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Publication Date:
October 12, 1966
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Approved For Release 2000/0 :;IA4kE675-00149R0001 00
In disallowing the He
Nations staatemement, Judge ge Hen j
derson sustained a prosecution.
IN LISBON FLIGHTS contention that it was "not;
material to this lawsuit In and!
Way." 1
On trial here are John RR'
C PYRGH Defense Rests Its Case in Force pilot now a resident of
Export of Bombers this country, and Count Henrh
lfarie Frangois de Marin de:.
Ahntmarin, a French airplane:
By DOUGLAS ROBINSON They are accused of trans
ranking official of the Central sident elements in the terri--i
Intelligence Agency testified to- tones of Angola and Mo-
day that his agency had had zambique.
nothing to do with the export- Also indicted in the case was
ing of seven World War II Gregory R. oard, the owner of
bombers to Portugal last year a Tucson airplane leasing con-
' official, Lawrence R. tern. He allegedly made the
Houston, a general counsel oflarrangements for the sale-of 20
the C.I.A., thus denied a de-'Of the surplus aircraft. Mr.
fense contention here in FedBoard, who is said to be living;
oral Court that the flights had on the island of Jamaica, has'
been secretly sponsored by thelnot been arrested.
intelligence unit. Mr. Hawke's attorney, Edwin
The denial came just before Marger, of Miami Beach, con-
the lawyers representing a tends that his client flew the
British pilot and a French planes across the Atlantic in the
nobleman rested their case. The belief that the operation had
defendants are accused of ex- the support of the C.I.A.
porting the B-26's to Europe In questioning Mr. Houston
1 without a license from the today, Mr. Marger was con
State Department. stantly halted by Judge',Hen-
Mr. Houston also asserted derson in his effort to find out
that the C.I.A. had supplied no whether the C.T.A. had in the
assistance to . the defendants. past been the prime mover be-
He repeated his earlier testi- hind secret operations to trans-
mony that although the C.I.A. port military planes out of the
had information on the flights country.
before they occurred, the agency
(had no jurisdiction" over any Docwnents Ruled Out
attempts to stop them. "I'm not interested in your
"The State Department re- theories," 'Judge Henderson
ceived copies of our information finally told the lawyer. "Con
on the flights," Mr. Houston tinuation of this line of ques
,testified, and the Federal tioning will obviously force the
Bureau of Investigation' was Government to invoke executive
Today, another C.I.A docu-
ment, dated July 8, 1965, was
introduced that showed the
agency had been.told that "four
'or five B-26 aircraft had been
delivered"+to Portugal by-July'1,
telllgence agencies, including Yesnrrr9 V"
Thursday, when both sides Vpill
those at the State Department------- .-- .
ver c e ocumcnt was
ern district.
distributed to a number of in- .fie t
l will '
on planes landed in Rochester on
described the document as "raw their way to Canada. Rochester
.information" that had not been is in the Federal Court's wes.
I ifi d Th d
Europe. Buffalo because two of the .'i:.
At th
t ti
1965, four days before the first Department.
'plane left Tucson, Ariz. for The case is bein
tried in
y Last week a document was,United States and any foreign
'introduced that showed the country, except Canada, with-
:C.I.A. had been informed of the out a license from the muni-
Portugal flights on May 25, tions control office of the State
ledge of the United States Gov-, Under Federal law, no arms
A In her statement, Mrs. -An- that his client believed that all
derson denied United States in-1papers had been arranged and
wolvement in the operation and that the Frenchman had no
'said that the flights had been ;knowledge that special export
,carried out "without the knowl- licenses were required
Dec. 18, 1965. New York I City, has contended
hotified." immunity to protect the na-
U.N. Statement Rejected tional security.'
He also ruled that several
Federal Judge John O. Hen- documents'brought here by the
derson refused to allow in evi- C, I. A. were not germane to
dence a statement by Mrs. the case because they dealt
Eugenie M. Anderson, a United with information gathered after
States representative to' the the arrest of the defendants.
United Nations, given to a The lawyer for Count de
United Nations committee on ;i.fontmarin Edward Brodsky of
Approv d For. Release' 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100120002-9: