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Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R0 400010001-6 JPRS:93411 26 May 1961 ' CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RSFSR -USSR- PhotocopieS.of this report may be purchased from PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ? WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ...4-4ftz,V5.4 ? :J., ti??????40.0.71W1.4,..11.04,47,0?...napl...w. 0,41.0.? ..A.10.4?10 +-V ift..C. .1.1.1. U. S., JOINT PUBLICATION RESEARCH SERVICE 1636 CONNECTICUTAVE, N, W WASHINGTON ?250 De 110 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 FOREWORD This publication was prepared under contract by the UNITED STATES JOINT PUBLICATTONS RE. SEARCH SERVICE, a federal government organi- zation.established to servicete translation and r6search needs of the various vvernment departments. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 J.pas:9344 CSO: 6088-N/h CRIMINAL COB OF THE KirIt /Following is El translation of the '11ep1ovvy Xbdeks R2FGR"(Eaglish version above),puhlisheq An SpvtAekaya Yusti.tslya jbovt justice), No 17, Deo 1960, Uoscow, ?ages DECREE; of the RUSSIAN eovIET FEDERIITIVL a)CIALIST UPUB"-C Concerning the Adootion of the Criminal Code RSFSR The bupreme Soviet ol the hassian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic decrees: Article 1. That the Criminal Code 1Fh be adopted nd put into effect ae of 1 January 1961. Article 2. Thut it be est&bli?ihed that Article 24 of the Criminza Code SFOR sai1 not appv, with respect to the period of de,,rivation of fieedom, to persons convicted, prior to the adoption of the Basic Princip;es of Criminal Legislation of the UC..,6 and the Union Republics of 25 December 1958, of especially dan;orous crims against the state as specified in Chapter One of the Spt:cial ?art of the Criminal (=ode RSFSR, of bauitry, of premeditated homicide under aggravrting circumstanceo, of the theft of state or public property in large amounts, and of assault with intent to rob. Article 3. That the 2residium of the Supreme E-Iviet it5n;h be instructed to establish e procedure for putting into effect the CrWaal Code RSFsR and pubLish CI list of those legislative ac:ts of the RS1-q:R which will icw) tileir Jogai force owing to the promulgation of the Criminal Code WaSR. Chairman of the Presidium, bupree Soviet tiLFSR Secretary of the Presidinm, Supreme soviet R6F3R N. OROJANOV S. (...R1,0V Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 TABLE OF CONTEMS General ?art Articles Chapter One, Geneal Principles 1 - 3 Chapter Two. The Scope of' hhe CrirtirLCrjde 4 - 6 Chapter Three 7 - 19 Concerning Punithment 20 - Chapte Five. LLsigning Punifalment and Lxemptin fron 37 - 57 Chapter Six, Medioal. and ,;oncerning Cop Lr fileasures of a ?Edncational Character 3peolal Part . 58.1.63 Cha?ter Ono. Crimes against the State 1, Especially Danzerous Crimes tiainst the btate 11. Other Crimes aginst tqle State Chapter Two. Crimes a!Tainct Oocialist Property Chapter Threc. Crimes ziainst the Life, Health, Freedom, z,nd Dignity of the Individual Chapter Four, Crimes against the Political and Labor Rights of Citizens 74 89 102 132 - 88 - 101 - 131 Chter Five. Crimes azainct the Prsont.,1 Property oe Citizens 144 - 151 Chapter Six. xxonomic Crimes 152 169 Chapter Sever,. Crimes of Officials 170 - 175 Chapter Eight. Crimes againet JUFtrii:S 176 - 190 Chcpter Nine. Crimes a;Lainst the Orr of Governont 191 - 205 Ohx.,pte!' Tan. Crimes aaint. the ?ubilc Security, inblipOrder, and the Health of the iopulation 206 - 230 Ch.t?t42 Eleven. Crimes Representing Vestiges of LOC61 Ouatoms Z31 - 236 Chz:.pter Toeive. Military Crmes 237 269 El.:zt of Xinds of Property Not subject to Confiscation byntence of the Court aafflirmarlowe- Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 CIENEL PART Chapter One General Princ.d0.ea Articie 1, rine durposes of the Criminal Code tt.F;6R. It is the purpose of the Criminl Code ft:6FbR. t'.) protect the oTLt.aociol and goverminental system, uocialist droperty, the person and rights of citizens and of the entire sociaUst legal - order against criminal encroachments'. 4ith a view to achieving this purpose, the Criminal Code spealfies what aDoially danerous acts ai-e criminal, and prescribes . the penalties to be apiaied to persons wilo have cumidtted crimes. Article 2. The Criminal. Code it,061i. and ell-union criminal legisla.tion The? Criminal Code R6F.Sit is based on the principles and general ppemises established by the Basic Principles of Criminal ..:eg.islation of tnce. USSR and the Union Republics. The all -union. laVie COneerni1.:17, criminalUaoiitcrimes against the state anu military crimes, and.. the all-unin laws filing liability for other crimes directed against: the Interests of the USL,61 are included in the present Code, rending- inclusion of nil -union criminal laws in the Criminal Codo d6:71?, the lette are: applied on the territory. of the R6FSR directly. The General fart of the Code applies both to the acts enumerated In the present Code and to those acts libliity for wiAch is specified in all-union laws not yet included in the present Code. Article 3. The basis of criminal liebi.t.ity. Grt.i.nel liability and punihmeut shell be tTplied. only to a person who As guilty of committing a or'ime; i.e., a person who, intentionally or through negligence, nee dangerous act specified by crimimi statute. CriminAl punishment shall be assigned oly by sentence of E. cow' Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 emp.....1...?? .ge.e?????????? Chapter Two The :',cope of the Criminal Code Article 4. The force of the preo,r4t Oode with respect to acts committed on the territory of the i4-2.FSR. All persons who have committed crimes on th ?tItory of the REFSR z7:re liable under the present Code. In the event of the co=iiesion of a crime on the territory of the FiLFSR by diplomatic representatives. of foreign states and other persons who pursucnt to currently effective laws and international af;reemeLts ere not subject to the iTA-lediction of ;:.;.oviet judicial int: tutions with respect to criminal case, the question of their criminal liability i decided by diploic means. Lrtic18 5. The force of the present Code with respect to acts omaitted outside the boundaries of the Ub,tqt. Citizens of the US6R who have comitted crimes abroad., if they .r,ve been subjected to crlminal presecution or brought to trial on thc- territory of the R6F6R, are liable under the present Code. $t tie persons who who've committed crimss. outside the. )oundaries of the ti6ft and who are present within the MFSR, ar?. liatie on the same basis. I If the persons eriumerated In the first and second part of the present article have served a sentence abroad for the criibee committed, tne court may mitigate the punishment assigned or completely exempt the accused person from serving a sentence, as may be l4proprlate. foreigners who have committed crimes outside the tdunderies Qt' the USSR are liable under 6oviet criminal statutes in. those cases specified in international agreements. Article 6. The force of a criminal statute in time. The criminal nature an0 punishability of an act is determined by the statute in forte at the time the act was committed. A statute making an act no longer subject to penalty, or aitigating the penalty, ie retroactive; that is, it also applies to acts committed before its promulgation, 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 A statute establishing the punishability of an act, ee increasing the penalty, does not possess retroectiVe.force. Chapter Three Concerning. Crimes rt?le 7. The concept of crime. A crime le? a socially dangerous act (of commieion or omission) specified in the Special Part of the.present.Code which infringes upon the Soviet social or governmental system, the eocialiet system of economy, socialist property, the peraon, political, labor, . property, and other rights of citizens, or any other dangeeoue act infringing upon the socialist legal order specified by the Special Part of the present Code. An act of commission or omission which) although it formally contains the elements of an act specified in the ::;pecial Pert of the present Code, does not represent a eocial danger owing to ita insignificance, is not a crime. Article 8. The premeditated commissicn of a crime. -A crime is considered to have been premediteted if the persor. who committed it was aware of the socially dangerous character of hie action or inaction, foresaw its socially dangerous censequencee, and desired or consciously permitted the occurrence of- those con- sequencee. Article 9. The commission of a crime through negligence. A crime is considered to have, been committed through negligence if the person who committed it foresaw the possibility of the occur- rence of the socially dangerous censequencee of his action or inaction but frivolously counted on their prevention, or if he did not foresee the possibility of the occurrence of such consequences although he uld have .foreseen them. Article 10. The liability of minors. Persons who have reached the age of 16 years prier mmission of a crime are criminally liable. to. the Persons who have committed crimes between the ages of 14 and 16 Approved For Release 1999/09107 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 yea.- are criminally liable only for homicide (articlee .1;)2-106), the premeditated infliction of bodily injuries harmful to the health (articles 108-111, and 112, first part), rape (Article 117), assault With intent to rob (articles 91 and 146), theft (articles 89 and 144), robbery (articles 90 and 145), malicious hotliganism (Artiole 206, econd part), the premeditated destruction or demeging of etate or public property or the personal property of citizens entailing serious coneequences (Article 985 seeond part, end Article 149, second pert), and for the premeditated commiseion of acts capable of causing the wreck of a train (Article 86). If the court coneidere that a person who, while leee than 18 years of age, has committed a crime ehich does not repreeent a great social danger, reformed without the appliceeion of criminal punishment, it may apely to such a person compuleory leasuree of an educational dhareater which do not constitute criminal pun hent (Article 63). In the preaenee of the conditions enumereted in the third part of the present article, the minor may be exempted from eriminal liability and puniehment and transferred to a COMMiSLIC: on minors for consideration of the queetioa of applying compulsory ceceurea of an educational dearacter to him. Article 11. Irreeponethility. Criminal liability is not appliceble to a person eh:1 at the time of committing a Facially dangeroys act was in a state of irresponsib- ility; that is, who was unable to realize the significance of his actions, or to control them, as EL reoult of a chronic mental illnessla temporary disturbance of psychic behavior, feeblemindedneea, or other state of illness. Compulsory measures of a medical character mey be applied to such a person by order of the court (articles 58-61). A peraon who has committed a crime while in a state of reeponsibility bat who, prior to the paseing of sentence by the court, has contracted a mental illnees depriving him of the possibility of ealizing the significance of his actions, or of controlling them, shell not be subject to punishment. Compuleory meseuree of a medical character may be applied to such a person by order of the court, but upon recovery he is subject to punishmeat. Article 12. Liability for a crime committed in a state of inebriation. e person who has committed a crime while in a state of inebrie- tion is not exempted from criminal liability. ?6 ????????????.....? Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 13. Necessary defense. An act 1.6 not a crime if, although it fails within the category of an act specified in the Special Part of the present :Code, it was committed in a state of necessary defense; that is, in defending the interests of the Soviet state, social interests, the person or rights of the individual defending hitself or another person, against socially dangerous infringement by means of inflicting harm on the Infringer, provided that the limit of neeesseTy defense were not exceeded. Obvious disparity between the defense and the character and danger of the infringement constitutes going beyond the limits of neceeeery defense. Article 14. Extrene necessity. An act is not a crime if, although it falls within the category of en act specified in the Special Part of the present Code, it was committed in a state of extreme necessity; that is, in order to eliminate a danger threatening the interests of the Soviet state, social interests, the person or righte of the individual in question or other citieens, proviced that under the circumstances in question such danger could not have been eliminated by other meane, and also provided that the damage caused is lese extensive than the damage that was prevented. Article 15. Liability for mating preparations for a crime and attempting e crime. Finding or arranging the means or weapons, or any other intentional creation of the conditions for the commission of a crime, constitutes preparation for a ortme. A premeditated act directly aimed at the commission of a crime constitutes an attempted crime, provided the crime was not carried out for reasons not depending upon the will of the guilty party. Puniahment for making preparations for a crime and for an attempted crime is assigned in accordance with that article in the Special Part of the present Code which specifies the liability'for the crime in question. In assigning punidament the court shall take into account the character and degree of social daleer of the acts committed by the guilty party, the extent to which the criminal intentions were carried out, and the causes why the crime was not consummated. e *VW.. Paire??44.14.4 7 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 16.. VGluntary abstention froi the commieeion of a erime. A person Who has voluntarily &Detained from the. consummation of a crime io criminally liable only if the act he has in fact committed containe the elemente of another crime. Article 17. Complicity. The premeditated, joint participation of two or more persons the commiesion of a crime constitutee complicity. The accoMplicee in enerime include, in addition to the principale organizere, instigatoyei'and accessories. The principal is the person who has directly committed the crime. An organizer i6 a person who hae organized the commiesion of ? a crime or directed its commissione An instigator ie a person who has abetted the commiesion of a orime. An acceseory is a, person who has contributed to the commiseion of a crime by means of advice or instructions, by making meane available or eliminating obstacles., or a person who has promised in advance to conceal the criminal, the weapon, and the means of ommitting the crime' the evidence of ths crime, or objects acquired' ,y criminal meane. The degree and character of participation in the cemeiesien of the crime on the part of each of the accomplices shall be takeu into accoert by the court in aesiening punishment. Article 18. Concealement. The cencealmeat, when not previously promised., of a criminal, or of the weapons and means of comnitting a crime, evidence of the crime, or objects acquired by criminal ons, entails liability oely in those cases sPecially stipelated by the Special Part of the present Code. Article 19. Misprision. Misprieion of a crime reliably- known to be in the etageof preparation, or to have been committed., entails criminel liability only in those eases specially stipulated by the Special part cf the present Code. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 . Chapter Four Concerhing Punishm. t e 20. The guri.loses of nsherit. Puniellment does not merely constitute hat.iement. for the comuitted; it also has the purpose of reform*np nd rOductiag ' persons in 8, spirit of an honorable attitude toward labor, t3 compliance. vsith the law) and rept for tb,7:, rulozof st communal living, and the prevention Of the.mmission of crimes either by the convicted persons or by o 'ors. It is not the 10Jrpose of punishment. to infli.nt pa cal suffering: to denigraterhuman dignity. Article 21, Types- of punish;zent. The following penalities may be assigned to personc who have mitted crimes: 1) depr1v6tion of fredom; Ina exile; baniShment; corrective labor without de,rive:Ition oV freedom; oorivation of the ri?J-at to Or.teliz_y certain 1,ositions in certain activitic; fines; removal from position; iositicn of en obligation to IatiC2 restitution for 9) public censure; 10) tie confiction of property; 11) depriv,,tion of a military or special title, Punishment in the form of transfer to a Ci6cii:1inary battalion also be applied to Lilitary personnel with e fixed tsrm of servin Article 22. baj and supplementary measum.; of ninent. The basic me ti:e Oi. urtihcnt exu deprivation of i'rec.o corrective labor without derivation of freedom, 0A:do censute, end transfer ti disciplinary betOlion. Eanihmt, agile) riv.tioi of the L.4. t to occupy cia-taiu positiom or to engage In certain actdvitie2, I-nes, retiovld from position, the impoaition of an obligation to make restitution for * 9 igra. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 s mey be employed as either basic or supplementary pezalita Confiscation of property and deprivation of a military or special title may be employed only as supplementary penaltiee. Article 23. An exceptional measure of puniehmeat: the (teeth peealty A)plication of the death penalty, by &looting, is permitted in the form of an exceptional measure of punishment, pending its complete abrogation, for treason (Article 64), espionage (Article 65) acts of terrorism (articles 66 and 67), eabotage (Article 68), banditry (Article 77), premeditated homicide with aggravating ciroamstances as eaumerated in Article 102 and Item c of Article 240 of the present Code, and in time of war or under combat conditione, for other especially serious crimes in ttose cases specially stieulate eer the legieletten of the USSR. The following shall not be sentenced to the death penalty persons who had not reached the age of 18 years prior to ths commis- sion of the crime, and women who were in a state of pregnancy at the time of commisaion of the crime or by the time sentence w8l3 passed. -The death penalty shall not be applied to a women. who is in a state of pregnancy at the time of execution of sentence. Art:Icle 24. Deprivation of freedom. Deprivation of freedom is prescribed for periods of from three months to ten years; or, for especially serious crimes and for especially dangeroes recidivists, in those cneee enumerated in the Special Part of the present Gods, for not more tf,an 30 years. When sentencing a person who was under 18 years of ege at the tine of commiezion of the crime, the period of deprivation of freedom hail not exceed tem years. Adult person a Condemned to deprivation of freedom serve their eentences in a corrective labor colony or in prison. Minors serve their sentences in a labor colcny for minors. Deprivation of freedom in the form of confinement in orison for the entire period of the sentence, or part of such period, may be aseigned by the court to parsons who have committed serious crimes, or to eppecielly dangerous recidivists. In the case of persona Who have served not less than one half of the period of confinement in prison, provided their behavior h.ka been exemplary, the court may substitute detention in a colony for .10 ?????110??? niew. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 con.. ..nemea in prison. In tile case of persons -Who have maliciously violat,ed the regulations established at a correAive 1/tor colony, detention in a colony :ua:, by order of the Cotaq;, be reolacet by confinement in priscn. for period not to e:i..:Yeed three years, the reedsdar of tn,c sentence to be served in a corrective Iabor.colony4. The procedure and conditions for serving a sen'tence of del:rive-. tio of freedom are governed by the. Corrective LaboCode .1c?pational gnidance for oersons releacd from places of cuafioament ls the resonsibility of the e.,:ecuti-ve ccmmittees of local soviets or woricers deuties. Nuto. The fllOwing may be a:J.asidered especiully C.angerous reci6Avieta ilth respect to the: sentence of the cort; . 1) 6 person previously convicted_ of en esi)acie.11y d,merovis crime against the state (articlos 64-73), banditry. (14ticle 77), premeditated. hemiclde (articles l02, 101, and 240, Item premedi- tgited sprious bodily injury 108), rape (Article 117), the theft of state or oublic property ia large azounts (id-.tirie 890 third.. part, Article 90, third hart, Article 920 third pArt; Article 93, third part), assault Aith. intant to rob (articles 1.. and 146 and who has comTittad one of the above-mentioned crimes, irrespective of ohich of such crimes the person. was convicted of the first time; T)ersor. with ter) previous convioticn;.:, of taeft (articles. ?89 and 144), robbery (articles 9C; and 145),. frend (articles 9.3nc 147), speosietion (Article 154), bribax7 (f.rtiole 17?), 'r Ucicvs looli.genism (Article 206, second part) who has sobseuentlY cowitted any of the crims ennmeretea in the first paragraph of the present dote, or a person jrevieusty convicted of any of the crimes onymernted in the first of the present aote who has? subsecioentIy colmitted, on two occasions, theft, robbery, fraud., speculatdon, bribery, or malicious hooliganimj 3) a person with three. -:irevioos convictions for theft, _obbery, fraud? speculation, bribery, or melicious hooliganism anc. who has stbseuently comrdttod any of ch crimes. In considering the quest,ion us to w:.ether a. person is to be.. ruled, a dangerous recidivist, the court shall tae into account the chare.(..!ter and degree of the social danger of the crime committed, the character of the guilty party, and. the circumstances of the case. In considering.whether a. person is to be ruled an e$7)ecial1y dangeroos recidivist, acourt shall not be tiien of the crimes ii Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 commilled-t7Wa77167i;;6"ii7717n esr-Tr'rrig--j-6afi-:5r7qj;-3F6r-atT.i9e with respect to which the conviction was cancelled or refq'.tee. Article 25. Exile. Exile consists in removing the convicted person from his place of residence,. with mandatory settlement in a definite piece. Exile as either basic or supplementary punishment may be prescribed for a period of from tvo to five years. Exile as extra punishment may be. applied only- in those cases specially enumerated in articles of the Special Part of the preeeLt Code. Vocational guidance for exiled persons is the respensibility of the -executive committees of local soviets ef workers' deputies. Exile is not prescribed for persons who had not reached the age of 1 years prior to the commission of the crime, for preenent women, and for women with dependent children under eight years of age. The procedure, place, and conditione for eerving a sentence of exile are preecribed by legislation of the USSR and the RSnR. Article 26. Bantehment. Banishment consists in removing the coavieted poraon from his place of residence and forbidding him to reside in certain specific areas. ? BaniShment both basic and extra punishment may be prescribed '-r a period of from to to five years. Banishment as extra punieh- ment may be applied only in those cases specially enumerated in art- icles of the Special Part of the present Gode, ? Banishment is not prescribed for persons who had not reached the age of 18 years prior to the commission of the crime, for pregnant women, and for women Ath dependent children under eight years of age, The procedure and conditions for banishment are preecried by legislation of the USSR and the RSFER. Article 27r Corrective labor without deprivation of freedom. e e ] Corrective labor without deprivation of freedom may be asaigned for a period of from one month to one year and performed, in accordance with the sentence of the court, either et the place of mployment of the convicted person or t another place determined 12 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ? by the organ responsible for applying corrective labor, but in the area or residence of the convicted person. Deductions from the earnings of a person convicted to corrective labor without deprivation of freedom are withheld in an emount fixed by sentence of the court, ranging from five to 20 percent or the, earningso and transferred to the state. In the case of perSons considered to have lost their working capacity, the court may replace corrective lebor with a fine, public 4 censure, or imposition of an obligation to make restitution for damage done. Time spent in the performance of corrective labor, including such labor at the'Place of employment of the convicted person, . is not counted toward job sealority. In the event of conscientious work and exemplary behavior on the part of the convicted person during the performance of corrective abor, the court may, at the requeet of a social organization or collective of workers, after the convicted person has served his 1 ' sentence, rule that the time spent in performing corrective labor be counted toward job seniority. Article 28. The consequences of declining to perform corrective labor If the persen in question: avoids. performing 'corrective labor at hie place of employment, tle court may replace it by corrective labor at a place designated by the organ responsible for applying this punishment. If he avoids performing corrective labor at e. place designated by the organ above-mentioned, the court may replace it with deprivation of freedom. In this case every three days of time remaining to be served at oerrective labor shall be replaced by one day of deprivation of freedom. Article 29. Deprivation of tae right to occupy certain poeitions or to engage in a particular activity. Deprivation of tae right to occupy certain positions or to engage in a particular activity may be prescribed by the court for a period of from one year to five years, as basic or extra punishment. This punishment may be aseigned in those cases where, by reason of the character of the crimes committed by the guilty party in connection with a poeition or When engaged in a particular activity, the court deems it unfeaaible to grant him tne right to occupy certain positions or to engage in a particular activity. ??????6?????.? ????