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spending, either of which would add to the
burden already imposed on our citizens; and
"Whereas we believe that the improvement
and upgrading of our educational processes
will continue in the future, as they have in
the past, through a qualitative rather than a
quantitative approach; and
"Whereas the citizens of Salem School Dis-
trict No. 24CJ should be commended for
their magnificent response to the needs of
local education whenever the need has arisen
and has been fully demonstrated; and we
are confident that they will continue to do
so in the future: Now, therefore, be it
"Resolved, That the school board of Salem
School District No. 240J is opposed to the
proposed Federal aid to education legislation
now pending before Congress, including any
broadening of the National Defense Educa-
tion Act, and respectfully requests our Con-
gressmen to oppose any attempt on the part
of the Federal Government to impose aid
and control over the public or private school
system of our country."
Respectfully yours,
HARRY W. ScoTT, Chairman.
SID BOISE, Vice Chairman.
Laundry Workers Commend the Freedom
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, under leave
to extend my remarks in the Appendix
of the RECORD, I am including a resolu-
tion passed on May 25, 1961, by the ex-
ecutive body of the Amalgamated Laun-
dry Workers Joint Board, ACWA, AFL-
CIO, in New York City. The resolution
was transmitted to me by the manager
of the joint board, Mr. Louis Simon. It
takes a firm and forthright stand in
regard to segregation and discrimination
in every area and urges the Kennedy ad-
ministration to provide full protection
to the freedom riders. I feel, Mr. Speak-
er, that this resolution states the great
moral issue of our times and expresses
well the debt we owe to those who are
in the front lines of the battle of civil
rights. I commend it to my colleagues:
Another battle in the great fight for the
future is being fought in America's Deep
As in other battles in that area-those at
the schools of New Orleans, Little Rock, and
other communities, the lunch counter sit-
ins and many more-the front line fighters
for our country's ideals are young people.
This time the battleground is in inter-
state buses and bus terminals.
The issue is the same as in all the other
battles: the right of all Americans to move
freely, to share in public facilities without
discrimination, to assert. their human rights
and dignity without fear.
We call this a battle because those who are
fighting on the side of decency are doing
so at the risk of life and limb. But they
come without weapons, with no intention of
doing violence. They defend themselves only
with their courage and their faith that right out his own country for a mess of commu-
will prevail. nistic pottage, and to think that he would
There can be little question but that in keep his agreement about anything in his
time the faith and courage of these young latest threat is to be of childlike faith.
people and others like them will prove to be
the strongest weapons of them all.
But in the meantime, they are exposed
and others will be exposed to acts of -violence
by ugly mobs and by local and State offi-
cials whose sympathies are with the mobs.
And in the meantime, too, America's
posture in the world will go on being under-
mined by such actions and the forces of
communism will be proportionately
strengthened: Therefore be it
Resolved, That the Amalgamated Laundry
Workers Joint Board, ACWA, AFL-CIO:
1. Compliments the Federal administra-
tion for dispatching Justice Department
forces to Alabama to protect the freedom
riders and for its efforts to persuade the
State authorities to do their duty.
2. Urges the President and Attorney Gen-
eral to stand fan in protecting the rights
of the freedom riders and of all those who
will press against the barriers of discrimina-
tion and segregation in every area. No re-
sponsible official can ask them to give up
their part of the struggle in order to keep
peace; rather ask those who are breaking
the peace in order to preserve the rights of
bigotry and hatred to cease their efforts.
3. To the freedom riders, the schoolchil-
dren, the lunch counter sitins, and all the
others, past, present, and future, who serve
in the front lines of this great battle for the
future-we express our grateful apprecia-
tion. For they are fighting on behalf of all
Americans who believe in freedom and
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. DORN. Mr. Speaker, the follow-
ing editorial is from the Anderson In-
dependent, Anderson, S.C. The Inde-
pendent is one of the strongest Demo-
cratic papers in the South, having always
supported the Democratic national tick-
et. Our people everywhere are alarmed
and shocked over this proposal to pay
ransom to a cheap Communist thug:
Senator HARRY FLOOD BYRD, of Virginia,
calls Castro's demands for 500 bulldozers
(some news reports have it tractors) in ex-
change for 1,200 prisoners of the Cuban
invasion nothing but extortion. He says that
he will try to prevent any deductions from
income taxes on the part of those who do-
nate to the national fund for this purpose.
The highest human motives on the part of
those who are trying to raise the ransom
money in the form of earth-moving ma-
chines must be given full credit. The whole
country would like to see the men captured
on this ill-fated and bungled invasion of
Cuba liberated.
But it seems that Mrs. Roosevelt, Dr. Mil-
ton Eisenhower. and Walter Reuther are
mighty naive to believe that he will do any-
thing he promises to do.
Castro sounds more and more like the early
Hitler and Mussolini who bellowed out de-
iinan.ce to the world while trampling on the
rights of their own peoples to get more
power for themselves. He has already sold
"Hope" Voyage Brings New Experience to
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, Dr.
Norton Benner, a constituent in our dis-
trict, was one of the volunteers on the
SS Hope, and his report undoubtedly
will be of interest to Members of Con-
Under leave to extend my remarks in
the RECORD, I include his account of his
experiences, as published in an article
in the May 22, 1961, issue of the San
Mateo (Calif.) Times and News Leader:
Dr. Norton Benner, 30 El Camino real, San
Mateo, admitted, "It's sort of exciting to
diagnose a case of leprosy that hasn't been
recognized before."
Dr. Benner wasn't at home at the time.
He was talking to a reporter at Bima, Sum-
bawa, in Indonesia, where he is working
with Project Hope.
Since he accepted his assignment aboard
the hospital teaching ship SS Hope, Dr.
Benner has had enough adventures to make
him one of the most sought after dinner
guests in California.
He shipped off on a medical exploration
trip to the rugged island of Ceram, near New
Guinea, where there are still headhunters.
"We got on this tiny Indonesian steamer, the
Babut," he said. "We slept on the deck on
stretchers. It was so nice and warm you
just put a sarong around your shoulders and
honked off,"
The trip to Ceram was made by a small
party of medical people from the Hope,
which was anchored at Ambon. The ship
is on.its maiden voyage, to Indonesia, under
the sponsorship of the People to People
Health Foundation. The authorities at
Ceram had requested a small group to give
medical assistance in remote spots.
The voyage of the Babut lasted from
Sunday to Friday, sailing by night, stopping
during the day at towns where the doctors
could set up clinics and treat as many
patients as possible.
"I amputated a leper's leg the first after-
noon," the San Mateo surgeon said. "There
was a little hospital in the village run by
nurses-very neat and clean. We had only
daylight to work with, of course. There's
no electricity in most of those areas. We
took along our own instruments from the
ship and showed the nurses our techniques
for operating room procedure."
Dr. Benner left the United States on De-
cember 21 and spent Christmas at Djakarta,
the capital of Indonesia. In addition to a
permanent staff of medical personnel, the
Hope has the services of specialists who fly
out from the United States to serve with it
for varying periods of time. These doctors
give their time to Hope. Dr. Benner is one
of these unpaid volunteers. He caught up
with the Hope at Bali, just before it left for
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An army of ruthless atheists has captured
an entire nation and yet because no H-
bombs were dropped, no destroyers sunk, no
missiles fired, the average American is con-
vinced we are still holding our own with
Russia in some sort of political cold war.
In but a few years since the end of World
War II, communism has enmeshed well over
7 billion people in total slavery. She has
boasted the subjection of the entire world
as her ultimate goal. Russia further con-
tends that at her present rate of advance
she will have the United States by 1967. In
view of what the Soviets have done and are
avowed to do, how in the name of all that
is sacred and holy can we call this a cold
war? If this is a cold war, what is needed
for a hot war?
Never In the history of mankind has a
war been hotter. The problem is that our
enemy possesses a secret weapon so effective
and so subtle that whole nations topple
without so much as a significant struggle.
We think we are at peace because we do not
see the traditional evidences of battle. In
reality, Russia is fighting a war with ideas.
We in our stupidity keep looking for guns.
Khrushchev's atomic bombs and space ex-
periments are only decoys. While we are
seeking to outstrip Russia in the conquering
of planets, she is at work right here in
America conquering free minds.
We look back-and smile at the primitive
weapons used by cowboy and Indian. The
sophisticated militarist scorns the outmoded
artillery of World War II. Were the truth
known, however, the American people Would
be amazed to learn that the Communists are
smirking just as disdainfully at us. Nuclear
weapons have long been outmoded by the
Communists. Russia's new secret weapon
can capture entire nations without a single
gun fired, without a single city destroyed.
And not only does ideological war capture
nations, It makes the defeated feel they are
victorious, that their captor has done them
a great favor. Case in point: Cuba.
What is needed to wake up Americans to
the realization that they are at war? Two
men enter the ring to fight. Before the
match, one man drugged the other. The
dazed boxer is knocked out in the first round
and later pronounced dead. Whether it is
legal or not, whether It is according to the
rules or not the fight Is over and if no one
has the courage to protest the villian has
won. Call it murder, call it anything you
like, the fight is over and evil is in com-
We Americans have been watching Russia
drug the Cuban people for months. We
have read about the viciousness of her lies
and false propaganda. We have stood by as
mute spectators while the time-honored
prestige and good name of our beloved coun-
try has been dragged into the mud and the
ideals of our forefathers spat upon. We
have watched Fidel Castro (even helped him)
enter the ring and with scarcely a blow
knock the dazed Cuban masses, saturated
with lies and deceit, into unconscious sub-
If we continue to look on as spineless
spectators, to tolerate murder and lies and
calumny without so much as a protest (on
the contrary, we allow the.father of these
atrocities to visit our land), we are not
worthy of the blood of our ancestors nor are
we worthy of the name Christian. Such
utter cowardice, indecision, and lack of that
courage once so characteristically American
is deserving of the fate that inevitably
awaits those who squander the supreme priv-
ilege of freedom. The fate of which I speak
is Communist slavery.
