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Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 CENTS Ind LLI NCE AO NCY %.1 Nwwn.t a.1N..M MU 1 .N.04" ar. nfn+.,rwf Odr.wr of h* ~_., ,Into$ WOO* Ow RMMI-a4 .R 00 t/ra.lw4? fail too it, U $.C le s, PN .. d >e, eh WUM M5Wn a, I...NN.n of .r= rt areas inhere ,round prospecting is bent with difficulties. Cow. the :,m'a1I expn~: . the erf:ieiency of aerial prospectin,- is ver;; and rec,uire s lit.t:e time. That is because it is possible to ascertain easil?' the =}r 1-1:_ tribution over a broad area and provide an over-all basin for planned exploitation. The amount of measurement work done in one year b.r one, aircraft is equivalent to the total of that of thirty ground mna nre- ment teams. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 After the beala Z of the 3seoad fve?7ear PU* Is 1956, because of the rise in natios]. ads on the ore resource*, China's aerial prospecting streagO has been expanded. Qp the evidence o several years' records, the teehnalogtoal love, has also, gtdte a bit. Ia order to rapidly discover underground ores, aerial. liisat personnel are di- vided in two groups, one Jr. the air and ore an the ground. When the ex- pected situation is discovered by aerial measurements, it is immediately investigated by grond personnel, and if the results are favorable, geo- logical studies are made. Under this methods it often takes no more than a few months from the beginning of aerial measurements until boring, and in the case of one large iron ore deposit, it is said to have taken no More than two months from the start of aerial measurement to the ascer- taining of its value. The greatest problem in aerial exploration is the guiding of the aircraft's flight, but even here remarkable progress has boon Made in these few years. At first, the method of setting up markers on tha ground was used. This meant laying out a straight line on the ground by theo- 7olite and putting'up a large flag marker every kilometer. Since mea- surements are fast in aerial exploration, it was necessary for the peo- ple and cars which set up the signals to do so before the flight, which meant a loss of manpower and time. It is obvious that this method would not adequately answer the needs as aerial exploration came to be used more and more. For several years radio-fix and derivational apparatus were tested and are now in actual use. The machine could find its own position accurately based on radio signals received over any area and adjust the course. By using this new technique, measurement results and geographical location were more accurately related. The laborious work of the ground crews was eliminated, and more rapid measurennent was made possible. Construction of Latest Magnetometer '.ith the development of geological research activity, a more ac- curate measuring device was required for prospecting--particularly for aerial magnetic exploration--and Chia had great success here also. The youn- professors of Changchun Geogoglcal Science Academy's Physical Frost 'ting Devices Laboratory had repeated successes from ]958 to ti-:e present with aerial core-driven magnetometers, semi-conducting core- driven magnetometers, and pump ma,;neto.let,~rs in research and?teast.s. The first two ,?.;agnctometers are already L, production, and the fact '..teat tnc edevices Gave appeared is ver n teworthy in that it ,uts an cn1 to the backward situation in China, ?e, up to now, hi;-i.- cct racy r;a ;u - tometers uerc imported from abroad. The professors and students of the Chanfcht n Acad,:,- of C'o'o Department of Phyn cal P ospertin. n od '." ?i' are ri 'teti cal' , ^c' c . .ta~nc.'.c .. _ in ... Aers jr: (,:,t frori abroad from the Sovi :nion was cut of_' Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 Many difficulties were encountered in trial marufacturer but in theerspir t o the out one's problems by one's own power, these were study of the aerial core dM - man magnetometer, the re- vice. cording device, Which conduction-typewriter hs the point of this measuring instrument, consists types or punched-omd types in those used abroad, but as many deficiencies are found in the conduction-typewriter type, an electric numeral substitution recorder was designed. The pro- blem of au omation was resolved, and after a year's efforts, success was obtained with the core-driven magnetometer and the semi-conducor core-driven magnetometer. rch and t?ial manufacture of the pump magnetometer even more Tini>or (,:u, :: ? :, `7. was an These measurement devices are made in several countries abroad, but chnical data were unavailable. They had had no contact with pump technology. 