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Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000
j,ps to get through. The answer, we said,
s to bring in ships less heavily loaded.
A spokesman for one of the oil companies
acknowledged this in a Chicago newspaper
today, but said it was uneconomical to op-
erate ships unless fully loaded. What he
meant was that it would be less economical-;
that the company wouldn't make quite as
much money. Moreover, if he were right,
American industry has been built on solving
just such problems-by finding alternative
in many ways, this controversy is typical
of the whole pollution problem. Where in-
dustry lis responsible or water or air pollu-
iem-of pollution is too. st and has too big
dustry money to make the Costed adjust-
Meanwhile, we trust the CorpsV Engineers
evitably will be international because the
interplay of current forces and ideas forming
them cannot be contained within national
boundaries. Interplay will focus on the Eur-
Atlantic areas since the highy developed in-
dustrial nations are, for the most part, now
? 'located in Europe and North America. In
charting the changes and foreshadowing de-
velopments, Interplay will publish articles
by some of the best-informed journalists,
authors and officials on both sides of the At-
Wednesday, October 18, 1967
Mr. MORTON. Mr. Speaker, the role of
communications in the modern world is
a vital one. As technical advances make
the world smaller, we must maintain a
constant flow of thoughts and ideas
among the nations of the Western
Recently a new magazine was brought
into the mainstream of communications,
designed to broaden understanding o
other nations and peoples. The followi
article is a statement of the purpose f
Interplay magazine:
In our lifetimes an integrated Euro , of
now unknown size and nature, and orth
America will be coming to terms. A elpat-
ing that day, it seems Wise to establi a free-
ffrowing channel of communicatio through
which Europeans and Americans n get in-
side one another's minds, sha thinking
about their mutual concerns, a d, in effect,
engage in private policy planni g of external
affairs. This Is Interplay's rais d'etre.
How does the informed Eur can feel about
the prolonged American ml ary presence in
his midst? How worried 1 e about Invest-
ment invasions from the ited States, about
nuclear burden sharing, bout the effects of"
American "pop" cult e on his national
quarters of Europe? bout the new markets
western European dustrialists are opening
up In eastern E re? About the power
vacuums left be __?p
in Asia and Africa by
the break-up o the European colonial em-
pires? Interpl believes that these matters
must be giveda fuller and franker airing if
Europeans a Americans are ever to under-
stand stand one other.
There i no truly international journal of
opinion d reportage about the new societies
being f med by the technological, or What
migh e called the second industrial, revolu-
tion nterplay aims to narrow the journalis-
tic ap. These new industrial societies in-
International Magazine Launched
more fundamen
additional $2.8
200,000 emergen
period, an idea
though of limited succ
million added by the Se
ment is worsened by flight from po
stricken rural areas.
g News on October 7. In
colleagues may have the
this point in the RECORD with
at this body will soon approve
tive Senate bill: _
ouggest the solution lies in
more billions.
did add $198 million to what
neon had requested for his
loos over a two-year
e Senate turned down
in debate, there's less a
Training to develop
one of the promising
million which
nuing the Job
Watt . Rostow Ex 7osuve: Index of
General Situation
Thursday, September 28, 1967
'Gbv , UCr i7, Lib-l,
I quoted a newsstory concerning the
"security. status of Walt W. Rostow, now
-,,,c a lassistant to the President on na-
tional security affairs, published In the,
October 4, 1967, issue of the St. Louis
Globe Democrat,
Although the charges leveled at Dr.
Rostow are startling enough for anyone
in this position of such great responsi-
bility, they seem to be only a part of a
general situation among certain agen-
cies of our Government as indicated by
newsstories in the October 21, 1967, is-
sue of Human Events, a well-known
Washington weekly newspaper.
Mr. Speaker, one report, revealed in
the story on "The Importance of Se-
curity," is that during the Korean war
both Gen. Douglas MacArthur and his
chief of intelligence, Maj. Gen. C. A.
Willoughby, were certain that informa-
tion about vital decisions by our Govern-
ment concerning military. operations was
passed by Communist agents in Wash-
ington to the Soviet Government.
One cannot help but wonder to what
extent our war effort in Vietnam is being
The indicated news stories follow:
The scandalous scrapping of high security
standards for America's most sensitive gov-
ernment agencies may well develop into a
major issue during the 1968 presidential con-
test. Though suppressed or ignored by major
metropolitan dailies, the continual unfold-
ing of stories revealing a shocking laxity in
government security procedures has rocked
conservative-minded lawmakers on Capitol
Hill. -
Here, for example, are just a few startling
revelations now being studied by concerned
Item: Security collapse at the White Ho
Walt Whitman Rostow, a special assistant to
the President on ,national security affairs, it
is now discovered, was three times.rejected
for service in the Eisenhower Administration
because he was considered a possible security
C lie in the According to briefs recently filed in a Civil
rind to .,rr- --- ----
x an
Financing the war in Vietnam is of course Civil cu Serv infce effort to save his own career
draining funds which might go to the war that Secretary of State designs erDean Rusk
on poverty. Still, the Senate authorization is and Attorney General-designate Bobby Ken-
$600 million higher than was appropriated nedy came to Otepka in 1960 to get him to
last year, and there is no clear evidence that waive security procedures in the Rostow case
the billions allocated so far have done the - and others, but Otepka said he would evalu-
job expected. The Senate has provided for a ate all cases only according to the high
reasonable growth without pushing the pro standards previously followed.
