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Publication Date: 
January 12, 1953
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}r.Cftl:'1'~(;O1!!'i{ll. ~i O ? } l(;1Ai,E; 47`:1., Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA0001 00510009-8 Ira 3 1NTR'C East ex'r?ara l..~..~. TOPIC u-het SurrT)lvTraffic in the Area- of the Dresden Rei--ional Railroad . D Strict LACE OBTAINED-____.. ~ DATE OF CONTENT. ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) DATE: ;BTA!NED- - ---DATE PREPARED 12 January 1953 `2EFERENCES -- 9 PAGES _.r.. _~. _ REMARKS _.-..I The followinlrr shipments were loaded at 43 railroad stations in the Dresden i?egional railroad district B -w boxcar F - flatcar F/S - flatcar with siderack G - gondola car R - refris;crator car SS - . SS.-type flatcar T - tank oar Total Shipraenta i''ror_t Ad orf Cars 2 Auerbach 5 Bautzen 65 Burgstaedt 17 Che:alriitz J 09 Crimnmlt a chau 1 Duerroehradorf 12 Lbe rabach 3 L'ibau 1 1 ltcrlein 16 Frankenberg 4 Glaucha.u 101 S1' CRIT/('11Th(. CLASSIFICATION in August 1952: 25X1 vehicles underwear 2 trains with.. unde- termined load military ;gods 1 train with:lund?'- terrmin?d load (58) ration supplies (435 and other military goods engine parts ;ray cardboard textiles clothing bedatcads mattresses 3 troop trains ?? S, f FICIAL OILY Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100510009-8 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-00810A000100510009-8 Number of (Jars Cruenhainicjieri 12 lie idenau 1.E3 iiohenstein 3.4 Jakobsthal Klin'TenthaI itl ub s ehue t z Lea ;nib; Loe: bau Loo s init z Marke1.'sd orf ilearFanea Liei.ssen Mi. t: tuna Id a Ne u., re r,-, (I orf 14 aUJ'11r.# us on 0elanitz Oschatz Ra.doberg Baca c be ul Roederau foaawe in cIiviaarzen'ber -'e ifberaxlersdorf te33.nta I V end alu Uestanbrand Some I1ate A uAgus t 19 52 f 2 rP~ 9 r' 7 1 7 32 4 12 6 12 92 i2 1 12 2 paper vere;: .9 tanks and tarll~ parts 1 train with; v }l(4 s (46 cars ), z ati;c;rn s~tprlies (90 cars ), Laank ., v4"}flies leas and snare- Parts poles Musical instrurient?s tractors military ~7oods noodle s cleaning rEt 5 motor vehicle parts tarpaulins and f el,:i bags tanks and tank snare parts fuel containers a29 cars)r banc;a{~e3`.' (2 cars) cl othing chairs pit coal engines anc other teary 1;ood s 3 troop trains (i.Ci cars) and other military foods truck bodies gasoline (6 cars) arid other r ilitar.(; c ( (134 cars) S kerosene (21 cars), flour (96 cars), bri quettes (13 cars) and empty 7 trains yr jth: undmt;ar- rained load (240 car; ) and other nilit;a;.n,~ ^oocl foot wear 13 bedsteads (11 not or vehicles textiles cars), 1 paper 2 textiles 17 IT oil and reproce 1,tc3 oil pit coal of the ship cents in the above lia t are broken down below ail El-,ry goons J'autzen Krfr?r rg'h:?uec : ?c}' iorkau " C??'?T j Co1}TROL O1 .L TCI1J_ b~ I.Y Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-00810A000100510009-8 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000100510009-8 "i:G R];T/C~)i'T~y'' ~.CL - I7o a:,0 i'IC_f.:?.I, ? CT`LY 3 late /yu;r;us t 1952 Cars , 4 and 10 10 through B 3 23 58 13 and J: A) F IS, r1 33 4-F fS B 15 SS ration supplies flour military croods :ray cardboard Iron Auerroehrs- d or.f soldiers and 'ilauc}emu tanks, vehicles so1CI.I_er. s, tanks, Olaltcliau vehicles soldiers, tanks, vehicles poles 1 b' tractor, 1 car .5 rollers, 3 cars trailers 1 t:hrou,h 21 G and 15 ' military s*oods ShCR?;T/C oJJTROL ? U0S Ojil' ICI/.L OITLY ch4';ar ~enber~~ 25X1 CIierln1tzt' 1ten -,:-or) Al ter:;Mrab ow 25X1 4 f:oenisbrue ck Hr7-1r3 ert~e "den" Ti lderisle hen5 } Plauen cki r u,ia 25X1 25X1 25X1 Xamenz-N orth 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000100510009-8 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100510009-8 :;c T,11 ',T COT T~ IP. ~ .. ... r' ~)T.I l14 1i1. -1 t~i; ., (.ll, .