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Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Secret DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY Special Report Communist China's Presence in Africa State Dept. review completed. Secret N! 37 20 June 1969 No. 0375/69A Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 SECRET COMMUNIST CHINA'S PRESENCE IN AFRICA Despit the general failure of Communist China's once wide ranging diplomatic efforts iri the=de eloping world, Peking has been able to maintain and expand signif~cant presence in a handful of African states. It has attached considerable imp rtance to. ti ffs remnant of conventional Chinese diplomacy during a period when Cttf uraj Revolution excesses have disrupted its relations with most of the world P k n had displayed a surprisingly low-keyed and circumspect diplomati p t re rn -its African foothold. Although its effort in these few African Mates i`s cantered around a generally well-received aid program, its eagerness to cooperate wit list African governments in support of black nationalist "liberation trove- me ts" has also redounded to Peking's favor. Because of these relatively favorable it tstances and ,Peking's rather bleak prospects elsewhere in the wo ld Afri a probak ly will remain a major area of Chinese diplomacy. Any significant expansion of rnese-influence there appears unlikely, however, particularly in view of tl-e c m tion Pekin faces from foreign rivals and the poor, image it cost t ues tt profi t t r ugho t most of Africa. BACKGROUND In the early 1960s Peking began a large-scale effort to establish itself as a major influence on the African continent. Increasing numbers of African states were gaining independence and experimenting with a wide range of domestic and international policies, often radical in nature. Peking hoped to encourage such radical tenden- cies and establish an "anti-imperialist" African bloc amenable to Chinese guidance. To this end the Chinese employed opportunistic and free- wheeling tactics aimed at developing a broad pres- ence in a short time. Speed was essential because Peking's major rivals, the Soviet Union, the West- ern powers, and Nationalist China were also attempting to cultivate the Africans. Chinese dip- lomatic missions to Africa were increased; promi- Special Report nent Chinese leaders, including Premier Chou En-lai and Foreign Minister Chen Yi, made exten- sive good will tours to drum up diplomatic sup- port. African delegations were encouraged to visit Peking, and promising African "revolutionaries" were sought out and occasionally brought to China for training. Chinese radiobroadcasts were beamed to Africa with increasing frequency, and a large number of New China News Agency offices were established on the continent. Bribery, subversion, and aid to anticolonial and radical organizations in Africa also were uti- lized. In Zanzibar, where Peking quickly gained significant influence within the government appa- ratus, over half of the ruling council was on Chinese retainer by the mid 1960s. SFC,R FT Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 SECRET COMMUNIST AND NATIONALIST CHINESE REPRESENTATION IN AFRICA SPANISH SAHARA N NIGER '_ L.c VNE: IVORY N COAST C ALGERIA DAHOMEY 2 GHANAE N l s N (iJ iAN04 CONGO REPUBLIC iN RW?9Nt)A -E k BUPUNO, Diplomatic relations with Communist China C Receiving Communist Chinese aid Diplomatic relations with Nationalist China IN Receiving Nationalist Chinese aid ANGOLA (Port.) SOUTH-WEST AFRICA I n?crna rcrrit.1y)al t WALVIS BA Y (I~.?p of S. At) C TANZANIA SOMALIA C SOUTHERN MOZAMBIQUE N RHODESIA (Pore) (U.K) M,iiILAGASY F7 p- I ImI ,r Special Report O sop lOOO MILES ~- -T- 1 0 ~,UO ]0001(1LCIMEfERS !LESOTHO SOUTH AFRICA N SF.C R FT Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 VL V1\L 1 Nevertheless, China's ambitious Africa effort soon ran into trouble. Many African leaders were anxious to maintain a position of nonalignment and became increasingly alienated by doctrinaire Chinese insistence that they adopt narrow anti- Soviet and anti-US positions. Moreover, Peking's heavy-handed and indiscriminate support of "revolutionary action" in Africa gradually aroused a deep suspicion of Chinese sincerity and intentions. The discovery of Chinese subversive activities in Burundi, Congo (Kinshasa) and Ghana served as a warning to these and other African governments. The overthrow of governments friendly to the Chinese in a few other states painfully pointed out to Peking the risks involved in seek- ing influence in such politically unstable areas, and further limited China's presence on the con- tinent. Additionally, many African leaders were accepting generous offers of economic and mili- tary assistance from Moscow and the West-offers which Peking apparently felt it could not match. In Algeria, for example, Peking's efforts were overwhelmed by a massive Soviet military and economic aid commitment. The recall of diplomats and Peking's increas- ingly militant diplomacy during the early stages of the Cultural Revolution detracted further from China's position on the continent. Although the Chinese generally isolated their prime interests in Africa from the worst effects of the radical "Red Guard diplomacy," overbearing political tactics, including preaching Mao's thought and virulent attacks against the Soviet Union, strained Peking's relations with Congo (Brazzaville), Algeria, Tuni- sia, and Morocco. Significant Chinese presence in Africa became limited to a mere handful of states. Despite these