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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 1 December 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director SUBJECT : DIA Participation in the U.S. Intelligence Effort REFERENCE : Action Memorandum No. A-437 1. I have twice chaired intelligence community working groups engaged in preparing reports to the PFIAB. The first working group, which was in being from mid-November through the end of December 1962, prepared the "Report to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on Intelligence Community Activities Relating to the Cuban Arms Build-up." The second working group, which put together the report on "United States Foreign Intelligence Objectives," was formed in early July and continued through early September 1963. . DIA participated in preparing both reports. was the principal DIA representative and was a member of both working groups. These groups met repeatedly and for long hours trying to produce reports that would be responsive to the PFLA.B's requirements and which were acceptable to all of the members of the intelligence community. DIA's cooperation in assembling the mass of information needed as the bases for the reports, in getting follow-up information, in participating in the drafting and editing of the reports, and in getting concurrences on successive drafts was outstanding. I could riot have asked for better. ? arman Insp tor General DIA AND OSD HAVE NO OBJECTION TO DECLASSIFICATION AND RELEASE. DIA and OSD review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 H*1 25X1 STAT Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 2) VI 2 3 ?,2g Approved For Release 2fAitiaralAIDP80601676R000500040012-2 01 APR 19C4 r- , Ziecutive DctorCantxoller : Act Deputy Director for Mupport Ieniitt?ation of CIA "mations for the DOD Intelligence Career Development Program Memorandum from the Chief of Staff DIA, subject, "DOD Mollie:woe Career Development Program , dated 27 March 196 1. This memorandum submits a recommendation for recommends on is contained in paragraph t$. : this 2. About tee years ago se handlci a request similar to the attached reference by reeponding informally that there sea no need for the roartment of Defense to plan the development of intelligence peroonnel for uselin CIA. I am advised that this arrangement vas entirely acceptable to DIA. -- ' 3. Vs know of no change in this Ageneeill position on this matter, and believe that it would be in order to diem* of the current request in a similar fashion. 4. It is rem:mended that, is lieu of a forma reply to the reference, the Director of Personnel be authorised to contact the Defense InteU.tgence Agency informally to resfrimm this Aginoils position. isi. 1.177r4t . 37,771ols Immett D. Wavle Director of Personnel A a ?18 frTnr ? -7 NEB H. Ntes Lloyd Acting Deputy r-- - - The recommend/aim oontained in paragrogh li is befiradtPoPOLI:se 2002/08/21: CIA-ROI:FP 2 she Apr, 61 7,,,prums:71 A it ( Apr 64) ','Xmtlt; lar Pis ,j-)R19F).4 tate ll GROUP 1 (12,549149I 2 xclutled Cram adamatic 1 i ut dowm:...,iir.; 111d declussilltatt011 DLYK,? 441111 Approved For Release 243(91Vr 4fIEWIEB01676R000500 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 ArLfxlar.. C-6056/SA-6 ca-,51 2 7 MAR 1964 SUBJECT: DOD Intelligence Career Development Program - RCS: DD-DIA(OT)P5 TO: Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 1. References: a. Memorandum from the Secretary of Defense, subject: Intelligence Career Development Program, 1 February 1964 (Atch #1). b. DOD Directive 5010.10, subject: Intelligence Career Development Program, dated 1 February 1964 (Atch #2). c. DIA-developed Plan for DOD Intelligence Career Development Programs, 10 December 1962 (Atch i3). 2. Reference b establishes an Intelligence Career Development Program within the Department of Defense. The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, is charged with exercising general surveillance and management direction of Intelligence Career Development Programs established and administered by the major DOD components. 3. It will be noted that reference b requires that career patterns be developed to provide for the development of appropriate numbers of professionally qualified intelligence personnel and their proper utili- zation in intelligence positions in the national area of intelligence. In order to provide for the foregoing the directive requires the identification of: a. Key intelligence positions b. Specifically designated intelligence positions c. Qualitative standards for the above positions 4. Your assistance with regard to the identification of intelligence positions occupied by military personnel in your agency is requested. The following materials have been prepared to assist in this undertaking: a. Long-range educational requirements for DOD career intelligence personnel (Atch #4). b. Qualification areas to be considered in determining key intelli- gence positions and specifically designated intelligence positions (Atch #5). lease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 Approved For Releas-eCONF 80601676R000500040012-2 e. A sample completed DIA Form 92 (Atch 0). 4. It is requested that your recommendations with regard to the identi- fication of intelligence positions indicated in paragraph 2 above be forwarded in triplicate on DIA Form 92 so as to reach the DIA not later than 15 May 1964. Additional forms may be reproduced locally if necessary. FOR TEE DIRECTOR: () P,13. FRANKEL ar Admiral, USN Chief of Staff 8 Atch a/s Approved For Release 200C1INFIDEliTIAL01676R000500040012-2 2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP801301676R000500040012-2 THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON February 1, 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR The Secretaries of the Military Departments The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director,. National Security Agency SUBJECT: Intelligence Career Development Program References: (a) Memorandum from DepSecDef to Director- Designate, DIA, Subj: "Specific Responsi- bilities of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)," dated 12 August 1961 (b) Memorandum from DepSecDef to Director, DIA, Subj: "Career Program for Department of Defense Intelligence Personnel," dated 27 February 1962 (c) SCSM-105-63, Subj: "Plan for DoD Intelligence Career Development Programs (U)," dated 4 February 1963 The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Plan, Appendix B to reference (c), for establishing an Intelligence Career Development Program within appropriate DoD components is approved subject to the restrictions recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. DoD Directive 5010. 10, issued this date, reflects this decision. DoD components concerned will utilize the DIA-developed Intelligence Career Development Programs as basic guidance in complying with the provisions of DoD Directive 5010. 10 and for improving and adjusting existing intelligence career development programs. Programs prepared in accordance with DoD Directive 5010. 10 .will be developed and implemented within existing manpower authorizations. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP801301676R000500040012-2 Atch Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Within 180 days, the Director, DIA, will provide me with his preliminary evaluation of the Intelligence Career Development Programs as established and implemented by the Do]) components concerned. jw.s. DEPUTY.. Copies to: The Director of Defense Research & Engineering The Assistant Secretaries of Defense The General Counsel The Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense The Assistants to the Secretary of Defense Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 I4proved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 February 1, 19 64 NUMBER 5010.10 SUBJECT Reference: SecDef Department of Defense Directive Intelligence Career Development Program (a) DoD Directive 5105. 21, "Defense Intelligence Agency, It 1 August 1961 PURPOSE The purpose of this Directive is to establish Department of Defense policy and guidance for the further develop- ment of intelligence career programs conducted by all DoD components. GENERAL The Department of Defense has a continuing need for professionally competent intelligence personnel. It is essential that all practicable measures should be taken to establish and maintain a broad professional base of officer, enlisted, and civilian personnel who are highly trained and experienced in one or more aspects of intelligence. Such professional career intelligence personnel will be supplemented by other personnel who will subspecialize in intelligence. APPLICABILITY The provisions of this Directive apply to all components of the Department of Defense including the National Security Agency. A proved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 IV. DEFINITIONS As used in the Directive: A. Intelligence embraces those DoD intelligence and/or counterintelligence activities in which personnel are engaged in the collection, ,evalua- tion, analysis, integration, interpretation, and dissemination of information which concerns one or more aspects of foreign nations or of areas of operations, and which is immediately or potentially significant to military planning and operations. B. Career Development is a program of recruiting, selection, education, training, classification, and assignment to insure that the careers of selected. personnel are developed effectively within the Department of Defense. C. Career Intelligence Personnel is a term which embraces the following: 1. Career intelligence officers are those whose careers are being developed primarily in the field of intelligence augmented, wherever possible, by varied command and/or staff assignments in other functional areas. 2. Career intelligence civilian personnel are those whose careers are being developed in one or more specialized areas in the field of intelligence. 2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Feb 1, 64 5010., 10 3. Career intelligence enlisted men are those whose careers are being developed primarily in one or more specialized areas in the field of intelligence. 4. Career intelligence warrant officers are those warrant officers whose careers are being developed primarily in the field of intelligence. D. IntelLorfence Subspecialists is a term used to identify officers of the military departments who possess broad command and/or staff experience augmented by intelligence training and experience gained through assignments in the field of intelligence. E. Key Entelligence Positions are those which involve a high degree of responsibility in an intelligence area and require the assignment of persons of at least the grade of Lt. Col/Cmdr. (or equivalent civilian grade) who have a broad background, training and experience in the intelligence field. F. Specifically Designated Intelligence Positions are those throughout the DoD, ranging from pay grade 0-1 through General/Flag rank (or comparable civilian grade) which will be occupied only by career intelligence personnel, based on the need to establish clear avenues of career progression throughout all echelons of intelligence. V. OBJECTIVES The objectives of Intelligence Career Development Programs are to: A. Improve the DoD intelligence capability, in conso- nance with other priority operational and personnel requirements, through the development of appro- priate numbers of professionally qualified intelligence Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CM-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 personnel and their proper utilization in intelligence positions in the following areas of interest: 1. National area of intelligence, e. g., Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Joint Staff, and other activities as appropriate. 2. Unified staff area of intelligence, e. g. , head-- quarters elements of unified commands and their major component commands, NATO Military Standing Group and its staff and agencies and other activities and international headquarters as may be appropriate. 3. Military departmental area of intelligence, e. g., the headquarters of each military department. 4. Service operational area of intelligence, e. g., intelligence positions existing within each service below military department level, where pro- fessionally qualified personnel are required. B. Provide a system that will enable the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency to review and report periodically to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense on the requirements for and inventory of military and civilian personnel engaged directly in intelligence activities, and on the adequacy of implementation of programs and guidelines established. C. Insure that DoD military and civilian intelligence personnel are: 1. Carefully selected. Provided positive incentives for careers in intelligence. 