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August 2,
1 9Rproved
I& I P~713(($ 00300190002-7
For Fib I&SOS-Y6 O
.recent testimony before the House Post
Office and Civil Service Committee and
t le House Appropriations Committee an-
nounced a -new policy of the Defense De-
partment to release military personnel
from billets which. can be filled by civilian
employees. Mr. Paul clearly states that
one of the results of this new policy can
be to "increase combat strengths," a need
which our president .has recently stated.
As reported in the Journal of the
Armed Forces on July 24, 1965, Secretary
Paul stated further:
Clearly, military personnel should be util-
ized incombat units or in units whose mis-
sion and- cpi tingency plans call for the
deployment of personnel on short notice to
a combat environment.
Thus,'the proper use of military man-
power is a subject of serious concern to
men of stature and knowledge.,,. It is not
an idle issue which is idly raised.
The letter from Mr. Wolkomir and the
news release follow;
Washington, D.C., July 9, 1965.
DEAR CoNeRESSMAy:. The use of military
personnel in traditionally civilian positions
in the Federal service is costly, wasteful, and
unsound from every standpoint.
It is a practice, however, which not only
Is widespread but is accelerating at an
alarming rapid rate.
Because of the importance of this prob-
lem nationally, I am taking the liberty of
calling to your attention a statement just
released to the press and other news media
on behalf of the NFF'E,
I would appreciate any comment you may
care to make on this vital iss}Ie.
Yours sincerely,
N. T. WoiaroMnt,
President Nathan T, Wolkomir, of the Na-
tional Federal of Federal Employees, today
assailed the Department of Defense for . "fia-
grant failure to take effective action-to curb
the wide and still growing use of. military
personnel in civilian positions."
At the same time he said that he was,
.presenting to Representative DAVID N. HEN-
nExsoi', of North Carolina, chairman of the
-Manpower Utilization Subcommittee of the
House Post _Ofiice and Civil Service Com-
mittee, "additional hard-fact case evideoceof
this entire situation, which is worsening from
week to week."
The NFFE executive cited figures from the
Secretary of Defense's own directorate of
statistical services which, he asserted, "Pro-
vide Irrefutable proof of the seriousness of
this problem," He said, that in the period
.19.60--64, there was a 110,000 increase in, uni-
formed personnel In the Army with a corre-
sponding decline of 20,500 civilian jobs. In
the Air Force uniformed personnel jumped
by 42,046 while civilian employees dropped
by 18,000. In the Navy there was a 50,000
increase In uniformed people while 14,300
civilians were, dropped.
"These figures prove beyond all doubt that
military are replacing civilians in tradition-
ally civilian jobs in all three services at an
accelerated pace and all indications we have
are that this trend is..continuing," President
Wolkomir said.
He declared that "we continue to receive
from DOD pious platitudes and vague assur-
ances which give little indication of a genu-
ine desire to take ehgctive remedial action.
Moreover, we find that regardless of DOD
policy enunciated at the Pentagon, the use
of military personnel in civilian positions
not only persists but is mounting at many
Installations and bases all across the Nation.
"We find it incredible that, the Pentagon
does not know that this is the case. We find
It shocking that, knowing what is taking
place, there is continued flagrant failure to
act forthrightly to curb this wasteful, costly,
inefficient practice."
The NFFE executive said that while some
of .the blame,-for, this practice must be
laid at the door of Congress, since insuf-
ficient appropriations for civilian support
services account in part for it, "the Depart-
ment of Defense cannot evade the major
"The fact is," he said, "that this problem
has been with us for many years and has
been mounting in extent and seriousness.
Much, of it, experience shows conclusively,
stems from the desire of some base com-
manders to have uniformed personnel in
-virtually all positions, even those clearly,
Obviously and historically civilian in nature.
At many installations, therefore, we find
outright and persistent violation of DOD
policies and regulations dealing with man-
power utilization, Is DOD, below Chief of
Staff level, not aware of the fact that military
control of manpower, both military and civil-
ian, places them in the position of adjudicat-
ing their own violations of DOD policy?
"This is a situation which has been of
great and growing concern to Congress.
Representative HENDERSON and his subcom-
mittee have given much attention to it and
are to be highly commended for that concern.
"But the time has now come for action.
DOD has tolerated violation of its policies
far too long. DOD, for whatever reason, has
failed to get the message to its base com-
-manders and others charged with carrying
out policy at the local level.