setbacks, the Chinese have continued to maintain and develop a limited foot- hold in Africa, largely through a generally well- Special Report -3 SECRET received foreign aid program. At present, Peking is the strongest foreign presence in Tanzania, has a growing position in Zambia, and has aid pro- grams in Guinea, Mali, Congo (Brazzaville), and Mauritania. AFRICA'S SPECIAL ROLE IN CURRENT CHINESE FOREIGN POLICY The Maoist world view assigns Peking the roles of leader of the world revolution, champion of "peoples liberation movements" and supporter of Afro-Asian nationalism against white racism, colonialism and neocolonialism. In terms of Chi- nese ideology, therefore, Africa has been and will remain important to Peking. At a time when China stands isolated to an unprecedented degree from the international community, it must take some comfort in its relative success in even a handful of African states. The states of primary Chinese concern- Tanzania, Guinea, Zambia, Mali, Congo (Brazza- ville), and Mauritania-are all ruled by national- istic, independent-minded leaders. They do not take direction from any Western state or the Soviet Union, and have periodically agreed with Peking's point of view on certain world issues. These states have all encouraged Peking's support for African and Asian "people's liberation" move- ments, have publicly opposed US "imperialism and neocolonialism," and most have denounced the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia. A few of the more radical states, most notably Guinea, have enthusiastically praised the "success" of the Cultural Revolution in China. As a result of these relatively favorable polit- ical circumstances, Peking's effort in Africa ap- pears to be one of the few areas in which the Chinese leadership is generally agreed on strategy in foreign affairs. Even the staunchest advocate of "revolutionary diplomacy" in Peking could hardly fault China's efforts in the above six states Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 ~L'l11SJ/1 which follow policies that correspond in varying degrees to the demands of Maoist ideology. On the other hand, the more pragmatic elements of the Chinese leadership, together with Foreign Ministry professionals, doubtless have welcomed the opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of conventional diplomacy in at least a limited area. Moreover, Peking's current interest in these African states is also a reflection of its limited possibilities in other parts of the developing world. The Chinese have traditionally regarded the developing "third world" as the area of great- est opportunity for their diplomacy, but a combi- nation of factors has critically limited Peking's sphere of effective activity in recent years. China's rigid ideological posture, as well as stepped-up competition from Moscow and strong US commitments, has blocked significant ad- vances in Asia. In the Middle East, Peking's inabil- ity to back up its calls for an Arab "people's war" with substantial amounts of military and eco- nomic assistance has left these states within the Soviet pale, while the possible intrusion of Chi- nese revolutionary influence into Latin America has been effectively blocked by Peking's own blunders and by the presence of Castro's influ- ence during the past ten years. As a result, the Chinese have apparently had little choice but to concentrate their efforts in the few states where competition is less intense. For the most part, the Chinese have dis- played a surprisingly low-keyed and circumspect diplomatic approach-moving ahead with a for- eign aid program at a time when Chinese foreign relations elsewhere were largely paralyzed. Some African leaders have criticized Western and Soviet aid programs as too expensive and elaborate. By contrast, Peking's relatively simple, labor inten- sive, and inexpensive projects have met with approval. Chinese technicians work hard and live Special Report closer to African standards than do their Western and Soviet counterparts--a fact generally noted with appreciation by the host governments. Most importantly, ChirI'ese personnel have not engaged in the level of provocative propaganda activity which, during the period of "Red Guard diplo- macy," strained. Chinese relations with other states throughout the world. PEKING'S ",DOLLAR" DIPLOMACY: A STRONG POSITION IN TANZANIA "Unlike the imperialist countries of the West and the modern revisionists who are plundering the recipient countries in the name of "aid, " Chinese assistance is designed to help recipient countries embark on the road of independent development and self-reliance. In accordance with Chairman Mao's teachings; the Chinese experts have been working hard and have forged a close friendship with the African: workers. " New China News Agency 6 February 1968 Chinese Agricultural Specialist in Tanzania SECRET Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Since 1962, China has steadily improved its relations with Dar es Salaam; Tanzania now is Peking's most important African base of opera- tions and one of China's foremost "foreign friends." As in other African states of prime inter- est to Peking, success in Tanzania rests primarily on a well-run foreign aid program and a continued low-key diplomatic posture. China is the primary source of aid for Tanzania's military forces and a main source of that country's economic develop- ment aid. The Chinese work closely with Tanzan- ians in arming and training Mozambique guer- rillas. In 1967, Peking agreed to construct the 1,200-mile