Blind Side-Temporary Taxes Extended,
Congress Ignores Proven Road to Re-
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, for sev-
eral years, I have voted against the ex-
tension of the existing corporate normal-
tax rate and certain excise tax rates
which were imposed at the time of the
Korean war. I have introduced several-
ly, measures aimed at terminating more
than one of these wartime burdens. Now
they are up for renewal and I shall op-
pose their renewal.
Under leave to extend my remarks in
the Appendix of the RECORD, I wish to
insert an editorial written by Thomas
O'Brien Flynn, editor of the Wheeling
Inteuigencer, and published in that pa-
per on June 6, 1961, which points up the
danger of the extension of these tax
rates to our economic growth.
Fresh evidence of the tenacity of a tax-
any tax-comes from Washington. At the
time of the Korean war the corporate in-
come tax rate was increased "temporarily"
from 47 to 52 percent. At the same time
"temporary" increases were voted in various
excise taxes covering liquor, cigarettes, auto-
mobiles, telephone calls, bus, plane, and train
The Korean war is long behind us, but the
taxes linger on. Year after year, as a new
expiration date approached, Congress, acting
on urgent Presidential recommendation, has
voted another extension. The war was gone
but the "emergency" it created remained.
Last year it appeared that at long last
some small measure of relief might be in
sight. In voting the usual extension Congress
qualified it to provide that at the end of the
year the tax on local telephone calls would
cease altogether and that on passenger tick-
ets drop from 10 percent to 5 percent.
Now the House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, by a vote of 22 to 3, not only has ap-
proved another 1-year extension of these
wartime emergency rates, but has put the
phone tax back on and restored the 10-per-
cent rate on passenger fares.
Approval of this action by both branches
of Congress is regarded as a mere forma-
lity, whatever is done with respect to the
balance of the administration's tax program.
It is interesting to note that during nearly
all of the period these supposedly temporary
tax rates have been in effect there has been
before Congress, with respectable business
backing, a bill which would reverse this
tax procedure. It would reduce both cor-
porate and personal income tax rates pro-
gressively over a 5-year period, with a safety
valve provision providing for a suspension
of the schedule if a revenue crisis appeared
in prospect at any time.
The theory back of this legislation is that
just as today's excessive income tax rate
schedule has discouraged business invest-
ment and thus has abetted economic stagna-
tion, lower rates would have the opposite
effect; that they would encourage invest-
ment and stimulate economic activity, pro-
ducing more revenue in the process; that
reversing the principle of diminishing re-
turns, lower rates in time actually would
yield more money.
Why no Congress has had the political
hardihood and business wisdom to under-
take this experiment in tax adjustment de-
spite the fact that it has worked before is one
of the mysteries of the day.
Resolution Opposing Federal Aid to
Tuesday, May 16, 1961
Mr. NORBLAD. Mr. Speaker, under
leave to extend my remarks, I include
herewith a resolution passed unani-
mously by the school board of Salem,
Oreg., in oposition to Federal aid to ed-
Salem, Oreg., June 1, 1961.
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Mn. NonnLAD: In order to inform the
citizens of the Salem School District, the
Oregon congressional delegation, and other
national leaders in a position to influence
legislation, the Salem School Board has
adopted the following resolution expressing
its position with respect to Federal aid to
"Whereas it has been a traditional concept
in these United States that the education of
our children has been a local responsibility;
"Whereas the citizens of our local com-
munities have recognized and assumed this
responsibility, producing an educational
system that is the envy of other nations of
the world; and
"Whereas funds raised locally are 100 per-
cent available, there being no shrinkage due
to absentee Federal administration; and
"Whereas local interest in education
should be strengthened and encouraged; it
should not be weakened and discouraged to
the point where more and more Federal aid
would be required; and
"Whereas the Supreme Court of the
United States has in effect ruled on several
occasions that the Federal Government has
the right to control that which It subsidizes;
"Whereas Federal aid to education will
have a further tendency to foster the de-
lusion among our citizens and particularly
among our children that dollars from the
U.S. Treasury are somehow free; and
"Whereas the Federal Government now
has a nearly unmanageable debt of $290 bil-
lion, has operated with a deficit in 24 out of
the past 30 years, with a positive operating
deficit already announced for the years 1961
and 1962, with a dollar that has eroded in
valuefrom 100 cents in 1941 to 46 cents in
1961; and
"Whereas Federal aid can be financed only
through increased taxation or further deficit
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Whereas his integrity and firmness in
support of sound principles of good gov-
ernment won for him the profound respect
and complete confidence of the people of
Brooklyn as well as of the entire city of
New York, together with great acclaim from
the public press for his achievements; and
Whereas he has served the people of Brook-
lyn diligently and faithfully as assembly-
man, alderman, district leader, county
leader and borough president; and
Whereas the officers and members of the
Kings Highway Democratic Club desire to
record their profound sorrow caused by his
death on May 7, 1981: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Kings Highway Demo-
cratic Club takes this means to formally
express their grief upon this great loss and
hereby extends to his beloved widow, Edythe
Cashmore, and their son, James Cashmore,
their heartfelt sympathy; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution
be forwarded to them as a humble expres-
sion of our condolence.
Executive Member.
June 7
neers and lawyers to assist him in solv-
ing the many problems and carrying out
the multitude of tasks which faced him.
A kind father, loving husband, a man
of true stature in a community he was
proud to call his home, the Honorable
John Cashmore will be sorely missed by
his loved ones and his many, many
friends. He will long be remembered as
The furnishing of electricity is a public
trust and requires that we serve all con-
sumers with adequate facilities at reason-
able rates without discrimination. The
power business is public business.
Now a word about the future. So far,
much of our effort has gone into pioneer-
ing, organization, and building up our sys-
tems. But now most of our utilities are
catching their second wind.
We do see much evidence that the tempo
of change 1s increasing. Even if there were
no new outside factors, we know we face
many rapid changes.
But there are some new outside factors.
They will soon be hitting us like a big tidal
The Canadian Treaty, when approved, will
add well over 2 million kilowatts to the
power supply of our two countries. The
Hanford reactor will add 700,000 kilowatts
if approved, The high voltage intertie be-
tween the Northwest and Southwest would
provide 2 million kilowatts of interchange
capacity and open a large market for our
secondary power.
If these three decisions, the Canadian
Treaty, Hanford reactor and the interties,
are concluded this year, we can surely say
that 1961 will have been the greatest year
in Northwest power history since 1933 when
both Grand Coulee and Bonneville Dams
were started.
So we stand on the threshold of great
events. Let us prepare ourselves and our
utility enterprises to insure that the bene-
fits from these developments will be passed
on to the people who own these resources.
In closing, I want to express my personal
appreciation for the fine work which is be-
ing done by the staff of the Northwest Pub-
lic Power Association. I cannot think of
a better way of complimenting our Execu-
tive Secretary and his staff than by saying
that they do not merely anticipate the
changes and the progress of our public and
cooperative power systems but that quite
often they help to guide and to bring those
changes about.
Finally, I want to express appreciation
to our committees, to the members of our
board of trustees and to the whole member-
ship for your fine cooperation.
Thank you.
Kings Highway Democratic Club, Brook-
lyn, N.Y., Eulogizes the Late John J.
ng Straight on Cuba
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. OSTERTAG. Mr. Speaker, with
all the discussion of the Cuban situation
today, it is helpful to keep before us a
clear analysis of the actual events which
produced the present conditions. Such
a review has been printed recently as an
editorial in the Rochester (N.Y.) Demo-
crat and Chronicle, and, under leave to
extend my remarks, I present, the edi-
torial "Blind Charges Against America
Ignore, Deny Facts on Castro," dated
May 28, 1961:
Again a certain segment of our people has
proclaimed this the open season of the U.S.
Just as predictably as tax bills and funeral
bills, this bloc of semiblind people seizes
upon every flop in American foreign policy
to attack not simply that flop, but everything
before it, related to it, and even after it.
There are psychological terms for the way
these people reason, of which the most com-
mon is mental block-but the old-fashioned
term of wishful thinking comes closest.
Now the Greek chorus is heard again.
The case in point is Cuba. There is ad-
mission on all sides that we goofed in the
abortive invasion effort. Almost nobody
defends it, liberals, conservatives, Republi-
cans, Democrats, even governmental spokes-
But let us not go into the actual Cuban
invasion incident.
Let us see what it has triggered.
Here are some of the charges heard in
Rochester, from individuals, from organiza-
tions, even from a pulpit:
In the past, when he carne to power we
did not treat Castro with respect.
The Secretary of State met him in a hotel
room when he came to this country.
We turned him down when he wanted to
barter sugar for equipment.
MAY 15, 1961.
Mr. Speaker, John Cashmore was a
very dear, longtime friend of mine.
Born in Brooklyn on June 7, 1895, Mr.
Cashmore was the youngest of 10 chil-
dren. When he was quite young his
father died and he began his working
career by servicing a newspaper route
to help his mother support the family.