- "The dangers in the complete militariza-
tion of the Defense Establishment long have
been recognized by successive Chief Execu-
tives, including Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The danger is real and it Is present, and its
further, growth is a national hazard of the
first magnitude. Further, its growth repre-
sents a callous negation of. the military-
civilian team concept in our efense posture
which is so completely vital to our national
security. Loss of essential civilian skills in
the military establishment is proceeding at
an alarming pace. DOD's complacency in
the face of this loss is incomprehensible.
"DOD's response to the presentation of
facts on this issue is evasion and equivoca-
tion. Therefore, it is essential for Congress
to make known its concern more emphat-
ically, more directly, and more forcefully
than ever before.
"It grows increasingly clear that drastic
action will be required to bring a reversal
in DOD action on this issue, which is so
vital to every American citizen."
(Mr. LANGEN (at the request of Mrs.
REID of Illinois) was granted permission
to extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. LANGEN. Mr. Speaker, I see the
Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amend-
ments of 1965 as the most effective war
on poverty legislation yet passed this
When you consider that three-fourths
of the people accepted under the old act
were unemployed at the time, you must
realize that this new expanded program
will provide means to lessen the numbers
of jobless even more. It is mostly a lack
of income that creates poverty and with
the trades taught under the Vocational
Rehabilitation Act, these jobless people
are given the skills necessary to become
wage earners. .
It is reported that there are about 31/2
million disabled Americans today who
need the services of this program. There
are 300,000 added to this total every year.
If we are to meet the demands of training
the disabled of this country, we must
rehabilitate and place in employment
more than the 135,000 yearly figure we
reached last year. This newly passed
legislation will provide for reaching the
annual goal of 200,000 rehabilitated in
the next 3 years or less.
I also congratulate the authors of the
amendments for recognizing one of the
great needs of our present-day society;
that of rehabilitating the mentally
retarded youths and adults. In 1964,
the vocational rehabilitation program
reached more than 7,200 mentally re-
tarded Americans and the expanded pro-
gram intends to reach even more.
The bill also provides for assistance in
the construction of new workshops and
rehabilitation facilities and in the opera-
tion of new facilities. These facilities
are the tools with which the trained men
and women shape the lives of these un-
fortunate individuals who seek their help.
I know that we in Minnesota take a
great pride in our efforts in behalf of
the handicapped individual and welcome
these new strides in the direction that
we, as a State, have struggled in.
(Mr. FINDLEY (at the request of Mrs.
REID of Illinois) was granted permission
to extend his remarks at this point in
the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. FINDLEY, Mr. Speaker, on
July 1, Members of this body received a
letter from Agriculture Secretary Orville
L. Freeman in which he declared:
Consumer prices for wheat products have
remained stable. Bread prices in the past
12 months have averaged around 21 cents a
loaf or less, virtually unchanged from the
period before the certificate program went
into effect.
He quoted derisively predictions made
a year ago that the certificate program
would lead to higher consumer prices.
By using loose phrases like "averaged
around" and "virtually unchanged" the
Secretary protected himself while at-
tempting to mislead you.
The truth is bread prices are up.
The Department of Agriculture Crop
Reporting Board issued a report July 30
showing on page 23 that average price
paid by farmers for white bread per
pound-the average loaf weighs 1
pound-on June 15, 1965 was 21.2 cents
compared with 20.6 cents on June 15,
1964. This increase of 0.6 cent amounted
to 3 percent, an increase that is espe-
cially significant when one considers that
low-income families rely most heavily
on bread.
Let us not forget to that the farm bill
(H.R. 9811) proposes to raise the value
of the domestic wheat certificate by at
least another 50 cents a bushel. Secre-
tary Freeman admits this means 0.7
cent rise in the cost of a pound loaf of
Secretary Freeman issued a speech
text today In_vwhch he predicted net
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farm income will be reduced by as much the ethical and moral obligations of a Our friends and enemies alike will make
as 50 percent if Congress fails to act. civilized society as well as to increase the their judgment and plan their fut`ure on
This horror story is pure speculative fic- degree of reliability of scientific informa- the basis of the choice we now make.
tion and grossly misleading. If no farm tion obtained through their use. The present challenge is merely one in a
legislation is passed this year, wheat To put this policy into effect, the bill long line of challenges, past and future.
