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S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 .,.r wry REQUIREMENTS DETERMINATION INFORMATION AND DIGITIZED DATA COMAgUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS OF THE AGENCY AND, AS Ai'PROPRIATE, THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY (RESUME OF PEQUIREMENTS CURRENTI~Y BEING ADDRESSED) PREPARED BY: Office of Communications Communications Engineering .TUNE 1974 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T Approved For. ease 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031 R~000100120008-0 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I - INTRODUCTION A, Purpose B. Scope C, Method D, Observations E, Requirements Considerations SECTION II - DIGITIZED DATA COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Tnterconnection of Headquarters Area Remote Terminal Devices with ADP Centers B, Terminal and Control Switch and Resource A1locator C, Interconnection of headquarters Area Data Access Centers with ADP Centers D. Interchange of Data Transmissions Between Agency Headquarters and Other Agencies and Remote Locations L;, Direct Data Access From Headquarters User Offices to Remote Non-Agency Sites 0 G. Data Transmission from a DDS~,T/OEL Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 i :~ r r. n r ?r 25X1 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ~,; SECTION III - NARRATIVE INFORMATION COMMUNICATION A. Exchange of Narrative Information Between Agency Headquarters and Agency Field Stations B, Dedicated Network Requirements C. Exchange of Narrative Information Between Agency Headquarters and Other Government Agencies D. Exchange of Narrative Information Between Agency Headquarters and Contractor Facilities E. Dedicated Narrative Circuit Requirements of Agency Components F, Dissemination Requirements SECTION IV - FACSIMILE COMMUNICATION RE UIREMENTS _ Q__.-__. __..,. A. Requirement for Inter-Agency Facsimile Capability for Intelligence Report Coordination B. Requirement for Infra-Agency Headquarters Area Facsimile Service C. Requirements for Dedicated Point-to-Point Facsimile Service SECTION V - VOICE COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS A, Nan-Secure Voice Requirement B. Intra-Agency Secure Voice Requirement C. Secure Voice Requirement for Inter-Agency and Agency/Contractor Conversations D. Dedicated Zroice Communications Requirements E. ~ieadquarters to Overseas Station Secure Voice Requirement Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 li R f' R F T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 SECTION VI - INFORMATION COMPARTMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Approved For Release 2003/021 CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 SECTION I - INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The Office of Communications has been charged with determining the information and digitized data communication requirements of the Agency and, as appro- priate, the Intelligence Community. The purpose of such a determination is to ensure that those rcauirements ar.e met by the Office of Communications in a timely fashion a.nd to permit that Office to ensure the appropriate pro- gramming of the required assets. Periodically, either on their own initiative or in response to queries from the Office of Communications ar the Deputy Director for Iv4anagement and Services, various Agency or Intelligence Community components levy requirements on the Office of Communications far support to individual programs or units. The possibility exists for requirements to be overlooked or to become known. only in a time frame not conducive to support in the most effec- tive manner. The present requirements determination. will be beneficial in assuring that the broad range of communi- cation needs are known and met, both individually and collectively, and that they axe met with the most effi- cient use of resources. Thus, the study should be of benefit both to the supporting Office and to the com- ponents possessing the requirements. A thorough understanding and review of the communication requirements is especially desirable at this time. Reduction in the number of Agency personnel overseas has, in some instances, resulted in a transfer of support functions from overseas to ~~eadauarters with a resultant increase in communication requirements for support information. Efforts, both by this Agency and others, to convert increasing percentages of their report- ing from dispatch to electrical form result i.n yet other increased requirements. The increased use of automatic data processing in the day to day business of the Agency with the proliferation of remote computer terminals in the IIeadquarters area creates a whole new set of problems. The Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 . 1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ~/ ~,:.. growth of data communications, until recently very limited in scope., requires greater attention to the support of that area. The need to improve personnel productivity overseas by precluding multiple keying and manual media conversion of material to be transmitted electrically requires the application of new technology in several areas including communications. Developing requirements for near real time exchange of data between remote locations and Head- quarters and for bulk transmission of data also present new problems. The need to support such diverse and in- creased requirements with severely limited assets makes it necessary that those assets be utilized as effectively as possible. The effort in that direction is well served by early and thorough knowledge of the full range of com- munication requirements. B. Scope This requirements determination is concerned, at least initially, with the staff narrative message, data transmission, voice and facsimile areas. It does not address video requirements, certain compartmented project requirements, or covert communications. Communications mechanisms supporting the latter requirements are recog- nized as a vital function of the Office of Communications, but t}ie requirements themselves .are (and in many cases must be) determined by other means. Requirements of the Agency itself are addressed comprehensively. Requirements of the Intelligence Community are addressed whexe the Office is charged with providing support or where the element is housed in Agency facilities, e.g., the Intelligence Community Staff. For purposes of this study, the term "narrative information" is used to denote communications which are generated by and/or intended for use of a human, i.e. - readable narrative material. The term "data" is used to denote communications which are generated by and/or in- tended for input to a data processing system, i.e. - digital material.. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 2 S E C R E T Approved For.R~elease 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ~.