In World War I he served his country
in the U.S. Army, returning, as a young
man, to enter the trucking business in
a small way. While thus engaged he
studied business and law at New York
University and worked around the Dem-
ocratic Club of the old fifth assembly
district. His district leader, the late
James Sexton, soon noticed his energy
and ambition and persuaded him to en-
ter politics seriously. Cashmore aban-
doned the trucking business and opened
a furniture store.
In 1922 he was elected to the State
assembly and in 1925 he ran for alder-
man. He won, and having thus gained
the confidence of the people he was re-
elected to that post until the board of
alderman was replaced by the city
In 1937 he was elected to the newly
formed council and in 1938 he was
elected by the Democratic members of
the council as Democratic majority
In 1941 he was elected to a 4-year term
as president of the Borough of Brook-
lyn. Again, he so justified the faith of
the people of Brooklyn that he was re-
elected in 1945, 1949, 1953, and in 1957.
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, the
president of the Borough of Brooklyn,
John J. Cashmore, died in New York
on May 7, 1961.
On May 15, 1961, the Kings Highway
Democratic Club passed a resolution
expressing the grief that its members
felt upon the loss of the late Mr. Cash-
more. The text of that resolution
follows :
'Whereas the late John J. Cashmore
throughout his lifetime evidenced an in-
tense interest in his community in all its
civic, religious and philanthropic affairs;
As a tribute to his great public service ban treasury; then denied a loan to Castro.
and impartiality he received-both in We cut his sugar quota.
1953 and in 1957-the formal nomina- our sugar and oil interests had grabbed
tion of the Republican Party. Cuban land.
In 1951 Mr. Cashmore had declined to There are two Cubas today-the one we
run as the Democratic candidate for the read about, and the true one which we do
presidency of the New York City Council. not read bou -and gthe ood true
uewone is one is
From 1946 until 1950 he served as which contains
Democratic leader of Kings County. Press releases are mass hypnosis; many are
John Cashmore was well known as plain lies.
one of the few men serving on the city Nothing has been printed about 1,000
board of estimate thoroughly familiar homes built.
with all of the many citywide items This Nation suffers from mass irration-
which confronted the board at its weekly 'ality; we oppose Cuba, but what about Chiang
meetings. As borough president he sur- Kai-shek? What about the Dominican Re-
rounded himself with competent engi- public?
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In the last few weeks I have been doing a
lot of thinking about the benefits of public
and cooperative electric systems.
This theme in itself is a tribute to the
late Mr. Dean Barline. Until his untimely
death February 12, Dean was president of
the Northwest Public Power Association. I
call your attention to the tribute to him
which appears on your convention program.
It was Dean's conviction and faith in pub-
lic power which led to the selection of our
convention theme. Thus, in a very real
way, we will be honoring him, as we think
about this theme, during our 3-day meeting
It seems fitting for us to be meeting in
Wenatchee to discuss the progress of public
power. For-in the Chelan County Public
Utility District-we have an outstanding
success story on consumer ownership of an
electric utility.
Our association makes up a regional com-
munity of 115 public and cooperative sys-
tems which provide electricity to about
2,200,000 people in Montana, Idaho, Oregon,
Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska.
Our operations affect the lives of many
What benefits do our people receive?
What benefits do they enjoy that would not
exist if there were no public and cooperative
electric systems in our region? Breifly I
would like to submit for your consideration
nine major benefits.
The first benefit of consumer ownership is
inherent in ownership itself. Thereby we
achieve local democratic control. The idea
of a public and cooperative power system
is like buying your own home as compared
to renting. When you buy your home it
belongs to you. There is the satisfaction
and pride of ownership.
There is no conflict of interest between
consumers and stockholders because they
are one and the same. The consumer is the
stockholder and he has a voice in what goes
on. Our meetings are public meetings. As
Ivan Laird said in his presidential address
last year, our systems are "democracy in
action." This is a part of our democratic
heritage. Our systems are responsive to the
public will.
The other benefits of our systems are im-
portant, but they depend on consumer
ownership itself with its local democratic
The second benefit follows logically from
the first. When the consumers and stock-
holders are the same, the electric utility can
focus its primary attention on giving good
service. Many of our systems subscribe to
the motto:
"To provide the best possible electric serv-
ice at the lowest possible cost, consistent
with sound business principles."
Our utilities are consumer oriented. The
primary aim is. service.
By service we do not mean just electric
service. As Dr. Raver pointed out in his
keynote address at our Eugene Convention
last year, we are also involved in many forms
of community service.
Following the benefits of local democratic
control and good service, we come to the
third benefit of low rates. This one we can
measure in money.
Last year our association made a survey
that produced some surprising facts. We
learned that our public and cooperative
power systems since 1950 had made about 100
rate reductions which saved our consumers
$11.6 million in 1960 alone. Extended over
the next 10 years, these reductions will save
our consumers $165 million in electric bills.
In contrast, we found that private elec-
tric company rates in our region were $20
million higher In 1960, and in the next 10
years will amount to $280 million more than
in electric bills.
Low electric rates can be illustrated an-
other way. This morning it was my privi-
lege to sign 32 awards which will be pre-
sented tomorrow night. These are the One
Cent Power Achievement Awards which are
going to 31 public and cooperative systems
for selling electricity last year for residential
use at an average of less than 1 cent per
kilowatt hour.
The amazing story of our rate reductions
has not received much publicity, but I would
like to read one comment that appeared in
a California newspaper, the Sacramento Bee:
"The public power conscious Pacific North-
west provided a classic example last year of
the dollars and cents savings which can
result when the people decide to serve them-
selves with electricity instead of farming out
the privilege to private utilities."
Low electric rates, in turn, permit and en-
courage greater use of power and this leads
to our fourth benefit of better living. We
achieve better living through greater use of
electricity in our homes, on our farms, in the
shops and in the large industries. The proof
of the pudding is in the eating. The proof
of our electric systems lies in the effective
use of more power for greater production
and for a higher standard of living. A
plentiful supply of low-cost power is the
hope of the world for a better material way
of life. An economy of abundance must
begin with an abundance of energy.
Several of our systems are reporting that
their average home use of electricity was
over 15,000-kilowatt hours in 1960. Two
years ago in his presidential address Vince
Cleaveland urged us to consider the 25,000-
kilowatt hour home as the symbol of better
living. Many of our systems are well on their
way to this long-range goal of better living.
The fifth benefit can be seen in our grow-
ing record of debt-free ownership or equity.
As we cut our rates, we sell more power. As
we sell more power, our utilities prosper.
Our net income goes tip. With this net in-
come we pay off bonds or build more lines.
Either way this shows on our balance sheets
as debt-free ownership or equity. This is
the idea of buying your home instead of
collecting rent receipts. Utimately we want
to be debt free, and in fact, some of our sys-
tems are debt free. When we pay off the
bonds, we no longer have to pay interest.
Our debt-free ownership has grown by
about $200 million in the past 10 years,
bringing our total accumulated equity to
about $300 million. Today we are -o
In terms of net worth on our books, about
three times what we were worth 10 years ago.
The rapid rise in public equity shows that
once the pioneering work is done, our sys-
tems can take off like a rocket and get into
the orbit of low rates, abundant use, better
living for the consumer, and prosperity for
the utility. So much for the fifth benefit of
debt-free ownership.
My sixth point has to do with taxes and
with the savings to taxpayers because our
systems provide lower cost power for schools,
street lighting, the county rock crusher, and
other public uses.
Our low rates are especially helpful to
schools and local units of government be-
cause they are heavy users of electricity, yet
enjoy some of the lowest electric rates in
the Nation. When we reduce the electric
bills of tax-supported institutions, we are
saving the money of the taxpayer. In addi-
tion, we pay considerable taxes for the sup-
port of schools and local government.
Here is another case where we have tended
to understate our position. The Washington
Public Utility District Association last year
printed a pamphlet with the title "A Real
Eye-Opener About Electric Rates and Utility
Taxes." It shows that we not only pay con-
siderable taxes but in addition that we save
a lot of money for schools and local govern-
ment through our low electric rates.
The seventh benefit of public and coopera-
tive power can be measured in terms of in-
dustrial expansion, the creation of new job
opportunities and general economic progress.
Truly, prosperity through low-cost power
has been the watchword of the Pacific
Grand Coulee and Bonneville Dams were
the turning point. Then came the war in-
dustries, the aluminum companies and other
large plants. We have proven that low-
cost power attracts industry and new indus-
try means more jobs, more tax base and
greater economic prosperity.
The same is true in rural areas. My
eighth point is to pay tribute to the wonder-
ful job which our systems have done to ex-
tend electricity into the remote rural areas.
Power on the farm has brought a new way
of life to many people. I could talk a long
time on this point and tell of my own frus-
trating experiences in trying to get power
on the farm. I lived on a farm in Douglas
County until 1941 Without electricity.
Rural electrification is one of the grestest
of the benefits made possible by our systems.
My ninth and last benefit deals with the
role of our systems in seeking the full, com-
prehensive development of natural resources.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the public
power leaders who fought for the Grand
Coulee Dam against the Washington Water
Power Co. Proposal for the puny Kettle Falls
Our consumer-owned systems fought for
Hells Canyon Dam. While we didn't get
Hells Canyon, we did get a number of by-
products in the form of Ice Harbor Dam,
John Day Dam, some major election upsets
and a greater national interest in river de-
Today many of our utilities are banded
together in a battle for the full development
of the Nez Perce reach of the Snake River.
Thereby they are performing an important
public service.