farmers will be covered by the very same provides for an independent Office of The question is not "can we afford
program Secretary Freeman twisted Laboratory Animal Welfare to be estab- to stand our ground in Vietnam," but
congressional arms to enact in 1962. lished in the Department of Health, Edu- rather "can we afford not to." The an-
Feed grains and cotton farmers will be cation, and Welfare. It would be headed swer is clear to our President, it is clear
covered by programs amended in 1958 by a coordinator appointed by the Presi- to our military leaders, it is clear to me-
and 1963 which, with proper administra- dent who would be charged with the re- and I believe that it is clear to the over-
tion, will cut Government costs, reduce sponsibility for the promotion of the best whelming majority of the American
surpluses, strengthen income opportu- care, handling and use of laboratory people.
nities for the farmer in the marketplace, animals by every practicable means. For
and make him less dependent on Gov- example, he could send consultants to The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr.
ernment payments. any laboratory requesting such assist- ALBERT). Under previous order of the
As the day for reckoning on the farm ance, furnish advice on the design, con- House, the gentleman from New York
bill (H.R. 9811) approaches, we should struction and maintenance of facilities [Mr. ROSENTHAL] is recognized for 60
bear in mind that Secretary Freeman's for laboratory animals, and establish minutes.
office often becomes a propaganda mill training programs aimed at improving [ ROSENTHAL - addressed the
and his statements are not always reli- the skills of animal handlers in the
able. laboratories. House. His remarks will appear here-
A great deal of work has gone into the after in the Appendix.]
HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS USED drafting of this legislation to assure hu-
IN RESEARCH mane treatment for laboratory animals The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
without impeding their legitimate use for previous order of the House, the gentle-
(Mr. SPRINGER (at the request of Mrs. medical research. I am requesting the man from Michigan [Mr. DIGGS] is rec-
REIn of Illinois) was granted permission chairman of our committee to schedule ognized for 60 minutes.
to extend his remarks at this point in the early hearings on this bill and whole-
RECORD and to include extraneous mat- heartedly urge ctm His remarks will appear hereafter in the I "I
M r . SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I have _V - I - h __ Appendix.]
today introduced a bill to provide for the THE CH
humane care of animals used in scien- (Mr. PRICE asked and was given per- WATER-A NATURAL RESOURCE
tific research. mission to address the House for i min- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
Experimental use of animals in lab- ute and to revise and extend his re-
oratories undoubtedly has contributed to marks.) - previous order of the House, the gentle-
the achievements of medical research for Mr. PRICE. Mr. Speaker, the Presi- man from California [Mr. TUNNEY] is
the benefit of all mankind. dent has recommended to the Congress recognized for 10 minutes.
The Congress, as well as many of our and the people that the United States (Mr. TUNNEY asked and was given
State legislatures, have pondered for greatly expand its military assistance to permission. to revise and extend his re
many years the question of how best to South Vietnam. Slightly more than a marks.)
relieve the suffering of laboratory ani- month ago there were 72,000 American Mr. TUNNEY. Mr. Speaker, it is time,
mals and at the same time to safeguard troops in South Vietnam. Soon there I believe, to make a few overdue observa-
the legitimate interest of science. may be more than 100,000 Americans in tions about water-A natural resource
As ranking minority member of both that country. As a result, we face an which is necessary to all forms of lift!
the Committee on interstate and For- increase in the draft; and our soldiers and upon which our national prosperity
eign Commerce and its Subcommittee on face longer tours of duty in Vietnam. is dependent.
Public Health and Welfare, I have long These are painful decisions, but there It is not sufficient just to talk abou;
sought a solution for this problem. is-in my mind, at least-no doubt about the inadequate supply of water for our
- The bill which I am cosponsoring with the answer. For the challenge in Viet- major population centers throughout the
my committee colleague, the distin- nam is a challenge to the free world. We Nation. It is not enough to frighten our
guished gentleman from Florida [Mr. have always maintained that the peo- citizens in the and southwest and the
ROGERS] will not prevent medical re- ple of Vietnam must be free to deter- congested east with prognoses of water
searchers from using animals, but it will mine their own government and their rationing. Much more is required than
require laboratories to maintain high own course in world affairs. That has speeches and alarms and then more
standards of care to spare these animals always been our sole demand. In mak- alarms and speeches.
avoidable pain and discomfort. Labora- ing that demand, we have affirmed the What is needed is planning for future
tories failing to conform to such stand- fundamental American idea that it is water needs; and after planning, the con-
ards would be ineligible for Federal re- _ the people of a country, and they alone, struction of adequate facilities to guar-
search funds. who have the right to decide what kind antee an available supply of water for
Several years ago, our committee ob- of country they want to live in. In 1776 all agricultural, industrial, and domestic
tained enactment of humane slaughter- our forebearers believed that truth to be uses.