/?.????/?,?? 13 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 When this punishment Is assignee in aduteion to deprivation of freedom it apeliee throughout the period of deprivation of freedom and, in additicn, during a period established by the sentence. If, however, deprivation of the right to oceuuy certain positione or to eegage in a particular activity is prescribed in aadition to anoLher kind of basic punishment, the period ie eomp/Aed frem the time when the serving of the basic eentence is commenced. Article. 30. Fines A fine is a monetary penalty impoved by the court in those cases', and within thoee limits, specified by the appropriate articles of the. bpecial Part of the present Uode. Tile amount of the fine is fixed in accordance with the eeriouse flees of the crime which has been eomitted, taxing into account the property position of the guilty party. In the event that it is impossible to collect the finer tha court may 'rule that it be replaced by corrective labor without depr17ation of freedom, taking one month of corrective labor As the equivalent of a fine of 100 rubles, but the period of correetive labor shall not exceed one ye. The substitution of deprivation of freedom for a fine, or of a fine for deprivation of freedom, is prchibited. Objects not subject to confiecetion shall not be seieed by way of collecting a fine. Article 32. Imposition of an obligation to make restitution for damage done. The performance of an obligation to make restitution for damage done consiste in the direct elimination of the damage by one's own resources, restitution for material damage in ore le ?Ten funds, or a public apology to the injured party- or to members of a collective In e form prescribed by the court. A penalty in the form of imposing an obligation direotly to eliraJnate tl':e damage by on own resources may be aesielted in a case where, taking into account the charaeter of the damage done, the court considers that the guilty party is capabie of eliminating it :irectly by the abeveementioned meane. A penalty in the form of imposing an obligation to make restitution for material damage in ono 9s own funds may be eesigned ---- 14. ----- Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ????????01.40111. ? if the extent of the damage done does not exceed 1,003 rutis. A penalty in the form of imposing an obligation to make a public apology to the injured party or the members of the oorresponding collective may be:assigned if there has been iaftingemeet of the inviolability or dignity of thelpereon or violation of the rulee of socialist ? communal living Which ha a not caused material .age If the convicted pereon fails to 1filLhie; obligation to make restitution for the damege done within the period fixed by the exemt the court may replace teie penalty by corrective labor, pr a riae) or removel from position, or pub),ic cenaure. In, thia case, and also in case the materialedamage done amounts to morethn 1,000 rebles, restitution to the injured party for the damage done is effected by way of civil procedure. Article 33 Public censure. Public.cenoure coneists in the public expression by the court of censure of the guilty party and, Where neceeeary, in. bringing this fact to the attention. of the public through the press or by other means. Aeticle 34. The transfer to a battalion of tlltary personnel who have oommitted crimes, and ta eeplacement of corrective labor by detention ia a guardheuee. Military personnel with a fixed term of service who have commit- ted crimes may be transferred to a disciplinary battalion for a period of from three months to two year in those cases epecified by law, and also in those cases where the court, having taken lekto account the circumstances of the caze and the character of the eonvicted person, considers it desirable to replace deprivation of freedom for a period of up to two years by transfer to a disciplinary bat? talion for the same period. Corrective labor without deprivation of freedom in the case of military personnel, by oonfinement in. ageardhouee for a. period of up to. two months. Article 35A Confiscation of property. Confiscation of property consista in the compuloory seizure and transfer ba the etate ) without compensation; of all or a pert of property which is the private property of the convicted persen. If a part of the property is being eonfiscated, the court 'shall specify which part of the property is beingoonfiscatedl or list 15 ???????.a.V10."1112???? Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 thf-'2 oonfiscatc,kd objects. ? '.;onfiacation of i.xoperty :way be pre&eribed only ,for crines a.,.zainSt the state hnd sericm; ven.41 orlIea in thoa,e oases enumerated articles of the Speciai rart of the pi'eelAt L'ode When, property "15 oonfisdated:the ate is not anEwtwabl.e. for the debts ald obitgoUone of too c:4,r.vif..Aed ?err:on. If they "aave- nricen aftertekilv of qAaaaures to- confiecat provrty by orgs of' 1-,o lice inquiry, inveetlgative t or judiziaI-orghn, ane. witut hgreemeot on, the part of imeh ornns. Vita respct to claim, against cooftscatc3d prert., the state L ,9newerable.only within the limito of th_e assets. Wit regani to the 2riority fat' !iatisfying claiAls, the raLes precribc the t.;c-de of Ldvil Pro,led:Are a;.3,Fa shall be obearved. Artible 36. Depriv?tio. of military end other titier.; aJs,,J, of orders, medal, and honorary titlas. When e .ploron -posessi,n6. a military or sp.e.1 tit; o.lnvictd of a crtme hie m49y, by sztence? of ttli COVrt. be dabrived of such tat:o. . i . When a .pers,on. who ba been oder? or mec-ni, or oho I . 1 ,pos6esser. an, honacy title, oly),:..:t'l by the Prestdiu of th ! 1 H:,hal-pre l',ovlet 6aR, the i'reflicit ,..df' 1,ne Suprele :;,o-i.rie RaEi..? or , 1 of Another rtAoA republic, or of an antor.o-mous reublicl, or a militarVi or other titles celferred by the PxwAdi7.,:,m. of the upre :::;tvi,A , the ',.;ouhat.1 of MlaiEtors U6La, no ColArioll of Ministle 66.F,Siii 1 Pr of lubther .tnitiort republic, *1.6$ been convicted of a, zeris t murt un tir iecid ue in a to .iletiLer to submit to the organ Whic awarded. the order or meaal to I hs v w. paeg Fentcee ce tAe?Asto. s convIoted nersop o- whir.h c.o-derr,),' tke 'ItiP u-o-o. 1:.4:a '-'1.8t 1-19 oollvicte.a. peon be de,-:rived. of thi. order oz medal, or 1171e, 4cmoraty, Triiiity, or other title, Ghapter Five Aef,.ighin,j; 7'unishment and k,..xem,;.:tion .rolA A. ticle 37. The generei principles of ess.Igning punizhment. The court aseigqs unihment within the U.wit tb11 shid. y the articles of the Special i'art of tAe present Code,, ?re scribe I Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 . , :Liability for the crime committed in.close orAl y w provie sions of the Basic Principles of (wriminal Legisl.tion of tile UR and the union he,lublice arid the General Part of the present Code. In assigniag punishment the court, guided by the 'socielist legel philosophy, taKeS into account the character and degree of social dangeT. of the crime committed, the character' of the geilty ottrtyp end the circumstances of the case mitigating or eggravatine liability. Article :38. Cireumstances mitigating liability. when punishment is assigned, the following shall be considered as circumstances mitigating liability: 1) tee prevention, by the guilty party, of hareful conse? quences of the crime which was ?emitted, or voluntary restitution or damage done, or elimination of damage done; 2) the commission of a crime as a result of the concurrence of serious personal or family circumstances; 3) the commission of a crime under the influence of a threat or coercion, or by reason of material, occupational, or other dependence; 4) the commission of a crime for the first tize as a result of a concurrence of aircunstencee, provided such crime does aot represent a great social clanger; 5) the commission of a crime under the influence of strong emotion caused by the unjust act of the injured party; 6) the commiseion uf a crime when offering defenee ajuinet a secially dangerous infringement, altboegh the limits of necessary defense have been exceeded; 7) the commission of a crime by a minor; 8) the commission of a crime by a women in a state of pregnancy; 9) sincere contrition or confession, and active asoistance in discovering a crime. .When assigning punishment the court may consider that the liability has been mitigated by other circumstances as well. Article 39, Oircumste-nces Aggravating liability. When punishment is assigned, the folloaing atoll be considered 6 circumstances aggrawAing liability 1) the commission of a crime by a person who hes previously =Jetted a crime. The court shall have the right, depending upon the character of the first crime, to rule that it posseeees no significance as an aggravating circumstance. 2) the commiseion of a crime by an organized group; ? 17 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 2 the commission of a crimo for venhl or ,tber phFe woliwba 4) the production of sert,us c,;nsequances by the crime; 5) the commission of a crime sith respect to a young person, old pern, op other person in 8 neidier.s condition, and Pith rest to ,a person in a stete of materiaL, offialPi, or other deendewle udon the guilty perty; 6) 1-,ne instigation of miner%t to thl) commi.sslon of acrime, )r the enListment of minors for partjoitioh in a crime; 7) the commission of a CaMe involving parLicular bhrbhaess nr mectery to4ard the injured .,',artlr; 8) the commission of a crime whiGh invoiv-es ;;roftting from 1.;11,e conditions of a public disaster; 9) the commission of a crime by a mothod involving general darr:er; 10) the COMMiSSIOA of h crime Lbsoci4,ted with the use of ,a source of neihtened dallier by a person A state of insbrietion; ll) denouncing a pert;on 4nomi to be innocent; 12) the commission of a new crime by a person released unda( surety quring tne period of surety or Ai thin one yecr after the e7,iret1on of each perfect. Article 40. Assigning vunishment when several crimes '6.ave been. committed, If a person is found guilty of having commited two or more crimes speciffied in Vhri:AIS articles of the Special part of the present Uede fny none of *Lion he had been yonvicted, the court, after having ,2ssigned punishment for erxh crime individually, makes its final determination of uni3hmeht on the basis of their totality by meRne of absorbing the 1es6 sovero sentence by the or severe_ one, or by. means of the full or partial corounding of the sentences within the limits established by. the articles providing for 6 more severe penalty. ihe extra penalties enumernted in thobe articles of the SpeciEl eart of the -,)resent Code which prescribe tho liahiLity for those crimes of whose commission the person found oility1 may be added .0 the basic sentence. Punishment is assigned la accordance with the same rules if, after sentence has been passed, it ib established. that the convicted -,ers,:tn is guilty of another crime committed prior to the passing of sentence in the first case. In this case, the sentence flaly or . partially served under the first judgment is counted as a part of th period of the sentence. - Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 41. Aseigning punishment in several sentences. If, after pronouneement of sentence but ',rior to the fue1 serving of the sentence, the convicted pereon has committed a new crime, the court adda to the new sentence, fully or in pert, the enserved part of the oentence under the previous judgment. 'When sentencee are compounded in eeeordance witll the peeceeure preecribed in the present article, the overall period of the eentence wheal not exceed the maximum period fixed by the preaent Code for the kind of sentence in question. When compounding sentences in the form of a deprivation of freedom, the oveeall period of the sentence shall not exceed ten yeare, except that for crimes for which the peezent Code permits aecignIng deprivation of freedom for a period of more then ten years, it shall not exceed 15 years. Vinen compounding sentences In the form of a deprivation of freedom and serviCe in a dieciplinaey battalion, one day of service in a disaiplinary battalion is taken as equal to one day of deprivation of freedom. When compounding sentences in the form of a deprivation of freedom and and in the form of exile, banishment, or coerective labor three days or 'exile, beniShmeet, or corrective labor are take an equal to one day of deprieation of freedom. Eieatencee Involving deprivation ofxfreedom plus, or orrectiva labor pies a fine, are put into execution Independent4e cle 42. Concerning the procedure for determining the length of eentences. Periods of deprivation of freedom, ;service in e disciplinary battalion, exile, banishment, corrective labor? or deprivation of - the right to occupy certain positions or to engege in a particular activity, are computed in months and years. Periods of detention in a guardhouse are computed in de:4(s and months. Computation of the above-mentioned sentences in. days is permie- able ellen replacing or compounding sentences. Article 43. Assigning a loss severe penalty than that preecribed by law. If the court, having ten into consideration exceptional circum- stances in tte case and the character of the convicted pereon, deems it necessary to assign to him a penalty below the minimum level 0.1*?04.0?11..- ????????????? 19 ? Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ? orm fixed by law for the crime in question, or to aseign a different and lees severe form of punishment, it. may, so mitigate the punishment. In thia caoe it is mandatory to eet forth the reasons therefor. Article 44. Conditioel eouviction. e If, when assigning punishment in the form of a deprivation of freedom or corrective labor, the court, having taken into account the - cirouvestances of the case and the character or the convicted person, is conrinced that it is not desirable for the convicted person to serve the sentence assigned, it may make a, ruling as to the conditiona' non-epplicatioa to the convicted person. of the punishment in question, mandatorily setting forth in the sentence the reasons for the .condi tional conviction." In this oaee the court rules that the sentence Small not be executed, provided that during the probationary period fixed by the court the convicted person does not commit a new crime of' a similar nature, or a not lees serious crime. A probationary period of from one to five yeare is fixed by the court. In the event of a conditional conviction o extra penalties may be eesignedl with the exceetion of e fine. 1Taking into account the cie m th cuetances of e ceeet the character of the ea-evicted person, and petitions filed by social organizatione or by the collective of workers, employees, or kolkhoz farmers at the place of employment of the convicted person, the court may make such organizetions or such a collective responsible for the raducation and reformation of the convicted person. If the court decides upon conditional conviction in the absence of the above-mentioned petitions, it may impoae upon a particular collective of workerel or a Person., with their permieeiou, the reeponeibility- for surveillance of the conditionally convicted person, and for doing educational work with him. At the request of the social organization, or workeve collective Charged with surveillance of the conditionally convicted person, the court may reduce the probationary period fixed by the sentence. The question of reducing the probationary period whall not be raiued until after the exeiration of at least one-half of such period. The court and the higher prosecutor are responsible for keeping account of conditionally convicted person and for exercising general control over their behavior. Mat - 20 ???????mv.?????-. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 45. Assigning punishment to a on pern when he has wmmitted Laother crime. In the event of the commission, by a conditionally convicted person, of another crime of like nature, or of a no less serious crime during the nrobationary period, the court shall assign punishment in accordance with th3 pro7isione'ot Article 41 cf the prevent Code. Article 46. Deferring execution of sentence, in time of war, upon a perspn in military service or subject to military service. In time of war the execution of e sentence involving deprivation of freedom pronounced with respect to a person In military service, or a person subject to mobilization or being called up for service, may be deferred by the court until the termination of hostilities, and. the convicted person may be put on active service. In ;7;lich cases the court uay also defer execution of supplementary sentences. If the convicted person put on active service shows himself to be a staunCh defender of the socialist motherland the court may, at the request of the appropriate military command, suspend sentence or substitute another and less severe sentence. In the event that the person with respect to whom exseution of sentence was deferred, cummits another crime, the court shall add the previously assigned sentence to the new one in accordance with the provisions of Article 41 of the present Coda. Article 47. Deducting pre-trial confinement time. When sentencing a person to deprivation of freedom or tvansfer a disciplinary battalion, the court deducts pre-trial confinement noel one day of Waich is taken as equivalent to one day of sentence ime. When sentencing a person to corrective labor, exile, or banishment, one day of confinement time is taken as equivalent to three days of sentence time. In assigning other Measures of punishment the court, taking pre-trial confinement time into account, may either mitigate the punishment assigned or fully exempt the convicted person. :Cram serving a sentence, vhichever is appropriste, Article 48. The period of limitation for initiating criminal . prosecution. 1 A person may not be criminally prosecuted if, since the time commission of the crime, the following periods have run: ?21 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 1) one year since the time of commiesion of any of the crimes specified in articles 94,- 96 (first part), 97, 112 (second part), 131,? 143, 158 (first part), 165, 166, 182, 1920 197, 198, 200, 207, and 209; 2) three yearseince,the time of: commission of a crime punishable, in accordance with the present Code, by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two Years or by a penalty not involving deprivation of freedom, except for the crimes specified in the articles enlimerated in the first paragraph; 3) five years since the time of commission of a crime punishable, in accordance with the present Code, by deprivation of freedom for a period not. to exeeed five years; 4) ten years Since the time of commission of .a crime punishable, in accordance with the present Code, by a more severe penalke than deprivation of freedom for a period of five years.. The period of limitation is broken if, prior to the expiration of the above-mentioned periods, the person committe another crime punishable, in accordance with the present Code, by deprivation of freedom for e period of more than two years. In this case the period of limitation is considered to begin at the time of commission of the new crime. The period of limitation is broken if the person yho has commit e the crime conceals himself from the inveetigation or the court. In such cases the period of limitation ie computed from the moment the person is arrested or surrenders himself in order to confess. In eueh a case the person shall not be criminally prosecuted if five years have elapsed since the time of oommitting the crime, and if the period of limitation was not broken by the commission of another crime. - The question as to applying a period of limitation to a pers.