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AJ F4WAlease 2003/1 - 6$ OM A8377 y To Cat the Best 'lakes Money mite ey was ' xeeve Director of tit- Brawley said he Is a director of t`Iie e Senate Post, Office and Civil Service Commit- organized bank that received its charter r from tee staff from 1$"49 until 1991 when he be- Comptroller of the Currency James Saxon EXTENSION OF REMARKS came Depplty lfostmaster General. He had on August 13, 1963. He said it is his only many patttleaf contacts in Washington, and present investment. OF was regatded as oneor the best informed The records of the Comptroller of the HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI 0n'post office and civil-service matters. Currency Office also list Brawley as the While Day's request to J. Edgar Hoover senior vice president-of the National Bank OF ILLINOIS for an FBI investigation primarily was aimed of Commerce. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at the, question of whether Brawley re- Monday, June 28, 1965 tamed his stock while a Post Office official, Day also questioned the propriety of order Mr, DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, a lay's acquisition of stock In any mail-order Support for the United Nations very timely and thoughtful commentary lloi se that bed such a great stake in legis- on a major domestic problem was written lathm dealing with parcel' post and other mail by Mr. A. T. Burch in the June 18 edition rates. SPEECH ctj'bfr+xox PltACxrcE pF of the Chicago Daily News. Since Mr. ose On the question of the propriety of buy- Burch is a respected journalist whose ing the Spiegel stock while on the Senate HON. JOHN R. HANSEN objectivity is above question, I feel his rounnlttee staff, Brawley stated It has been _ OF IOWA words deserve careful consideration: CoSon #tnietice at the Capitol for employ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO teT THEBEST TAKES MUCH MONET deb' to make'such Investments and "there is (By A. T. Burch) da ao"1aw to prohibit it." -' - 'Thursday, June 24, 1965 In 1954 tare always Bft lot of tips floating the U.S. Supreme Court bed arqund qund the Capitol," Brawley said. He esti- Mr. HANSEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, that t legally enforced segregation of public mated that "there must be 50 Senators" on June 26, 1965, the United Nations schools violates the equal protection provi- who are constantly investing In tips that celebrated the 20th anniversary of the sions of the U.S. Constitution. are available. tae added that In his opinion signing of its charter in San Francisco. It struck down the Court's previous sp- --` tile problem of a possible conflict is much Our President was present for that occa- provai of "separate but equal" provisions for mare acute for Senators than for staff mem- Sion and delivered an eloquent and Negro education. It asserted that separate berg who do not vote. school systems are inherently unequal, ppawley said lie obtained life stock tip timely restatement of this Couiltl'y's On Several occasions, the Reverend Martin from some of the Spiegel officials and that he faith in the United Nations. The action Luther King has asserted that the Court had borrowed two thirds of the $10,000 purchase of Congress in passing Senate Concur- declared de facto segregation, arising from price from a'#Outh Carolina bank in which rent Resolution 36 was important in neighborhood residential patterns, to be un- One of his relatives is an officer. adding to the support given by our Na- constitutional. This might seem to be im- A Spiegel official had told him the firm was tion to the N.U. Congressman CLAVDE plied In the proposition that separate educa- installing electronic computers and other PEPPER's leadership in the House of Rep- tion cannot be equal. Nevertheless, the Su- labprsavingg' devices and was due for a move reSentatiVCS 111 this important areaVJ&s preme Court has not actually said that de forward, Brawley said. He Said the stock facto segregation in the schools is illegal. w8s priced at only about $10 a share but was extremely important. In at least three instances, it has refused paving $1 a share in dividends. All of us know the tribulations under to reverse decisions by U.S. Courts of Appeals "The increase was sensational," Brawley which the United Nations has operated which had held that the neighborhood school said. "I hoped it would go up, but Thad no fn this past year, We have seen first system, which oftens results in some actual idea it would pay like it aid." withdrawal by a country of its member- segregation, is not unconstitutional in itself. ,!Brawley, contends that much of his trouble ship in the political aspects of the These courts approved the neighborhood sys- caile from a "former friend," Cyril T. Ander- United Nations. Many have wondered tem provided it arises naturally from the 013, whom he introduced to Spiegel officials if this wits N a repeat performance ha ace of Pere- facts of population distribution, and is not and recommended for it job as lobbyist for the result of a prior purpose to create segre- Spiegel. lems of the League of Nations and pon- gatlon. Andorson said he w$s not sure that it dered as to whether or not this would The Supreme Court has not made any wile Brawley Who introduced himto'Spiegel signal a breakup of the still quite young extended declaration of its own on this sub- oflicials, and did not -know li'Brawey had United Nations. ject. It merely refused to review the decision Tepom}nnded him aea Spiegel 'lobbyist. It was Important for the President to of the lower courts. Andesen, Said he had some differences of viewpoint on legislation with Brawley'In express the support and faith we Ameri- It has not, however, said exactly what the 1961 And 1962, but that he considered this cans