ing legislation to curb abuses and un- self-evident and we believe it now. There is no single answer to the prob-
necessary cruelty in meatpacking plants. No man, and no nation, need ask to- lem of water scarcity. A solution must
Surely, we can assure minimum stand- ward whom the challenge of tyranny is be found by employing numerous tech-
ards of humane care for laboratory ani- really directed in Vietnam. The free- niques of engineering and a developing
mals. dom of the Vietnamese people has be- science. It is not enough to build reser-
I am glad to say that this bill has the come inseparable from the freedom of voirs and transport water hundreds of
support of both the American Humane all people, including our own. miles from source to consumer. A broad
Association and the Humane Society of We are engaged in the test of a propo- attack against the mysteries of low-cost
the United States. This is the first time sition-whether this planet can be gov- salt water conversion must be sustained
that the two largest humane organiza- erned in freedom and in peace, or and new methods to antisepticize pol-
tions have endorsed a single legislative whether free men must inevitably sue- luted waters must be found.
approach to this Problem. cumb to violence. We are no longer The dilemma of sufficient water for
Section 1 of my bill declares it to be protected by geography. Our safety future America is not for the States alone
the policy of the United States that now depends on the strength of our pur- to resolve. It is an issue of national sig-
animals used in laboratories shall be pro- pose, and our willingness to sacrifice. nificance and must be the subject of na-
cured and cared for in a humane man- Make no mistake-if we decline or tional legislation. Rivers cut across
ner and the number used shall be re- evade the challenge now in Vietnam, we State lines, rain which falls in one State
duced as far as possible, in order to fulfill will soon be facing it somewhere else. is collected for man's use in another,
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grant-in-aid device in our Federal system
is, the fact that organizations. of State,
county, and municipal governments-
the grant recipients, so to speak--
strongly support this provision for the
systematic congressional review of new
grant, programs.
Another title authorizes Federal de-
partments.and agencies to render tech
nical_.assistance and training services to
State and. local governments on a re-
imbursable basis, where such services are
not conveniently available through ordi-
nary channels. This will enable State
and local governments to avoid the ex-
pense of unnecessary duplication of spe-
cialized or technical. services, and at the
same time permit more economical use
of Federal facilities. Congress has al-
ready authorized such arrangements in
the caseof the Bureau of the Census, the
Internal Eevenjle Service, and certain
Other agencies.
The next, title establishes a coordi-
nated intergovernmental urban assist-
ance policy. It also requires local gov-
ernment review of certain applications
for Federal programs and encourages a
broader approach far review, at the met-
ropolitan area level, of applications for
loans as well as grant projects affecting
urban development. Urban renewal and
.public housing are not included among
the activities subject . to review, however,
since at the present stage of urban de-
velopment they are usually of primary
concern to only one unit of government,
namely, the central city. The title
basically serves to strengthen metropoli-
tan planning machinery and encourages
more orderly metropolitan growth. It
also favors the, eligibility of units of gen-
eral local government-cities, towns, and
counties-in contrast to special-purpose
districts and authorities.
Another title amends the Federal Prop-
erty and Administrative Services Act by
prescribing a uniform policy and proce-
dure for.urban land transactions and use
undertaken by the General Services Ad-
ministration. By requiring acquisition,
use, and disposal of land In urban areas
by this agency to be consistent, to the
extent possible, with local zoning regula-
tions and development objectives, this
title will also help make-urban planning
more effective.
The final, title establishes a uniform
Federal, policy of relocation payments
and assistance for all persons, businesses,
and farm operations displaced by direct
Federal programs and by programs con-
ducted through Federal grants-in-aid to
State and local governments. It re-
quires all such grant-in-aid programs to
assure that standard housing is provided
or being provided for those displaced, and
provides for full Federal reimbursement
of the first $25,000 of any relocation pay-
ment and Federal sharing of any cost
beyond that ,amount on the basis of the
regular - cost-sharing formula of the
grant program.
