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Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 JPRS L/9791 15 June 1981 China Report POLITICAL, SOCIOLOGICAL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS (FOLIO 4/81) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [] are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 JPRS L/9791 CHINA REPORT POLITICAL, SOCIOLOGICAL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS (FOUO 4/81) CONTENTS Development of Guided Missile Technology Reviewed ,(JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79) ..................................... 1 Technology Advances Missile Tests Factors in High-Speed Development of Nuclear Weapons Related (JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79)...... ..... ........................... 6 Exhibit Shows Success of Military-Civilian Cooperation (Liao Junguang; JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79) ...................... 9 Desert Station Performs as Link in Missile Tests (JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79) ..................................... 12 Features of Militia Training Reform Listed (ZHANSHI BAO, 28 Dec 80) ........................................ 14 Guangzhou Military Region Conference Instructions Reported (ZHANSHI B AO, 31 Dec 80) ........................................ 15 Next Year's Army Training Tasks Cited Headquarters Gives Five Training Requirements Good Prospects for Training Reform Regiment Involved in Deception Criticized (JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Feb 81) ..................................... 18 Regiment Criticized for Deception Leading to Serious Losses (Lo Fubao, Zhang Shenglun; JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Feb 81)........... 20 - a - [III - CC - 80 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PLA Unit Ibes Earthquake Relief Work (Wu Xin, Xiang Rong; JIEFANGJUN BAO, 11 Mar 81) ............... 23 Teaching Standards Raised by Military Academy (Yang Yuchen; JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79) ...................... 25 PLA Regiment Applies Antitank Tactics (Tiejun, et al.; JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79) ................... 27 Coordinated Landing Operation Exercise Carried Out (Liu Huaiqiang, Guo Jinjin; JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79)........ 28 PLA Regiment Exceeds Expectations in Training (Fang Xiuwen, Li Lin; JIEFANGJUN BAO, 26 Sep 79) .............. 29 Briefs Border Ski Patrols 30 Troop Training on a Shoestring 30 Standing Guard in Xinjiang 30 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDED MISSILE TECHNOLOGY REVIEWED Technology Advances Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 2 [Article by a certain testing base of the National Defense Scientific and Technological Commission: "Maintain Independence and Keep the Initiative in Our Own Hands To Win Victory in the Development of Our Most Advanced National Defense Sciences"] [Text] The guided missiles are standing straight looking toward the skies, and the satellites are glittering in circling the earth. On the occasion of celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we are boundlessly happy to review the development of the most advanced national defense sciences. After the birth of the great People's Republic, Chairman Mao and the party Central Committee, with foresight, issued the call for developing atomic bombs, guided missiles and earth satellites in China. In the past more than 20 years, we have continually developed our most advanced national defense sciences, transforming our PLA from an army relying on millet and rifles to a strong People's Armed Forces equipped with such modern and advanced weapons as guided missiles and nuclear weapons, thereby breaking the nuclear blackmail and monopoly of the super powers. Each and every page of the history of the development of guided missiles in China is fraught with the glory of maintaining independence and keeping the initiative in our hands in developing our most advanced national defense sciences. A little over 20 years ago, a contingent of men composed of cadres and fighters who had just dusted themselves clean'from the Resist- American Aid-Korea War and scientists and engineers from the various localities marched in high spirit into the Gobi Desert in northwest China to start the construction of our first guided-missile testing site, thus unveiling the guided-missile program in China. At that time, our motherland had just been saved from the ravages of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic imperialism. It was characterized by its poverty-stricken conditions, lack of basic technical knowledge, and backwardness in its scientific research equipment. Under such difficult conditions, every member of the contingent pledged to Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE' ONLY quickly establish the first guided-missile testing base and achieve success in the development of guided missiles in China. Braving the harshness of the Gobi Desert, the cadres and fighters of the PLA and the engineers and technicians painstakingly studied scientific and cultural knowledge to raise their scientific and technological levels, adhering to the policy of engaging in building, training and testing simultaneously. In less than 2 years, they carried out the first guided-missile launching test. At this very juncture as preparations for carrying out the first guided-missile launching test were being made with great efforts, the treacherous Soviet revisionist clique unilaterally tore up its agreements and withdrew its experts in a vain attempt to strangle and disarm us. But the Chinese people would not be intimidated or crushed. In response to the call of the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, the broad masses of commanders and fighters of the PLA and the engineers and technicians bravely broke through foreign conventionality and their reliance on foreign help to step onto the road of developing independently the most advanced national defense sciences and technology. They were confident that they could achieve the same successes as others. Having no advanced equipment, they would adopt native methods to build it, carrying out research and testing in tents and assembling advanced equipment in garages. Having no electronic computers, nor electric computers, they would rely on manual computers, working 24 hours a day. Pooling their efforts in close coordination and.-with active assistance from the PLA and outside quarters, they worked in the manner described in the poem, "Carry out the tests in such coordination as playing a chess game, Move each pawn with the overall situation in mind, Make great efforts to conduct the tests, and March in step to win'victory." In 20 days after the Soviet revisionist clique had withdrawn its experts, they successfully launched the first Chinese guided missile under difficult conditions. The deafening roar of the soaring missile pronounced the bankruptcy of the Soviet social-imperialist plot to blockade us and turned the first page in the history of the development of guided missiles in China. In October 1966, soon after the first guided-missile test, China successfully carried out a nuclear weapon test with a guided missile. The nuclear warhead hit its target with great precision, triggering a nuclear explosion. In April 1970, China successfully launched its first earth satellite which played loudly and clearly the "East Is Red,"song in outer space, marking the entry of China into a new scientific and technological era. In October 1975, an earth satellite launched by China returned to earth according to schedule after completing its normal functions, thus pushing China's outer space technology to a new era.... In the past 2 decades, China has developed at great speed its most advanced national defense sciences and technology, contributing to the modernization of its national defense sciences and technology. In the development of the most advanced national defense sciences and technology, the cadres and fighters of the PLA and the scientists and technicians at the testing base came forward with many epic and heroic deeds; they feared neither hardship nor death, and cared about neither fame nor gain. In carrying out the launching tests, at times there were many risks to be taken. In the face FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 F yr FI'. lnL vac v114LI of such hazards, the commanders and fighters of the PLA would invariably say, "We are willing to sacrifice everything for the development of most advanced national defense program." On the occasion of launching the first guided- missile nuclear weapon, fighter Tian Xiankun [3944 3907 0981] of the launching brigade was assigned to connect the nuclear warhead, and put the finishing touch on the ignition system. Taking off his leather jacket and braving the severe cold weather, he worked for 80 minutes in a narrow space between the warhead and the guided missile in precise fashion performing almost 100 steps to complete the connection between the two. At the point where he was to connect a certain plug, all personnel not involved in this job were evacuated from the launching site and took cover. Showing no nervousness, Tian Xiankun firmly, safely and unmistakenly connected the ignition system of the nuclear warhead to the power source to put the nuclear warhead in readiness for ignition, thus fulfilling his duty with flying colors. It was on account of such common yet great fighters, scientists and technicians that China has achieved one great success after another in developing its most advanced national defense sciences. While achieving great successes in the development of the most advanced national defense sciences and technology, the commanders and fighters of the PLA and the scientists and technicians at the testing base also achieved great successes in fighting against adverse natural environments. In the past 2 decades or more, to lighten the burden of the people and with a heroic spirit to conquer nature, the broad masses of the commanders and fighters of the PLA and the scientists and technicians succeeded in raising food crops and vegetables in the Gobi Desert. To obtain water, they sank deep wells and built reservoirs. To ward off sandstorms, they built windbreaker after windbreaker with red willow branches and adobes. In this way, relying on their industrious hands they gradually changed the bleak look of the Gobi Desert which was