4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Feb 1, 64 5010. 10 3. Provided opportunities and incentives to develop their skills and abilities. 4. Utilized in a climate conducive to individual growth and development. 5. Provide equal opportunities with their con- temporaries of other career areas for advancement, training and over-all career development. VI. RESPONSIBILITY A. The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, is charged with exercising general surveillance and management direction of Intelligence Career Development Programs established and adminis- tered by the major DoD components. The Director will, in coordination with the heads of the DoD components concerned, develop and propose to the Secretary of Defense through the Joint Chiefs of Staff changes to or additional policy and program guidance as may be required. B. The Secretaries of the military departments are responsible for establishing and administering career development programs for all military and civilian career intelligence personnel who are included in their departmental personnel ceilings. C. Heads of DoD components, other than the military departments, are responsible for establishing and administering intelligence career development pro- grams for civilian personnel primarily employed in intelligence duties within their organizations. VII. POLICY A. Intelligence Career Development Programs will be limited to those military and civilian personnel Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 5 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 whose careers will be developed primarily in the field of intelligence. Long-range programs will be established by responsible DoD com- ponents to insure that timely actions are taken to procure selectively adequate numbers of personnel, effect appropriate training, and, on an individualized basis, project and effect assignments that will follow clearly established avenues of progression to higher skill and grade levels. A professional base of qualified career intelligence personnel will be established within each DoD component which directly employs or hires intelligence personnel. C. Intelligence skills which are common throughout the Department of Defense will he identified. Common standards and training will be effected wherever practicable and feasible. D. Career patterns will be established and utilized for each major specialty. E. Department of Defense minimum qualification standards will be established for all military intelligence specialities and professional civilian positions which are common to all DoD components. F. Key and specifically designated intelligence positions world-wide will be identified, and qualitative standards will be established. G. Current programs will be adjusted to conform with the provisions of this directive. VIII. FUNCTIONS A. The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, shall perform the following functions: Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Feb 1, 64 5010. 10 1. In collaboration with the heads of the DoD components concerned. a. Identify key and specifically designated intelligence positions existing in the national and unified staff areas of intelligence interest; establish qualifi- cation standards for each position. b. Identify common intelligence skill and training requirements. c. Identify common military intelligence specialist skills to enable the military services to establish standard specialists' classifications denoting common skills, training, and career development patterns. d. Conduct a continuing review of the effective- ness of the program concerning the manning of selected key intelligence billets (including selected senior attache posts) with qualified personnel. e. Develop and propose to the Secretary of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, changes to, or additional policy and program guidance as required in the further imple- mentation of this Directive. 2. Advise the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Defense and heads of DoD components concerned on the effectiveness of the plans and programs for career development of intelligence personnel within the DoD. This will include a review, at least annually, to insure that, in consonance with other operational requirements, sufficient numbers of highly qualified military and civilian Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 personnel are being developed to meet current and long-range requirements. B. Each DoD component which directly employs or hires intelligence personnel will establish programs for career development of intelligence officer, enlisted and civilian personnel to include as a minimum provision for: I. A professional base of career intelligence personnel. The size and composition of the professional base will be determined by each DoD component based on specific needs to meet internal and external requirements for career intelligence personnel. 2. Identification and establishment of standards for key and specifically designated intelligence positions existing within each DoD component. 3. Procedures to insure periodic, progressive assignments outside of the field of intelligence for those officers whose careers are primarily in the field of intelligence. 4. Procedures to permit periodic, progressive assignments to intelligence duties for those officers subspecializing in intelligence whose careers are primarily in other professional fields. IX. FINANCING OF TRAINING A. The DoD component providing training on a common or unilateral basis will be responsible for programming, budgeting and financing all expenses incident to the planning, developing and operation of training programs Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Feb 1, 64 5010. 10 within the career development program. No re- imbursement for such expenses will be made to the DoD component providing the training by the using DoD component. B. The pay, allowances (including subsistence) of military personnel and permanent change of station travel costs of military and civilian personnel assigned as faculty of supporting or related training programs will be borne by the DoD component from which assigned. C. The pay, allowances (including subsistence) and travel costs (not integral to courses of instruction) of military and civilian personnel assigned as students will be borne by the DoD component to which permanently assigned. X. EFFECTIVE DATE This Directive is effective upon publication for planning purposes. The specific actions directed herein will be implemented within 120 days after the publication date. tirTNALE Deputy Se retary of Defense Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 9 Approved For Release 2002d6?/1211Dtc+MDP80601676R000500040012-2 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE A PLAN FOR DoD INTELLIGENCE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 10 DECEMBER 1962 [ EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC 1 REGRADING; DoD DIR 5200.10 1 DOES NOT APPLY ..--...I S;ONF D ENT JAL Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP806016761REP)500040012-2 A PLAN FOR DoD INTELLIGENCE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS TABLE OF CONTENTS ATTACHMENT I. - THE PLAN Essential Elements of a Plan Page No,. 1 SECTION I. Proposed Intelligence Officer Career Development Program 3 SECTION II. Proposed Enlisted Intelligence Career Development Program ' 19 SECTION III. - Proposed Civilian Intelligence Specialist Career Development Program 25 Enclosure 1 Initial General Order of Magnitude (Officer) Enclosure 2 Officer Intelligence Career Pattern - Example Enclosure 3 Initial General Order of Magnitude (Enlisted) Enclosure 4 Example of an Enlisted Job Ladder Enclosure 5 Guideline Training Plan (Civilian) ATTACHMENT II. - PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING DoD DIRECTIVE ATTACHMENT III. - MANPOWER 'AUGMENTATION AND SUPPORTING DATA FOR DIA ATTACHMENT IV. - RESULTS OF SERVICES COORDINATION Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 ATTACHMENT V. - SUPPORTING REVIEW DATA Page no. SECTION I. Background and Influencing Factors 1 SECTION II. - Department of Army Current Personnel Programs 12 SECTION III. Department of Navy Current Personnel Programs 20 SECTION IV. Department of Air Force Current Personnel Programs 29 SECTION V. Study on Identification. of Intelligence Skills 37 Common to the Services SECTION VI. Examples of Key/Critical Intelligence Positions 54 at National and Unified Command Area of Interest ii Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 cm Approved For Rhease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 PLAN FOR DoD INTELLIGENCE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS The essential elements of an effective Intelligence Career Development Plan are: FIRST, broad policy and program guidance to be followed by all components of the DoD (except NSA) in carrying out their function of career development as it relates to world-wide requirements for intelli- gence trained personnel. This element is contained in the proposed DoD Directive and the attached Plan. Due to differences in personnel systems involving the three types of individuals concerned, the Plan is presented in the following three sections: SECTION I - Officer Program SECTION II - Enlisted Program SECTION III - Civilian Personnel Program SECOND, the identification of -..ntelligence skills and training requirements which are common among the Services. This element is the subject of separate action now in the process of collaboration between the DIA and the Services. THIRD, the development of common courses of instruction which are related to the career program for DoD intelligence personnel and the anticipated increase in the over-all DoD requitement or jointly-trained intelligence officers. This element is being providec through the estab- lishment of the Defense Intelligence School, and through other DoD- recognized Intelligence Schools. FOURTH, the identification and validation of key and critical intelligence positions, world-wide, and the development of qualitative standards for each position. Upon approval of the Plan, the Military Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 ) Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Departments will take appropriate actions regarding the positions that exist within the Departments. Key and critical intelligence positions existing above or external to the Military Departments are in the process of being identified and validated by the Defense Intelligence Agency in collaboration with the Commanders-In-Chief of the Unified and Specified Commands, and heads of DoD agencies and activities involved. Further, the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency will collaborate with the Direc- tor, Central Intelligence Agency and the Director, National Security Agency regarding key and critical intelligence positions that may exist within the military complements of their agencies. The inclusion of key and critical military intelligence positions of the CIA and the NSA under this Plan will not form the basis for duplication or infringement upon the authority, responsibilities, or prerogatives of the Central Intelli- gence Agency or National Security Agency. 2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Riale2tse 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B016761400))500040012-2 SECTION I PROPOSED INTELLIGENCE OFFICER CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Section is to outline the proposed Intelligence Officer Career Development Program and to provide initial program guidance that will aid the Military Departments and the Defense Intelligence Agency in their implementation of the prograg. II. ACTION BY MILITARY DEPARTMENTS: A. The Military Departments will insure that the following actions are taken to implement and administer the DoD Intelligence Officer Career ? Development Program within each Department: 1. Establish new prggrams or adjust existing programs to conform Hith_lts_policies contained in the proposed DoD Directive. 2. 11/21M122_111111L2MhliP h and/or revise a 'I ro nate directives implementing the policies and actions contained in the proposed DoD Directive on the Intelligence Officer Career Development Program. 