TanZam Railroad from the Zambian copper mines to Dar es Salaam-a major project to which the Tanzanian Government attaches great importance. The Chinese are rapidly com- pleting the detailed engineering survey for the line. In addition to some 350 Chinese technicians engaged in the railway survey in 1968, Peking had another 500 technicians and advisers in the coun- try and has given Dar es Salaam about $30 million in economic credits. Tanzania's recent decision to terminate Canadian military assistance has left Peking with the dominant foreign role in all branches of Tan- Special Report zania's security forces. Chinese aid has included small arms, trucks, antiaircraft guns, medium tanks, patrol boats, and landing craft. Commit- ments to future expansion of the Tanzanian armed forces include construction of a $1.5 mil- lion army barracks complex, a factory to produce small arms, and the construction of a naval base at Dar es Salaam. Tanzania was offered MIG-17s and pilot training by Peking in 1967 but in the meantime was considering proposals from both the USSR and Canada. Dar es Salaam has now rejected these proposals making it likely that Tan- zania will now be the fifth nation to receive Chi- nese Communist MIGs. A GROWING ROLE IN ZAMBIA Peking appears to view Zambia as one of its brightest prospects for future expansion. Al- though the Chinese had never before extended aid to the Lusaka government, in 1967 they gave it a $16.8 million interest free loan for the construc- tion of a road from Lusaka to western Zambia. Soon after, they agreed to build the TanZam railroad which will give the Zambians an outlet for their copper through friendly Tanzania rather than Rhodesia. By supplying technicians and workers for their projects, the Chinese have been Chinese Doctor And Medical Personnel I n Tanzania SECRET Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 SJhuKr;1' increasing their presence in the country, and there now are more than 300 Chinese technicians there. Although President Kaunda generally resists large foreign influences in his country, he has sanc- tioned the Chinese presence. He has been pleased with their apparently well-managed work and the generous terms of Chinese aid, but he is aware of China's past record in Africa and undoubtedly will maintain a close surveillance. CONTINUED SUCCESS IN GUINEA; UNCERTAINTY IN MALI The radical Guinea Government has the longest history of Chinese assistance, dating back to 1959. Chinese relations with the Conakry re- gime have been cordial even though President Toure in recent years has sought to play East against West and Moscow against Peking. Through 1968 the Chinese had extended almost $60 mil- lion in economic credits to the Guineans, of which almost $38 million had been drawn. Peking further consolidated its position in Conakry by agreeing a year ago to help construct the 200-mile Guinea-Mali railroad-a project now in doubt because of the coup in Mali last November. Al- though the Chinese commitment in Guinea to date has consisted entirely of economic and tech- nical assistance, an exchange of military delega- tions between Peking and Conakry last year indi- cated that Peking is making an effort to gain influence within the Guinean military, which has been receiving assistance from Soviet bloc na- tions. Mali has been another major target of China's effort to gain influence in Africa, al- though the overthrow of the radical Keita govern- ment last November has cast considerable doubt on Peking's future status there. Since 1961 China has dispersed $35 million of economic aid in Mali and at the end of 1968 had almost 900 techni- cians in the country. Since the fall of the Keita government and his replacement by a moderate Special Report military regime, Peking has taken a more cautious and circumspect approach, avoiding any public comment on the neW Malian leadership. With the exception of the Guinea-Mali railroad, however, the Chinese seem tp be continuing to follow through on projects already under way, appar- ently in the hope of maintaining a presence in the country. ELSEWHERE The aid progran s in Congo (Brazzaville) and Mauritania are smaller, but the Chinese neverthe- less continue to demonstrate an active interest in both states. Elsewhere in Africa, however, signifi- cant Chinese presence and influence are almost Chinese Technician in Guinea nil. Soviet competition has been especially trou- blesome to Peking; Moscow's aid programs in Algeria and Somalia have served to undercut China's efforts there, and the Soviet presence in Congo (Brazzaville), Mali, and Guinea also repre- sents a potential tlheat to Peking's position. Moreover, Nationalist: China's persistent efforts to expand its presence dn. the continent have met with considerable success in recent years. This is, perhaps, the most dramatic reflection of Peking's general failure in Africa. At present the SECRET Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 Nationalist Government is recognized by 21 Afri- can governments, and the Communists must find Taipei's limited but exceptionally efficient aid program especially galling. ASSISTANCE TO REVOLUTIONARY GROUPS Although state-to-state relations have been the primary sphere of Chinese activity in Africa, Peking has also used aid to African nationalist and other insurgent groups to develop its influence on the continent. In general, the assistance consists of varying amounts of small arms and financial support as well as Chinese sponsored guerrilla SECRET "At present, the African people's revolutionary