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Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 (TRUONG SON ARTICLE ON 1966-67 VICTORIES [Following is a translation of an article in the Vietnamese- language periodical, Hoc Tan (Studies), Hanoi, No 6, June 1967, pages 16-42, and 50.] Dealt a stunning blow in the 1965-1966 dry season and the bitter failures in both zones of our country in the rainy season, the Johnson- McNamara clique, although still reluctant to open their eyes to reality, cannot help feeling that the U.S. strategy of local war of aggression, with the U.S. expeditionary armed forces as a trump card, has gone through a stormy period full of difficulties and that the concept of a quick fight and early victory no longer holds water. The short-lived optimism brought about by the dispatch of U.S. troops to save the puppet troops in 1965 gradually vanished and gave way to a new nightmare, causing a headache to the U.S. imperialists and forcing them to answer various difficult questions concerning war leadership, such as what is the prospect for the war of aggression in the south, how to get out of the war with a military victory, how to solve the political problem in the south, what to do in the immediate future, and so forth. Faced with this situation, although they have become discouraged, the Americans continued to remain stubborn and to place their hopes on a military solution on the battlefield. Therefore, in entering the 1966- 1967 dry season, the Americans made a big decisions to launch one more strategic counteroffensive, with the strength of their armed forces 1.5 times greater than in the past dry season, and with their firepower, war means, and resources two to three times greater than in the past dry season. This time, their strategic objectives remained basically the same as those set forth in Westmoreland's five-point strategy. The only differences lay in a number of formulas, operating methods, and the scale of using forces. What was noteworthy in the strategic decision this time was that the U.S. ambition was to strive to achieve important successes in search-and-destroy and pacification operations in order to create a turning point, in the hope of advancing toward achieving a decisive victory in a short period of time. Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 - 19 - Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 OBITUARY NOTICE FOR COMRADE NGUYEN CHI THANH fFollowing is a translation of the text of an obituary notice in the Vietnamese-language Hoc Tap (Studies), Hanoi, No 8, August 1967, page 1 The Central Committee of the Vietnam Workers Party, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Government of the DRV, the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Workers Party, and the High Command of the Vietnam People's Army announce with utmost grief that : Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Workers Party, member of the Secretariat of the party's Central Committee, member of the National Defense Council of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and general of the Vietnam People's Army, was suddenly stricken by a serious heart attack. In spite of the greatest possible solicitude of the party's Central Committee, the govern- ment, and the High Command of the people's army, and the utmost efforts exerted by the doctors, he died in the lOSth military hospital in Hanoi on 6 July 1967 at the age of 53. CSO: 3520-D Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 BIOGRAPHY OF COvaiADE NGUYEN CHI THANH following is a translation of an article in the Vietnamese- language periodical, Hoc Ta (Studies), Hanoi, No 8, August 1967, pages 4-52 Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh was born on 1 January 1914 to a poor peas- ant family in Nghiem Pho village, Q.uiang Dien district, Thua Thien Province. From his early days he had patriotic feelings. When he was 17, together with some of the young people, he struggled against the local bullies. He joined the popular movement and was admitted into the Indochinese Communist Party in July 1937. Then, he was appointed to serve as party branch secre- tary. In 1938, he was assigned as province party committee secretary of Thua Thien Province. He was arrested in late 1938. After he was released from prison, he continued his revolutionary activities and was reassigned as party committee secretary of Thua Thien Province until he was arrested in 1939 and put in jail again by the French colonialists in Hue, Lao Bao, and In Me Thuot. In 1941, he broke out of jail and, together with several other comrades, organized the temporary province party committee of Thus, Thien Province. He made an effort to build revolutionary organizations in many areas of this province. He was arrested again in 1943. After the coup d'etat of March 1945, conducted by the Japanese against the French, he continued his revolutionary activities in the south of central Vietnam. In August 1945, he was assigned as a representative to attend the national party conference held at Tan Trao. Ile was elected a member of the party Central Committees awas nd appointed reassigned central Vietnam party committee secretary. Ia 1947, province party committee secretary of Thus. Thien Province. Then, he From was late made secretary of the Binh Tri Thien subregion party committee. 1948 to 1950, he was the secretary of the interzone party committee of the Fourth Interzone. In 1950, he was appointed head of the Political Affairs Directorate of the Vietnam People's Army and deputy secretary of the cen- tral Military Committee. 