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Document Release Date: 
May 6, 2008
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Publication Date: 
April 25, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200340013-6 SUWECT; 1Op onal): JfTING AND, RECORD 'SHEET curity' Viol titans Sohn N.-.McMahon DDCI ~xte~tsloN . 10#161r 'duIgnotion, roan number, and DATE . buHda+A) OFFICER'S INITIALS RECEIVED 70RWARIND Director, Intelligence Community Staff 2. 14. STAT ^ UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200340013-6 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Approved For Rase 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84G00457R?000200340013-6 ICU~S-TAFF 5A,(,144 Routing Slip TO: ACTION COORD INFO EO/ICS 4 D/ICS V DD/ICS EA- D/ I CS SA-D - X CIPC LL PPS PBS COMIREX SIGINT HUMI NT FIPC IHC x SECOM /( CCIS SECRETARIAT AS RE ISTRY DDCI SUSPENSE: Dat RE RKS : ~kS Cy,1 a(~ , OJT (rte DIVA Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84G00457R000200340013-6 Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84G00457R000200340013-6 ? The Deputy Director of Central Intelligence ? V4ashington.DC2O505 2 5 APR 1383 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director, Central Intelligence Agency Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Director, Intelligence Community Staff Director, National Security Agency/ Chief, Central Security Service Under Secretary of the Air Force SUBJECT: Security Violations 1. By the at.ached letter, the DCI has been informed of numerous security violations on the part of member agencies of the Intelligence Community pertaining to delivery of intelligence-related material to the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Defense. These would appear to have arisen from either a lack of knowledge of the proper procedures or disregard of standard security practices,, for which there can be no excuse. 2. It is especially disturbing and particularly embarrassing that these breaches have occurred on Capitol Hill, where it is vital that the Intelligence Community display the high level of security discipline which we claim to practice and demand. From the example cited by Senator Stevens, it would certainly seem that we are not practicing what we preach. 3. I therefore request that you take the following actions: -- immediately investigate the circumstances of the violations cited by Senator Stevens and report the results to me; and ensure that all personnel involved in the delivery of classified information to the Hill are fully briefed and understand the procedures cited in Senator Stevens' letter. 4. I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of strict adherence to all necessary security procedures. Every effort should be expended to prevent security violations of this or any other kind. STAT Attachment: Ltr from Senator Stevens dtd April 8, 1983 Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84G00457R000200340013-6 Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200340013-6 TED STSVV S. ALASKA JOHN C. ITOMI5. MISS. LOWEL L P. WCTOC . JR.. COP" 00101110" C- WIPA36 W. VA. JAMES A. MC CURE. WAND WILLIAM PROXMIRL. WIS. PAUL LAXALT. NEV. JAMES DARN. UTAH T"AD CCCHRAN. Mlp. MARK ANDREWS. N. OAK. JAMES ASDNOR. S. OAK. ROBERT W. KASTEN, in, Wis. ALFONSE M. D'AMATO. N.Y. MACK MATTINGLY. GA. WARREN RUDMAN. N.N. ARLEN SPECTER. PA. DANIEL K. INDUYE. HAWAII ERNEST F. "CLUNOS, B.C. TNDMAS P. EAOLETON, MO. LAWTON CHILES. FLA. J. 1IENN5TT JOHNSTON. LA. WALTER D. HUDOLKETON. KY. OIIOITIN N. SURDICK. N. OAK. PATRICK J. LEANT. VT. AM GASSER. DEMOS PA CDNCINI. ARR. PCTt V. DOMENICI. N. ML7C. DALE SUMPtR$. ARK. J. KEITH KE INIMV. STAFF DIRECTOR FRANCIS J. MAJJVAN. MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR The Honorable William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. 20505 Dear Mr. Director: COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 April 8, 1983 Once again the Committee must notify you of a series of violations to our security standards. As outlined in our letter of June 18, 1982, all classified information pertaining to intelligence and intelligence-related material must be delivered to room SD-122 or SD-119 and signed for by a staff member specifically cleared to receive such information. personnel, was not signed for, or was delivered to another room or committee. In each of these cases, information was either left with uncleared of Defense, the National Security Agency deliveries by the Intelligence Community staff, the DAnartmPnt None of my other offices either in the Capitol or in the Russell Office Building should receive classified information since staff members there do not have necessary clearances and no secure storage exists at these locations. Nor should classified data intended for Appropriations Committee use be delivered to another committee. Recent violations have involved Please instruct your staff again of our policy so that we may ensure classified information receives the full protection to which it is entitled. 1 FS CLtIVe Ae gtany c { '?JCnUfeb Zfaies $enafe `' / With best wishes, Subcommittee on Defense i ? f ENS 01- Chairman n Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200340013-6 STAT