~ This report does not address the mechanisms by which the Office of Communications supgorts the require- ments. It is intended to be a compendium of the require- ments themselves. The means of satisfying those requirements vary from the provision only of secure transmission means, with the customer providing and operating the terminal equip- ment, to the provision of media conversion, retrieval capability, transmission continuity assurance and other diverse services. The requirements determination is being conducted in three phases. Phase I, the subject of this report, deals with those requirements which are the object of already exist- ing or planned communications systems. The report contains the compilation of such requirements, including both those implied and those specifically levied. Phase TI of the determination will address those requirements presently projected by OC or recently developed by users but not yet addressed by existing or planned communications systems. Phase TII will attempt to unearth requirements which exist but which have not yet been stated and, those require~r~ents which previously have not been well-defined or quantified and to establish a means far their definition. Subsequent to completion of the final report, the capabilities and plans of the Office of Communications will be compared with. the total requirements for communications support and recommenda- tions may be made for modification, elimination or addition of communications programs. Due to the status of the requirements being addressed, the Phase I study has been performed largely within the Office of Communications. This report is, how- ever, being made available to users for their validation or comment. Later phases will require increasing input from user components. The method employed in Phase I included a review of.the documentation on operational or planned communica- tions systems to determine the requirements against which Approved For Release 2003/02/,27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T Approved For- Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 they were directed. It also included a review of Directorate responses to previous requests for statements of require- ments for communications support in particular years and a review of several previous studies of communications require- ments. D. Observations In many instances the requirements against which existing or planned communications systems were developed were not ~tirell defined and quantified in advance. Particularly in earlier years, communication requirements (whether levied by users or developed blr the Office of Communications and validated by users} ~~7ere initially stated in rather general terms with det~.iled definition being developed jointly by OC and the users as the con- cept of the required support system wa.s evolving. At times, customer requirements have had to be ferreted out by OC when it became apparent that a ne~~ activity would require a different type ox level of cc~~nmunicatioiis sup- port. The observation of these facts is not surprising nor disturbing. The absence of detailed ar quantified in- formation relative to a requirement ire its early stages is not unique to communications as a technical support service. It is common in the provision of such services, an excellent example being the automatic data proc#:ssing area. Customers of technical support services have often been described as being poor at stating their requirements. Such a description does a disservice to the customer. Generally some technical knowledge of the support system is required in order to state a requirement in terms which are useful to the pro- vider of the service. The customer does not normally possess this knowledge and a dialogue between the customer and the support element is thus necessary to define and quantify a requirement and the supporting mechanism, Additionally, requirements often do not become defined until the means of achieving them are available. Rapid developments in technology, either within or out- side the communications area, often make possible services Approved For Release 2003/027 : CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031.8000100120008-0 which are worthwhile but which were not previously requested since they were thought to be unachievable. This often limits the ability of customers to project or define require- ments beyond a short time frame. Further, only in recent years have management techniques been incxeasingly employed which permit and often require Longer range, more detailed, and better quantified projections of requirements. In the context of this communications requirements determination, the observation of a frequent lack of firm definition and quantification of needs is not viewed as a negative result. Rather, it is viewed as a validarian of the desirability of the current review and the probable usefulness thereof, both initially and on a continuing basis . E. Requirements Considerations There axe many means by which communication} requirements can be characterized, even when fully defined and quantified. These include the broad cate- gories of volume of information to be handled, the medium in which the information must be accepted by and output by the supporting system, and the criticality and sensitivity of the information. In unique instances, due to the need to inter- face with existing systems or for other technical reasons, the requirement as levied by the customer is quite specific with respect to speed. of transmission, information code employed, link control procedures or similar technical parameters. More characteristically, the requirement can and should be stated in terms of the result desired, in- cluding limiting factors only to the extent necessary, leaving to the technical support office the discretion of determining the precise means of assuring that result. In this manner the technical competence as well as the available and developing assets of the supporting office can best be used. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 5 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 An a.lmast universal requirement parameter is information or data volume. It is frequently not one of the more vital considerations when the supporting. mechanism is a totally new system. In that instance, while the volume consideration affects the sizing and cost of the system, it often does not impact greatly on the technology required or the difficulty of satisfying the requirement to the extent that the information medium, cricitality, sensitivity and end use do. It is, conversely, of great importance in imposing additional workloads on existing systems which may result in a need for significant modification or even replacement of a system before its obsolence. It is thus vital that newly developed support systems be sized to accommodate not only current volumes but a.lsa reasonably predictable increases. This can best be achieved if components requiring camrnunications support practice the art of long range planning to tl~e maximum feasible extent and provide their requirements to the support component, even in rough form, at the earliest possible time. The support systems can then be developed with sufficient flexibility to accommodate future expansion. Due to the variety of means by which communications requirements can be characterized, and since the needed specificity of the requirements varies greatly with the particular application, the compilation of communications requirements in Sections II through VI of this report contains varying degrees of detail and varying numbers of parameters. Only that whi.