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TIM WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT .1"?-? ? CPXORTed For Release 2000/08/27 : t1k-MD07*20D14141R801031001 L-7 2 0 y z. 7 irip 6 V.. FID(Orick. . Gr Riehards book IALAGENT published a :little ,,over four ??Fnonths ago has the potential to ,uncork the biggest bureaucratic :scandal of the Johnson Administration. tl-,ere is a catch. . Someone: is trying to suppress th ? When ne-..zs of the book leaked, out from the publisher, Davin- . Adair, the big, popular, mass circulation11.c'gazines clamored to :zoo proofs of ic. Roacieris .Digest, Life, ? Look, The. New '? Yorker, Playboy? they all wanted an advance look ..at 'this . block- A copy of tho manuscript Si'S rushed to True magazine; Life n1Eazino rz,,..:oiveci copies of the galleys. Readers Digest and The New Yorker were also given copies of the mal.ws Advance enthusiamby the nag-' In other words all the same ? people who have had s hand in keei.-ing the door closed' on the story since it ban late 1960. The same people Who will scram- ble and yell when Con7ress be- gins to uncover layer after layer of bureaucratic bungling which has been hidden by the ? culprits .from the. beginning, ? hidden bloopers tha.t in them- selves helpto obscure bloopers ? and more hanky-panky. Thu' shocking lesson Of the, Goleniewski-Romanoff case (see. related story beginning page 1)i "is the glaring error of allow- was matched by their similar, chilly 'out polite (---???\ . Vague reason piled vague reason. "It's see . if it becomes a best - soller first," said' the editor of True. L'he N C'eT Yorker which had just -:;un the Penkovskiy Papers re- " plied: "Doesngt quite .,fit our necd.s." ? .A r.L.-jor television agent was also enthusiastic. He thought a TV documentary was a certainty. Radio and . TV personalities a..sked for copies of the book. There was the same excite4 in- s t. then silence. ing So far Richards, an editor at ? a secret organization like, :: the New York World Journal Ti-. the CIA to handle a, matter such rnag-nitucle in' a way that.' ? buno, has been interviewed con-- . ;enables its bureaucrats to , corning the book, ? in Hartford ? suppress all signs . of their own? Now York City, Philadelphia, .m.istake's and bury' all the ,re- Fort Worth?, .and St. Louis.? . wit tal4es only a quick reed- I latd leads," -writes Richards.' "No Agency? and especially a ing,".said Richards last week, "tb see why the; suppression -of .secret agency? should have . book is one of those rare- such absolute. power." - tasks in which ene!.-- finds. a common ? interest anong the ?Bri- ?---. tioh and.. ' several e.gencies of the U,S.'; including 'ehe State Dept., .Foreign .,40f-rig what.. ? ? Service ? . One of the strangest charges against the book; a 'charge ob-. ,?viously designed to hinder its Oa 1 fr.charge. that is -. Approved For Release 2000A3tait:atrA-gazTSLCt03144R4)06300 *L000k.is ,There seem to be so 'many ,; groups attempting to suppress 4 the book that it s hard to tell just who ? is responsible ;or ' ?,? CPYRGHT paganda." The Virginia Kirkus Dro.-znization in New York 'oegan this huckly-. buckly in advance of- the book's publication. The Kirkus .group specializes in in information newsletter to book- sellers. ? Richards terms the Z.irkas characterization of XRIAL aGENT. ?I'a real banana peel operation." - "This did a lot of harm," he said referring to the Kirkus bleep, "but it also boomeranged oocause there is no propaganda, anti-Semitic or otherwise, in the whole , book.. The subject (anti-Semitism) has no mention at all except in one of the op- tions given the - reader as one of some seven alternate inter- pretations which night be placed on the Goleniewski Case." Despite the Kirkus allegations the book has done well in the few cities where it has gotten reviews or radio shows. Accord- ? ing to the author, the. book has lone well in Washington "on a word-of-mouth basis; but.' there, as in - New York, some .parsons ? .possibly CIA. stooges ?? have' auietly gone to bookdealers on the whispering campaign of anti- 3emitism and ? put the - banana. peel under the book. Thus we -lave found stores whose sales- ten have told. would - be buyers that they were out of it, or that it would take two weeks to. .4.:)t it, when, in fact, , the 'store lad it; when, .in 'fact, it would ? take' only a ,day to obtain it from.a. - ?. 