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Document Release Date: 
February 27, 2007
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PDF icon CIA-RDP01-01773R000300110070-3.pdf54.26 KB
Approved For Release 2007/03/02 : CIA-RDPO1-01773R000300110070-3 BIOGRAPHY FULTON, JAMES G., Republican, of Dormont (Pittsburgh), Pa.; born in Dormont Borough, the son of James Ernest and Emilie Fetterman Fulton; grandson of Rev. Dr. John Lockhart Fulton and Judge Charles Sylvester Fetterman, families active since the 1700's in civic affairs in Western Pennsylvania and the South Hills section of Pittsburgh; graduate of South Hills High School; Pennsylvania State College (now Pennsylvania State University), A. B. degree; Harvard Law School, LL. B. degree; studied 2 years in Fine Arts Department of Carnegie Institute of Technology; owner and pub- lisher Mount Lebanon News, the Boro News, Grafton-Ingram Times, The News (South Hills), and the East Liberty Tribune, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; farmer; lawyer, formerly partner with Pittsburgh banking law firm; member of the Allegheny County Board of Law Examiners from 1934 to 1942; solicitor for Dormont Borough; State Senator for the Forty-fifth district of Pennsylvania, 1939-40; volunteered for military service and commissioned lieutenant in the United States Naval Reserve on active duty in 1942; elected to the Seventy-ninth Congress on November 7, 1944; returned from the Philippine combat area in the Pacific to take seat in Congress on February 2, 1945; reelected to the Eightieth, Eighty-first, Eighty-second, Eighty-third, Eighty-fourth, and Eighty-fifth Con- gresses; member of Board of Visitors, Annapolis Naval Academy, on appointment by Speaker, 1947; chairman, special subcommittee on displaced persons of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Eightieth Con- gress; United States delegate to United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment at Habana, 1947-48, on appointment by the Presi- dent; chairman subcommittee for Europe, of House Foreign Affairs Committee, Eighty-third Congress; member of American Judicature Society and American Academy of Political and Social Science; Congressional office address in Pittsburgh, 502 L Federal Build' G g. t S ran treet, telephone Grant 1-0800; home address STAT Approved For Release 2007/03/02 : CIA-RDPO1-01773R000300110070-3