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Approved r Rees R02 1CR lDP79SU0427A000200060002-0 > i. 46 .00 J 00 J .00 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS CODE WORD MATERIAL WARNING This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code, Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE KEPT IN COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE CHANNELS AT ALL TIMES It is to be seen only by US personnel especially indoctrinated ENCE and authorized to receive COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIG O information; its security must be maintained in accordance with / COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE REGULATIONS. / No action is to be taken on any COMMUNICATIONS INTELLI- GENCE which may be contained herein, regardless of the advantages to be gained, unless such action is first approved by the Director / of Central Intelligence. *Army and State Dept. reviews completed* Approved For Relea 06 9500427A000200060002-0 ~, 'or Approved!r Release`2OO2f0'' 1 : CIA-RDP79SU4e 0#00060002-0 NOFORN 11 December 1961 WEEKLY CHRONOLOGY OF REPORTS CONCERNING THE BERLIN SITUATION RECEIVED DURING WEEK OF 5 DEC - 11 DEC 19 Nov A new double track electrified S-Bahr line was placed in operation from Oranienburg to East Berlin-Pankow via Birkenwerder, Hohen Neuendorf and Blankenburg, with trains operating at maximum speeds of 80 kilo- meters per hour. According to the East German press, service will be extended to East Berlin-WarsChauer- strasse via Schoenhauser Allee in mid-December, when a bridge on Maximillianstrasse and track work in Pankow and on Schoenhauserstrasse has been completed. (CONF) 19 Nov - In talks with Norwegian Foreign Minister Lange, 2 Dec Khrushchev said that West Berlin should be a free city guaranteed on an international basis and without any connection with the German Federal Republic. Users of access routes crossing East German territory would have to "respect" the GDR. He emphasized very strongly that the prestige of the USSR was in- volved in Berlin and that the West would have to take account of it. UN headquarters could be relocated in the city. He said that West Berlin's status could be guaranteed either by UN forces or else the USSR would have the right to station "symbolic" forces alongside of and on the same basis as those of the Western powers. Although the USSR might not neces- sarily exercise this right, he said that the West ought to prefer to have a Soviet military commandant " in West Berlin in order to deal "authoritatively with the GDR. He added that when a peace treaty was signed, the basis for the Western presence in and access to West Berlin would disappear and the Western powers would have to leave the city. If the West continued to pose demands--meaning non-recognition of the treaty and failure to take account ofThoSoviet prestige--access would have to be blocked. agreement on the status of West Berlin would be a protocal appanded to the peace treaty. (SECRET S/S) NOTE: The Weekly Chronology published and distributed on 4 December should have been dated Reports Received 28 Nov - 4 Dee. Approved For Release 2Q R -RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 NOFORN 25X1X 25X1X 20 Nov Approved F 2elease ? OIMTIA-RDP79S( 7A000200060002-0 NOFORN Khrushchev referred to Berlin as a "testicles of imperialist," adding that "when imperialism becomes wayward and proves dif- ficult, we squeeze the testicles and put a little sense into the imperialists. If the imperialists grow totally impossible to live with, we'll give a big pull and teach them a lesson of a lifetime". (SECRET NOFORN/CONTINUED CONTROL) Approved For Release 2O j.f:TIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 25X1X Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 25X1 C Approved r Releast5ffiT: CIA-RDP79S 427A000200060002-0 NOFO h delivered at an annual banquet:: for the In a speec press, his first public comment since the Kennedy- Adenauer meeting in Washington, West Berlin Mayor Brandt expressed satisfaction that Western rights were not subject to negotiation and emphatically rejected any idea of a four-power status for West Berlin only. Brandt reiterated his belief that a t Berlin solution is impossible "in isola- permanen tion." He said that the West Berlin administration is hopeful that negotiations will result in a new situation with considerable stability and permanence and that many of the city's economic and cultural plans depend on a reasonable agreement affecting fundamental aspects of the Berlin question. Brandt welcomed the President's Izvestia statement that US troops would remain in Wes er in as long as the Berliners want them and said that the President's remark had the