01 the detection head of this meter there are four large points, three of which were designed and manu- factured by the Chinese themselves. By dint o:? great effort and study and after more than one thousand experiments in fifty odd days, they finally succeeded in making the fourth part--an infra-rud pol,arizcr. This trial manufacture and research were succecsi' completed Pith four months of the first plan due to their efforts. The Physical Prospecting Instruments Training and Research nittee obtained a great deal of assistance from everywhere in the s udy and trial manufacture of this meter. More than forty .research or-c.niza_ tions, schools and factories worked for the birth of this meter. Within the school the abilities of a lane variety of professors and student teams were called upon. Approximately forty professors and students pai^ticipated in re- search and designing of the'aerial core-driven nagnetcmetr, and based on the requirements for the parts and the general design of the :peter, various methods were sought out. After the succe:;sful cormletion of the general design, the various concrete problems in part:, and parts manufacturing were gradually resolved by means of mass di;.cussions. In the design of the auto recording device, seven types were proposed after an analysis of the recording devices of physical prospecting instruments and medical instruments. When comparative stucies were made on these seven plans, there were a number of deve].op-ients and the ,electric recording m,thod emerged, signifying a breakthrough in tech- nological obstacle :i meter design. In the cot, _ of the research and testing, the 1.'Physisal Pros- pecting Instruments Training and Research romittee fostr:-ea the deve- lopment of non of talent. At first there was a scientific group con- posed of five young professors in the Comr'iittee which war, weak, with an average age of less than twenty-four, but now the number of professors on the Committee is sixteen, all of ti4iom have attained a rovrnand of IF, high vacuum, infrared and purip techniques and acquirrsd quite com_ p'ete experience in the construction of maMotometcrrs. Research on Pros actin and Geolo-ical Facilities Above is an example of the development of the latest measurint, Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546A003200020009-8 tag, but the U*06t eOs't of fa+dlitieW" for ~' investigation meat sold. the double. a spectrophotometer sneeesstu?1y tested re. " ur-wave broadcasts, and the darestis sale i fairly cond. k C /~' t~ ho .k4 Inspe and pecking "Rsiu 'r-wao?? 601-30 aria 601-b6 vacut~ tube-type radioat before $hig cnt at the Nanking Radio Factory. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546A003200020009-8 QVMt 332iboo1!-67 (3 of 6) R#OT03 AND FEATt of CHINESE INDUSTRY, No. 6 5,, 1 App31 1966 Chin?ohc, by Industrial Metropolis Developed Yitbi_m Pest Several Lars Chiarobou, a city in Mooning Province in lbrteast China, is currently new drawing atteatiom as one of China's s 5/-at industrial metropolises, which has bstmmi , developed belatedly through the exertion of self-etfaet. Since 1958, for #a..1., Chin-oboe has constructed 49 new industrial including .. q, k : w (c 'j- enterprises covering eight fields f vacuum metallurgy ei1ittes.o' quarts glace, rare earth metals, semi-conductors, measuring instrumental we synthetic fibers. Although all of these enterprises are small plants with their smallest plaa* emplcyAhng several tens of employees and their largest plant .mployying lea than 500 employees, and their equipment are practically all self-sanafaetured or self-modified "native equipment", they are currently producing 141 types of products and several hundred products in accordance with specifications. The majority of those emu products are now products that China was incapable of producing several years ago/ and the quality processes and prod.: - "rrusu employed are stop level" within China. Moreover, additional new products are reportedly being trial manufactured at the present time. Prior to 1958, Chln,.ohou merely comprised of 25 repair ahep plants and small agricultural accessory product processing plants. From the fact that it had constructed now industrial enterprises one after another, Ahioh are fairly up to date by world standards, within the past several years, it is probably worth noting that theme industrial