struggles against imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism are developing in depth. In con- junction with the anti-imperialist national revolu- tionary movements in Asia and Latin America, the national revolutionary movement in Africa is forcefully pounding and weakening the founda- tion of the rule of imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism and it is a component part of the anti-imperialist revolutionary front of our time." Vice Premier Hsieh Fu-chih, NCNA 26 April 1969 Guerrillas in Portuguese Guinea with Chinese-made Arms Special Report SECRET I Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 training in Africa or China, political instruction, and propaganda support. Most of the Chinese- backed movements are small and to date have demonstrated little capability for successful revo- lutionary action. Nevertheless Peking's assistance has strengthened its ties to those African govern- ments which are most committed to the black nationalist movements- notably Tanzania, Zam- bia, and Guinea. The most effective insurgent group substan- tially supported by the Chinese is the Mozam- bique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). This rela- tively large Tanzania-based organization probably receives half of its military aid from China. FRELIMO has managed to gain control of small Mozambique areas which border on Tanzania. The Mozambique Revolutionary Committee, a much smaller, ineffective group based in Zambia which split from FRELIMO in 1964, also has received limited Chinese aid. In addition, the Chi- nese have extended token aid to the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, which is dependent on the Soviet Union for most of its support. Peking is a major supporter of the Zimbabwe African National Union, a small Rhodesian group which split from the larger Soviet-backed Zim- babwe African People's Union in 1963. In Guinea, the Chinese provide limited assistance to the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands, an anti-Portuguese nationalist group, despite the fact that the Soviet Union is this group's primary supplier. The Pan African Congress, a small Tanzania-based South African organization, also receives some token assistance. Aside from African nationalist groups, Peking has recently given limited support to a small Ethiopian insurgency group, certain Congo- lese rebels opposed to the anti-Chinese Mobutu Special Report SECRET regime in Kinshasa, and to;Oginga Odinga, a dissi- dent Kenyan politician. Last fall Peking belatedly endorsed Biafran independence and agreed "in principle" to supply aid to the rebel regime-a move primarily designed to please Tanzanian Pres- ident Nyerere, a strong advocate of Biafra. Al- though Peking has been replacing Chinese arms given to Biafra by Tanzania, it has shown little interest in assuming a more direct involvement in the Nigerian civil war. CONCLUSION AND PROSPECTS "We get along very well with the Chinese. One either gets along well with them or one doesn't get along at all. Tanzanian President Nyerere to Ambassador Bums 11 June 1969 Because of its importance ideologically and Peking's rather bleak prospects elsewhere, Africa is likely to remain an area of major focus for Chinese diplomacy in, the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the short term prospect for a signifi- cant expansion of Chinese influence there appears negligible. In general, tie conditions that caused the collapse of China's more ambitious and wider efforts in the early 1960s still prevail. China's image in Africa remains tarnished by the convul- sive disorder of the Cultural Revolution, and Peking's continuing support for dissidents in their struggle against the black ruled nations of Congo (Kinshasa) and Kenya. ;probably has further rein- forced the general African suspicion of Chinese intentions. Moreover, China's position in the foothold it now enjoys is far from secure. Although the host governments have generally been ideologically appealing to the Chinese and receptive to Peking's advances, they have avoided any significant politi- cal commitments to Peking. On the contrary, the SECRET Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 SJ I JKh'1' Chinese generally have achieved a continuing pres- ence in Africa simply by "paying off' certain African states with generous foreign aid offers. In general, the governments which have accepted assistance have been careful to maintain an inde- pendent posture while merely accepting the aid program best suited to their national interest. On the plus side, China's low-keyed effort in these few African states demonstrates that, in reasonably auspicious circumstances, Peking is capable of effective diplomacy and suggests some Special Report promise over the long term for Chinese diplo- matic efforts throughout the developing Afro- Asian world. To date, however, Peking has shown little sign of trying to enhance its appeal by down playing indiscriminate championing of "peoples war" and abandoning its penchant for alienating potential friends for the sake of ideological prin- ciple. Until Peking is willing to abandon this mili- tant and doctrinaire Maoist approach to foreign affairs, China's potential for leadership or even influence in Africa and elsewhere in the develop- ing world will remain largely unrealized SECRET Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927A007100070002-7 Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7 Secret Secret Approved For Release 2008/09/29: CIA-RDP79-00927AO07100070002-7