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Approved For Release '20,03/02/27 'CIA-RDP80B01676R000500080032-6 25X1 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 E rat c' C--1410/AP-1 SUBJECT: (U) Disclosure of NOFORN CS Material to Foreign Officers Integrated in DIA TO: Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. G. 20505 1 . Your letter of 22 February 1964 calling my attention to two incidents involving inadvertent and unauthorized disclosure to DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AUtrvL. T accredited to DIA of CS materials nearing Foreign Dissemination" classification has caused me considerable con- cern. As indicated in my interim reply to you, I had my Inspector General make a thorough investigation of the matter so that I could evaluate and take corrective action on the practices within my Agency that made possible the regrettable disclosures you pointed out. 2. As you may know, all except two of our Foreign Exchange (Integrated) Officers are assigned to analyst positions in the DIA Production Center. However, some of these officers, especially the technical kind, visit and confer with Service technical centers and personnel fairly frequently in the normal course of performing their duties for us. This being the case I have instructed the Chief, Production Center, to design and institute an improved system for controlling NOFORN materials, with particular emphasis on CS NO FOREIGN DiSSEM information. A copy of the implementing regulation is enclosed herewith. In addition I have imposed similar instructions through- out DIA and have requested full cooperation in this matter from the Service Intelligence Chiefs . I have high confidence now that the control system now in effect in Department of Defense intelligence activities will minimize the possibility of unauthorized compromise of NOFORN subject matter. I shall. of course keep this problem under review and will be grateful if you will bring to my attention any discrepancies that you may observe in the future. DIA review(s) completed. 1 Atch: Production Center Office Procedure No. 12-16 (CNF), 1 cy Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500080032-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2 P80BO1676R000500080032-6 PRODUCTION CENTER OFFICE PROCEDURE NO 12-16 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this directive is to establish a system for the controC o IOFCRN material within the Production Center that will minimize the possibility of inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of such material,, or the existence thereof,, to foreign nationals accredited to DIAAP-1 as liaison or exchange (integrated) officers, 2. REFERENCE: DIA Regulation No 54-1,, 8 March 1963, a, The Chiefs of all Production Divisions to which foreign exchange (inte- grated) officers are assigned will insure that all disclosures of classified information under the terms of the accreditation of such officers are accom- plished within the provisions of the National Disclosure Policy as set forth in the DIA-DCMI (DIA Reg b4-1), Particular care will be exercised to insure that exchange officers are not placed in policy-making roles or any position where their presence may allow inadvertent access to internally sensitive or non-releasable information, b, The Chiefs of all Staff Offices and Divisions to which foreign exchange officers are not assigned will insure protection of NOFORN materials as necessary within the provisions o this directive to safeguard against inadvertent and unauthorized disclosure, a, Personnel will familiarize themselves with DIAR 54-1o ADMINISTRATION (U) Control oF_1TC_=R!,'_Tateridl3 Production Center Arlington Hall Station Arlington,, Virginia 6 April 1964 b. At the office of receipt (or of classification) of NOFORN-stamped materials within the Division to which exchange officers are assigned (or have access to) such materials will be sorted out and placed in Manila (tied-pouch) folders which are labeled NOFORN, These folders will be hand-carried by US personnel to the Chief (or his designated representative) of the interested unit, c, Within the unit of interest, NOFORN materials folders will be stored in a NOFORN file safe at all times when such materials are not being used by S per- sonnel, Combinations to safes Containing NO. ORN f' les will not e available to exchange officers. Exchange officers will be provided wa quate safes for the storage of both their own national materials as well as US materials released to them in the performance of their duties, NO FORE C I D'SSEM EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC ?': REGRADING; DOD DIR 5200,10 .CONFIDENTIAL roved For Release 2003/02/27 CIA-RDP80:60167ROOQ50U08003?