130008-0 ? :hat coc acir..it 'navir.ga fe: eoi;e4es - ? daS ror b 3 0:L sel2.ing singles." In the home of the "snake.nest" bureaucracy, ap:a'arer.tly no group. had been *01.7..ng the book in large quan- tities to keep them off the market; thouzh the thought is not so far-fetched. . Early this year ? Princess Yarinc. :Crepe. tkin, a Russiah emiF,,ree related to the nobility .01 St. Peterebura', flew to 1lunic:a Gorr.,.--,ny, certain of interesting. a major German publisher in purchasing the rights to ?the book. On arrival she found the director of the publishing house on holiday. She left an exten- sive nesso.ge .concerning ? the book. ? The next morning Pl'incess. XroNtkin received a telephone? .call at her. hotel from .a man -...7ho identified hinself as lire. C m-an . Hes aid e reprosontea ,en fo.cee- s _ -2-roviderl GuyllicharL 1:4qR0000r4Vp u?sc'a 'cook c on eaining ratny parts s-representation of tr.....th anc istortion C.L facts." Ronanoff is quoted throughout ? ,he book, extensively at tines from detailed ? and apparent:L.7r '_engthy. interviews he had with The Tsarevich .wrote that ha) 'cz-z.celled him or other...self- ,..1ppointed so-called authors, 1 investigators, etc." "I have no responsibility,' -le wrote in the advertisement, "for libelous contents of sail 1 cooks 'concerning other persons or authorities. A legal acticrl for liable (sic) and damages re: .rj..parson will be taken:. . the presumption of a copyriert t?by?Gv Richards is lawless." ? viczotp.s TSAR , Romanoff said that he hex_ 7 '10Ci.K.?y_et Princess Kropotkin returned to her hotel puzzled and. waited heccr from the - "publishers representative." She heard nothing. Five days later there was no answer to repeated phone calls to the ?office of "Yr. Coleman." She returned to the ; office. There was no one there. The cardboard ? sign had been i removed. :Later, on returning to the office of the publishing dir- ector who had been on holiday, , Princess Krop.otkin found that : he had never he$ard of "o. Cole- man." However, the director; said, he was interested in the! rights to the book, though not on the scale that l'iv4r, 'Coleman" had indicated in his converse.- tions with To date . the,. German publishing house ":conains. interested," according toDevin- Adair . Probably the most :unusual.' twist, of many, though not en- tirely inexplicable nor tinged with espionage maneuvering, is that llich4 Goleniewski, now signing his name LN. Roms.noff, repudiated any connection with the Richards: book in a paid . advertisement in the New. York -Decer?Joer 9.? ? - .the sane large German publishing firm she had contz....eted the pre,. vious day. He inv-ited her to his office in the center o When the Princess arrived a the appointed location, not in the .same buiiding. she had for-? nerly visited, she found. the "office" identified with a card- board sign over the door. There were two girls filing and typ- ing in the office :with "Nr.. Coleman." -Late:c a second man!. joined ?:then.. According to Dc.---vin -Adair this "publisher, 6 :CC:presentative". ? spoke flawless German, as ? well; as flawless English with a American accent. He was prepared. to pay $80,000 for! the German. rights. to the book. Contracts WGre ready to. .be, signed. "irne Princess hesitated. ? Ob- viously there was somothing:.! wrong. "Mr. Coleman's" lcaow- ? lecicr,e of the Goleniewski-Roman-,' off affair was as extensive or perhaps more extensive than her own a.'nc: ho. hadngt read the THE WASHINGTON INDEPENDEM " ? ? ? 