Full development for the long run as
against wasteful, partial development for the
short run expresses one of the basic dif-
ferences between the public interest and
special interests. Our efforts for full de-
velopment are paying off for the region as
the ninth benefit.
Of course, there are other benefits which
I have not listed. You in your own system
will know of other benefits. However, the
nine I have cited have resulted in several
hundred million dollars in gains the past
10 years.
Let me run over the nine points, by way
of summary. The first one is local owner-
ship and democratic control of electric sys-
tems. The second one is good service to the
consumer. Third, low electric rates. Fourth,
better living through greater use of elec-
tricity. Fifth, increase in debt-free owner-
ship. Sixth, tax payment and savings to
taxpayers. Seventh, attraction of new indus-
tries and job opportunities. Eighth, virtual
completion of rural electrification. And,
ninth, the promotion of full development of
the natural resources of the Pacific North-
west, Alaska, and British Columbia.
I want to compliment every one of you
and your utilities on the fine job you are
doing in your communities in helping your
people to live better electrically and to
achieve the nine benefits I have listed.
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We have standards which say that a dic-
tator is good if he is on our side and bad if
he is not.
Castro has never approached the terror
Cuba suffered under Batista.
We never wanted Cuba to 'diversify its
agriculture because this would hurt our in-
We are against the hopes and aspirations
of Latin American people.
They need land reform.
We have not manufactured the above re-
marks-some are taken from group state-
ments, some from letters to the editor, some
from at least one pulpit address.
Now let us look at the record.
And in looking at the record, we come to
that overriding curiosity, that one bloc of
people either cannot bring itself to regard
a historic episode as a part of a larger pat-
tern, or simply refuses to do so.
Castro never asked to be officially invited
to the United States but the American So-
ciety of Newspaper Editors, first to bring him
here, gave him perhaps the second greatest
forum on, earth to state his case. We would
except only the United Nations as a forum.
Secretary of State Herter gave him a
luncheon; Vice President Nixon, in President
Eisenhower's absence, received him; and
Castro expressed himself as happy with his
Let us try to list here just a few of the
items which a person must ignore if he is to
to say that the Cuba of today, and the Castro
of today, are products of America's policy:
Ignore the fact that a minimum of 60,000
and a possible maximum of 200,000 Cubans
are in jail in Cuba merely because Castro
suspects they are against him.
Ignore the fact that America made no
effort to isolate Cuba until after Castro made
it an official policy to arouse and maintain
hostility to the United States.
Ignore the fact that Cuba is now an iron
dictatorship and a police state, and was long
before the invasion attempt.
Ignore the fact that Cuba violated the
resolution of Caracas of 1954 by accepting
shiploads of tanks, guns, bombs, and war-
planes from the Reds.
Ignore the fact that only Cuba balked at
Latin American solidarity when the Organi-
zation of American States met in Costa Rica.
Ignore the fact that from the time Castro
came into power, the United States made 9
formal and 16 informal offers to negotiate
all differences.
Ignore the fact that the United States was
actually sympathetic to agrarian reform,
and never protested expropriation-we
sought reasonable payment.
Ignore the fact that American business-
men actually favored Castro before he came
to power.
Ignore the fact that Castro has shut down
every single newspaper in Cuba which dared
to oppose him-thus ending freedom of the
press just as he had previously ended free
Ignore the pictures of weeping Cubans in
lines blocks long before the American Em-
bassy, trying to get visas to get out of Cuba.
Ignore the steady flight of tens of thou-
sands of Cubans to get away from Castro and
stay out of the country.
Ignore the fact that Cuban forces attacked
both Panama and the Dominican Republic.
Ignore the fact that Castro's Cuba is on
the way to completely ending freedom of
Ignore the fact that Castro's agents have
been captured throughout Latin America
while engaged in such incidents as stealing
documents in Peru-which prompted that
country to break off relations,
Ignore the fact that the Inter-American
Press Association, whose members include
such great fighters for freedom as Alberto
Gainza Pas, the Argentina editor who bucked
Peron and was forced to live in exile, sent a
task force into Castro's Cuba-a task force
made up 95 percent of Latin American edi-
tors who had great hopes for Castro as a
liberator-only to have the task force come
out despairing and despondent of the leader-
ship of Castro and the direction of Cuba as
far as any liberties are concerned:
Ignore the fact that American foreign
policy now, and for several years has been to
try in each Latin American country, to per-
suade its leaders that they must help their
people-evolution or revolution.
Ignore the fact that the first Prime Minis-
ter, the first President of the revolutionary
government, most of the revolution's original
political and military leaders, and two-thirds
of the 19 members of the first Castro cabinet
either oppose him now or are imprisoned or
in exile.
Ignore the fact, documented over and over
again, that Cuba now is an out-and-out
Communist springboard, the place from
which Moscow hopes to take off and take
over the Western Hemisphere piece by piece.
This list could go on page after page.
We present only this little bit of it in
sorrow and with a certain amount of fear.
The idealistic liberal who will not listen
to any more than he wants to believe, far
from being a functional arm of this de-
mocracy, is as great a danger as the medie-
val-type conservative who begrudges every
penny spent for foreign aid, who refuses to
see that in an atomic war we can be knocked
out as fast as we can do the knocking out,
and whose concepts of world order ended
along about 1908.
There is nothing new to the idea that
what we need desperately in this country
today are more liberal conservatives, or con-
servative liberals-whichever way you please.
But it is a dramatic need.
We are sick and tired of seeing this coun-
try-whose record Is the brightest on earth,
however relative records are-run Into the
ground as if it was an ogre bent upon the
destruction of the rest of mankind. Amer-
ica, on the record, a record with some pretty
bad muddy spots, nevertheless is the bright
hope in the world-and we would like to
see this acknowledged.
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, in
the June 5, 1961, issue of the Washing-
ton Star newspaper there appeared an
editorial by David Lawrence entitled
"Who Gained the Most at Vienna." In
this editorial, Mr. Lawrence advances
some thoughtful observations concerning
the wisdom of our President "going to the
summit" with the Communist Dictator
Nikita Khrushchev. I ask unanimous
consent to have the editorial printed in
the Appendix of the RECORD:
[From the Washington Star, June 5, 19611
(By David Lawrence)
President Kennedy got what he wanted-
international attention, political publicity
at home and a firsthand study of the per-
sonality of the world's most powerful dic-
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev got
what he wanted-worldwide attention as
the man who holds in his hand the fate of
many nations, publicity at home as the
champion of the alleged superiority of com-
munism over capitalism and a chance to size
up the new President of the United States.
Did the meeting advance the cause of
peace? There was no armistice declared in
the cold war. Even as the two leaders con-
ferred, the Communist-inspired commanders
in Laos were violating the cease-fire and
Communist agents were active in Cuba-in
fact, in countries on every continent as they
were continuing to spread their subversive
movements and to instigate demonstrations
of friction between factions and races.
For what, indeed, has the Soviet Premier
to fear from such conferences? It is he
who holds the trump cards and can make
the decision to strike the first blow. He
deals from strength against a Western alli-
ance weakened by conflicting purposes of the
leaders and also by the steady erosion of the
spirit of resistance.
Was the Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting
worthwhile? It could result in more harm
than good for the West in world affairs. For
Khrushchev is revealed as the man of
strength, while the Western leadership is
portrayed both by the Communist press and
by newspapers in neutral countries as cring-
ing and fawning.
About the only gain that can be chalked
up now for Mr. Kennedy is on the political
side within the United States. He had been
regarded as youthful, inexperienced, imma-
ture, if not brash and perhaps impulsive. It
was important from his standpoint to dispel
such impressions. What better way than in
a summit conference In which no other
Western leader participated and in which
Mr. Kennedy was pictured before the voters
of his own country-through television and
the newspapers-as the sole spokesman of
the free world?
Time was when a summit conference in-
cluded the Prime Minister of Great Britain
and the President or the Prime Minister of
France and when the Chancellor of West
Germany was nearby to be consulted. But
this meeting of two heads of state was billed
as a get-acquainted affair, and the other
Western leaders politely stood aside to give
him the chance. It was regarded officially-
perhaps with tongue in cheek-as having no
agenda and as not a negotiation.
The spectacle of one man talking for the
West-and, indeed, during certain periods of
the conference Messrs. Kennedy and Khru-
shchev were alone except for interpreters-is
alien to the tradition of democracy. Theo-
retically, a congress or a parliament or even
a secretary of state plays a part in the mak-
ing of important agreements or in the con.,
duct of negotiations between governments,
including commitments in the development
of international policy. It all seemed more
like the historic meetings at Vienna, Paris,
and London between monarchs of old.
There was the same pomp and ceremony, the
same outward evidences of cordiality, the
same misleading impressions that peace
reigned supreme even as both sides reiterated
through their spokesmen at lower levels a
determination not to yield an inch in their
respective positions.
What can be accomplished this way that
cannot be achieved as well, if not better,
through the normal channels of diplomacy?
At least there would be written records then
of what is said by governments to each other,
and such records can be important in carry-
ing on future negotiations. For these are
public and not private controversies-they
concern millions of human beings, and not
just two governmental figures preoccupied
to no small extent with their own political
The Soviet dictator never hesitates to dis-
regard his own signature on a treaty or
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agreement-for he does not recognize good
faith as such and believes that the end
justifies the means. The danger is that,
despite his insults to the preceding President
of the United States--who helped once to
save Russia from military defeat-despite
the deliberate breaking up of the summit
conference in 1960, and despite his showing
of contempt for the West by pounding the
table with his shoe at the United Nations
General Assembly, the same tyrant is still
treated with awe, with respect and even with
fear by the leaders of the Western World.
This species of appeasement once led
imperialist Kaiser Wilhelm to misjudge
Britain's innate resoluteness and caused
Adolf Hitler to disregard the promises he
made at Munich that had encouraged hopes
of peace in our time. The result in each
case was a world war.
The total impression left on many. people
by the latest summit conference is that a
President of the United States went 4,000
miles across sea and land to kowtow to a man
who, by his policies and acts, despoils human
freedom and maintains the biggest slave em-
pire in the world. Enough courage is mus-
tered up hereabouts to issue statements de-
fying little dictators like Castro and Trujillo,
but not a big Khrushchev. It is a sad hour
for the cause of liberty and democracy.
Manifestations of defeatism are never good
Italy Observes Two Anniversaries
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. DADDARIO. Mr. Speaker, on
June 2, when the House was not in ses-
sion, a significant anniversary for the
free world was marked. Not only was
the date the 15th anniversary of the es-
tablishment of the Republic of Italy, but
the occasion was also the 100th anniver-
sary of the gathering of the first Italian
Parliament in 1861.
The people of Italy willingly and freely
chose the republican form of govern-
ment in 1946 for their future. In effect,
this was a difficult and meaningful
choice, for Italy, as a result of decisions
made by her Fascist leaders some years
before, had come to a state of chaos and
anarchy by 1945. Different forces, some
interested in the future of Italy, others
interested in serving an alien master,
were vying for control. The vote in 1946
was a vote for freedom and for the in-
I have recently been studying some of
the participation by Italy in the defense
of the free world in recent years and I
have been most impressed. Italy has re-
built her own economy; Italy has en-
couraged programs in the interest of a
West European and NATO defense sys-
tem and Italy has taken a lead in look-
ing into programs which would help ease
the problems of underdeveloped nations.
The people of Italy have been chal-
_lenged by hardship, by political, eco-
nomic, social, and fiscal problems in
their recent history. They have met
that challenge and overcome it. They
have worked hard to strengthen the
democratic institutions in their country.
On this 15th -anniversary celebration, I
believe the United States can join whole-
heartedly in wishing the people of Italy
many blessings in the years to come.
Extravagant and Inflationary
Wednesday, May 24, 1961
Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker,
under leave to extend my remarks in the
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, I include the fol-
lowing editorial published in the Troy
Record, Troy, N.Y.:
One of the leaders in President Kennedy's
own party has dubbed the current rush to
free and easy spending on Capitol Hill as
"extravagant and inflationary." We hope
that some of the bright economists within
the inner sanctum of the New Frontier will
take heed.
The concerned son of Andrew Jackson is
A. WILLIS ROBERTSON, chairman of the Sen-
ate Banking Committee. He is disturbed
about the fact that the Senate has been
looking favorably upon a $6,100 million hous-
ing bill.
Yet if you add up the spending totals de-
signed by the New Frontiersmen to give a
spur to our economy you reach the conclu-
sion that Franklin D. Roosevelt was on the
timid side, in comparison. The House Ap-
propriations Committee on Friday opened
the sluice gates for money bills totaling
$14,412,664,000. This adds up to $20 billion-
plus to prime the national pump.
The House committee gave money freely
to 24 agencies, including a substantial $5,-
984,566,000 to the Agriculture Department.
Fortunately the House recommendations-
the largest of the session, so far-are sub-
ject to action by the House and later by the
Perhaps we are a victim of some wishful
thinking or are downright naive. Yet it
could be that some shrewd political engi-
neers in the House decided to lump all the
appropriations in one giant sum. Only in
this way could they bring home the fact
that the new administration is spending too
much and inviting inflation. There are
many on both the Republic and Democratic
side of the fence who have the good sense
to put on the brakes when we are becoming
so extravagant that our solvency is threat-
We hope that the spending spree recom-
mended by the House committee will cause
a stir in some quarters. Former President
Eisenhower, speaking critically of the Ken-
nedy administration for the first time, tried
to issue a warning. He pointed out that the
trend toward Government by "big brother"
is dangerous and destroys our individual in-
dependence. It will get so that all authority
is seated in Washington, and State and local
agencies-where the little taxpayer has a
better chance to be heard-will be bypassed.
Politicians listen only when the general
public brings pressure to bear. And it is
difficult to arouse the public because it
goes about its business with little concern
about Washington bureaucracy. When a
Government agency is given more money to
spend the average person takes the point of
view that maybe he will benefit. He seldom
June 7
stops to think that he is helping to pay
the bill that his taxes continue to.rise and
that the approach of inflation will squeeze
the dollar even smaller. Now is one of the
times when the taxpayer should be con-
cerned. The purse strings are being
stretched to a danger point.
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, under
unanimous consent I include in the Ap-
pendix of the RECORD an editorial en-
titled "Cuba Now, America Next." This
editorial by Rev. James H. Gandrau ap-
peared in the September 9, 1960, issue
of the Catholic Northwest Progress and
was judged best editorial in 1960 by
the Catholic Press Association at its re-
cent annual convention held in Van-
couver, British Columbia, during May:
On the evening of September 2, before
a crowd of more than 3 million people who
elbowed their way into Havana's Civic Plaza,
Fidel Castro tore up the Cuba-United States
Mutual Defense Treaty of 1952 and threw
away the pieces. This dramatic incident
marked Cuba's official severing of friendly
ties with the United States and the estab-
lishment pf diplomatic relations with all
Communist countries.
Without putting one Soviet soldier against
one American soldier, Russia has extended
her curtain of iron terror to encompass an-
other 6,721,372 immortal souls.
The Castro announcement was not one of
war, but rather of Communist victory. The
war in Cuba has been raging white-hot for
years. Siding with Khrushchev merely
marked the successful climax of months of
ideological warfare. The main battle for
men's minds in Cuba has been fought and
won by the Soviets. Now it is merely a ques-
tion of mopping up.
While the free world slept, silent, efficient
shock troops invaded newspapers, radio sta-
tions and public offices. Like deadly spiders
the vast mechanism of spies and propa-
gandists wove a transparent web of lies
around the weakening fabric of Cuban con-
"Everything wrong in Cuba can be traced
to the United States, to Capitalistic imper-
ialism or to religion. All would be right in
Cuba if the people would only embrace com-
munism." These were the deadly phrases,
repeated over and over, that finally numbed
the masses first into belief and then sub-
mission. Day after day the Communists
sunk all they had into the fight. The free
world, like little children unaware of the
danger, played with rockets, argued over
whether or not a Catholic should be Presi-
dent, and for the most part did nothing.
Like the sting of a black widow, the
poison of deceit and half-truths has para-
lyzed the minds and wills of the Cuban
people. The web has been woven and another
nation, quite according to plan and sched-
ule, has fallen into the trap.
In the weeks to come, watch carefully
how Russia, like a giant, bloated octopus,
seeks to suck the remaining drops of Christ's
precious blood from Cuba's poisoned veins.
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they will next pass Britain's production of
steel. Thus, there would seem to be at least
suspicion that coal is going into steel pro-
duction on a priority basis, while petrochem-
icals wait their turn.
It is worth noting a pair of specific ex-
amples in the chemical industry which might
indicate what could be expected from China
in the future.
Soviet technicians designed for the Chi-
nese an ammonia plant rated at 50 tons pro-
duction per day. Once put into operation
the plant failed to deliver its rating. Chi-
nese engineers went to work on the problem,
realized that the plant was some 5,000 feet
above sea level, and that Russian calcula-
tions had overlooked this fact. The Chinese
proceeded to place a booster in front of the
air compressor for the plant which stepped
up production by some 12 tons daily.
In another case Russians had specified two
operations in tandem to reduce carbon mon-
oxide content in gases. The Chinese found
that one of these processes could be elimi-
nated and converted the second operation
to the first process raising production 50
In these cases the information can be re-
garded as fairly accurate for in both cases
the Chinese simply improved on Soviet
equipment to bring it more closely in line
with accepted Western standards. However,
accuracy is not the main point. In each
case the Chinese were readily able to im-
prove on the Russian-designed equipment
with which they were working. In this light
it is significant that within the last year
some 12,000 Soviet technicians in China
packed up and went home. From the most
optimistic standpoint this has been regarded
as an indication of a Moscow/Peiping falling
out, but it would be perhaps shortsighted to
overlook the other possibility that such So-
viet aid was no longer needed.
It seems clear that raw material for an
effective engineering profession exists in
China. Quoting one man who spent 5 years
as an unwilling guest of the Chinese, "they
are among the most inventive people in the
world." From their firsts in gunpowder
and rocketry, a Chinese tradition of
scientific discovery. Like so many other re-
sources available in the nation, it is simply
a matter of developing the engineering
In the 10 years since the Communists
took over mainland China, industrialization
has been one of the single most important
goals of the nation's leaders. Tremendous
effort has gone into industrialization and
from their relatively low starting point some
statistically impressive results have been
To compare Chinese and Western stand-
ards without considering the basic differ-
ences between the two civilizations would
be misleading and inaccurate. For one
thing any serious industrialization in main-
land China is relatively new. While a few
hesitant steps were taken under Chiang
Kai-shek to bring industry to China, it was
not until 10 years ago that anything ap-
poaching an all-out effort was made. One
measure of this is that those plants and
mills introduced by Chiang Kai-shek are
still in use and in some cases provide ma-
jor portions of current production.