-6 ug.... r Approved For Relea"~$FJEN1161W-RDP80BO1676R000500080032-6 ~. `mss d, Individual US personnel when using NOFORN materials will take every precautionary measure to safeguard such materials from inadvertent disclosure to exchange officers working in the same room. Care in this regard will be taken to; (1) and tables, Avoid spreading NOFORN materials indiscriminately over desks (2) Leaving room with NOFORN materials exposed, (3) Discussing NOFORN materials within earshot of exchange officer, (4) Return NOFORN materials to pouch folder and place in NOFORN safe when such materials are not in use, (5) Avoid oral, visual or documentary disclosure of the existence of NOFORN papers by subject, title, source or other identifying symbol (6) Avoid open posting or display of NOFORN materials in areas acces- sible to foreign officers-d e. Offices of origin of documents will ascertain that NOFORN references and materials are excluded from documents slated for release to foreign nationals, Conversely, NOFORN classifications will be given to documents requiring the use of or reference to NOFORN materials, Division and Staff officers reviewing such documents will check and recheck, respectively, these materials to ascertain that the above is accomplished, If necessary for absolute certainty, the Disclosure Branch will double check with preparing analysts before recommending releases f, Chairmen of conferences which include foreign representation will exer- cise tight control over discussions tending to disclose the nature or existence of NOFORN matter, In this connections DIAAP-1 personnel assigned to attend such conferences will be warned prior to attending by their supervisor against inadver- tent disclosure, g, Implicit in the system of handling US classified information which is not labeled NOFORN is the need to know criterion for its use by exchange officers in performing his assigned US duties (para 3k and 12a of DIAR 54-1), In this connec- tions the DIAAP-1 superior of each exchange officer will exercise close control over such material as is made available to the exchange officer, insuring that the provisions of DIAR 54=1 are followed, No wholesale release of such materials will be made, h. Release of CIA-classified NOFCRN information 25X1 26X1 I to exchange officers will be made only 'Upon verbal or written authorization by CIA through the CIA Liaison Officer 25X1 in DIAAP-1, A file record of each request by a DIAAP-1 office and approves or DIA rejection) by CIA will be maintained by the requesting office, This record will show dates of request, approval and rejection, The Disclosure Branch will be noti- fied verbally of the release of information in each case involving CIA approval, Disclosure of such materials will not be made without :~IA approval, coNF. &Nlrlac Approved For Release 20c NiiDElNIFRU68OB01676RO00500080032-6 PCOP 12-16 i, Release of certain Other NOFORN Joint or Combined Information to exchange officers will be made only upon authorization by DIADR or his delegated represen- tative (Para 7 & 8, DIAR 54-1), At the present, the Chief, DIAAP-l, has the delegated authority to disclose to exchange officers on an oral and/or visual basis certain NOFORN materials (IR's. MLM reports, etc) when it is deemed advan- tageous to US interests to do so, When it is necessary to make such materials available to exchange officers for the purpose of accomplishing their US-assigned tasks, Division Chiefs will submit verbal (written) requests to Chief, DIAAP-l, for such authority on a category basis. J, Release of other types of materials will be made on an individual case basis under the procedures set forth in DIAR 54-1. k. All NOFORN materials except those released under the procedures discussed in paragraphs 4,g,h,i,j above will be safeguarded as provided for in paragraphs 4'b,c,d,e. 1, All NOFORN documents handled and circulated within the Production Center will have the standard DIAAP-l Blue Flash Card bearing the inscription "NO FOREIGN DISSEM" stapled to them, These Flash Cards will be removed from documents only upon release of the materials to foreign officers and/or upon transmittal of documents from the Production Center to custody of other offices, m. Chiefs of Divisions and staff offices will ascertain that this PCOP is read and understood by all assigned US personnel quarterly, 25X1 Major, USA Administrative Officer CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA RDP80BO167CF 0005001*p 3?-6. ~_. .. .. .F. . y.. :4.. rov ?~ 8~H3tAg _ ClA4kQR8 9NQF?FMH5000 UNCLASSIFIED C%wfIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 ExecDirector 2 DDCI ~; 3 ER 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Orig. sent to DD/P for distribution at their discretion. Sent copy to D/ Security for information. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE o ExecD' r - - t' I UNCLAS IFIED SECRET A 0032-6 A FORM 10. 237 Use previous editions (40) "' II S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1961 0-587282