have in the United Nations at this Reverend Mr. King says It has-not yet, at "normal since he represented a firm that crucial time. We are fully aware that Inference some people appear to have opposed the ISennedy administration's large without this common ground for dis- One drawn from the some Supreme Court's lave mail rate increase. cus$ion and action many world crises opinion Is erroneous in fact and mischievous ,Day told the Register that he "heard some would not have been eased or averted. in its practical results. disturbing reports concerning Brawley." The possibility of an all-out nuclear war ,_ 'I passed the information on to the proper would be multiplied a hundredfold. The dangerous inference comes in two law enforcement authorities for investiga- parts, The first is that, since the Supreme All of us are concerned about a peace- Court has held separate education to be un- t1on;'Day said. ONE OF Tat REPORTS ful world. We see the United Nations equal, integration by itself will raise the Brawley said the reports had included a as an alternative to the power struggle achievement of underprivileged children to story that he had received a $10,000 political between nations and a resulting nuclear equality with the achievement of children of well-educated parents and stable homes. eons of t the he White had split it with two mein- war. But we should not expect more White or black, the Children of well-educated brie of dh made ad stiff. than is s reasonable from this young or- parents will generally have an advantage over rawlep said he ma telephone call to ganization. The United Nations is still those of illiterate parents, in any school. a Washington representative of a business in its formative years and has much The second part of the fallacy is the as- h1ations organization and arranged for growing to d0 before it has reached full sumption that integration, by producing the $ $10,060 contribution. maturity and strength. We need to give "equal" education, will by itself produce ? that th the smthat he was able demonstrate to it our full support so that we do not drag good education. This, by itself, it will not oney was delivered ivere ed In ase cash that oY It to the ground and ourselves with it. do. The content of the curriculum, the size Matthew McCloskey; then thetreasiirer of the National Democratic Party, for a box As the United Nations grows in re- of the classrooms, the training, skill and dedi- ... cation of teachers and their personal rap- 7 ailas ills Fnien showed l... "- the Congo, Vietnam, and the Dominican y p s money for the ox seat Brawley To be sure, very ace tional children ion veil ice b _.. .~ - H Rponhlic More than that. it may show spired by an,, Influence with a determination h h n the toe -- _..? roug ewre?at?o McClpsxey had a witness with hen, n,aw- rw t ??w ley said he had no contact with this money: tale hunger, disease, and ignorance. Let distinction despite poor schools, poor teach- . ., , _ _with era. or none. Abraham Lincoln went to i aba+` said he has invasion in she sloth United Nations through vigorous U.S. months such self-starting tJ a Q''tional$ank of Commerce of Fairfax _.,w Edison 3 . But _ w w. geniuses are rare. o --r---- uiV vivax -vr Ia'G1v1l1ttti7 Only to ordinary induEtry, but also to national among the major powers, the United Na- aF secjgity; can be reached only through inten- dons still remains the greatest hope stye, specialized; formal education, mankind has against the scourge of war. HON. JOHN BRADEMAS ;vortunately, the notion" that integration by 1V. :y hope Would be that the Congress OF INDIAn itself Will tpake good schools seems to be and the Nation, in our desire for peace fading. Increasing emphasis is being placed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on specialtea&hing, as individualized as pos- and justice to men everywhere, will find Friday, May 28, 1965 sable, to compensate for deficiencies In the expression through cooperation with one home environment. Educators, among them another. The United Nations gives us Mr, BBADEMAS. Mr. Speaker, last Chicago's Superintendent 'Benjamin Willis, this chance, week House and Senate conferees agreed are emphasing the need for preschool, upon a much-needed Presidential dis- ability and succession amendment to the Still, the myththat integration by itself Constitution. The author of this Will do everything apparentsy lingers on. pro- Otherwise how explain the total lack of The Nature of the Enemy posed amendment Is my distinguished involvement of recent demopstration leaders colleague from Indiana, Senator outstanding in Chicago in the effort to get a substantial EXTENSION OF REMARKS BAYH, who has Provided outstanding appropriation from the Illinois Legislature _ of leadership in meeting this important for compensatory education? Future educa- problem. tion In Chicago faces a real educational crisis, not in heaps of people blocking traffic at HON. ABRAHAM J. MULTER This week the conferees' report will OF NEW YORK come to the floor both houses for con- StIte and Madison streets, but at Springfield. ld. tion I know w that this is a matter S not recommend that hundreds of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of serious concern to all Members of people e sprawl over the statehouse steps or of se 28,1965 block traffic at any intersection of downtown Monday, June Congress and, there FOTe, I, under Unani- Springfield. The effect would be negative. Me. MULTER, Mr. Speaker, I coin- mous consent, include in the RECORD two But there are dignified and appropriate mena to the attention of our colleagues editorials which appeared in the South methods by which responsive friends of the following editorial from the New Bend Tribune this month: "No Time To better education can communicate with State yorli Herald Tribune of June 