~ch is believed to represent the actual customer requirement is stated. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 6 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ~? ,.v SECTION II - DIGITIZED DATA COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS The. fallowing requirements axe those considered to fall within the broad area of communications generated by and/or intended for input to a data processing system rather than that of human readable narrative material, A. Interconnectian of Headquarters Area Remote e~rm~inal Devi ces w1t~ADP Centers THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR AN EXTENSIVE NUMBER OF REMOTE TERMINAL DEVICES LOCATED IN USER AREAS TO COMA4UNICATE DIRECTLY WITH THE AGENCY ADP CENTERS. This requirement commenced with a series of individual requests for the interconnection of vaxious remote terminal devices throughout the Headquarters building with the several ADP centers. It grew to the extent- that it became necessary for the Office of Com- munications to develop a standard means of providing such service. The Headquarters Data Distribution Grid system xestzlted. In re oration for that system, it was forecast that remote devices would be installed in the building through FY-1976 for information up to and including TOP SECRET, This was accepted as a reasonable projection. The Data Distribution Grid system, as in- stalled, has a maximum capacity of terminals. How- ever, a practic 1 capacity, due to c ustering?and other factors, is The number of remote terminals installed has increase rom 16 in FY-1969, to 0 in FY-1971, to C in FY-1973. While certain portions of the system are fully utilized, it continues to enjoy unused capacity as a whole. OTERMINALS, THE PRACTICAL .CAPACITY OF T}-}E INSTALLED SYS- IN FY-1976. Approved For Release 2003/02/?77 : CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T TEM, IS CONSIDERED TO REPRESENT THE PRESENT MAGNITUDE OF T}iE REQUIREA~}ENT. PROJECTION'S BY OJCS INDICATE THAT OTERI~IINALS WILL BE REQUIRED IN FY-1975 AND 25X1 25X1 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 B. Terminal and Control Switch and A1locator THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR REMOTE TERMINAL DEVICES TO BE AUTOMATI- CALLY TERMINATED IN THE OJCS COMPUTER CENTER, FOR THOSE DEVICES SINGLY OR IN GROUPS "I'0 BF. SWITCI-iABLE FROM ONE COMPUTER SYSTEM TO ANOTIiER, AND FOR QUALITY CONTROL TO BE EXERCISED AT TI-IE INTERFACE POINT. 'The; large and growing number of remote terminal devices which must be interconnected with the OJCS com- puter center greatly exceeds that which can be terminated in any one of the six large scale computer systems in that center. It also exceeds that which can be terminated in a single front-end processor such as may be utilized in that center. A need exists, in the event of failure of one or more large scale computers ar front-end processors, for their workload to be switchable in whole or in part to another system. Future multi-purpose use of the terminals further requires termination control. A further need. exists to be able to perform quality assurance checks and trouble- shooting on the terminal circuits. That composite require- ment is to be met by the OJCS Terminal and Control S;witch and Resource Allacator currently being defined by OJCS and OC. THAT SYSTEM IS 'TO BE SIZED TO ACCOMMODATE AN EVENTUAL REMOTE TERMINALS AND TO INTER- FACE WITH UP TO SIX LARGE SCALF. PROCESSORS OR THREE FRONT-END PROCESSORS. T~iAT IS CONSIDERED TO BE THE CURRENT MAGNITUDE OF THE REQUIREMENT, C. Interconnection of Headquarters Area Data Access Centers wit ADP Centers THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF DATA ACCESS CENTERS (DAC) IN THE HEAD- QUARTERS AREA TO COMA4UNIGATE 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27.: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For. Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031 ~OQ0100120008-0 WITH T'I-IE ADP CENTERS . DATA ACCESS CENTERS WILL BE LOCATED IN THE KEY, AMES AND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDINGS, THE SEVERAL LOGISTICS DEPOTS, AND THE HEAD- QUARTERS BUILDING. THIS TS CUR- RENTLY CONSIDERED TO REPRESENT THE Iv1AGNITUDE OF THE REQUIRE- MENT . THE UPPER LIMIT COI~IMUNI - CATTONS SPEED REQUIREMENT FOR ANY SINGLE DEVICE WITHIN A DAC TS CONSIDERED TO BE 9600 BPS. D. Lnterchange_of Data Transmissions Between A~enc?~= Ilcadc~uarter'-?s anc~-Other Agencies and Remote.~ocatzons THERE IS A REQUTREI~IENT FOR THE AGENCY HEADQI3ARTERS TO EXCHANGE DATA TRANSMISSIONS ON A NON-REAL TIME RECORD BASIS WITH DISTANT AGENCY LOCATIONS AND WITI-I OTHER AGENCIES AND CONTRACTORS. This requirement commenced with, and remains almost solely in, the Science and Technology Directorate. It is analogous to the exchange of "cables" in the nar- rative message area, daes not involve direct connection between the originator and the recipient of a transmission, requires continuity and control procedures ta?be employed by the communications facilities involved to protect against non-delivery, and requires structuring and formatting of a transmission to be acceptable to the communications sys- tems employed. A relay function is required on the part of one or more communications facilities to effect eventual delivery from the originator to the recipient. Some trans- mission originators or recipients are directly connected with the Headquarters building data communications (1)ATACOM) facility while others are reached through remote data com- munications facilities which are in turn connected. with DATACOM. The record transmission of data by the Agency is of recent origin and is as yet small in volume when Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 9 T' f' F~ T? T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 compared with the transmission of narrative messages. It is, however, growing at a vastly greater rate and will surely surpass the narrative message valume in the future. Numbers of transmissions processed by DATACOM under this requirement have grown from 5,252 in FY-1969, to 8,180 in FY-1971, to 14,357 in FY-1973. Numbers of data records processed have grown from 8 million in FY-1969, to 21.5 million in FY-1971, to 67.5 million in FY-1973. Planning projections developed by the Office of Communica- tians in 1970 and validated by DDS$T components as good for planning puxposes included predicted volumes of 13 to 16 million records in FY-1971 and 19 to 24 million records in FY-1973. In each year, the actual record volume has far exceeded the planning projections. Projections made at that time for future years were: FY-1974 28 to 35 million records FY-1975 29 to 86 million records FY-1976 30 to 90 million records FY-1977 30 to 90 million recaxds Third quarter figures indicate an estimated. FY-1974 rate of 76 million records. New projections were obviously required and