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June 14, 1978
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ARTICLE AAMOWbd For Release 2004i&/Q,?PM? 00980R0006Q0 ON FAG / - 14 June 1978 Kwe sertions: that his. troops iiiiAngola had---! aide&tbe-Katarigan, rebels:who:invad-, l to tlmericar-ireport ers,= o-soug&t to counter,:charger fovrcbarge: thease, p o e: First-'t6= two congressmen. and: fhenJ'l Now he :was taking his; case, straight. l t American th tradicted:;b U.S.offidals vo1vementain the.Shaba-invasio Boa-a.~ sioned`:-Fidek-Castro had-been chap lenget:by.the: White?HouseA~$pr weeks';; he had heard his- denials: of Cuban.ia: forceful; "ats tunes subduedk The- lang uage: was- eloquent,, frequently impas Bg Se ea;DeYouag: the_moiaent-when-thg~Ulfiteds states, .i Am erican~ibaar:xelatfoas=?have:;lia many stormy- moments, but the: recent trend : had' been:: toward:3better times. visers "jut-ft we.? never- have:. lied: ? We never` made use.,ot an; nstrument:of = politics: . ` .. :..k`....". It was,, noti:Che'. Cubans: who?.=were?? lying, Castro-, declared ?.,- but . rather= it.; is President, Carter..wha.. has..been, -"confused"'and:' deceived"`"byhis,.'.ad- words tumbled: forth:.: -.x ?-..4,-?'" "We' may,.be=private about,F some4 iview-Monday, In tus-spacious.ouice a~ Havana's:: Palace _ of..the Revolution,... =castro= made, his'-,saVand-he paced: H puffed'his a gat, AnAfl the+ and- the Unitedsstates?:"t ; _. -;~_ +` :j : of. State-..Cyrus?: Vane ;`ovhen?he?has ., had a- constructiirer ?nrespectful at many ~.. am l-going-.ta tell-a:lie to=[Secretary V~'Castro= said==he had.:asked = himself' tunes= in -recent' weeks;."How don Andrew Young, who? has. been- respectful and` t kind to ust How- would I lie to [Seib.] Georg McGovern, 'who has been interested in improvement f o relations with Cuba?" "But in.-addition,".:Castro, asked, "how would I ,lie to Mr`CarterY.:.::: While- thecourse of U.~oviet relations has.Ietl .,.well. short;Of> that He described the administra That=policy, ..Castro said; "`already has a name sue portant lie." The. Us.. which he said. was . }'manufactured- in- Brte- the U.S. Congress" to. `lift. restrictions established. on The.bulk`.oo Castro case- 'was to present is detail a. series- of events: which hee described asp "Inex- plicable!' --occurring in the. week following the May 11-12. raid on Zaire. by Angola-.based Katangan. rebels, Wlthiw threes days: after the: raid. he. 'said,, the, U.S. -. government - sent ? him a: private- meseaSe; i and : twice-.said publicly'it.had' no- proof of Zairian' . - < charges- of., Cuban involvement said,;, hey- was "inspired : tot- make ' a _ reciprocal-. :-not. one. Cuban soldier involved in. Shaba;. that we Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600080049-5 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600080049-5 have no direct or indirect: participation in the Shaba - have any contact with the Katangans; a_ and that we was. opposed to that kind.. of operation.'`:. :, _ . ` "I had this meeting;-with .Mr.. Lane," Castro said,..: "as a gesture that. 1 wanted to make toward the U.S. mors- last..month: of. a planned llatangan invasion- "rumors, not. accurate-or precise information; since we have. no-intelligence, operations among them,,so _ it was Only rumors." x1 . , ( ; -t., ? ; = 4 ~ 'Later,". he-said: 'T went through mY papers and found. that'it.had:.been iw February."-Motioning: to_ an., aide- who handed=him a=large''ftle, he '.:said, "L -.Iwouldsay thatin.this case,-this Shaba: case, I have "We.. were concerned. about ri possible:invasionl : because, we. knew. this- could become`aW. instrument of provocation againstxAngola, a P tertsfor Inter-- Castro said: ho"waver: the from'a*Culiaji point Cartez administration: sourcesf'haasaid: that patrolled area, in: northeast; Angola.where. the ? Katangues live; .a reluctance on-Neto's part to deal. with the matter. in- a miliitarr ,rather. than a::diplo matic?-wayr,; and:' an:: illnesapthatkept then Angolan: presidenrout-of.the countryj A. combination, ofrfactois=led"te.. tha:inabillty~ to stop.'the> raid, Castro. said-' The Iarger and little.. necessary to prevent. an.; invasfou from.taking place.; us,. andweq even- knew he instructed his people: to? Neto Cas r o 'Said; "was f u U y " in.' agr ement. with:, plied.. Itwas important to prevent. that'actioa from difficulties'the. nevv : action ofr?. the ; Satangans,,im-' .'Castro said, because: the Zaire invasion drew world attention. away from a recent'South African attack on a Namibian guerrilla camp in southern Angola in. which hundreds. were reported killed. - ..When I talked to' Lane," Castro- said, "I explained what had happeined:- I- did. not- speak on behalf . of, the Angolans, ,but:-T' knew the Angolans agreed- with us. I told` him:-'l; could not speak, on behalf: off. the Soviets, bud the. Soviets' fully, agreed with our point. of view" It..was ? impossible; __Castro. said, to. have- explained a1L: positions; more-c}early.. "III tell:..=you.-again.' Castro,.said, "that the: United. States. government sent: a 'message-:?` expressing Its satisfaction with the contents of n talk with Mr r` Lane." -The. meeting':.with3~Lane, Castro said, 7was on- =c:"confidential;.: top-secret": basis:.."It`_. was: ? not a: matter of :having; my p taken;. or pnb1Lshing... it,'" he Said. Yet, .Castro.. said., againon the same-day. he- .received the U$::., message and. the:-public- ?.chargea; thew facta:.?that, the: meeting. had- taken .:--place, and part: of its contents;. were leaked la'tli United. States,te the'press.. -7Ti t . - "It wasp, a? matter ot.minutes," Castro' said. "Alr- of"these things ` happened in-minutes. ;., Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RD.P81 M00980R000600080049-5