gram faster than Washington seems able to Bobby, reportedly, flew.into a wild rage.
handle it. . According to Otepka, conflict with Kennedy
Ap~,pved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000700080005-5
Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RIDP75-00149R000700080005-5
or, the fu,sb,F/I case trlgi%ered his own down-
t.11 ei 1.ho a"h^.r r.rn-o K'C r:hl~r o, v;,.I.,a.+i;r. (ror
]fu)),e ell W).-Uwa, sic st/uy i,c;iow.)
Item: Security breakdown at the State De-
partment. According to the Otepka briefs, the
State Department eviscerated security stand-
ards and approved or condoned major mis-.
conduct by foreign service officers-includ-
ing homosexuality, deliberate hiding of se-
curity violations and the delivery of classi-
fied information to Communists.
The Otepka brief outlines at least 16
cases, some enumerated in a story below, of
alleged security violations. Otepka, though
rated a top-notch security evaluator during
the Eisenhower Administration, was finally
fired from his job in 1963 after his room was
bugged and his safes broken into at night.
(His case is still pending before a State De-
partment hearing examiner.)
Item: The Stephen Koczak case. Former
foreign service officer Stephen Koczak has
charged that his State Department person-
nel record was rigged with distortions and
"forged pages" to make it possible to fire him
under the "select out" process.
Like Otepka, Koczak had only high ratings
in his ,personnel file until 1961. But dif-
ficulties paralleling those of Otepka soon
developed when he reported what he con-
sidered to be violations of national security
procedures on the part of his superior, a for-
eign service officer stationed in Germany.
The trouble between Koczak and his
superior developed in 1961 when both were in
Berlin at the same time. Koczak was insist-
ing that the Soviet Union planned to go
ahead with erecting a wall between East and
West Berlin. His views, which were included
in reports to Washington, were at variance
with those of his superior. Though Koczak
proved to be right, this was only a small mat-
ter of conflict between the two.
Koczak's major difficulty began after he
reported that his superior, who had been
ousted from Poland because of questionable
,associations with female Communist intel-
ligence agents, was making unauthorized
visits to East Berlin to make telephone calls
to Communist -party functionaries in War-
Nothing was done to follow up on Koczak's
charges and it developed that one of the for-
eign service officers who could have acted on
them had a brother who was a full-fledged
Communist. At any rate, Koczak was finally
eased out of the Foreign Service, but the man
he accused has been promoted.
Item: The security collapse at the Penta-
gon. Human Events readers are by now fa-
miliar with the story of Robert Arthur Nie-
mann, an engineering graduate given a secret
clearance by the Pentagon to work on defense
contracts when, in fact, he belongs to the
W.E.B. DuBois Clubs of America. The DuBois
Clubs have been termed "Communist con-
trolled" and "subversive". by FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover and the U.S. attorney gen-
eral on March 4, 1966, petitioned the Subver-
sive Activities Control Board to order the
.clubs to register as a Communist-front orga-
Niemann not only belongs to the DuBois
Clubs, but, as Human Events learned, has
participated in numerous leftist activities,
worked with known Communists, admitted to
having voted in 1066 for Communist Dorothy
Healey for tax assessor of Los Angeles, openly
allied himself with the revolutionary Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and pro-
moted the wild demonstrations against LBJ
at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles in
June of this year,
Ne 'ertliolrss. Joseph J, Liobling, the Ponta-
gon's director for security policy, says the
Defense Department's screening board "has
determined that continuation of Mr. Nie-
mann's secret clearance is clearly consistent
with the national interest."
In connection with the Niemann case, Solis
Horwitz, assistant secretary of defense, re-
cently wrote Rep. Roger Zion (R.-Ind.) that
'.ion(t;oa D thole tilubnl doers not constitute
eullicicrit cause to revoke a security clearance.
:' (What many now would like to know is
what does constitute sufficient cause?)
Such are the reasons why many believe
that security-or the lack thereof-may be-
come a big issue in 1968. -
The Otepka briefs relate an intriguing
story in connection with the Rostow case.
According to the briefs, Bobby Kennedy and
Dean Rusk approached Otepka in 1960 about
Rostow, well aware that earlier efforts to get
him named to a highly sensitive national
security project had been thwarted by the,
Eisenhower Adminisration's strict security
Desiring to appoint Rostow to a key posi-
tion in the State Department, Rusk -opened
the discussion by asking: "What kind of
security problem would be encountered re-
garding the appointment of Mr. Rostow to
the department?" -
Otepka replied that he was acquainted
with the Rostow file, and that this familiar-
ity dated back to 1955 when the department
was giving consideration to hiring Rostow
as a key person in a psychological, warfare
project to be undertaken by the Operations
Co-ordinating Board.
