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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400380001-2 BEST COPY Available Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400380001-2 STATINTL Sanotozed - Approved For Release - C1 tomol. Ohocr. 16, 211 (1917)] reports that are apternus? some are apterous. females are e 11 19 L 61. 7. C. nridwell, Proc. Hawaii Erttomol. Soc. 4, E ri [Ann. , acustre (1 L. HenrikSsen [Ann. Biol. (1922)] suggests the existence of a thelytokous. like R. Hevmons [Deus. Entontol? Z. . 291 (19201 Aptery occurs, but rarely, C. Keeler iPsiche 36, 41 (1929); Ibid., p. 121] . females, as in Sciara coprophila and Chryso- ?tyla ruff/acies [C. W. Metz, Ant, Naturalist 72 4R5 (1938): rt. H. Ullerich, Chrontosoma for 3rd-instar hosts. 56. A. F. Satterthwait, J. N.Y. Entomot. Sac. 39, 63. E. Pussard-Radulesco, Ann. Ephipttyties 16, bark beetles and Dr. T. Lewis for information ,. about thrlps. NEWS AND COMMENT National Academy of Sciences: Profile of an Institution (111) Two principal positions exist on the use that the National Academy of Sci- ences should make of what are consid- ered to be' its greatest assets, prestige and public confidence. The first position is centered on the belief that the Academy should active- ly, and, if need be, on its own initiative, use these assets to promote the progress and wise use of science and technology. In a period of limited expansion of fed- eiai support for scientific research, some advocates of activism would like to see the Academy devise and recommend priorities for allocating the available funds. Concerning the uses to which science and technology are put, there are persons in this camp who would like to see the Academy initiate studies and issue pronouncements on contro- versial matters such as missile defense and chemical and biological weapons. The second point of view is repre- sented by those who contend that, how- ever desirable such a role may be, the Academy can never be an effective ve- hicle for carrying it out.. They argue that prestige and confidence are fragile commodities that are rarely enhanced ably aspire to take up complex issues and arrive at positions that reflect the informed conclusions of the member- ship. They also point oftt that the Academy possesses a modest mandate -to advise when advice is requested. No one need request the Academy's advice, nor, having requested it, need one follow it. Furthermore, they note the Academy has very limited resources for addressing itself to matters outside the interest of its clients. Its income from endowment last year came to $398,000--as compared with $19.4 million that it received in grants and contracts from its advice seekers. (The Academy pays its way mostly with overhead fees, usually 28 percent, that it charges its customers.) Therefore, the holders of this viewpoint believe, the Academy should not go out hunting for trouble; rather, it should husband its prestige and reputation so that it will command respect when it deals with issues that come its way. Now, until quite recently the second camp wholly prevailed in Academy af- normal reproduction and 2.88V for male But if, for example, Gg gives all haploidy] .generally come under the heading of "science and society." And, is an in- stitution, it still tends to be tone-deaf to these concerns. Recently, for ex- ample, 127 Academy members joined several thousand scientists in petitioning President Johnson to order a study of chemical and biological weapons (CBW). There is no legal or technical impediment to the Academy's studying at least the nonclassified aspects of this subject on its own initiative. But, in raising the CBW issue the petitioners obviously hoped to encourage the ad- ministration to renounce the use of such weapons. Johnson was not inclined to snap at the bait, and the Academy was not inclined to volunteer itself into the middle of a controversy over CBW. When it comes to issues that can offend those capable of counterattack, the Academy still tends to avoid looking for trouble. Furthermore, as an ad- visory organization it prefers (and so its clients have come to realize) chew- able problems-clear-cut issues con- cerned with how something might be done, or what will be the consequences of doing it, not with whether something should be done. , Nevertheless, a careful examination leads to the conclusion that here and there things are stirring inside the ven- erable institution, and at a few points there is even to be found a definite spirit of adventure. While the signifi- cance and potential of these develop- ments are difficult to assess, it is clear that the affairs of the Academy are no longer wholly dominated by cautious has always been tone-deaf to the con- by frequent involvement in controversy. corns that produced offshoots of the ' traditionalists, for in five separate and They emphasize that the Academy is scientific community such as the Fed- most import-tnt areas there have been with its oration of American Scientists and other changes and activity that in many re- that d i b , o y; ve not a representat ~` ~`~ lil - n r b4bb}l7UUf ltPnifirnnt