As I stated at -the outset, President
Johnson has. stressed the need for creat-
ing a new dynamic federalism and the
vital role of.State and local governments
in achieving our goals. He has said:
What much of the world has still to learn-
and we must not forget-is that levels of
government must function interdependently
if they are to succeed independently. Ours I offer my full and wholehearted sup-
is a system of interdependence. Authority port to the President in his efforts to seek
is divided not to prevent action but to assure a lasting peace--a peace that is based
action, upon the principle that the Vietnamese
This bill is a major step on the road people shall, in the President's words,
to improving our interdependent system. "shape their own destiny in free elections
The major organizations of governmen- in the south or throughout all Vietnam
tal officials in this country-the Gover- under international supervision, and they
nors' conference, the National League of shall not have any government imposed
Cities, the National'Association of Coun- upon them by force and terror."
ties, and the U.S. conference of mayors, I offered this support for efforts to
support the principles embodied in this secure a negotiated peace on May 5, when
legislation. They are deeply interested I felt compelled to oppose the Presi-
in action by the Congress to improve in- dent's request for $700 million in addi-
tergovernmental relations. Various Fed- tional funds for Vietnam. I said then:
eral agencies and departments have also Let us begin by pledging ourselves un-
expressed interest and support for dif- equivocally to support the basic propositions
ferent provisions of the bill. I look for- of democracy in a Vietnam at last free from
ward to prompt and thorough hearings war. Let us spell it out in simple terms.
on this important legislation. First. The people of South Vietnam shall
Mr. Speaker, under unanimous con- their own government.
Second. I include the text of the bill in the allowed d t t Every qualified citizen shall
participate freely in elections ons and
RECORD immediately following my re- in government office.
marks: Third. The government shall not permit
any individual or collective reprisals against
persons who have collaborated in any way
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of with one of the parties during the war or
Mr. PRICE) was granted permission to against members of such persons' families.
extend his remarks at this point in the Fourth. A basic constitutional form of
RECORD and to include extraneous government shall be adopted within a rea-
matter.) sonable time, subject to approval of the
[Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear Fifth. Elections shall be held in accord-
hereafter in the Appendix.] ance with the constitution at the earliest
possible date.
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of
Mr. PRICE) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. OTTINGER (at the request of
Mr. PRICE) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. OTTINGER'S remarks will ap-
I asked further that we spell out our
support for secure guarantees of any
negotiated settlement, in the form of an
international peace-keeping force, and
our willingness to withdraw our troops
and relinguish our bases when order and
freedom have been restored.
I am well aware, however, that the
President must contend with forces
which, in the name of "national honor,"
oppose a negotiated peace and call for an
ever-increasing escalation of this war.
These are the ones who call for "victory
at any price," even though their "vic-
tory" would destroy what we sought to
save, weaken-the fabric of freedom and
democracy we seek to strengthen and
sacrifice the lives of a generation of
--u..,, ,4merican youth.
(Mr. BROWN of California (at the re-
quest of Mr. PRICE) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. BROWN of California. Mr.
Speaker, last Wednesday, following the
President's speech on Vietnam, I was
asked by the press for my comments-
as were many other Members of Con-
gress, I am sure. I responded with a
statement which said, in essence, the
Despite my opposition to the escalation of
the war in Vietnam, I must commend the
President on his speech. He was moderate
and restrained .in the actions which he pro-
posed to take,-and he gave us increased hope
for peace by the further definition of the
goals we seek In "Vietnam, and by his in-
creasingly emphatic assertion of our desire
and willingness to accept the help of the
United Nations, or any of its members, in
bringing about negotiations for the settle-
p it of?tjs 1Wnecg9s T and undeclared
war. lam confident tab, at ttilii F,,, ct~,4ent W1lt
do all in his power to prevent the tragedy of
world war III.
voices of destruction, I must point out
that despite the moderation of the Pres-
ident's course we have this week reached
a new stage in the war we are fighting
in southeast Asia-a new rung on the
ladder of escalation. This is a rung
which brings us measurably closer to the
end of the ladder-that last rung of
"spasm and insensate war," in the words
of Herman Kahn.
Relatively speaking, the new step is,
of course, a small one. We will only add
50,000 troops to the 75,000 now in Viet-
nam, and we will double monthly draft
callups from 17,000 to 35,000. A few
billion dollars will be added to this year's
military appropriation request. The ac-
tions which are being taken and proposed
to be taken are a part of our policy of
"carefully measured response, " whereby
we escalate in a planned and deliberate
way, carefully noting the results-or lack
thereof-as we proceed down the road
in the direction of worldwide nuclear
The major difficulty with this policy
stems from the basically unmeasurable
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Approved Fogg ?1A,L04tMP6M6R0003001909pu?yust 2, 1965
and irrational nature of war. How can
we tell whether the National Liberation
Front and Ho Chi Minh will respond af-
firmatively to the sweet reason of our
bombs, or whether they may decide that
the destruction of their meager physical
resources and the sacrifice.of a few hun-
dred thousand more of their long-suffer-
ing people is better than surrender or
settlement on U.S. terms? The answer
is that we cannot know. And the further
we proceed with our campaign of death
and destruction, the smaller becomes the
significance to our opponents of a halt
in our military measures and the greater
becomes the chance of war with China
and Russia.