'been "Lafo:cmed about the hawa me and. other p.srsons". whic'n o?ald be caused Iv' the -publica- tion of the book. MI- the ad- N-ertisement he aid not say wic had ,so info---eted him! the last months ,." ha wrote ke lad intervened lottorc., telegrams, _phone calls end also r\srsonilly by: Chief of Secur- ity of CIA, FBI and by othcfr. I.'S. Authorities in, order to Irevent the machinations" of ; t he ..se"..af-appointed author. .":Por reasons beyond rt7 Con-. trel" he added ? the book 1,7Z-S '41)lishod He did not state , that action the U.S. author. ties had instigated.. Though it may at first glance .. Edon curious that -a book in EuPpert of a mans claims to be. the Tsarevich and ? recounting I-is strange underground story, oulci be repudiated by him, iiichards does spot think it quite so odd. He has had many talks' - - - . Romanoff, , knows his par.-, E onality (which he describes, a. z.umber of times in the book difficult) and .thf....ks the a?' vertn.sement not too unusua2. There remains terrific 1. esu. =the) defectorar..?c:', double agent censtently facc s certain risks . even after. ca.- Iesure; can .easily imagine *tile 'pies:sures 'exerted on qua4.- -: ruple -apents. ? t. Approved For Rel6EWIDAM708/27 : Cer5g.R8745i00149R000300130008-0 ,?,.,.. ? loa%noff, _pprav ilfdrRe1tAt.'2000/ sesn in ":".,OU.On. -..-1.th a :;:an caii Ro::?-:Inof2, S.filo was the 17.:1CJ:Tfi f:?10 Golon- io`?:"5:-d-. Net ha-ci-.1::-.;;; heard hal: for scvo-ral nor..ths I ce....12.ed tho CIL for d?-..molo? r.-.onts boforo begcm story about --oho' claims. tel6.. A' the ::_:_:;oncy did not talk orriployos Ovon asek-a,..-,w1cd.go that aoor- - tain 1-..-orson had .evor been cm- oythora. In short; 1.:r. ? Goc,d7.4-in,a C.IA -,.:,ross relations ' o pro ontative ? f o :Med *Z..T.J that' was: an: etornalcontZcxavor, . a ro-: :?ublishod on the 1 couldn7t fir the lo e--actly but he -..,houf:::ht ?it %.:as ..z.-i-'eten by a NO York Cioy 4icharas. he ? 13roco,:-;,:lc,:::., to tcll ms sono *oio- do.ta on aichards ,;1fi_ch thouf..-..t not a little oad.! aforomentioned (Inne1v,In , ?V". c.ne,-...k ti-n-ough. 3ooks La Print ? AW:-..L16,%trqnlaq119AMAA.D13000 also had time to chock all the libraries in t113 Wash-ington area. one of them had. the ? book ? exeolYt the Libra:cy Of ? C'ongross. When ?Cch aid cell back .cc..11:fil.7..:.O;. the inforrAtion , a:INF:se-ay had.. I asked him if, ho had found th- ? ook. be said, "it see:' have dis- ? " suggezted that whoovor had : r,,;:;-..ove'd the book, fretri lais book- sholf iiiight have been maki,..-ig ? triyz to various libraries -aroLndtown.? .7 Why 'DT ould anybody 1:--tant -1-?o , do that?" roto:ctod. Goodlrin. "I don 211 kriGIT,":1: said.. ' "You7ve' ? road the book." `Am' days late I had a copy i o.z.22,-B.I.Ki,7 AGENT f rop: the pub-' Dovin-Ado.ir, ..klew York. ? Why, itheedx. Goodwin.'- ...OVA On his book 6no? .for the -sook. He was.. e-,zre. it. was thol-a. , racament he roturnod to the phone. ? Ile did not havo the 'book but ..he.would?have one of his ass- . _ . .9-ra WASHINGTO1'.; INZ,PENDENT -0 CPYRGHT CPYRGHT Lact4, opcak for themoclvoo.. ?- A man who -supplies us with some of the most val- uable intelligence data we have ever received wokej r per. sonal:'..rsk behind, the Iron .Curtain, years,?in the. belief, he was. do41in,3. FBI- Di.rect.o.r. - belon3-ed,..:?to an .anti.- Bolshevik organizz.,..tice.. which had. -.-?inf iltrated--:.-' most - --foreign ? inte iger.cx "-::.agen cies ,-. Inc lud ing the .11us s organizat to: ? hesliped--hira:-gather the data he sent us.? . ?-? --?When-he..wasobiiad to floe to the West,' he a cec. and ? c ommitments ? from .? .someone. he .thougln ::.?,??F.epresented Hoover. ?? .; princ1p6.1 desire.9'. .wl-lan he arrived, was tx lia:;?,Hoover. :!-,?.:,But ? after five years:.,in',. this counci:y:.he has. yet Hoover..'.? ? five years .in.'".:this':.Country he has ye; tx '!..,:.."-.be.-quzar,tionedi by any -Congreesional. conuuittec.?,... ornanof b3ei.,.Ouy.... Richards A? 211 1 Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R00030d130008-0 ?