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Approved For Release 2008/11/21 :CIA-RDP80-00810A001200110007-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT East German Physical Chemical Institute TIi14D4stument oontaina information artecting tLe Xa- tioppi~l]efense of the United States, within themean- ing ci Title 18, sections 793 and 794, of the U.8. Code, as amended. Its t:bnsmiesion or revelation of !ts contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reprofluction of this form is prohibited. REPORT DATE DISTR. 15 X31' 1953 NO. OF PAGES 2. REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. iME APPRAISAL OF CONiENi IS TENiAi1VE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSEI A. PY~rsical Chemical Institutes Halle University. The principal area of investigation at this institute is the physi- cal chemistry of metals arc alloys. Close cooperation is maintained between the institute and the metals laboratory of the Elehtro- chemische Iombinat Bitterf~ld. Research work also-includes the ex- position of phase diagrams of light metals alooy 3n addition to de- terminations of the heat of mi~ci.ng in binary. alloy systems. Professor fir. R. Sauerwald l/ is the director of this institute. B. Physical Chemical Tnstitutoy Jena University Ur. Ernst hordes, .rector. 1. Research work on the ~-ray structure determ-inations of ferromag- netic soft irons (Ferriten) and on magnetic studies on these ma- terials as a function of foreign-ion content is being done under the supervision of Dr. (fnu) Roettig. 2. In initial tests at ~.ow temperatures, dissociation pressures of metal oxides, sulfides and halides were determined in various gas buffer mixtures (with temperatures ranging from 900-down to 100 degrees C.) because these dissociation pressures cannot be measured directly. 3e Structure elucidation of ceramic materials particulaxly double oxides. fit. Cryoscopic investigations of binary shit melts and eXperim?ntal verification of Cailletet~s rule which-does not adhere t o the recent investigations at curve maxima. At present a refined STATE 7C ARMY X NAVY X AIR FBI X AEC (Note: 'INathinyton Diatrlbution IndieaNd ISY "X"t Pield Dittr{button by ".#'".) SECRE2 /CONTROI; - US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2008/11/21 :CIA-RDP80-00810A001200110007-9 1. There are presently five leading physical chemistry institutes in East Germany.. These institutes are for the most paxt associated with un~- versities. The chief personnel3 interests presently. concerning the in- stitutes, and research problems currently underway at each of these in- stitutions follows: 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/11/21 :CIA-RDP80-00810A001200110007-9 theory is being worked out. Research. funds for this project amount to about DH 1.1x.0,000., Dr. hordes' entire research pro- gram is interesting in that he probable can be considered an authority in the field of experimental ezystal chemistry. The research contract for the ferronagnetic soft irons was received directly from ZAFT (Zentralant fuer Forschung and Technik). On the basis of the importance of his work, ffordes obtained per- mission to spend four weeks this surmner with his wife. Dr. Rordes speaks fulent Russian, belongs to no political party, and is absolutely opposed to the SED. C. Institute for Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Metallurgy, Mining Academy, Freiberg/Saxony. The academy is under the directorship of Professor Dr. ~lannchen who pr8viously worked in the industry and who was called to Freiber onl a short time ago. D, Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Technical Uni- versity, Dresden. The main area of interest at this institute concerns electrochemical problems but additional investigations are also being carried out on the mechanism of cathode reduction of organic compounds. In coopera- tion with Schott of Jena, investigations are under way in the field of glass electrodes, especially the influence on the potential of the composition of the glass membrane. Dr. Buff Schwabe, director of the institute, has a great deal of experience which was abta3.ned while working at the Technological Institute in Meini.ngen. At present, re- search work is also in progress on the electrochemical oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with the application of alkali fusions as electrolytes. Contrary to the work perferred at Benhoefferts Max- blanch Institute3 the Dresden Institute deals solel with ure a eri- mental electrochemist ~~ E. Physical Chemical Institute, Loipzig University. The institute is chiefly concerned with the investigations of photo- graphic problems based on the earlier work of Professor Dr. Herbert Staude, director. In close cooperation with Drs. Arens, Druenhen, and Auester of Agfa-Welfen~ researh work is carried out on the re- action mechanisms of photographic development processes, especially on the fixer-developer. In addition, investigations are made on simple classical physical problems such as the ion product of or- ganic silver complex compounds as they occur in the photographic de- velopment process. Staude has ten assistants at present and his newly built institute is well equipped. Although Staude belongs to the SED, he is a member in Warne only. H3.s character is reported to be above reproach. As far as research work is concerned Professor &ordes' institute in Jena might be considered the most important in East Germany. In addition, the institutes at Rostoch and at Greifswald will develop and can be expected to attain a certain importance in three years. 1/ C0Mgfi1Ts Huerschner~s Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender 1950 lists Dr. Frans Sauerwald in this position. SECRET COPdTROL/iJS. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2008/11/21 :CIA-RDP80-00810A001200110007-9