were developed to permit realistic sizing of the data switching system (DATEK) being built far DATACOM. THE DATA TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION RF.QUIREI~iENT OF THE AGENCY HEADQUARTERS IS CONSIDERED 'TO $E UP TO 200 MILLION RECORDS BY FY-1977. Among the major facilities directly interfaced with DATACOTZ under this requirement are the OJCS computer center; stomer terminal co-located with DATACOM NPIC 25X1 25X1 two remote ocatlons. an remo e ermina s in the headquarters Building may be directly connected with Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 10 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Re~l~ease 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031 R_0~00100120008-0 the DATACOM Switch (DATEX) to provide real-time dissemination and origination. of data messages. Data transmissions are exchanged, either directly or indirectly, with same 25 other military and contractor locations. An interface link is to be established between t}ze DATACOM facility and the military AUTODIN message and data switching network. A significant increase is anti- cipated in the number of remote non-Agency facilities with which data transmissions are exchanged. It is further anticipated, however, that many of those f cilities will be reached via the AUTODIN network and the etwork 25X1 anal will not require direct interfaces with DATACOM. THE DATEX SYSTEM }SILL HAVE AN INITIAL CAPABILITY TO TERMINATE DIRECTLY Q REMOTE TRAFFIC CIR- CUITS RANGING FROM 150 BPS TO 50 KBPS AND IS READILY EXPAND- ABLE TO SUCH CIRCUITS BY ADDING THE NECESSARY PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT. TI-IIS IS CONSIDERED TO EXCEED THE PEQUIREMENT THROUGH 1977. The DATEX System will accommodate more than ~ 25X1 lines. however, t}pis tiri11 result in a reduction in t rough- put speeds during peak traffic flow periods. E. Direct Data. Access from Headquarters User Of l~s to Remote Nori-Agency Sites THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR SEVERAL AGENCY CU~iPONENTS TO ACCESS DIRECTLY UNCLASSIFIED llATA BASES OP OTI~ER GOVERNMENT .AGENCIES OR COh~4ERCIAL ORGANI- ZATIONS. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 11 F (' R R T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 THERE TS A REQUIREI4IENT FOR SEVERAL AGENCY COMPONENTS TO ACCESS DIRECTLY CLASSIFIED DATA BASES OF OTHER GOVERN- MENT ORGANIZATIONS. Requirements under this category currently include access by a dedicated Office of Security faci- lity in the Headquarters Building to biographic files at Fort Holabird, Maryland, and access by dedicated terminals in the Data Access Center in the Headquarters Building to the COINS (Community On-Line Information. System) at NSA. There are CRS requirements to access the SIGINT On-Line Information System (SOLIS) facility at NSA, the DoD Documentation Center facility at Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia, and DTA. There is also re uirement for a secure data circuit between OTR and F. Data Transmission fz~otn the THERE IS A REQUIREMENT TN DDSFT/OEL FOR THE TRANS- ION OF DATA FROM THE Y FY-1076. 9600 BPS CAPA- BILITY WILL BE SUFFICIENT FOR SEVERAL YEARS. This requirement does not demand a dedicated transmission path but would require part time use of a 9600 BPS link between the cited points. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 12 S E C R E T 25X1 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031 8000100120008-0 G. Data Transmission from a DDS~T/OEL Remote o~cation THERE IS A REQUIREA~ENT IN THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORATE FOR FOUR VOICE BANDWIDTH CHANNELS BETWEEN AN OEL REMOTE LOCATION ANA BY FY-1976. This requirement addresses the need far secure, real time transmission, without loss of quality, for analysis by linguists availablE~ in the Head- quarters area but not at the remote location. H. Data Dissemination Tlie dissemination of data to the intended recipient, either at Headquarters or at remote locations, is not as complex a process as is the dissemination of narrative information. .This is due to its nature (essentially non-readable) and to the limited number of components having the requirement to receive it or the capability to make use of it. This dissemination, unlike that of narrative information, does not require analysis of a substantial portion of a transmission. Rather, it is determined by information appearing at the very beginning of a transmission such as a project or operation name. Also, copies of outgoing data transmissions are not normally dis- seminated. It is none the less important that incoming data transmissions be compartmented and delivered to the appropri- ate component. T1iERE IS A REQUIREMENT THAT DATA TRANSMISSIONS RECEIVED AT HEAD- QUARTERS BE ANALYZED TO THE NEC- ESSARY DEGREE TO DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE RECIPIENT, BASED ON REAI)TNG REQUIR~:I~tENTS PROVIDED BY USER COMPONENTS, AND THAT TI3E DATA BE PROVIDED IN THE AGREED UPON MEDIUM TO THE RECIPIENTS. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 13 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 This xecluirement is satisfied in some instances by over the counter ar courier delivery Pram the DATACOA~i facility and in others by electrical delivery to an auto- matic data processing facility. Approved For Release 2003/02/~~ : CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E 'T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031 R0~0100120008-0 SECTION III - NARRATIVE INFORMATION COMMUNICATION RI; tJIREiv~?~TS - -~ -~ The following requirements ar.e those considered to fa11 within the broad area of communications generated by and intended for the use of a human, i.e., readable nar- rative material. A. Exchan ~e of_ Narrative Information Between ~ency Headquarters and'-A~icy Field Stations THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE RELIABLE, SECURE AND RAPID (BUT NON-REAL TIME) EXCHANGE OF NAR- RATIVE INFORMATION BETIt~EEN AGENCY HEADQUARTERS AND ITS FIELD STA- TIONS AND LATERALLY BETtiVEEN FIELD STATIONS. ' This requirement includes the need for the. exchange of administrative, operational, and intelligence information via the Agency's staff communications telet pe network. That network includes stations and bases~in 25X1 overseas areas. The requirement is satis- ce y t e interconnection of several sub-networks in the various geographical areas. While, for reasons of volume or other considerations, direct links are maintained between a number of remote stations and Ieadquarters, the information exchange is generally accomplished via one or more relay pro- cesses. THE NUMBER OF FIELD STATIONS SERVICED UNDER THIS REQUIRE- MENT AND THE TOTAL VOLUME OF TRAFFIC I-IANDLED VARIES ONLY SLIGHTLY FROM YEAR TO YEAR. THE TRAFFIC VOLUME INCREASES BY APPROXIMATELY SIX PERCENT PER YEAR. THE NUMBER OF STA- TIONS APPROXIMATES 0 IT IS CONSIDERED THAT WHILE THE NOTED VARIANCES WILL CONTINUE, THE MAGNITUDE OF THIS REQUIREMENT WILL NOT CHANGE SUBSTANTIALLY OVER T'IiE NEXT SEVERAL YEARS . 