CPYRGHT alteration in the chSanitizad roAppi"cgvp;l Art 11 Q c g~g~fiS`g,,aiC1 -I DPo 5~000a01 ROOO4OO38O~OO1 i2 of the Academy in national affairs. scientists get preference is that gener- not to follow the placid caretaker patt_ Let us look at these areas in some ally they are smarter than engineers. tern that characterizes some of the detail. But whatever the reason, the engineers NRC divisional secretaryships. The, 1;1 For the first time in its century- were pretty well fed up with the domi- consequences of this mandate sec not long history, the Academy has a full- nance of the scientists, and talked of yet clear, but these is an unprecedented time president. This may seem a small setting up their own Academy to honor amount of activit' in the division. And, change, but actually it is it very large engineers and provide advice to the perhaps most important to date, the one, for one of the banes of American government. The prospect of another Academy, in cooperation with the So- science in the postwar period was the Academy on what, after all, is not a cial Science Research Council, has es- unrealistic assumption that it could very heavily milli ?kcd corner brought tablished a Survey Committee on the ook: after its affairs in Washington on forth .a. bit of st ; :r.,nship which sug- Social and Behavioral Sciences. Headed a commuting basis. However, at last gests that maybe .~.h.,s s really are by Ernest R. Hil rad t has been fully realized that, in politi- very smart. Aft, ;,;t, i g , ptheescor p, of . al and bureaucratic struggle, the odds the engineers w., t',clr that chology at Stanford, the committee , re with those who remain on the field. Academy of Sc _ rr: ,t toy take n ent,dlplans, among a other things,tcto n 1962 Frederick Seitz, vice president them under its ao, rtcr and into "evaluate the strengths and weaknesses" or research and dean of the graduate its well-staffed bui is sparing the of the behavioral and social sciences oiiege at the University of Illinois, engineers the tro::' ;la char- and suggest ways in which these sci- ;creeded Detlev W. Bronk in the ter and setting The cnces might be applied to an assortment .cademy presidency. For the first 3 engineers have ;,; ,:? Seitz held the job on the tradi- Eric A. Walker, P, of national problems. There is obviously State a long way to r:1:1i part-time basis. In February and they clcc; ~~tin members. bastion of the pl ysi b Yana n natural sci- )o.7, both he and the council agreed At this point, both ,,. icot;sts and the ences yields and proper recognition is at it would be dcsira.ale for the Acad- engineers feel hr ?cat is sails- given to the so-called soft sciences. But r.y to have a full-tine head, Seitz factory, and the , ,:,,,Ors praise the one thing that encourages change is the "k the job, which was accompanied Academy for its :co"tiiiy and coop. fact that a lot of physical and natural an undisclosed salary and a presi- erasion. However, honeymoon scientists who once believed the meth- ~ntial residence, purchased for $250,- rhetoric, the outco:ae of this mixed ods and creations of their profession 0 out of Academy endowment funds, marriage remains in though one could be adapted to all manner of prob- us $50,000 for renovations-which important effect is c ate people feel add up to a rather be competitor undo:: its ow.vnt roof, tthe by Icnis many of 1 this challengedcountry's but domestic fty sum for an organization that often Academy of Stites,: fe.?ls a good deal problems. The point was well put by bads poverty as a defense for inaction. less complacent aba:it its comfortable Harvey Brooks, dean of engineering a,9emy staff and members generally old position in the of science and and applied physics at Harvard and one _1 that a beneficial difference has re- government. ::t(:d from having the president regard of the leading figures in Academy af- e job as his principa occupation. Seitz Social S, icncrs sociated fairs today. Brooks, who was long as- ,1s further strengthened the presidential 3) There is at ]as; an open recogni- on Undersea tWarfare, noted othat i "to lite by bringing in a number of ex- tion that the Academy has an obsolete build something like a Polaris system, ,ric.nced special assistants and con- approach in regard to the behavioral all you had to do essentially was to yltants. Among them arc F. J. Wcyl, and social sciences. The dictum If you convince half a dozen people, and then rmer chief scientist of the Office of can't measure it, it doesn't count" you could go ahead and build it. It's aval Research; Alan T. Waterman, serves well in the natural and physical not that easy when you try to bring retired director of the National Sci- sciences; when applied to the behav- improved housing technology to the cc Foundation; and C. E. Sunderlin, ioral and social sciences, as the Acad- cities." rmer director of research for d f e ense emy has applied it, with few exceptions, d space systems, Union Carbide. in electing new men-,bers, the result is Academy of Ii.ngineering to exclude the producers of some of the The Academy has worked out a ly cooperative modus vivendi with r;atless