3 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01720R001300050010-8 At the second national Party congress in 1951, he was elected a mem- ber of the party Central Committee and was recommended to serve in the Po- litical, Bureau. As soon as peace was restored, he contributed to the build- ing,, of our army. In 1959, he was promoted to the military rank of say for general of the Vietnan People's Army by the National Assembly, the Government, and President Ho. At the third national party representative congress in 1960, he was reelected as a member of the party Central Executive Committee and was appointed to serve in the Political bureau and the party Central Committee Secretariat. In 1961, he was placed in charge of the party agricultural committee. When our people began carrying out the anti-U.S. national salva- tion resistance, the party Central Committee transferred him again to the army. lie was also a member of the 1)1W National Devense Council. Although he was given all-out care by the party Central Committee, the government, and the high command, and wholehearted treatment by doctors, he dies at nine o'clock in the morning (Hanoi time) on 6 July 1967 after a heart attack. Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh's revolutionary life was active and continuously revolutionary. He had a resolute fighting will and revolution- ary spirit. He was a leading cadre who was richly endowed with the ability and energy to make outstanding contributions to the application and thorough understanding of the party's political and military policies and other posi- tive contributions to the glorious victories of our troops and people. He had a highly communist collective spirit and a love for the com- rades. Ile was close to the masses and successfully united and mobilized the indoctrination of the majority of the cadres and the masses in order to eagerly fight for the revolution. We to the merits and accomplishments he contributed to the revolution, the National Assembly, government, and high command of the Vietnam People's Army bestowed on him Military Exploit Medal Second Class, Resistance Exploit Medal First Class, Victory Exploit Medal First Class, and Combatant Exploit Medal, Third and Second Class. Now, he has posthumously been awarded No Chi Minh Exploit Medal First Class and Military Exploit Medal First Class. CSO: 3520-D Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01720R001300050010-8 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 LE DUC THO'S FUN ORATION FOR NGUYEN CHI THANH ZF-ollowing is a translation of the text of a funeral oration by Le Duc Tho as published in the Vietnamese-language peri- odical, Hoc Tap (Studies), Hanoi, No 8, August 1967, pages 6-8.x7 Dear comrades: Our dear Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh has passed away. At a time when our compatriots and combatants throughout the country are achieving glorious victories during the fierce phase of the sacred anti- U.S. national salvation struggle, the comrade's death is a very great loss to our party, our army, and our people. Our party has lost a loyal and talented comrade leader. Our army has lost a resourceful and able com- mander and a courageous and resolute comrade. Our people have lost an out- standing son and leader. We deeply grieve and mourn for the comrade. Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh dedicated his entire life to the glorious revolutionary work of our party and people. The comrade was born on 1 Jan- uary 1914 in Niem Phong hamlet, Chuang Dien district, Thua Thien Province. He came from a poor peasant family. Being enlightened about the revolution early, the comrade joined the party's ranks when he was still young and en- thusiastically struggled against the yoke of the imperialists and the feu- dal landlords even during the days when the French colonialists terrorized the revolutionary movement of our country and plunged it into bloodshed. In eight years, he was promoted from an ordinary member of the Indo- chinese Communist Party to party branch Secretary and Thua Thien provincial party committee secretary. Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh was arrested and jailed by the imperialists three times -- in Hue, Lao Bao, and Ban Me Thuot. He escaped from jail and pursued his activities. While working for the move- ment and while he was in imperialist jails, the comrade constantly proved himself to be a stanch and loyal communist who was unafraid of danger and who did not retreat from difficulties. The comrade contributed to building the party foundation and stepping up the revolutionary movement in Thua Thien Province at that time. With a resolute mind and a limitless confidence in Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 the revolutionary cause, Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh fought with all his en- thusiasm and intelligence and matured with our people's revolutionary move- ment under party leadership. In August 1945, the nationwide party conference in Tan Trao appointed the comrade as, a full member of the party Central Committee. Then he was appointed by the party Central Committee as central Vietnam Party Committee secretary. In 1947 and 194, the comrade was appointed by the party Central. Committee as Thua Thien provincial party committee secretary and Binh Tri Thien regional party committee secretary. At that time, the resistance against the French colonialists in central Trung Bo encountered difficulties. The enemy concentrated his forces there and attacked fiercly. Comrade Nuyen Chi Thanh proved himself worthy of the Central Committee's confidence. Along with the party organizations the comrade led the people in rising up, restoring and developing the political base, stepping up the guer- rilla war, turning the tide, and laying the foundation for the brilliant vic- tories of the resistance movement in Binh Tri Thien. Between late 1948 and 1950, in his capacity as the Fourth