effect of reassuring Berliners on both sides of the wall that the West is not about to capitulate. Brandt emphasized that the Senat would use all its influence to prevent a deteriora- tion in the city's present status, particularly with respect to West Berlin's ties with the Federal Re- public and the continued presence of Federal agencies in West Berlin. He openly criticized the Bundestag for its failure to meet in West Berlin in recent years. (cONF) The US element at Marienfelde processed 30 re- fugees--of whom 21 claimed to have fled after 13 August. (CONF) Approved For Release 263GRE 1A-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 NOFORN 0 LC RE ApprovedWr Releas MU T CIA-RDP79S%427A000200060002-0 NOFORN 30 Nov According to reports received by USAREUR from a non- Con't USAREUR agency, three troop shuttle trains were sighted in northern East Germany in late October and early November. USAREUR commented that, although there have been some such reports since mid-July, a recent increase in reported sightings of troop shuttle trains indicates the possible start of the GSFG troop rotation program. (SECRET/NOFORN) Approved For Release S, h lA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 NOFORN Approved For pease 20A&q ~E RDP79SO04 000200060002-0 NOF ORN 1 Dec The US element at Marienfelde processed 871 East Berlin and East German refugees during November--a drop of 40 percent from October. Of the 871, 646 fled to West Berlin after 13 August--a drop of 25 percent from October. (CONF) The US Embassy in Bonn reported that PANAM will-,--re- duce its current schedule of 27 round trips per day to Berlin to 24 effective 7 January 196. (SECRET) Approved For Release 20fi R.&W RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 ApprovedWr Relea ?MMT CIA-RDP79SV427A000200060002-0 NOFORN 2 Dec The Soviet Foreign Ministry replied to the US note of 16 November on the Berlin air corridors, rejecting the US arguments as "groundless" and reaffirming its notes of 2 September and 18 October 1961. (CONF) A special congress of the West Berlin SPD termed "unbearable and unacceptable" further concessions on Berlin's status which "must not be altered unilater- ally and to the disadvantage of the West." A un- animously-approved resolution said that "an es- sential of German policy must be the removal of the wall of shame," that Berlin should not be discussed "on an international plane as an isolated problem" and that it "must remain a part of free Germany." The congress called for a 52-nation peace conference "in order to win the initiative in the German problem for the West." (CONF) The US, UK and French civil air attaches in Bonn approved an oral British reply to the Soviet con- troller in BASC, admitting that as a result of a navigational error a flight from the former British Zone accidentally violated the Soviet Zone at 1712 GMT on 29 November. (SECRET) Neues Deutschland argued that the 1 December re- organization o he US Berlin Garrison and its direct subordination to USAREUR Heidelberg was an. admission on the part of the US that the Four- Power status of Berlin no longer is valid and that US forces in the city are tied openly to NATO and into the Central Army Group commanded by "Nazi General" Speidel. Both Neues Deutschland and Ber. liner Zeitung cited TASS s 1 December Bonin repoor on the potentially dangerous consequences of con- tinued US troop movements on the Berlin-Helmstedt Autobahn. (CONF) Neues Deutschland published the text of GDR Foreign Minister Otto Winzer's speech to the 14th plenum of the SED central committee, defending as "an absolute necess".ty" the "policy of negotiations as explained by Comrade Walter Ulbricht to the plenum regardless of deadlines set earlier." (CONF) Approved For ReleasRE1TCIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 Approved Fc r f elease i-62?40MpA-RDP79S00 7A000200060002-0 NOFORN 2 Dec At 1300 hours USCOB protested by phone to the Soviet Commandant the surveillance of two US military patrols in East Berlin the preceding day. (CONF) In his Miner's Day speech at Katowice, Gomulka warned that if negotiations failed the Western powers would have to deal with the GDR. He thus makes public a position taken earlier by Khrushchev and Gromyko. His phrase: "A free city, which means primarily that it can have no state institutions either representing the GFR or GDR" appears to be a new line. His re- ferences to President Kennedy's interview with Adzhubei were generally favorable; his satisfaction with,Kennedy's references to negotiations on Berlin as a first phase is similar to Ulbricht's comment. (CONF) SECRET Approved For Release 2W'4 : CIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 Approved For Release 20 RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 - NOFORN 3 Dec The editor of West Berlin's Telegraf, Arno Scholz, proposed an 85-mile "super hig way" bridge linking West Berlin and the Federal Republic. Scholz, who` argued that "if the Soviets are prepared to safe- guard free access to Berlin, then such a proposal could well be the starting point for testing whether they are willing to find a solution... which will rule out constant new incidents," suggested that "a super highway on pillars" run from Berlin by way of Rathenow and Gardelegen to Oebisfelde on the zonal border, roughly paralleling the Helmstedt Autobahn. (CONF) At 1215 hours a Soviet jet fighter approached . head- on, circled for several minutes and then veered sharply to the right 300-400 feet in front of a USAF C-47 outbound in the south corridor 66 miles from Tempelhof. An oral protest was made to the Soviet controller at BASC. (SECRET) SECRET Approved For Release 2002/ 'Q!R$IA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 Approved Fir Release 20 PZ?CIA-RDP79S 427A000200060002-0 4 Dec Her Majesty's Government in London published a 250,000-word 483-page study of the Berlin problem in advance of the Western Foreign Ministers' meeting in Paris. (CONE) , Krapf, chief of the Eastern Dep't of Bonh's Foreign Ministry, told the DCM of the US Embassy that the Federal Government is disappointed over the lack of planning for economic countermeasures, stressing particularly that there can be little hope of se- curing NATO agreement along the lines proposed for the four Foreign Ministers in August '61 while the British are "so negative." Krapf commented that current NATO planning for economic countermeasures will hardly deter the Soviets from a Berlin blockade. He intimated that the Bonn government might raise the subject at the western Foreign Ministers' meeting in Paris, at least quadripartitely, with a view to per- suading the British to be "more forthcoming." (SECRET s/5) ADN denounced Arno Scholz's proposal for a "super highway on pillars" between West Berlinand the Federal Republic as "an opportunity to provide for conveying cars of agents and other sinister elements who have reason to fear the GDR control organs from West Berlin by air to West Germany. The idea... would constitute another misuse of the GDR air cor- ridor t7 comes from the discredited agents' and spies' /1 organizations in the frontline city." (OONF) VOPOS again tailed and harassed US patrols in East Berlin. In one instance, the patrol was boxed in and compelled to proceed in the opposite direction. In a second, a VOPO pounded with his fists on the patrol vehicle as it entered East Berlin via Fried- richstrasse and later another VOPO kicked in one of the headlights as the patrol left. In retaliation, four Soviet vehicles occupied by uniformed personnel were detained for varying periods in the US Sector of West Berlin. At 1835 as the fourth Soviet vehicle was being released, Karlshorst telephoned General Watson, citing the "unexplained" detentions and Approved For Release GOREIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 NOFORN Approved Fc elease 2Q9J'j J -RDP79S0 4Q~2 A000200060002-0 NOFORN 4 Dec warning of countermeasures if the vehicle then under Con' t detention was not released immediately. The message demanded that Watson account for US actions in the light of his and Colonel Solovyev's agreement that there would be no detentions. Watson attempted to reply immediately with a message labeling Solovyev's complaint incomprehensible in light of the harassment of USCOB patrols on 3 and 4 December and protesting such harassment. The US interpretor reached Karlshorst by phone, but the Soviet duty officer professed his inability to hear and requested that the message be delivered in writing. It was delivered at 2215 hours. (CONF) SECRET Approved For Release 200ZW,NCIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 Approved For Release 2 RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 %001 VOW NOFORN 5 Dec West Berlin police reported that 13 East Berliners and East Germans, including 4 border guards, had fled to the West during the preceding twenty four hours. (CONF) An East German railroad engineer and his fireman redballed an Oranienburg commuter train with 25 friends and relatives aboard through the Albrechshof station, across the zonal border with West Berlin and into Spandau in the British Sector. (CONF) Hamburg DPA,announced that Soviet Ambassador Smirnov had requested a meeting that day with Chancellor Adenauer. (CONF) The US controller at BASC delivered a written protest to the Soviet controller over the buzzing of an out- bound USAF C-47 in the south corridor on 3 December by a Soviet jet fighter. (SECRET) The