and complaining colleagues engineering. With ample reason, en- cers have long complained that the. ademy has failed to give proper rec- ,ition to their profession. From this ,re, many engineers believe, have :-c:d other consequences, principally ose correlation between Academy nhcrship and membership in the est governmental advisory groups :.dente and technology. Academy rSIUL 1967 most important, exciting, and pioneer. ing research in recent years. Seitz, in an interview, remarked that "the time is over-ripe for forming a partnership with the social sciences, but we can start." This intention leas already had a number of tangible consequences. First of all, Henry David. torn,cr president of the New School for Social Research, in New York, last year was appointed executive secretary of the Research Council's Division of Behavioral Sci- ences. David, who came directly from heading NSF's Office of Science Re- Science and Public Policy 4) In 1962 the Academy responded to a number of economic and political problems affecting the scientific com- munity by establishing the Committee on Science and Public Policy, and giv- ing it a mandate to address itself to any matter related to science and public policy-which today encompasses vir- tually anything. COSPUP, as it is known, came into existence with a unique status: It is the only one of the several thousand committees and panels in the NAS-NRC complex on which only Academy members may serve. Now, there is a great deal of signifi- Q&UFflFLtZlUU CPYRGHT holds to the since the Academy rigidly isdiction, it is generally considered to be Congress to take a renter ni#itzedas. #pp>>feve&Fortti a pltiA t;Ri? 3aOOi@01 KD 0 4008$0001-2 lion, it takes no stand on any issue: All that it assumes responsibility for, it contends, is selecting qualified commit- '[cemen, usually through NRC, to study the problems of its clients. The theory is that what the committeemen say in their reports is their business, not the Academy's, though, on occasion, the Academy hierarchy has been known to prevent exceptionally asinine reports from leaving the building. Since COSPUP is composed only 'of academicians, and has a boundless jur- -despite protestations that COSPUP, too, comes under the system of institu- tional nonresponsibility. In any case, the prime mover for COSPUP's crea- tion was George B. Kistiakowsky, of Harvard, who, while serving as Eisen- hower's science adviser, felt that the Academy was too enmeshed in trivial advisory tasks and too little concerned with major policy issues affecting the growth and employment of science and technology. Noting that pork-barrel and budget-cutting instincts were impelling Ktsttakowsky wai also the fact that the Academy stet; its historical pattern of mainly as an affiliate of the Uxc,~a..; Branch. Thus was born COSPUP, K......- kowsky as the first chairman and :. - vey Brooks his successor, when l:i.:...- kowsky became Academy vice pres,- dent. In its 5-ye!Ir existence, COSPUP has issued a series of reports and studies, and has achieved some progress toward making the Academy at ;cast better known in Congress. The reports vary in quality and impact but, as a group, merit attention simply because they represent an unprecedented will- ingness on the part of the Academy voluntarily to commit its prestige to objectives that it previously would not seriously confront or even touch. COSPUP's first published product, The Growth of World Population, .,which appeared in 1963, came to the safe conclusion that uncontrolled popu- lation growth was a menace to eco- nomic development. It literally said nothing that had not been said :;t least a decade before, but the fac. :iat the Academy said it attracted gr c,a atten- tion. Jerome B. Wiesner, Kennedy's science adviser, believes the Academy's voluntary move in that controversial area played a significant part in Ken- nedy's decision to begin the long and difficult process of providing govern- ment support for family-planning pro- grams. Another notable COSPUP production was Federal Support of Basic Research in Institutions of Higher Learning. It came in 1964, a period when Congress was` both restless and relatively unin- formed about the extent, use, and value of federal aid to basic research. It is doubtful, if many, or even any, con- gressmeit plowed through it, but the 'report did take the pioneering step of advising the scientific community that a few chiselers in its ranks were besmirching the reputations of all. Whether the ethical tone improved as a consequence is difficult to say, but the message had validity, and the Academy Officers of the Academy: President Seitz (right) -- ii t Vice President Kistiakowsky. deserves credit for delivering it.