27, 1965. Stall," June 7, 1965, and "At Last" June senators, The Vietnamese Communists cannot 25, 1965: Even if one assumed that integration, by Itself, would be 'whitewashed. Their brutality and No Tres To STALL produce better education, a realistic observer would have-to note the immorality should be obvious to all. Both the U.S. Senate and the House of difficulty of achieving it, totally, in other The editorial follows: Representatives have approved aconstitu- big cities. tional amendment dealing with presidential - THE NATURE OF THE ENEMY disability, the e a Was nton, D.C., is a city the school These who regard war as Immoral, or of never reaching the States for ratification Cou it decision Interpreted as a all abolish the Supreme American Involvement in Vietnam as im- because the two Houses of Congress can't ad . moral, will consider the slaying' of an Ameri- agree on one small point. segregation ci o l 5h e re well as legal can lwisoner by the Vietcong and the bomb- At issue is the question of how long Con- After it years, Its schools are the most jug cf a Saigon restaurant as a natural con- gress would be allowed to take in deciding segregated in the Nation, outside the South, segmmce of the military actions of the who 1s President when a Vice President chal- In 1954. about half of Washington's school- United States. But most Americans, we be- lenges the right of a once-disabled President children were white. Now the proportion of lieve, will draw different conclusion;. to resume office. Negroes in Washington schools 1s about the War is, from its very nature, a brutal busi- The senate version of the amendment same as the proportion of Negroes in Chi- ness and revolution is more brutal still. In imposes no time Ifmit. Senate tradition cago's 1 public housing - getting closer points all the SOMA Vietnam, North Vietnam is waging holds unlimited debate to be an all-but- from Step a clergyman and g i Washington aall the war through revolution. It should not be sacred privilege and the thought of even a has time. Still, , a er the recent Chicago gtn- forgotten that the division of Vietnam was constitutional deadline on any Senate de- hastraparticipated In the recent what? intended to make a rough (very rough) geo- Craton apparently appals the members of the New York tried hard, on the, mine me principle, graphical separation of Communists and world's most exclusive club. The House, Commission non-Communist areas, and that many non- which has a more practical attitude toward with results which the onth m p ci re- Communists left their homes In the North debate, put a 10-day limit in its version of ported last summer, amounted to less than for a enctuary in the South. The free na- the amendment. nothing. Each year the number of segre- tional elections specified in the Geneva There are reports that House conferees gated schools in New YoriF grows. New Treaty were rejected by the South be- are willing to stretch the limit to 21 days, Y ork's superintendent has been fired, and cause Communist rule in the North would but they won't remove all limitation. And t t he p esiideenntt of the school board has re- have made any countrywide "free" election a we don't blame them. It is hard to imagine next? I consider It educationally desirable that mockary. So the North, and the Communists Congress requiring even 10 days to make still in the South, undertook to subvert the such an in gent decision as deciding whether white and Negro children should get to know Souti. by propaganda and terror. a President may reoccupy his officeach other. But the organization of any big This process was well advanced before the Such a period would be difficult enough city school system so that the numbers in United States fired a shot. When It did so, for the Nation to weather without congres- every class reflect the exact r aion proper- not the Americans observed the rules of war: they sional stalling and Indecision. A time limit tions of the school age tried, and are trying, to attack only military Is in order, and the shorter the better. merely difficult.. It is plainly, impossible. targets and to spare the civilian population Let the Senate swallow its "unlimited de- as mI{i~ch. as is humanly possible under the bate" mystique on this important issue so condl Sons. The Vietcong observe no such that the States may get, on With the business inhibitions. They bomb, for shock effect, In of ratifying at vital constitutional amend- Twentieth Anniversary of the United civilian centers, just as they terrorize the ment. Nations farmer's of the countryside. And when their '-- agentsr are executed for specific acts of trea- AT LAST son add terrorism, they retaliate against an The agreement of House and, Senate con- SPEECH Ameriesn soldier who. has fallen into their ferees on it constitutional amendment for or hands ps a prisoner of War. . - the determ/nation of presidential disability HON. RODNEY M. LOVE It In, a curious moral obliquity which can and Succession is most welcome. justify- the acts of the Vietcong and find The agreement gives Congress 21 days to 0* OHIO nothing but condemnation for those of the decide the Issue when the Vice President con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Unitei~States; which would have this coma- tests the right of a one disabled President Thursday, June 24, 1965. try abandon South Vietnam to a system that to resume Office. The earlier House version began'the war with terror a end pro the amendment imposed a limit. LOVE. Mr. Speaker, on this 20th poses to The Senate, with ith Its strong feelings ngs for un un1Py Vietnam them with terror. That t the limited debate, set limi na- t. anniversary of the UmteCl Nations, I tore id the enemy we we fighting-end nd It is to the credit it of of the Senate that it should like to add my voice to those of whatever hard choices the United States may swallowed its pride on this vital question other Congressmen in the praise of this face It. southeast Asia cannot be obscured by and accepted a time limit. Obviously, a mat- international organization. whiteimish. Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA?RDP67B00446R0005001700iY-8f such imp?r a ?e to the Federal Gov- iff#& l F"elease 2003FT9/Y'`tifA=WDF`67BUU44SKD0050-617002TD ernlllgnt and the Nation should be disposed in 1918, and spent the rest of his life In CANDIDATE LINDSAY-DEMOCRATS WORRIED IN of with an reasonable speed: Alaska. NEW Yoax The amepdmerit also provides for insuring From 1918 through 1937 he was regional (By Roscoe Drummond) that the Vice-Pre'sldency always will be filled, forester for the territory. He was iaetru- NEW YORK.-Ever since Representative which is an intelligent advance in treating mental in the establishment of the Ketohi- JOHN LINDSAY took the cold plunge into the the matter of presidential succession. Ivan Pulp Co., of Ketchikan, and the Alaska New York mayoralty race, he has been show- While im erase, satisfaction can be taken Lumber & Pulp Co. facility at Sitka. Ing the Republican Party all across the No- from the action In Congress In the last few Heintzleman was appointed as Governor tion what it most needs If it is going to make days, It is a little sad to reflect on how long of Alaska by former President Dwight D. a significant comeback next year. It has taken to conic to grips with the prob- Eisenhower March 16, 1953. What it most needs are younger, vigorous, lem. He served as Governor until January of intelligent, and attractive candidates. The country repeatedly' has found itself 1957 and then retired from political life. Many Republicans give the impression that without a Vice liresident. And after Presi- When Alaska Gov. William A. Egan heard they feel politics is a "dirty business" in dent Dwight D. Eisenhower had been dis- of Heintzleman's death he ordered all State which they would prefer not to be involved. abled by a heart attack In 1955 the voices flags flown at half staff until the burial. This makes it hard for them to draw the most for treating the disability Issue became loud Egan remarked, "Alaska has lost one of its qualified Republicans into public life, Presi- aad Insistent. It took to years to reach most distinguished citizens. Governor dent Eisenhower tried to repair this weakness an agreement That's too long fore so Im- Heintzleman dedicated his life to the and made little headway. So did Richard portant a matter progress of Alaska." Nixon with the came result. B. Frank Heintzleman of Alaska EXTENSION OF :REMARKS HON. RALPH J. RIVERS OF ALA6*LA IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES Monday, June 28, 1965 Mr, RIVERS of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, Alaska has lost a dedicated and devoted Alaskan in the death of former Gov. B. Frank Heintzleman. Mr. Heintzle- man, who died last Thursday night in Juneau, spent nearly 50 years of his life In Alaska working for the good of Alaska, first as regional forester of the U.S. Forest Service, then as Governor, slid then,,, in official retirement. Un- married-he made the people of Alaska his family and Alaska's development his life's work. I am but one of his host of friends and admirers-who mourn his passing. State flags were ordered to fly at half mast by Gov. William A. Egan, in recog- nition of the enormous contributions ma de to Alaska by this tireless worker, 'this highly respected, widely lovedAlas- 'kan. Frank Heintzleman. As a token tion for this great American and dedi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cated Alaskan, I Insert here an Associ- ated Press article from Juneau telling of 'his great career and Alaska's loss: Mr. MORSE. Mr. Speaker, national STATE FLAGS AT HALF STAFF FOR GOVERNOR columnist, Roscoe Drummond, writing IXEINTZi>~';IAN this horning in the Washington Post has JVBIAV -State flags were flying at half staff caught the spirit of excitement that the today for former Gov. E. Frank Heintzleman candidacy of our colleague Congressman who died here Thursday at the age of 77. JOHN V. LINDSAY for mayor of New York A Pennsylvania native who devoted nearly City has created all over the country. a half century to the economic development pointing out that Congressman LINn- of Alaska, Heintzleman "succumbed a week after suffering a severe heart attack. SAY has the intelligence, energy, and Among Heintzleman's effects was found a popularity which New York City so note directing that burial take place at desperately needs, Drummond is com- Fayetteville, Pa., where he was born. ing to grips with the fundamental re- He also asked any services in Juneau, his sponsibility of any political party: to home since 1937, be ]Bitted to memorial provide competent government. Surlday in theNorthern fights Presbyterian Drummond notes, could benefit Con- primary-City Council President Paul Scre- lj~bad Juneau, with `the Reverend Dr. gressman LINDSAY, but he is quick to state vane, Representative WILLIAM RYAN, Conn- -------- - --- elor's degree in`forestr`y tin f967." lie carded ' w,. -- "--- "~ nomination on a denunciation of Mayor on the New York electorate in a long a =star's years later' In forestry at Yale Um- Wagner for "vacillation, indecision, and in- varsity y 3 3 years later' and entered the V.S. time and the only one who i5 giving the aptness." voters in the biggest metropolis in the Forest Service the same year. - - Two other candidates appear to be stand- , in Oregon and Washington, Country a meaningful choice." ing in the wing willing to join the parade Helntzleman Was transferred to Ketchikan Mr. Drummond's column follows: if encouraged, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Approved For