3. Establish a Career Intelligence Officer Program. a. Qualified officers will be encouraged and given opportu- nities to volunteer for careers in intelligence provided they meet DoD and Departmental Standards. They will remain career intelligence personnel unless subsequently released or disqualified by the Services for personal, security, professional or other reasons. Their careers will be developed in the field of intelligence. Each Department will insure that on a planned basis, Career Intelligence Officers are provided periodic normal tours of duty in command and/or staff assignments which may be in functional areas other than intelligence. Such assignments will be consistent with their overall Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : 1A-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R0r00500040012-2 development as career intelligence officers. Further, they will be considered for attendance at civilian educational institutions and/or Service Schools which will contribute to their overall military career development. b. The long-range program will be directed primarily toward the selection of highly qualified officers, in pay grades 0-1 through 0-30 except as noted in paragraph c. below. (1) For a period of 3 years following the implementation date of this program, or upon completion of current tour, whichever is later, highly qualified officers of any grade may volunteer for intelligence careers provided that there are specific vacancies in authorized or programmed intelligence billets. However, if the officers are of field grade, they must possess previous training and/or experience in one or more aspects of intelligence. (2) During the 3-year period cited above, those officers currently identified by the Departments as being "career intelligence officers" who are accepted into the Departments' Career Intelligence Programs will be considered as meeting the minimum DoD standards. Nothing in this plan or the proposed DoD Directive will be considered as disqualifying such officers for entering upon careers in intelligence. This group of officers will include: Department of Army -- Officer members of the Army Intelligence and Security Branch; Department of Navy - Those officers awarded Designator 161X, 163X, 646X, or 764X; Department of the Air Force -- Those officers per- forming primary duty in, and fully qualified in, an Air Force intelligence or special investigations Specialty who volunteer for a career in intelligence. To the fullest extent practicable, appropriate measures will 4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 be taken within each-Department-that...will-enable career intelligence - officers to meet the established qualification standards. (3) Subsequent to the 3-year period cited above, each Military Department can waive mandatory qualification standards in individual cases under conditions and for reasons to be prescribed in Service directives. c. Company grade and field grade officers who are specialists in scientific, technical or engineering fields will be encouraged to volunteer for careers in the intelligence field. The careers of those accepted will be developed in the intelligence field and they normally will be utilized as technical intelligence officers. They will be programmed for assignments in intelligence; however, on a planned basis, they will be provided periodic assignments of not more than 4 years duration each in ? the career field area in which they are basically professionally qualified and/or for attendance at civilian and military educational establishments. Such assignments will be designed, primarily, to afford such officers an opportunity to "keep up with the state of the art" in their basic scientific., technical, or engineering field. d. Procedures will be established within the Departments to Insure that an acceptable balance is maintained between Regular Officers and Reserve Officers on extended active duty who comprise the Career Intelligence Officer complement. e. Manning of billets within the DoD intelligence community will not be based solely on the Career Intelligence Officer Program. Involuntary detail or assignment of officers to intelligence billets will be resorted to if required, in order to maintain acceptable levels of manning. 5 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 4. Establish a professional base of Career Intelligence Officers. a. Steps will be taken by each Military Department to pre- serve the assets now available in the DoD. Measures taken will result in the identification and controlled utilization of career intelligence officers now on-board inasmuch as developed and selected the senior officers of tomorrow. Therefore, they form the base from which will be key and critical career intelligence as of the effective date of the proposed DoD Directive, officers of .Che types indicated in subparagraphs 1 through 3 below normally will be utilized in the field of intelligence until an effective career intelligence officer program has been instituted, as determined by each Department. This group is selected for retention inasmuch as the personnel classification systems and/or the personnel assignment and utilization policies of the Departments have resulted in these officers being identified as intelligence specialists who normally were procured, trained, developed, and/or utilized primarily in the field of intelligence. Thus, the professional base initially will consist of: (1) Department of the Army: All officers possessing a primary military occupational specialty (MOS) in the field of intelli- gence (other intelligence, counterintelligence or security). This is limited to those officers whose assignment files currently are under the control of the Army Intelligence and Security Branch, Officer Personnel Division, Office of Personnel Operations, Department of the Army. The initial general order of magnitude is illustrated in Enclosure Nr. 1. (2) Department of the Navy: Those officers assigned Designator 163X for duties in the intelligence field and those officers assigned Designator 161X, . 646X, or 764X for duties in the Communications 6 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP8060167614000500040012-2 ,intelligence/cryptology field. The initial general order of magnitude is illustrated in Enclosure Nr. 1. (3) Department of the Air Force: All officers performing primary duty in, and fully qualified in, an Air Force Intelligence or Special Investigation Specialty. The initial general order or magnitude is illustrated in Enclosure Nr. 1. b. The professional base established by each Military Department will consist of the total trained off icer personnel resource in all fields of intelligence required by each Department to meet internal and external requirements for career intelligence officers. The careers of members of the professional base will be developed primarily in the Intelligence Career field area, as defined in the proposed DoD Directive. Full recognition must be given to the fact that the careers of selected career intelligence officers will be developed primarily in specialised areas of intelligence (e.g., cryptology, COMINT, ELINT, CONSEC, etc.), wherein they may spend the majority of their military careers. c. Members of the professional base will not be assigned contrary to the provisions of the proposed DoD Directive for periods in excess of the normal personnel replacement cycle except to meet the immediate critical operational requirements of the Department. d. Establishment of the professional base, as described above, and the requirement to fill certain key/critical intelligence billets with career intelligence officers will automatically provide grades foi career intelligence officers ranging from Second Lieutenant (Ensign) through General or Flag Rank; the entire spectrum of intelligence specialties; and the basis for both immediate and future actions to develop career intelligence officers. e. The ultimate composition of the professional base will be determined by each Department based on Departmental needs to meet internal Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 and external requirements for career intelligence officers. The numbers, grades, and types of personnel in intelligence duties will fluctuate to meet changing operational requirements caused by the international situation and/or major reorganizations that will occur within the DoD; however, maximum stability of requirements is desired. Intelligence billets normally will be occupied by career intelligence officers whenever the qualification standards indicate the requirement for an individual whose career has been primarily in the field of intelligenoe. All remaining billets may be filled by qualified intelligence subspecialists. If overall requirements for intelligence personnel are reduced materially, there normally will be reductions in the numbers of intelligence subspecialists rather than in the number of career intelligence officers. Thus, the professional base (upon which long-range career development is planned and programmed) will be less affected by significant reductions and there will be little or no loss of career intelligence officers who will possess extensive experience and training which cannot be replaced for long periods of time. f. After the date that the professional base is established, no officer may be awarded or may retain a primary personnel classification code in the field of intelligence unless he is qualified and accepted by his Service for the professional base (i.e., accepted as a career intelli- gence officer). Intelligence subspecialists will possess an intelligence classification code only as a secondary or tertiary specialty. 5. Establish within the staff of the Military Headquarters of each Military Department an intelliom9._2fficer career develo ment activit . Establishment of a new activity or designation of an existing activity will be at the discretion of each Military Department. As a minimum, this 8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP801301676R000500040012-2 Approved For Fkelease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R00500040012-2 activity should be charged with performing or monitoring the following functions in coordination with appropriate staff agencies and activities. a. Procure, train, assign, utilize and develop the careers of all career intelligence officers of the professional base. b. Develop, establish and maintain at the echelon where assignments are controlled centrally a system of career profiles reflecting planned and programmed job assignments, attendance at civilian educational institutions, Service schools, and/or intelligence training for each career intelligence officer. Such a career profile system will be established to meet the needs of the Service for career intelligence officers, the professional needs of each officer, and insofar as possible, the desires of each officer. Individuals will be selected early in their careers and, through the use of such planned profiles, their careers will be developed ix intelligence to qualify them for eventual assignment to one or more key/critical intelligence billets existing in Military Departmental, Unified Staff, or National areas of intelligence. A typical career pattern is illustrated in Enclosure Nr. 2 hereto. c. Such profiles, extending over a minimum of three tours of duty (the current tour and two proposed subsequent tours), will be established for grades 03 and 04 within twelve (12) months of the effective date of the DoD Directive and for grade 02 within twenty-four (24) months of the effective date. Individualized career profiles will be established on all officers entering the professional base after the base is initially established. Individual career profiles are not required for officers in the grades of Lieutenant Colonel/Commander or higher who initially comprise the professional base. However, their records will be reviewed; tentative selections made of those officers to be assigned to key intelligence 9 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP806016761400))500040012-2 positions in the National and Unified Staff areas; and appropriate and timely assignments made in order to enable selected officers to meet the DoD qualification standards established for such positions. d. Administer the Career Intelligence Officer Program which is outlined in paragraph 3 above. e. Maintain the Departmental listing of key/critical intelli- gence billets and take actions relative thereto (See paragraph 7 below). 6. Publish and utilize guidance provided by the DIA regarding intelli ence skills and training deemed to be common throughout the DoD. Establish, revise, or delete intelli ence s ecialties as re uired. Ada plans, programs, systems, procedures, manning documents, etc., to reflect the revised skills. Adjust training programs to conform with the revised or new requirements. This guidance will be developed by the DIA; coordinated with the Services, and provided the Military Departments not more than 60 days subsequent to the date the proposed DoD Directive is approved. (See also paragraph. III. A. 2. below). 7. Identify key and critical intelligence positions as defined by each Department which exist within the Military Department; establish qualification standards for each position; designate those positions that normally will be occupied by_career intelligence officers. a. Normally) a key intelligence position would be one which involves an extremely high degree of responsibility in an intelligence area and requires the assignment of persons of at least the grade of LtCol/Cdr (or equivalent civilian grade) who have a broad background of training and experience in the intelligence field. Based upon job requirements, selected 10 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 N Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 officers who have subspecialized in intelligence and/or who have broad command and staff experience may be assigned to key intelligence positions. A critical intelligence position would be one which requires highly spe- cialized skill(s) (intelligence or non-intelligence) usually obtainable only after long experience and/or training. A critical position might be filled by a person of any officer grade or equivalent civilian grade. b. Key and critical intelligence positions will be occupied by career intelligence officers, intLligence subspecialists, or other qualified personnel dependent upon the specific requirements of each position. c. Each Military Department will: (1) Identify key/critical intelligence billets exi.sting, world-wide, at each major echelon within the Department. (2) Establish mandatory and/or desirable qualification standards for each position. (3) Designate those positions that normally will be occupied by career intelligence officers. This determination will be based upon the duty requirements of each position and the DoD requirement to provide career incentives by insuring clear avenues of progression for career intelligence officers through all major echelons and through grades ranging from pay grade 0-1 through General Officer or Flag Rank. (4) Provide the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, with informational copies of listings of world-wide Departmental key and critical intelligence positions to include, identification of those positions designated to be filled by career intelligence officers. 11 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 (5) Take appropriate action to develop the careers of selected officers to qualify them for assignment to key and critical intelligence positions existing within each Military Department and in the National and Unified Staff areas of intelligence. (Qualifications to be established for National and Unified Staff area key/critical intelligence billets will require that the incumbents have served for a specified number of years in intelligence or have acquired equivalent experience at specific levels of intelligence e.g., major command level staff, Departmental level staff, etc. See paragraph III. A. 3. below). (6) Select officers to fill key/critical intelligence billets within each Department. (7) In accordance with established policies, effect the assignment of qualified officers to key intelligence positions in the National and Unified Staff areas of intelligence. e. Senior Attache posts will be filled by career intelligence officers, intelligence subspecialists, or other qualified personnel dependent upon the requirements of each post and the necessity or desirability of having a specific post occupied by an officer whose career has been primarily in the field of intelligence. Selection of Senior Attaches will be by the Military Department concerned. From time to time, based upon the current or predicted international situation, the Secretary of Defense may determine that selected Senior Attache posts in critical areas will be occupied by career intelligence officers. 8. Adjust current ans_l_pI2jected authorizations for and inventory of intelligence officer personnel to meet world-wide re uirements for such individuals. 12 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 A. Each Military Department will: (1) Review and make adjustment, where required, of the current and projected authorizations for intelligence personnel that are required to meet the internal needs of the Department for such personnel. This review will be correlated with other Departmental action to designate these selected key intelligence positions that normally will be occupied by career intelligence officers and action to provide clear avenues of grade and skill progression for career intelligence officers through all major echelons and through pay grades ranging from pay grade 0-1 through General officer and Flag rank. (2) Review and make departmental adjustments, where required, of the external requirements for intelligence personnel that have been placed upon each Department by "National and Unified Staff" agencies, activities, and units. This review will be performed in coordination with the appro- priate agencies, activities, and units in which the external requirements exist. Established procedures will be observed in conducting this coordinated review. (See paragraph Ill A 3 below for actions to be taken by the Director, DIA to aid the Departments). III. ACTION BY THE DIA: A. The Director, DIA, will: 1. Establish within DIA an intelligence career development activity which will be the DOD focal point for matters regarding DoD Programs for career development of milit.ar and civilian ersonnel in the intelli ence field. a. The activity will be the staff element within ,pie DIA to: 13 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R1 0(10500040012-2 (1) Provide the Military Departments and DoD agencies and activities with overall career program guidance concerning matters which are or become extensions, amplifications, or interpretations of approved DoD policies in the area of career development of DoD intelligence personnel. (2) Accomplish for the Director, DIA, appropriate actions regarding common skills and training (see para. 2 below) and key and critical intelligence positions (see para. 3 below). (3) Accomplish for the Director, DIA, the minimum review actions set forth in para. 4 below. b. Establishment of this activity will not form the basis for either unnecessary duplication or infringement by the DIA upon the basic responsibility of the Services to procure, classify, train, career manage, and distribute personnel. The initial manning of such an activity will be kept to a minimum in accordance with applicable DoD Directives and memorandums. 2. Identify intelligence skills and training which are common throughout the DoD. a, In collaboration with the Military Departments, the Director, DIA will identify intelligence skills and training which are common through- out the DoD. (Separate DIA action to meet this requirement is underway.) b. Intelligence skills which are common throughout the DoD will be identified and described in uniform terms. Such actions will contribute to standardization of training common terminology or terms of reference, and the establishment of mandatory and desirable qualification standards. Thus, each Service can produce common intelligence skills on an equal basis. Cross-training and cross-utilization will be increased. Manning of DoD, joint and unified activities by persons of approximately Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :181A-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676436500040012-2 equal qualification can be achieved. c. Each specialty code with common duties and responsibilities and types of training needed to produce the required skills will be iden- tified. This action will result in the Services revising some MOSs, AFSCs and specialty descriptions. Further, this action will result in the establishment of common mandatory and desirable qualifications for each specialty as well as common grade spread authorized and input source. The Departments of the Army and the Air Force officer personnel systems and directives will be adjusted to conform to the new program. The Department of the Navy officer job classification system (NOBCs and/or the specialty descriptions for selected Designators) and directives will be adjusted in a similar manner. d. Special measures will be taken with regard to the identifica- tion of common intelligence skills and training in the areas of cryptology, COMINT, COMSEC, and ELINT. This identification and validation process will be a joint effort between the National Security Agency and the Military Departments. The actions set forth in paragraphs 2 b and c above will be taken under the administrative monitorship of the DIA which will act merely as the focal point for all actions. The joint actions to be taken will not form the basis for duplication or infringement upon the authority, responsibilities, or prerogatives of the Director, National Security Agency which are outlined in appropriate DoD Directives. 3. Identify and validate key and critical intelligence positions existing in the National and Unified Staff areas of, intelligence interest. (See para. II. A. 7. above for definitions of key and critical intelligence positions,) 15 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 Approved For Riease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676100))500040012-2 a. Based upon data submitted by the activities involved, the Director, DIA, will take the following actions in collaboration with heads of the activities concerned. (1) Identify key and critical intelligence positions existing in activities and units in the National and Unified Staff areas of intelligence interest. (2) Establish the qualitative standards for each position. This will include the mandatory and desirable qualifications that normally will be possessed by future incumbents. (3) Designate those key intelligence positions that normally will be occupied by career intelligence officers. To accomplish this, action will be taken to: (a) Identify and designate those positions in which actual duty requirements clearly dictate the need for the assignment of an officer whose career has been developed primarily in the field of intelli- gence and augmented by experience gained through varied command and/or staff assignments in other functional areas. (b) Identify those positions in which actual duty requirements do not dictate the need for the assignment of career intelli- gence officers as described in (a) above. Such positions normally will be occupied by an individual who possesses broad command and staff experience augmented by other experience gained through assignments in the field of intelligence or which involve intelligence matters. However, a limited number of these positions may be designated for occupancy by career intelli- gence officers based upon the DoD requirement that career incentives will 16 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Riese 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R0500040012-2 .be provided by insuring clear avenues of grade and skill progression for career intelligence officers through all major echelons and through grades ranging from pay grade 0-1 through General Officer or Flag Rank. (4) Provide the appropriate Director, Commander-in-Chief, or Commander with the coordinated data obtained. (5) Provide the Services with the data obtained for use as definitive, long-range guidance as to the numbers and types of intelligence officers they are required to develop to meet these external requirements. b. The Director, DIA, will request the Director, Central Intelligence Agency and the Director, National Security Agency to take actions comparable to those described in para. 3a (1) and (2) above with regard to key intelligence positions which may exist within their military complements. In collaboration with the Directors, the Director, DLA, will take the actions described in para. 3a (3) and (4) above. 4. Advise the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense, at least annually, on the effectiveness of the Military Departments' plans and programs for career development of intelligence personnel. The Director, DIA, will effect a review of the critical aspects of the DoD Intelligence Career Development Programs. Critical aspects include, but are not limited to, the following major areas: a. The effectiveness of each Services' Intelligence Career Development Programs and their actions to man all key and critical intelligence billets with qualified personnel. b. The current DoD requirements for intelligence personnel and the Services' capability to meet the requirements. (Excluded are the 17 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Ree 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R60500040012-2 'requirements of the National Security Agency and those of the Security activities of the Military Departments.) c. Recommended action to correct skill, grade, or other imbalances that may exist or be forecast among the Services. d. Measures to be taken to insure that the DoD mid-range and long-range intelligence personnel requirements are reflected accurately in the Services' projections of future requirements. 