- COSPUP has also engaged in the preparation of studies on the needs and opportunities in various scientific dis- ciplines. These invariably conclude that the p. ogress of civilization hinges on getting more support for this or that field. But when the studies are well CPYRGHT inc. c result IS a valuable in- since 1961 by Iiarrison S. Brown, pro- the Philippines, and sevcr:d ot}:;; tventory?of the status of a field of rc?? fessor of geochemistry at Caltech. tions; and workshops and co;tfe:,;,", searcr 1 and +1n assc rent of ti e r v f c sources needed to isi a moo h to t tc l,in, r,?counts that ~Q a nonuc development in various Latin lines of inquiry. Whether or not this came Foreign Secretary at the urgings American and African nations. Through does any good is a separate matter. It of Bronk, Wicsncr, and others, with Brown's office, the Academy is under is universally agreed that the chemistry the intention of making the Academy contract to the Agency for International report made a balanced, honest, and part of a triumvirate in international Development to provide advice and persuasive case for more federal money scientific affairs. The intention was, he services for assisting scientific institu- for chemistry; but by all accounts, in says, that the Academy, having the tions abroad. So far it has worked out the 2 years that h v d h i a e passe t e n flexibility of ai ,- nongovcrnment agency, programs wth Brazil, Peru, Nigeria, crease amounts to a trickle. COSPUP would work closely with the President's the Philippines, and Taiwan, nnu others has also become the Academy's emis- Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) are in the works. With the approval of nary to the US C I i d ongress t s un er ... contract to provide counsel to the House Science and Astronautics Com- nmittee, and is ready to do business with any other committee that will have it. In 1964, the Science and Astronau- tics Committee asked COSPUP to ad- vise on how much support the federal government should provide for basic research, as well as on the wisdom of the allocations of existing funds. Those questions were much too Micky for COSPUP, or probably any committee of scientists, as a whole, to answer. So, COSPUP appointed a 15-member committee, which presented the House group with 15 separate essays, bound within 336 pages under the title Basic Research and National Coals. The tame House committee asked COSPUP o address itself to the problems of echnology. COSPUP's response, soon o be published, will consist of 16 sep- irate essays. This performance leaves onic congressmen privately cussing icir new-found friend, the Academy. 3ut within the Academy leadership here is little desire to get into the prob- em of rating the needs of one discipline ,gainst another. Says Brooks, "I don't ,e how the Academy can establish in- ,rdisciplinary priorities. I can't figure it any rational system that works bet- -r than the present system of laissez sire." Though it is doubtful that COSPUP's e:rformance has provided much en- ghtenrncnt for the Congress, Congress id the Academy are getting to know rich other. It is difficult to measure the onsequcnces of this relationship, but inee Congress no longer leaves science olicy affairs almost exclusively to the xecutive Branch, it cannot hurt for ongress and the scientific community become better acquainted. 5) The final area of new activity I be examined is the Academy's Of- APF.IL 1967 -GPYBQUT and the State Department's Office of International Scientific Affairs to promote international scientific coopera- tion and the application of science and technology to economic development. Whatever the intentions of the parties, nothing resembling the triumvirate plan has endured beyond its first few years. In recent years PSAC has taken little interest in international scientific affairs, and Dean Rusk's interest in this area is generally thought to be reflected in the fact that the directorship of the De- partment's science office has been filled on an acting ire, his by a nonscientist State Departmc:~r ';, io;,;rotor for the past 2'/a years. ,ow and then Rusk 'makes a ,, high- ranking scientist. :,:,,pion feeling among many o; dies is that Rusk assigns rela, tc importance to the job and tl::. worth hold- ing. It is clear, oo to the administrati,. 1;11.1 policies figures in at leas' n he rejections of his offers. Brown; ions persevered with astonishing edgy in seeking to carry through as nmeh of the original design as possible. concentrating his efforts in three arms: i) assisting the growth of scientific ::;:,1 technical com- petence in the devciopin- nations; (ii) strengthening East-West ties through exchange programs:: and (iii) strength- ening international scientific organiza- tions. A great number nt activities has been undertaken in pursuit of these objec-' tives. These include a leading role in strengthening the International Council of Scientific Unions; administration and expansion of important segments of the Soviet-American exchange program, as well as the establisl;m cn; of exchange programs with most eastern European nations; sponsorship of cooperative re- search activities or conferences with the Johnson administration, the Acad- emy, the Social Science Research Coun- cil, and the American Council of Learned Societies have formed a Com- mittee on Scholarly Communication with Mainland China. The Chinese so far have not chosen to communicate, but the Committee keeps looking for In view of recent disclosures about the CIA's energy and perseverance in