construction methods employed were typical of Chinese self-effort. The current status and the construotia methods employed by Q W various newly developed industries in Chin-chow are as follows M M a Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 INS It bm JkWMW 1 aetallurpy'is an advanas! V teahaique.!lmrl reiiad _ _L_t the highly/ 1,11 * Munk and the ht Bade alloys wltd bp- egti; Iflt !fe vacuum metatlurgy lsadtl~lmid~or raw materials essential to the aircraft, electronic and, d srtsai industries. The Chin-oho. Electric ! Plant is currently msnlotaetumriuig the latest models in vacuum metallurgy equipment. "men this plant was assigned the task of manufacturing vacuum metallurgy equipment, it did not poems the equipment or the experience to implement this assignment but, relying on their own efforts and abilities, the workers of this plant devised the means to manufacture the required equipment. In early 1961, they successfully mannsfactured their first induction vacuum t - /electric fur ace and, in lrtte 1961, they also maaafactmwed the vacuum self-exhausting electrode are fiannaoe. The vacuum induction electric furnace is capable of smelting a higher quality special refined steel than the ordinary induction electric furnace. A major portion of the huge volume of stainless steel used in the equipment for manufacturing chr='ical fertilisers in China during the past several years were refined in vacuum induction electric furnaces manufactured by China through her own efforts. The vacuum self-exhausting electrode are furnace is used td smelt metals having high molting points beyond the range of the vacuum induction electric furnace such as molybdenum and titanium. Product purity is extremely high. In 1965, the Chin-thou 31eotric Furnace Plant successfully trial manufactured an electronic bombarding furnace, which is only being manufactured by a few countries throughout the world. This furnace is capable of smelting difficult-to-melt metal. and the purity of the products refined by this furnace is much higher than the products refined by other electric M M ^ M M Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 furnaces. The fact that Qdna can mass produce'eus types of vacuum metallurgy equipment is definitely an indication that she has attained a new level in her metallic gioal techniques. Sucosesfu ROMstie Pr d..tion of Quarts Glass Among then 'ewortthyy results of Chinehou'a newly developing industries is the successful domestic production of quarts glass. Quarts glass is high grade material, heat-proof, pressure-proof and corrosion.-proof, that can als. be used at insulation material in the development of modern industry. The Chin-ahou Quarts Glass Plant successfully smelted two types of quarts glass - transparent and opaque. This plant did exalting not possess modern/equipment but it designed an original "domestic furnace" and proceeded to smelt bothransparent and opaque quarts glass. Presently, this plant is producing quartz glass plates and tubes of various sizes and shapes, and over 100 varieties of quartz glass measuring instruments. These products are being eppplied in a steady stream to over 200 industrial plants scientific and/research organizations throughout China. These various quarts glass products are products which were banned reportedly for exportation to China by western capitalist ccuntriea. The Soviet nnior;/ revoked her agreement to supply China certain types of urgently needed quartz glass products. Ar ied to action by these conditions, the workers in Chin-chow exercised -.'eir spirit of self-effort to embark on the trial manufacture of these products. With the eitremely limited data available at that time, the workers in Chin-chou realized that the quartz '1ass being manufactured in foreign countries employed the high frequency method and the glass fusion method using high frequency furnaces and cxyhydrogen processing equipment. It became clear to them that equipment of this nature Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 was not available in the plants in Chin-ohou; *hat even it these emuspe'nt could be ordered, an extremely long interval would elapse between the time of elder and the time of delivery. Accordingly, the workers planned tapir and own desigq( built a simple smelting furnace from abandoned materials collected from steel.scrap piles/. They connected two borrowed electric welders together and used them in place of traru3formers, noured salt water into a water tank and used it in ulace of a