18 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Re164 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R0A00040012-2 SECTION II PROPOSED ENLISTED INTELLIGENCE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Section is to outline the proposed Enlisted Intelligence Career Development Program and to provide initial program guidance that will aid the Military Departments and the Defense Intelligence Agency in their implementation of the Program. II. ACTION BY MILITARY DEPARTMENTS: A. The Military Departments will insure that the following actions are taken to implement and administei. the DoD Eftlisted Intelligence Career Development Program within each Department: 1. Establish new ograms or adjust existing programs to conform with the olicies contained in the proposed DoD Directive. 2. Develop and publish and/or revise a 'I ro riate directives ....erist...na_t_h_e....2p1._.;1.__.eiesinand actions contained in the proposed DoD Enlisted Intelligence Career Development Program. 3. Establish an Enlisted Intelligence Technician Specialization Program within each Service: a. Qualified enlisted personnel will be encouraged and given opportunities to volunteer for careers in intelligence provided they meet Departmental standards. Such standards should include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) An applicant for enlistment, reenlistment, or special- ization in intelligence must be a high school graduate (or equivalent) and meet the qualifications for enlistment or reenlistment established by his Service. (2) Attain a standard score of 110 or higher on an aptitude 19 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 Approved For Kaase 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676a0500040012-2 .area GT or a comparable score on an equivalent test. (3) Meet the age and physical standards established by his Service. (4) Possess or have the aptitude to attain, the technical qualifications appropriate to the grade and skill level of the intelli- gence specialty in which he will specialize. b. Conditions for waivers of qualifications and loss of eligibility for continued careers in intelligence will be prescribed by each Service. c. Wherever feasible, those enlisted personnel possessing an MOS, AFSC or NEC in which there is a CONUS/Overseas imbalance will be granted first priority to cross-train to meet requirements in other intelli- gence specialties where such imbalances do not exist. 4. Provide an annual input of enlisted personnel to insure effective manning levels. a. To supplement the Intelligence Specialization Program, if required, each Service will provide an annual input of enlisted per- sonnel Of all grades into each major specialty to insure that intelligence activities are effectively manned with enlisted intelligence specialists. Input of enlisted personnel in paylgrades E-7 through E-9 normally will not be on an involuntary basis. b. Wherever feasible, personnel being assigned involuntarily to intelligence duties will attend or be accepted for attendance at appro- priate intelligence schools or courses of instruction prior to their assign- ment on a continued basis to intelligence duties. 20 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676ft0500040012-2 5. Establish a professional base of Enlisted Intelli ence S ecialists. a. Steps will be taken by each Military Department to preserve the intelligence technician assets now available within the DoD. Measures taken will result in the identification and controlled utilization of intelli- gence specialists now on-board. Therefore, as of the effective date of the proposed DoD Directive, enlisted personnel of the types indicated in sub- paragraphs (1) through (4) below will be utilized only in the field of intelli- gence until an effective Enlisted Intelligence Technician Specialization Program has been instituted, as determined by each Department. This group is selected for retention inasmuch as the personnel and/or job classification systems of the Services have resulted in these enlisted personnel being identified as intelligence specialists who normally were procured, trained, developed, and/or utilized primarily in the field of intelligence. The enlisted segment of the professional base of intelligence specialists* will consist of: (1) Department of Army: All enlisted personnel possessing as a primary military occupational specialty (MOS) one of the specialties listed in Enclosure Nr. 3 hereto. The initial general order of magnitude is illustrated in Enclosure Nr. 3. (2) Department of Navy: All enlisted personnel in the PT Rating group plus other enlisted personnel awarded certain Naval enlisted intelligence specialists listed in Enclosure Nr. 3 who are utilized exclusively in intelligence billets. in Enclosure Nr. 3. The initial general order of magnitude is illustrated * Inasmuch as all enlisted intelligence technicians are specialists in intelli- gence, there will be no enlisted intelligence sub-specialists except in the Navy. All enlisted specialists assigned against total intelligence billet requirements on and after the date the professional base is established, will be incorporated into the Base. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 21 Approved For Fce)ase 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676Q0500040012-2 (3) Marine C(212E: All enlisted personnel awarded the occupational specialties listed in Enclosure Nr. 3 hereto. The initial general order of magnitude is illustrated in Enclosure Nr. 3. (4) Department of Air Force: All enlisted personnel awarded one of the specialties listed in Enclosure Nr. 3 hereto as a primary or control Air Force Specialty. The initial general order of magnitude is illustrated in Enclosure Nr. 3. b. Establishment of the enlisted segment of the professional base of intelligence specialists will automatically provide grades for intelligence specialists ranging from E-1 through E-9; the entire spectrum of intelligence specialties; and the basis for both immediate and future actions to develop the careers of enlisted intelligence specialists. The numbers, grades, and specialties will fluctuate to meet changing opera- tional requirements caused by the international situation and/or major reorganizations within the DoD; however, maximum stability is desired. 6. Publish and utilize guidance provided by the DIA regarding intelligence skills and training deemed to be common throughout the DoD. Establish, revise, or delete intelligence specialties, as required. Adapt plans, programs, systems, procedures, manning documents, etc. to reflect the revised skills. Adjust training programs to conform with the revised or new requirements. a. This guidance will be developed by the DIA; coordinated with the Services; and provided the Military Departments not more than 60 days subsequent to the date that the proposed DoD Directive is 22 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For 8gease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676440500040012-2 approved. (See also paragraph III. A. 2. below) 7. Establish job progression ladders for each major intelli- gence specialty. a. Each Service will provide clearly defined avenues of pro- gression to higher skill levels and grades in each major intelligence specialty. These will be graphically portrayed so as to illustrate input source for each specialty, a vertical progression of increasing skills in each specialty, the requirement fdr attendance at specialized formal training for each specialty, permissible cross-training, and/or permissible cross-utilization limits (see Encl. Nr. 4 hereto for an example of a . specialty portrayed in this manner). Such job progression ladders will show the normal career development pattern for each major specialty. b. Enlisted intelligence specialists will be programmed for timely attendance at the appropriate intelligence specializatinn courses required for each specialty. ACTION BY THE DIA: A. The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency will: 1. Establish within the DIA an intelligence career development activit which will be the 1LpToDfocalointforstt2E2_LtgmliEg2zD programs for career development of enlisted intelligence specialists throughout the DoD. (Functions of this activity are set forth in para- graph III. A. 1 of Section I. Proposed Intelligence Officer Career Development Program.) 2. Identify intelligence skills and training_l?ith_lre common throughout the DoD. a. Take actions regarding enlisted intelligence skills and Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 Approved For se 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP806016761a0500040012-2 .training comparable to those set forth in paragraph III. A. 2, Section I, Proposed Intelligence Officer Career Development Program. 3. Perform the minimum review function set forth in paragraph III. A. 4 Section I, Proposed Intelligence Officer Career Development Program. 24 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For keiase 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676Q0500040012-2 SECTION III PROPOSED CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to outline the proposed Career Development Program for civilian professional intelligence specialists and to provide initial program guidance that will aid the DOD components, agencies, and activities in their implementation of the program. II. PROGRAM SCOPE: The proposed program will include those civilian professional intelligence specialists who perform duties which are comparable to and properly identifiable with the officer intelligence AFSCs, MOSs) and NOBCs contained in Section 1 above and in Enclosure No. 1. III. ACTION BY MILITARY DEPARTMENTS: A. The Military Departments will insure that the following actions are taken to implement and administer the DOD Civilian Professional Intelligence :Specialists Career Development Program within each Department: 1. Establish long-raw career develument plans for civilian intelligence specialists. a. Each Service or DOD Agency will establish an individualized and meaningful career development plan for each registered employee with the objective of increasing his capacity in his present assignment and developing him for progression into higher level positions. These plans will be Care- fully established and controlled and should include: (1) Consideration for attendance at Service Schools and the payment of tuition for courses at colleges and universities as a prime means 25 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Rre-rease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP806016761Q0500040012-2 of .providing intelligence education. These efforts must be timed to meet training and career development needs of the individual employee. The training plan for the individual employee will vary depending upon his specialty field, individual proficiency, and his ability to progress. (2) Provision for rotation, exchange assignments and directed tours within and among DOD intelligence activities located in the CONUS' Participation in rotation, exchange assignments and directed tours will be made a condition of employment for all new career intelligence employees and mandatory for those already employed who enter upon a career development program. Exchange assignments between and among DOD agencies will be a matter for coordina- tion between the agencies concerned. Directed tours, exchange and rotation assignments are particularly encouraged within the Washington, D.C. area. As a later collateral effort, CIA may be added to the program under a mutual agreement. (3) Provision for rotation of assignments (in the series and grades determined appropriate by the agency involved) between and among intelligence activities at U.S. locations overseas. Current employees will be given the opportunity to participate. For new employees who agree to such rotation it will be made a condition of employment. For participants, it will be necessary to establish specific tour lengths and provide a guarantee of a position in a specified U.S. area with no loss in grade upon return from overseas. 