best described by the poem "A place where the wind drives stones to roll, where no grass will grow, where the crops cannot take root, and where even the wild geese avoid." Today, the desert has large areas of foliage, 10,000 mu of good farmland, wheatfields with billowing waves of'wheat, and vegetable gardens in erstwhile alkaline swamps. In the wild desert, there are now spacious airports, rotating radar antennae, neat rows of barracks, and guided-missile testing bases at advanced levels. Following the development of our advanced national defense sciences, group after group of scientists and technicians, both Red and expert, have matured. Many PLA veterans who fought both in the north and in the south have become leading cadres with rich command experience, and engaged in painstaking study of science and technology to master their jobs in the scientific tests. In the meantime, a large number of Red and expert scientists and technicians noted for their rich experiences and theoretical knowledge have been brought up through strict training according to strict standards, making preparations for the tests, rehearsing the launching of missiles, and promoting pace- setters. Today, such leading cadres, scientists and technicians are distributed 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY throughout the whole country to become the backbone personnel in pushing forward the development of the most advanced national defense sciences in China. Reviewing the past, we are deeply touched by our hard experiences. Looking forward, we are full of ambition. Under the leadership of the party Central Committee headed by Chairman Hua, we shall most assuredly be able to develop our most advanced national defense sciences at even greater speed and with even more spectacular achievements in the new Long March, thereby turning new pages in our history. Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 2 [Newsletter: "Be So Safe and Reliable That There Is no Room for Failure"] [Text] This is a guided-missile launching test of great importance. In the control room, the operators are watching their assigned meters with great concentration of mind. All the people are holding their breath, so much so that the room seems strangely quiet. When two green signal flares sweep across the darkness in the skies, the commander barks, "Fire!" Within the twinkle of an eye, an operator quickly and correctly pushes the ignition button. A thundering roar rocks the earth. It is followed by a lightning bright torch rising skyward. The guided missile soars like a roaring dragon into the skies and hits its target with great precision. This launching is conducted by the second guided-missiles launching brigade of a certain department of the National Defense Scientific and Technological Commission. It is one of the first guided-missile launching brigades organized by the PLA. In the past 2 decades, acting on Premier Zhou's instructions, "Be serious, conscientious, meticulous, cautious and be so safe and, reliable. that there is no room for a failure," the cadres and fighters have launched guided missiles and satellites on several dozen occasions, satisfactorily fulfilling their assignments each time. They have contributed much to the initiation and development of the guided missiles and satellites in. China. The comrades of the second brigade are fully aware that their assignments are so important and glorious that their fulfillment will affect the development of scientific research and the realization of the four modernizations of their motherland. The commanders and fighters remark, "We are entrusted by the people of the whole country, and we must be responsible for them." In their launching tests in past years, all the cadres and fighters have assumed command and carried out work with total devotion. They have been serious and conscientious in turning each switch, placing each plug, pushing each button, and examining each development, and not allowing.a single uncertainty or any potential trouble to escape their observation and correction. On the occasion of launching the "East Is Red" satellite, the meters team discovered FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 r Ji Vrr&I.IHL VJG Vi LI that among the approximately 100 apparatuses and parts in the apparatus cabinet there was one percussion cap which had no aperture for the safety pin. Adhering to the policy "be so safe and reliable that there is no room for a failure," members of the team spent half a day carefully drilling with a tiny drill an aperture even smaller than the stem of a match, making it possible for them to insert a safety pin. Further, they used a band-aid to pick up all the foreign matter within the apparatus cabinet, such as bits of wire and welding tin, so that there would be no possible potential trouble in the guided missile or satellite after launching. In the past 2 decades, the second launching brigade has fulfilled its guided- missile and satellite launching assignments with flying colors on many occasions, earning for it a collective Order of Merit, First Class, one Second Class and one Third Class. In addition, many of its subteams, shifts and member have been awarded with Orders of Merit. Chairman Mao and Chairman Hua have personally received a representative of the brigade. In the new Long March toward the realization of the four modernizations, the commanders and fighters are determined to carry forward their successes and make even greater contribu- tions with wholehearted enthusiasm and in the most realistic spirit to the national defense scientific research program. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FACTORS IN HIGH-SPEED DEVELOPMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS RELATED Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 2 [A talk on Chinese nuclear tests: "The High Aspirations Shake the Skies"] [Text] Political Officer: Our company is carrying out activities to praise our great motherland in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the New China. Staff Officer Zhang, will you please give us a talk on the great successes we have achieved in our nuclear tests in China? Staff Officer Zhang: All right. We started to develop our most advanced national defense sciences and technology in the mid-1950's. Under the leadership of the CCP Central Committee and with the personal concern and care of Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, Chairman Zhu and some other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, maintaining independence and keeping the initiative in our own hands and relying on our own efforts, we have carried out a hard struggle for over 2 decades to build and develop from scratch a sizable scientific research and technological force with great success. In the past 2 decades or more, we have carried out necessary and limited nuclear tests. The rate of our successes and the speed of our development surpassed many of the advanced countries in the world. From October 1964 when we successfully exploded our first atom bomb to June 1967 when we ex- ploded our first hydrogen bomb was a period of only 2 years and 8 months. This progress was much faster than the United States and the Soviet Union. In October 1966, we carried out successfully a guided missile nuclear weapon test on Chinese soil. These great successes in our nuclear tests have con- tributed to the work of breaking the nuclear monopoly of the superpowers and to the defense of world peace. Political Officer: I remember that Chairman Mao said in 1958, "I can see that in about 10 years it is entirely possible for us to build our own atomic and hydrogen bombs." Just as predicted by Chairman Mao, China has succeeded in testing its atomic and hydrogen bombs, and has done so with such startling speed. It is truly exciting. Staff Officer Zhang, can you tell us why we have been able to develop our nuclear tests at such a high speed? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Zhang: There are many factors contributing to the high-speed development of our nuclear tests. What I would like to mention particularly is that at a time when we were under the oppression of imperialism and reactionarism of the various nations and under the blockade of social-imperialism, our scientists, engineers, technicians, workers, PLA commanders and fighters, revolutionary cadres and the broad masses of militiamen participating in-the research, production and testing of nuclear weapons displayed a bravery against the ghosts, the devils, the oppression and the pressure, to bring their socialist enthusiasm and creativeness into full play, fearing no risks and obstacles, daring to scale heights, overcoming hardship, and making positive efforts in their work. This was one of the most important factors contributing to the high-speed development of our nuclear tests. Political Officer: Staff Officer Zhang, can you tell us some concrete advanced experiences? For instance, the sample-collecting team of the seventh office of the research institute to which you belong has on many occasions participated in nuclear tests to contribute to the defense of our motherland, and won the title "Advanced Scientific and Technological Collective Pace-Setter." We would be very pleased to hear the advanced experiences of the sample-collecting team in fulfilling their sample-collecting tasks with flying colors. Zhang: All right, I would like to report to you comrades on our work. The job to be done by my sample-collecting team was to collect samples from the clouds of nuclear explosions in the air or from the air space of underground caves where a nuclear device had exploded. The samples would be used for radioactive chemical and physical analyses to determine the power and other functions of the nuclear weapon: concerned, so that it. can be improved and so that a study of its destructive power could facilitate the adoption of effec- tive defensive measures against it. Political Officer: Oh. The samples could mean so much. It was truly important to collect them. It must be very difficult to collect them in the air above and in the cavity underground after a nuclear explosion. Zhang: Yes. You must know that to collect samples in the cloud of a nuclear explosion, it was necessary to speed into the explosion center immediately following the explosion. This was a dangerous, onerous and yet very glorious task. Everyone of us was aware that the degree of success of our sample- collecting work would affect the development of our nuclear weapons and the improvement of our national defense as a whole. The preparations for the first nuclear test were carried out in a hot summer. To fulfill the task of sample-collection, it was necessary to rush about on the Gobi Desert under the sun, enduring the high temperature of over 50?C and wearing protective clothes and masks. Each drill would last for over 4 hours. On. the occasion of the first drill, some of the comrades passed out in the 1st hour, due to profuse perspiration. You comrades must have seen in the motion picture that after one drill, each participant would empty several catties of perspiration from his boots. In winter when the temperature was as low as over 20 degrees below zero, we had also to rush upward or downward on mountains. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sandstorms on the Gobi Desert were another problem. During a sandstorm, the sky was so darkened by sand that it was impossible to see the road in the daytime even with headlights. Even so, to develop our nuclear tests, all participants were full of confidence and in high spirits. Some of the comrades humorously remarked, "The Gobi Desert is so good, that it can both build up our will power and facilitate our :tests. A darling place, indeed!" Many difficulties were brought about by the natural conditions. Political Officer: Were there difficulties other than the natural conditions? Zhang: We thought nothing of the hardship and hard work. The greatest difficulty was that of knowledge. None of us members of the sample-collecting team had any knowledge about sample-collection or had any experience in this field. Without any experience and data, we had to rely on ourselves to study and grope in the dark. We, the Chinese nation, is noted for its ambition and ability to stand among all nations in the world. We must have what others have, and create what others do not have. In the past 2 decades or more, in the spirit of catching up with and surpassing advanced world levels, we members of the sample-collecting team have made great efforts to master all the knowledge needed in our work and the technology concerning sample- collection. This required to some degree even stronger fortitude, confidence and resolution. Thanks to the continual efforts of all comrades of the team, we have not only fulfilled our anticipated tasks with satisfaction in every nuclear test by collecting abundant samples of all categories to satisfy the needs for radioactive chemical analyses and the study of the nuclear cloud parameters, but also summed up and created our own methods in collecting nuclear cloud samples. Political Officer: It is great for the sample-collecting comrades to devote themselves so wholeheartedly to the most advanced.national defense science research work, fearing no hardship and danger and overcoming all difficulties in advancing the interests of our national defense and the four modernizations. We must emulate this spirit and apply it to our work in order to do better. .Zhang: What we have done still falls short of the demands of the party and the people. We are determined to go all out in our efforts to do a. good job in sample-collection in new nuclear tests. The sample-collecting team has played only a very small part in the nuclear tests. There are numerous other heroes at the nuclear test sites doing the same type of work "aiming neither at fame nor personal gain, but only at bringing greatness to our motherland." It is precisely because of such unknown heroes that China has succeeded in scaling one height after another in advancing its most advanced national defense sciences and technology. Political Officer: You have delivered a very good speech. It is a good lecture to us in our activities to praise the great motherland. Thank you. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 EXHIBIT SHOWS SUCCESS OF MILITARY-CIVILIAN COOPERATION Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 2 [Newsletter by Liao Junguang [1394 0193 0342]: "Cooperation Between Military and Civilian Units Enables China To Fly 10,000 Li High Like a Roc"] [Text] It is a typical autumn day, sharp, bright and no rain. We are happy to visit the civil products fair being held in Beijing under the sponsorship of a certain national defense scientific research unit. At the entrance of the exhibition hall, there is a tall, solid screen dis- playing a large picture of the Great Wall, glittering magnificently in its full glory, signifying the invincibility of China with miltary-civilian cooperation. It can easily be seen that this screen is set up there by the fair to impress visitors with its obsession that the military and civilians should cooperate more closely to speed up the socialist construction of China. In the exhibition hall, there are thousands of attractive items on exhibition. It shows the results of the policy of military-civilian cooperation adopted by the national defense scientific research unit. It constitutes a vivid report to the people of the capital by the national defense scientific research and military industrial units which have lent positive support to socialist construction. Behold, at this corner there are eye-catching precision meters and apparatuses, bearing colorful and blinking indicator lights. They are ready to storm the targets of the four modernizations at the issuance of a single command. At that corner is a magnetoelectric automatic measuring device produced not long ago by a certain measurement station through scientific research. Attached to a balance for measuring weights from 5,000 to 10,000 kg, it can tell the correct measurement in a few seconds or a little over 10 seconds with the degree of precision of 1,1000,000. It is up to the world advanced level, and fills up a gap formerly existing in the measuring devices in China. What is this picture which attracts so much attention from the visitors? It is the picture of a 10-ton oscillator. In the course of designing and after a prototype is completed, much new equipment and apparatus needs to go through a process of oscillation to find out its design parameter and its functions. An oscillator is one of the most important pieces of equipment to carry out Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY these oscillation tests. In the past, no foreign country would sell us an oscillator with a capacity above 1 ton. But relying on its own resources and efforts, an institute in China has succeeded in building not only oscillators with 1-ton capacity, but also super oscillators with 10-ton capacity. The fair also shows to visitors the great prospect of the active participation in and support for socialist construction by the national defense scientific research and military industrial units. On exhibition are selected military items for civil use, excellent products which were studied, designed and produced in cooperation with civil products production units, new civil products resulting from the full utilization of military scientific research, special tools made of new materials capable of withstanding low temperature, high temperature, corrosion and abrasion such as cutting blades and drill bits, advanced precision meters and apparatuses, and heavy machines for use by industrial and mining enterprises. They are as varied in category as they are colorful. Behold, a torch equipped with a high speed, high quality precision metal cutting nozzle can cut through 'a 1-meter thick steel ingot as easily as if it was made of butter. Also on exhibition is.a type of high quality lubricant which may be used in the processing of machine parts, making them shiny, rust free, easy to clean, odorless and more inexpensive. Who could have thought that such precious lubrication oil was produced by scientists and workers through the application of certain chemicals to the pulp foam obtained from paper mills? A picture of a bread oven is on exhibition. A technician tells us, "this bread oven is made through the application of more advanced technology: the bread is heated by infrared radiation according to a new technology so that the temperature rises more quickly and less electricity is consumed; it is operated more easily through the application of an electromagnetic controlling system; it is superior in heat preservation due to the adoption of a new type of insulation material; and it is cleaner inside. The bread is made in a totally mechanized fashion, including. mixing, kneading, cutting, shaping, conveying and baking, producing more than 620 catties of delicious and soft bread an hour." There are on exhibition an automatic tablets-counting and sacking machine, a shiny metal artificial pelvic joint, and a high-class artificial valvula. All the colorful items show not only the highly developed sciences and technology and the superior craftsmanship of our national defense scientific research and military industrial units, but also the spirit of the personnel of the national defense scientific research and military industrial units who are devoted to the interests and welfare of the people. The last items on exhibition are not products, but a list of the items designed and processed for, or in cooperation with, other fraternal units. "Are you in need of precision machines, apparatuses or meters? Sign contracts with us. We will design and trial produce them for you, through the application of our new technology. Do you need to carry out tests, build equipment and produce machine parts? Bring your blueprints and supplies to us for processing. We shall open more avenues for you." These are not items on exhibition. Yet, they are like flower buds ready to yield intoxicating fragrance, delicious honey and abundant fruit. Looking ahead, we can visualize a bumper harvest. FnR (1FFTrTAT. TTGF. (1NT.V Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY After seeing the exhibition and walking out of the exhibition hall we are bathed in warm sunshine. We feel as if some new blood has been transfused into us, opening our hearts and brightening our eyes. Turning around to look at the exhibition hall again, we can hear the laughter of the visitors and the fluttering of the colorful streamers. We sincerely wish that more products and more wealth be produced by our national defense scientific research and military industrial units. Cooperation between the military and civilian units enables China to fly 10,000 li high like a roc. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DESERT STATION PERFORMS AS LINK IN MISSILE TESTS Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 2 [Newsletter: "The Red Willows on Gobi Desert Are Greener Than Ever"] [Text] Our automobile is speeding at the rate of 70 km an hour on the Gobi Desert toward Station No 19, a flash ranging station deep in the Gobi Desert. "Here we are, where there are trees is the place." Looking straight ahead, doggone it, at the horizon of the yellow sea of sand we can see patches of green. When we reach it, we are even more surprised. How come in this wild desert there can be such a beautiful oasis with chripping streams, straight rows of trees, poplar-surrounded barracks, colums of red-tiled buildings in the camp, pigsties alive with bouncing pigs, and gardens abound with all types of vegetables.... A beautiful oasis indeed. Station No 19 was born in the late 1950's, at the same time as the birth of our guided-missile program. At that time, about a dozen young people who were devoted to the most advanced national defense scientific research came to this place to settle down. In this ocean of sand, there was no foliage, and not one cup of fresh water to be found. In case of a sandstorm, the howling wind would sweep away the tents and bury the iron pots. The pioneers of Station No 19 carried out a bitter struggle against Mother Nature. They generated their own power and sank wells to get water. They planted trees to tame the desert. For the first time, several rows of poplar and several dozen apricot trees were raised. The pioneers also cultivated gardens in the desert to plant cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables. In this way, the comrades of Station No 19 took roots in the depth of the Gobi Desert in the same way as the red willows which abound in the desert. The duties of Station No 19 seem to be quite common at first glance. Yet, they form an indispensable link in the guided-missile tests. On the occasion of each test, from the 9th second to the 180th second of the launching of a guided-missile, the comrades of Station No 19 must use their optical apparatus to observe the guided-missile's locus of motion and any change in its flight to gain the necessary data for further study. There are about 3 minutes Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 between the 9th and the 180th second. To fulfill their duties properly within these 3 minutes, the fighters responsible for operating the theodolite for video recording and observation must undergo drills in hot summers as well as cold winters and with the exertion of hard labor. These fighters remark, "ho not treat these 3 minutes lightly. If the tasks to be fulfilled in these 3 minutes are not carried out properly, all the hard labor of the whole team would lose its meaning and value." The Third Subteam is responsible for operating the diesel generator. Comrades of that subteam are fully aware of the great responsibilities on their shoulders. In the past 2 decades, they have participated in several dozen launching tests. They have kept their generators in such good maintenance that not once did a test fail due to generator failure. They have not lost or damaged any of the more than 200 pieces of equipment. In summer, although the engine room's temperature may go up to over 40 degrees centigrade, the engine room hands would stay at their assigned positions just the same. One may ask why the comrades of Station No 19 were so enthusiastic about their career and work. It was because they are so devoted to the national defense scientific research work, that they are willing to sacrifice everything. Following the development of the national defense sciences, Station No 19 will undergo big changes. We sincerely believe that at the present and in the future, no matter how the personnel will change, the comrades of Station No 19 will consistently devote all their wisdom, hearts and industrious labor to the development of the national defense scientific research work. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FEATURES OF MILITIA TRAINING REFORM LISTED Guangzhou ZHANSHI BAO in Chinese 28 Dec 80 p 1 [Article: "Substantial Reforms to be Made in Military Training of Militia in Order to Meet New Situations and New Circumstances Following Shift in Work Emphasis"] [Text] Recently the Guangzhou Military Region General Headquarters issued, "Con- scientiously Implement the Notice from the General Staff, 'Views on Trial Implementa- tion of Readjustments and Reforms in the Military Training of Militia'," calling upon all units to diligently implement it. The correspondent has learned from the Guangzhou Military Region Training Conference that the program for reform of militia military training will be trial implemented during the 2 year period 1981-1982. The main points of this reform are as follows: 1. Reduction in the scope of training and cutbacks in the number of people trained. Henceforth, training emphasis will be given to company and platoon commanders of armed militia, to troops in infantry fendui [platoon or squad size elements] sub- ordinate to armed regiments, special fendui, and anti-aircraft regiments. Militia troops receiving training shall usually not be over 25 years of age. 2. Shortening of the training cycle and improvement in training methods. The training cycle will be reduced from the former 4 years. to 2 years. Once qualified, armed militia troops need not participate further in training. Subsequently, from 3 to 5 days refresher training may be organized once every 1 or 2 years. Armed militia will have their training organized mostly by people's armed forces departments of plants, mines, and people's communes; company and platoon leaders of armed militia will have their training organized by people's armed forces departments of counties and municipali- ties. 3. The streamlined training shall emphasize the essentials of training. The essentials of training for infantry fenduis subordinate to armed militia regi- ments are weapons firing, hand grenade throwing, individual soldier tactical train- ing, and a certain amount of earthworks preparation and guard duty. After a good foundation has been lain, other pertinent training topics may be selected that are related to the enemy situation, terrain, and possible missions to be undertaken in time of war. Armed militia company and platoon commanders will stress teaching methods and guidance training. Following several group training sessions, those who meet requirements need no longer attend group training. Special armed cadres will receive group training from training units in various sub-districts. 4. Train- ing to enhance the special techniques of militia. The "Notice" required each provincial military district and the Hainan Military Dis- trict to take note of the realities in their own province and district, and following investigation and study to set up pilot programs, to summarize experiences, to organize implementation, and to make a success of the task of readjustment and reform of militia military training. 9432 CSO: 4005/2072 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 GUANGZHOU MILITARY REGION CONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS REPORTED Next Year's Army Training Tasks Cited Guangzhou ZHANSHI BAO in Chinese 31 Dec 80 p 1 [Text] The military training conference that began on 16 December concluded on 26 December. This conference diligently studied the spirit of the armed forces academies' con- ference and the armed forces training conference, as well as the spirit of the ideological and political work symposium convened by the Ministry of Propaganda of the central government, analyzed this year's situation in the education and training of the armed forces, studied next year's arrangements for military training, poli- tical indoctrination, and scientific and cultural education, and discussed further measures for the enhancement and improvement of education and training. At the conclusion of the conference, the deputy commander of the military region, Jiang Xieyuan [3068 3610 0337] made a summarization, and the deputy director of the political committee, Gu Jingsheng j4474 2529 3932] made a report. Military region organization leadership comrades Zhou Deli [0719 1795 4409], Huo Chengzhong 17202 2052 1813], Zheng Bo [6774 3134], Wu Zishi [0702 1311 1395], and Zeng Xiang [2582 3276] gave speeches or presented written statements at the conference. The conference noted that during 1980 the overall situation in training and in- doctrination in the military district had been good. Nevertheless, numerous pro- blems still exist and there is still a long way to go in meeting actual combat requirements. At the present time, the international situation has grown more tur- bulent and factors leading to war continue to increase. The political life of the party and of the country is in the midst of a turn of major historical significance. The military units in the military region are facing two different forms of trials and struggles from armed provocations by the reactionary Vietnamese authorities and the bourgeois wind from Hong King and Macao; consequently in placing indoctrination and training in a truly strategic position, it is necessary to have a unified per- ception and unified action. In order to carry out the five requirements put forward by general headquarters for putting training in a strategic position, and to pro- ceed from the realities as they exist within the armed forces of the military region, it is necessary to accomplish the following: 1. All echelons of CCP committees will treat training as an ordinary and routine central,-.task. 2. They will establish systems of responsibility, take responsibility echelon by echelon, with one echelon giving attention to another echelon. 3. They will oppose giving only vague direc- 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY tions, advocate deep probing into situations, take action personally, and strictly attend to implementation. 4. They will intensify ideological and political work in training. 