History is replete with examples of
peoples and armies that fought to the
death for far less noble motives than
the ones which inspire the Vietnamese
in their resistance to U.S. military might.
Despite our calculated downgrading of
the enemy's purpose and aim, there can
be no question but that the great major-
ity of the Vietnamese we are fighting
see themselves as the instrument of a
transcendant purpose-the purpose of
national freedom and liberation. As the
U.S. military presence and role looms
increasingly large, it but confirms to the
peasants of Vietnam, and indeed to all
of Asia, that this is a continuation of the
Asiatic's war of liberation from the domi-
nation of the white colonialist. Whether
we like it or not, there is no other ade-
quate explanation of the growing sup-
port for the National Liberation Front
among the peasants and the increasing
difficulty of the Saigon government in
maintaining the semblance of a govern-
ment and a military force.
So, by the very act of escalation, we are
strengthening the arguments of the
Front. We are strengthening their image
as fighters for freedom. We are weak-
ening the motivation of the people we
claim to be assisting. We are increasing-
ly and inevitably confirming to the world
a picture of this war as a race war-a
war of the strong against the weak, with-
out moral or ethical justification, and
where the only result will be the genocide
of the Vietnamese people.
This is the tragic result of a policy of
continued escalation under the condi-
tions which exist in Vietnam. We have
armed our enemies in the Communist
world with the strongest weapon in the
arsenal of man-the weapon of martyr-
dom in the cause of freedom.
If this is so, then where does this
sterile policy lead? Already we hear the
cry to bomb Hanoi, to bomb the dikes
which contain the Red River, and to
bomb the Chinese nuclear installations.
Just as we said, 6 months ago, that we
had no intention of bombing North Viet-
nam and that this war had to be won on
the ground of South Vietnam, now we say
that we have no intention of bombing
Hanoi or Communist China. The very
policy of escalation, however, demands
that we be prepared to do this. It de-
mands that there be no permanent host-
ages, no privileged sanctuaries, and no
credibility gap as to our intention to go
all the way-including the way of nuclear
destruction. This is exactly what the
"war hawks" are pressuring the Presi-
dent for.
World war III may well be the first
war in history which no country wanted
but which was precipitated by the care-
fully measured steps of one of the par-
ticipants, drawn irresistably to a dance
of destruction by the fatal and insane
logic of course of unlimited escalation-
as lemmings are driven to the sea.
Because I feel so strongly on this mat-
ter I am compelled to point out that if
this country had acted vigorously 11
years ago to. guarantee the purposes of
the Geneva agreement, we would not face
the problem we face today. To say this
does not solve today's problems, but to
understand it may help to avoid the
repetition of yesterday's errors.
The Geneva agreement provided for
free elections under international super-
vision-the same election process that we
now seek. Our Government gave en-
couragement-by its silence if not in
more direct ways--when the Govern-
ment of South Vietnam, in March 1956
and on numerous other occasions, gave
notice that it would not be bound by the
Geneva agreement and would not per-
mit elections. The leading spokesmen
for our Government at that time, in
addition to the President and Secretary
of State Dulles, were Senate Majority
Leader Knowland, Senator McCarthy,
Congressman Walter Judd, Vice Presi-
dent Nixon, and other exponents of
"brinkmanship" and supporters of
Chiang Kai-shek.
Since that time, the International
Control Commission established to police
the agreement has been a travesty. In
report after report, the Commission begs
for the great powers to take action lead-
ing to the political settlement of the
problems in Vietnam. These pleas have
gone unheeded. Let me quote from some
of the Commission reports-the fifth in-
terim report, dated January 8, 1956:
The review of the 4 months' activities pre-
sented in this report, in the view of the ma-
jority of the Commission, shows a further
deterioration of the situation in Vietnam,
causes serious concern about the implemen-
tation of the Geneva Agreement particularly
in view of the continued nonacceptance of
the Geneva Agreement and the final declara-
tion of the Geneva Conference by the Repub-
lic of Vietnam, and also confirms the fear
expressed by the majority of the Commission
in the fourth interim report that the Com-
mission cannot work with any effectiveness
unless the difficulties mentioned in these
paragraphs are resolved by the Cochairmen
and the Geneva powers without further de-
lay (par. 53).