infiltrating and subsidizing the interna- tional activities of various private or- ganizations, it is appropriate to con- sider the situation with respect to the Academy's many foreign operations. It is a well-established fact of life in the scientific conilnunity that the CIA frequently approaches foreign-bound or newly returned scientists to solicit their cooperation. There is no evidence that the Academy as an institution has ever been a party to such proceedings, and, in fact, Brown says that his office has taken steps to keep the CIA away from persons involved in the East-West ex- change program. In pursuing this ob- jective, he said, it has been useful to have the services of several persons with intelligence agency backgrounds. Among them is Brown's chief staff man, Murray Todd, who came to the Academy in 1961, after having served in the CIA's West Coast office. "I have a protection, pr)blem with the kids that we send to the Iron Curtain countries," Brown said. "Todd knows the agency and he can tell them to Ieave, them alone." Serving with Todd in the Foreign Office is Lawrence Mitchell, who became head of the section on the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe in 1959. Brown says that Mitchell, too, came from CIA, though Mitchell's cur- riculum vitae, as furnished by the Acad- emy, lists him as a f?rmer Foreign Service Officer. Brown Explains that he and Todd became acquainted in the 1950's when Todd would debrief scien- tists who had been abroad. He said Ve or release; :' Mg--000-1000400380001-2 WPM competence, and, upon becoming stake, howev r, the Academy, just as The Academy has a committee on, "ore gtt -secretary, recalled that Todd it tends to r6:re,,tc its image in elect- supersonic boom, appointed at the re- had once said hSanilfildid wApproii@&Fvor)Ree+essetasOIAbRDP75QO0?f1 R W030001h2 CIA. He says that Todd's hiring was sensitively tt:dned to serving the status for reasons of his competence, not his CIA background, but that the back- ground has proved useful. Seitz says that he considers the intelligence back- grounds of Todd, Mitchell, and several others as being "completely innocent." "We as an Academy cannot afford to be involved in any clandestine activity," he said. Seitz adds that he was informed that, before he became president, CIA "informally raised a suggestion" con- cerning "people going overseas." It was turned down, he reports, and, as far as he knows, CIA never again showed any interest in the Academy. Seitz points out that, since CIA is a government agency, the Academy stands ready to provide it with technical advice upon request. But none has been forthcom- ing, he says, adding, "I think they quo in society. The charter stipulation that it provide advice upon request, coupled with a lack of substantial re- sources of its own, means, by and large, that the Academy serves the "in's" and has little traffic with the "out's" regardless of what issue is at stake. The Academy can and does as- sert independence in setting up ad- visory committees, and it even dickers 'over the phrasing of the problems it. will take on. But when one looks back over the many major scientific and technological problems that have af- flicted the nation in recent years, it turns out that our most prestigious scientific society has quite an absentee record. For example, since 1919 the Academy has operated the Highway Research Board, under which comes a mammoth complex of advisory bodies, sized us up and decided that we're not , their baby." Recent disclosures about CIA's markable record may inspire skepticism toward these assurances, but there is no available evidence to contradict them. Any assessment of where the Acad- emy is bound must reckon with the fact that essentially it is a conservative institution-sometimes in the best sense of the word, often in the dullest. What it does best, and what it does. most, is attend to the housekeeping chores of the scientific community. The pulling power of its prestige is such that it call get almost anyone to come to Washington-gratis, except for expenses-to sit for a few days on an NRC committee. The demonstrated willingness for further tasks suggests that NRC committeemen believe they have an opportunity to be effective on matters they consider important. And what these committees do, by and large, is lubricate, and adjust the administrative machinery of contemporary science and technology. Is this or that subspecialty of science being neglected? NRC will convene a highly expert panel to look into the matter, and though it usually takes a good deal of time, often a year or two, the committee will produce a comprehensive study. This housekeep- ing role is not to be scoffed at. Ameri- can science and technology are better its being done, and done well. supported mainly with funds from state: highway departments, for providing technical advice and conducting studies related to "the broad field of highway transportation." The productivity of the Board is incredible. Last' year, it produced over 9000 pages of docu- ments. The total inventory of its publi- cations ranges from "Squeal of Tires Rounding Curves" to