~. (Jlf'. .I.I4-L 4 Date AU,_*,us t 1952 Nunber of C?ars; t 5 X27 k1 7 B 5 D 4 13 military -roods vetaicles, al 1!.luniti on, ration supplies;; a clui.prie nt 1ailitary {roods :Plauen vehicles 31 13 B 20 F/S soldiers Plauen veh.3.cles Ilauchau 0hrdr?cuf' "Ichwarzen.berg, Berlin:- 25X1 9 T 2 T G T oil TIC oil re,)rocessed oil i:hrough 5 T3 5 through 2 ~; J 2 through :30 45 13 through I. c 5 l 14, t t'ar o urh 50 24 G iJ 1_ t41 I through 36 T3 1'; ue s t enbrand Velten chloride of, i ime, T3ur:rstaedt ration supnl ie s Dresden textiles Dresden various articles tractors Dresden- Klotzschea military ''"oods ration supplies Lresciien- Neustadt Cralidinbce 1 25X1 Lisensna.lterei 25X1 Liserispa.1 terei 25X1 Koen I. r;s""brue d c,. iiesa$ :ocderau, ci`riviepnfi t :v` Leipzig Brand i.; - +' ins to 1 El-.4 T 1L rholz , I:erneuchen Cottbin`1 i-rimR:ca 14allei a 1,oebo = t'itz 25X1 "`or ste'?: ac n'4 o r,F a t: s . Roederau a Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100510009-8 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000100510009-8 Date August 1952 TTurib: r of Lovd From i:iil it a t-.; T~oor:s Dre sden- Noi.igtadt 46 P Vehicles motor vehicle D resden- 15 1 G cerient D resderi- +U eustadt 3 through 25 3 ration suapp1ies D resden ;nil itar y goods D resden- 30 1 a l' vehicles D resden- N oustadt 7 throu;r"1i D resden- 'military goods N eustad.t 2 tank spare pL.rts tr 7 7 B Dresden- 1 B militaxv 7oods 1 through 31 Oder T,oeri,~g~ Koe ni,?s-- h.rii.e ck '25X1 Koenigs- Leipzi_ 25X1 Lucken- T',rescien- Vitt9tock 7ehic les . Neustaclt 31 13 ria1.1. V'i'uensdorf 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2525X1 Neustadt 25X1 1CR};T/CO ThO.L U S~OFI'ICi"Ji 'ITL:Y Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000100510009-8 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100510009-8 T.-CI"a v ~ 011' ICIi,,Ir r C)!11y 6 Data iN uirib e r of August i.S 1952 Load From potatoe peeling 'zadebeul Frankfurt/ machine faA 2 F l wnbe r 22 through 19 ;,,heat fl ouar 24 1 military goods I 4 54 27 1 " brueck RiesP. Frerikf`'uri Roederrau Roederau Pnnd 7 ltner3Arnti 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Dresden-North) 25X1 325X1 Kocrii 7s bruzae e~k F `ran 1 _f a t, 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100510009-8 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000100510009-8 Corn lent Possibly, troop shipments, Uoru.:ent. The two trains are believed to have carried Coru.ient0 The 1447 loadings in Au.mist 1952 r.izich inc toad 364 with undeterrained cargo indicate that, com- pared. with the previous :,lontil, supply traffic decreased by about 30 percent. This decrease is nrir'iarily clue to uncor.i- plete covern;re of small shipments dispatched by small rail- road itati,ons. The lar 'e supply centers, such as Presdcn, Iiiesa, Uher.,nitz, ''e issen arid hoederat:. show only slit-ht fluctuations in the volune of supply as over the previous month The number of shipr-ients and traffic relations are considered noriiala 11th 'mss Tan : TDiv to Kocni7sbrueck. more billeting, equip rant of the 44th- was T? nk Ike--t of the 25X1 40 Lorulenta it is believed that a unit of the 6th .ads A''. S was transferred to the Koenis sbrueck troop t;r?xining rounds . Cor.irlent o '. he tra 1ns transferred to Letzlinr~ Heath in Aurrust returned to the post carr d e~~ i ;nts of the 220th IIv Tank SP ite -t The regiment can therefore be carried as conf irr ed lintx.. 20 Au ~;ust,. It is assumed that elements of units which were on 1 Sep teruber, Go-uient. The 112th (.his .iitz Rifle Ile rt of the 39th lfc 3 tz ?.if 1e 1.v cone udted P. fi elc' exercise at the local troop training ,grounds of the Kobitzschwalde post near Plauen from 23 to 25 August.. The maneuver also involved of the 220th Iiv Tank PUP Re art . The trains c~a~rr the tank units to an rcxrl a rc op rsa n~rr~w grounca.s Cor:3riont? The train on 15 Au~cust carried elements of the B7t Sri ,t-t f "i"re 7t stationed in Pl?muen0 The train on 31 l:i:;~ust possibly carried alenents of the 1'i.2th "azs "7t z stifle iota 7t So I [ Cor3nent a It has previously been observed that trazctors were - . pia?c.ied frcei Dresden to various a xrfields and vice versa. D, As herefore asst.xnec: that an air force sunny unit handling the rxotor vehicle supply for the elements ofY the Twenty;,-1+'ourth Air Arr.1.y is stationed in Dresden8 25X1 the Adolf Hitler i:aserne on the south side of Kurt 11 s e pal re-~iment o the st s 2'l.]1~r _s cc&rr e in Ott the end of August and in the bagihning of 3epterlber 1952, vehicles 25X1 of all. arr-ry Si rnal units vere obse.rv ed in =)taluu I in Lucken=' wa ld e , sh ipnent of to s i srnal unit frocr Luc zonva cue to rescen on 3 ",aptember, 25X1 It is now clear, that it unit left on 30 Au us and returned on 3 epteriberu the 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000100510009-8 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100510009-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100510009-8