5. They will adhere to the principal of thrift and hard work in the training of soldiers. The conference acknowledged that next year's political education and scientific and cultural education should be rooted in the guiding spirit of the General Political Department and in the realities of the forces in the military region, and stress placed upon attention to education in the party's line, programs and policies so that the forces will truly maintain a political oneness with the CCP Central Com- mittee. Cadres will study basic theories in accordance with regulations. Soldiers will study the political and economic portions of "General Political Knowledge." In addition, they will continue to give attention to education in the revolutionary view of life, engage in routine political ideology work, and launch a wide-ranging campaign of "striving to become an exemplary compulsory soldier." Each unit will also adapt general principles to specific situations to conduct education in ardent defense of the borders and protection of the borders, in special area policies, and against corrosive influences. Scientific and cultural education of military forces will mostly use existing educational materials for orderly step by step general education in primary school and middle school mathematics, physics and chemistry. Every unit will take action at once to chart its situation, to readjust classes, to train instructors, and to see to implementation. Supplementary materials may be drawn up for separate branches of services and specialists so that scientific and cultural training are closely connected with specialized techniques cultural training are closely connected with specialized techniques to directly serve military train- ing and combat preparedness. Headquarters Gives Five Training Requirements Guangzhou ZHANSHI BAO in Chinese 31 Dec 80 p 1 [Text] The correspondent obtained the following from the Military Region Training Conference. At the Armed Forces Training Conference, General Headquarters noted five requirements for placing training in a combat preparedness position. The five requirements noted by General Headquarters were as follows: (1) Make training and education a routine day to day central task. CCP committees should make it a priority matter in preparations for combat, placing it on their agenda of im- portant things to do. The army and the government should work together and person- ally take a hand in the work, and command, political, and rear-services organizations should act jointly for timely and vigorous solution to real problems existing in training. (2) Conscientious implementation of the strategic programs and the guid- ing ideology in training for active defense of the Military Affairs Commission, truly making cadre and coordinated combat operations the center piece of training, both organizing training in accordance with broad programs and specific regulations, and adapting general methods to specific times, specific places, and specific tasks, with training being hard, strict, and geared to the needs of actual combat. (3) Make full use of the role of political ideological work, and unswervingly adhere to the line, the programs and the policies decided upon during the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee, with cadres at each echelon of leadership set- ting a personal example to launch a wideranging mass movement of comparison, study, catch up, assist, and surpass in the training of soldiers, preventing formalism and Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 the pursuit of prizes. (4) Engage in the training of personnel, give training at the appointed times, of the prescribed content, and of good quality in accordance with the regulations of the Military Affairs Commission, and General Headquarters, and set up a regular training sequence, the main courses of which can bear scrutiny and examination. (5) Actively do a good job of the various training safeguards, maintain the high morale and the vigorous health of military units, and fulfill training tasks in a united, high key, strict, and active way maintaining quality and quantity. Good Prospects for Training Reform Guangzhou ZHANSHI BAO in Chinese 31 Dec 80 p 1 [Text] The Guangzhou Military Region Training Conference stressed the following: In order for military training to progress quickly, it is necessary to continue the emancipation of thinking and to do a good job of training reform. Reform of training still holds bright prospects. The conference acknowledged that for training reform to move in the right direction and develop".in a healthy way, it is necessary to take account of enemy weaponry and equipment, combat charactetistics, and war zone terrain in undertaking reforms. It is also necessary to conduct reforms in accordance with the combat mission of individual units, and to refer to unit combat experiences in self-defense. It is necessary to work from existing armaments and take note of future developments in undertaking reforms. The process of reform requires handling the relationship be- tween fundamentals and their application, centralization and flexible application, and requirements and possibilities:in a revival and elaboration of the effective training methods destroyed by Lin Biao and the "gang of four." Training reform methods are a major link in improvement of the quality of training. In making plans, checking and guiding, evaluating and criticizing, organizing group training and training exercises of various kinds, leaders above the regiment level and principal training units must stress and study reform. Cadres below battalion level should diligently study and apply Chairman Mao's 10 great training methods and the "Twenty Basic Training Methods for Companies," and emphasize study and reform of training methods, thereby obtaining more, faster, better, and more economic results. In order to do a good job of training reform, there must be further emancipation of the mentality, and wide-ranging launching of academic discussion in combination with training reform, and strengthening of the scientific nature of reform. Leaders at all echelons, and organizations should pitch in personally, investigate and study, and take the lead in undertaking reform. For major reforms affecting the entire armed forces, pilot projects should first be set up for repeated experimentation, full proving out, and real mastery before general promotion, so that training reform will proceed both actively and reliably. As units use and experiment with the vari- ous training texts printed by the military region, they should promptly propose ideas for revisions whenever they discover questions. 9432 CSO: 4005/2072 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REGIMENT INVOLVED IN DECEPTION CRITICIZED Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Feb 81 p 1 Article: "Resolutely Correct the Unhealthy Tendency Toward Deception"] [Text] The report titled "Plans for an Undeserved Reputation Result in Real Trouble" exposed and criticized the inferior quality of construction in national defense projects, but some leading cadres still practiced deception in order to fool higher authorities. The actions of certain leading cadres in this regiment not only amounted to a dereliction of duty, but were out of character with the party and not permitted by party discipline, and naturally were scrutinized and punished by higher authori- ties in the party organization. Incidents involving deception and fooling higher authority to gain honor as serious as the one in this regiment are singular. But unhealthy tendencies such as this one are by no means singular, and they exist, to a certain extent, in certain units. For example, some units very obviously are not very thorough and do not do a very solid job of indoctrination in the line and policies. Political liberalism is very serious yet materials are written to conceal theetrue situation from higher authori- ties, to represent errors as being "correct", and to say that unhealthy tendencies are "healthy tendencies." As a result, prompt help from higher authorities is not forthcoming, and thus errors are. compounded. What glory is'there in "honors" that come from uttering falsehoods? Is this not to plan for an undeserved reputation only to land in real trouble? Our purpose in having printed in the newspaper the incident involving deception by a certain regiment was to arouse widespread interest and to make everyone think about whether his own unit has the same kind of tendencies, and if they have, then to resolutely correct them. If not very serious, they should be nipped in the bud, and if there is a style of continuous perseverance in seeking truth in facts, that should be sustained and elaborated. Not to conceal or distort the true face of reality is what the party requires of Communist Party members. Both "On Various Regulations Pertaining to Political Life Within the Party", and the party's draft constitution, both make this provision clear. To make a mistake in work is not awful; just report it factually, and then with the help of the organization and the masses, and through criticism and self- criticism it can be corrected. What is awful is deception, concealing faults and glossing over wrongs. This not only botches the work, but also corrupts work style and leads to serious consequences. Were one to tell lies and falsely report the military situation in the course of war, that would mean defeat. Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 one reason for deceptive behavior is frequently related to selfish desire for fame and profit. When one has such selfish desires, desire for revolutionary endeavors and a sense of responsibility must inevitably wane. It was out of a seeking after individual position of fame and fortune and a mentality of worry about gains and losses that certain cadres in this regiment did wrong and made the mistake of de- ception, from which a lesson should be learned. In order to rectify party character, we must intensify the remolding of our world outlook, overcome selfishness, get rid of ideas of fame and profit and this or that kind of.self ish concerns, and place benefit to the revolution in first place everywhere. Only in this way can the high sense of revolutionary responsibility be used in every task without disappointing the trust of the party and the people. Comrade Chen Yun noted that "the matter of supporting the party character of the political party is a matter of life and death, existence or extinction for the party." In the rectification of party character, CCP committees at all echelons must give strict attention. The party discipline inspection committees at all echelons have a particularly great responsibility. Criticism and struggle must be continued against unorthodox tendencies, and they must be resolutely corrected. First is the need to oppose boycott or misrepresentation and feigned compliance with the line, the programs, and the policies of the Third Plenary Session. This is a major point for discipline inspection work. Work that is extremely irresponsi- bly done, causing serious losses and tremendous expense, and