= who has committed a crime punishable by death according to law, shall be decided by the court. If the court considers that it is not feasible to apply the period of limitation, the death sentence shall not be imposed but shall be replaced by deprivation of freedom. Article 49. The period of limitation for executing an inculpatory sentence. An incelpatory sentence shall not be executed if it was not executed within the following periods of time, counting from the day the sentence entered into legal force: 1) three years -- when a person is sentenced to deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or to punithment t involving a deprivation of freedom; Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 [2) five years -- when a Imwson IF sentenced to derivation. of freedom for a period not to citceed five years; 3) ten years -- when a person is etntenced. to a more severe vanishment than deprivation of freedom for a-period of five years. . .. The period. of limitation is broken if the convic.ted person ' avoids serving the sentence or cOmmits,prior to the expiration of the period, another crime for which_the court has assigned punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom for aTeriod not less than one year ., or exile or banishment for ?a. period of not less than three years. In the event of the commission of another crime the period of limita- tion is counted from the time of its commission. In the event of avcidln?he serving of a. sentence it is counted from the time the parson surrenders himself- in order to serve sentence, or from tic time cf arrest of a convicted person who has oDncealed himself. In this case an inculpatory sentence shall not be put into execotion if five years have eippeed since the time of its pronouncement, and if the period of limitation was not broken by the commission of another crime. The question of applying the period of limitation to a person ho has been sentenced to desth is decided by the court. If the: court does not consider f.t feasible to apply the period of limitation, the death penalty Shall be replaced b:T deprivation of freedom. Article 50. Exemption from criminal liability and f.unisent A perbon who has comlitted a crime :my he exempted from Lity itis acknowledged that, by the time of the anvehtigation or the trial, as a result of a change in the situation, the act committed by the guilty party has lost its character of Ong socially dangerous or that the person has ceased to be socially dangerous. A. person Who has committed c). crime may be exempted from ounishment if it is acknowledged that by reasons of his subsequent irreproachable behavior and honorable attitude toward labor, the pemon may not, by the time of the trial, be considered socially dangerous, Article 51. Exetption from criminal liability and the transfer of the case to a comrades court. A person may be exempted from criminal liability end punie-ent, arid the case transferred for hearing by a comrades' court, if be committed any of the following acts,specified by the 6,7Ecjal fart of the precert Code, as a first offence; 1) the premeditated infliction of slight bodily injury, or 23 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 batte ce ry, not rulting tn a dieturbance of heelen (Arteele eie, Eecond part); tho spreeding, in a collective, of false rumors defeming 2 mer of the cole.ective (Article 130, first part); contumely (Article 131); 2) any other act with reepect tc which, puveufae te an article in the epeciel Part of the present Code, the epplicttien of measures of eoelel action is permitted; 3) any other mlnor felony if? 14 reason of the chexacter of the act commiteed and the character of the guilty party, he een be refermed withcut the application of puniehe,ent, employing meaeures of SOCia action. txtiele 52. Exem+tion from criminal liability sed traneferreg the ,uilty party to the auetoc:y of guerantore. If by reaaon of the oiroemstencee of the cese the crime ehich haE been committed by the person in queution, and the pern himself, do not re:Iresent t great sociel &Anger, and if the ect of the guilty party did not result in serious cueeeeuences and he himself ha. evidenced Ed:v.:ere contrition, such person mey, at the reeueet of 8 eociel ori;anizeticn or collective of workere, be exempted from criminal liability end punisnment end releaoad on suret-j br re4duca- tion end reformation to the eociel or6enization or colletive of womere which filed the petition. A person previously cenvicted of a premeditetee creme, or a . ersen previouely released on eurety, shall not be relebeed on surety. In like manner, -a person who noes not acknowledge his guilt, or who :or some other eeasons insists that his cbee be tried, all not be released on surety. - If a persor. who ha e been released on surety, in the coir ee of one yoar, hae not juetifielkhe truet of the collective, ha e violated his promise to demonstrate his reformation by exemplary behavior and honest labor, has failed to respect the norm* of eocialiet communal living, or ha e left the labor collective in order to avoid social action, the Eociel organization or eoekerel collective which provided surety for him shall issue a decieion refusing surety and. shall transmit tuch decision to a prosecutor er court for coneideretion of the question of the. criminal proeecuticn of the guilt:y party for the crime with reEpect to whose commission he was released on surety. Article 53. Cenditicual pre-term releaee from punishment, end the aubotitution of a lese severe- Eentence. If a person sentenced to deprivation of freedoei, corrective. labor, ----------- ? 24. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : dIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 exile, banishment, or transfer to a disciplinary battalion strutas the fact of his reformation by exemplery behavior and an honorable attitude towurd labor, the coUrt may, after he has actually erved no less than one-half of the sentenee assigned, order his vaticnai pre-tern. release fro ent ure 1.stibetltotin of ce ver e penalty for the unsved portion of.' tte sentence, Is. case tba convicted pers6a may also be releae from extro ia the form of exile, banishment, or decTivation of the right to cuy certain positions or to enze6e in-a particular :.,otivity. CondAtioneI ;re-tern relase and. the tubstitutian of severe penalty for the unserved portion of the sentence may be loplied, after the factual serving of no less than two-thirds of re entence imposed by the oourt, in the case of persons convicted especially dangerous crimes agEinst the state (rtioles- 64.43), 'Atry (Article 77), disturbances (Article 79), damag,ing cays and means of communication and tramporUtion facilities le 96), the manufecture or sole of counterfeit coins or .cwrrency (Article. 87), the theft of stete or ijIblic property in amounts (Article 89, third per ;:o:ticle 90, third parti , third pt i Article 93, third part), robbery under areveting eircumstances (Article C'), voild parts Article 145, - d part), assault AlUn intent to rob (ertioies 91 and 146), premeditated destruction or dafliuging GI: state or public property, r the personal property of citizeue, nader egTcaveting cA.r.stance 'ATticle 98, seeplad pert; Article. 149, :iecond part), preirediated doide (articles 102 and 103), the preneditated inflictn of serio.r.i's bodily injury (Artic15 10g), mpe. under rigraltating circum- stnues (Article 117, parts to and three), the eXC8iT exercie of thcrity or official powers under eggn:Neting circumstLnce6(Article J.? i.,eJeond part), the taking of a bribe under aggravetin ciroux- stances (Art:Icle 173, seoond part), instigating the criminal prosecu- jon of & person known to be innocent (Artif.7.1e 1760 second :part, g s. clearly unjust Eentence, decision, orer, or rvliAq; - in. seckus consequences (Article 177, second part), ing teatimony by mens of coercion under aggravotir circuw- stanc - (Article 179, pocond part), malicious hool:n1. (ArLIcle :2.06s second pert), insubordination (t,rtic)c 238, items O resisting a superior o,Lieiing him to violate afficilA o?ition (rticie 240, items h ac), using force with respect ter a superior (1;rtic1e 242). The same provision apliea to persons previously con7icted of rty of the above-anumerated crimes who have. subsequently bei:a. wavicted of theft under agraveting Arcumetances (irtiole 89, ecoad part; Article. 144, second 1:aut) (Ind to persna previously victed of theft comrAitted under aEgravatin6 circumstances and Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ubesqueetly convictec again of aggravated th.ft. Conditional pre-term relase an tae eubetitution of a less zevere penalty for the unserved portion of a sentence shall not be applied in the case of dangerous recidiviets, 4then grentin3 conditional pre-torm release the court may imioae upon e particular pereen or collective of workers, with their agree- vent, reeponsibility for eurveillance of the conditionally released person and for doing educational work with him Thr the duration of the unserved portion of the sentence. Article 54. Aesigning punishment for the cemmiseion of another rime by a person granted conditional pre-term release. If, in the course of the unserved portion of the senLeece, a person who has been granted conditional pre-term reLeaee commiL.s another crime of similar nature, or a crime which 18 no less eerioue, the court shale impose sentence in accordance with the provisions of Article 41 of the present Code. In this case the court shell add to the baeic penalty the additional penalty aesigned in the first sentence. Petiole 55. Exemption from puniShment and the substitution of a less severe penalty in the case of persons who have committed a crime before reaChing the age of 18 years. If a person sentenced to deprivetion of freedom or corrective labor for a crime committed before he had reached the age of 18. years ban demonstrated -the fact of his reformation by exemplery behavior md an honorable attitude toward labor, the court may, after no lees than one-third of the sentence has actually been served, aeply one of the Deiloeing to him: I) conditional pre-term release from punieheent, if the . liberation from punishment is applied when ths convicted person reaches the age of 18 years; or 2 ) pre-Aorrn release from punishment, if the release from punishment is applied prior to the 18th birthday of the yonvicted person; or 3) subetitution of a less severe penalty for that portion, of the sentence not yet served. Article 56. Suspenzion of sentence. Sespeneion Of sentence, or mitigation Of sentence, exce.:t for suepension or mitigation of sentence by way of amnesty or pardon, shall be applied only by the court in those cases,. and under that ?26 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 procedure, prescribed by law. Article 57. Cancellation of conviction.. The following hell be considered as having no record of conviction: 1) persons released from punishment under articles 49 and 50 of the present Code; 2) persona who have served a sentence in a dieciplinery battalion or who have been prematurely releae:d from sec:e, and military personali who have served a sentence in the form of detention in a guardhouse in lieu of corrective labor; 3) persons conditionally convicted, provided they do not commit another crime during the period of probation; 4) persons sentenced to public censure, the impoeiticn of n obligation to make reetitution for damage done, removae from position, a fine, deprivation of the right to occupy cerLein positions or to engage in a particular activity, or ?to corrective labor, provided that in the course of one year from the time the sentence was served they have not committed another crime; 5) persons sentenced to deneivation of freedom for a period of not more than three years, to exile, or to banLehment, provioed that in the course of three years from the time the oentence was served (both the basic and extra penalty) they have not committed another crime; 6) persons sentenced to deprivation of freedom for a period of more tam three years but not to exceed six years, provided that in the course of five years from the time the sentence was served (both the basic and extra penalty) they have not committed another crime; 7) persons sentenced to deprivation of freedom for a period of more than six years but not to exceed ten years, provide that 1 the course of eight years from the time the sentence was served both the basic and the extra penalty) they have not committed another rl me; 8) persons sentenced to deprivation of freedom for a period of more then ten years, provided that in the course of eight Oonre from the time the it nce was served (both the basic end the extra )enalty) they have not committed another crime, and proviced? further, that the court shall have established the fact that the eonvicted person has reformed himself and that there is no necessity for onsidering him to have had a cenvictionin If a person sentenced to deprivation of freedom has, after erring his sentence, demonstrated the fact of his reformetion by is exemplary behavior end honorable attitude toward labor, the eurt may, at the request of a social organization, cancel his - 27 weimmap.1?01 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ..2.....el.*?[.....**?*lo,..1?40.11,41.4.0?Wia? conviction prior to the exeiration of the period specified in the present article. If the sentence assigned by judgment -of the court has been reduced or replaced by a less severe penalty by virtue of an act of amnesty or pardon, or by the applitation of conditional pre-term release or pre-term release, the: period for cancellation of conviction is computed on the basis, of the Amount of the sentence acteally served If the senteace hes been replaced by a less severe penalty, the time actually served is computed in accordance with the provelons of Aeticle 47 of the present Code. .The period for cancellation of a eonvietion is computed from the day of wmpletion of tee serving of a sentence, or the day of releese from sentence. Chapter Six ? Concerning Compulsory Meaeures of o Medical and Educetienal Character Article 58. The application of compulsory measures o?'a medical character to mentally ill pereons. In the case of persons who have committed aocially dangerous - acts thile in a state of irresponsibility, or who have committed such acts while in a state of responsibility, but whc prior to _passing of sentence or while serving sentence have, contracted a _ ? mental illness depriving thou of the possibility of realizing the significance- of their acts, or dr controlling them, the court may apply the following, -compulsory measures of a medical charenter; 1) placement in a psychiatric hospital of the general type; 2) placement in a psychiatric hospital of the special type. Article 59. Placement in a psychiatric hoepital. Compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital of the general type may be applied by the court with respect to a mentally ill person who by reason of his mental state and the character of the socially dangerous act he has oemmitted, requires hoepitalizetten and treatment under compulsory conddtions. Placement in a psychiatric hoepital of the specie:1 type may be designated by the court with respect to a mentally ill person who, by reason of his mental state and the character of the socially *.naorygrow .01Moorsomme... 28 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 erou act he has cammitted, represents a opecial (Jaeger to society. Persons placed iu a psychiatric hoapital of the special type are kept under close observation excluding the poseibility of their omtitting Lowther socially dangeroue acte Article 604 Ordering, changing, end dIscontinuing the applieeation of compulsory measuree of a medica.1 character to mentally ill pervons. The court, When it ha a found it eeceasary to order a compuleory aaure of aetedical character, selects such measure in accordance th the mental illnese of the person, and the character and degree -of seeeal danger of the act he has oommitted. Diecantinuation'of the application of compuleory measures of a? medical character is effected by the court in accordance with the vonclueion of a medical institution in the event of the recovery of the person In question or a change in the character of his 11..L. ?iless such that it is no longer 'necessary to employ euch measures. Changes in the type of compulsory measure of a medical character re aleo effected by the court in accordance with the concluvion of -he medical institution. If the court does net consider it neceseary to appy compulsory meesuree of a medical character to a nentally ill pereon, and alco in the event of the diecontinuation of employment of such measures, the court may release him to the custody of hie parents or foater parents, in which case medical obeervatioe is mandatory. Article 61. Making allowance for the time of application of cum- puleory measnres of a medical character. A person who after committing a crime or during the serving of sentence has contracted a mental ilInees depriving him of the sibillty of realizing the aignificance of hie actione, or of controlling them, may, after his recovery, be assigued a penalty by the court, provided the period of limitation has not rnn, anc: provided there ere no other grounds for exempting him from oriminal and punishment. If punishment is asaigned to such a pereon after his recovery, the time during which compulsory measures of a medical cheracter were applied shall be taken into account in the period of the sentence. Article 52. The application of compuleory measures of a medical character to alcoholics and drug addicts, or the establishment of urveillance over tnem. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 In the event of the commissic,n of a cril by em alc.!1_f.; or a drug addict the court, at the petition of a social orgsaizatien, collective of w)rkers, comrades' ocurt? or organ of public healthl may in addition to the penalty for the crime committed, apply compulsory teeatment to such a persoa Persons of the above type who have been sebtenaod to resive punishment of a type not involving deprivation of freedom sroll Ibe given comOulsory treatment at medical institutions wit; pecial tIterapsutic and wnrt regiven. If such persons aro sentenced to deprtvation of freedom, they shall be given compulsory treatment while serving sento-ace; and after their release from the place of confinement such treatment Shall, where necessary, be continued at medical. institutions with e. spec:Lai therapeutic end work regimen. - Discontinuation of compulsory treatment is effected by the court at tho suggestion of the medical institution in. '.kthich the person. has been placed for treatment. In the event of the commission of a crime by a' person. 4h0 abuses alcoholic beverages, and Aho as a reolt has plced 1.11s faMily in a difficult materiel position, the court, in addition to assigning purishment for the crime committed, v,then such punishment. does not involve deprivation of freadom, anail have the right, at the petition of a social orjaaization, collective of .workars, or comradasi court, to establinn surveillance over such person. Article 63. The application of compulsory measures of an educational charnoter to minors. .If tie court, 1)ursuant to the third part of ilrticie 10 of .the present Code, deeme it desirable not to assign criminal punishment to a minor has comMitted a crime, it 2-,ay ord_er the following copulsory measur,6s of an educatLonal &taraoterl 1) imposition of tne obligation. to. make an a,)y to the injured oarty, either in public or in another form determined by the court 2 ) iwuence of a reprimand or a strict redrimand; '3) warning; 4) iivosition upon a mi:.or Mao has reached tiv) ne of 15 years of an obligation to zake rest:dtution for camage dcne, ,Drovided the mthor Jossesses his own scurce of inc)me and that th,1 damage does not exceed :40 rubles in extent, or imposition of an obligetion to eliminate, by his ovn labor, &image not In excess of 200 rubles; when tne damage 63,.ceecis 200 ruble, reatitutioo shil be mre by voly L. ? 30 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 0161.1h0,1*???....,,w9Y/S..4,1 rr ..'.. 1,.'.,... ofci;if droce ; dure - . 5) r As eleasing t minor to the strict oastouy of his paronts or to persons 'acting ?ln loco_p_a.reat4; 6) releasing the miao ,. for .urtsoses of survelliance, to a collective of workers ,r to a sociU organization, rith their agree- ment, or to individual citizens at their reuest; 7) placelent in a si,eciz1.1 educational or taer9eutic 6,nd educztional lustitutIon for children and adolescents; 8) transfer of the minor t., an educfitionai zolony for minors 'fhe periods, procedure, and eoaditions for..c.ei,ping minors in atice;Aional colonies and special therapeutic and edniktional lai,titu- tions ars governed by the Decree on Commissions for iinors. SPECIAL PART ehapter One Crimes against the State . ag!inst thq_statet. A leis 64. Treason a) Treason; that is, an act intentionally commit!ed 14 a citizen of the USSR Which is damainr; to trae state independence, territorial invio_Lubility, or military power of the USSR: defection to the enemy, espionage, ccmmunicating e state or military secr9t to a foreign stc,te, flight to a foreign country or refusal to rturn from a foreign co intiv to the UR, assisting a foreign country in carrying on hostile activity against the 11&,R, or plotting lkith a view to seizing power -- shall be punishable by de.:,rivLition of freedom for a period of from ten to 15 years, with confiscation of property, or ue.Ath? 'aith nfiscation of property. b) Citizens of the USSR who have been recruited by a foreign ..ntelligence network to carry on hostile activity against the 1.383a shall not .be subject to criminal liability, provided they committed lo acts in the execution of the criminal task assigned to them, ?Ind prwrided they voluntarily reported tbeir connection with th.5 foreign intelligence network to organs of the government. 'ticle 65. Espionage 31 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ?????????? The communication, or the theft or collection with a iri.q to txansmission to a foreign. state, foreign organization, or- their agents, of information conetituting a state or military secret, or the.communication or walecti..)n, in.accordence witn instructions from a foreign intelligence network, of Other information tO i.,il lh a. manner prejuaicial to the interost Of the 02A ?.if the esiona:2,-e vas cominitted by a foreign natIonalor.a stateless 'person -- .shall be punishable by de2rivtlon of freedom for a.. period of fro zz Seven to 15 years, with. conf7U,4cation of property, or death, 1 pith (n.nfiscation. of prIverty. '1 Lrticae 66. Act 5 of terrorism The murder of a state or puhltc official or represenL6tiva of the government comatted in connection with his state or public t activUu with the aim of overthrowing or weakening Soviet state ? shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period , of from ten to 15 years, with confiscation of property., or death, Lwith confiscation of property. The infliction of serious bodily injury, for the same purposes, , upon a state or public official or representative of the vvernment lir. nonnection Alth his state or public activity -- ' shall be punishable by doi.)rivation of freed ot :Cr K period 1 of from eight to 15 years, with confiscation of property. !jArticle 67. Acts of terrorism against the representative of a foreign state. The murder of a representative of -a foreign state with the ;purpose of provoking war or international complications shall be punishable by depr?!,vation of freedom for a period (-.;f from ten toa.-5 years, with oonfisation of property, dr death, ,! with confiscation of property. The infliction of serious bodily injury for the same purpose -- shall be_punisnable by Us,?rivation. of from eight to 15 years, it confiscation Jcie 68, Sabotage The destruction or damaging by of enterprises, installations, ways communications facilities, or other carrying out of M4ES poisonings, or ? 32 upon the 2ame persons of freedom for a period of property. expiosion, arson, or other means and means of communication, fAate or public property, the the spreading of epidemics and 1???*, Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 epizocties with a view to wef4ening the Soviet etete.-- shall be -punishable by deprivation of freedom fpr a. period of from eight to 15 years, with confieeation of property, or. death, with confiecation of property.. Article 69. Wrecking AA act of cemmiesion or omission aimed at underminine industry, transportatiOn, egriculture, the monetary eyetem, trade, or other branches of the national economy, or the activity of state oreane or phial organizations for the purpose of weakening the Soviet etete, provided euch act was committed by means of utilizing state or public institutions, enterprises, or organizatione, cr by meane of obstructing their normal Danctioning -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from eight to 15 years, with confiscation of property. Article 70. Anti?Soviet agitation and propaganda Agitation or propaganda carried on with the purpose of undermine ing or weakening the Soviet state, or the oemaiseion of individual crimes against the state which are eepecielly dangerous, or the dissemination oe libeloue fabrications defaming the Soviet govern? mentel and secial system, or the dissemination or production or keeping of literature of similar content for the same purpoees -- dhall be punishable by leerivatlon of freedom for e period of ft em Ki7 months to meal years, or seeile for a period of from two to eive years. The same acts cemmitted by a person previeealy convieted. of eseecially dangerous crimes against the sta'es, or committed during time of war -- shall be punishable by deprivatlen of freedom for a period of free three to ten years. Article 71. The propagandizing of war The Propagandizing of war, irrespective of the form in which it is carried on -- Shall be paniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three be eight years. Article 7,.2. Organizational activity aimed at he commieeion of especially dengeraus crimes against the state and memberehip in an enti?Soviet organization, Organizational activity aimed at the preparation or commissioii. of especially dangerous crimes againtt the state, at the creation of ? anam...........????????????.?ear*.nm 74.0.?.......Nrema. *M. 33 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 err -67.iaaamx]w-siarli-irs- its puri7,574i?iiL7-3.1ii"C7i7T-'2?i-XCh -Cri;;;;;--- 1.