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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
January 27, 2009
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Publication Date: 
January 5, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A000100200004-7.pdf130.37 KB
Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA0001 00200004-7 . , -- -_--...,SEPORT 4 DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES _-_ 2 ENCLOSURES (NO. & ,TYPE), --__,_.__.___...... ... REMARKS l From 20 October to 13 Movember 1952, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne on the west 25X1 side of Dlberstaedter Strasse, Bernburg, was occupied by an engineer unit, probably with a signal Platoon, and a tank unit, totaling an estie .ted 600 to 700 troops. On 20 October, at the 1?,'aldau railroad stop, sections of a st-:el bridge were bei n loaded on trucks by troops wear; ng blackk bordered black and red-bordered black epaulets The sinerrrisin ; officer wore tank insignia. The Mucks subsecuently went to the 25X1 i nstallation, On 1 Noveb 36 T34/05 tk l mer,-ans wereined up in the train-1 On 4 November, 3 T-34/d5 tanks were. seen 25X1 en route on -Iighway No 71, coming from Bernburg and proceEdinc_* toward a dehi ?~_ Gn idoveaber; about 30 troops Practiced the cons-`arictior25X1 of telephone lines near the am nuniti.on depot.a the engineer unit st .ticned 25X1 Dessau and oethen aiirfields> From 15 iiolre,- ter to 2 Dece'. ber, numerous trucks continua l-y hauled logs and beams to the installation. The lumber was stored and later large details processed them into corduroy roads of various sizes and trucked away. No training activity than basic training of recruits was observed., During the period of observation., several o.rfir: ers, probably replacing discha.,rgeea, arrived at the ins tallationa A colon ,l who a-Par?ently? had been in Germany for the first time, was seen with the tank unit. It could not be determined whether he was commanding officer of the unit. i ,arras s installation in Berri: urg was ordered to construct bunkers on the 1. / L Corzi? .int. Informnation ecnta`ined in the present report crnfirms -the unicaentis iec. engineer regiment of the GOFG in Bernrurg 25X1 However, the occupation strength of the installation is fairly definitely believed to be underestimated, as.,[ the 25X1 regiment nuibcrs about i GLO me~1 in ad dition to tank unit of about tank company strength. the tack unit is equipped 25X1 with either 10 JS tanks and T-314 tanks or with l(; T-3)- tails and h JS tanks CLASSIFICATION SECRET Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100200004-7 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100200004-7 The number of tar s mentioned in pa'.graph s aprear too iaisgha The corduroy roads were pc ,sibly cozap .clod for a :La `-e c:'rercise; they serve to make swa.:kpy areas passable for Wheeled. and, ing vehicles. 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100200004-7