actions intended to misrepresent, deceiving superiors and deluding subordinates must likewise be strictly inspected and corrected. The national economy is currently in process of further readjustment. The party and the state are saving expenditures in every quarter, and expanding popular practice of strict economy to allot funds from limited expenditures to build up national defense. We must have the attitude of masters of our own affairs, and we must have a high sense of responsibility for winning future wars, maintaining quantity and maintaining quality in handling every matter pertain- ing to the building of national defense, because this relates directly to the great matter of future war to resist aggression and national security. The unhealthy trend toward special privileges in life should also be conscientiously investigated and resolutely overcome. All comrades must resolutely carry out "Various Regula- tions on Political Life Within the Party." They must unswervingly carry out the party line, programs, and policies of the Third Plenary Session, and unconditionally maintain political oneness with the party Central Committee. They must buoy up their revolutionary spirits and conscientiously and earnestly do a good job. All conduct in violation of the "Regulations," and all forms of unhealthy tendencies, should be bravely criticized and struggled against. Following rectification under the leadership and with the help of the superior party organization, this regiment's leading cadres expressed determination to correct their errors, and the morale and ideological work style of the unit has already improved. All this merits acclaim. Comrade Mao Zedong said: "Under certain condi- tions, a bad thing can lead to a good result." A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit; learn from mistakes. We anticipate that this-regiments' leaders and comrades will deeply learn from the lessons of this experience, will correct their party character, buoy up their spirits, and do a good job in every way this year, doing well in the building of the unit including the building of its work style. 9432 CSO: 4005/622 19 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REGIMENT CRITICIZED FOR DECEPTION LEADING TO SERIOUS LOSSES Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Feb 81 p 1 [Article by Lo Fubao [.5012 1381 1405] and Zhang Shenglun [1728 0581 0243]: "Effort to Get an Undeserved Reputation Results in Real Trouble; A Certain Regiment's Deception Causes Serious Losses"] [Text] In November 1980 when the correspondents visited a certain military unit, they heard some comrades discuss an incident involving a regiment "wondrous in construction." A number of the tunnels that this regiment revetted in 1979 did not meet specifications, and the unit's discipline examination commission forwarded a report of criticism on 20 September 1980. People said, "Unless this problem is ex- posed and criticized, we will sustain great losses in any future war!" Although this event took place a long time ago, the lessons it contains are worth remembering, and so we would like to understand the matter from beginning to end. In late March 1979, a certain regiment (with a subordinate battalion) received orders to go to a construction zone. In early April, the entire regiment began construc- tion. In view of the amount of work assigned by higher authority, the regiment figures more than 60,000 workdays would be required to complete it, and the assign- ment was more than could be done realistically in that amount of time. The regimental leaders felt greatly pressured, and made up their minds to do every- thing possible to complete the mission. At the same time, however, they also harbored some selfishness, hoping to build up their own prestige. They aroused the cadres and soldiers to make.a concerted effort, and they allowed for no Sunday's off. A daily three shifts was changed to two shifts, and the amount of revetment work to be done was steadily increased. At that time, the revetment unit's soldiers were working 12 hours a day, the time required to go to and from work and getting ready for construction not included. Everyone was weary. Under these circum- stances, in order to meet quantity requirements, some soldiers cared only about how the construction looked and not whether it was done well or poorly behind the facade. When leaders from various echelons in the regiment inspected the site, they noted only the speed of work and whether it looked all right. When some leaders dis- covered problems, they might sometimes stop them, or they might simply turn a blind eye to them. Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 On 7 September after a certain company had finished revetting a tunnel, a regimental staff officer discovered that not all the steel reinforcing rods that should have been used in this tunnel had been used; some of them were laying at the processing site. He knew perfectly well that the project's quality was not up to standards, so he told the deputy political instructor to throw away the reinforcing rod speci- fications for this tunnel and do a cover up. Another company made test borings of a revetted tunnel, discovering the thickness of the concrete to be several centimeters less than design specifications. Batta- lion leaders at the site felt there were problems. Then someone suggested using a stock to ram mortar into the test bores to increase the thickness. Such action was wrong, yet the leaders of the battalion finally agreed that the company should do this. When the deputy battalion commander reported the matter to the regiment, the regimental commander made no criticism but said only, it will have to be "handled" well; otherwise it will be a large problem! The deputy division commander who was at the site to help improve the work and gain firsthand experience offered no dis- senting view about the "handling." This "method" was rapidly adopted by other con- struction companies. On 13 September in the course of test borings, the tunnel revetments of yet another company were found to be insufficiently thick. Following a visit to the site, the regimental commander, the deputy political commissar, and the chief of staff felt the problem to be a serious one, but each of them had a different idea in mind about the matter. The regimental commander thought: during the construction, higher autho- rity held an on-site meeting to promote experiences. Now the work is finished and if the thickness is insufficient, nothing can be done to change it. As for making a report to higher authority, I have been a soldier for 20 years; everything has gone well, and I went up through the ranks. This is also my first year as regimental commander, and I want every leadership echelon to have a good impression of me.... The chief of staff thought: If they want to go through this again, we'.11 "go through the motions".... The deputy political commissar thought: I haven't been in this assignment very long, so it wouldn't be good to raise a dissenting view.... After returning from the site, the leaders did not hold a meeting to study the problem, and when subordinates asked instructions about what to do, the regiment replied, "You study it and handle it." And so it was that many of the tunnels revetted by the regiment did not meet quality specifications, though they were commended as "splendid" and "fine," and given an overall rating of "outstanding construction." At year end when work was summarized, one of the companies that had done tunnel revetment work that was not up to standards was cited as being a "model company." The commander of one battalion who had parti- cipated in the deception was acknowledged to be "top flight," and "knows how to get things done." One company commander who had been part of the deception received an order of commendation. Two soldiers including Zhao Kelin [6392 3784 3829] wrote letters to higher authori- ties reporting the serious problems in construction done by their own companies. In early 1980, an organization in the Military Affairs Commission and the JIEFANGJUN BAO press forwarded these two letters to the regiment's superiors. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Leaders of the higher authority charged a pertinent unit with organizing a joint investigation team to recheck the quality of construction and confirm that what the soldiers had reported was the truth. The discipline examination commission of a certain unit issued a notice criticizing the serious problem in this regiment's deception, which could cause accidents. To enforce military discipline, folldWing approval by the CCP Committee of a certain unit, the regimental commander, deputy regimental commander, and the battalion commander (presently regimental deputy chief of staff) were punished. Other leading cadres responsible for the construction were given serious reprimands. The division and the regiment withdrew commendations from units and individuals with serious questions about their conduct. When we visited this regiment, the regimental commander said sadly: An effort to get an undeserved reputation must bring real troubles. In. some future war, a pro- ject of such shoddy quality could lead to incalculable consequences. This is a crime against the people, and the lesson is one that will not be easily forgotten all one's life. Several regimental cadres who had been responsible said they were determined to strive to right the wrong and to make up the loss. In the course of the visit, we heard many discussions and thought about many pro- blems. The building of national defense projects not only consumes a large amount of financial resources, material resources, and manpower, but it also directly rami- fies to future warfare and the national security. That the leaders of a certain regiment as well as cadres in the division and battalion concerned would have'gone so far as to practice such deception, though only an isolated case, it makes us realize the extreme importance of building good military and party character. In writing this report, our goal is that everyone should think deeply and learn a lesson from this error. Such a serious lack of responsibility and the unhealthy tendency toward deception must be resolutely resisted and decisively corrected. 