US Embassy in Bonn reported that one of its staff members who had recently traveled the Autobahn noticed new construction along the edge of the westbound lane near Helmstedt. The Embassy had learned that east- bound traffic was being diverted into this lane with two-way traffic adjacent to the site of the construction. The East Germans have erected several poles with street- lights and a small shack approximately five kilometers from Helmstedt near an access road leading to the Auto- bahn. (SECRET) SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79S0d'7A000200060002-0 NOFORN 6 Dec The GDR Ministry of Interior dismissed US protests to Karlshorst over the harassment of USCOB patrols in East Berlin with the comment that the use of car radios is forbidden in East Berlin and it is "ex- pected that this non-adherence to the regulations will be avoided in the future." (CONF) ADN announced the "recent" defection to East Germany of four members of the West German Bundeswehr. (CONF) In a CBS television interview taped for broadcast on 4 January 1962, Ulbricht said that conditions for entry into East Berlin "soon" would be "normalized" with passports and visas required to cross at the sector border, "the GDR's state frontier." The SED First Secretary was evasive on the subject of Allied access to East Berlin, saying that there would be no place for such persons. (CONF) VOPO headquarters in East Berlin notified the West Berlin Red Cross that several more days would elapse before any reply to its letter of 24 November offering to act as an intermediary in establishing "technical level" contacts between East and West Ber- lin municipal administrations in order to set up pass-issuing facilities along the sector border. The offer had raised "a fundamental -question /Which7 could be decided only at the highest level," according to VOPO headquarters..: (CONP) During Bundestag debate on the policy statement of new Adenauer government, opposition Social Democratic (SPD) leaders--including Mayor Brandt--warned against dealing with the Berlin problem in "isolation", arguing that no permanent solution is possible apart from Ger- man reunification. Brandt attacked the idea of a new "contract" to regulate relations between West Berlin and West Germany, warning that any changes in the city's relations with the Federal Republic would require a constitutional amendment which the SPD can and will obstruct by blocking the necessary, two third's vote. (CONF) Approved For Release`iffi166~CIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 NOFORN Approved For Rase 200;& .E(T DP79S0042 00200060002-0 IWbW NOFORN 6 Dec GDR Deputy Foreign Minister Otto Winzer denounced Con't the movement of US troops via the Helmstedt Autobahn to West Berlin as an "aggressive act," insisting that "at no time have the governments of the GDR and the USSR made promises or engaged in undertakings to assure the transport of NATO troops from and to West Berlin across the territory of the GDR." (CONF) According to western press reports, West German truck drivers arriving at Helmstedt after transitting the 110-mile Autobahn through East Germany told West Ger- man police of increased VOPO patrols along the entire length of the interzonal highway. (OONF) SECRET Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 NOFORN MO roved WOO Release A pp CIA-RDP79S''427A000200060002-0 7 Dec Berliner Zeitung alleged that officials of the West Berlin enat have made arrangements to flee "at the appropriate moment.... Three heavily guarded special planes are standing by in a hangar at Tempelhof air- port ready to take off.... In view of the small number of planes, it is obvious that the escape facility has been restricted to a small circle of leading politi- cians--first and foremost to the Social Democratic Mayor Willy Brandt. This small circle is aware that its policy will inevitably end in failure." (CONF) REUTERS reported that West Berliners are reconciled to not visiting East Berlin relatives during the year- end holidays and quoted unidentified Senat officials as saying that "there is no more hope left for an agreement before Christmas." (CONF) Neues Deutschland published GDR Defense Minister Heinz o manes speech to:the 14th plenum of the SED central committee. According to the party daily and ADN, Hoffmann "expressed the readiness of the GDR National People's Army 'to make a stand shoulder to shoulder with the Socialist fraternal armies to repulse a sudden atomic attack by the enemy and to foil his criminal aggressive plans.' The joint exercises of the troops of the united command of the Warsaw Treaty states in the autumn of this year show 'that the staffs and units of our army have reached a new high standard of