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 1S S P. C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Rase 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 Due to the code, equipment, and procedures utilized in the staff communications network, it is vulnerable to an error rate which, ~tiThile not inter- fering with the readability of textual information, is generally not satisfactory for the passage of infor- mation far which an extremely high degree of accuracy is required, e.g., information to be used as a direct input to a data processing system. B. Dedicated Network Requirements Several Agency components require the interconnection of a group in closed communications networks rat er t an as a part of the staff network. The reasons for such closed network operation include operational control, special security considerations, and a need for non-association with. the Agency and with the other closed nett,rorks. The components with such re uirements are the Office of Security, the 1. Office of Security Network The Office of Security operates its own communications nettivork with facilities located in Room GE31 of the Headquarters ing facility serves as the hub of this net- work. The information exchanged within this network is essentially informal and unformat- ted and is not interchanged into other networks for transmission or dissemination purposes. T}}ERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE OFFICE OF SECURITY TO POSSESS AND OPERATE A PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK INTERCONNECTING ITS HEAD- QUARTERS AND FIELD FACILITIES AND rOR TI}E INFORMATION F,XCHANGED WITH- IN THAT NET}YORK NOT TO BE INTER- C}IANGED INTO ANY OTHER NETWORK EITHER FOR TRANSMISSION OR llISSEM- INATION PURPOSES. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 16 S E C R E T 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031800.0100120008-0 THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR DEDICATED NARRATIVE ELECTRICAL COMr4UNICATION FACILITIES TO BE D AT That exchange of information is almost wholly of an unclassified nature and is accom- plished via the Military Automatic Digital Net- work (AUTOI)IN) and leased circuits. Both the transmission facilities and the terminal equip- ment employed are provided by AUTODIN rather than by the Office of Communications. Agency facilities are used to encrypt and/or exchange the limited volume of classified information , required b the peration. At Headquarters, the Agenc interchange of such information. is accomplis e by telecopier or courier delivery. TIIERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE AGENCY NETWORK TO ACCOMMODATE THE ENCRYPTION AND/OR EXCIiANGE OF A LIMITED AA-10UNT OF CLASSI - PIED INPORAZATION BETWEEN REMOTE LOCATIONS Alv'D THE WASHINGTON HEADQUARTERS. For the distribution of information collected at its remote .locations, Omain- transmission facilities and equipment. Approved For Release 2003/02/i 8 : CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T 25X1 25X1 STAT STAT STAT STAT S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE ~0 DISSEMINATE COLLECTED ATION TO SUBSCRIBERS VIA UNCLASSIFIED TELETYPE CIRCUITS. THOSE SUBSCRIBERS CURRENTLY NUMBER 18. THE CRS HAS A REQUIREMENT TO RECEIVE FIELD ORIGINATED REPORT TRAFFIC FOR FILING, INDEXING, PUBLICA- TION GENERATION, ETC. It is anticipated that none of the rec{uirements cited will change significantly in magnitude in the foreseeable future. C. Exchange of Narrative Information Between ~~ency I~_~Iea~c~uartErs _an~~ Qt~ier government ~encies THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR NARRATIVE INFORI.IATION TG BE EXCIIAIv'GED BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND O'I'IIER CIVIL AND MILITARY AGENCIES OF THE GOVERND~tENT. This reQuirement for the transmission and receipt of messages to and from other government agencies both at domestic and overseas points ia~cludes the exchange of administrative and intelligence information with the National Security Agency, the military services, the Depart- ment of State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Secret Service among others. This exchange is accomplished primarily via a relay process involving interface links between the Agency's staff communications network and the networks of other agencies. IT IS ANTICIPATED Ti-IAT I~viCREASING EMPHASIS BEING PLACED ON ECONOMIC, NARCOTICS AND OTHER AREAS WITH WHICH THE AGENCY I-iAS NOT BEEN INVOLVED TO A MAJOR EXTENT IN THE PAST WILL RE- SULT IN A CONTINUING INIJRI~ASE OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL YEARS 3N BOTH THE NUAtBER OF AGENCIES WITIi WIiICIi COM- MUNICATION IS REQUIRED A~'~D IN THE VOLUME OF INFORb~tATION HANDLED. STAT Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 l9 c ~: r n r: T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ~' +~ D. Exchan e of Narrative Information Between ~ency H-~ac~guarters and Contractor Facilities T~iERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL INFORh4ATI0N TO BE EXCHANGED BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND A NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL CON- TRACTORS. This requirement, non-real time in nature, results from the fact that a number of commercial firms are engaged in classified contracts with the Agency. A means must be provided for the timely exchange of contractual and technical information in a secure fashion. To avoid the hazaxds inherent in permitting contractor access to the staff cammuni cations network, each requirement of this nature is satisfied by the provision of: a dedicated manually operated link between the Agency Headquarters and the contractor facility. IT IS NOT ANTICIPATED THAT THE MAGNITUDE OF T~}IS REQUIREMENT WILL CHANGE SIGNFICANTLY EITHER WITH RESPECT TO THE NUMBER OF FACILITIES SERVICED OR THE VOL- UME OF INFORMATION. E. Dedicated Narrative Circuit Requirements of _~;ezicy Components Various Agency components require the capability to exchange information on an infoxmal operational basis via dedicated (non-shared, non-switched) circuitry with individual remote Agency and non-Agency activities. .THERE IS A REQUTRED4ENT FOR FULL TIME CIRCUITRY TO BE AVAILABLE BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND NON-AGENCY ACTIVITIES LISTED BELOW FOR USE BY THE TWO END POINTS FOR INFORMAL OPERATIONAL INFORMATION EXCI3ANGE. Approved For Release 2003/02/70: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 HQS. COMPONENT DD5FzT/OSI DDS~T/OEL~ REM?TE LOCATION 25X1 DDI/OSR F. Dissemination R-ec~tzirements The Office of Communications and, at present, several other. Agency components have the responsibility for providing dissemination, distribution and file and reference services on alI information received or origi- nated electrically in the Headquarters area. The tata.l responsibility for provision of these services will be assumed by the Office of Communications for all categories of traffic, Agency and non-Agency, with the implementation of the Cable Dissemination System beginning in FY-1975. 