2. Establish within the Headquarters of each Military Department a Civilian Intelligence Specialist Career Management Activity or utilize the existing Career Management Organization. The function of this activity will be to review and maintain control of 26 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Rise 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676P0500040012-2 ? the career development of civilian intelligence specialists within that Department, including establishment of "trainee" programs and furnishing DIA with their requirements for college graduate recruits. This activity will evaluate lie program on a continuing basis and insure compliance with DOD Objectives. The methods and procedures employed in administering this activity will be left to the discretion of each Military Department. IV. ACTION BY DIA: A. Monitor DOD Civilian Intelligence Specialist Career Development Programs.. The Career Development activity within DIA will make periodic studies of DOD Career Development Programs for civilian intelligence specialists to determine desirable refinements or major revisions. This activity will review and determine the effectiveness of individual phases of the DOD Program and develop new concepts and techniques, and recommend necessary changes in order to fully develop and properly utilize professionally qualified civilian personnel in intelligence positions. B. Establish and conduct a DOD Colley Graduate Recruitment program. To insure a continuing annual input of civilian personnel for responsible intelligence specialists positions throughout the DOD, DIA will be responsible for establishing and conducting a program to recruit highly qualified college graduates to be entered into a formal trainee program: within DIA and the Military Departments. This program will be designed for long-range development for progressively responsible positions within the Military intelligence community. Only persons possessing exceptionally,high potential, and a strong desire for career advancement will be selected for this program. 27 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Ifaease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP8060167 0500040012-2 1. Annual Input: Each Military Service and DOD agency will determine its annual programmed input of college graduate recruits. These numbers will be based upon projected personnel turnover and expansion or contraction of personnel requirements. These positions will be in addition to "regular" position requirements and will be identified as "trainee" spaces on manning documents. The recruitment of college graduates is not intended as a means of filling all positions. Every effort should be made to attract as civilian career intelligence specialists those Military personnel retired or otherwise released from Military service who have had Military intelligence experience and are professionally, qualified. 2. Recruitment: Recruitment of colOge graduates will be timed as nearly as possible to permit entry on duty shortly prior to the beginning of the Defense Intelligence Course since it is planned that this normally will be the first phase of the trainee development. Necessary lead time will be needed to complete security investigations, testing, evaluation and other pre-selection requirements. 3. Educational Background: Applicants for this program must possess at least a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. Fluency in at least one foreign language and eligibility for a reserve com- mission are both highly. desirable. The adoption of such selection criteria is left to the discretion of each DOD Agency or Service. Tentative standards developed by DIA allow for entry into this program at the GS-7, and GS-9 grade level, depending upon academic study completed. Applicants with a Bachelor's degree may be selected for positions at 08-7 level if they are in the upper 20% of their class or have a "B" average or better. Applicants with a Masters 28 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Rcatse 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B016761663500040012-2 degree may be selected at the 08-9 level. The academic background of college graduate recruits will be matched against the specialized requirementsrofthe positions for which they are being hired. The specialized field for college recruits will cover a variety of subject matter areas and will be dependent upon projected long-range needs within the intelligence community. Applicants with a Doctorate degree in a subject matter area required by the intelligence community may be hired at the GS-11 level. A training.plan suitable to the backgrounds of these. candidates and keyed to the needs of the hiring Agency should be developed in each instance in order to assure ready assimilation of Doctorate employees into the agency and provide for their long range development. 4. Terms of Employment: Only employees who are readily willing to accept position transfer, reassignment and job rotation will be selected for the trainee program. Applicants will agree to this as a condition of employment. To provide maximum flexibility and ease of administration in selection, reassign- ment, promotion, and job rotation of these personnel among the various DOD intelligence activities, DIA will negotiate with the CSC for the movement of these personnel between the competitive and excepted services. (See enclosure 5, Guideline Training Plan.) C. Conduct long-range career development plans for DIA civilian intel- ligence specialists. The Civilian Personnel Division within DIA will take the necessary steps to have developed individualized and meaningful career development plans for professional intelligence specialists participating in the career development program These plans will be carefully, established and controlled and should include those features as discussed in paragraph .III A-1 above, 29 Approved For Release 2602/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 Approved For KeTease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676090500040012-2 . D. Conduct negotiation with the Services and the Civil Service Commission for the rotation of assignments of civilian employees. The Career Development activity within DIA will conduct the necessary negotiations with the Services for the rotation of civilian employee assignments for training purposes as described in enclosure 5 hereto. Negotiations with the Civil Service Commission for movement between the competitive and excepted services as noted in paragraph IV B 4 above will be conducted by the recruiting activity 'of the DIA. V. PHASED IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM: The build-up of DIA and the resultant transfer to DIA of many of the intelligence functions currently or previously performed by the Military Departments will create an atmosphere of continuing change and movement of personnel within the next 12 months. It is estimated that the civilian authorization within DIA will increase by approximately 1675 spaces during FY 1963. A significant portion of this gain will be by functional transfer to DIA from the Military Departments. It is not feasible, therefore, for the Services or DIA to immediately develop specific career development plans for these personnel. However, it is incumbent upon both the Services and DIA to develop long-range overall plans into which these persons will fit. For these reasons, it will be necessary that the DOD Civilian Intelligence Specialist Career Development Program be implemented in two phases. Phase I will begin upon approval of the program by the Secretary of Defense. Phase II will be implemented upon completion of the transfer of Production Center; ADPS; Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Activities; and Dissemination functions and personnel to DIA. 30 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For se 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676 500040012-2 , A. PHASE I. 1. Establish 'a Career Management Activity in the Headquarters of each Military Department. Establishment of a new activity or designation of an existing activity will be at the discretion of each military department. Under Phase I this activity will evaluate the program of the Military Department as it currently exists and begin planned action to insure long-range compliance with the total proposed program. As envisioned, this will include any necessary preliminary action for implementing Phase II. 2. Establish within the DIA an intelllgence career development activity which will be the regarding for the career development of civiliseng_;.c_2s_p2.2Ialis_:jt_tsthrouout the DOD. (Functions of this activity are set forth in paragraph III A 1 of the Section I, Proposed Intelligence Officer Career Development Program). B. PHASE II. 1. Establish a long-range career development plan for each participating civilian intellionat_Epecialisli. 2. Establish a College Graduate Recruitment and Trainee Program. 31 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Relase 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676500040012-2 CONFIIIDENTRAL INITIAL GENERAL ORDER OF MAGNITUDE (Officers) I. DEPARTMENT OF ARMY; During the period January - May 1962 (which was prior to the establishment of an Intelligence and Security Branch in the active Army), there were approximately 5,555 intelligence officer posi- tions authorized in the areas of Other Intelligence, Intelligence Corps, and Security. During that period, approximately 3,357 of the 5,555 authorized intelligence positions were occupied by officers who would be considered to be "career intelligence officers" as envisaged under this Plan; these officers would become members of the professional base estab- lished by this Plan. During the same period, many of the remaining number of authorized intelligence positions were filled by Army officers on Branch Immaterial assignments; they would be considered to be "Intelli- gence subspecialists" under this Plan. They would not become members of the proposed professional base inasmuch as their careers would not be developed primarily in the field of intelligence II. DEPARTMENT OF NAVY: A. Naval Intelligence As of 1 October 1962, there were 1,181 intelligence officer positions authorized. Of that number, 200 billets were identified as billets requiring the assignment of officers possessing Designator 163X, Special Duty Intelligence. There were 192 such officers assigned during the period and they would be considered to be "career intelligence officers" as envisaged by the Plan; hence, they would be members of the Navy professional base. The remaining 981 authorized intelligence billets were to be occupied by Naval intelligence "subspecial- ists". There were approximately 1,488 line officers (including aviation) trained and/or experienced in intelligence available, at varying times, to Approved For ReleaseeM: I -Drn 6A6 E E 0 05n0c01004,0uoria2-f Approved For64ase 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B0167 RO 0500040012-2 CONIFEDIENTRAL be utilized to fill these positions. They would not become members of the professional base since their careers would continue to be developed as line officers. B. Naval Security Group: As of 1 October 1962, there were 584 posi- tions within the Naval Security Group requiring the assignment of officers including Limited Duty Officers possessing Designators 161X or 646X. At that time, these positions were occupied by 335 officers possessing Designator 161X and 222 LDO's possesSing Designator 646X; for a total of 557 officers assigned against 584 positions. The 557 assigned officers would be considered to be "career intelligence officers" as envisaged. by the Plan; hence, they would be members of the Navy professional Base. C. Marine Corps: As of 1 January 1962, there were no "career intelli- gence officers" as defined in the Plan. Hence, the Marine Corps will not form a professional base of career intelligence officers. However, within the Marine Corps, there were 397 officer positions involving intelligence and/ or counterintelligence duties. There were 146 Marine Corps officers assigned to occupy these positions (exclusive of those in the FMF units). These 146 officers were considered to be "intelligence subspecialists" as defined in the Plan and their careers would not be developed in the field of intelligence. III. DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE: As of January 1962, there were 3,574 officer positions authorized in the Intelligence (including USAISS) and Special Investigations career field areas. There were 2,846 f.Ity qualified officers assigned to these positions who would be considered to be "career intelli- bence officers" as envisaged by the Plan; hence,,they would be members of the Air Force professional base. The balance of the positions, or any portion thereof, could be occupied by other officers considered to be "intelli- gence subspecialists" as defined by the Plan. Such officers would not be membersgptircalsciftariftleitasee2.0M08/243:01AiRDREMEM6MR6605000499c2120 be devel- oped in other career fielczcthiyll DE NI TIT AL Enclosure 1 Approved For Qease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 INTELLIGENCE OFFICER CAREER PATTERN I. Each Military Department will develop and publish career development and/or assignment patterns for career intelligence officers. Such patterns will: a. Provide a graphic and narrative