vo".tare regulator and, laborious after completing 115/teats over a period of 93 days in a make-shift wcrk4hrp, they finally succeeded in trial ranufaeturing a 100 am diameter quartz F?lass tube. From this unpretentious beginning, they reportedly perfected their own new method of processing quartz glass. since this new processing method and dss3x t simplifies equipment manufacturing/ produces superior 'reality products than high frequency furnaces, and since product sneeificatiors are not restricted, this new processing method is reportedly being employed by the other plants in China where the high frequency method is not employable. Heretofore, the scarce and valuable kryclite was being used to manufacture transparent quartz glass but the workers at the Chir.`-thou Quartz Class Flant diaccvered a new raw material which is cheat and abundant in China. In comparing the quartz tubes made of kryoiite with those made (f this new raw material, there are no noticeable differercee I-e fwee,: ti er,, arc; technical studies reportedly prove that they Eire practically idertic:? in trr:r:'reur-ncy and quality. Farly r-evelotsnent of Transistors !'hnufaeturing of transistors is a new technique that wse ~eve1one' throughout the world within the past 20 years. Chin-c:hcu is - no of thc. Approved For.Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 ? first areas is @iina to engage in the de elopeent of the mss' transistor industry. The two transistor parts plants in Chin-Chou do not possess modern aoistuae-proof structures and wcrkshops but they are in accordance with producing 11 large, sodium and small output transistors/iotas7'* g ' 14,0-odd various products for industrial and private use specifications. sm / such as transistorlssd radice, listening deviceel and automatic ccntrc,l eouipment are being produced and trial manufactured in Chin-chow at the present time. r ne of these products - high frequency large output transistor - required the use cf equipment such an I2)W KU "'t (sic), vaporizers, heat rolling equipment, etc., which necessitated an investment of ever 100,000 yuan and the construction of a new building. But female technician CAU Fang-chin, who was in charge of the trial manufacturing, of this rr,duct, reportedl designed AsxJgpw t/her own crude equipment and conducted test after test until t?he finally succeeded in trial manufacturing this highly technical high frequency large output transistor. Thereafter, at C?U Feng-ch'in'e Flant, t?-as new product is reportedly being mass produced by a processing method unexplained in foreign data. F,etahlishment of the synthetic Fiber (Dtylcn) Industry Among the emerging Industries in Chin-ch , , the synthetic fiber industry is worthy of special mention. Chin-ch.u successfully trial 4anufac`ired a synthetic plasticizer and, using dcmestic raw materials and e;~:ipciei;t manufactured through her own efforts, sh cucces,9tl~liy es' ;:y; ,t filaments. In the swrner r:f l?F -, the Chin-Chou ''lr;ici ral rc tr i? 22 rarlu x/-r(rkere from varlene plants and nanufactuuring cf 'APU7 )N (; oneticJ t,'-1(n `'i ! .rrf ,;t) "'hi: C r f ,,r; yxrssn~s Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546A003200020009-8 prooeae was apparently a trying process. An W kt report descjbed the process as follows a " At that bate, one grip of speciallata o3aimed that synthetic fibers oculd not be produced witheut a large iaodern - 'Mt and eKtuitocaent. own theist, the process would require many years to perfect. but the plant or`enisere did not agre . "'hey "re only prov:itied with a am-ill trial martufer,urine fund and or animal stied borruwed fr, ac the city's business Interests. In order to allot their meager trial manufacturirg funds to experimerital nceda, they did not expend funds for unproductive equipment. The animal ahead e., rvrd as their experimental labcratcry, cffie ea i dorriitory fc,r t~,P PJQ rpers. The male wcrkers lived in tents cuto; ce the a-drnel shed. They aIt^ asizxsa~ad built a small room with dirt and roc ,i and c-,nver?ed it into s os h&jI. In a modern synthetic filer plant, t!:,> spinning section celene r&,qu1r^e suit three shops. In Qontrast, their animal shed was ver 5 n tern him tall. Their plant consisted of tt kad:rms atOra?e cars Tr-6t! r,l" on Iirtt.Fjthe ceiling windows. When the wind b_,ew in frcm the crevices arc-,.; t--,e ceiling window, they pluzt~g'd/ 'heee r evices with t!'eir binr,k, 4r r,tta.'r. tie temperature required for apt .r; n Within t,- shed. Can,:,, under these trying Cc-nditicn:i f, r a rind of '. ur suucFedea in spinning synthctic fiber ;'i.;wnent., ',.it.h to ccrni a plain unf' ni:-had th, cit ri y roV;ded them wit ax/",axe a c!,ncrete bididirig, wl1r, c.mVI trd," *F,11 Anril 1%1 dunsr-R a 'r}?i ng period t,f .'1 rnont h ~, t} anc rash-?hc.d ?