--- and in like manner, membership in an entieboviet organization -- shall be punishable in accordance with articles 64,71 of the present Code. Areicie 73. Lspecially dangeroua crimes against the state committed against another workers' state By virtue of the internatioeal solidetity? among the workers, especially dangerous crimes against the state committed against another workers' state ? shall be punishable in accordance with artieles 64-72 of the present Code. lee0ther criees egeineet theeetete. Article 74. Violation of national and racial equality P ropaganda or agitation for the purpose of inciting racial or national enmity or discord, or the direct or indirect restriction of rights, or the establishment of direct or indirect advantagee of citizens in accordance with the race or nationality to Welch they belong -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from six months to three years, or exile for a period of from two te five years. Article 75. DisClosure of state secrets The disclosure of information constieuting a state eecret by a person to whom such information was entrusted, or to whom it. became known in connection with his employment or work, in the absence of ingicia of treason or espionage -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of feom two to five years. The same act, if it has reoelted in serious consequ&cei -- shall be eunithable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to eight years. Article 76. The loss of documents containing state secrets The loss of documents containing state secrets, or of objects - information concerning which constitutes a state secret, by a person to whom such ere entrusted, provided the loss was the result of ---- 34 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 a v-iolation of taw esta.b1i shed regulations .for handling -E7-4-4 ---- do co ment e or obj ect s be punishable by deprivation o:C freedom for a period of from one year. to three years. The same act, if it resulted in serious donsequencee -- shall be punishable. by. deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to eighl years. Article 77. Banditry The organization of armed bands with the purpose of attacking tate or public inetitotions or enterprises or individual persons, and in like manner,participation in such bands and in the attacks cerried out by them -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to 15 years, with confiscation of property, or death, with confiecation?of property. Artiale 78, Smuggling Smuggling; that i, the illegal transportation of goods or othar things of value across the state boundary of the U&SR. with conceatm4nt of the objects in special containers, or with the fraUdUleat 1150 of customs and other documents, or in large amount, or by a group of persons orgsnized for the purpose of engeging in smuggling, or by an official ma*ing use of hi o official position, and in like manner the smuggling of explosives, narcotic, strong and poisonous substances, weapons, and military equipmeot ? Stall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of ?om throe to ten years, with confiscation of property. Article 79. 4ass disturbances ? The organiz tion of mass disturbances accompanied by pogroms, destruction, arson, and other actin e of a similar nature, and in like manner the direct commission of such crimes by participonts in them, or the offering of armed resistance to authority by euoh persons -- Shall be punishable by deprivetion of freedom for o. period of from two to.15 years. Article 80. The avoidance of regular eummone to active military eeovice The avoidance of a regular summons to active military service -- dhail be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period 35 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 .4.4.W.Wermirm , ee from one to three years. ? The same act, cemmitted by means of the self-infliction of bodily ieetury or by mesee of simulating illness, by means of forging dooemente? or by meaas of other freude or the oeto at coMeitted under aggravating circumeteneee . . Shall be punieheable by deprivation of freedoe for a period f frum one year to five years. Article 81. Avoidance of eumeone for mobilization The avoidance of sammons.for mobilization in the ranks of the armed forces of the USSR -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of frem three to ten years. The same act, or avoidance of subsequent draft orders to build up the armed forces of the USSR, committed during time of war -- shell be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to ten years, or death. Article 82. Avoidance of the felfillment of obligations or the payment of taxes in time of war The avoidance, in time of war, of leber mobilization, or of he felfillment of other obligations, and in like manner of the pay- et of taxes -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one to five years, or by corrective labor for a period of rem six months ts one year. Article 83. Illegal departure from, and illegae entry into, the USER Departure from, or entry into, the USSR, or crossing the border,witheut a regular passport or the permission of the appropriate authorities -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of frem one to three yeara. The?farce of the present article Shall not apply to case& of the arrival in the USSR of foreign eetionals lacking a regular passportsor permission, or purposes of taking advantages of the right of sanctuary guaranteed by the Constitution of the U3334 Article 84. Violation of the regulations governing international flights Onal?ft 36 0.,110400?11110.1.1. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release- 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 [Flight into the t4.,sa or out of tho L KitholAt prper th auorization) failure to observe the routes, flight altitudes, and Landing field approaches indicated in the authorization, or other violation of Lhe regulations govorniag iAternatIonal fligats -- shall be )uni&able by deprivation of freedom for a per of from ono to ten years, or a fine in theamout of not more tLirr. 10,030 rubies, with confiscation of the aircraft, or with wu(i, confiscation. Article 85. Violation of the regulationa for thn safe ;oven operatuon of transportation fac1ities The violation, by an employee of the railroad, water, or air triineportation system, of the regulations for the safe movement and ziration of transportation facilities resulting in accidents involving human beings, a wreck) dama,ze, OT other serious consequence end in like manner improper repair of transportation faciiities, tracks, and signalling and communications equipment resulting in the same consequences -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to 15 years. .41 The same acts, if they have not resulted in the ae co equence bu have cier1y created a threat of the occurrence of such o:insequences -- shall be )1xlishab1e by doprivation of freedom for a period of from one to three years, or by corrective labor for period not to ezceed one year. A.. tide 68. Damaging ways :i faiiiti and means of communication and transports? The intentional destruction or damagiaq of 14;:lysa of inztallations thereon, rolling stock or ships, Lnet cowunications equipment resiting in, of wnikh rigit vo resulted in, the wrecK of a train, damage to a shil!, or erfarence with the normal functiohing of transporteltion end comAunichtions -- shall be punishable by dwprivation of freaom of from three to 15 years. rIo Article 87. The making or passing . of counterfeit coins or currency The manufacture for the purpose of passing,. or in like manner the passing, of counterfeit state treasury notes, the currency of the State Bank USSR, metallic monies state securities, or foreign 'ency ? 37 _.1 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 RA. shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to 15 years, with confiscation of property. Article 88. Violation of the -regulations governing currency operation Violation of the regulations governing currency operations, and In like manner speculation in currency or securities shall be punishable by deprivation of freedr w. for a. period of from throe to sight years, with confiscation of the currency and - securities, Chapter Two Crimeo against Socialist Property Article 89. The appropriation of state or public property by means of theft The concealed appropriation of state or public property (theft)-,- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. Theft when committed as a second offense, or in a_roordauce with prearranged agreement by a gropp of persons, or when technical means are employed -- dooll be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed six years. Theft when ?omitted by an especial.y dangerous recidivlat, or In large amounts -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to 15 years, with or without confiscation of property. Note. A second offense in the meaning of articles 39, 900 920 and 93 is a crime committed by a person who has oreviously committed aoy of tho crimes specified in these articles, or in articles 77, 91, or 144-147 of the present Code. Article 90. The appropriation of state or public property by means of robbery The open appropriation of state or 4:yublio property (robbery), when committed without the use of violence -- ckhall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period mat to exceed four iearsl, or by porrectivelaborof,OrJ.L.TerkaCizat-ttO? . ? 38 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/071: CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 exceed one year. Robbery accompanied by violence not: dangerous to life and health r when mmmitted by prearranged agreement by a. group of persons, or .as a. second offense -- - shall be punishable by depri ation or freedom not to exceed seven years. Fvlbbery When wmmitted by an especially dangeros rectfaviat, or ,in 1131-o amounts -- than. be punidhabla by deprivation of fredom for a period of from 6ix to 15. years, with or without confiscation of i:xoperty. Article 91. Assault with intent to appropriate state or property Assault with intent to apprapriate state or public .:rorty WAen accompanied by violence dangerous to the life and hcrAth of the person assulted, or by, the threat of etvloyln,:: violoace (armed robbery) -- shall be punithable by dcprivati:m of freedom for a period f from three to ten years, Alth or viithout confiscation of property. Ths 6ame acts, if committed; a) in accordance witn a proarranrzed agreeent by a group persons; b) with the use of weapons or other objects utilized &i5. espons; c) with infliction of seriok bodily injuries; d) by an especially dangerous reldivisti a) by a person. who has previously committed ascault with ntont to appropriate atat e or public property, or the person!sil property of citizens, or who has committed banditry; or f) if such acts wfxe aimed at the appropriation. of state or public property in large amounts -- shall be puniehetle by derivation of freedom for a period of fmm six to 15 years, with or without exile, and with or without confiscation of property. Article 92.. The appropriation. of state or public property by meatm of peculation or embezzlement, or by menns of the LbUSe of one's official position The peculation of embezzlement of ktete or pubiic :,roperty 'stecl to the guilty party, or the appropriation _rot- purposes of state or public ,?rorty by means of the abll&e, by a,n official, of hi E official po5ition ---- 39 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07,: CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 girdii-birpunishafirri period not not to exceed four years, or by corrective labor for h. period, not to exceed one year, or by deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or to engage in a particular activity. The same acts, when committed as e. second. offense or by plearrangereent by a group -of persons -e shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed seven years, with deprivation of the right to occupy certein positions.or to engage in D particular activity, or without eech deprivation. . The acts specified in the first or second part of the.present article, then they have caused. great damage to the state or to a social organization --- dnall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from six to 15 years, with or without confiscation of property, and by deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or to engage in A particular activity. Article 93. The appropriation of state or public property by means of fraud The appropriation of state or public property by meane of deceit or the abuse of trust (fraud) -- Nnall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. Fraud when committed as a second offense or by prearranged agreement by a group of persons -- shall be puniShable by deprivation of freedom for a. period not to exceed six years. Fraud, When it has caused great damage to the state or to a ocial organization, or when it has been committed by an especially dangerous recidivist -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five. to .15 years, with or without confiscation of property Article 94. The infliction of property damage by means of fraud or the abuse of trust The infliction of property damage upon the state or a social organization by means of fraud or the abuse of trust, in the absence of indicia of appropriation -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period, Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 o "Fy dePTIFiff6E?BriliirTral7T6 Ocordpra-rtWIE.pFatano fi) engage in a particular activity, or by removal from position, or by application of measures of social action. Article 95. Extortion of state or public property Demanding the transfer of state or public property, or of the right to ame, Under threat of violence to the peraon responsible for the management or cuetody of sudh property, or violence to his intimates, or publicizing defamatory information concerning him or his intimates, or destroying their property (extortion) -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a, period not to exceed four years. Article 96. The petty appropriation of state or public property The petty appropriation of state or public property by moane of theft, fraud, peculation, embezzlement, or abuse of official position,. when committed by a person who has alreedy been subjected to measures of social action for petty appropriation, or who, although he has not been eubjected to such measures, has committed petty appropriation on more than two occasions, or when committed by a person to whom, by reason of the circumstances of tho case, measures of social aotion may not be applied be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same peviod. Article 97. The appropriation of state or Public. property 'which has been found, or Welch chanced to be in the possession of the guilty party valuable. The appropriation ofiproperty known to belong to the state, or to a social organization, ehioh has been found or which chanced to be in the possession of the guilty party -- shalI be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period notto exceed six months, or by corrective labor for a period not o exceed one year, or by application of measures of social action. Article 98. The wilful destruction or damaging of state or public property The wilful destruction or damaging of state or public property hall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not .o exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles, or by Imposition of an obligation to make restitution for damage done. The wilful destruction or damaging of state or public, property Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 by means of ariontor Other means involving general danger, or which ' esults in the loss of human liveo, or which causes greet damage or other serious consegeences, and in like manner the wilful destruction or serious damaging of forests by means ofearsone? shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed ten years. Article 100. tlegligence In the custody of state or eubElic property Negligence on the part of a person entrusted with the custody of state or public property with respect to his obligations, which has resulted in the theft, damaging, or destruction of such property in large amounts, in the absence of indicia of a crime committed in the oourse of official duties ? &Ali be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by public censure. Article 101. Crimes against the state or public property of other socialist states Grimes against the state or public property of other tociaiist states committed with respect to property located on the territory of the 'Rgi'St1 ? shall be punishable in 'accordance with the articles of the present chapter. Chapter Three Crimes against the Life, Health, Freedom, and Dignity of the Individual Article 102. Premeditated homicide under aggraveting circumstancee Premeditated. homicide; ? a) for venal motives; b) for motives of hooliganism; c) committed in connecticn with the discharge, by the red party, of his official or public duty; d) committed with extraordinary harahnees; e) committed by a method involving danger to the lives of many persons; f) with, the purpose of concealing another crime or facilitating its comm an ission, or when accompanied by rape; 1___ g) of a woman known to the guilty party to be in a state of ' ?-?????.????????? ????????????????? oklaa 42 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 pregnancy; h) of two or more persona; i) committed by a person who had previously oemmitted prens6iteted homicide, except for those homicides specified in ar6ic1es 104 and 105 of the present Code; j) committed for motives of vengeance; k) comeitted by an especially dangerous recidivist -- Meall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from eight to 15 years, with or without exile, or by death. Article 10.3. Premeditated homicide Premeditated homicide when committed in the absence of those aggravating etrcumetences specified in Article 102 of the present code -- Shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed ten years. Article 104. Premeditated homicide committed in a state of intense emotion Premeditated homicide committed in a state of sudden, intense motion provoked by vio2ence or gross contumely on the part of the Injured party, or provoked by other illegal acts of the injured party, If such acts have resulted, or might have resulted., in serious consequences for the guilty party, or for his intimates -- shall be pUnideable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years, or by corrective labor for a. period not to exceed one year. Article 105. Homicide occurring when the limits of necessary defense are exceeded Homicide lemmitted When the limits of neceozary defense are exceeded. -- Shell be punideable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two year a, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. Article 106. Manslaughter Manslaughter -- . Shell be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. ? 43 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 107. Incitement to Murder vor...4.44 The incitement to murder, of a peri in a state' -of material or other dependence upon the guilty party, or instigation to warder by meano of hareh treatemat?of the injured party, or reguler end repeated denigration of his persdnal dignity -- shall be punideableeby deprivation of freedom for r. period not to exceed five years. Aeticl.e 108. The premediteted inflietion of serious b dily injury The premeditated infliction of bodily injury which endengere life, or ehich causes the loen of vision, hearing, or of any eren, or the loss by en orgcn of its functien*, or mehtel ilinose, or any Idisturbence of the health tccompanied by a eermanent leee of 'harking capacity to the extent of ne lees than one-third, or whicn oeusee a marriage, or ehich ie manifeeted in the diefiguretion of the person -- stall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period t to exeeee eieht years. The eeeme eete, if they have resulted in the death of the injured: party, or if they poeesseed the character of torture ur torment, or if they were committed by an especiy dangeroue recidivist -- ehall be punishable by deprieretion of freedom for e period of from five to l2 year. Article 109. The premeditated infliction of lees eeriene bodily injury . The premeditated infliction of bodily injury whieh does not endanger life and does not result in those consequences. specified in Article 108 of the preeont Code, but %hich has caused prolonged disturbance of health or a coneiderable loes of workine capacity - amounting to less than one-third -- shall be puniehable by deerivatien of freed pm for b, period 'not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for e period not to exceed one year. The same Bete, if they poseeseed the character of torture or torment, or if they ire committed by an especially dengeroue ? recidiviet -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for e period of not more than five years- 4...0.1???????? 44 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999109107: CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 110. The premeditated infIrCtien ot eerious or leee serieus bodily injury while in a state of intense emotion The premeditated infliction of aetious or less serious bodily injury while in a state of suddea, intense emotion provoked by violence or greee contumely en the part of the inured party, or provoked by other illegal act of the injured party, if anchl. acts have remated, or might have resulted., in serieue consequencea for e guilty party, or for his intimates -- deall be puniShable by deprivation of freedom for a period .et to exceed to years, or by coy:active labor. fi a:.)eriod not to .:ced one year, Article 111. Serious or lea eerious bodily injury inflicted when the linits of necessary defense are exceeded Serioue or less serious bodily injury inflicted by way of exceeding the limit of neceseary defense be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period. Article 112. The premeditated infliction of slight bodily injnry,or battery . The premeditated infliction of bodily injury, or battery, which results in a temporary diaturbence of health or a Blight but par anent er woeking capacity -- deall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for e period ot to exceed one yearpor by corrective labor for tha eare peried. The same act, if they do not result in the coneequencee specified in the first part of the present article ? shell be punishable by deprivetion of freedom for a peried not to exceed six menthe, or by oorrective labor for the same period, or by a. fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by application of measures of aocia sction. ArtIcle 113. Torture Regular and repeated battery, or other acts poeeeesing the character of torture, if not resulting in the coneequencee epecified in articles 108 and 109 of the preeent Code -- shell be puniSeable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years. Article 114. The unintentional infliction of serious or lose serious bodily injury 45 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 The unintentional infliction of serious bodily injury. Shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for vi period not to exceed t-Ao years, or by correctie-labor for & period not to i exceed one year. -.? The unintentional infliction of less serious bodiiy injtAry shell be ,Anlishable by correct/we labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by public cens.ure, Article 115. The communication of s v.lereal disease The communication tQ another person of a vouereal disease by , person who knows that he himself hea such a disec:se -- shall be punithable by deprivation of freedom for a period net to exceed three yec,ro, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one yeer. ArtIcie 116. IlieFal abortion The illegal causil4I of an .cbortion by a pllytAcdn -- shall be 0.iniShable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period, - or by deprivation of the eight to engage in medical pra:Aloe. The causing of an abortion by a roion who higbar medical education ? &bail be punishable by deorivation of not to exceed two years, or by corrective ibbor exceed one year. The acts specified in the first and second parts of the present article, when committed repeatedly or when they have mx.tted in the death of the injured party or in other seriolls cons ,L,enca,s, -- 011 be punidiable by deprivation of freedom 1::,c s per!od t to exceed eight years. dozi not have a freedom for a period for a period not to Articl 117. Rape Rape; that is, sexual relations involving the use of phycal force, or P threat, or taking advantage c.f the helples state of the, injured party -- shell be puniShable by deprivation of freedom for .period of from three to seven years. Rape when accompanied by the threat of murder, or the infliction. of serious bodily injury, or when committed by e group of persons., or by a person who has previously committed nape -- -."