guide for the use of appropriate officials responsible for the assignment and/or development of career intelligence officers. b. Illustrate the types of intelligence duties, levels of responsi- bility and the training and education objectives that are established by each Department as a means of providing clear avenues of skill and grade progression. c. Include the DoD long-range requirement that officers entering the 'intelligence career field must possess a baccalaureate degree (fields of study to be related to specialties). This requirement will be in addition to the entry level qualifications established by the Departments for each intelligence specialty. (NOTE: This will not be a mandatory requirement that must be met by certain officers described in para. 3 b (2) and (3) of the Plan.) II. Departmental intelligence officer career patterns generally will follow the types of patterns illustrated on. pages 2 and 3 of this enclosure. departmental Separate but correlated/patterns may be established for intelligence offc- cers and other intelligence officers qualified in communications/cryptology. Eligibility for Service Schools and other training will be determined by each Department. Enclosure 2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 GENERAL CAREER PROGRESSION GENERAL OFFICER POSITIONS SERVICES, UNIFIED AND SPECIFIED COMMANDS, DIA, NSA AND NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY NATIONAL STA FF SECURITY OFFICER SECURITYzT STAFF OFFIC ER SIGINT STAFF OFFICER S I GS EC STAFF OFFICER NATIONAL AREA INTELLIGENCE STAFF OFFICERS UNIFIED STAFF AREA INTELLIGENCE STAFF OFFICERS SENIOR INTELLIGENCE STAFF OFFIC ERS (A rivy, Navy, Al, Force) EIPERAIIONAL AREA COMINT AREA RUNT AREA. COMSK AREA ELSEC AREA COUNTER- INTELLIGENCE AREA FIELD OPERATIONS ONTB.LIGENCE) AREA OTHER INTELLIGENCE. AREAS PHOTO-RADAR INTERPRETER AREA L=.1 TECHNIC.AL INTELUGENCE AREA (COMMON QUALIFICATIONS DETERMINED BY DOD IN COLLABORATION WITH SEIVICES,, CODES 13TABUSHED BY salvias) Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 (Page 3 Enclosure 2 Oge =,. CONFIDENTIAL Yrs 35 to 30 . ? Approved For Kirease 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676k0b0500040012-2 ZYPICAL OFFICER INTELLIGENCE CAREER PATTERN Rank Phases ? : Gen/ I ? Adm 4 : ? ? ? ? ? 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11. 10 , 9 8' 7 6 la-1 ? 144 (did . 4J. . col PLa : 1-1 0 00 ?.4 wel ? I *1101/ . W 0 CO N :CaPt . . .1_I,-. 0 ?*1 ? I 4?1 A.S ? . 0 e, ? ? ? ?????11?0110?1?????111~41 ? :Lt Col/ : .Cdr . . ? ? ? ? ? .Lt Cdr ? *1111.???????????????????11 5 S. ' . w 4 .1st Lt/ ' . ? 0 0 ? 3 . Ltjg CI w w * bo 0 w 2 '? ?r4 "4 04 te ? 01.4 0 0 11.17757- 0 r?4 1,-.1 .0 ? 131 w w p4 $ 1 : Ens ? 4, > ? : . (N . :. 4 . . Formal TrainitDriy2T ical Assignments 0 ?14 ?v-I > ??-I In ? 1-4 U) bO 0 w 0 v) A W w ??4 Co O W N P 0 P 0 r-4 C) O W U W vJ ?44(d W O U DO 0 U 0 0 W 0 > E?4 .11 ?4 p ?- o a) .14 midoms? Ur.4 O 0 W 0 ?r4 ^ Ci) 01^ 0 W H 0 a) v3 u p ....siregni???? r.4 0 4-4 0 0 0 ?r-9 0) CU CO 00 Z 0 CO C.) 054 4..1 ad 0) Basic Military Or or Basic Intelligence ['raining :Key Intelligence Posts . .Unified and Specified Commands 'DIA, NSA and National Intelli- gence Community .Controlled Assignments to 'Non-Intelligence Duties ? '? Senior Command and Staff Intelli- gence Positions .Assignment to or Command of an 'Operational Intelligence Unit. :Controlled Assignments to Non- Intelligence Duties ? ?? '? Intelligence Staff Positions :Attache and/or Assistant Attache .Duty 'Controlled Assignments to Non- :Intelligence Duties 'Assignment to Staff in the :National, Unified or Department .Areas 'Assistant Attache Duty :Assignment to or Command of an .Operational Intelligence Unit. 'Staff Duty - Intermediate/Major :Command Level .Controlled Assignments to Non- 'Intelligence Duties :Specialized Training at Service .Schools and Civilian Institutions 'Assignment to Intelligence Unit :Cross Training with Initial .Intelligence Specialty Area or 'In Another Intelligence Specialty ????????????????1?1?11 ???????????mosa?P ?4???????????? .Operational Unit Level Intelli- gence Officer and/or Specializaw- :tion in Intelli ence Area. 3 Enclosure .2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040012-2 ? Approved For Re(eale 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B0167600040012-2 III. Phased Development: a. Basic Intelligence Development Phase: 0-5 years. (1) Each intelligence officer normally will attend a Service technical or specialist intelligence training course during this phase. The officer through his 5th year will be utilized within his intelligence specialty in echelons deemed appropriate by his Service, e.g., at the Service operational unit level, so ai to enable him to develop. a sound technical competence in his specialty. Selected officers will attend the Defense Intelligence Course at the Defense Intelligence School toward the end of this period. b. Intermediate Professional Development Phase: 6-10 years. From the 6th through the 10th year, the average intelligence career officer will progress to assignments either within his initial specialty area at higher levels of command, or in another specialty area. During this period he will also attend the Defense Intelligence-Course at the Defense Intelligence School where he will receive a broad education in the fundamentals of all phases of intelligence which will serve as the foundation for his progressive career development. This is also the ideal phase for cross-training in order to meet specific intelligence personnel requirements as well as to increase his value to the DoD intelligence com- munity. This cross-training may include attendance at the DoD Language School, intelligence courses, or a civilian university for technical or intelligence-type training as required. In addition, selected officers will attend Service Command an Staff Colleges as a part of overall, mili- tary career progression during the latter part of this phase. The officer through his 10th year is utilized in command or staff duties in operational Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040012-a znclosure 2 4 Approved For ReleaS3\2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R0Od4 040012-2 g intelligence units and in echelons normally no higher than Military Depart- ment level. c. Advanced Professional Development Phase: 11-16 years. During the 11th through the 16th year, the officer will be assigned to intelligence staff duties at intermediate, major command or Departmental level commensurate with his rank and experience. During this phase, officers may be assigned to or command an operational intelli- gence unit and/or attend civilian graduate schooling, the Advanced Course at the Defense Intelligence School, and/or Service War Colleges. Cross- training during this phase should be accomplished with the view toward qualification for National and Unified Staff area assignments. Assignments will be designed to enable such officers to increase their military value in the field of intelligence by broadening their perspective concerning the application of evaluated intelligence information to the primary mili- tary mission of the Services. d. Joint Intelligence Utilization Phase: 17-25 years. During the final phase of intelligence career development, the officer will be assigned and utilized to the maximum extent in National and Unified Staff areas commensurate with his rank and experience. Out- standing officers will attend Senior Service College Course to prepare for high level command and staff intelligence positions. Selected officers may be assigned to or command an operational intelligence unit or be given controlled assignments of approximately 4 years duration to positions in functional areas other than intelligence. Such assignments will he designed to enable such officers to increase their military value in the Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 5 . Enclosure 2 Approved For RIese 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676 500040012-2 field of intelligence by broadening their perspective concerning the application of evaluated intelligence information to the primary mili- tary mission of the Services. e. Senior Staff Utilization Phase: 25-35 years. Assignment to General and Flag Rank key intelligence billets in the Departmental, Unified and National Staff areas of intelligence . interest. Selected officers may perf?rm a tour of duty in a functional area other than intelligence; however, normally they will not perform two such tours in sequence. 6 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R00050agge 2 Approved For Redaql 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0 CONFMENTIIAL INITIAL GENERAL ORDER OF MAGNITUDE (Enlisted) I. Distribution of Enlisted Specialists 0040012-2 Professional Base of ? Intelligence Specialiste* ARMY . . . ....... 5,749 NAVY. ........ 393 MARINE CORPS 721, AIR FORCE 3,574 TOTAL 10,437 (* Based on authorized billets, there are no enlisted intelligence sub- specialists, except in the Navy.) II. Specialties Involved A. Army: ) Intelligence and Counterintelligence 971 - Military Intelligence Specialist 972 - Area Intelligence Specialist 974 - Military Intelligence Coordinator 962 - Intelligence Analyst 966 - Interrogator 969 - Image Interpreter B. Navy: PT - Photographic Intelligenceman C. Marine Corps: 0200 - Intelligence Striker 0211 - Counterintelligence Assistant 0221 - Intelligence Assistant, Air 0231 - Intelligence Assistant, Ground 0239 - Intelligence Chief 0241 - Photo Interpreter 02 - - (9915 - Billet Designator) Intelligence Clerical D. Air Force: Intellisence 204X0 - Intelligence Operations Specialist 206X0 - Photo Interpreter Specialist 821X0 - Special Investigator Enclosure #3 Approved For Release tinglinInFirry7ARE0500040012-2 Approved For Ft/apse 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676660500040012-2 EXAMPLE OF A JOB LADDER General Grade Job Ladder Cross-Training/ Guide Cross-Utilization E-7 E-6 E-5 E-2 E-1 smaimmormmin? Intelligence Superintendent AFSC 20490 Intelligence Technician AFSC 20470 Advanced Intelligence Course Intelligence Specialist AFSC 20450 ?=11Ma Assignment To or From Other Allied Intelligence Job Ladders with Attendance at Appropriate Course Apprentice Intelligence Specialist AFSC 20430 Language Specialists Photo-Interpretor Special Investigation (Not lower than Pay Grade E-5) Basic Intelligence Course Intelligence Trainee AFSC 20010 Basic Airman AFSC 00010 Enclosure #4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Rise 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676 GUIDELINE TRAINING PLAN 500040012-2 1. Training Plan: The following is a broad outline of training intended to be used as a guideline by all the Services and Agencies involved in developing their own programs and for use in the centrally recruited programa for new employees as described in paragraph IV. B. of Section III. a. Orientation: Approximately two weeks duration. This will include information on career opportunities and the mission functions and organi- zational structure of the agency for which employed. b. Defense Intelligence School: Assignment to the 37 week Defense Intelligence Course as soon as scheduling permits. C. (: nitial Training AssisistEL_QpITLkarl: The initial assignment of the new 'trainee after completion of the above, should be for the purpose of determining the area or specialty for which the trainee appear' best suited, as well as for training purposes. Planned rotation of assignments and directed tours, with frequent appraisals and interviews, will serve as the principal means of training during this period. d. On-the-job Training: Upon completion of the initial training assignment, the trainee will be assigned for approximately six months, in an OJT status, to a position he appears most suited to as indicated by his background and demonstrated abilities. Assignment will be so designed to develop him for the next higher level jobs. Although this is primarily a training period, it is expected that the employee will contribute to the productive output of the organization. . Upon completion of the second year under the trainee program, the employee will, in addition to the frequent appraisals received throughout Enclosure #5 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For dellse 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676Q0500040012-2 his employment, receive a careful evaluation and normally will be assigned to a regular position. Consideration at this point should be given to employees attendance at more advanced training at service schools or civilian institutions before final placement in a regular position. f. The training plan will provide for periodic promotional opportu- nities. Completion of the "formal" training plan normally constitutes the "entering" phase of a long and