~:,, -St Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 plant producing over 100 tons et annually. Cher Pare Earth Ne ?le . Myra r tither notevorthy results attained by Chin-chow are the smelting of rare earth metals and the manufacturing cf ruby for use as bearing material for measuring instruments and precision machinery. Known rare earth metals nu her 17 at the present time but the ma'crity of them are just beginning to be used throughout the world. These rare earth performance metals cosseaa cirtain special/charsrteristica that play j vital role in the optical glass, metallurgy and at, mic enerry i ndiie*. ?Fs. Tt e w r}-?:r:: i n Chin-chcu groped their way through the myriad unknown factors existing in these newly developing industries and, currently, they are s elt1'i rrious aa*Lft alloys such as rare earth alurinum, rare earth metallic s tltr",nj and rare earth magnesium, and they are ;?enufaeturing Froducts eu::h ee re earth optical glass/ and rare earth graphite steel. Investigations show th,,,t. by casting the teeth cf non-ferrous metal with rare metals, their weight is reduced one-thirl and their :i4e x:rectancy is prolonged more than 4-fold. In tha field of measuring inatrtirents, Chin-chcu manutactt,rpr >t?rxg1R#~rjr measuri r, -,.trroseopesSar high roci i p E an elx3ttg; gxuifait~ a;~ / Irfe- z,ri fig inntrs:ric'nts ufld at vari, high precision machinery, and produc,, i 1 nstrvni ,i? sound signalling devices and induction devices, t:ifh ter;t?;,t,i,?,e. ,.,a crushers with graphite ute?1 reinforced measuring instruments, etc. The Ta-li< Ir,st.runu nt Fier;+, tr, tt r;_,. manufactured the "No Contact Point Rt:;: + ^, n,r< :quipment" for the Ta-ch'ing (i1 Fie'.; ? }e =ruirir,~ri' Sep septerIt;er 1c)65). Electronic Microscope At the time of the old China, oven ordinary optical m.,cro>rores Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 ' tioa4 lsZ$e-rises X-1's7" China's ~ QeaastioaI IIII ds3 eotor foe It st~rial tee was ' atly kMmzf *tured at the 0 ;ant Mn"* du T.e.an3'ae pr&rinea. q%is Zak. MW 4000tQ1 'Car such as aviation, machinery, electricity, the chemical industry, and plastics and food products. As a result of strict inspection by special ti it i . q r u no p This X-ray flaw detector for industrial use which wts recently suoeessfully t,.-,mtnufaotured has high voltage, large electric current, the depth of penetration is three times greater than X-ray flaw detectors previously produced domestically for industrial use, and si'ice the length of time it can be contiuuoisly utred has increased five times, its sphere of application has been expanded d it !-a come to more excellently fill needs of industrial sectors relatively low, their continuous period of short, and taey cop uirements aduotio" re lfill t f e a gu p use, but the number of models was small, the:' penetration capability IA machine. !teritefore, the greater part of china's flaw detectors for industrial use have been imported. During the last few yearn, China n roduotion nr several X-ray flaw detectors for industrial h s b *ex etly doter- 06*4 ! air holes, in Steel plate of a thickness of 0. aininc their ioes4 ant also, The quality situatio inside of 04410 nsiiuw, aluminum, and other light metals as well ~s c.o., ruober, and other non-metallic materials, Can be olesrly i*. to with this, v y, iota, it was recognized that efficiency of penetration, sens and the full-load continuous operation condition of this X-ray flaw detector for industrial use, as well as acut,.ness of the variou:t control mechanisms, all meet standards of design requirements (Yew China News Agency, 21 ;ieptamber 1965). supersonic Thickness Men.. rer A new-model thickness measurer created Ly Chinese teciuuicians recently entered into quantity production at the Shanghai Chungyuan Electrical Machinery Plant. This thickness measurer which is called a supersonic pulse-type transistor thickness measure can accurately measure the degree of corrosion as well as excess thickness of such things as various kinds of metal slabs, pipe, boilerrc, and high-pressure containers while in use,, and is convenient for di:;es: emblt~d rcpaL-. This precision measuring device is necessary in all iz.duitria1 such as shipbuilding, aviation, petroleum, tnd chen'cal. ry Nctt'nific inspection, it was determined that its structure r.: w.