"Persons employed by the project were re-
quired to have a security clearance under
the strict standards prescribed by the United
States Intelligence Board," the briefs state.
"As a part of his evaluation, Otepka at this
time reviewed the State Department file on
Mr. Rostow, the CIA file and the results of.
reviews given to the case by both the CIA
and the Department of the Air Force. The
Air Force had previously made a security
finding adverse to Mr. Rostow.
"As a result of Otepka's findings, Under
Secretary of State Herbert Hoover Jr., the
chairman of the Operations Co-ordinating
Board, decided that Mr. Bestow would not be
utilized as an employe or consultant by the
State Department in connection with the
board's project.
"In other words, Mr. Rostow could not get
the necessary clearance under the strict
standards' applicable to the Operations Co-
ordinating Board.
When Rostow was again recommended for
State Department employment, Roderic
O'Connor, administrator of the Bureau of
Security and Consular Affairs, made the de-
termination on the basis of the previous
record that "Mr. Rostow was not desirable
for employment."
According to Pulitzer Prize-winning re-
porter Clark Mollenhoff, who unearthed the
contents of the brief, when Otepka related
the background on Rostow, Rusk remained
silent but Bobby "spoke disparagingly of the
adverse finding that had been made by the
Air Force" and referred to the Air Force as
"a- bunch of jerks." .
When it became clear that Otepka would
continue to evaluate the Rostow case in the
same manner as it had been 'evaluated pre-
viously, Rostow was hired. by the White
House, where the President can set his own
security rules. -
After being given this job, Rostow, was
moved into the State Department fir a time
as someone who had already been given a
Angry with Otepka, Kennedy later as-
signed John F. Reilly, formerly a Justice
Department lawyer, to the State Department
as deputy assistant secretary of state in
charge of administration. Reilly's role in
the anti-Otepka cabal is well documented.
This cabal at length plotted and engaged in
eavesdropping, wiretapping, searches of
Otepka's wastebasket and -general shying on
his activities in' an effort' to find grounds
on which to dismiss him.
A former professor of international polit-
served in the Office of Strategic Services in
World War II. Identified as the author of
a State Department policy paper promoting
unilateral disarmament, trading with the
Communists and a generally "soft-line" to-
ward Soviet Russia and Communist China,
Rostow has come under considerable attack
and was even the subject of a special con-
gressional hearing. In recent years he has
been identified with a comparatively hard
line on Viet Nam. The Otepka brief report-
edly does not disclose why Bestow was denied
a security clearance by the Eisenhower Ad-
The sensational Otepka briefs, whose con-
tents have been revealed to only one or two
reporters in Washington, outline numerous
cases of alleged security violations. Clark
Mollenhoff of the Des Moines Register has
detailed 14 of the cases which appear below:
1. A foreign service officer who sexually
violated his own daughter but was never
disciplined, and in fact later was designated
a part-time security officer at a post that
did not have a full-time security man. -
2. A foreign service officer who borrowed
money from the State Department Credit
Union and forged the endorsement of a fel-
lowemploye on his application for the loan.
The individual later was given an important
assignment in the White -House.
3. A foreign service officer who admitted
he furnished 18 documents, some of them
classified "secret," to Philip Jaffe, the pub-
lisher of Amerasia m tgazino and on whom
there was a considc{able record of Com-
munist activities ark3 affiliation. The - of-
ficer was permitted o take an honorable
retirement with pension.
4. A security division technician who went
on drunken rampages at several embassies in
foreign countries and whose misconduct
was condoned and covered up by Reilly. Re-
ports of the misconduct actually were-kept
out of the personnel file.
5. A security' officer stationed in Athens,
Greece, who failed to report a large number
of security violations, yet was appointed
deputy chief of the Division of Security
Evaluations at the State Department.
6. A person nominated by President Ken-
nedy for a high position who publicly as-
saulted his wife and threw her clothing on
the lawn, shrubbery and street. The informa-
tion was ordered eliminated from the per-
sonnel record by a "progressive" security
officer who said such details of a public fam-
ily fight had nothing to do with security or
suitability of a high public official.
7. A man dismissed as a security risk by
the Mutual Security Agency and character-
ized as having "a rotten file" who was ap-
pointed to a State Department position and
given .full security clearance.
8. A foreign service officer stationed in
Mexico and Caracas, Venezuela, who was
guilty of a series of incidents of sexual mis-
conduct, Including an affair with the wife
of the ambassador of another nation. His
conduct was excused by State Department
politicians. --
9. A security officer who withheld informa-
tion from his superiors concerning the loss
of classified documents by an American
ambassador. The officer was not censured and
was promoted to be a top lieutenant of Reilly.
10. A security officer stationed in Moscow
who permitted himself to be enticed into
the apartment of a Russian woman, an agent
for the secret police. The secret police used
concealed cameras to photograph the Ameri-
can and his nude companion and tried to get
him to spy for the Soviet Union. He never was
criticized or disciplined. -
11. A foreign service officer who admitted
to, security officers and State Department
medical authorities that he had engaged In
Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000700080005-5
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