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DP 33-*A 15A000400060041-5
Reference: DOD--CIA Jigreement on N! O, dated 13 March 1063
NRO 25X1 _ 0055-03)
wider the direction of the D]220; as folll&vs:
1. The referenced ent defines the duties, of the DD k O,.
a. ' l eeping fully and currently informed as to all
b. Supervising relations bot peon the NI O and the
NRO 25X1 ! Co+y of covies
Page I of ; p ~:ges
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EXCL1JDJ D FROM Ali O;A ~ ~ x lea g
DOD DIT;.? :5200.10 DOES 210T APPLY
c.. Supervising all 1.11.6%11 tasks assigned by the Director,
United States Intelligence Do rd and its subcommittees, .and the
intoll.igence exploitation corn :unity.
N1O to the, Central Intelligence P. cnc7.
d. Performing such other duties as =ay be assigned by
the Director, NRO.
e. Acting for, and e_xerelsiiig the powers of the Director,.
NO, durtxng his absence or disability.
2. The DDNEO will retain his present office location and
supra:: Ving staff as the Deputy Director (Resecrch , . C? ~!._..ln- d: ran,
Approve r Release. 2001/08126 CIA-RDP33- .15A000400060041-5'
the Director, NR O Staff will provide. a Pentagon office for the DDNRO
within the restricted area pre: enztly.occupied by the NRO Stal c. The
NRO Star will provide secreta and any other assistance required by
the DDNRO during occupancy cZ his Pentagon office. Normally, the
DDNRO will use his Pentagon office on a part-time basis. However,
when serving as acting DNRO due to absence or disability of the DNRO,
he will occupy his Pentagon office as required.
3. In order to permit the DDN tiO to be kept fully and currently
. informed on all activities of the NRP,
a. The Director, NA v taff will establish internal NRO
administrative procedures which will insure that the office of the DDNRO
v AU receive on a routine routing basis copies of all incoming and outgoing
correspondence, cables, etc. The NRO Staff will earmark those items
which they believe require specific attention of the DDNRO, and' arrange
for priority delivery when apps c:?rta,te.
b. The Director, IRO Sf : will establish procedures to
assist the DDNRO to keep info ed on NRO problems and actions in
work. These procedures will con ist of regularly schodule4 informal
discus: with the DDNRO by senior NRO Staff personnel. Normally,
these discussions will be hold in the Chi office of the DDNRO, at a time
Approv or Relea 200:1108/26}::CIA=RDP33 415AO60400060041*-5
selected by him.
c. T ho NNO - tam " IUU- keep the DD I O office laformed of
all major nzcethngs or br1efin ; ; In ordos that the DDNiia may attend,
or aond a representative, if pro ri^to.
d. The NRO Sta.:ff : or ally All coordinate with the DDN1 O .
action matters of particular 1ni:ero t in rcUard to his assigned r esponsi-
bilities prior to presenting to the ?though such prior
coordination shall not be a prerc for the Staff to take up any
natter with the DNRO. In press a:ti:~u a U actions to the DNfO, the NR O
staff will indicate the coordination which w :s been obtained, and will
obtain any additional coorcth ration which may be required by the DNEO.
4. In order to carry o=ut his responsibi !ties or sup rv'zsin
relations'aips between the N.LO and SB , the DDN' O will work with
the U&3 and its subcommittees, and with the DL.A, to insure that
appropriate requirements -ui ~ co is provided to the MO for the
development and e, ecution of tho NIP. He will insure that the NiO
tikeeps the USM and the DIA adOquntoly informed on N O programs so
that t is guldance will be mcau n ful. ' J'ith appropriate assistance
from N1O Staff, the DDNNO will work with the intelligence ei;n.IoiL-Uon
community, primarily :. IC, WS)-, and DU., to insure: that a proper
interfae fists between the N-'32 and nose responsible for exploitin
~Ja~i4-l^.J '~i1i
Approved For Release 20648/ ~ LIA D_P33-Q2415AO004
Approve r Re1eaSe;2001/08/28c C1A RDP33- 15A000400060041-5
the N, P, the DDN1RO will be rez asible for:
insurLngg that specialized requl ements of the exnploiters are adequately
considered in the development a nd e oration of the collection syotoms.
5. In carrying out his dL s hn regard to the CL'3 support of,
to insure adequate preparation to h^rdle the collected products, and
its products. This activity will involve both woA ling with the exploiters
a. Insuring that the CT's is responsive to NRO direction
and guidance on all N.RP projects and /or tast>s assigned to the CIA;
b. insuring tip ,t the DI O 6 s ir4, ormed .on the progress
d. insuring that all NN C fu ac'.s made available to the CIA
c.,ubmittin to tl. DIM f,>: approval the programs
and bud ets ion' 10.0 projects and/or tasl s assigned to the CM;
critical problems arising in com:octi?n therewith;
of all Ni O projects nmd/or tasks a,--signe4 to the CM., and on any
are usod only, for work which has been ari,3ro?ved by the ?DN.L O;
o. insuring that the C , hay, Within its own budget the
necessary funds and personnel to provide ?zit: rnal CIA support for all
assigned X R-9 responsibilities;
f. initiating preparation of p .?oposais for operational.
employment t
of NR O projects asc ivn l to tale CIA. Such proposals will
be submitted to the DNi;O, and xi. on his 4 pproval, forwarded to the
Sp cIal Group and hi ;her authority for approval, as necessary. The
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Appe6ve or Rel 9.6 2001/08/26 CIA-RDP33 '415A000400060041-5
LDDNJO will act as the NIOV'potrezma.1 during such higher level pro-
sentations when appropriate, as deter;n ' ed by the D I O..
6. In carrying out the c?;?'tea of Acting DNA-10 during a designated
absence of the DNRO, the D NRO will perform all o the functions of the
13,,1;0, followin the policies provicua ly established by the DNRO. The
NRO Staff will carry out all of its ctivitles in support of the.Acting D RO
in the same manner as for the DNE;O.
7. The DDN>O shall be in the chain of co 'Imcand directly under'
the Dm wt although not an intermediary echelon between the DNRO and
NR O Program Directors, the NO Co:c )tro .er, or the Director, N. %O
the NRO when serving as . c ng M-. O during the absence or disability
Staff. The 17DN.flO ;Fall have comrufuld auth;ority over all elements of
of the DN O.