operational and tactical training and that they are capable at any time of fulfilling under difficult conditions the tasks allotted to them by the united command'." Hoffmann said "the brotherly help of the Soviet Union and the other Socialist states in no way frees our economy from the obligations to make the maximum effort to equip our National People's Army with the most modern products in the sphere of techniques and armament." (CONF) The US Mission reported that "the British here have told us in the past that the ban on British personnel in uniform showing identification when entering East Berlin in vehicles or by foot is only temporary. The Approved For Release 20S R A-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 NOFORN SECRET Approved F'FRelease 200 CIA-RDP79S027A000200060002-0 7 Dec ban on British uniformed personnel showing /:Tdenti- Con't fication7 when entering by vehicle was instituted, they say, as an inducement to US and French to permit US and French civilian officials in vehicles to show identification. The British have indicated here that the ban on uniformed personnel showing identification could be lifted at any time. The British are interested in preserving the right of their civilian officials to continue to enter East Berlin showing their identification and for this reason apparently are maintaining a 'flexible' position to their uniformed personnel." (SECRET S/S) Two East German youths, aged 22 and 23, jumped aboard the outbound Berlin/Frankfurt US duty train near Gerwisch by jumping onto the side of a darkened sleeper car and forcing the lock. They entered a compartment occupied by American military personnel. The US personnel, possibly one American couple and the US train crew presumably were the only people aware of the refugees' presence. After the East Ger- man crew had left the platform in Helmstedt, the re- fugees--dressed in GI caps and coats--were escorted from the station and surrendered to other US authorities. (SECRET) East Berlin's domestic service commentator Griese surmised that the movement of US troops along the Autobahn was a "reconnoitering campaign /which7 serves the purpose of familiarizing the soldiers with the territory on both sides of the Autobahn.,' He added "it must be pointed out clearly: neither the government of the Soviet Union nor the GDR govern- ment has promised to guarantee the movement of NATO troops to and from West Berlin through GDR territory. For this reason we warn the organizers of Operation Eyeball that such a provocation cannot be tolerated." (;.CONF) Elements of the 1500-man First Battle Group of the 19th Infantry began moving to Berlin via the Helm- stedt Autobahn to relieve troops of the 18th In- fantry sent to Berlin in late August. The rotation to and from Berlin via the Autobahn was to be com- pleted on 15 November. (CONF) Approved For Release fiEG&U!EIA-RDP79SO0427AO00200060002-0 NOFORN Approved er Release' CIA-RDP79SI0D427A000200060002-0 8 Dec At 0838 ADN announced "barriers will be put up at the seven border checkpoints between the GDR and West Berlin at 1400 hours today, Friday, in the interest of orderly frontier traffic. Vehicles carrying civilians must produce identity papers at checkpoints, as usual. Vehicles carrying mili- tary personnel in uniform will continue to pass through the barriers in accordance with existing re- gulations." Shortly before 1700, West Berlin police reported that drop gates had been erected at the Oberbaumbruecke, Chausseestrasse and Heinrich Heine Strasse crossing points, and that at Friedrichstrasse a 66 foot long striped steel pole had been placed across the road 10 feet in front of the reinforce- ment wall at the level of the tank traps. "Only one part of the barrier, a 15-foot drop gate in front of the passage through the wall on the right- hand side of the roadway, is open to traffic," ac- cording to Hamburg DPA. (CONF) re- SED central committee secretary Baumann cently told the party politburo "some opposition" among East German party functionaries to the sealing off of East Berlin on 12-13 August, ac- cording to Hamburg DPA. Baumann allegedly accused the Madgeburg party committee of lacking "a clear concept" with respect to the closing of the sector border and of failing to combat "social democratism and other hostile influences." She also charged Potsdam party officials of "inadequate awareness in regard to topical problems" and the Schwerin party committee with "self-complacency, inadequate collectivity of leadership and slight knowledge of the real situation in the villages." (CONF) At an "international press conference" in East Berlin Reichsbahn director Otto Arndt charged that 800 S-Kahn coaches had been damaged or demolished by "hired