--"""- 14 - Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Ti be puniShable by deprivation of rWe-Em r f from five to ten years. Rape whigl cplimitted. by an especially dangerou idIv1t or lit has resulted In especially serious consequences, and. like the rape ()fa minor -- shall I* punlebable by deprivation of freedom for a period from seven to /5 yeare?'with or without exile. rticle 118. erclon of a woman-into e I intercour., The coercion of a woman into sexual intercourse, or Into the t faction of sexual desire in another form, by a person with to whom the woman is in a state of material or occupational sp.ndence -- shall be punishable by deprivation of fredojz for a period to exceed three years. Article 119. Sexaal relations with a pron who has not reached puberty Sexual relations-with a perenl who has net reached puberty ? than be punishable by deprivation of freedom for e period exceed three years. . acte When accompanied by the satisfaction of sexual ir In perverted forms -- shall be punialable by deprivation of freedom for a period xeeed. six years. Article 20. Acts of pc rsion Acts of perversion with respect to minors -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom fOr a period exceed three years. Ide /21. Pederasty. Sexual relations between men derasty) -- Shall be punishable by deprivation of not to exceed five years. for a period Pederasty when committed with phys cal violence, a threat, or with respect to a minor, or when ting advantage of the de.?)endent position of the injured party -- Shall be punlehable by deprivation of freedom for riod not to exceed eight years. ------- 47 unilageo, Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 .msamwoor wow**. Wweeiv...mawd -1 Article 122. Wilful evasion of peemente for th upport or maintenance of children The wilful evesion?on the pert of parents, of payments ordered by a court for the maintenance of minor children, or -the maintenance of dependent ;Children Who, although not minore, ere .not able to work dean be punishable by deprivation -of freedem for a period not to exceed one year, or exile for a period not to exceed three year sp or corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year.' Article 123. Wilful failure to provide assistance to parents The wilful failure to make payments for the support of . parents Who are unable to work, as ordered by a court -- ehall be punishable by corrective laber for a period not to exceed one year, or by public censure, or by epplication of measuree of social action. Article 124. Abuse of the obliations of guardianship The use of guardians:hip for venal purposes, or the failure to provide tropervision and requisite care for wars -- gnall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two yeare, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. Article 125. Abduction or ,elabetitution of child' The abduction of a child belonging to others, or the subetitu- tion of a Child, committed for venal purposes or for other base motivee ahall be puniehable by deprivaeion of freedom for a period not to exceed seven. years. The same acts, when committed in the absence of the Aglaia cified in the first part of the preeent article -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the name period Article 126. Illegal deprivation of freedom Illegal deprivation of freedom shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed eix months, or by corrective labor for the same period, or by public censure. The same act, When committed. by means dangerous to the life or +11.1.1+1.1/0411?( Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 health of the injured party, or When accompaeeod by the enieleteon of physical suffering upon such person -- sha13 be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period hot to exceed three years Article 127. Abandonment in danger The failure to render neceseary end clearly urgent aid., to a per in a state in which hie life is endangered, if etioh might have yen rendered by the guilty party. Athout serioue danger to himself r to ocher persene, or the failure to inform the eperopriate ? institutioas or persons of the neeessity for rendering aseietance -- ttall be puniShable by corrective labor fpr a period not to exceed six months, or by public censure, or by application of measuree dr social action. ' The wilful abandonmeat of a person in a state in which his life ia indangered and who is incapable to taking meeeures to seve hie life by reason of his extreme youth, old age, illneee, or as a result of hi& helplessness in generale in caoes where the guilty party could have rendered aneletance to the injured party and was under obligation to provide care for him, or when he himeelf put such person in a attention endangering his life -- dlall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. Article 128. Failure to render aseietance to a Fink pereen .The failure. to renaer assistance to a sick pereon, withoet eeed land sufficient reason, on the part of a person under obligation, te render aueh assistance under the law or by virtue of special regulations -- shall be punishable by oerrective labor for a period not exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles, or by public censnre, or by application of meaeurea ar social action. The same act, if it has caused, or clearly might hvii! caeeed, the death of the patient, or other eerious consequences for him -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, with deprivation of the right to engaee in professionel practice for a period not to exceed three years. Article 129. Failure, by the master of a vee, to rinder seietance to the victims of a catastrophe The failure, on the part of the master of a veosel, to render 49 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 assistance to persone perishing at sea or in another waterway, if Buda assistence might have been rendered without serious danger to the ship, the crew, or the passengers -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for .a period not to exceed two years, or correfitive labor for a period not to exceed one year, with or without deprivation of the right to occupy the position of master. Article 130. Defamation Defamation; that is, the diesemination of deliberately falee fabrications defaming another person -- shall be Putishable by deprivation of freedom for a peeled not to exceed one year, or by corrective :Labor for the eeme period, ur by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by public censure, or by application of measures of social action. Libel, or defamation by other means of reproduction than print, defamation committed by a person previously convicted of same -- shell be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a, period not to exceed three yeare, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed, one year. Defamation when accompanied by chargee of having committed crime against the stato or other serious crime -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years. Article 131, Contumely Contumely; that ie, the intentional denigratiort of the honor and dignity of a person, expressed in unpleasant form -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed six monthe, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rublee, or by public ceneure, or by the epplicetion of measures of social action. Contumely in print, or contumely committed by a person previously onirvicted of same - shall be puniehable by eorrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles. Chapter Four Crimes against the Political and Labor kights of qtizene Article 332. Obstruct the execution of an electoral. lay 50 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 The obstruction, by means of violence, fraud, threat, or bribery, of the execution of an electoral law by a citizen of the USSR -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. Article 133. Forgery of electoral documents or imptoper counting of votes The forgery of electoral documents or the wilfully improper . countiog of votes, and in like manner the violation of the secrecy of the voting,process? winen committed by a member of an electoral axmmission or by another official. -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedo.z fcr. a period. not to exceed. three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. t tiCie 134. Obstructing the exercise of equal rights by women Obstruction of the participation by a woman In governmental, pablic,, or cultural activity *hien substantially violates the oual rights of the vnzan, if accompanied by violonce or the threat of violence shall be punishable by deprivt10 f freedom for a. period not to e.:fceed t.? years, or by corrt4otive labor for a period not to excetd one year. Artacle 135. Violation or privaoy of oprrespo . Violation of the privacy of correspondence among citizens -- atall be punidaable by corrective labor for a .,)eriod not exceed six months, or by a fine not to exceed 300 rubles, or by public censure. Article 136. Violation of the of a citizen's home Illegal seo.rda, illegal eviction, or other illegal acts violating the of a. citizen's home -- shali be punishablo by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period, r by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by roval from )osition. Article 137. Violation of the legal rights of traue u-liorts Obstruction of the legal activity of trade unions and their organs -- 51 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 :.CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 :d ? shall be punisnabla by corrective laboe for a -period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles, or by removal from position. Article 138. Violation of labor legislatien The illegal discharge of a worker from hie emeloyment for eercon? al motives, failure to comply with a court order restoring a person to enployeient, or any other inteatienei vielatioe of labor Leglsletion committeed by an ()facial of the state or of e publie enterpriee or institution -- shall be punichable by corrective labor foe a period not to exceod one year, or by removal from potion. Article 139. Refusal to employ, or the disCharge of, a pregnant WOMEin or nursing mother The refusal ',;o employ, or the discharge fram employment ofm woMen by reason of her pregnancyt oe the refueal to employe or discherge of, a nurelne reason of such condition -- - ellen be ounishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by removal from pozition. Irticle 140. Violetion of labor protection regulaticne Phe violetioa, by an officiel, of ths regulati.eas for accident prevention, induetriel sanitatiea, or other reguletione for the erotectien of ]bot, if such violation has resulted, or might have resulted, in accidents involving human beinge, or in other serioue consequences -- shall be ?untenable by deprivation of freeeee for e eertod not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the eeme eeried, or by a ale not to exceed 1,000 rubles, or by removal from eostion. The eame violations, if they have caused bodily injuries or the lose of wing capacity -- shall be punieneble by deerivetien $f freedom for 5 period not to exceed tbree years, or by corrective labor for a eeriod not to exceed one yeer. The violations specified in the first part of the preeeet article, if they have caused the deaCe of a human being or heme reeulted in serious bodily injuries to several persons -- shall be punishable by deerivetion of freedem for e period net to exceed five years. 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Artie le 141. Violation of author al 8nd laventors'riht The noblication, ander onel s own rmme, of a Licientific? literary, musical, or artistic work created. by another persh., tyr any nther aprlation of the authorzhip of such a. work, or ne 1:Llesel rearo0.action or dissemination of such a ?wor? ih 1.14,e manner coercion into collaboration -- .shelt be punishable by '.1.E*r..1.-Tation of freedom for 8. :)eriod not to exneed one year, or by a fire not to exceed. 5,000 rubles. Mn.kAh6 cublio an invention, prior to itE patenti without the vgremmt of the inventor, appropriation of the a uthoz'p of an. invonion, coercion into collahoratIon oh: an. ifl7entioa, and in like mnnnor the appropriation of the authorship of a all be punihable by (.:,0TiVirulion feed', for a. period ? not to exceed one year, or by eorrecti-Te lator for. tiae period, tor by a nATO not to exceed 5,00? rubies. Article 142. Violation of laws pertainin to the FanaTation daureh aid Eta,te.? and. school and. !:thurch The violation of le,ws pt-in to the sapartition of church enO state:, and of Echool and, Churcil ? shall be punishable by corrective le.or foz. a -eriorl not to exceed one year, or by a. fine not to 9Xceed. 500 P. tt cle 1!1.3. O1:atr2ctin,;7 the performance of ralius cerelionies Obstruction of the performance of rellous c:emonies, insofar "(& they do not disturb the public orde-r and axe net accompanied by infringement of the rights of cit.lz en s -- Shall be punishable by oirreetiv labor for a period, not, to exceed atx months, or by pubitc canure Chupter Five . Crimes. agsinst the fersonal eroperty of Citizens 1- ? ti cle 114 The conceLled appropriation of the ptoat oor of heft) -- shall be. pnaishabie by of freedom foe n peeiod not to exceed two yeara, or by corre:Alve labor fo.r a. period hot to Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Theft, When committed ae a second offense, or by praeaged agreement by a group of perconsl or with the uee of technical means,. or When it has caused substantial damage te. the injured party ghall be punishable by deprivation. Of freedom for a period not to exceed five year's. Theft when oommitted by an eepecially dangerous recidivist -- shell. be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period from four to tea years. Not A. seound offense, in the meaning. of articles 1444 145' and 147 is a crime ?emitted by a persou previously baying committed any of the crimes specified in these articles or in articiee 77, 89-9?, end 146 of the present Qode. Article 145. Wobery The open alproplation- of (robbery) -- than be punishable not to exceed three years, or exceed one year. the person property of citizens by deprivation of freedom for a period by corrective labor for a period not to Robbery, when committed as a second offense, or by prearranged agreement by a group of persons, or When accompanied by violence not dangerous to the life and health of theeinjured party, or when it has caused eubstential damage to the injured party -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed seven years. Robbery, when committed by an esec111y dangereus recidiviet -- shall be puniShable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to ten. yeare. Article 146. Assealt with intent to rot Assault with intent to appropriate the pereonal property of a citizen, an accompanied by violence dangerous to the life and health of the injured party, or by the threat of such violence (armed robbery) -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period. of from three to ten years. The same acte, if committed: a) in accordance eith preaarranged agreement by a group of pernons;. b) with the use of a weapon or other objects ueed as weapons; ?54 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 .oweetv.imaralmawakot?-????????.......M......????? c) with consequent serious bodily Injuries; d) by an especially dangerous recidivist; e) by eepersen who has .previously committed armed robbery for the purpose of appropriating state or public property, or the personal property of citizens, or banditry -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a-period of from six to 15 years, with or Without exile, and with or without confiscation of property. oirticie 147. Fraud The appropriation of the persenal property acquieitton of a. right to proper, by means of of trust (fraud) shall be punishable by deprivation of ot to exceed two years, or by corrective labor exceed one year. Fraud, when committed a4 a second offense, prior egreement by a group of persons -- Shall be puniehable by deprivation of to exceed four years. of citizens, or the deceit or the abuse freedom for a eeriod for a Period not to or In accordance with. freedom for a period Fraud, When it qtALIEles substantial damago to the injured party, or it is committed by an especially dangerous recidivist -- daall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period om three to ten years. r,icle 148. Extortion Demanding tne transfer of the eereonal property of citizens, or the right to property, or the commission of any actions of a property haracter,under a threat of violence to the person of the injured ?- rty, or to his intimates, the publicizing of information defamatory be them, or the destruction of their property (extortion) -- Shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period ot to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to ceed one year. _ iele 149. Wilful destruction Or damaging of the personal property of citizens The wilful destruction or demaging of the personal property of citizene resulting in substantial damage to the injured party -- Shall. be punidaable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed six months, with imposition of the oblioation to make estitution for the damage done, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 ? 55 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 rubles, with or without imposition of the obligation to make restitu- tion- for the damage done. The wilfbel destruCtion oredeiaging of the personal property of citizens oemmitted by means of areeneee.ehother meeus involving general dangers or Which has eaused the lass of human lifelor other serious consequences shall_ be punishable by derivation of freedom for a period not to exceed eight years. Article 150. Negligence resulting in the deetruction or demaging of the personal property tef citizens The destruction or damaging es the result of negligence With causes the loss of human life or Shell be punieleable by not to exceed three years, or by to exceed one year. of the personal property of citizens respect to fire, which has other serious consequencee -- deprivation of freedom for a period oerrective labor for a period not Article 151. Cries against the property of aesocietione which are not socialiast organizatlens Crimes against the property of associations which are not socialist- organizations, when committed with respect to property located on the territory of the REFeR -- shall be punlehable in accordance with the articles of the present Chapter. Chapter fix Economic Crimes rticle 152. The issuing of products which are of low quality, ot standard, or incomplete The issuing, repeatedly or in largo amounts, from en industrial enterprise,of products Which are of low quality, or which de not meet the requirements of standards or technical epecificatione, or which are lacompletel by a director, chief engineers or head of a technical control sectiou, or by persons holding other eoeltione but performing the duties of the eforementloned persons 7- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period net to exceed one year, or by removal from position. ? 56 --- Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 1 ,?????? ..............,???*??????????, ? ..... .05,...W.???????cl.nea?all NW.* ??????1,A1.4?;014ilkl. ,fte, IWIM?erm. ? .. Article 153. Private entreprenur*al activity And activity 14.14 a COmmercial middleman Private ehtreprennrial activity with h utilization of state,- ?? cooperative, or other social forms -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a peribd. not to exceed five years, With confiscation of property, or by exile i'or a period not to exceed five years, with confiscation of property. Activity as a commercial middleman carried on by private persons in 'e form of a business, or with a view to acquiring riches -- shall be punidhable by dsprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three. Years, with confiscation of peoperty, or by exile for a period not be exceed three years, with confiscation of property. Article 154. Specalation Speculation; that is, the buying up and resale of commodities or other objects for the purpose of making profits -- shall bs punideable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, with or without confiscation of property, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a?fine not te exceed 3,000 rubles. Speculation in the. form of a business, or on a large scale -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period o. from two to seven years, with confiscation of property. Small-scale speculation committed as a second offense shall. be punidhable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 2,000 rubles, with confiscation of the objects of speculation. Article 155. Illegal use of trademarks The illegal use of trademarks belongin* to others -- shall be puniShable by corrective labor for a period not to exeeed six months, or by a fine not to exceed 3,000 eubles. Article 156. Defrauding purchasers False measuring, false weighing, the marking up of eetablished retail prices, false reckoning, or other defrauding of pnrchasere at otores or other trading eaterpriees, or at enterprises sering.e food to the public -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a. period not to exceed two years, or by corrective - labor for a period not to - ???????????????????????? ? ? 1.4?1??????????????????????????????.,??????????????.????????????rn? oh,g.....X.I.d.X.1,0....4???????? ? ? ...M.0.1.14?41WAstuatt......--.14?* ? 