-li A:: ierfol?r, !ce were both very advanced, and it i?a used at pre:,c:nt in such hranch~ j as ship repair and the petroleum and chemical .tntdUtit":e:3, a1c1 is producing very good results. This thickness: measurer ir> .rly clout the size of an ordinary aluminum lunch box, and wi'.!' one o!-rt cable attached, the total weight is only 1.6 kilograms. he nu>asurin{ d ovit e is carried in one hand, and in one }'r,i.d is held Ht inr ens} of the 'able whet is called a switchboard, which is a metal cap:;ile the size cl' a thumb, s:?~' when the steel plate of the :utip's }anal r? rc?};aia? io Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 26 October 1964, 26 April 1965). p semi-conductor, is6used, su"h iroblems are solved (New China New., :64ncys closed after measurement. In measurement of 5,000-ton ~,isips, ixom i to 1,000 holes had to be made, and the expen3r aclu:d many thousastwla of yuan. Not only was labor and expense involved, but tie tau:e for the ship was long, airs it also affected the life of the steel plate 's hull If thin thicknesc measurer, w'.'ch utilizes a of the shi s ru , -V r r was measured by making a hole in the ship's hull, welding the hole An onance and repair of ships, it is necessary to treasure tine S.?i1 GK-caw.. ctural items and in the past, thickness of tt:?e1 plate t f te for replacing it, can be quickly determined. Its BeVitiv y g me h passed over wit s a steel plate during navigation as well as whether there is any necessity, t tt t~rrtit~ i t Place* wawa UU47 ? a.. +.....~....a- - euri device the status of corrosion of tliwr; a thi lightly passed over, the inaloaror vs wsw ,...-...., shove on the graduated scale the thickness of the steel pate at ti,att . Supersonic Rail Flaw Detector At the Shantou Supersonic hlectronie Equipment 7'ir nt in Kwangtung Province, the CTS-4 ^+c'-1 ;-ail air-pressure w:!ldin,; super- sonic flaw detector is being produced in er?ail r~::Antity. 'nhi.. :aeu.'uriu instrument seeks out and mecsures flaws in ra:.i air reasura welding, and its frequency is higher and sensitivity better to^.r, supersonic flaw detectors which are :manufactured .is frequency of 2.5 megacycles, it can seek out and uto.a ;ur?a: of more ttian 0.3 mm. at a depth of 200 rm., whereas r. r. sn .ry ; .'.r Feet.-ct,:rs can only seek out and measere flaws of more than 1 rig. at fc of 200 mm. The Shantou Supersonic ;;lectronic hquip:,:cn ? ''tat.,, i" a small plant with only about 100 employees, but in tn,a print, twa rears, it has successfully trial-manufactured new products net f -o.?ucee. very d p~,r.7 in~tru!+s~nt8 much at other plants in China, each as ,,uperoonin supersonic head and brain diagno, is instruments, fllww detectors. This new rail air-prespure weldin, s cani ? deta,:tor became necessary as the railroad branch adou.ed r.c'4 tone: ; )' ...... + nd it was successfully trial-manufact?', ed hav i r-G b, tn cc s.iioned ::y the Railroad Department (New China News Agency, 21 ., 1565). Also, the Wuhen Electronic 1easurint; Instrumints Plant recently de igned a handy transistor supersonic rail fl-kw u_tector. This measuring instrument has a welt*ht of only four kilo,raiaa, and its vo2.:':c is alto small, and whe operating, it is not nece:.3ary to crt: :gin the back, it being convenient ?.a carry, ;..:id the performance of Lt,e :aea.iuring instrument is quite good rd it ten investi?ate not only longitudinal flaws incido the rail, but a1:'o 'rte::~l o:aNC> (Jenmi J`.?:pa.o, 27 August 1165). Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 of 1/1,000 ft-gram and a maximum weight capacity of 4' -ramtr was recently manufactured at the Shanghai Scales Plant. 'the waithto of this precision micro-scale are smaller than a ery,,tal o: wi.ite sugar. Its sensitivity is very keen, and when a person brie his hand near, the change in weight of an object produced by the person's body temperatur* can be felt Ly the coals. Thus, the scale is )Iaoed in a room with constant temperature, and isolated equipment in attao,ted er the outside. The item tc be weigiotd and the wti ;;htn u ed. are both Pont in t%+rough two windows by means of a revolving tray of tits eoa140 The window is always closed, and the opening and shutting is done cor'nletel^ f? m he outside. This -recision micro-scale is used in mea stiru:?ur.t of firut- clase weights in state weight measurement inspection organ.:,, end It is also necessary when measuring mass of matter