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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 13, 1948
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Approved For Release 2008/12/10: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200040099-3 Chief, ifatsaii Bureau Chief, Isle Report of Phy ioel Inspection at tyre Hawaii Bureau Ii Dsvesher 19 O 1. Attaabod hereto for your information and appropriate action is report sited 6 Dsoseiter 1948 to Chief, PWZI, from Deputy Chief1 Felt, subject sewas as above. Z. Confirming oral instructions issued during discussion with Chief, liseali bureau;, of subject report an 4 Deesattber IM,, a w renosMrea14a 4 cos "AS In paragraph 3 of the report are approved and ioplemastatioa is directed with the exceptions, sadifioatiaos, under- standing etc., indicated below. P a At it is understood that the R,t Engineer is dwwp of e doss prepare a report of reception corsditians and that a weekly report is forwarded to tbo Usishlogton of floe* a (3) A weekly written progress report is not oozaa necessary due to the close, prozimiy of the Bureau Chief to the satual work in progresss. The Bureau Chief should, haviever, Insure that he at all times has a first-hand knowledge of the press on instal3.stiaa at new a quipeent and should use every precaution to insure that suet iaatallation is not lagging. Pa t chile it is not mandatory that prooodurra at 411 field we be the seer, the 'Rest Coast Hareau pro sodurs is highly aatistsotory. The bureau Chief should persaeeally insure that his Chief r is thoroughly indootrinated, and procedures observed at base" should be tab on into consideration mbere applicable. It the Chief = meer, Mswil Brew, is trsnaflrred to Otln ., it is anticipated that he will be returned to the states for re- orientation prior to his departure. k are ti the soathly progress report submitted to this osly Bureau Chief should reflect the status of all projects in proosas of being implemented with an estioats of time required for oowplstlon. flt. but that personnel problems and the document part of classified''-.. int .~,,'r-Md fil@. NAME CHECIf~raqu~~_WtFrlo- yQ iz4tvi4tisl clIRO -- Approved For Release 2008/12/10: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200040099-3 t_ t is unders the Sift =editor does ss~e sort' rooDonelfift Par all a oultora an Approved For Release 2008/12/10: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200040099-3 col peculiarities of the Chinese Section require oleasr super visiaa and direction of this 8rotion by the Bureau Chief. Due to the ebssnos from the !/0 of an Assistant Chief or Chief Editor who nasally would do east of the work allotted to other members of your statt, this office asos no objection to the system of allocating various types of work to Individual esdrsrs of the staft. All such cation, h wearer, should rs- osie .the final approval of the urrau Chief and class superm vision should be maintained at all times in order to insuurs satisfactory results. M*- (1) It is understood that ' was 14 and amble to work during the greater part of the C "i's #isit sad inspsation. it is also understood 1 t is a good worker when he is on duty and that his illness does not amass him to ass mare than his siok and sons" lows. It 14 ob rved, tom, that during this period of inspection the state of oleanlinsss and sanitation of the operations building and groaads tine not satisfactory. !our custodial help should be flexible eaou- to insure that all buildings and grounds are maintained to a satisfactory oondition at all times regardless of whether or not one custodian may be indisposed or absent for other reasons. "for dj 2) It is understood that while or the purpose of conforming, to your jmrmmumj6 s s charged against a position as cruising monitor, wt.iah position to rated at 64r-O, that he is not a*otoolly a oruising monitor but does Dopy oods, and der that his rating is a CA!$. With this eerrr is no immediate neosssity for eliminating provtdmd he is worth his present salary and shown signs of improvement* . ra 2~ I It is understood that tar, h" resipsd. tt~P 2 While the srstast of wcintaining ties and a o? rsoords at the beat ;off Sursou is ,g 4, It 1s not necessary that the Mated -ureau adopt this sonaat proosdure. It is nrssssary, however, that a positive rather than a negative *hook on att. be Wads and that whatever system you use oontbrms to civil 8srrios r gulations. LKWshmq ;, Doc 00 w/Dopy of Inipsation Deport 0 8 aT0100 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/12/10: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200040099-3