Release 2003/10/22: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500170027-0 spent the remaining years of his life in his newly adopted State. From 1913 through 1937, when he was appointed regional forester for the territory, Heintzleman served in various Forest Service positions in Alaska. - When President Eisenhower moved into the White House in 1953, Heintzleman quietly Bought the appointment as Governor of Ahska, Eisenhower announced the appointment of Heintzleman on March 16, 1963, and Heintzle- man took office the following month, but he found soon that being in the political spot- light was substantially different from the life of if Government administrator, When he left omce. Heintzelman gave firm indication of his future plans in the follow- ing statement to newsmen: "I won't be Idle. '7 shall continue to live in Alaska and work on pending and prospective projects for the welfare of the territory." Candidate Lindsay-Democrats Worried in New York Imposed handicap. Since they genuinely be- lieve that less government is desirable, they find It difficult to get good candidates to make less government better. And now comes LINDSAY, who is making running for the most headaching office in the Nation-mayor of the most problem-laden city in the Nation-seem worthy and worth- while-and downright exciting. Most Republican leaders, including all the five living GOP presidential nominees except Barry Goldwater, are not in the least dis- tressed by the fact that LINDSAY is not flaunt- ing his party label in a city which is 3 to 1 Democratic. That's not important. From the stand- point of basic philosophy, there is no such thing as a "Democratic" mayor or a "Repub- lican" mayor of New York. The only thing that counts is whether there is going to be a competent mayor. What is Important from the Republican standpoint, is for the voters to see that the GOP is giving them from its ranks a candi- date worthy of the race. That's all the credit a party needs. That will be plenty-if LIND- SAY pulls it Off. You don't have to be in New York long to see that he has the Democrats here very worried. For one thing, for the first time since La- Guardia, a Republican is virtually monopo- lizing the headlines. At this stage LINDSAY is the almost daily focus of the campaign. On the day this column is written, the New York Herald Tribune had a banner head on LINDSAY on page S. the New York Times ran three Lindsay stories, and in the World Tele- gram and the Journal American he got a big play. Not that the New York papers are all com- mitted to LINDSAY. They aren't. But he is the only opposition mayoral candidate who has made a serious impact on the press and on the New York electorate in a long time and the only one who is giving the voters in the biggest metropolis in the country a meaningful choice. They seem to like it. LINDSAY not only has the advantage of political popularity in depth but the Demo- crats have the disadvantage of bitter intra- party competition in depth. Right now they have: One candidate who has withdrawn Mayor Wagner. Four candidates who have announced that they will run against each other In the Opp For Release 2003/10/ ,JW,L ?e n4H QQtl~04? @p I$ June 28, 1965 , of on some things, the liberal chairman of been an unqualified success would mean Presipenfe Council of Ec6maalers, ,,-< ,.. i7bylousiy iti Se too ear/g to foresee how I-,_ , . ., .. , G and ive Ch as , tessionais $gure' he pill Likely win it there min of the Federal Reserve Board, Mr Mar- us out of war. We know that it has is a divisive I)eUiocratlc primary. The ploy till, share the view that no recession is in not. We know that Americans are dying filch one hears in some city Democratic, thp making. now in Vietnam, that many died in barters is that President Johnson may name Ur. Martin's Columbia University speech Korea and that troops of many lands resolved balance-of-payments gap, undoubt- bus tuere nxw ueeu no wor+awlae con- ed~y gave it a furtherpush-more of a push filet since the creation of the U.N. . thin he intended because his warnings were There has been no brutal confrontation i warn ngs were well weep and battle. , tiigeiy. But the dissimilarities between now There have been brush fires but no all- TE IBIOtJ"0 E MARIS and 1929 are far erea ter than the similar, 1viL. LVIVLUnfL4, Mr. ?ya3pealter, our not overexpanding and that was what, In uniutu lv aLlulla 11 a5 Greaten-or rasher Country is `enjoying an unprecedented large part, brought on the recession of 1957. discovered-something called world period of prosperity The following The expansion of productive capacity has opinion. analysis of the economic situation by the been running just about even with the ex- It has helped to formulate a sort of distinguished columnist, Roscoe Drum. passion of consumer demand. consensus of conscience in the world mend, tells the facts. The economy is in good health and Mr. community which has had its affect upon Mr. I3ruiilmond's column appeared in Martin is rightly saying: Let's be alert to our own Nation in our dealings with other ke, ip It that way . the New York , HeraldTribune of June nations and even upon such internal 27, 1965, and follows: affairs as race rel ltions and civil rights. (By Roscoe Drummond) 'U.N.?20th Anniversary Observance receiving:criticismfrom the world com- " Wcann?croly. Nothing is, more vital to. inanity. The Soviet Union has found everything the 'United states Is -Crvinv to na _itself in the same position on many occa- "etate of the economy o. and tempered at least partly because of M this Is why t is I? portent not to get use HON. WILLIAM S. BROAMF(EI world opinion. ,sue market has lie xt,s,s',ca;e, rt surn nlay 1V THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to be an effective force in world affairs Ssitt. aate little of bs the e jittery. economy