rowdies" in West Berlin since 14 September and warned that "such provocations not only endanger the lives and security of the people of West Berlin but may also have serious consequences for traffic between West Berlin on the one hand and the two German states and foreign countries on the other ...Those who caused, encouraged Approved For Release 20o -RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 Approved Fo eR (ease 201g,WRY-RDP79S00V4`277A000200060002-0 NOFORN 8 Dec and tolerated mischief against Reich railway traffic Con't and installations in West Berlin will bear the con- sequences....The railway lines in West Berlin are also being used by the Western Powers to supply their occupation troops. They should therefore be interested in keeping these lines free from any interference if they do not wish to bear the con- sequences." (CONF) East and West Berlin police met by prior arrangement at the sector border and exchanged prisoners wanted for murder in their respective jurisdictions. (CONF) Neues Deutschland reported that the "courageous be- havior" of a con actor had toiled a "criminal plot" on the Hamburg-West Berlin train on the night of 5 December, when the train's engineer and fireman-- "hired" by "frontline city bosses"--sought to de- rail the Hamburg express by abandoning the Oranien- burg-Albrechtshof commuter train in its path. (CONF) SECRET Approved For Release 200 CIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 Approved Fe&Release 2SJBI&IMVTA-RDP79S0QQ7A000200060002-0 NOFORN 9 Dec Soviet authorities informed the three Allied Military Liaison Missions that all passes must be turned in for re-registration, although they set no deadline and said the passes would be turned back immediately. The US mission was asked to show vehicle passes; the British and French were not. When the US mission chief turned in two passes, a Soviet official merely recorded the data from each pass on a separate sheet of paper and i?eturned the documents. Chiefs of the military missions are at a loss to explain the Soviet motive for re-registering the passes but believe it may be intended to test Allied reactions and re- mind the Allies that their missions are at the mercy of the USSR. (CONF) /n the last occasion that Soviet authorities called in passes, 31 January 1960, they were replaced by new documents bearing the statement: "This identification card, which has been registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the GDR, gives members of the mission the right to travel within the territory of the GDR...." The Allied missions refused to accept the passes, as implying recognition of the GDR. Soviet authorities finally withdrew the new passes on 14 March, after the Allies had imposed sanctions on Soviet military missions in West Germany. (SECRET) -7 ADN disclosed that the GDR's Minister of Transportation, Erwin Kramer, had written his West German counterpart to warn that the Federal Republic's failure to partici- pate in the recent European conference on freight train schedules in Leipzig could "seriously hamper" both international and intra-German rail traffic since "the smooth operation of border crossing traffic can be guaranteed only if there is good cooperation between the railway administrations of the two German states, .and both of them with the international rail- way organizations." (CONF) TASS's Bonn correspondent denounced the "provocative" movement of US troops "under NATO command" along the Autobahn as "aimed at aggravating the situation in Europe" and "fraught with dangerous consequences." He wrote that "the action of the American brasshats Approved For Release ?0?/X61'f'I-:TIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 NOFORN Approved Fclw Kelease 2&, ' TA-RDP79S0f 7A000200060002-0 NOFORN 9 Dec express the United States' striving to ensure the Con't uncontrolled communications between West Berlin and the German Federal Republic and also aim at con- verting West Berlin into a NATO stronghold, although West Berlin is not a territory of NATO and is not in- cluded in the sphere of this aggressive military alliance." (CONF) West Berlin police reported that 8 East Berliners and East Germans, including two border guards, had fled to the west during the preceding twenty four hours. (CONF) Acting Soviet Commandant Colonel Pokrovski.requested a meeting with General Watson at 1600 hours on 11 December, The US Mission anticipated that Pokrovsky would protest the movement of US troops along the Autobahn. (CONF) The US Mission learned from an Associated Press correspondent that the GDR Foreign Ministry had in- vited foreign journalists to a press conference at 1100 hours on 12 December. The correspondent noted that it is somewhat unusual for