China's industrial aims are purely and
simply to build industry. Not economical
industry, and not efficient industry, but in-
dustry for its own sake. Chinese journals
give evidence of this attitude. After con-
siderable study of these journals, L. C. Pan
told the American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science that in chemical engi-
neering, "the considerations of economy and
efficiency seem to have been ignored. But
economy and efficiency are two of the funda-
mental principles of all branches of engi-
neering. * * * This, then, points to the
basic fact that economy and efficiency in
Communist doctrine are quite different
from economy and efficiency as we know
The point is well taken, but equally true
is the fact that major gains in efficiency in
most industrial processes have come after
the process itself is fully developed. It is
hard to imagine efficiency being introduced
into a given industrial process before the
process itself has been mastered. The same
applies to the economy and is especially
true in a nation where some 18.5 percent of
the gross national product can be plowed
back into development of the economy.
A second factor stemming from the low
starting point- is a sort of earn-while-you
learn brand of engineering education. This
is shown in two ways. First, engineering
students in China spend a great deal of their
time working in practical rather than the-
oretical situations. According to Li and
Woo, "It is apparent how the close tie be-
tween their education program and educa-
tion is wrought. The students of Tsing
Hwa University virtually have their own pro-
duction facility where they have designed
and built some special automobiles and
broadcasting stations and the like. * * *
The Chinese objectives are more toward pro-
duction than are our research activities, and
they have much more emphasis on student
participation than we have."
Further, in working with Russia, an in-
dustrial plant will be built by Chinese engi-
neers in Russia under Soviet supervision,
then dismantled and shipped to China where
it is rebuilt. The aim is both to speed con-
struction and to provide basic knowledge
to the Chinese, along with insight to the
planning that must go into such a project.
In training their engineers, the Chinese
have one marked advantage over the West-
ern nations. They are in the enviable po-
sition of being able to decide how many engi-
neers they will need at a given point in the
future, so simply start training the proper
number of students wtih enough leadtime
to meet the need. Obviously, this means that
supply and demand will tend to balance
ahead of time and adequate engineers will
be on hand when needed.
So far, what have the results been? In-
dustrial output is six times what it was in
1950. Machine tool output is up 45 times,
Steel output has come from less than a
million tons in 1950 to a projected 18 mil-
lion tons this year, passing steel produc-
tion in France. In many other areas the
results are as startling and there can be
little doubt that tremendous strides will
continue to be made.
But there is another side to the coin. Can
the Chinese engineer continue to work ef-
fectively under the all-pervasive political
control that exists in Red China? Will the
drastic reinvestment rate from the' gross
national product continue to sustain itself?
Will the lack of economy and efficiency begin
to make itself felt? Will force-feeding work
on what is basically and traditionally a
professional class of men?
The answers to these questions will have
much to do with the industrial, technical,
and economic future of mainland China. At
the rate of present development, the an-
swers will have to be found in the fairly
near future.
To this day many peasants in China are
still waiting for the introduction of the steel-
tipped plow, and are still living in a nation
where the prime means of locomotive power
is the ox. In spite of a backlog of Western
technology on which to draw, China is prob-
ably facing the biggest job of limited-time
industrialization the world has yet to wit-
ness. With the drive that is being given to
industry and technology in China, progress
is bound to come. And in large part, its
eventual success or failure will be measured
by the success or failure of China's engineer-
ing profession.
1. World's third largest producer of coal.
2. World's sixth largest producer of steel.
3. Discovery of a large deposit of nickel,
unknown before 1950.
4. Designed hydroelectric stations of 1,000
megawatts capacity, and thermal power elec-
tric stations of 450 megawatts capacity.
5. Produced 72,500 kilowatt hydroturbine
6. Produced complete steam powerplants
up to 50,000 kilowatts output.
7. Has in operation a 7,000 to 10,000 kilo-
watt heavy water type experimental reactor,
the largest in Asia.
8. Extensive studies on fuel cells.
9. Made high-speed electronic digital com-
puters with speed of 10,000 operations per
10. Testing of Chinese-made jet planes
completed in 1956.
11. Produced transport planes for civil
aviation at the end of 1957.
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. KOWALSKI. Mr. Speaker, fol-
lowing my recent remarks on Cuba, I
received many comments from my con-
stituents as well as from residents of
many other States from coast to coast.
One letter, of striking clarity, came from
Prof. R. Kent Fielding, of Wesleyan Uni
versity, in Middletown, Conn.
I would like to include in my remarks
this particular letter, since I feel it is of
interest to the Members of Congress and
the American people generally.
Here is the text of Professor Fielding's
Middletown, Conn., May 23, 1961.
The Honorable FRANx Kow5LSnI,
U.S. Representative from Connecticut,
House Office Building, Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: It is fortunate that there are
those in our congressional delegation who
can view the Cuban situation with objec-
tivity, decide we have erred, and resolve to
reassess our position with a view to helping,
rather than hindering Cuban development.
But in doing that, let us confess that the
Castro revolution was once a revolution to-
ward our values. Let us confess, also, that
it was aimed at abuses for which our own
people, as property holders in Cuba, were in
a large measure responsible.
Beginning from there, perhaps we can
recognize that the Cuban fiasco is merely
the momentary symbol of a deep confusion
which everywhere paralyzes our policy and
distorts our intent.
There are a few simple facts we need to
keep straight. Every schoolboy knows that
Americans were once a revolutionary people.
We believed-we still believe-that men have
a right to govern themselves. In the name
of that belief we once rallied behind leaders
who, in 8 years of violence, succeeded in
throwing off the sovereignty of Britain.
Every schoolboy also knows that we re-
gretted the violence of the revolution and
were fearful of the volatility of the aroused
masses. We, therefore, in our Constitution,
regularized change by establishing firm pro-
cedures which only allowed it to occur at
stated intervals, and according to prescribed
metes and bounds.
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er and more lush? Why is the soil being
conserved better than in other ways?
It is simple. Water is held back by ter-
racing, limestone treatment induces
legume growth, sturdy roots are formed.
The end result is excellent pasture; bet-
ter, sweeter land for this and other gen-
How is all this accomplished?
I will tell you how. It is done by the
simple expedient of helping the farmer
to help himself. This is the best kind
of soil conservation policy and I urge
you to vote down this amendment, or
any amendment, which cripples this
I feel just as assured as I did on a
previous amendment that if this amend-
ment is not voted down here in com-
mittee, it will be voted down later in
the House when Members are on record
and when those for and against soil
conservation will have to stand up and
be counted.
Mr. SMITH of Iowa. Mr. Chairman,
will the gentleman yield?
Mr. WILSON of Indiana. I yield to
the gentleman from Iowa.
Mr. SMITH of Iowa. It was even said
here that lime was used to increase the
yield of corn, when, as a matter of fact,
corn is grown in acid soil. Lime is used
on legumes which are not supported
Mr. WILSON of Indiana. Of course;
they do not know what they are talking
about. Lime is used to produce legumes
which, in turn, harbors a nitrogen pro-
ducing bacteria. This bacteria lives in
the soil and grows there. When inocu-
lated, the soil produces nodules on the
roots of legumes and adds to the fertility
of the soil, making it productive. This
program does much for my section of
the country in just this manner. It will
continue to do more if not hobbled by
this or any other crippling amendment.
Engineering: Red China's Bridge to the
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, Red
China-a nation of 650 million mobilized
to the cause of communism-represents
an ever-increasing threat looming on the
horizon of the Far East.
We recognize, of course, that huge
population, as well as vast land areas
can be a handicap, as well as an asset,
in the Communist forces' efforts to mo-
bilize manpower and resources for carry-
ing forward the Red aims of world con-
quest. Nevertheless, the Communists
are making an all-out effort to overcome
the handicap and to catapult Red China
into a position of power and influence,
not only within the Communist orbit,
but also one to be seriously reckoned
with by the West. How are they accom-
plishing this? In many ways.
Recently, the magazine of professional
engineers, the American Engineer, pub-
lished a thought-provoking article on
how engineering is serving Red Chinese
efforts to progress.
Recognizing that Red China will be-
come an ever greater power and menace
to world peace, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the article be printed in the
Appendix of the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Whatever the present state of Communist
China's science, there can be no question
but that within the next decade or two that
nation will be one of the world's scientific
The source of the above statement is the
New York Times, one that is generally con-
sidered reliable. The subject of the state-
ment, mainland Communist China, is
unquestionably one of the most enigmatic
factors in the world today. It is equally
one of the most threatening. Directly con-
trolling a quarter of the world's population
and enough natural resources to be almost
entirely self-sufficient, China in the past has
lacked only a few of the.factors which would
make it one of the outstanding world powers,
among them-organization and adequate
development of her available resources.
The problem of organization of the state
pertains mainly to population and has been
well handled. Under the iron control of the
Peiping Communist regime, to say that
China is organized is to understate the situa-
tion. It is, for instance, unlikely that many
other nations in the world could move a
million men to or from a given construction
project at will. In one dam construction
project, however, the Chinese did exactly
this. The number of men involved was
roughly 20 percent more than the total popu-
lation of the District of Columbia.