definitive studies of the cost and durability of competing highway pavement materials. But with all its expertise and resources, it never got around to what is now acknowl- edged to be a most critical element in highway transportation: safely de- signed vehicles. The view of one engi- neer who occupies an extremely high government position is simply, "The Board is a dupe for engineers who want to lay down pavement." C. P. Snow writes that "scientists have something to give which our kind of existential society is desperately short of. . . . That is foresight." The Academy's record provides very spotty support for this thesis. In regard to drug safety, pesticide hazards, arms, control, drug hazards, and a score of other issues involving the wise use of science and technology, the Academy has not demonstrated any great fore- sight prior to outbursts of public con- cern. On the most painful and difficult moral issues of our tine-civil rights-- Obviously, other organizations might the Academy's record is a total blank attend to a good deal or even all of it. (though it has been stirred to take civil- But the Academy is doing it, and its liberties stands, on its own initiative, performance is highly respected. when the rights of scientists have been determined to build a supersonic trans- port, despite widespread fears that it will be an economic and accoustical calamity. "We cannot advise whether such a transport should be built," Seitz stated in an interview. "We can only provide technical advice to assist the appropriate agencies in their. decision- making." To which he adds, "The most we can do is to be a conscientious and discerning catalyst in shaping events that are already shaping themselves. If you try to issue a dictum, you run into trouble." Science Space Board Through its Space Science Board the Academy serves as science adviser to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Early in the relation- ship NASA made it clear to the Board that it in the was .got the least bit interested Board's views on whether there should be a manned space program, or on the relative allocation of resources within the space program. For a variety of reasons, it was indicated to the Board, there was to be a large-scale space program, and if the Board wished to provide advice on its scientific com- ponents, NASA would be pleased to consider it. Later, however, it did ask the Board to stake out various post- Apollo possibilities. It is, of course, not for the Academy to determine whether or not there should be a manned space program or a supersonic transport. These decisions properly lie with agencies that are ulti- mately responsible to the nation's elec- torate. But there should be no illusions that the Academy is wholly independent within the confines of its advisory role. Occasionally in the hands of shrewd agency administrators the Academy is a useful and, at times, easily manipu- lated instrument for employing scien- tific prestige in behalf of their adminis- trative and political designs. As one former agency head put it, "When you've got a problem, you sound them out on what sort of committee they might put together. If it looks like they'll use poop le who will come out the way you want it, you tell them to go ahead." Wholly by design, and in accord with the political traditions of Ameri- can science, the Academy has made itself an intimate part of the system it serves. In its substantive proceedings, 001-2", s. iGr.ce ocs not employ t e a versary prc._e: s, -nc,: does it do so in its politi- cal affairs. The stru$aziedcicAp ved and-government relationship is based on the assumption that wisdom emerges from harmony, not from conflict. Thus, Scitr.; sits on PSAC and chairs the Dc- fcnse Science Board. Bronk was virtu- ally everywhere in the science and government structure during his presi den~;;y. When the progenitors of the Mo- hole Project sought an administra- tive base, they were accorded a place as a formally constituted committee of the Academy, of which Bronk was president. And they got their money from NSF, whose top advisory board was chaired by Bronk. No collusion was involved; if anything, Mohole came about without Bronk or his as- sociates paying very much attention to what was then a minor operation with commendable scientific objectives. In the best tradition, it was all very har- monious, and no one considered it his task to ask hard questions. The late Hugh Dryden served as Hone Secretary of the Academy and deputy administrator' of NASA, for which the Academy's Space Science Board is the principal scientific ad- viser. And, as it turns out, most mem- bers of the Board were doing research with NASA funds, which was only natural, since NASA pays for most of this country's space research and it m:,kes sense to have space researchers on the Space Science Board. There is no doubt that these arrangements in- volve well-intentioned, honorable peo- ple, volunteering large amounts of uncompensated time to work on diffi- cult problems of national importance. At question, however, is not the virtue of the people but the wisdom of the sysstem. Tradition and caution permeate the halls of the nation's most prestigious scientific society. But the science and technology that produces its illustrious membership is neither traditional nor cautious, nor necessarily humane. There is a spirit of change at the Academy, but there is also timidity and a membership that is largely in- different to the affairs of their in- sti tution. This series of articles opened with the account of an incident in which an influential Senator asked, "What is the National Academy?" The truth of the matter is that, at this point, the Academy itself is riot certain of the answer.