in laboraturies and test-rooms in scientific research units and universit'_:s and ssecie.l?? ized schools. The Shanghai Scales Plant in 1960 manufactured a ml' o-scale with a weight sensitivity of 1/200,000 gram, and subsequently at the beginning of 1963, urIertook the task of trial-manufacturing a pre- cision miorn-scale with a weight sensitivity of 1/1?000,000 'Oram, and at the end of 1964 it was ouccessfully tri,.I-manufactured. According to related data, in foreign countries, copper and aluminum are used an material for weight levers, but the design pereonnei of the same plant havelmade levers using a more ideal material. The weight of this material is comparatively light, its maohanical strength high, and the effect of heat is comparatively small. When the manufactured article weighs matter, the error is one graduation, (1/1,000,000 gram), and this index attains a quite advanced le?rel internationally (New China News Agency, 17 October 1965). The same kind of precision micro-scale is also being manu- factured at Peking. In addition, as related to scales, the Shanghai Tungfang :scales Plant has this year successfully- manufactured 13 kinds of high-grade scales. These scales are all urgently needed in Chinese ioduatry and agriculture and in communication and transportation urdertalcings, and included in them are important new products manufactured for the first time in China. Among these new products are measurin,- instru- ments for tensile strength, traction strength, and pressure, for example, the "chain strength measurer" and the "traction a.rength measurer," and these are used in measuring the tractive strength of airplanes, trains, automobiles, ships, and tractors. In a~'.ition, there are various kinds of scales for specialized use. For example, the "photoelectric controlled automatic material mixing scale" is used in large-sized automated enterprises, and it can autor.:tically feed, weigh, and select Materials, and since it is photoelectrically controlled, workers can operate it from al'ar ("ew China News ;Agency, 20 October 1965). The Shanghai Dynamometer Plant this year manufactured three kinds of high-precision, large woii;ht standard coals with r loading capacity if 1, 5, and 20 kilc,rams. These standard scales are pre- Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200020009-8 cision scales necessary in industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research branches, and in laboratories of unirersitt418 and specialized schools, and the i2 graduated values es are r"Y 0.5 mg., 2.5 ag?r and 10 mg., their precision 12,000,000 (New China News Agency, 16 April 1965)? New-Model Carbon ?Measuring Device A mechanical process controlled -utomatic oarbo* measiit carbon devise which can quickly and accurately analyse the smoun in such materials as various kinds of steel, pig iron, andcastlriron, ra fully trial-manufactured at the Shenyang 140. Tool Plant. .- ,1 that this carbon measuring device has a structure which is advanced over inported carbon measuring devisee, and also that its effici.ncy is su.i.rirr. In chemical analyses with this, the test pieoP is put in a tube furnace and oxidized, and then it is only necessary to turn on a switch, and the machine automatically conducts the chemical examination in a processing manner, and in a mere three minutes, the results of the examination are automatically andhaccurateely shown on the graduated scale of the carbon measuring News Agency, 13 September 1965)- New-Model Magnetometer The Peking Geological Equipment Plant recently manurViaotur`'d transistor nuclear propelled type magnetometer for use in pr , On the basis of experimental use in field investigations, its diarern- nent capability is much better than that of foreign pro(.ucta of tiro same kind, and moreover, its volume is small and its weight li~ht, and geological survey personnel report that it ha=> been demoncts+ted to be very su':table for investitnt ing min:ral deto:,itsofuw2akr. cif,netiss in hilly and mount a4 nous regions, and sriall quan .it.y ir, has already be{-un (Near China News Agency, 21 :;e, nLer_ 196t). 1 odel 62A :solar '1'elcucope The rhoJel 6"A solar telescope u:;ed for ,tud,V of pheno 1e ,a of the sun has been succosr!'ul. t,riea-ma n'si':: =y pi or urats, parts, measuring instruments, and meters -- t:le r.1 ('tro- ms.gnetic oscillation tester, was successfully trial-manufactu-t:d tit the Suchou Testing Equipment Plant and hau already enterer! into quantity production. ')oac?stically-prcduced ma'_oriAls