1. CIA Operations Center Requirements THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE CIA OPERATIONS CENTER TO RECEIVE, NOT LATER THAN RECEIPT BY TfiE DISSEMINATION FACILITY, A COPY OF VIRTUALLY EVERY INC01.1ING AND OUTGOING MESSAGE ORIGINATED BY OR ADDRESSED TO AN AGENCY HEAD- QUARTERS AREA COMPONENT. As a result of certain security and administrative considerations, some categories of messages are exempted from this requirement. Since those categories, and the percentage that their represent of the total message volume, vary from time to time, the capability must exist to include or exclude any given category. The basic capabil~.ty must exist, however, for virtually the total message volume to be made available to the Operations Center. Approved For Release 2003/02/i :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 2. ADP Center Requirements THERE IS A REQUIREIv1ENT FOR ONE OR MORE I-iEADQUARTERS ADP CENTERS TO RECEIVE, IN MACKINE LANGUAGE FORI`Z, A COPY OF VIRTUALLY EVERY INCOMING AND OUTGOING MESSAGE ORIGINATED BY OR ADDRESSED TO AN AGENCY HEAD- QUARTERS AREA COMPONENT. Messages received in machine language form by an ADP Center would be for input to indexing, filing, and retrieval systems and far availability to intelligence analysts. The number of messages so handled might ini- tially be Quite low and a given category of message may be added to or deleted from this requirement from time to time. It is antici- pated, however, that within several years the majority of messages would be included. 3. Dissemination Based on Reading Rec~ui.rements THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR ACTION, INFORMATION, AND CONFIRMATION COPIES OF ALL HEADQUARTERS ORIGINATED 012 ADDRESSED h~ESSAGES TO BE PROVIDED TO TAIL' APPROPRIATE AGENCY COMPONENTS AS DETERMINED BY READI\TG REQUIREMENTS .PROVIDED BY THE COMPONENTS. Same dissemination will be determined auto- matically by comparison of messages with computer- stored dictionaries representing user requirements vahile, in other cases, it will be determined by similar comparison by cable analysts. The pro- vision of copies will in some instances be in electrical form to a teleprinter in the compon- ent area while, in other cases, it will be in page copy form subsequent to a reproduction pro- c:ss. The method of determining dissemination will depend on the degree to which the require- ment can be structured. The method of delivery will depend on such factors as component opera- ting hours, component message volume, and similar considerations. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 22 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 THE VOLUME OF MESSAGES DIS- SEA4INATED IN Ti-iE HEADQUARTERS AREA CURRENTLY AVERAGES 125,000 PER MONTH, AND IS INCREASING AT A RATE OF SIX PERCENT PER YEAR. 4. Intelligence bVatch Officer Group R~ec~uirernents TIIEP.E I S A REQUIREMENT FOUR INCOMING INTELLIGENCE MESSAGES TO BE DELIVERED, EXCEPT UNDER SPECIFIED CONSTRAINTS, TO THE INTELLIGENCE WATCH OFFICER GROUP FOR EDITING AS REQUIRED AND FOR CONVERSION INTO I=INISHED INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTS FOR DISSEMINATION TO THE INTELLI- GENCE COMMUNITY. FOLLO?t'ING -SUCH EDITING AND CONVERSION, THEI:E IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE?PRODUCTS TO BE ENTERED BACK INTO THE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK FOR TRANSMISSIOR' AS APPROPRIATE. 5. Reference Service Requirement THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR A CENTRAL MESSAGE REFERENCE SER- VICE TO BE MAINTAINED FROM WHICH AUTHORIZED AGENCY COM- PONENTS MAY OBTAIN ADDIT'TONAL COPIES OF MESSAGES WITHIN 90 DAYS OF TRANSMISSION OR RECEIPT. 6. Field Station Di.sseminati.on AT REMOTE AGENCY LOCATIONS, OVERSt~AS, SERVED BY OTIIER THAN THE IIEADQUARTI:RS COMMUNICATIONS COMPLEX, TI-iERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR PACE COPIES OF INCOMING AND OUTGOING MESSAGES TO BE PROVIDED TO STATION PERSONNEL AS DETERMINED BY THE CIiIEF OF STA- TION. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 -~...~.- SECTION TV - FACSIMTLE COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS Requirements for facsimile communications axe few in comparison with those in other categories. The requirements give evidence of increasing, however, and this fact coupled with their unique nature warrant addressing them as a separate category. A. R~e~uirement for Inte~enc_ Facsimile ~a a-bil~ or Inte111~er~ce Report oorc .nation In its production of Intelligence Reports, the CIA Operations Center has a need to coordinate tie content of such reports in draft with other members of the Tntelligence Community prior to their publication. For certain types of reports, the time available for coordination and the fact that coordination is accom- plished simultaneously with several Community members preclude the use of the narrative message or data net- works for this purpose. Other community members have a similar requirement in the production of their reports. For this purpose, as well as those instances where a single copy of a document must be exchanged informally between Community members, a facsimile transmission net- work has been established. That network, referred to as the WASHFAX net, consists of single Lung Distance Xerox (LDX) encrypted full duplex (simultaneous transmission and reception) systems at the White House, Department of State, NMCC, DIA, NPTC, and NSA and two such systems in the CIA Operations Center. Either of th.e two systems at CTA can be placed an-line with any other member of the net. Normally, coordination of a document is accomplished. by transmission of a draft to the appropriate Community mem- bers via the WASHFAX net and discussion of the document with the members via secure voice facilities. The creation of new categories of reports, the current volume of documents exchanged via the existing network, the transmission speed limitation of that net- work, and the fact that inter-Agency coordination dffi- culties frequently show up as a problem area in post- mortems of crises all indicate that an inter-Agency docu- ment coordination system with capability greater than that Approved For Release 2003/02/24 CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S I: C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 _~` of the WASHFAX net is required. Such a requirement has been stated by the Operations Center. While on-line text editing capability is thought to be a longer term require- ment, the immediate need is for higher speed and more nearly simultaneous transmission capability t.o Community nzembexs. The Treasury Department and a DDS~T 25X1 must also be added to the document coordination in the near futuxe. TI~ERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR A RAPID AND SECURE MEANS OF 000RDI- NATION OF DOCUMENTS AA40NG MEMBERS OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMh1UNITY. TIi05E MEMBERS CUP.RENTLY INCLUDE THE CIA, WHITE HOUSE, DEPARTMENT OF STATE, NMCC, DIA, NPIC, and NSA AND WILL INCLUDE THE TREASURY DEPART- MENT BY MID-1974 AND A DDS$T BY JULY 1975. WITHIN APPROXI- MATELY A TWO-YEAR TIME FRAME THE REQUIREMENT tiVILL INCLIIDE ON-LINE TEXT EDITING CAPABILITY AT ALL NETWORK TERMINALS, IF TINS PROVES TO BE FEASIBLE. IN THE INTERIM, TIIE RF,QUIREhIENT IS FOR AUGhIENTA- 1'ION OR REPLACEMENT OF THE WASHFAX NETWORK TO PI~OVIDE MORE RAPID (AT LEAST SIX PAGES PER