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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200050065-9 CUIVILignir mm6 TO t rar*,lete, Field _urecaa Yral: Czhiet , Lotter of Ins 1, ? 440211141414 a, taloned hereto is 4 th? T3Z eneleseiriel b. Ast Casa 4'.4.**4444,AT 25X1 wet,' Cate aE his return no aelaand soc Lexteau. ea Perorrni 441401 1.fat Ap4.070001 0a. rssts' wt a. kinsTaa-vo-aiwzmis-uvaistting e. $4etivation Qr trw AS SttLiflan Czarua 1.6 tentative plans for interin operaticxxe on kismet f it is expected that FM lboadquartere zLi;4104 to In Lpril4 0. 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Wig 11.0r1C41147 so CTOTWAVS. tole Itunrino Oft; frtom.0401 delP0Orisi4 11/400?4 UT 'IP MPRIMET TOMINT711 Teriregersin P00 ulistwV4110%., tvitya slust000p pounettie trent; Turitroo %tura* pimento? taw tot Nom uy poluvd owl oat ou011.0tilwine setrr syswoMowtyp tX441 Oreq tawanu*ITO2 Arn ue try (s %W1 wile) uonwellyonTo *q4 Jo *mow stm tric ?PiPmverlde molt lurroe-Not 934 wuenoollifaq motestatawy firittfNeeer pue syturtr; uom tr.vrttroThiwl sorlm.Jo golifluirVitgmhal lurrrialrcellS Z.:TRODA 11 1404111,111 *st *MTV 46111t rtirrj Aes mowerra rnmeorm ruattetrottt pennon* ,440 "WM, Arlo *r **Pam CreCit 01 Poris10UT gor WU 0% )!; t t1.14,140,7 4704 je trim. 013 ?T StrprO 64/61 qit' ?1/1111 tuttri.nrinham,e, 6-99009000ZOOOVL60?0-8LdCl-V10 ?1,/1-1-/800zeseeiej JOd panaiddV Lotter Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200050065-9 ONFIDEN1 1AL 5iaz 9 rem telt it ham maw eeereee fle34 bureaus' and that, selltill7inkt UAW oat: APPola' d? laus lash ft,* isifoematime on Kompaitai meminars, or other trained observers ?,re ttlere toy Late develapageste eonsamnsing34 slaqatwase bask a rem weeks agot and =MBAS reported the *tory no inforestion +Laid be twood in JUL and LIOND as resolved to send us Voice of :=outh Viet Ilea (itsbetreUsd) toAnomnswimmiNita uneven floe of toraan material is noted. Also, tame uro times when items at anor value seen to be given preeadense over ocra Up:treat* adatecialm ;!oevore? tole may be thv remelt of translation lases lS appreciated your ak item in Frensh sent ,;orma 34 Up to that t1swe nad no definite indiaation of zvilliss inpilastion in roved attempt...?Your text pater:Al at of ,tareshi we* used to pod advantage. le wo414 Me to Wild up reesiatan coverage...?At tho oal of long We an drafting of the Conetitutialk, Usreh Zr, :velar** avid t4et more at Lieges' Ali Monte see* was weaning ine but to date, it tar not been reseived4 le find in4nglish 'emcee of alight value. For eaeople, yearlong an tbre Leeland horse raos betttng eannot be dammed useful intormatias? S. P3sss wateh far resaaptian of AUTAAA...4.111 regard to Australia, we are not interested in minor internal developments. Laphssis should be pissed primarily on iasifie Defense, Comainist esti:Video major internal palsies, pollee of international signifisanse, seanseit intionmalUme (*heal, wool, tra1szuvr146 specific buries on britieh intsretis sotivilgr, developments involving fisaionabas materiels, stgtLAcsnt information on :Iacifie islecds. eft. Attaablant istributiant Lamson Duress 'Imditerrenean Acreau (Cairo) vedi tCyprus) 'Ares -.sat coast BUM* ?age itsireeit ONFIDENTIAL verall. Mucosa ,I,tilneoa NIMES 0 eteT0100 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200050065-9 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200050065-9 RESTRIrTr" I. ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER REACTION TO FBIB UNCLASSIFIED DAILY REPORT A. Consumer evaluation of the product: Journalists And Newspavers Radio Commentators Govt., Imml-kyi., & Authorized 112/1-g2zI., Recipients B. Failure of consumers to respond: 1. Newspapermen: Drew Pearson Madeline Carr. The National Herald 2. Radio commentators: Edward Hart, Washington Radio Productions Gilbert Kingsbury, Station WWDC 3. Govt., quasi-Govt. and authorized non-Govt. recipients: OP-323-M-35, Dept. of Nan' Harold Bergman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy Consultant, Slavic History, Library of Congress Florence Reynolds, Food and Agriculture Organization, UN Library, International Monetary Fund Dept. of Security Council of Affairs, UN 4. Action to obtain a response from these clients continues. iitirtittcr"" 0 it 8 I I' 01 0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200050065-9 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200050065-9 C. Comments of prominent journalists re FBIB Daily Reports: 1. Andre Visson, 1112 Readers Digest: "I am anxious to emphasize that I consider your news of Foreign Radio Broadcasts one of the greatest services to the American Press, and I often find that even your reports of broadcasts in Western European countries give a broader picture of public opinion in those countries than one gets from reading the daily paper." 2. Donald J. Gonzales, United Press: "Because of Soviet censorship, this is one of the few means of keeping track of the zigs and zags in Soviet policy." 3. Melvin K. Whiteleather, tbiLacelkliaignjaig_INLILUz: "--indispens- able. We regard this material as the most valuable over-all source of foreign information available to us." 4. Will Lissner, ha Times: "The Daily Report contains information needed in my work which I cantt get anywhere else." D. All clients replying to questionnaire requested continuance of service. II. ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER REACTION TO FBIB UNPUBLISHED ITEMS A. Consumer evaluation of the product: Indispensable - 0 Of considerable value - 4 Of value - 3 Of some interest - 0 B. Consumer response: 1. All clients responded to the questionnaire. 2. The Dept. of Agriculture requested discontinuance of this service. 0-te8f0100 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP78-03097A000200050065-9