9432 CSO: 4005/622 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 PLA UNIT DOES EARTHQUAKE RELIEF WORK Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 11 Mar 81 p 2 [Article by Wu Xin [0702 9515] and Xiang Rong [4382 2837]1 "Fighters Who'Forgot Self; A Record of Several Soldier Cadres On the Front Line of Earthquake Disaster Relief in Daofu"] [Text] Following a severe earthquake in Daofu, the company commander of an anti- aircraft machinegun company, Liu Chuanfu [0491 0278 1381] led the soldiers of two platoons in a lightning trip to the pharmaceutical warehouse of the County Bureau of Commerce to save the pharmaceuticals. Three of the earthen walls of this warehouse had already collapsed, and the remain- ing wall was leaning inward at a 15 degree angle and was in. danger of collapsing at any time. Liu Chuanfu thought that if the wall collapsed the pharmaceuticals in- side the warehouse would be damaged, causing a great loss of national wealth. We are son and daughter soldiers of the people who would rather'take a little risk than let state property suffer great loss. He decided'to use several timbers to shore up the wall and quickly snatch the medicines from inside the warehouse. The other soldiers on the scene were about to rush into the warehouse when Liu Chuanfu stopped them saying; "It's dangerous inside. I'll go in and~pass them out and you stay outside and take them." He took two squad leaders and rushed into the warehouse, passing case after case and container after container of medicines outside the door to the soldiers. Under the leadership of Liu Chuanfu, the soldiers faced danger fearlessly. After half an hour of courageous rescue efforts, pharmaceuticals from within the warehouse worth 300,000 Yuan were carried to safety. Not long after the soldiers who had rescued the pharmaceuticals had finished,.they heard a loud rumble as the wall collapsed. Deputy bureau chief Lin of the Bureau of Commerce shook Liu Chuanfu's hand tightly and said, "You risked your lives to snatch so many phar- maceuticals; you have done a great deed of merit!" Joins the Struggle Despite Illness Ding Zhen, Tibetan commander of the Fifth Company of a certain unit, earned the praise of everyone when in the-course of rescue work after an earthquake, he rescued people and property. When the earthquake struck, Ding Zhen was suffering from influenza with a fever of more than 39 degrees. Wearing a flimsy shirt and trousers, he bored from inside a collapsed house, greeted deputy political instructor, He Erjiang [0149 1422 3068] 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY simply, and then went to regimental headquarters to ask for a mission to perform. When he returned to his company, he had He Erjiang take charge of a company to organize rescue work in the barracks, himself braving wind and rain to lead two platoons into the streets to help rescue the masses from danger and disaster. Wherever the job was greatest and the danger heaviest, he was there fighting. The County Grain Bureau was a small narrow place filled with dangers, so he took a platoon leader and rushed into the building where they dug dirt and pushed aside bricks to rescue people, rapidly rescuing five Tibetan civilians and some property. Because of the high winds on the plateau, the dust irritated his nostrils, and as a result of this plus a high fever and having gone without food for a day, he passed out twice. Medical personnel and soldiers urged him repeatedly to rest, but he would not. Instead he continued along together with some soldiers to the bus station and other places to rescue people. His hands, feet, and head had all been hurt by pieces of brick, but he bore the pain to go on carrying two people on his back for more than 1 li to the Forestry Bureau hospital for treatment. Roused by Ding Zhen, the soldiers finished in good time the rescue tasks given them in the regiment, rescuing 40 people and a large amount of goods. They also helped the county people's armed forces department dig out ammunition buried in the rubble. "To Save the People Is Important" Following a violent earthquake, the buildings of a machinegun company in a certain unit were turned into rubble in the twinkling of an eye. From one of the collapsed buildings, comrades dug out a Tibetan squad leader, Peng Zhicai [1756 1807 20881, who was hurt in several places. After regaining consciousness and seeing that the company was going to rescue disaster victims, he wanted to participate. Cadres in the company told him, "You are hurt. Stay home and rest." Peng Zhicai said, "One more person means one more unit of strength. My little injury doesn't amount to anything; it's the masses who are important!" Thus saying, he limped off with the company. In the course of the rescue work, he carried timbers, dug through bricks and stones, carried wounded on his back, and became so tired his whole head sweat. On the way back to the company area young Peng heard that 2 li away an entire Tibetan commune family of four people were still pinned inside a collapsed house, and he led two soldiers to the rescue at a run. Upon arrival, they listened careful for sounds while using their hands to push away bricks and tiles and dig in the dirt. Soon they dug out a middle-age woman of more than 40 years old who, after prompt medical treatment, was soon out of danger. Next, he and the two soldiers dug out three children. 9432 CSO: 4005/622 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 I'Vn yr FIt.ln L. IJJL' Vl\L^ Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 1 [Newsletter by Yang Yuchen, contributing correspondent: "Shijiazhuang Senior Infantry Academy Carries Out Pedagogical Reform To Raise Teaching Standard"] [Text] When combat units send their principal cadres to the academy for training, how should the academy train them? This question was answered by Shijiazhuang Senior Infantry Academy in no uncertain terms: Make great effort to emanicipate the mind and do a good job in pedagogical reform to satisfy the trust of the Military Commission and the expectations of the PLA. The personnel of the academy are making preparations with great confi- dence for starting the training classes by the end of September 1979. Upon receipt of the directive of the Military Commission of the CCP Central Committee on the need to give top priority to the work of training principal cadres for combat units, the party committee of the Shijiazhuang Senior Infantry Academy held an expanded meeting to review its work in the past 1 1/2 years since the founding of the academy. At the meeting, it was felt deeply that the key in raising the teaching standard of the academy lies in emancipating the mind and doing a good job in pedagogical reform. In this connection, the party committee has paid close attention to the following: Teaching material reform--The leadership of the academy directed the teachers to break the bondage of the "two whatevers" and do a good job in writing, editing and revising the teaching materials. To break out of the confinement of old books, the party History Teaching and Research Office dispatched some teachers to Shanghai, Jinggangshan, Zunyi, and other historical revolutionary areas to collect and collate historical data for revising and supplementing the teaching materials on party history. The Arms Teaching and Research Office arranged to increase the teaching hours on the coordinated operations of different branches of the armed services, and incorporate new materials into its curricula, including knowledge about atomic bombs, guided missiles, neutron bombs, lasers, satellites, computers and automatic commanding. To familiarize the new students with modern weapons and equipment, with the approval of higher authorities, the office procured some samples of antitank guided missiles and 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 antiaircraft guided missiles. The broad masses of the teachers did their utmost to complete preparations for expeditiously opening classes. By now, the Training Teacher and Research Office has compiled 38 sets of new teaching materials and revised 20 sets of old teaching materials to guarantee that the needs for military teaching would be satisfied in the main. Pedagogical Reform--In making preparations for opening classes, the teachers came to realize that the old teaching method of asking the students to "rely mainly on their self-study" and carry out "broad discussions" must be changed in favor of relying mainly on classroom lectures and adopting the method of developing the initiative of the students. The Foreign Armed Forces Group of the Logistics Teaching and Research Office would direct the students to analyze the tactics of the enemy and take action accordingly, in this way the enemy can play the role of teacher. To raise the students' ability to operate independently and assume command, the No 2 Tactics Teaching and Research Office readjusted the relative times devoted to study and practice, granting more time for reviewing the operations. The Electrification Teaching and Research Office did a good job in video filming and automatic filming. To raise the teaching standard, the various teaching and research offices have assigned their most experienced teachers to the forefront instead of assigning both old and new teachers to the students, thereby they have improved markedly the teaching results. Leadership improvement--The party committee of the academy holds that to improve greatly the teaching standards, it is necessary for members of the leadership to go down to the basic levels and engage in teaching the students themselves for a change. Accordingly, of the seven leading cadres of the academy, five have taken up teaching work, and the leading comrades of the teaching and research offices of the various departments and brigades have also been assigned teaching tasks according to their own fields of learning. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 PLA REGIMENT APPLIES ANTITANK TACTICS Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 1 [Report by Tiejun, Xiang Qi, Xiao Lin and Li-Kun] [Text] A certain regiment of the PLA Shenyang units stationed at the frontier of northeast China achieved very good results in its antitank warfare training centering on the application of the three-offensive and three-defensive tactics during the first 8 months of 1979, topping its best record in history. The regiment achieved excellent results in its training to hit tanks with 40-mm bazooka and hit aircraft with small arms and in five other training items. This was acknowledged by higher authorities. At the start of its training work, this regiment courageously reformed its training program, devoting 50 percent of its training time to the three- offensive and three-defensive antitank tactics, taking it as the main item of training. The regiment party committee paid close attention to the anti- tank training. Feng Jixian [7458 4949 03411, regiment commander, and , Wu Minglu [0702 2494 4389], deputy commissar, directed a work team to stay with the fifth company for observation. They also assigned personnel to prepare 27 sets of antitank training curricula, organized 21 antitank tactics study groups, and trained 198 antitank hands, 40 teachers for the three- defensive tactics, and 20 teachers for the antiaircraft tactics. The regiment spent 50 percent of its training funds on the procurement and making of training equipment for the three-offensive and three-defensive tactics, the construction of two antitank training and four anticraft training fields to improve its training facilities. In the course of training, the regiment continually studied and practiced new training items, such as finding the best ways and means to use antitank weapons effectively under cover in chemical and atomic warfare, and to incorporate antitank tactics into general tactics training program;. Through a trial-and-error process, the regiment achieved marked success in this work. On the occasion when a field demonstration on the three-offensive and three- defensive antitank tactics was held at the regiment sponsored by the army command, a gas-masked gunner of an 82-mm recoilless gun hit the target eight times in as many shots, and all the nine companies which participated in the 40-mm bazooka training achieved high marks. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 27 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 MILITARY AND PUBLIC SECURITY COORDINATED LANDING OPERATION EXERCISE CARRIED. OUT Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 1 [Report by Liu Huaigiang and Guo Jinjin] [Text] Since the beginning of 1979, a certain unit of the PLA Fuzhou units stationed on the southeast China coast has paid much attention to sea-crossing, landing, combat training for carrying out anticipated missions in future wars. To carry out the training more realistically, the troops were brought from their camps to the combat area to practice on coordinated landing operations. By now, they have studied and carried out exercises on the following types of operations: coordinated ship-loading operations according to the rise and fall of tide; coordinated firing operations with different types of arms on board ship while sailing forward against the enemy; and operations to occupy a beachhead, to capture advanced positions through many routes, to breach the enemy front, to seize and consolidate coastal positions, and to attack enemy firing positions in depth. Repeated exercises were carried out from stage to stage in this training program. This program enabled the various armed services and their branches to improve their coordinated sea-crossing operations. In mid-August, an exercise with live ammunition was carried out with the participation of 10 landing craft, and certain artillery, infantry, antichemical and signal units. The exercise was carried out under resolute and well-coordinated command, making the sea-crossing, landing operation a brilliant success. During this operation, of the 158 rounds of artillery fired, 149 hit the target. More than 11,900 rounds of small arms ammunition were fired. Of the 177 targets under attack, 155 were wiped out. The result was excellent. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 PLA REGIMENT EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS IN TRAINING Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 26 Sep 79 p 1 [Report by Fang Xiuwen and Li Lin] [Text] A certain regiment of the PLA Wuhan units has fulfilled its task of assisting in the shooting of a film by a certain motion picture studio which started at the beginning of 1979. In addition, it has also done exceedingly well in its training program. The infantry of the regiment was divided into different teams, of which the 1979 recruits were trained according to a standardized program. All the other troops of the regiment have completed their training with excellent marks in exercises No 1 and No 2 in the operations of three types of small arms with live ammunition while wearing gas masks. The 40-mm bazooka squad in carrying out exercises No 1 and No 3 with live ammunition hit its target 73 times in 74 shots. The mobile artillery detachment and the heavy machine gun unit in carrying out exercises Nos 1, 2 and 3 with live ammunition achieved excellent marks. The 82-mm mortar squad in carrying out its marksmanship and simple shooting exercises, and the 82-mm recoilless gun unit iri.carrying out its shooting exercise against fixed targets and shoulder-shooting exercises, have all achieved excellent marks. In the field of cadre training, the examination on cadres' commanding skills at the cadres' own levels showed that they averaged over 85 in marks. What has contributed to such great success in training? 1. The training was carried out in the spirit of the Third Plenum of the 11th CCP Central Committee. 2. The party committee paid great attention to the training work. 3. The training program was reformed courageously. 4. Each company was allowed some autonomy in carrying out its training operations. 10644 CSO: 4005/2066 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BORDER SKI PATROLS--On 20 February, the Yichun Military Sub-district in Heilongjiang Province and the 4th company of a certain border defense regiment convened an on-site meeting in which this company's experiences with ski patrols as a change from winter foot patrols were promoted. Boundless snowfields are a natural obstacle for the winter patrols of northern border troops. Formerly the troops always ran patrols on foot. This year, however, right after the New Year, with the support and guidance of their superiors, the 4th Company combined patrols with ski training. Now more than 70 percent of the soldiers in this company patrol on skis, and more than 80 percent of cadres are able to lead patrols on skis. Patrol units sent out by the company are generally able to make long-range raids of more than 20 kilometers at a time. The change in patrol methods has decreased the physical exertion of cadres and soldiers, increased the speed of movement, and has effectively strengthened border patrols. [Text] [Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 25 Feb 81 p 21 9432 TROOP TRAINING ON A SHOESTRING--Since its formation last October, the training unit of a certain division of the Lanzhou Military District has worked hard and frugally to train troops, and has trained more than 200 key cadre for the forces. This divi- sion's training unit lives in some old caves. It's training devices are insuffi- cient, and conditions are pretty bad. But they have not put out their hands to higher authority, but rather they have arduously run the unit. The unit commander, instructors, the commander of the training squad, and the cook acted together in advance of the arrival of the trainees. They whitewashed 56 individual caves and built beds of bricks to serve as both beds and benches. After training began, when there was no training ground, everybody braved the wind and snow, hauled things in carts and carried things on their shoulders to excavate more that 160 cubic meters of earth and level two training grounds. They filled with sand 18 jumping pits used for training, and themselves built high and low plank walls, and single log bridges. They also built and refurbished more than 100 training devices. In their persever- ance in hardwork and thrift to train troops, the training unit both saved training expenses and also gave the trainees a great education. [Text] [Beijing JIEFANGJUN GAO in Chinese 25 Feb 81 p 2] 9432 STANDING GUARD IN XINJIANG--A certain mountain pass in Xinjiang Province is a famous windy gap in China. Here, great winds of more than 8 force blow more than 100 days of every year. When the wind blows,.it carries sand and stones that blot out the sky, and it can snap rooftop chimneys or push stopped motor vehicles into the Gobi. As a result of the long period of wild winds, even the stones on mountains are com- pletely covered with irregular pits great and small. This vicious natural environ- ment causes great hardships for the soldiers in the border defense company stationed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-01460R000100090001-8 Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8 PUK UI L I II L UaE VPILI here. When standing guard duty on the road, in particular, frequently headwinds have made it possible for the men to keep their balance, and they have been unable to move. The soldiers have no choice but to crawl to their sentry positions. When they go off guard duty, whether they want to or not, they are forced by the wind to run and are unable to stop. However, because of their concerns for the safety of the motherland, the border defense soldiers have never failed to post guard as a result of high winds. On one occassion, in order to carefully guard against the sabotage and disturbances caused by the enemy, platoon leader Ning Hezhou [1380 0735 1558] led four soldiers from the 7th Squad in mounting guard. On this parti- cular day, the wild wind was howling so fiercely that it darkened the sky and ob- scured the earth. Even the surveying instruments set up by the company were blown over. Outside the barracks, the accumulated snow was half a man deep. They stamped out a path in the snow and facing into the wind, they arduously walked in the direc- tion of their guard post. But the wind was too strong, and they were unable to move. When some comrades would move one step forward, the wind would push them back and knock them flat on their backs. In order to reach their post on time, Ning Hezhou had the soldiers go into the prone position at once and crawl, continuing their movement forward. At that time, the air temperature was more than 30?C below zero, and a layer of frost had crystallized on everybody's fur hat. Their hands were so cold they tingled and pained. But Ning Hezhou and his comrades in arms paid no heed; they continued to press their bodies down and crawl toward the sentry post foot by foot. A distance of slightly more than 400 meters took an entire hour to negotiate, but they finally reached the guard post on time. [Text] [Beijing JIEFANGJUN ' BAO in Chinese 25 Feb 81 p 2] 9432 CSO: 4005/622 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2008/03/19: CIA-RDP04-0146OR000100090001-8