my t is the eoofl. truth tikise outhattlthe Thursday, June 24, 1965 most certainly has its advocates. ook can reasonably see, and no one, including yew's ago a world was weary with war. finding a solution to the conflict in Viet- Federal Reserve Chairman William Mcylhes- Hesdly a nation on the face of the earth nam. It has not been successful in end- ,ey Martin, seat ;a recessiop around the cot- had been spared the demolition of its ing the race to join the nuclear club. net much at repent press conferenew. Me ap- of its citizenry. nnc ?viuaaae ftaac, sue u1Nera anu wur+nwtue praisal comes from looking at the objective :billions had perished. , Hundreds of debate in the U.N. when the Cuban the facts, It Is an applalsal shared by most pri- nil pions lived in rubble and with hunger. site crisis was upon us, the end to the vate economists. It refiect3 a pervasive con- A war had just been won in Europe. bloodshed Cyprus and the Congo. ,9dence on the part of,the whole business The United Nations has not attained But both victor and vanquished lived in c?ou.,ikity. - ? th mia t of mi en,. all the goals, fulfilled all the hopes, or been f th t i b b _e ---- -_-._-, >6?, ...e age o -- - e a om c om a .nu the It has helped man to know himself in vibrations. Among them are these: ultimate weapon. Federal revenue is going' up, Federal In most parts of the world, there was myriad themselves has helped nations to spending is going down and the budget is .ono hope and one goal, and that was that know themselves and to associate them getting"aearer to balance. , ,. __ ?.. aa?dho -TA - w ld i w selves with the larger community of the e u a Iection Irom man and. country in tale this despite the substantial cut in rates last zat n, a new organization was formed, attainment of its basic goals, the United year. tht sited Nations. In the midst of war Nations has Government spending will be $900 million , and turmoil, this organization came into gone a lot further down the below the estimate made 6 months ago. road toward peace and freedom than we '.Phis combination of an increase to revs. formal being with the formal signing of had any right to expect in such a small hue or of lower tax rates and a decline in theUnited Nations Charter on June 26, slice of history. spending means that the Federal deficit at 1995 As the prime creators, the instigators, the and, of this month will reach a 5-year 'Iwo decades have gone by. Some call and the implementers of the United Na- low, theUnited Nations an unqualified suc- tions, our United States has more at All of this reflects a remarkable continuity ces i. Others claim it is succeeding too stake than most other countries in its T in the era has y state of the U.S. economy. well and is subverting national govern- success. heseconombeenic suetaiyse growth d for t prosperity and ... me its. Still others see the U.N. as a sustained the longest As the world's prime believers in the `period in American history and nothing to failure, a flop, a burst balloon of vain worth of work ha and cdom,we have more the contrary is on the horizon. hobos and unattainable goals. at at stake, than most most; in seeing to it that ' Treasury Secretary Remy Fowler sees a lie United Nations is none of these the United Nations eontinnos t? ...nnnpd AprAib0&e4f&r Release 200S5R O 79 OU"M027-0 SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTA- During the First World War Mr. TION OF THE COMMI'PPEE ON IN- Flaherty served as a private in the U.S. TERSTATE AND FOREIGN COM- Army in 1918. Subsequently he con- MERLE , tinned to serve his country, and especially Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Subcommit- teeon Transportation of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce be permitted to sit during general debate this afternoon. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Arkansas? There was no objection. CORRECTION OF RECORD Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to correct my remarks on page 8320 of the CONGRES- SIONAL RECORD of April 27, 1965, in the following manner: - Change the 12th and 13th lines from the bottom of column 1, and following the words "went down to Alabama" to read "Emily Taft Douglas, herself a for- mer distinguished Member of the House, and the." The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentle- man from Illinois [Mr. O'HARA]? There was no objection. (Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute, and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, it is with heartfelt regret that I announce that former Congressman Thomas A. Flaherty of Boston passed away this morning. Mr. Flaherty was elected to the Congress in 1937 and served until 1942. He was one of the most beloved, able, and competent offi- cials we ever had in our area of the country. Tom was loved by all. After he left the Congress of the United States, willingly-he did not run for reelection in 1943-he became a pub- lic utilities commissioner. He enjoyed a full life of many honors working for the public. He was a man of greatest ability and outstanding integrity. Mrs. O'Neill and my family offer our very heartfelt sympathies to the family of Mr. Flaherty. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker will the gentleman yield? Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts. I yield to the distinguished Speaker. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, it is with sadness that I rise to pay tribute to my good friend and former colleague, Thomas A. Flaherty, who has passed away. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts al}d all America has lost a valuable public Servant and I feel a great personal loss. Thomas Flaherty not only knew his Government, but he had a great faith in our way of life and the institutions of democracy. He was born in Boston on December 21, 1a98, and attended the public schools of that city. He also attended Northeastern University Law School at Boston. _ the veterans, when he was employed with the U.S. Veterans' Administration in Bos- ton from 1920 to 1934. His vital interest in the political life of our Commonwealth caused him to run for public office and he served as a mem- ber of the State house of representatives for 2 years. He was elected as a Democrat to the 75th Congress of the United States to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John P. Higgins and was reelected to the 76th and 77th Congresses. He served in this legislative body from December 14, 1937, to January 3, 1943, and was not a candidate for renomination. Returning to his native city, Tom Fla- herty served as transit commissioner of the city of Boston for 2 years; as chair- man of the Department of Public Utilities of Massachusetts from 1936 to 1953, as commissioner from 1953 to 1955, and chairman of the board of review, Assess- ing Department, city of Boston, from 1956 to 1960. There is one thing we can never forget about Tom Flaherty, and that was his constant demonstration of the results of hard work. He made his own way in the world and never complained. He looked toward a goal and attained it. He was a loyal Democrat, but first of all he was a loyal American. Time will continue to reveal Tom Fla- herty's contributions to his local com- munity, to his State, and to his Nation. He was a fervent patriot. He loved his country. He respected the Congress and the House of Representatives. He was completely devoted to duty. I am proud to have called him my friend. Mrs. McCormack and I extend to Mrs. Flaherty our deep sympathy in her great loss and sorrow. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts. I yield to the gentleman from Ohio. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I consider it a great privilege to join the gentleman from Massachusetts in pay- ing tribute to our late friend and col- league, Mr. Flaherty. It was my opportunity and pleasure to serve with him in the House where I be- came acquainted with him. He was a delightful gentleman, a. very able Rep- resentative and, as the gentleman said, he left the House willingly to return to the State of Massachusetts in other posi- tions. I remember at the time we all wished him well. He left many friends behind, and we are grieved at his passing. [Mr. BROWN of Ohio addressed the House. His remarks will appear here- after in the Appendix.] the point of order that ay quorum is not present. Evidently, a quorum is not present. Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol- lowing Members failed to answer to their names: [Roll No. 801 Arends Glalmo O'Hara, Mich. Ashbrook Gibbons Powell Ashley Goodell Redlin Bandstra Halpern Resnick Baring Hanna Rivers, Alaska Bolton Hansen, Wash. Rogers, Tex. Brademas Hawkins Schisler Brown, Calif. Hays Scott Cooley Holland Sisk Corman Jarman Stephens Culver Jones, Ala, Teague, Tex. Dawson Keith Toll Dickinson Latta Van Deerlin Diggs McDowell Waggonner Dingell Moeller White, Idaho Duncan, Oreg. Morrison Willis Everett Morse Farnsley Nix The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ALSBRT). On this rollcall 381 Members have answered to their names, a quorum. By unanimouscnsent,,further pro- ceedings and r tg ca er dispensed SUCCESSIO/TO THE PRESIDENCY AND CE-PRESIDENCY Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 1) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relat- ing to succession to the Presidency and Vice-Presidency and to cases where the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, with a House amendment thereto, insist on the House amendment, and agree to the con- ference asked by the Senate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from New York? The Chair hears none, and without ob- jection appoints the following conferees: Messrs. CELLER, ROGERS of Colorado, CORMAN, MCCULLOCH, and POFr. There was no objection. THE LATE HONORABLE WILLIAM F. BRUNNER (Mr. CELLER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, it is with sadness that I announce the death of the late lamented William F. Brunner, a for- mer Member of this House. Our former colleague and my esteemed friend, Bill Brunner, has unfortunately left us. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him and the many for whom he performed countless acts of kindness with humility and without fanfare. Mr. Speaker, Bill was a, lifelong resi- dent of Queens County of the city of Mr. CONTE. Mr. Speaker, I make the New York. He served as a member of point of order that a quorum is not the New York State Assembly from 1922 present. _ to 1928 and then was elected as a Denlo- The SPEAKER" pro fempore. The crat to the 71st and three succeeding gentleman from Massachusetts makes Congresses, when he resigned in 1935 to 861 Appro For Release 2 0 0 3/1 012 2 Q $ 8 Oo i~U$E April 28, 1965 .. .,~ serye'in other public offices of the county IN e SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there of aur Nation's uses--ubho_PncL prl- of Queens and New York City. objection to the requestpf the, gentleman vate--is a paramount one. In later years Bill resumed the insur from Soutli Carolina? ance and real estate business but he Tliere was no objection. never lost active interest in civic aft`f~irs and the community in which he lived. WATER QUALITY ACT OF 1965 The Peninsula General Hospital in Eda'e mere, Long Island, of which he was pres- Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Speaker,' by di- ident, was near and dear to his heart and rection of the Committee on Rules, I call he worked tirelessly to expand and help up 1touse Resolution 3'39 and pask for its improve its facilities. immediate consideration, I knew him as a bepign character. Ile