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Publication Date: 
January 8, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000200870038-7.pdf67.38 KB
CPYRGHT Y . era d En oflo~~g Feud By John A. Goldsmith' ? ducted ? in an unusual closed Unitca Press International I session of the Senate. Chairman J. William Ful? At that time, members of -bright (D-Ark.) and two other the Foreign 'Relations Com- ;members of the Senate For- mittee contended that they sign Relations Committee should have a role in over- were invited yesterday to seeing intelligence operations closed sessions of the CIA because they involved foreign !Watchdog subcommittee, ap- p o 1 i c y. Russell called the ex, parently ending a long squab. pansion proposal an attempt to ble over supervision of the "muscle in" on jurisdiction spy agency. of the Appropriations and the Sen. Richard B. Russell Armed Services Committees. (D-Ga.), who heads the in- The six-member CIA group s drawn from the latter two formal intelligence. group i JAN 8 1967 Sanitized - Approved For. Release : CIA , ;aid the three foreign policy committees. ,?xpeits are being invited to Invitation to All a session Monday with Rich- ard M. Helms, director of the " Russell said the representa- our, debate, most ; of it, co-q., mittee, and to Senate Demo. ,cratic Leader Mike, Mans field, -Mont. Enlargement Rejected Last July, after considerable controversy, the Senate voted down a? proposal which would have enlarged the present P'iRG4ommittee so as to include Foreign Policy Committee members. ; The 61.28 'vote followed '.a: five. in addition toFulbright, in- vitations were extended to Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Jowa, senior Republican on the Foreign Relations Com, "My present purpose is to invite them to all the meet" ings-at least for this session of Congress," Russell said when asked if the new ar= rangement would be perma- nent. As to the role of the three' Foreign Relations Committee; m e ni b e r s, Russell said, they' will be allowed full participa tion in the Committee sessions.. The Monday sesssion withi Helms will provide the sub-' committee with a full briefing; on world events Russell said including the intelligence as-S pests of the war in Vietnam, the turmoil in Red China and the Rhodesia situation ! il . ._,., Committee will be invited to i attend all watchdog subcom-: mittee sessions-ever; those, which deal. primarily with ap?; propriations...,,,,).. Sanitized - Approved' For Release :- CIA-RDP75-00149R000200870.038-7