Interzone party committee secretary, Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh contributed to leading the interzone troops and. people in uniting themselves for production and combat, in stepping up the resistance, and in building a strong and firm rear. In 1950, when the anti-French resistance of all our people entered a fierce phase, the party transferred the comrade to the army and entrusted him with the position of head of the Directorate General for Political Af- fairs and of Deputy secretary of the Central Military Committee. The second nationwide party congress appointed the comrade as a full member of the party Central Committee. The comrade was selected by the party Central Committee to join the Political Bureau. During that period, along; with the comrades in the party Central Committee and the Central Mili- tary Committee, the comrade devoted all his energy to directly leading the people's armed forces in fulfilling the party's strategic determination to fight and achieve ever greater victories and finally defeat the French co- lonialists and U.S. interventionists in the historic campaign of Dien Bien Phu. Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh made great contributions to strengthening party leadership over the army; building the army politically, ideologically, and organizationally; improving and developing the revolutionary nature of our army; building the habit of carrying out political tasks; and quickly increasing the combativity of the people's armed forces. He devoted his con- stant care to the education and training of a strong contingent of cadres to meet the ever increasing requirements of the revolution. After peace was reostablishcd, Comrade Nguyen Chi. Thanh actively con- armed forces, as the stanch defense tributed to the building of our strong Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 the strurgl.e for the lism in the north, and to by the National The comrade was named general of the const,ructi h ?socia 110. reunification of and President lie Assptnb .y, t,110 governments entrusted with the party agricultural cott?nittee. vcnent and the P of the cooperative mo In 1961-9 he was entrust d,veloVnOnt greatly contributed to Lh~roduction. agricultural p agcession against inmroaso in started waging virtues olutionarY Since the time the U.S. imperialists mperialists , and e Nguyen Chi 'Thanh, becaus o servesthrev e a ned forces our country, t;omrad parts t leadership work. was called bacl: by the to the armed fore esiie .othh and abilities, greatly leader. ovtical from that time }1e contselftto be an au.tstanding the p ssful implementacThe comrade show for the succe e contributed to the on s and The comrad greatl, rtyp The c and abilities his offeri ,olhe of the party . t # the and People co XLq_ and ~nilihe ~ry art of 80 our arntied forces le to rage gan ,a. lay to the fighting spirit of tion st and salva- rode oaVe ful ll p. national to uted to leading the anti-U. S and con the recent past' great victories in stanch comtt-uni st combatants tide Nguyen Chi Thanh was a and animated the revolutionary task of the Arty, roletarian class and Our beloved Comrade absolutely faithful to striking the enemies of eagerness for revolution, H was a a modest and simple With the spirit of firmlyh sense of responsibility 1.19 had a hig activities. and loved his com- the people* irit in his sincerely upheld unity and a great, creative sp and he s eager to study, man who was erfectly com- ade p arms. the comrrades in evolutionary qualities all tasks entrusted him with these finer licated situation-, Military committees despi1.-e a hard and Comp mot; the CentralworthY of the con- pleted, Committee, the governor s to be the pF.rt7 Central The comrade showed himself eo le and armed forces. and the High Command* nee of the party and he is cherished by our People spirit will forever fide away, but his maple, Nguyen Chi `Thanh has passed acaievements of our Pale Nguyen Chi comrade evolutiotiarY to Comra mournful eopleIs remain with the glorious re at regret we say farewell Chi Thanh in mourn with great pf.uyen to study and armed forces. we hold late and combatants should the try s irit, Thanh. The more party members, cadres, evolutionary p his especially his firm r more all our pa sincerity, affection for his high revolutionary virtues., hforwardness, actions. We are deter- strai8 and modesty in his the U.S. brrnra(l, creativenand and physical force to fight and the bravery to arms, urning into a moral defeat the U.S. aggressorss con- ned to in mo to firmly mined to turn our salvation, to reunify the father ands national the father and co agressors for to defend the north, is accomplishments Vietnam, until i is struggle which liberate South socialist instruction a lets and party tinue the cause of st sacred of our per, Chi Thanh. vict l,Y meet the m? was also also the lifetime aspiration of Comrade Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR001300050010-8 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01720R001300050010-8 Dear Comrade Ng Wen Chi Thanh, you have passed away, but you will remain forever in the minds of your comrades in arms and our people as the brilliant example of a genuine conuuunist who has struggled and endured sac- rifices throughout his life for the fatherland, the people, and the great communist ideal. As you firmly believed, our people, under the leadership of the party headed by beloved President Ho, must defeat the U.S. aggressors and will certainly complete the building of socialism. Please accept the profound regret of the party, government, people, and the people's armed forces, and of your comrades and dear friends. Farewell, comrade. CSO: 352D-D Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01720R001300050010-8