-e) The organizers of the purgetauat bo looked for outside: in the N.K.Y.D. apparatus shich keeps non~uacovites only as their influence does not exceed the permissible.... (26 June) Czechoslovakia; Speaking on the sixth anniversary of Czechoslovakia's liberation, Ccanuuniat Party boas Slaasky pays tribute to the USSR's contribution to practical7.y every phase of Czechoslovakia's development, and says that the Soviet Union "presents Czechoslovakia with s model on whieh.the country can shape its internal structure." This point is amplified in Slsasky'e reference to a subversive gang of spies and traitors within the Communist Party and to the letter's treatment of them: The importance of this fact (Communist education of the masses) has been realized by all the Czechoslovak Cammunista, particularly nos that a dangerous, subversive gang of spies and traitors has been discovered in the ranks of the Party, headed by Sling, Svermova and Clementie. The Czechoelovak.Communists learn from the experience of ?the Bolshevik Party how to carry out an exorable struggle for principles against even the slightest deviation from ?the Party (6 July), Belgrade exposes the USSR's influence on educations Qn the completion ofelementary school end high school, s11 Czechoslovak pupils sad undergraduates meet knos Russian. The resolution (of the Czechoslovak Communist Party) also provides that iu the studies on historya Masaryk and Banes are to be exposed as reactionaries, (28 June) E4~8$ The Yugoslav radio reminds Polish audiences of the one-sided nature of Soviet-Polish friendship: Polish-Soviet Friendship Societies existed in Poland, but they did not exist in t2u Soviet Union. Constant lectures aad addresses about the Soviet Union ~rere given in Poland, 'but n,o equivalent addressee about Poland were heard in the Soviet Union. The Russian language sea taught in Poland, but sas Polish taught in the USSR? (5 July) ~~:...., G. ~ ~ , X. ~~ 1 t 1~4~ seu ~::~ - - Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730232-0