The stories of the mobilization of China's
half-billion population are well known:
The great beehive construction projects, the
so-called backyard steel furnaces, the over-
whelming armies of "volunteers" in Korea
which offered a battlefield technique as in-
comprehensible as it was effective against
Western opponents. Through a political con-
trol that permeates even the family level
encompassing the military, social, economic,
and technological phases of life in China,
the Peiping government has succeeded in
organizing and directing the efforts of the
world's largest single population with an un-
wavering eye toward making China a world
Certainly the odds for reaching this goal
are in China's favor. Whether or not the
present Chinese Government will acomplish
all of her goals is highly debatable, but it
would be out of step with the times to ig-
nore the fact that China must be reckoned
with as a force that will be growing more
powerful in the future.
Presently one major weakness in China's
structure is technological development. No
one is more acutely conscious of this fact
than the Chinese themselves. Clearly, tech-
nological progress is one of the key points
in any program to build an international
power of a nation. This point could be no
more adequately underlined than it has been
in the rivalry between Western nations and
the Soviet/East European bloc. The very
existence of the struggle between nations for
technological prowess emphasizes the im-
portance of advanced technology to a na-
tion bent on increasing its power, perhaps to
the point of world dominance.
As a result China is presently leveling its
sights on vast improvements in its tech-
nology. Manpower is being mobilized to this
end. Technical information is being col-
lected from every available source. Educa-
tion is being intensified. All these methods
are tied directly to immediate production of
equipment, information, and industrial prog-
ress that will help to pay for the education
of the Chinese nation.
As in every other phase of Chinese life,
science and engineering operate under un-
yielding political control. At least for the
time being this channeling of efforts has
proved profitable, if the information re-
leased by Red China can be believed. Un-
fortunately almost all information available
on the state of engineering and scientific
progress in Red China is generated by her
own propaganda machines.
A group of papers on engineering recently
presented to the American Association for
the Advancement of Science have proved
valuable in making any type of assessment
of the profession. By and large these pa-
pers represent thorough research of the few
technical journals published in China that
are available in the West. Although the
papers were occasionally supplemented by
personal contacts, it must be remembered
that any mainland Chinese would be well
indoctrinated before being allowed to make
contacts with the West.
One example of questionable accuracy is
offered by Chinese claims in electronic data
processing. According to a paper presented
to AAAS by Yao Tzu Li and Way Dong Doo,
Chinese newspapers announced in October
1959, that Chinese engineers had been able
to construct a computer that effectively
translated Russian into Chinese. Indeed,
such a computer would be a major scien-
tific accomplishment. To achieve these re-
sults the computer would have to deal with
both the Cyrillic alphabet of the Russian
language and the roughly 10,000 characters
which make up the Chinese language, as
well as two entirely different theories of
The opinion of an American electronic en-
gineer is significant: "It's generally ac-
knowledged that the United States leads
the world in computer technology, and we
still haven't developed a translator that
works. I'd be highly skeptical of their claim.
For one thing, they say the machine uses
4,000 vacuum tubes. We haven't used tubes
in our machines for years. They simply
don't measure up with solid state equip-
Variations on this same theme probably
hold true in more cases than have been ad-
mitted. On a broader scale, major recent
failures in agriculture and the complete
flop ,of the backyard blast furnace program
would certainly seem to indicate that a
large grain of salt should be taken with
most claims coming from mainland China.
Even assuming their accuracy, claims from
China for specific technical accomplishments
are often misleading. Besides the heavy
propaganda element, the society in question
is closely controlled and directed. Where
the Chinese are tremendously ahead or be-
hind in a given area of technology, it is
often a matter of priorities and not abilities.
Thus, in the words of L. C. Pan before AAAS,
"One has the impression that Communist
China is fairly strong in the technology of
heavy chemicals such as mineral acids and
alkalis, but rather weak in that of petro-
chemicals such as alcohols, solvents and or-
ganic acids derived from hydrocarbons, and
of high polymers such as synthetic fibers,
synthetic rubbers, and organic films."
Pan points out that although Red China is
not richly endowed with oil or natural gas,
it has extensive coal deposits which other
nations have used to build a petrochemical
industry. However, China currently places
tremendous stress on Iron and steel produc-
tion. In the last year steel output in China
passed that of France, and Peiping claims
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We were able to regularize revolution, be-
cause, actually, we had always been a con-
servative people. A study of our Institutions
before and after the revolution clearly re-
veals that we have always been gradualists,
evolutionists, not fire-eating advocates of
bloody anarchy. We have preferred to suf-
fer evils while they were sufferable rather
than to right them by overthrowing those
institutions and practices to which we had
long been accustomed. The Civil War
marked the bounds of one period of suffer-
ance. The election of 1896 and of 1932
marked the bounds of others.
These have been our own practices. We
have succeeded in maintaining democracy
within one country. But we have always
aspired to world revolution. We were once
so enraptured of democracy, including the
ultimate right of revolution, that we praised
the overthrow of colonial control by the
Latin Americans after 1807 and aided it in
1898. When Europe seemed to threaten de-
mocracy in 1823, we put them on guard that
the new hemisphere was reserved for demo-
cratic practices. We asked the powers be-
yond the oceanic moat to leave this hemi-
sphere alone. We promised to reciprocate.
But we applauded the democratic revolutions
of 1830 and 1848 in Europe as evidence that
ours was the tide of the future.
What has happened to the American world
revolution? How is it that Europe, once lib-
erated, turned away from democracy to to-
talitarianism? How is it that after 130
years, under the Monroe Doctrine protecto-
rate, Latin American democracy is In many
places still perilous, still unstable, still under
a wasting creed of anarchy that runs unbro-
ken from one military dictator to another?
Our present policies are intended to' ex-
tend our hand in friendship and in strength
to the suffering everywhere. This is our
modern concept of revolution, raised in 1898.
The wealth, the power and the intelligence
of America are committed to it. Unfortu-
nately, our practices have made us the ob-
ject against which all revolutions, of neces-
sity, must henceforth be aimed. We have
now become the universal judge of how long
evils are sufferable, of the impropriety of
change by any standard other than the
ballot box, or toward any economic system
but free enterprise. We insist upon con-
stitutional procedures where no tradition for
them has been cultivated. We are every-
where on the side of stability, even if it
masks flagrant abuse to democratic values.
Ironically, Russia, with its practices of
despotism and censorship, has inherited the
title we have voluntarily vacated, and has
made itself appear to be the champion of
freedom. In so doing, Russia has challenged
not our strength, but our weakness---our in-
ability to Implement our own concept of
Can we not again raise a standard of
revolution that wilt put all the world on
guard that America stands for the balance
between human rights and property rights
which, we flatter ourselves, obtains here?
Can we not make revolution unnecessary by
helping to remove its cause? Can we not
show that when in doubt, we cast our lot
with humanity? Can we not enlist the
creative energies of mankind in the enter-
There are certain historical forces which
can be made to work for the wise. Today
most of them work against, us, largely be-
cause of our ineptitude. In all they are
the values and standards of the middle
class. Our long-range objective everywhere
in the world must be to build up an economic
middle class, confident that there will flow
from it the political, Intellectual, and re-
ligious forms which characterize democracy.
In particular, nationalism will work for
us, rather than for communism. The en-
tropy of creedal fanaticism will work for us,
and against communism. But we must re-
move ourselves as the object against which
these forces rally. The upward mobility
aspirations of humanity will work for us.
The comfort psychologies which impel men
to enjoy, rather than to suffer, will work for
us. The belief of the middle class, inspired
of humanism, that heaven awaits only the
agency of man will work for us if, we be-
come the reservoir and the right handed
strength of this belief.
We need not fear Castro and seek to
destroy him. Let him have his island. We
have much work to do elsewhere. But let
us note that he is a captive of economic
forces. His only salvation lies in outside
aid. It must be ours rather than Russia's.
Let him hate us if he will, but if he controls
Cuba and is willing to work for its genuine
economic improvement, let us help him.
If he does this, be he Fascist or Communist,
he aids our cause.
There is precious little time for our re-
assessment. The world has waited upon us
as a modern power capable of exerting lead-
ership, for 60 years. We have made far
greater progress in our own thinking than
in our practices. We are still not certain
of how to proceed with our work. DeToc-
queville may have been correct in condemn-
ing the ability of democracy to work for long
range objectives. While we vacillate in in-
decision, our moment of opportunity passes.
The gospel of love which we have preached
and practiced since the Marshall plan and
point 4 cannot be forever maintained in
the face of contumely and in the presence
of frustration. The cynicism and contempt
which they breed ripens us for reaction.
Only the shrinking oceans prevent It.
Let us be forthright. If we have made
errors, let us confess them. If we must eat
crow, let us eat it openly and with such
good humor as we can muster. If we must
renounce a policy, let us renounce it, not
merely cease to practice it and take up an-
other, supposing that no one will notice.
This is even more true of Red China than
of Cuba.
Reeducation and planning can best be
done from that central stage of American
attitude which is the Congress of the United
States. Our world is arranged to wait upon
your leadership, not you upon ours. Strong
words may call for political martyrdom where
a man depends upon mass opinion for his
reelection. This is too much to ask, though
it affords an opportunity for greatness which
no actor on the stage should ignore.
If there is anything that can be done, for
the sake of the Republic, let us do It. Fur-
nish the occasion and those of us who sit
securely upon our tenure In the universities
will make our offerings.
Associate Professor of History.
Fiftieth Anniversary of Naval Aviation
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. BEALL. Mr. President, one of the
great patriotic organizations of our coun-
try, the Navy League of the United
States, better known as the civilian arm
of the Navy, last week held its 59th an-
nual convention and air-sea-power sym-
posium in our Nation's Capital, during
which time they commemorated naval
aviation's 50th anniversary.