MINUTE) TRANS- MISSION CAPABILITY WITH SIMULTANEOUS TRANSMISSION TO SEVERAL RECIPIENTS TF POSSIBLE. B. Requirement fox Intro-Agency Headquarters Area Facsimile Service A number of Agency offices in the Headquarters area have a need for the informal, rapid and secure cx- of documents for information or coordination pur- poses in instances where the courier service is not suf- ficiently timely. This need is currently satisfied by the installation of XEROX Telecopiers in thane offices and by the utilization of the Agency secure voice (KY-3) 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 25 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 network for transmission purposes by means of acoustic coupling. Same 0 offices are currently equipped with this capability. THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF AGENCY OFFICES IN THE HEAD- QUARTERS AREA TO EXCHANGE GRAPHIC AND NARRATIVE INFORIviATION INFORMALLY, RAPIDLY AND SECURELY AND TO DO SO WITH A FREQUENCY WHICH DOES NOT I4'ARP.ANT DEDI- CATED FULL-TIME FACSIMILE SERVICE. THF' NUMBER OF OFFICES REQUIRING THIS SERVICE WILL UNDOUBTEDLY INCREASE BUT NOT AT A. SIGNIFICANT RATE. C. R~uirements for Dedicated Paint-to-Point Facsimile Service A small number of Agency components have a requirement for facsimile service to a single point and with sufficient frequency to warrant the provision of dedicated point-to-point facsimile capability. THERE IS A REQUIREIYIENT ON THE PART OF DDS~T/OEL FOR A DIDICA- TED FACSIMILE SYSTEM BETI'VEEN TI-iE 25X1 This requirement arises from the need for the exchan e of analog data, engineering drawings anc~ DACOM facsimile units have been installed at the two paints and the system has undergone operational evaluation and been placed in operation. (Note: This communications circuit is a wide-band, high-speed, mi.zlti- plexed data link which is used far the transmission of data, facsimile and voice signals.) TIIF.RE IS A REQUIREMENT ON THE PART OF DDS#~T/ODi;,E FOR A DEDI - CATED FACSIMILE SYSTEM BETWEEN SAND A The OD#;E is expected to be operational in June e requirement arises from the need to exchange information from documents and engineering drawings. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 26 S E C R E T SECRET Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ?.+? TIiERE IS A REQUIREMENT ON THE PART OF DDS~T/0'rS FOR A DEDICATED FACSIMILE SYSTEM BETti'~rEN I'HE SOUTH BUILDING AND TF~E OTS ENGINEERING LAB This requirement arises from the inadequacy of the thrice-weekly courier service for rapid document transmission in suppoxt of quick-reaction technical pro- jects. The DACOM system will be used to satisfy this requirement with installation expected in the early summer of 1974. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 7.7 S E C R E T 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-00031 8000100120008-0 ~` SECTION V - VOICE CQNIMUNICATION REQUIRE}~ENTS A great deal of the Agency's day to day business must be conducted over the telephone. The needs in this area are both inter-Agency, infra-Agency, Agency/ contractor and personal. The telephone facilities are used far both classified and unclassified information. A variety of voice communications systems exist to fill this need. These include the Black unclassified system, the Red Button system (utilizing the black instruments), the Gray system, the Agency Green system, miscellaneous small private or secure systems for special uses, and long distance secure voice (via satellite and military systems) overseas. ze vc~lce requirements and the related systems are as follows: A. Non-Secure Voice Requirement For the informa7_, non-record exchange of unclassified. information inter-Agency, intro-Agency, Agency/contractor and personal unsecured telephone service is needed accessible to virtually every Agency or contractor emplo ee housed in Agency facilities. Far this purpose ~ unsecured tole}hone instru- ments are provided in the Agency's Headquarters area facilities. Infra-Agency calls are routed through one of several Agency switches by the dialing of a faun digit number and access to an external telep}~one is gained via a normal trunk circuit by the dialing of a "9" followed by the appropriate telephone number. Since the number of Agency employees is expected to stabilize or decrease rather than increase in the future, and since the number and ready availability of unclassified instruments and lines in comparison with that of secure instruments and lines is out of proportion with the percentage of telephone calls which are of a classified nature, the need far unclassi- fied instruments and lines will most likely decrease over the next several years. This is, in fact, desir- able a~? a security measure to reduce the probability of: the inappropriate use of the unclassified system for the discussion of classified information. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 28 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR NON- SECLIRE VOICE COMMUNICATIONS CAPA- BILITY TO BE READILY ACCESSIBLE TO VIRTUALLY EVERY AGENCY AND CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE HOUSED IN AGENCY FACILITIES FOR THE EX- CHANGE OF UNCLASSIFIED INFOR- MATION. TIIE DINSTRUMENTS CURRENTLY MEETING THIS NEED IS A MAXIMUM AND THE NUIv1BER ti'~ILL DECREASE OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL YEARS. THE NUMBER OF UNCLASSI- FIED LINES, AND LINES PER INSTRU- MENT, CURRENTLY E?~CEED THE REQUIRE- MENT. B. Intro-Agency Secure Voice RecLuixement Since much of the Agency?s day to day business dealing with classified matters of various security levels requires extensive informal coordination and information exchange with a timeliness not afforded by courier ar other delivery means, there is a need?in virtually every Agency component for secure telephone service approved for the SECRET level (including operational matters). In a large number of components there is a need far such service approved f.or the highest security levels including TOP SECRET multiple codeword. These needs exist both within the Headquarters building anti. among the Headquarters build- ing and other Agent}r locations. They are currently addressed by the Red Button system on Black instruments, which is available only within the headquarters building and which is approved only for SECRET non-operational information, by the Agency Green system which is avail- able within and among Agency Headquarters area buildings, and which is approved for all categories of information, and by several small private systems for special uses. Although the Red Button system is approved for discussion of SECRI?T non-operational information, it is not a secure voice system as there is no encryption of the signals and na physical protection of the system other than the faces that it is contained solely within the Headquarters build- ing. This system is a four-digit dial system which does 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 zs S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ~..~ ~- not .provide an interface capability with othex s stems of the Agency or other agencies. Approximatel Red Button 25X1 .lines are currently in service with some instruments. 