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November 2, 1967
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SaiQf?Y ~ATpprovcv*ftr al~tl-~I -00001 R000300240026-1 0 Aovember 2, 1967 CPYRGHT CPYRGHT Letters to the Editor The CIA Man The BDH of Nov. 1, quo es Dean Brennan as having said regarding the anti-CIA sit-in : "We found it physically impos- sible to get to the interview room." If these are indeed his words, he is guilty of misrepre- senting the facts. , As a non-participant ob- server of the sit-in I wish to state unequivocally that it was possible for Mr. Braun to get to the interview room. As a matter of fact he himself did' get into' the interview room. Any impression that it was im- possible to do so is absolutely STEFAN A. OSTRACH '69 dividual or group of individu- als any more than it should be censored by the University. I can sympathize with the March on Washington, as it was an individual expression of dis- satisfaction, which did not abridge the liberties of others; but in this case the personal rights of Brown and Pembroke students to learn about employ- ment opportunities with, like i or not, a government agency, have been infringed upon. The CAC may have "wolf a victory," but by doing so it has violate the basic rights of an, indiv Idual's freedom of choice. May it not happen again, Editor: I have read the B H s tran- ript of the CAC-CIA con- ntation with extreme disgust. take particular exception to Mr. Schwartzman's statement hat "these [CIA] interviews e not the normal educational unction of the University." In he same vein, neither is servi- ng food at the refectory or al- wing James Brown to appear his coming Spring Weekend. t would appear to me that the niversity is performing a great ervice in allowing and promot- ng interviewers from various ompanies to appear at Brown. t would seem that it is only ommensurate with the respon- ibilities of the modern univer- ity that students be given ev- ry opportunity to confront rospective employers before aduation. Furthermore, and ore basic to the issue, each ndividual's choice of vocation his and his alone to decide. choice should not be cen cored by the, actions of gt~y"n BDH ewildered, and almost trance- I ke air. Asked by the HERALD if e had been greeted by demon- trations before, he replied, "No, Published daily during the academic year his is my first." except Saturdays, Sunday, and vacation Periods, by THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Asked to comment on the sit- VOLUNTARY PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, Box ation, he said, "The University K, Brown University, Providence, R. I. 02912. Offices located in Faunce House, ill speak for me." Waterman Street, Providence, R. I. 02912. Second class postage paid at Providence. When it was all over, Mr. R. I. Campus subscriptions: $8.50 Der urll said the protesters were year, $7.00 per semester. Telephones: Business 863-2836; News, 863-2802. 2804; polite and straightforward." Editorial, 863-2839. out the protest, he added, ?'It Thursday, November 2, 1967 ame off beautifully." NEWS DIRECTOR: Mr. Gurll thought the CIA FREDERIC W. LIEBER night expect more applicants for NIGHT EDITOR: obs "as a reaction" to the pro- ELLEN OGINTZ est. He said it was too bad the ISSUE PHOTOGRAPHER: emonstrators had to "deny the JIM ROBERTS ights of good, interested appli- M. WILLIAM SALGANIK Editor-in-Chief ELLWOOD B. CARTER, JR. Associate Editor -ants." If students want to con- rant the CIA and its policy, he aid, "there are a million other ays they can do it," and men- oned that "they can go to shln and 6-.,.. ERIC D. GREEN a Managing Editor Mr. Gurll has been with the LAultm B. ,OvERay for sixteen years. He was Managing Editor, . urprised when a woman came Klcvliv S. dorms p. to him, "and said that the Business Maiir umni, protest the CIA." When the CIA finally made the s ene yesterday at the CAC sit- and picket line, its emissary m as indeed trench-coated - but,, n A in the traditional cloak-and- d gger, collar-up style. James W. Gurll Jr., Class of 1 48, appearenea -attired in ht tan over-coat type of t nchcoat and complete with at and attache case - not at all shady character, but rather, respectable, brown-eyed buss- , ssman. ? During the confrontation, Mr. urll stood quietly and regarded demonstr tors sitting, ri at BRACK t8e is feet with a detached, slightly Sanitized - Approved For. Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000300240026-1.