57 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ' exceed one year, or by deprivation Of the eight to occupy poeitione ut trading enterpriaes or enterprises eeeving food to the pubLic. The same acts; when committed on a large scale or by persons previously convicted of the same crim -- shell be puniehable by depri:vation of freedom for a deewd f from two to eeven years, with or without confiecation of preperty, tth deprivation of the right to occalpy peetion s at treding enter- prlses or enterprises to the publte- rticle 157. The releeee for sale of goods which are of low euelity? nobestendard, or incomplete The releees for sale to trading enterprises, repeatedly or 111. a large scale, of goods known te be of low quality, neeeetandard, or Incomplete, by the head of a store, base, earehouee, or section, or by e epoilage specialiet or a marketing epecialist ....? shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed tw years, or by corrective labor fpr a paried. not to exceed ore year; or by a fine rot to exceed 1,poo rublee; oe by deprivation of the right to hold the position in queetion. Lrticle 153. The illegal manufacture; sale, and storee of alcoholic beveraces e Tie menufactere or etorage, not for purpoeea of eele, of primi- tively distilled.yodAe oe othee strong alcobelie bevereges with. reepect to which there exists a specia1. e,ehibitien, aad in like. manner the manufacture, not for purposes of zele, ok- equipment for their dietillation; if the euilty party ha e previously been eubjeetA 1 to meaeures or Ixeeial or ae)tinistrativa action for the same acte -- shell be punishable by corr,xtive labor for a period not to exceed eix months, or by a fin net to exceed 1,000'rutles. The ilanufacture or eterage, for purose e of eels, of ,,,rlmitively dietilied vodka or other strong eleoleolic bevereeee with respect to whiee there exite opeciel prohibition, or the menufacture, fur 2-eurposee of sale, of equipment for their dietillatioe; eed in like meneer the sale of euch alcoholie beeerages and such eqnipment ee, hail be euniAaable by fleprivation of freedom for a perioa not to exceed three yeare, or by corrective labor for a period not le exceed one year) or by & fine not to exceed 3,00u rubles. Article 159. Forgery of postage etami)s and transportation ticket The forgery of postage stamps or other tokens of poetel peyment, lor of international reply coupons; and in like manner the,uee or 58 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 putting into circulation of forged postage staops or other tokens of postal payment, or of international reply coUpons -- shall be punishable .by derivation of freedOm for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. The manufacture or sale,in the .for of e'business, of forged ,ransportotion tickets or other documents for the travel of passengers or the shiloment dr freight shall be punishatle by cieprivation of freedom for a. period ' to exceed three years. Article 160. Violation of veterinary regulations The violation of veterinary regulations which has causeu t})e spreal of an ebizooty or other serious consequences -- shall be puniEhable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period rot to exceed one year. Article 161. Violation of the regulations established fcl- purposes of combatting diseases and, agricultural pests Violation of the regulations established for purposes of combatt- g diseases and agricultural pests which hes caused serious equences -- Shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period to exceed one year, or by corrective Labor for the same peTiod. Article 162, Engaging in a prohibited trade Engaging in a trade with respect to which there exists .i;;eclal prohibition, after the imposition of an administrative penalty for engaging in such tr4de -- shall e FuniShable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 2,000 rola:Les. The seme acts, comilitted on a substantial.'icale or with the t,lization of hired labor -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed four years, with or without conficetion of property. ricle 163. The illegal pursuit of fishing and other au tic. ati extractive trades The pursuit of fishing, hunting, and other acuatic extractive trades on the territori4.1 waters of the 1.P.7ER, iuland sea$, 1tes, 59 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07: CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 rives,? ponds,. ree,ervoirs, and their trIbttrle, ki:ithovt aue aut.n.oriztich) or out of seahon, or at olace 'Ahere such iAlrsuit prohibited, or with tleu of illegal weapons, methos, or means - shall be punishable by depriwttion of fre,Aom for riod not to exo,eed year, or Nyc.orrective 1J--.1or for the s?,ril period, or by a fine not to e-Yeed 100(:0 rhb1E;s1 with or *tot coafisctiort of the catch, the hunting or ftshi,ng gear, and the floating facitles and their e,gpi2ment. Thetre hen comitto6 as. LOCO. of or wbea they. involve ti e catching- of valuable species of fish, or the of vl:lhable kinds of marine life, or Ahen substabtiai dam.11,go is. ? caused hall be punishable by derivation of freedom for ? eriod not to eneed four ysers, with or without c.)nfisetion of. property. Lrticie 1L4. Illegal touting for sGais and bae,vers The in:intin,s of seals nnd beaver in the open see or in lo-hhnting zones -- Ishell be -ounishable by do w prition of- freedom for a period not to exceed ene year, or b.7 corrective labor for t,he sme coAod, or b:i A. fine not to exteed 10,060 rubles, with tha confiscation of the catch, the hunting gear,r.-id floatirq facilities with their suipment. krticie 165. Floatin;-; timberlor ble..5tit, in violation of Lilo regulations for tba protection of fish rc,serves Floating timUr0 or doing basting werL, in violation of the riatiortistablished for the -)rotetion of fish reserves ii be punishble by corrective labor for a period not to exceed six months, or by a fioe not to exced 20000 rabies. Article 166. Illegal hunting Huntinc without flue authori.'4,atien0 or in ho-hunting zones, or ut of season, using illegal weapons &nd methods, if sl.:?2h acts .re committed albsequent to the a,,)plicaticn of measurez, of almini- strative actibn. for the sarre violation -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period hot to exceed. one year, or by a fine not to exceed 2)000 rubles. Hunting for game and birds vith respect to Which bunting Ls completely prohibited., or Mega' hunting whict causes scibetntlal damege shall be 1:,uhlActie by de;:rivation of freedom for period 60 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07: CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 not to exceed one yeer, or by corrective labor for tike eame period, or by a fine not to exceed 5,000 ruble, with or without confiscation of the game and weapons used in hunting. Article 167. Violation of the regulations for surrendering gold to the state. Violation by individual citizens of the regulations for the sur-, tendering to the state of the gold, or other precious metals, or precious rocks, which they have mined from the earth -- ohall be punishable by a pine not to exceed 10,000 rubies, with confiscation of the substance mined.. The same acts, if they have caused substantial damsge to the state -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period. not to exceed five years, with confiecetion of property. Article 168. Wilful damaging of crope? end the damaging of shelter be2ts and other plantings The wilfUl damaging or crops, and likewise the wilful damaging of shelter belts, fruit and berry orchards, and other plantings, Alich has ceused substantial damage to a kolkhoz, sovkhoz, or other ialized farm -- shall be punidheble by corrective labor for a period not to :xceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles, or by moosition of an obligation to make restitution for damage done. ticle 169. Illegal felling of timber The illegal felling of timber in belts sheltering fields, the soil, or the shores or banks of bodies of water, in otate reservations, resort roodlande, parks, or stands of timber in belts of vegetation around cities and industrial enterprises, when committed after the application of measures of social or administrative aetion -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for 6 period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the svme period, or by a fines not to exceed 3,000 rubles, with confiscation of the, timber illegally felled. The Illegal felling of timber in any tract of forest, when committed in the form ol a. business or when it has caused substantial damage, even though a first offense -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by a fine not to exceed 5,000 rubles, with confiecation of the ille.elly_fe1196. timkert__ A ? , - - ? - ? Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Chapter Seven Crimes of Officials Article 170. The abuse of authority or of official position The abuse of authoritr or of official position; that ie, the deliberate utilization by an official of 14e-official poeition oontrary to the interests of the eervice, if committed for reasons of venal or other personal interest, and if it hes caused. eubstantial damage to state or pubLic interests, or the: fights and interests of, citizene protected by law -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by coerective, labor for. u period not to exceed one year, or by reeovel from position.. The abuse of authority or of official poeition, if it haa caused serious consequences -- than be punieheble by deprivation of freedom for a period. not to exceed eight years. Notet For purpoSes of the articles of the preeent chapter, officials are defined aspersonslioermanently or temporarily fulfilling the functions., of repreeentativea of the state, pereons occupying, tempuearily or permanently, position .t state or public inetitutione, organizatione, or enterprisee associated with the performance of organizationel-executive or administrative-managerial duties, or performing such duties at the aforementioned institutions, organiza- tions, and enterprises by virtue of a special delegation of authority. Article 171. Excessive exerciee of authority or official powere The exceseive exercise of authority or official powers; that is, the deliberate performance, by an official, of act e clearly going beyond the limits of the rights and power uaranteed to him by law, if eueh performence has caused subetantial damage to state or public irterests, or to the rights and interests of citizens guaranteed by aw . shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by removal from position. The exec$ssive exercise of authoritr or official powers, if accompanied by violence, the use of a weapon, or acts which conatitute torture or an offense against the personal dignity of the injured perty .???????????=0??????111.1014., *sviSt **Ur -62 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 shall be punishable by deprivation, of freedom for a period not to-exceed ten years. lirticle 172. hegligenoe The non.-performance, or improper p rformance, of his dntiea by an official as_a result of a .negligent or unconaciantious attitude toward such duties, Which causes sabstantial damage to state Or public interests, or to the rights and intereAa of citizens guaranteed by law -- than be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by removal from position.. Article 17). The taking of 'bribes The taking by an official, either personally or throu,gh an intermediary, of any type of 4ribe for the performuhce or non-performance of any act in the?interests of the person giving the bribe, which act the official. should have performed or might have performed by virtue of hi a official position -- shall be dunishable by deprivation for a period. .lot to exceed r five years. The aame acts, when committed by sn official occupying b reaponsible position, or who had previouely beeo convicted of taking a bribe, or no had ta4en bribes repeatedly, or 4then accompanied by extortion of the bribe ? &all be punishable by deprivation of freedom Cor 4 period of 5,:rom five to tea years, with or without confiscation of property. Article 174. The giving of a bribe The giving of a bribe, or acting as an intermediary in bribery - shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one yearo The giving of a bribe, or acting as an intermediary in bribery, when committed repeatedly or by a person previously convicted of bribery -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a. period not to exceed fioie years. Note. A person who has given a bribe shall be exempted from criminal liability if, with respect to him, there was extortion of [e bribel or if, after giving the bribe, he voluntarily reported 63 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 1 -ivhat-Ega-falken place. Article 175. Forgery by an official. 1 Forgery by an official; that is, the entering, by an. official, for venal purposes or other personal motives, in official .documents, of deliberately false information, ferged notations, erasures, or - altered dates, or the preparation- and ieeue by? such person of faze-reed document, or the entering ofefaIsified notations in books -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years., or ey corrective labor for a? period not to exceed one year, or by removal from position. - ? ? Chapter eight Crimes Against Justice Article 176. The initiation of criminal proceedings against a person known to be innocent The initiation of crimihal proceedings against a person known o be innocent on the pare of the person conducting the police inquiry, an investigator, or a prosecutor ? shall be punishable by deprivation of freedop for a period not to exceed three years. The same acts, when accoepanied by charges of having committed n especially dangerous crime againot the state or other serious crimes, or by the fabrication of evidence for the charges shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to ten years. Article 177. Formulation of a delierate1y unjust eentences decisions opinion, or ruling The formation by the court of a deliberately unjust sentence, decision, opinion, or ruling -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a. period of from three to ten years. reicle 178. Clearly illegal arrest or detention Clearly illegal arrest Ahall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year. ? 64 .???????1?11001.11,10.??? Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Clearly illegal detention -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by removal from position. Article 179. Eliciting tetimony by coercion. The forced eliciting of testimony by- means of ttlreata or other illegal acts on the part of a person conducting a police inuiry or a preliminary investigation -- shall be punishzble by deprivation. of freedom for 6 perlod not to exceed three years. The same acts, when accompanied by violence or contumely . directed against the person of the subject btling interogated -- 6101lbe unishable by deprivation of freedo fr erieJ ol* frcm three to ten years. ? Article I. C. Deliberately false denunciation Deliberaely false denunciation for the commission of s crime -- shall be gunishable by deprivation of freedom for a, oericd. lot to exceed to years, or by corrective labor for a peridd not to xced one year. The same acts, when accompanied by charges of havg mmitted an espetially dangerous Crir;:e against. the state, or other serious crime, or by the fabrication of evidence for the charge, or wher committed for venal purposes -- shall be punishable by. deprivation of freeden for a period. of from two to seven years. Article 181. Deliberately false testimony Deliberately false testimony given by.a ',f1se conclusicm given by an exTpertl or a deliberately .false transla- tion vade by an interpreter in court, or in the course of the police inquiry or preliminary investigation -- shall he punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period, not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same 'period. The same ?acts, when accorkpanied by charges of haviug committed :an especially dangerous crime a6in Est tlie statc,er other serious crime or by the fabrication of evidence for the charges, cr ,iihen committed for venal purposes -- shall be punishatle by deprivatIon of freedom for a, period of from two to seven years. witness, or a deliberate4 65 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 3irticie 12 Refusal or avoidance of giving teL,timon onithe part ;-)f tt witness, or OC giving a conclusion on the part of an expert The reftel or avoidance of giving testimony, on the *Jart of a witness, or or giving a conclusion) on the part of an expert, during a trial or in the course of the prelitlinary investigatton or the police inquiry, and in like manner obbtructing the ap,earance of a witness or the giving of testimony by such -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for 8 Lieriod not to .4, six months, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by pubLic censure. IArticle 183. Coercion of a witness or injured, party into giving false testimony, or of an expert into giving a false conclusion, or the bribery af Faidh persons The coercion of a witn 4;e, injured part, or ex per into giving false testimony or a false conclusion to judicial-inveigative organs) committed by means of a threat of murder, violeace) destruc- tion of the property of such persons or of their inti tea, and in like manner tte bribing of a Iiitness, injured .yact::. or a7pert with a view to their? givinz +'alse testimony or a false conclusion. snail be punishable by deprivation of frecoom for & period not to exceed two years, or by oorrective labor for n orriod not to exceed one year. Article 184. Public disclosure of information from a preliminary investigation or police inquiry Public disclosure of information from a prelirinary investigation or police inquiry without the ?emission of the: prosecutor) :1,nvestiga- tor) pr person conducting the police inquiry -- shall be punishable by c;orrective labor for a period not to exceed six months) or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles. Article 185. Micupprdapriation, alienation, or concealment of property Which hit$ been inventoried or s,.i,.questered The misappropriation, alienation, or concealment of property which has been inventoried or sequestered, ?filen committed by the person to whom such property was entrusted -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period. Article 186. escape from place of exile BecalJe from place of exile, or en route to a plate of exile IMI?????11?010.1.... 66 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 shall be puniehable by deprivation of freed.:.-m for a ..)eriod not to Feed one year. A1'tic3.e 167. Toluntwry return of a. beniched 1..}ern >er,itas from which be has been beatethed The voluntary rotarn of a banished porson to areas from Vlich he has been banshed -- 1snail be punisi,natie by reploement of t-,miam eid, ent by lo for .,he unservod 'portion of the sentence Article 188. '.,:';scape from place of con-in nt or from gAards Zelcoo from a place of confinement, or from guarde, when xromitwd by a person: serving a sentence or under' prcaiminry avrF.2t- Eihali be Dunithable by deprivtion Qf freudom for a period ,t to e-;xceed three years. Eape, whcn. accompanied by violence towards e.uex.61.s shall be puniable by deprivation Of freeaccl for a period not to exceed five years. i-xticie 189. Gonceelment of crimes Zvi ooncw--1Tent of the crimes c.pocified in Giticleit, 64 (treL,son), 65 (espionage), 66 and 67 (ects of terrorism), 68 ( Lnt5g.?) 69 (wrocktno), 72 (organizatdonal activity ailrec. at the c(rbissin of especially dengercus egPinst toe stF-te? or memborshi.p in tn I1E4oviet organization), 77 (bc?nditry), 8? (the manufec,,ure or phssing cc-urItvfeit IGinb or currency), 102, 103, and ,4(') (jtem e) (promeditatec' b.omicide), 117 (second anf' thicd parts (.rape unaer ag,:revatIng circumfAances), 89 (third part) and 14/ (third part) (theft), 90 (third pert) and 11.5 (third part) rohbery), ql alv-i 146 ( Alth intEht to rob), if uc:? conceeLment 1-.ns not r-mtved Cf.eforehand -- I adall be punishable by deLxivatian of freedom for a ;aried cf from one to five years, or by corrective labor for t perle4 not to e-Q:eed one yeA:r. , Article 190. Visprision The failure to report Nny of the crimes si,ecifi;A in 1-cticlas , (treaz,on), ;5 (ee:donage), 66 e,,d 67 (acts of terrorism), 6i3 botsipa), 69 (wrecking), 72 (organi'zational activity .iimed et the colWssion ofespecially dangerous crimes agatnst the btate, or moriberthip in an anti-3oviet orstinic.ntionJ, 77 (b:nuitry), 87 (the wwwfacture or passing of counterfeit CtithS or curr,m;.7), ? 67 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 _- 1020 103, and e40 it c) Tpremeditated eom)cade), 117 .(vkT,:oonc. anu third parts ) (aggravated rape), 89 (thire part) and 144 (third part) (theft), 90 (third part) and. 145 (third part) (robbery), 91 and 146 (assault with intent to rob)., when such crimes are reliably known to be in preperetion or to have been committed -- shall be ennidhable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one zo three years, or by corrective labor for a period of from six months to one year. Chapter Nine Crimes against the Order of Government Article 191. Resisting a representative of established government ?. or of soeiety who is performing his duty to keep public order Offering resistance to a representative of established governmen who iseperforming duties impoeed upon him by law, or resinting a epreeentative of society who is carrying out his duty to keep public order, or coercing them into the performance of clearly illegal acts, when committed with violence or with a threat of violence -- ? Shall be puniehable by deprivetion of freiden for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for n period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 600 rubles,. Article 192. Contumely toward a represeetative of establinhed government or a representative of eeciety who is performing his duty to keep public order The offering of a public insnit to a repreeentive cf.' established government or a repreeentative of society who is performing his duty- to keep 'public order, in connection with the performance by ? sucn persons of the obligations incumbent upon them -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period-not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rublee, or by application of measures of toci&J. action. Article 193. Using threats or violence toward an official or public worker' A threat of murder, the infliction of serious bodily injuries, or of destroying property by moans of arson, teward an official or public workers, employed with a view to terminating judicial or social activity, OT changing its character; in the 68 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 1- interests of the person making the threat -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a peried not to exceed, eight month, or by correctiee labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by public ceneure. - The inflietiGn of alight bodily injury, battery., or the commission of other acts ov violence with respect toward an offioial or public worker in coneection with his official activity or the fulfillment by him of his public duty -- shall be puniahable by deprivation of freedom for a period k iriot to exceed three yeaael or by corrective labor for a peried not to exceed one year. Artiele 194. Wilful appropriation of the title or authority of an. official The wilfUl appropriation of the title or authority of ar official when accompanied br. the commission, on that basis, of any socially dangeroue acts -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. Article 195. Misappropriation or damaging of docunente, stamps, seals, and blank forms The misace:ropriation, destruction, damaing, or conceeleent of documents, stamps, seals, or blank forms kept in ntate institutions eaterprisee, or social orgenizations, when 15emu1tted for venal or (Wier base motives -- shall be punishable by depoivation of freedom for t period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for t'ne same le.eriod, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles. The eeme acts, when cemmitted with respect to documents, utamps, soaIe, and blank forms of particular importance, or when resulting in serioue consequences -- ehell be puni4hable by deprivation of freedom for e period t to exceed five years. The theft of a passport or other importent document from a citizen -- shall be punlehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed eight months, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed clue year, or by a fine not to exceed 800 rubles. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ????????Jummou Article 196. The forgery, manufacture, or selling of forged docunents, stamps, seais, or blank forms The forgery of a certificate or other document isoed by a state instatution or enterrise or a social organization, granting rights or provIding exemptioa from obUatioti or tne )urpose of the utilization of such document by the forger nimeelf or by another person, or the !Ielliag of such a document, or the munnfscture of forged stamps, seals, or birnk forms of state institutions and enterprises or social organik.3tions for the purposes, or for their sale -- shall be aunianable by deprivatio'rl of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year. The same acts, when committed regularly and repeatedly shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years, or by exile for the same period. . The utilization of a document known to be forged -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedon ?for not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same or by a fine not to exceed 300 rubles, a period period, Article 197. Violation of the rgu1atior& governing entry into, or sojelurn in, a, border zone ? Violation of the regulations governing entry into, sojourn in, or tbe visaing of paesports-in, a border zone, when odmmitted subsequent to the imposition of administrative penalty for the same violation, --- ahall be punithable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed six months, or by corrective labor for the same perio4 or by a Pine not to exceed 500 rubles. Article 198. Violation of passport regulations The wilful violation of passport regulations in areas where special regulations are in force respecting sojourn 8nd thu visain7 of passaorts, if suth violation i$ manifested in sojourning without a possport or without a visa, and if the person in question has been subjected to administrati-,re penaLty for said vi31ation on two previous occasions -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period no-,, to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles. ?7o _ Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 199e Unauthorized appropriation of land and unauthorized ustruction The unauthotLzed appropriation, or barter, or buying and. selling, of a tract of land, or other acts violating the laws concerairg the nationalization of land shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period of from sit month n to one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles. The unauthorized construction .Y.f.