The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- was always kind In words and in action. lows: We were enriched indeed by his having H. RES 339 passed amongst us, and we are saddened Resolved, That upon the adoption of this by his departure. Ite`has gone to that 'resolution iti shall be In orderto move that undiscovered country from whose bourne 'the House resolve itself into the Committee no traveler returns. ' mtihe Whole House on the State of the Union good name always Spells goodness. As provide grants for research and development, the Psalmist said: to increase grants for construction of mu- 'Better Is the fragrance of a good name than 'nicipal sewage treatment works, to authorize point of order a quorFml is not present. ?rule. it shall be In order to consider with- -The SPEAKER pro Compare (Mr. AL_ put the intervention of any point of order Sgt(T). The Chair W 11- count. , [Adler the substitute amendment recommended by counting.] Evidently a quorum is not the Committee on Public Works now in the nrbsent'bill and such substitute for the purpose of call of the House. 'five-minute rule as an original bill. At the :conclusion of such consideration the Com- Acall of the House was ordered... , pilttee {hall .rise and report the bill to the The Clerk called the roll, and he fol- House with such amendments as may have lowing Members failed to answer to their -been adopted, and any Member may demand names: 'a separate vote in the House on any of the [Roll tto 811 'amendments adopted in the Committee of Apends Hawkins, I pool fthe Whole to the bill or committee sub- Astlbrook Holland Powell 'etitute. The previous question shall be con- Ashley Hull Randall 9ldered as ordered on the bill and amend- Earixig Hungate Resnick Ymthts thereto to final passage without in- 8ateg Ichord Reuss ;tervening motion except one motion to re- Belcher Jacobs Rivers, Alaska .commit with or without instructions. Bolton Jarman Schlsle Brademas Jones, Ala. - Schwel)er (Mr MADDEN asked and was iven . g ,.brown, Calif. Jones, Mo Scott -permission to revise and extend his re- Conte Karsten Senner Cooley Keith Ssk Marks, and include extraneous matter.) oorman Leggett smith Calif. Mr-MADDEN. Mr. Speaker House Dingell Martin, Mass. Ton 'of S. 4, a bill to amend and expand the Duncan Oreg. Mathias Tupper )'ederal Water Pollution Control Act. It Everett Matsunega Van Deerlin ; =would establish the Federal Water Pol- Farnsley May Waggonner Giaimo Moeller te,I vlution ide grants Aresetstratlop, to pro- Olbbmos M Wh oorhead lte, Idaho' vide grants for research and develop- Oub&er Mogrison Williams , 'event, to increase Halpern 4,iorse Willis grants for construction igan: The health of approximately 7 .Hann Nix Young 'of municipal sewage treatment works, to million people in the Chicagoland and Hansen, Idaho Pat-an ,authorize the establishment of stand- TnAlana area Is iennardizees emA throar- ceedings under the call were dispensed -"euu, wuivirrg puns ur uruer, wrens Illinois, and other States in the Union with. hours of debate, making it in order to have already been contaminated by Gov- KEar). On this rollcall 362 11lembers Ing, controlling, and abating pollution the formerly pure waters of Lake Mich- 'have answered to their names, a quorum V Interstate waters, and for other pur- igan. Inland lakes and streams not only - - - Mr. G'ETf'.YS. bir. Speaker, on the em of good water._ . Water is our The New York Times of April 18 had first.. quorum call today I am recorded greatest single natural resource. The an extended three-page comment in its 'as'absent. Iwas.prgsent and answered ssue of pure water must be settled now magazine section regarding the Raritan to my name. I ask unanimous consent for the benefit not only of this genera- River in New Jersey. The R.aritanRiver T dia he Calumet industrial region of-In- nacomprises the First Congressional District which I represent in Congress... It is the No. 1 congressional district In the United States :in relation to, Indus- trial concentration in. the Gary, Ham- Mond, East Chicago, Whiting area. Three major steel mills; Carnegie Iili- ngis, Inland, Youngstown, and, a num- ber of smaller steel and smeltr plants along: with refineries of all major oil com- pames, and several hundred other large and small industries are located in this area. During the Last quarter of a cen- tury these industries have expanded many times in production capacity. The major pollution to Lakes and streams and especially beautiful Lake Michigan comes from the industrial waste from these plants. Adjoining the Calumet region on the north is the large industrial complex of the city of Chicago and the same state- the State line in Indiana. The Hammond, Ind., Times reported recently a speech made by Richard Woolley of the Indiana State Board of Health. Mr. Woodley declared: The people are fed up with pollution and they want something done about it right away regardless if the action Is local, State, or Federal. ' Mr. Woodley is chief of the industrial waste: section of the Indiana Board of Health. He continues: As examples of the heavy concentration of pollution In the area waterways, Woodley reported outfalls were detected on a daily basis in these amounts: Oil, 106,000 pounds per day of which steel industries were re- aponslble for 91) percent and the oil re- fineries the remdning 10 percent; ammonia, 500,000 pounds; phenols, 5,000 pounds; eya- ntdes, 3,000 pounds. These examples show why there is a large-scale effort underway to halt pollution. The drinking water supply for approx- imately 600,000 people in the Calumet region and millions in the Chicago area is taken out of the waters of Lake Mich- igan adjacent to the shores from which this great industrial concentration is daily pouring industrial waste and other contaminating pollution into Lake Mich-