practical guided career plan. It is at this point that guidance must be of a highly individualized nature and that the career intelligence specialist must embark on a program of self development as well. Enclosure #5 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :2CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Long Range Educational Requirements for DOD Career Intelligence Personnel It is significant that requirements in the field of intelligence are demanding high caliber career intelligence personnel. To produce competent and versatile military intelligence career officers and civilians in the future it will be necessary to raise the general level of education of these personnel. This should be accom- plished by substantially increasing both military and civilian graduate level schooling. Long range requirements for military intelligence career officers and civilians indicate a need for these personnel to attain the highest possible formal educational levels in some major fields of academic study with specialization in some area. This requirement has been generated by advances in science and technology, changes in relationships and require- ments within the U. S. Government intelligence organizations, and new intelligence methods and techniques. There is a trend toward centralizing the production of intelligence at higher staff levels. Military intelligence officers and civilians are being utilized in increasing numbers in national, joint and inter- departmental staff activities in which intelligence responsibilities extend far beyond the sphere of the individual services' military interest. The effect is to produce staffs with high degrees of specialization, consequently greater requirements will exist for specialized substantive knowledge. This trend will also increase demands for managerial capacity at the higher staff levels. Career intelligence personnel will therefore be required to possess increasingly greater knowledge of social, economic, political and/or scientific affairs in addition to military matters. In short, they must be broadly educated, probably with specialization in some area, but with a wide range of adaptability and competence. They will then be able to work on intelligence matters in support of all U. S. interests whether in a military or non-military environment. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP801301676R000500040012-2Atch Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 QUALIFICATION AREAS TO BE CONSIDERED IN DETERMINING KEY INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS AND SPECIFICALLY DFSIGNATED INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS The seven qualification areas listed below should be considered when pre- paring qualification standards for occupants. 1. Civilian Education Cbnsider required study or degrees in specified area(s) of major academic fields of study. Examples: (.) Baccalaureate degree in political science. (2) Masters degree in geopolitics or political geography. (3) Doctoral degree (PHD) in international relations. 2. Military Education Consider DoD component schools and DoD joint schools. a. DoD component schools: (1) Army - USCONARC Pamphlet No. 350-1, Education and Training (2) Air Force - AF Manual 50-5, Training Prospectus (3) Navy - Nay Pers 91769-F, Catalog of U. S. Naval Training Activities and Courses, 4 Dec 62 b. DoD joint schools: (1) National War College (2) Industrial College of the Armed Forces (3) Armed Forces Staff College (4) Defense Intelligence School 3. Intelligence Training Consider graduation from or completion of specified intelligence courses at U. S. Government schools including DoD component schools and the Defense Intelligence School. 4. Specialized Training and/or Skills Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Atch #5 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Consider requirements for specialized training and/or skills that may be acquired by successful completion of specified courses at civilian or military schools or previous assignments. Specify exact requirement, if desired, e.g., French linguist. Example: Linguist Parachutist Aviator Missileman Astronaut Cryptologist Hydrographer Submariner Nuclear Weapons Employment Technical Intelligence Special Forces Research and Development 5. Intelligence Experience Consider requirements for experience at (1) specified staff levels and, (2) operational/functional activities or areas. Staff Levels Combined Joint Departmental(specify Hq or field elements) Operational/Functional Activities or Areas Estimates Collection Interrogation Clandestine Targets Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Counterintelligence Dissemination Evasion and Escape Medical Transportation Meteorology Plans Examples': (1) Previous experience in counterintelligence activities at (level) (2) A minimum of years of experience in (e.g., plans, targets, estimates) at (level). (3) Thorough knowledge of threat assessment principles and methods. (4) Previous intelligence experience in (e.g., PACOM) at (level). 6. Other Military Experience Consider required non-intelligence assignments necessary for broadening and/or rounding out individuals for a specific assignment or their career as a whole. Indicate (1) staff level and (2) operational/functional activities, if desired. Examples: (1) Previous experience in a non-intelligence field unit in company grade. (2) Previous joint staff experience other than J-2. (3) Previous Departmental (Hq) experience in military operations and planning. (4) Command of at (level) for at least year(s). (5) Previous experience in the employment of nuclear weapons at (level). (6) Experience in missile weapons systems at (level). Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 3 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 7. Security Indicate required security clearances. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA4RDP801301676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 MAJOR. ACADEMIC FIELDS/AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION FOR CAREER INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL The following list of some major academic fields/areas of specializa- tion may be used as a guide in determining desired qualifications for career intelligence personnel. Indicate other fields/area and/or options within field/areas of study as desired. Engineering and Architecture Architecture, General Engineering Aeronautical Astronautical Civil Ceramic Electrical Industrial Mechanical Metallurgical Petroleum Nuclear Space Technology Guided Missiles Arts and Social Sciences Anthropology Economics English Foreign Languages Geography General Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Atch #6 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Geopolitics - political geography Physical Economic Urban History Journalism International Relations Law General International Library Science Political Science Psychology Public Administration Sociology Biological and Physical Sciences Astronomy Biology General Micro-biology Zoology Botany Chemistry General Nuclear Ceramics Electro Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Forestry Geography, physical Geodesy Geology General Surficial Stratigraphy Hydrology Mathematics Metallurgy Meteorology Oceanography Operations Research/Systems Analysis Physics General Nuclear Thermal Electricity and Magnetism Astro/space Business/Management Business Administration Economic Geography Foreign Trade Management Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CI-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 NAME OF ACTIVITY DATE ....m. _IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSED KEY INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS/SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS AND QUALITATIVE STANDARDS I DEFINITIONS A. KEY INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS are those which involve a high degree of responsibility in an intelligence area and require the 'assignment of persons of at least the grade of Lt. Col/Comdr. (or equivalent civilian grade) who have a broad background, training and experience in the intelligence'field. B. SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS are those throughout the DOD, ranging from pay grade 0-1 through General/Flag rank (or comparable civilian grade) which will be occupied ONLY by career intelligence pers- onnel, based on the need to establish clear avenues of career progression throughout all echelons of intelligence. 2. TITLE OF POSITION AUTHORIZED GRADE/RATI NG SERVICE/AGENCY MOS/DESIGNATOR OR NOBC/AFSC/SERIES ASSIGNED BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES S. IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSED POSITION 11 j KEY INTELLIGENCE POSITION [ 1SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED INTELLIGENCE POSITION ? NOTES Position con be filled only by career Intelligence Personnel POSITION TO BE FILLED BY Li CAREER INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL [-_(INTELLIGENCE SUBSPECIALIST 4. PROPOSED QUALITATIVE STANDARDS FOR POSITION MANDATORY DESIRABLE (Use revere* side if additional space is necessary/ 5. ACTIVITY'S APPROVAL (T,I, Km/ SI,engifrire) DIA FORM 92 FEBRUARY 1964 7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 NAME OF ACTIVITY Command J2 Section DATE 1 May 64. IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSED KEY INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS/SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS AND QUALITATIVE STANDARDS I DEFINITIONS A. KEY INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS are those which invblve a high degree of responsibility in an intelligence area and require the assignment of persons of at least the grade of Lt. Col/Comdr. (or equivalent civilian grade) whOhave a broad background, training and experience in the intelligence'field. B. SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED INTELLIGENCE POSITIONS are those throughout the DOD, ranging from pay grade 0-1 through General/Flag rank (or comparable civilian grade) which will be occupied ONLY by career intelligence pers- onnel, based on the need to establish clear avenues of career progression throughout all echelons of intelligence. 2. TITLE OF POSITION Chief, Intelligence Estimates Division AUTHORIZED GRADE/RAT NG SERVICE/AGENCY MOS/DESIGNATOR OR NOBC/APSC/SERIES 1 06 Army 9300 ASSIGNED 1 06 AF 8016 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Advises the Commander in Chief, Deputy, Assistant Chief of Starf for Intelligence, and key staff members as desired concerning the situation, capa- bilities and trends of countries within the area. 3. IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSED POSITION EN NET INTELLIGENCE POSITION 0 SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED INTELLIGENCE POSITION ? NOTE Poolflon con be filled only by moor IntollIponco P el POSITION TO BE FILLED BY [X] CAREER INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL 0 INTELLIGENCE SUBSPECIALIST 4. PROPOSED QUALITATIVE STANDARDS FOR POSITION MANDATORY 1. Masters degree in International Relations, Political Science, Area Studies, Government, Geopolitics, or Political Geography. 2. Graduate of Army War College. 3. Graduate of Defense Intelligence School Advanced Course. 4. A minimum of 2 years experience in intelligence at a unified level. 5. security clearance(s). 1. DESIRABLE Doctoral degree in International Relations, Political Science, Area Studies, Government, Geopolitics, or Political Geography. 2. Graduate of National War College. 3. Previous intelligence experience in area at Departmental or higher level. 4. Previous Joint Staff experience other than J-2. 5. Command duty in 05 or higher grade. Woo rovors? olds If oddIflonol opec? I n?cifssacy) 5. ACTIVITY'S APPROVAL (Title.nd SISna,u.) A. 0. Kay, M/G J2 DIA PORN 92 FEBRUARY 1964 C 3 8010 Atch #8 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 STAT Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500040012-2 Appro App ed FarelitelftagnaP4M is" A? 6..-' . 6. 41?.: y : ? .;14 . - - UNCLASSIFIED , CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 DDCI ' " DOC C--.. 2 ER 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Re DDCI note..." I will want to see reply prior to dispatch..." Please see D/Pers Memo , ExDir suggesting this be done informally. On 28 handled To April I went satisfactory? papers we to DIA and dtd 21 Apr know who is this informally. 2: Suggest you file and 27 March, the office of Is this only the as long as record. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE .avee--For--Relea L.:10 A -: 9 ? :0:0 676R OD511 is, t UNCLASSIFIED 111. CONFIDENTIAL SECRET Ontr. 237 Use previous editions U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE (40) rIS fl?Sn7111, _2 12-2