Naval aviation had its beginnings Jan-
uary 18, 1911, when Eugene Ely piloting
one of the earliest model Curtiss biplanes
landed on and took off from a 120-foot
platform on the stern of the U.S.S. Penn-
sylvania in San Francisco Bay. The 1961
air-seapower symposium reviewed the
contributions of gallant Navy and Ma-
rine airmen to the evolution of flight
since that memorable day.
Many of the historic highlights in na-
val aviation occurred in the State of
Maryland where many of the earliest
experimental flights were made by naval
aviators stationed at the U.S. Naval
Academy in Annapolis, America's first
naval air base.
The heroic Comdr. T. Gordon Ellyson,
naval aviator No. 1, was one of these
great pioneers. Commander Ellyson set
several aviation records flying the crude
fabric and strut aircraft of the early
1900's. The commander died when his
plane crashed in a flight from Norfolk
to Annapolis in 1928. He was the first
of the men who proudly wear naval avia-
tion's golden wings.
At the convention a remarkable dis-
play of military and industry exhibits
provided the public with a better under-
standing of the latest scientific and tech-
nological advances in our Nation's
This gathering had its climax at a
banquet attended by nearly 2,000 per-
sons who bade farewell to retiring Presi-
dent Frank Gard Jameson and welcomed
aboard Mr. Robert Crown as the new
head of the Navy League.
In the program of this dinner is a
message by Mr. Charles M. Feather-
stone, Jr., president of the Navy League's
District of Columbia Council, which
summarizes the ambitions and traditions
of Navy fliers and rededicates the Navy
League to Navy and a future of un-
limited horizons.
I ask unanimous consent that the
message be printed in the Appendix of
There being no objection, the message
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Ali, but a man's reach should exceed his
Or what's a Heaven for?
We stand before unlimited horizons as we
commemorate the golden year of the golden
A new era of flight dawns as a grateful Na-
tion celebrates the 50th anniversary of naval
aviation. Once again, as they have times
without number, since that first historic
flight on January 18, 1911, golden wings,
blazing brilliantly across the skies, boldly
pushed back man's horizons-opening new
challenges to be solved by men.
From Ellyson to Shepard, the golden wings
have soared ever further, ever faster and ever
higher. They have not been alone fn their
achievements, for with them flew the pray-
ers, the dreams and the labors of so many.
As they explored the unknown seeking out
its secrets and turning into reality the vis-
ionaries' dreams-the golden wings con-
tributed to man's knowledge of flight, of the
universe, of the earth and of himself.
America is today a greater Nation, a better
place to live, because these golden wings had
the courage and determination, the love and
the spirit to chart new courses in the sky.
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It has not always been an easy task. Many
women still cry-but with a fierce burning
pride that their golden wings still fly.
Therefore, from a Nation of free men, a
"well done" to those who wear the wings of
gold and our renewed faith and pledge to
keep alive the glorious traditions of all men
who wear the Navy blue.
President District of Columbia Council
Navy League of the United States.
Mansfield's Money Tree
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, we
are naturally preoccupied with the prob-
lems here in the House of Representa-
tives, but it is well for us to be reminded
of the activities in the other body. Re-
cently, the Suburban Life, an outstand-
ing publication in the Chicago area, in
an editorial discussed a unique proposal
now under consideration in the U.S.
Senate. I submit for the RECORD this
editorial which appeared on March 25
and which is entitled "Mansfield's Money
Every time we think we've heard them all,
another one comes along.
This time it's a bill in the U.S. Senate,
among others on proposed election reforms
being considered by a subcommittee, which
would provide that Federal funds be given
to political parties to reimburse them for
campaign broadcast costs.
Apparently Senator MIKE MANSFIELD,
Democrat, of Montana, who introduced the
bill, has been in a huddle with Congressmen
and Senators of both parties who have found
it pretty rough digging for campaign gold in
recent years.
The Senate majority leader's subsidy bill
for radio and TV political broadcasts would
give each major political party up to $1 mil-
lion and minor parties up to $100,000 during
presidential campaigns.
This is ridiculous. Where are we going to
Or, if we're not going to stop, why don't
we just stop calling this Nation a Republic?
We're already living in a semisocialistic state.
Why not admit it?
If the Senator's bill were to become law,
the Government could be rudely awakened
some morning to find it had been subsidizing
propaganda broadcasts by Communists and
other subversive elements.
Furthermore, what would stop any group
of hungry politicians from organizing a
minor party and joining the election hoopla,
knowing they would be reimbursed for their
campaigns, no matter how serious their
If the truth were to be admitted, the
politicos would tell us how hard it is these
days to come by campaign cash.
What do they expect? They hit us left
and right with all kinds of taxes and then
expect us to kick in with more funds so
that they can be reelected and enact more
Now Senator MANSFIELD is attempting to
bring the wheel to a full turn by seeking a
law which would provide the parties with
campaign money without the necessity of
bothering the people with direct donations.
Well, it does bother us, Senator. If the
politicos want the public offices, and the
scramble for nominations indicate they do,
let them pay their own freight. No one pays
our carfare when we go looking for jobs.
Again Urges Total Cuban Embargo
Monday, May 29, 1961
Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Speaker, I urged
the last administration as I have re-
quested this one to impose a total em-
bargo on the Communist government of
Cuba. I am, today, reasserting the
necessity for the United States to take
this action.
In making such a statement, the hu-
manitarian aspect of the pending trac-
tors for prisoners exchange with Cuba is
not to be disregarded. There is more
than one way in which the lives of these
political prisoners can be saved.
It is not for the United States, directly
or indirectly, to handle such negotiations.
Furthermore, a complete embargo should
be maintained even though this would
prohibit shipment of U.S.-made tractors
directly to the Cuban Government.
A recent editorial of the Miami Herald
expresses my sentiments and that of
millions of Americans :
From the Miami Herald, May 23, 19611
We wish our Cuban visitors well in their
compassionate effort to ransom members of
the April 15 invasion force. The humanity
of this act is an example before the world
of Fidel Castro's disdain of human life and
his maniacal dictatorship.
By no means, however, should the United
States involve itself in this worthy venture.
Castro will surely seek to trap us into par-
ticipation as a propaganda device. Indeed,
his offer of 1,200 prisoners for 500 bulldozers
or tractors was directed to Washington.
There are resources among Cuban visitors
and their associates ample for the purpose
of saving Castro's captives. They should be
free to make the best possible arrangement.
As a deal insolently offered the United
States, however, this is pure blackmail. It
smacks of our troubles as a young nation
with the Barbary pirates. If this govern-
ment were to take Castro's bait it would
incur the usual penalty of dealing with a
blackmailer and cheat-endless blackmail-
ing and cheating.
Almost from the beginning of the Repub-
lic until the War of 1812, the infant United
States found itself fair game for the bandit
nations of the Mediterranean. They raided
our ships. They impressed our seamen.
They asked for-and got-tribute and ran-
som money until the country was revolted
by its own timidity.
When the Dey of Algiers went too far in
his humiliation of the United States in 1812,
Congress sent Capt. Stephen Decatur to the
Mediterranean with 10 war vessels.
Decatur stormed into the harbor of Algiers
and made the Dey sing a different song.
Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli were compelled
to sign treaties renouncing demands for ran-
som and restoring American personnel and
property. And that was that.
Castro's blackmail project is even more
crude. We fear that it will have no end,
June 7
and that our Cuban friends may be tricked
and tricked yet again by a man who has no
morals and does not respect morality in any-
one else.
But this, as we have said, is the Cubans'
As for ourselves, the line was laid down
long ago by no less compassionate a figure
than Thomas Jefferson. In 1791 he wrote
Thomas Barclay:
"We prefer war in all cases to tribute un-
der any form, and to any people whatever."
Hurricane Spy
Wednesday, June 7, 1961
Mr. BROOKS of Louisiana. Mr.
Speaker, Mark Twain living today would
have to eat his words about everybody
talking about the weather but nobody
doing anything about it. One of the
electrifying developments of the space
age has been the possibilities opened up
by Tiros I and II, meteorological satel-
lites, for global weather forecasting and
perhaps for eventual control of the
weather. Now, with the annual hurri-
can season rapidly approaching, the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istartion plans within a month to launch
its third Tiros satellite and it is hoped
that its cameras will disclose the secrets
of hurricane formation, thereby giving
us a chance to discover means by which
hurricanes can be controlled. This pro-
gram, which is being accelerated as a
result of President Kennedy's request
for an enlarged space program, will al-
low NASA to keep at least one Tiros
satellite in orbit and in operation at all
times for the next 2 years.
An article in the New York Times of
Monday, May 29, and written by Mr.
John W. Finney, explains the NASA and
Weather Bureau program, as follows:
(By John W. Finney)
WASHINGTON, May 28.-The Weather Bu-
reau plans to have its first hurricane hunter
in space this summer-a weather satellite
capable of photographing the life of a
tropical storm from birth to its destructive
With the unparalleled view provided by a
satellite, Weather Bureau scientists are
hopeful of discovering how hurricanes are
born and perhaps a method of killing the
storms in infancy.
Within the next month, the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration plans
to launch its third Tiros meteorological satel-
lite. The launching date has been deliber-
ately set to coincide with the hurricane sea-
son in the Atlantic, and it is hoped that the
satellite, with its two television cameras,
will be able to take pictures of at least one
hurricane in action.
From its vantage point of several hun-
dred miles in space, the weather satellite
would provide an opportunity for meteor-
ologists to view and examine a hurricane in
its entirety-something impossible from air-
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