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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R004600460013-1.pdf110 KB
CLA;~b1HUPt tUIA Ctilii'.~x. is i'i~1 ;ii.~ \a X1:?.1. J,{~i.~a " U-3- ~i l' Fl\iA i;a .J CiNNI.. Approved For Releass"20UOI&&5)18 6KD~-9&457 0046004 0 3-1 INFO TOO PORT CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1X DATE OF INFO. CLASSIFICATION CONFI NTI.AT1/CONTROL _ U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY NSRB DISTRIBUTION Indonesia vU, Fr IDENTIAL DATE DISTR 1 APR 50 Communist Activities in Indonesia NO. OF PAGES 2 No Vhange In A new subversive group has been organized in Djakarta by Hadiono Kusumo Utoyo*, Rekso Diputro**, and Sutjahjo***- The purpose of the group is to undermine the structure of the present government of the hepublik Indoor nesiaberikat (RIS). The organization operates by encouraging disagreement between the Indonesian Republic and the KIS. Officials sent from Jogjakarta to Djakarta to work ere being asked to stop working for "the marionette of Britain and America." Two other important men enga-ed in this activity are Dachlan, a tailor and a Darul Islam leader in Djakarta at Gang Abdullah, Unielaan and Mohammed DJoni****, chairman of the Red Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI), Gedong Pand- jang 46, Djakarta Down Town. Striking officials are given work by Djoni's Sarekat Pelajaran Indonesia (SARPELIADO). This union is able to provide work for a large number of people each day in the inter-insular sea traffic, which it controls. Comment. -, October 1949, reported Utoyo was one of two political advisers on the new council of the Serikat Buruh Kapal dan Pelabuan (SBKP).. At this time it was alleged that Utoyo 25X1A had wavered in his convictions several months previously, but was quieted with a gift of f 50,000 from the Kiaw Thong Exchanges 2fsnuary 1950, named2Dtty o as legal adviser to the Kiaw Thong Exchange: *> Comment. ->, 6 February 1950, said that Diputro apparently had had taken over the leadership of the Partai Rakjat Djelata, eclipsing Saorun. Riduan bin Dulo, whose address is c/o bras Senun, Paseban Gang 2, Salemba, and ?Mohammed Dori, serve as verbal propagandists for the PKI. Every day between 4:30 and 7s0O they go out to try to persuade people at Salemba and K .t to Join the PKI at Gang Tengah 31, Djakarta 25X1A Approved r of 10 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United Ste This document is hereby magraded to CONFIDENTIAL In accordance with the 6"- -% o& 2601%8 : CIA-RDP8 NO. OF ENCLS. (USTED SELOw2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. DeCla lals. CONFIDENTIAL. Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004600460013-1 N'FIDENTIAL CEfTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 2 CONFID TIAL,/CON12i0L U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Comment. said Sort jah jo was believed to be a counci or o new ronM emokrat Rakjat (FDR)o Comment, reported Djonl. and his SARPELINDO were attempting to smuggle arms from Thailand into Indonesia. CONFID TI AL/CONTROL - U 7 S , OFFI Cl A.LS ONLY C?N FIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004600460013-1