the Foreign Ministry --rather than the GDR Prime Minister or National Front-to stage press conferences. (CONF) By noon, work on the installation of lift gate barriers at the sector crossing points, which had ceased by darkness on 8 December, had not been resumed at Fried- richstrasse, Oberbaum Bridge, and Invalidenstrasse. At Sonnenalle in the US sector, a metal pole barrier bolted to a wall at the left roadway and a ketal lift gate at the right roadway were ready for installation but not yet mounted and there was no construction in,' progress. In the French sector, Bornholmer Bridge construction was completed with the installation of lift gates in both traffic lanes in front of the bar- rier. Construction at Chausseestrasse was completed with a lift gate in position at an opening in the wall. (CONF) Approved For Release fMCIA-RDP79SO0427AO00200060002-0 T Approved Mr ReleaseK002fCY1'7TCIA-RDP79S00427AO00200060002-0 NOFORN 9-10 A crew of East German Army personnel installed a Dec belt of mines and trip wires along a three-mile strip of the zonal border between Harbke and Neubudden- staedt and Hohnsleben near Helmstedt, according to West German police. The new belt runs across the Wulfersdorf opencast lignite mine which is bisected by the East-West German zonal border. (ODNF) Approved For Release 2gi~l, t QI'A-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 NOFORN r q`(g?' Approved For Release CIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 NOFORN 10 Dec Nast German rail crews re-routed all interzonal trains to and from West Berlin through Wannsee-Griebnitzsee and Wildpark, according to West Berlin police who reported that one track has been set aside for pas- senger trains--including Allied duty trains--while the other is reserved for freight. (CONF) During his regular bi-weekly radio broadcast, Mayor Brandt assured West Berliners that his administration is "not inactive" in trying to arrange intersector visits. Brandt said he could make no promises, but promised that no questions of prestige would stand in the way of Christmas reunions. (CONE) Approved For Release 2,9 ,E ' 9TA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 NOFORN SECRET Approved For Release 2Q ftlg : CIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 11 Dec West Berlin police announced that 15 East Berliners and Bast Germans--ll civilians, 3 VOPOs and 1 trans- port policeman--fled to the West during the weekend of 9-10 November. (CONF) Approved For Release,5]@CW 7CIA-RDP79S00427A000200060002-0 NOFORN 25X1D Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 Apppproved"For Release NbFORN/BUO/NO FUR ~fti Sg&-788 I7 1M D11 L.MaftO002-0 LIMITED DISTRIBUTION SUPPLEMENT TO BERLIN CHRONOLOGY 2 Dec Laloy of the French Foreign Office sought out Am- bassador Gavin to convey his views on the "appro- priate shape" of negotiations on Berlin and Germany. He said that "the impossible position of his govern- ment on this matter limited his ability to communi- cate, but he nevertheless would like his personal judgment: to be known in Washington." Laloy be- lieves it essential that the West maintain a diplo- matic and political stance looking toward unification in order to help discourage the Germans from entering into a purely bilateral pursuit of unification via Moscow. "Paragraphs in U.S. speeches are not enough and the British position is, in this respect, actively dangerous." The President's "somewhat definitive acceptances of a split Germany in the recent Izvestia n interview" troubled Laloy9 who told Ambassador Gav! "if we dismantle the western formal commitment to work for unity, the diplomatic vacuum will soon be filled on a Bonn-Moscow basis in which only the Soviet bargaining counter will be aimed against western in- terests,'" Sepcifically, Laloy argued that the West', should seek to (1) distinguish sharply between Berlin and the German question, (2) be forthcoming with res- pect to the Oder-Neisse, German atomic arms, only to the extent that the Soviets are forthcoming on uni- fication and the means for keeping it alive diplo- matically and politically, (3) be sensitive to the fact that Moscow is trying to seal off the unif i- cation issue and destroy the German and Western bargaining counters for the future. Laloy believes that the West should make it clear to Moscow, for example, that, while a Soviet-East German treaty would not cause war, such unilateral action would lead the West to free its hands with respect to West German policy. (CONF S/S BUO) Approved For Release 200 6itl -RDP79SO0427A000200060002-0 SEGRET NOFORN/BUO/NO FURTHER DISSEM/CONTINUED CONTROL 1 11,11 11,11 011 ,,111 111 Approves G+dr Ref p0215f P79S 427A000200060002-0 Approved For Rele 0 9SO0427A000200060002-0