* a residential building, or the unauthorized construction of an addition to a building shall be punishable by cirreotive labor for a period of from six months to one year, with confiscation of the illegally constructed building. Article 200. Arrogation Arrogation; that is, the arbitrary exercise of osels own real or assumed rights, in violation of the procedure established by law, with substantial damage to other citizens or to state or social organizations -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed six months, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by public censure, or by application of masuras or social action. Article. 201. Violation of civil registration as The concealment of facts serving as in impediment to marriage, or the furnishing of false information to organs of civil registra? tion -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for o period. not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by public censure. Article 202. Illegal use of symbols of the Rad eross and Red Crescent The illegal use of symbols of the Red CrOSO end Red Cretoent or of the name of the Red Cross or Red Croseent -- Shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles, or by public densure. Article 203.. The illegal display of the national ensign of the USSR or of a union republic, on a merchant vessel The display of the national ensign of the USSR, or of a union republic, on a merchant vessel not authorized to fly such ensign -- 71 ?mmai Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Shall be punishable by deprivetion ffreedom not to exceed one year, with or without confication of and with or withour a fine not to exceed the full Traue Artiaie 204. Failure to render assistance in a coliii;:] or ft-I:Lure to col:Hun:teat, the shipte name fur a ptwiod the vesoel of the shi. of Ships, Th ie ftdlure, on the part of the maater of a vessel whf,en has collided with anotner at tea, to te,ce the necess,ry steps to save the o4-hor ves:sel, if such uaro been taken -Arlthont, serldusli; anJangerin his own passeners, ere*, and vcm_?al, independe-Itly of the iibtlitv for feill,re to render ab;At..1.,ance to the passengers and crew of a vEnssel in distraas (Article la)) -- shall be 2unishab1e by deprivation of fr,,,,edom for a period not to exb.eed cue year, or by corrective labor ft ste pei-joQ, or "c3-7F fine not to exceed 3?000 roblos. The failure, on the part of the master or a vesoel, to communivatr to another vessel with.whioh it haa coliided at seal. the name and port of registv of own vessel, or it povt of departure d. port of destination, despite the possibility of cowrinnicatinp; such information -- shall be 1:;A:inishab1e by corrective labor for a- period not to exceed three mouths, or. by 8. fine not to e7..cceed 1,000 rubles. Arti,As 205. uuJersea telegraph el-Thie The negligert damaging of an undersea telegraph cable, if it has cauaed, of mieht have caused, an interrdptioa in telegraphic service -- shall be punishable by corrective labo for a. period hot to exceed three months, or by a. fine not to exceed. 1,000 r1Jblee. Chaptor Tea Crimes against the Public Security, WLiC Order, and tbe Health of the Population Article 206. Hooll-aniam Hooliganismi that is, wilful acts grossly- ITolating public order and manifesting an evident lack of reapeet for society -- Shell be punishable by derivetion uf freedoin for a. ;period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for tze. same period, or by fine not to exceed 500 rubles, or by public censure. 72 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Malicious hooliganism; that ib, the oame act s hhen ccolmitted by a person previously convicted of hooliganism, or when associated with resistance to a representative of established government, or R representative of sociey:, iyho is performing his duty to keep public order, or when such acts, by virtue of their content, are obaracteriz ed by extraordinPxy cynicioni or insolence -- shall be by deprivation of freedom for a period not ta exceed five years. Petty hooliganism committed by a person who has been subjected, on two occasions in the course of one year, to measures of social or aomtniatrative action for petty hooliganism -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a oeriod not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles. Article 207. Threat of murder, the infliction of serious bodily Ijuries or the destruction of property - A threat of murder, of the infliction of serious bodily injuries, r of the destruction of property by means of arson, provided there are grounds for fearing that nadh threats will be carried out -- daall be puhishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exoeed six months, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by public?censure, or by application of measures of social action. Article 208. 2cquisition of property known to have been acquired by criminal means The acquisition .of property known to have been acq uired by riminal means -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not o exceed six months, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles, or by, public censure, or by application of measures of social action. The same acts, when committed in the form. of a business or on are scale -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years, with or without confiscation of property, or by exile for a period not to exceed five years, with or without confiscation of property. Article 209. Habitaal vagrancy or beggary habitual vagrancy or beggary, continued after repeated wnrning on the part of an administrative organ -- dhall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period n Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period of from eix months to one year. Lrticle 210. Inducing minors to engage in criminal activity The inducing of minors to engag.;e in cri,-Ainx11 acti'vAty, io he practice of b;oggary, prostitution, or gambling, and in like manner the exi-.1oitation of C.ners for 1111.2oses of a parasitic existence -- shall be punishable by de:irivatizn of freedom for v period not to exceed fiV year6. Artiole 211. Violation of the regulations for safety of move7lant and of operation of motor vehicles or urban electric streetcars The violation, by an employee of a motor ,Jehtcle transportation syctem or urban electric stroetcar system, of the regulations for the safe movement ard operation of transportation facilities, vihich violation has caused Slight, or less than gri,,vous, bodily injury to the injured party, or has reo.alted in substantial material damage -- shall be punishable by depriVation of freedom for a period ot to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for period not to xceed one year, Kith or without deprivation of the ri7ht to operate transportation facilities for a period not to exceed two. years, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubles. The same acts, if they have caused the death of the injured party, or have inflicted grievous bodilY injury upon him -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed tea years, with or without deprivation of the right to perate transportlition facilities for a period not to exceed thre years. Article 212. Violation of th6 regulations for the safe movement of motor vehicles by a person who is not an employee of- motr vehicle transportation system Viclation of the regulations for the safe movement of motor vehicles by a person who is not an employee of a motor vehicle transportation system, which violation has caused sligkr4 ar lose than grievous, bodily injury to the injured. party -- shell be plinishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, with or without deprivation of the right to ,operation a. motor vehicle for a period not to exceed two years. The same act, if they have caused the death, of the injured , party or have inflected grievous bodily injury upon him ...... - 74 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Shall be punishable by deprivetAon of freedom. fer a peried not to exceed ten years, with or without deprivation of the right to operate a motor vehicle for a period not to exceed three years. Article 213. Violation of regulations in effect in e trilyuiportation system ?. Violation of current regulations in a transportation system wite respect to eafety of movement and the preservation. of order, if ouch violation has reeulted in the ios of- human lives or other serious consequences -- dhalibe punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years. Article 214. Violation of safety regulations in mi ng work Violation of safety regulations in mining Aork, if it has caused damage to the health of human beings -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedum for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for tho same period. Violation of safety regulatione in mining Mirk, if it has resulted in the loss of 1.uman lives or other serious coneequences tall bepuniShable by deprivation of freedom for a period. not to exceed five years, or by wrrectIve labor for a period not to exceed one year. Article 215. Violation of regulations in conetruction work The violation:, in the eourse of doing construction work, of -building, sanitation, and fire regulation, and likewise of regula- tions for the operation of construction equipment, if euch violatton has caused. dameze to the health of heman beings -- shall be puniahable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year; or by corrective labor for the same period. Such violation, if it has caused the lose of human lives or tier serious consequences -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for. a period riot to exceed five years, or by corrective labor for a period not to xceed one year. Article 216. Violation of eafety regulations at enterpriees handling explosives or Shops handling explosivea Violation of production-technieal discipline or regulations 4.?????????..r., . 75a Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 eneurini?SariiV of production at enterprises handling exploaivee or 1 hope handling enplosives -- shell be eeniehable by corrective labor for a period Act to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rublee, or by removal from position. The same acts, if they have caneed the lose of human liveG or other serious ouneequenceo -- shall be pnnishable by deprivation of freedom for a eperiod not to exceed seven yeara. Article 217. Violation of regulationa for the storage, use, acconntability, or transportation of explosives nd radioactive materials Violation of the regulatione for the storage, use, account 1, or transportation of explosives and radioactive materiale, or the illegal shipping of such materials or explosivee vie wail or as baggage, if such acts might have resulted in serioue consequence -- shall be punishable by deprivetiee of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period. The same acts, if they have resulted in serious consequences -- shall be punishable by deprivation. 6f freedom for a period. not to exceed seven years. Article 218. Illegal carrying, custody, manufacture, or wile of weapons or explosives The, carrying, custody, manufectire, or sale of firearms (except for mooth?boce hunting weapons), ammunition, or exploeives without due authorization -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubies. The carrying, manufacture, or sale of daggers, Finnish kteevee, or other cutting weapons without due authorization, except for those areas where the carrying of a knife is associated with the national costume or eith hunting -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the same period, or by a fine not to exceed 300 rublees b Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 219. Negligence in the custody of firearms Negligence in the custody of a firearm, which has created the co,-Lditions for the use of such firearm by another persea, if such neglionce has resulted in serious consequenceo; -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exacted ono year, or by corrective labor fer tte same pertoa. xticle 220. The illegal shipping of inflammab),:: or acid substances The illegal shippiro;? via mail or as baggage, of inflawhable or acid substances, if it has resolted in serious consequences -- shall be ounishable by deprivation of freedo for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for - period not to exceed one year irt1eit 221. Illegal practice of medicine The practice of medicine by a person who does not possess the requisite medical. education. -- *Lail be punishable by deprivation of freedom for e period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor. for the same period, r by fine not to exceed 3,000 rUbles, or by a.pplication of easures of soczial action. Article 222. Violation of regulations established for the ourpose of combatting epidemics Violation of mandatory regulations established fur the purpose of preventing epidemic and other infectious diaeaees, and. to control them if such violation has caused the spread of infectious diseases - shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period n-ot-. to exceed one year, or by correctivo labor for the same period., or by a fine not to exceed 500 rubles. Article 223. Pollution of bodice of water, and of the atmesihere The pollution of rivers, lakes, end other t*lies of water and sources of water supply with unpurified ano entreated seaage tiL-r or with the refuse end waste products of ioduotrial and comnunel enterprises, which pollutiori might cause deme;e to ti o 'no,,otta of Lto human bein to ge, or to agrioultural production, or fi ie sherz, anci in like manner the polLution or the atmosphere with wtP:te products of industry which are harmful to the health of human beings -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not o exceed one year, oz. by a fine net to eNceed 3,000 rubies. 76a Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 , Article 224. The manufacture or sale of poisonous or narcotic substances The manufacture or sale, and in like manner the storage or acquisition for purposes of sale, of strong, poisonouo, or narcotic ? substances without special authorization?ooroeloiation of established. regulations governing the production, storage, Issue, acoountabilitye transportation, and ahipment of strong,: poisonous, or narcotic substances -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the seft period, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rubies. The same acte, when oommitted regularly and repeatedly -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for e period not to exceed five years. Article 225. Unauthorized planting of opium poppy or marijuana The planting of opium poppy or marijuana without due authoriza- tion -- dhall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, with mandatory confiscation of the crops planted. Article 226. Maintaining dens of debauchery, and procuring Maintaining dens of debauchery, procuring for venal purposee, and in like manner maintaining dens for the use of narcotics, and maintaining gambling dens -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years, with or without banie4mento and with or without confiscation of property, or by exile for the same period, with or without confiscation of property. Artucle 227. The orgauization of a group causing damage to the health of citizens ? The organization of a group whone activity, carried on under the pretext of propagating religious dootrinee, is accompanied by damage to the health of citizens' or by sexual debauchery, and in like manner the direction, of such a group, or inducing the pertioipa- tion, of minors therein -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed five years, with or without exile, and withor without confiscation of property.. ??????????????,....-1...10, 76b Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ta7.1.1:70"Ar: e cir ? IT ?61!"?p-o?ri=167:7, 17E77r; i c;1", Tha manufcture, distritottoa, or of pornographic cictIcrok., or othcr objects of e pormgraphie cLaractex, i,,nd in lile 1.:!car., trading in such objects or Ifeeng them for the inrpose of thir ;.,ale or cistriution -- dh61,. be Funitihatle by del:rivc.tit..J of freedoI f()r lot to e.:,reed three -jutr? ur by ?. fine not 'o exceed 1,000 rublc_qi-, wit'a confiJcatinn of the pornograio mhterial and the meo.ns of produciogth PxLicle 229. Violatlun of gravee The violation of a grave, object& or upon a grwe -- shzal be punithable ? not to eXcevd three yers, or to ..xzee?ne year. F,r1. by d1ri like manner tile theft of . dei,Tivation of freedom ceiod corrective laror for a periud not Article 23?. detitruction, damagihg, eLtural monuments or diofigug of The wilful destruction, damaging', or dicfig-urIng of mItural tronws.ants, cr of n;Aural objecte tEken under the protection of the stete sh.cJi te punishable by de.privatiu of froadc?, ror not to exceed t0 yers? or ti:y eorrective i&hor for :2, period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1,000 rui-aes. ClialAer hleven 'LepreFentin "qestiges of 14ocal Customs Article 23i. hefusai of recorlciliation The refustl, on the part of the relatives of a per wi:Lo 'r,a;5 Leen murdered, to deist from the purnuit of R. blood feud with raupct to the DmreEn-vr.11nd hin relativas in accornce procedme erstabIished hy the Decree on aoconoilia.tlon Proceedings iu Ca.fes Involving. Blood Feud -- shall be punible by exile for a poriocl not L. s::K-ca7A tvio yeare, or by benishment fur e_ period not te exzead three years. ? '77 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 232. Payment and acceotance of e bride pr1l The acceptance of a bride price by tha parents, kinsmen, or relative by carriage of the bride, in the form of money, livestock, or other property -- shall be punIshable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to excaed one year, with confiscztion of the bride. ;mice, or by corrective labor for the same period, with confiscation of the bride. price. The payment of a bride 1;rice by the groom, his parent.., his kinemen, or his relatives by marriage -- shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by public censure. Article 233. mat-cil,ge Coercion of a woman into marriage, or obsruction of The coercion of a woman into marriage, or into cohabitation, or obstruction of marriage -- . shall be punishable by reprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years. krticle 234, The conclusion of a contract or marriage to a person who has not attained marriage&ble age The conclusion, in accordance with local custom, of a contract for marriage to a person An? has not attained marriageable age -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for period not to exceed two years, or by cor7.7ective labor for ?eviod not to exceed ono year. In this connection, the comNission of re, or entering into sexual relations with a person who has not reached the age of puberty, shall be punishable in accordance with the a.:,:.;proj2rite rticlo of the present clde. Article 235. Bigamy or polygamy Bigamy or poiggamyi that Is, cohabitation with two or several women in a single household -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for e, period not to exceed one year, or by corrective labor for the sme period. 'rticle 236. The scope of Chapter Eleven of the iiresent Code The force of the present chapter shell akply to i4o5e autonomous ris ----- Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 ?re-ititirc7e7iiiTo"'crol'o"Tii."7.ITERTTiria7-6CEerir"TiFelia:73?-tEi the socially dangerous acts enumerated in the present chapter consti? tute vestige s of local customs. Ohapter Twelve Military Crimes /Article 2.37. The concept of a military crime Military crimes gre crimes specified by the preaent Code against the estsblished procedure for the performance of mIlitary service oommited by milltaty personnel, or by peraons subject to ziiitary service When assembled for training. Officers, non?commissioned officers, and other rnka of organs of state security, and ;-,aso persons with respect to dhom specinl mention i mede in the legislature of the 1J,EXR, shall b linble Cor crimes tigaLnst the procedure established for their i:erformance of mi1ttay60CViCe in accordance with the ap,xcpriate articles of the preent Lode. present article shall be punishable in accorc]ance wit'n trAe appr(riat x dry], in military crimes by personx not mr.11tIoneti in the articles of the present Oode. Article 238. Insubordination a) Insubordinatioh; that is, the direct refusi to carry out tha order of a superior., and in like manner any deliberate failure to carry out an order -- Shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one to five years; ? b) the same act, when committed by a group of persons, or hen it has resulted in. serious consequences -- shall be punishable b7 deprivetion of freedom for a period Of from three to ten years; o) insubordination when, committed in time of war or under combat conditions -- shell be punishable by death or by deprLtioa of freedom for a period of fixim five to ten years. Article 2'39. Failure to carry out an order a) The failure to carry out -the order of a superior, when -- 79 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 comeitted in the absence of the ?triLisla ceecified IL It a, Article 238 of the preeent Coder-- shall be punidhable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three months to three years; ' b) the same act, in the preeenee of vitigatink, circum? stances -- shall he punishable by application of the rules of the Disciplinary' Regulations of the :ermed Forces USSR; c) the act specified in It a of the peeeent article, ihon aammitted in tin s of wer or under cowbat conditione -- shall be punishable by deprivetion of freedom for a period of from three te six years. Article 240. Reeisting a superior, or coercing him into the viola? tion of hie official obligatione a) Resisting a superior, or any other pereon performing dutiee imposed upon him by military yervice, or coercine him into the violation of such oblitations -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for 6 period f from one to five years; b) the same acts, when committed by a group of persons, or with the use of a weapon, or if it has resulted in serioue consequences -- shell be eunishable by depritation of freedom for o period f from three to ten yeers; c) the acts specified iv Item b of the present article, if accompanied by the premeditated murder of the superior or other person performing his military duties, or if they were committed in time of war or under combat conditions daell be punishable by death or by depeivetion of freedom for e period of from five to 15 years. Article 241. Threatenieg a saperier ? a) A threat of murder,- the infliction of bodilr injuries, or battery toward a saperior in connection with the performance of military duties by the latter -- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period. of from three months to three years; b) the same act, under mitigating circumetencee shall be punishable by application of the ruleS of the Disciplinary Regulations of the Armed Forces USSR; c) the act specified in Item a of the present article, if committed in. tiMe of war or under combat conditions -- ehall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to ten yeare. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 rArticle 242. Acts of violence toward a superior a) The infliction of bodily injuries, or the boating, of Torior in mtnneetion with the performance of military duties by latter -- - shall be punishable by.Ooprivation of freee,om for a period of from two to tan years; b) the same acts, when committed in time of war or under combat conditions, or if they have caused serious a)neequencos Atell be punishable by deathor by deprivation of freedom for a poriod of from five to 1,5 years. Article 243. Abuse of a superior by a subordinate, or of a aubordinat by a superior a) The abuse, verbally or by means of a. non?violent act, I a. superior by a subordinate, or of a senior- by a junior, and in like manner the abuse of a subordinate by a superior, or of a junior by his senior, in the performance of military duties by one or more of the aforementioned. -- shall be unishable by deprivatioa of freedom for a. period of from three to six: months; b) the same acts, under mitigating circumstances -- shall be punishable by application or the rules of the Disciplinary .Regulations of the Armed Forces USOio c) abuse involving an act of violenoe committed under the circumstances examerated in It a of the present article -- shall-be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from six months to five years. Article 244. Assault and battery of one person in military- service by arlothero in the absence of relations of subondination or seniority between them a) Assault and battery of one person in military service by another, if there is no relationship of subordinstien or seniority between them, and provided that at least one of such persons was carrying out military duties at the time -- shall be punishable by deprivation. of freedom for a ooriod f from three months to one year; b) the same act, under mitigating circumstances -- shall be punishable by application of the rules of the isoiplinary aegolations of the Armed Forces USSR. Article 245. Absence over leave a) Absence over leave from a unit or place of service, ?Si Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 on the part of a person serving a regular period of enlistment in military service, and in like manner hie faiinre, in. the absence of a valid reason, to report for duty et the speeified time When beipg discharged from A unit, assigned, tranefereed, When returning from temPorary detached duty, or from leave, or from a medical institution, for a period in excess of ori e day but net more than three days) or a period of less than one if such abeence has occerred at least twice in the eour se of three months -- shall be punishable by trensfer to e diociplinary bettalion for a period of fm three months to two yeare; b) the same acts, when committed in time of wnr -- shall be punishable by deprivstion ef freedom for c period of from two to ten years; c) the act epecified in Item a of the present article, when cemmitted by e person in milltery service who is serving a sentence in a dieciplinary battalion ? shall be ?untenable by deerivetion of freedem for e period of from one to three yearee Article 246, Absence without leave from a unit Or plate of service a) Akbeence without leeee from e unit or plaee of service, n the pert of a person serving 8 regular eerioa of enlietmsnt in miU.tary eerviee, and la like manner his feilure, in the absence of a valid reaeoe, to reeort for duty at the seeeified time when being discharged frem e unit, aesigaed, trene:7erree, wnen r,teening from temporery detached duty, from leave, nr from e medical Inetitution for a period of more than three days -- ahall be eunienabIe by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one year to five yeare; 0 the same acts, when comeitted in tire of war -- shalL be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for 8 period f from five to ten years; c) absence without leave from a unit or place of service, on the part of an officer or a pereon serving beyoed the term of enlistment in military service, ear in like manner the failure of such person, without valid reason, to reeert for duty at the specified time, for a period of more than to claye -- shell be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for P period of from one to five years; d) the acts epecified in Item c of the present article, when oommitted in time of war, if the eerson i$ absent without leave for a period of more than one day -- Snell be euninhable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to ten yeers. -- 82 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Article 247. Desertion . a) Desertion; that is, absenting onself from a military -nit or pleoe of service for the purpose of avoiding military service and in like mannerthe. failure, for the same pnrpeve, to report for duty- at the specified time when assigned, traneferrede retuxning from temporary detached duty, from leave, or from a medical institution, when oDmmitted by a person serviT a regular period of enlistment in military service -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a. period of irom three to seven years; b) the same acts, when committed in time of war -- shall be punishable by deatteor by deprivation of freedoM for a period of from five to ten years; c) desertion, when committed by an officer or a person serving beyond the regular period of enlistmenteee Shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to seven years; d) the same act, when committed in time of war -- shall be punishable by death, or by deprivation of freedom for a period of from seven to ten years. Article 248. Absence without leave from a unit under combat condite iOna Absence wi thout leave from a unit or place of service under combat Conditions, irrespective of the duration of absence -- punishable by death, or by deprivation of for a period of from three to ten years. Article 249e Evasion of military service by means of mutilation or other method - a) /he evasion,on the part of a person in military service, of performance of such military service by means of inflicting injury upon himself (mutilation), or by means of malingering, the forgery of documents, or other fraud, and in like manner the refusal to perform the obligations of military service -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period m three to seven years; b) the same acts., if committed in time of war or under at conditions -- e hall be puniahable by death, or by deprivation of freedom or a period of from five to ten years. 83 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Trtrcle-256T--Uisailati7n or lois oi-Miiit.;;ry [- .. a) The sale, pavinirg, or rental, by a person serving a . , ruler period of enlistment in military service, of articles of clothing,or equipment, entrcsted to him. (misappropriaticn), ?and'in. like manner the loss or spoilage of said' objects aLs a reult of ..... violating the rogulations? for thOir'custody . . . . ihall be punishable-by transfer to a disciplihary?natUilion 'for a perio of from three months to ene.year; . . . t) the same acts, ,Jhder mitigatim; circumstances -- ' shall be Imaishable by applicatioh,of the ri4es of the ? Disapiinary cl.egulations of the .:Limed Forces W4R; .. c) the acts spedified In item s of the present article, whon Committed in time of war or 1;nder combat.condlUons -- shall bo puniahsble by deprivation of f4' don for .a. fmm one to fivo years; . d) the losS Or socilege of wek;ons, anmunition, transort&,.. tion facilities, objects of tedlnical supply, or other nilititAry property entrusted for official uso, as a rtLult of violating the egulations for their custody -- shall be by by deprivation of freedm for a period f froal one to three years; e) the acts specified in item d of t:.h,i present article, ' when time of war or under combat conditions -- ? shall be puniskiable by depriv4Aic:n of freedom for a period. of from to to seven years. I c,erio4 .krtiele 251. olIful destruction or damat g of ,liiiitar a) the vgilfu'L de;ArLiction orJ'...amai;ing of *ea,ons, tzansporation facilities, mility eqat.ymet, or other milit.ry property, in the a)-,sence of t1u oLements of ?9.,1 ospecially daneerous crime eiainst the state -- sh..11 be -,xilisdable by deprivstioa of fraedom for N norto of from onc: to five yeti's; b) tho same r,ct? if it hs caused erim consecuouces -- shall be punishable by rie,rivation of freedcw, for period of from three to ten yenrs; c) the ect specified in Item b of t present ftrtiole, When committed in time of war or undez- combat, Cort-dAiG,t -- 6hall be punishable by de.drivt,ticn of froeon for v :t4,riod of from rive to ten years, or by death Article 252. Violation. of rE.zulations for driving or operating motor vehicles Violation of the regcllations for drivine, or operating military 84 - Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 vehicles, special vehicles,, or trucks, .4hen such violation haz resulted in. an aacident inVolving human beings, or in other serious conser,juences shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a, 1;:eriod or from two to tea years . Article 253. ViolAtion of regulations governing flights or prepara- tion for flights Violbtion of flight regulations, cr regulations g,overning- the preparations for flio:hts, when sudh violation hi.1 ros,ulted In a crash or other serious consequences -- shall be -punishable by deprivation of freedom for neriod of from three to ten years. Article 254. Violatioa. of regulations governing ship h.,dling Violaticn of the regulations for handling a ahip, when such , violation bus resulted, in the 20ss of the vessel., serious dema4e to the vesel, the loss of human lives, or other Ori01.1.5 ? diell be pvnishable by deprivAi on of freedom.. for a. period. of from three to tan years. Arlacle 25) Violation of ,t blished reguations for tir i.r guard a) Violation of establi'led regulati on LI )7or gu.F1c. ;31,1a3- housc) or escort dut and of the ord9V3 aad 1ntrctn proodgmte by wel of suppleneh t t 5U ch regu le Lion:5 -- shall be ,unishable by deorlvati on of freedom for spitod of from three to six months; b) the ssmo cot, under mitigatlag circumstance6 elail be puaishable by apAication of the rules of the DiscinitaAxv Regulat5.0Ae of the Armed Forces c) violation of established regulations for guard (guard- house) duty,. . committed when standing g-uard 4,t weapons and TrinlinitiO1 depots, or durin other guard duty, ano at po As for the protection of facilities posing special stf::to and ImpoT'tance -- shall be t:unishable by deprivtion of freedom for a 2eriod of from six x,onths to three yeers; d) the act specifie.A in item c of the pert artioi e, eien ccmmitted in ti,rie of wzIr or under combat conditions -- 6hall be L.)un: shable by de,)rIvation f freedo.n for c of from two years to 6C:Vigl years, e) violati...-tn of es tell. i shed regulati one for rd (gun cd- no6c) or escort duty, when Rcoom.panied by the ocourfes of harmf41 consequences for the prevention of which the guard or escort in SA: r, rank. -??? ??????--- ?-?1 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 cuestion was established be puniseable by deprivation of freedoe for a period e of from one te ten yeerze; f) the act opeciried in Item e of the erent article, when oemmitted ie ti ae of war or under combet cenditlee -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedoe for a period f from three to ten years, or by OE,eth. Aitiele 256. Violation of reeulations govern-Lee the' perforeance oi border duty a) Violetioa of the regeletionseeverning the leroraeoce of border duty by a person ueeigned to a. detaeheent fee the protection of the national border of tee 1.1;3ER -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freeden for a eerioe f from one ,to three yeere; b) the same act, under mitlgutine circumstencoe shall be :eunieheLle by application of tee ruiee of the Disciplinary Regulations of the Armed. Fore 1166e; o) the act specified in Itern. a of tee ereoint ertiele when it hes caesed eerices consequencee -- shell be peniehable b;e.depreetion of freeeem for e period of from three to ten years. Article 257. Violation of regnlatloes eovernine the eerfereeeee ef duty at radar etatione and lookeut uattE a) Violation of the regelations governing the performance of dety at radar etatione, lookout enits, and other facilities . preventing the violation of the oer aeace er territorial waters of the USSR. ? shall be eunishaele by deprivetion of freedom or 0 perioct of from one to five years; b) the eame act, under mitigating eireeeetences daall be punishable by applieatiee of the reees of the cielinary eegulatiens of the Armed Fortes a) the act specified in item a of the preeent artiele? .f it has caused serious, coaeaeuences -- stall be punisheble by deprivetion of freedem fo a eeriod of from three to tea years; d) the acts eeecified in itees a aed o of the present tiole, when committed in time of wer -- shall be euniseeble by deeth, or by deprivation of freedom r a period of from fiva to 15 year. ?86 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 OR...14Ft Article 258. 7iolation of established regulations governing Laterul service a) The violation of estaIlLished regulations govsruing internal service on the part of a person in the duty section of a uait (apart from guard or watch) -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of f a three to six months; b) the same act, under mitigatia.; eircamstatvc.s -- shall be punishable by application of the rubs of the ibAplinary rtegulations of the Armed Forces OSEA; c) the act specified in it a of the dresent article, if it haa resulted in harmful consequences for the prevention of which the person An question WAS responsible -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period f from six months to LAID years; d) the act specified in Item c of the present article, %hen committed in time of war or under combat conditie -- shall be lmnishable by de?rivation of freedom for i period f frpm one to five years. Jrticle 259. Disclosurq of a military secret, or loss of Liocumonts containing military seek et 0 DISCI-0512re of informa41,)a'of a military character 'onstitcting a tate secret, in toe absence ofiJej of treason hii be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period :I! from two to five years; b) the less or documents containing information of a mili- tary character constltutin4: e state secret, or of ()billets information concerning which constitutes a state secret, by a parson to whom such docue,nonts or objects were entrusted, if sucn loss 4as the result of a violation of established regulations for handling slAch cuments or objects -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a prio from one to three years; c) the actsispecified in items a and b of the present article LC they have caused serious consequences -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to ten ;ars; d) disclosure of military informetion which is classified, but which does not constitute a state secret -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three months to on year; e) the act specified in Item d of the present orticae, if cbmmitted under mitigatink7 circumstances -- shall be puribbable by application of ',he rules of the 87 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Disci pi-friary Regnlatious of the Armed Ts U. ? Article 260. Abu sa of authority, excessive exercise of authority, and neglect of duty a) The abuse of authority or Officiel position by-a commander or official, the excessive exercixe of authority., or fail= to exercise same, and in like meaner thu negligence of du, if euch acts have been oemmitted regularly and repeatedly, or for venal motives, or out of personal intereet, or if they have cu-d sebetnetial damage -- ? shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for e period f from oix months to ten years; b) the same acts, under mitigating circumstancee -- shall be punishable by application of the rules of the Disciplineey, Regulations of the Armed Forceo USSR; . 0 the acts specified in It a of the present article, when cimmitted In time of war or ender combat conditions -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for- a period of frem three to ten years, or by death. Article 261. Surrenderine or abandoning unitary reeources to the enemy The eurrender to the enemy, by a commanding officer, of the force under his op:amend, and in like manner the abandonaent to the enemy, when not neceseitated by the tactical eituation of fortifica- tions, military equipment, and other military reeourcee, provided such acts were not committed for the purpose of giving aid to the enemy -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to ten yeers, or by death. Article 262. Abandonment of a simeing combet yeesel . a) The abandonment Of 8 einking combat vuozel by a captain who hes not carried out his official duties to the end, or by one of the shie's officers without due authorization from the caetain -- shall be puninhable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to ten yeare; b) the same act, when committed in time of war or under combat conditions -- shall be punishable by death, or by deprivation of freedom for a period of fram ten to 15 years. Article 263. Quitting the field of battle without -permission, or refuel to use a weapon 88 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 I- Quitting the field of battle without permission during combat, or refusing to use a. weapon during combat --. shall be punirhable by death, or by deprivation of freedom. for a period of 15 year5. ? Article 264. Voluntary strrender Voluntary surrender out of cowardice orpusillanimity -- . . shall be punishable by death, or by deprivation. of freedom for oeriod of 15 years. ArtIcle 265. Criminal sets by a military prisoner of war a) The voluntary earticipatioa, by a military man who is priamer of wer, in activities of a military nature or in other measures clearly capable of causing damage to the ::viet Onion or to its allies, in the absence of kridicia of treason -- shall be puniShable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to ten years; b) violence towird other prisoners of war, or harsh trnatment of the latter on the part of a prisoner of War W40 15 in the position of senior officer present -- , shall Os ,unirbable by deprivatiton of fre6dom for a period of froa three to ten years; c) the commission by military personnel wno ars prisoners of war, of acts having the purpose of harming other prisoners of war, for venal motives or for the purpose of assuring lenience towards oneself on the part of the enemy -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from on to three yeers. krticie 266. Pillage The theft, on the field of battle, of article found on the . person of dead and wounded personnel .(pillage) -- shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to ten years, or by death. Article 267. Violence toward inhabitants of 8. battle zone Armed robbery, the illegal destruction of property, violence, aad in like mmaner the illegal seizure of property under the pretext of military necessity, committed with respect to the inhatitants of a battle zone -- - shell be punithable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to ten years, or by death. 89 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 AUITIga-.--kiareatm;nt7fprieonets a) The mistreatment of prisoners of war, if it ha $ taken place repeatedly, or if acaompanied by extraordinary harahness, or if directed ainst persons Who are ill or wounded, and in like manner laxity In the performance of obligations towerd the ais.7.:4 and. 4o-ondtd by persons reeponsible for their treatment and care, in the Wbene of Aagcia of a more serious crime e- shall be puniehable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one to three years; b) the mistreatment of prieonees of war in the absence of he aforementiened aggravating circumataneee -- shall be punishable by application of the rules of the ' Disciplinary degulationa of the Armed Forcea IFSR. Article 269. Illegal wearing- of emblems of the Red. Cross and Red Crescent, and abuse of same The wearing, in battle zonee, of emblems of the Red Cross Red Crescent by persons not possessed of such right, and in like manner the abuse, during time of war of flage or eebleme of the Red Cross and aed Crescent, or of the color assigned to traneyorth- tion facilities for medical evacuation -- dhall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of Mem three months to one year. Appendix LIST OF PROPERTY NOT OUBJEOT TO CC FISOATIA BY SENTENCE OF A COI= The following kinds of property and objecte,belonging ta a convicted person by virtue of personal property righte, or repreuente ing his hare in communal property, necessary to the convicted person. and to persons dependent upon him, are not epubject to confiecation:. e 1. House, plua ottbuildinge or individual parts-thereoe -- in the case of persons whose baelc occupation is agriculture, provided the convicted person and his family ere permaneetly domiciled therein. 2. In the case of perwns who basic occupation is agriculture' -- ci ole cow; in the absence of a cowl a sole heifer; in the case of heueeholds poaseseing neither cow nor heifer: e sole goat, eteep? or pig; also, in the case of kolkhoz femoral sheep, goats, and h -$ not to exceed one-half of the norm establiehed foleaekolkhoz _ 4111141?10004..... 90 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 rsehold ss establisheCiby the ciTETTof til;-177:q---;-7-- h7Z---- , . u.o,uer,. ar?e-, plus poultry. In the Ulga and tundra regions of the Fur North -- breeding dose; and young deer, ena also draft-deer, ln the amount of 25 hend oer household. 3. Livestack feed (if the 1ive6tock. are not subject to. clafisdation) required ?iendina the laying by- of the ne%t fodder crop, or until such tiAe as the livesto&ia driveu out to ?;sture. 4. In the, case of persons whose basic o. tion is Agri- culture -- the seed required for regular plantLag. f. household objects, utensils, anc'. dkothin nacery to the .',onvicted pers.:In ,ina to 4hose dependet upyn him. a) clothing-4 for each perkon: one summer or faU noat5 one winter overa)lat or shes:ps'lilin; one 'iinter suit (for woe: two winter dreses); one :summer suit (for womer two 6Uraer dresses); one piece of heawart41sor ea.Ct. season, For vioaten? ir . ii:dation: too Saawis and one Aira..rYuLawL (cr heavy ShF,;x;.) otter clothing end. hdware i6n has been in use for a sutzthrit161 pevAod: of time and which is not valuable; , b) footweerr underclothing, bedclothes, kitthen. and table utensils in. use(except for object made of valuable mutarials or objoe.ts of artistic ?valuc); c) furditum one bei. and oh,air for each person.; one desk, one 4ar6robe, and on trunk for the ftaily; d all Uhildrents belonzinles. o. Food products in m amount nec.essary for the convicted. lp-c.rson and his family pending the next harvest, if the besic ?coupa- . food products and. money .n a total amount ecvoal to the monthly tion of the convicted person agriculture. In all other oases: evrnings of the convicted person, but not less tnLn 1,000 rubl. 7. That smount of fue1. necessry for preparing food. for ea1 the living 4U&rters of the family-. during the cold Si:.ason. 8. Tools (includin6 m,,.nuals and books) reulred. the continu- ation of the occupational activities of the convicted person, excspt for those cases where the convicted person, by sent,3noe Gf the court, has been deprived of the riglit to engage in the activity in que,stion, or when he ha a us.:Ni. the tools in an illezol occup&tion. 9. Shares in cooperative ors&niz.ations? provided th convicted. -person.I. not been expiled from the co:)perative. ------ 91 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6 10. In the event of the conficcf,tioh of the convicted person's share in the communed property of a peasant household (kolichoz or private), the amount of the share 16 determined after deduction of the following fmm this property; the house in which the members of I the household Idle, clus outbuildings; the seed necec,zary for rguie.r planting; one cow, or in the absence of a cow, one heifer; (liAewise, in a isol4ho4 household; sheep, goats, hccs and poultry not to exceed. ,one?half of the norm estaLlished by the charter of the agricultural artel); and the food required for the remainina ILvestock. 92 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP65-00756R000400010001-6