25X1 The Green system is a point-to-point encrypted four digit dial system with limited interface to other buildings and agencies. The Green system switch is in the Headquarters building and provides a maximum of Olines with each line 25X1 accommodating one call director and up to six subscriber ins trtzments . similar to the above bit An internal system , non-encrypted, serves the NPIC building and has a 25X1 line capacity. Another such s stem with a 0 line 25 X1 capacity serves the The NPIC and X 25 1 systems are interfaced wit the Headquarters X uil a.itg and form the infra-Agency TOP SECRET multiple codeword approved network. THERE IS A REQUIREMENT ON THE ' PART OF VIRTUALLY EVERY AGENCY COMPONENT FOR READILY ACCESSIBLE SECURE VOICE SERVICE APPROVED I~OR SECRET LEVEL IRTFORMATION AND ON THE PART OI~ A LARGE NUMBER OF AGENCY COMPONENTS FOR SERVICE APPROVED FOR TOI' SECRET MULTIPLE CODEWORD LI~VEL INFORh~IATION FOR INTRA-AGENCY USE. THE EXISTING SERVICE IS ALMOST FULLY CoMr~tITTED WITH SERVICE REQUESTS CONTINUING TO BE RECEIVED. EXISTING CAPA- ABILITY IS INADEQUATE FOR CURRENT NEEDS . IN FACT , TI-IE FREQUENT USE OF TI-iE NON-SECURE SYSTEi~i FOR CLASSI - FIED INFORTIATION (EVEN ti+IIiEN CRUDELY DISGUISED) INDICATES TI-iAT A SIGNIFI- CANT TNCREASE IN CAPABILITY IS REQUIRED WITIi RESPECT TO THI NUMBERS OF LINES AND INSTRUMENTS AND TO THE INTERCONNECTION OF THE VARIOUS AGENCY BUILDINGS AND SYSTEMS. A RECENT SUR- VEY OF USER REQUIREA2ENTS IN THIS AREA CONFIRMED THE NEEU FOR A SIZEABLE EXPANSION OF OUR PRESENT SECURE VOICE CAPABILITIES AND THE NEED FOR FULL INTERCONNECTABILITY OP ALL SUCH SYS- TEMS. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 30 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 Secure voice communications between Headquarters are provided via dedicate paint-to-point links a.nd a manual switchboard in the Head- quarters Telephone Facilities Branch. (Note: These communi- cations circuits are wide-band, high-speed, multiplexed data links ~,~hich are used far the transmission of data, facsimile and secure voice.) C. Secure Voice Requirement far Inter-Agency ancT-Agencyj~Contractor Conversation There is a need on the part of many Agency components for Secure Voice communications with other agencies. This need is currently met by the provision of dedicated Green lines between the 0 erations Center and the White House and between and the a Green line to the Atomic Energy ommzssion, ray lines with 0 instruments in the Ileadquaxters building, a.nd limited interfacing of the Green and Gray systems. The Gray system is primarily administered by and serving the National Security Agency but provides limited service to~ather agencies as well. Interfaces axe also provided between the Agency Green system and Military, Department of State, and White House Secure Voice systems. The existence of these end other secure voice systems, the poor voice quality on interfaced conversations, and the limited number of points reachable by any single system and by the total configuration, aI1 render the existing systems less than adequate even for current needs. There is also a need for Secure Voice communica- tions between Agency components and contractor facilities. This need is met by dedicated point-to-point links between the Headquarters Telephone Facilities Branch and the con- tractor facilities, via a manual switchboard. THERE IS A REQUIREI`IENT ON THE PART OF A LARGE NUIviBER OF AGENCY COMPONENTS FOR SECURE VOICE SER- VICE APPROVED FOR TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/~~ : CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 ~~ MULTIPLE CODEI,VORD INFORMATION FOR INTER-AGENCY AND AGENCY/ CON'T'RACTOR USE. IMPROVEMENT IN ALL THE AREAS OF ItiEAKNESS PREVIOIISLY CITED IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SERVICE WI~ICH IS SATIS- FACTORY ENOUGIi TO A4AKF. UNNEC- ESSARY~THE USE OF THE NON-SECURE TELEPHONES FOR 7'HE DISCUSSION OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. D. Dedicated Voice Communication Requirements_ 1. Head carters Communications Complex ntercom--~ eQuirement WITHIN TI-IE IiEADQIJARTERS COMMUNT - CATIONS COMPLEX THERE IS A REQUIRE- MENT FOR A SECURE, RAPID, AND DEDI- CATED VOICE INTERCOM SYSTEM FOR TI-iE COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES WITHIN THAT COMPLEX. 2. Special Project Secure Voice Requirement THERE IS A REQUIREMENT ON BEIiALF OF A SPECIAL PROJECT FOR A TERMINAL, OF THE POINT-TO-POINT TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING. E. Head carters to Overseas Station Secure ~oice Requirement --~' -- - - - ---~~~ THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR A LIMITED SECURE VOICE COMMUNI- CATIONS CAPABILITY BETl4'EEN AGENCY IEADQUARTERS AND THE OVERSEAS STATIONS. The Agency's satellite communications network will provide a. limited capabili~~y-for Agency controlled Secure Voice communications between Headquarters and over- seas stations. Initially, such calls will have to be pre- scheduled and will be limited to two at any one time in 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 32 S E C R E T S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-0003180,00100120008-0 either the Atlantic or Pacific areas. Such satellite- carried calls can be interfaced into the Headquarters Green system but require manual switchboard handling. Heretofore, overseas Secure Voice service was normally limited to that available through the Military Automatic Secure Voice Communications (AUTOSEVOCOM) network, in which network plain text of a conversation is accessible to non-Agency personnel at certain siti~itcli points . Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 33 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 SECTION VI - INFORMATION COI~?1PARTI~?iENTATION REQrUIREMENTS The Agency communications systems and facilities including those performing both inter-Agency and intra- Agency narrative message, data, voice and facsimile ex- change functions and those performing dissemination and distribution functions within the Agency process a wide variety of information. This includes Agency staff -infor- mation, classified and unclassified information of other agencies, SI and codeword information, Restricted Handling information, technical communications information with a potential impact on the security of the Agency network, messages with a "Prescribed and Limited" distribution, and other categories of information with varying degrees of sensitivity. it is essential that such information and-data. be accessible at each stage of processing to only those persons or activities who have been identified to the Office of Communications as possessing the appropriate clearances and access approval. THERE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE APPROPRIATE COMPARTMENTATION AND HANDLING 1VITIIIN "THE COMMUNI- CATIONS NETti90RK OF EVERY CATEGORY OF INFORMATION IDENTIFIED TO THE OFFICE OF COMP~IiJNICATIONS IN SUCH FASHION AS ENSURES THAT NO INFOR- MATION BECOMES ACCESSIBLE TO UNAUTFIORIZED PERSONS OR ACTIVITIES. Approved For Release 2003/02/? 4 : CIA-RDP87-000318000100120008-0 S E C R E T