-D. S. GREENBERG CPYRGHT For Re: ~~A 0 GOVERNMENT SOCIAL RE- SEARCH: Federally sponsored research in the social sciences, according to a new study, has tended to be too small- scale and academically oriented to make any major contribution toward solving the nation's social problems. In the staff study, released by the Research and Technical Programs subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations, federal agencies and uni-- versity social scientists were said to be more interested in the pursuit of knowl- edge for its own sake. The study, Rep- resentative Henry S. Reuss (D-Wis.), subcommittee chairman, said, will be used as a basis for hearings on social science research. Dr. Harold Orlans, a sociologist on leave from the Brookings Institution, conducted the study which resulted in a four-volume omnibus re- port. Questionnaires mailed to leading scientists throughout the country re- vealed that a majority favors the call- ing of a White House conference on the status of social sciences, but op- poses the establishment of a National Social Science Foundation (Science, 17 February). Critical comments in the, re- port include: federally financed research is often trivial or irrelevant, and if us- able, goes unused; too much emphasis is placed on small projects. rather than large coordinated efforts directed at a specific objective; and federal agencies tend to withhold findings critical of their programs or policies. Copies of the study, The Use of Social Research in Federal Domestic Programs, are avail- able from the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, 710 North Capitol Street. Washington, D.C. 20402. G "CHICKEN TRIAL": The six mem- bers of the New Jersey Supreme Court have upheld last year's lower court ruling endorsing experimentation on living animals by high school students. (Science, 22 April 1966). The test case involved an East Orange, N.J., high school boy who injected Rous sarcoma virus into four live chickens as part of a cancer research project. After the two surviving chickens, together with details of the experiment, were exhib- ited in a Newark Science Fair, the ex- periment came to the attention of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty so A.iimals. The SPCA brought the Est Grange Board of Edu- "W 0038OOO1-2 cation to court, ch:,:ging that for tech-' nical as well as substantive reasons, the research violated the state's anticruelty statutes. Fearing a threat to animal ex- perimentation in general, the National Society for Medical Research entered the case as a code 'endant, and mobi- lized support from the scientists associ- ated with the Biological Sciences Cur- riculum Studies, several of whose representatives testified at the trial about the importance to students of early introduction to work with living animals. Charles S. Barrett, the county judge, supported the scientists' case in all particulars, concluding that the ex- periment did not involve "unnecessary cruelty" and had rubstantial educational value. The SuF?reme Court simply adopted Barrett's opinion. o FISH PROTEIN CONCENTRATE: In order to get a head start on its re- search on fish protein concentrate, the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Commercial Fisheries has been award- ed a $200,000 grant from the Agency for International Development (AID). The funds will go for expansion of the Beltsville, Md., pilot plant for food technology studies, and for predesign engineering on a new plant. The bu- reau expects to receive its own funds for expansion of its pilot plants in its 1968 budget which takes effect 1 July, but the AID grant will enable it to begin the work immediately. 0 STONY BROOK APPOINTS OM- BUDSMEN: The faculty, staff, and student body at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, now have three special emissaries to listen to their complaints and suggestions, investigate them if they are worthy, and possibly bring them to the attention of the University president. In response to a suggestion at a recent faculty meeting, President John S. Toll appointed three ombudsmen. The position, which origi- nated in Sweden, traditionally has no specific administrative responsibility, but broad independent authority to in- vestigate problems brought out by mem- bers of the community. The Stony Brook ombudsmen are Homer Gold- berg, English department, and Theo- dore Goldfarb, chemistry department, for the entire University, and Robert Weinberg, physics department, for the residential colleges. ao1 Reieas - 8u001-2-~~