And from the sixth interim report,
dated September 9, 1965:
Apart from these difficulties, developments
of a serious nature have taken place in South
Vietnam. The Commission had already
pointed out in previous reports that the
transfer of power from the French authori-
ties in the south to the authorities of the
Republic of Vietnam had created difficulties
in the implementation of the agreement in
South Vietnam, particularly in view of the
fact that the Government of the Republic
of Vietnam did not consider itself as bound
by the Geneva Agreement, stating that it was
not a signatory to that Agreement. On
April 5, 1956, the commission received a let-
ter from the High Commissioner for France
in Saigon dated April 3, 1956, giving notice
that the French high command would with-
draw completely from South Vietnam on
April 28, 1956 (par. 86).
The Cochairmen of the Geneva Conference
discussed the matter during their talks in
London and on May 8, 1956, issued messages
to the International commission, to the
Government of the French Republic and a
joint message to the Governments of the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the
Republic of Vietnam. They strongly urged
both the Governments in Vietnam to make
every effort to implement the Geneva Agree-
ments, to prevent any future violations of
the military provisions of the agreement and
to insure the implementation of the political
provisions and the principles of the final
declaration of the Geneva Conference. They
further asked the parties to give the Inter-
national Commission all possible assistance
and cooperation in future in the exercise of
its functions. So far as the political settle-
ment is concerned, the Cochairmen requested
the two governments to transmit their views
about the time required for the opening of
consultations on the organization of elec-
tions and the time required for holding of
elections to unify Vietnam (pas. 88).
In spite of the difficulties which it is ex-
periencing, the commission will, as directed
by the Cochairmen of the Geneva Confer-
ence, persevere in its efforts to maintain and
strengthen peace in Vietnam on the basis of
the fulfillment of the Geneva Agreements on
Vietnam with a view to the reunification of
the country through the holding of free
nationwide elections in Vietnam under the
supervision of an International Commission
(par. 90).
And from the seventh interim report,
dated July 12, 1957:
A major difficulty facing the Commission
arises from the failure to hold consultations
between the two parties and free nationwide
elections with a view to reunification of
Vietnam. The cochairmen in their message
of May 8, 1956, to the parties had asked them
to indicate the time required for the opening
of these consultations and, in their message
of the same date to the Commission, had
informed it that they attached great im-
portance to the maintenance of the cease-
fire under the continued supervision of the
International Commission for Vietnam.
There has been no progress in the matter
of the consultations and the elections to the
knowledge of the commission. The com-
mission is naturally anxious about the dura-
tion of its stay in Vietnam which is con-
ditioned by the political settlement in this
country, as envisaged in the final declaration
of the Geneva Conference (par. 68).
And from the eighth interim report,
dated June 5, 1958:
The Commission notes that there has been
no consultation between the two parties with
a view to holding free nationwide elections
for the reunification of the country, and to
resolving the political problems and thus
facilitating an early termination of the ac-
tivities of the Commission and the fulfill-
ment of its tasks. The Commission is con-
fident that this important problem is en-
gaging the attention of the cochairmen and
the members of the Geneva Conference (par.
And from the ninth interim report,
dated March 10, 1959:
There has been no progress in the field of
political settlement as envisaged in the final
declaration of the Geneva Conference.
There has been no consultation between the
two parties with a view to holding free na-
tionwide elections for the reunification of
Vietnam. This has maintained the prospect
of an indefinite continuance of the Commis-
sion and its activities. The Commission
hopes that this important problem is engag-
ing the attention of the cochairmen and the
Geneva powers and that they will take ef-
fective measures to resolve this problem as
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envisaged in the final declaration of the
Geneva Conference (par. 45).
And from th,e 10th interim report,
dated April 6, 1960:
During the period under report, there has
been no progress in regard to the political
settlement envisaged in the final declaration.
The parties have not held consultations with
a view to holding free nationwide elections
leading to the reunification of Vietnam and
thereby facilitating early fulfillment of the
tasks assigned to this Commission and the
termination of its activities. The Commis-
sion is confident that this important prob-
lem is engaging the attention of the cochair-
men and the Geneva powers and that they
will take,whatever measures they deem nec-
essary to resolve it (par. 68).
And from the 11th interim. report,
dated September 18, 1961:
Qnce again, during the period under report
there has beep . no progress in regard to
the political settlement envisaged in the
final declaration of the Geneva Conference
(par. 88).
By this time the insurgency situation
in South Vietnam had become serious.
One wonders if the warnings issued
above, and so completely disregarded by
everyone concerned, should not have
signalled this eventual outcome.
Because of the seriousness of the sit-
uation the Commission issued a special
report, dated June 2, 1962. The State
Department, in one of its rare references
to the reports.of the International Con-
trol Commission, made the following
In June 1.962 a,special report on Vietnam
was issued by the International Control Com-
mission, a unit created by the Geneva con-
ference and composed of a Canadian, an
Indian, and a Pole. Though it received
little publicity at the time, this report pres.
ented evidence of Hanoi's subversive activi-
ties in South Vietnam and specifically found
Hanoi guilty of violating the Geneva accords.
It should be mentioned that the.Polish
delegate dissented from the views ex-
pressed in the special report, because he
considered them too favorable to South
Vietnam, submitting a separate state-
ment of his own. The following is quoted
from the report as submitted by our
friends, Canada and India:
Since the presentation of the 11th in-
terim report, the situation in Vietnam has
shown signs of rapid deterioration. The
Commission is obliged to make this special
report to the cochairmen with regard to the
serious allegations of aggression and subver-
sion on the part of the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam against the Republic of Vietnam
and the serious charges of violations of arti-
cles 16, 17, and 19 of the Geneva Agreement
by the Republic of Vietnam, in receiving
military, aid from the United States of
America (par. 4).
The International Commission wishes to
draw the serious and earnest attention of the
cochairmen to the gravity of the situation
that _ has developed in Vietnam in the last
few months. Fundamental provisions of the
Geneva Agreement have been violated by
bothparties, resulting in ever-increasing
tension and threat of resumption of open
In this situation, the role of the Com-
mission for maintenance of peace in Viet-
nam is being greatly hampered because
of denial of cooperation by both the par-
. Mr. Speaker, I cannot fully accept the
statement that it was the Communists
who cruelly shattered the 1954 agree-
ments. This great country, whose lead-
ersdid not want the Geneva Agreements,
whose Secretary of State refused to sign
them, and whose President and Congress
gave active encouragement to South
Vietnam to unilaterally renounce them,
must take a full measure of responsibility
for this cruel shattering.
Today we know that we were wrong-
that, as the President says of the agree-
ment, "its purposes are still our own."
Today we can look back and recognize
that "the machinery of those agreements
was tragically weak." But it was the
machinery of law, and it held the
promise of illustrating the principle that
the will of a people expressed in elections
supervised by an international body, can
substitute for the rule of force and the
destruction of war. We could have
strengthened that machinery. We could
have nourished that principle. In addi-
tion, whether we liked the precise re-
sults or not, we could have moved the
whole world a long step down the road to
the rule of law in world affairs instead
of another rung up the ladder of escala-
tion toward nuclear war.
As I pointed out on May 5, the policy
of the United States, as expressed by the
President in 1954, was:
In the case of nations now divided against
their will, we shall continue to seek to
achieve unity through free elections super-
vised by the United Nations to insure that
they are conducted fairly.
How much, stronger would the United
States be in the eyes of the world if we
had stood by and supported this policy
instead of undermining it? How much
greater would be our credibility in in-
sisting on elections to reunify East and
West Germany or North and South
Korea? How many festering sores of
conflict all over the globe could be re-
solved peaceably by free election under
U.N. supervision if we had acted to
strengthen this principle instead of to
sabotage it? And how much stronger
would the United Nations and its peace-
keeping functions be, if we had chosen a
different course 11 years ago?
No human being can answer these
questions today, for history gives us only
one chance at decisions. However, if we
truly support the principle of self-deter-
mination for all people-if we truly sup-
port the principle of resolving disputes
by law rather than by force, and adhere
to the goal of a world free from war-
then we must look honestly and criti-
cally at,our own errors of the past and
seek to avoid them in the future.
It is fruitless to seek to assess blame
for the decisions we made half a genera-
tion ago, but we can and should recog-
nize- some of the main factors in those
decisions: The American people had
just given a "mandate for change" to a
new administration. A strong, new Sec-
retary of State interpreted that man-
date, with the approval of the President,
to call not for coexistence with or con-
tainment of the Communist govern-
ments, but for a "rollback" of commu-
nism around the world. This "rollback"
was more important than the Geneva
accords and justified our ignoring their
provisions for a political settlement-
if it appeared that the settlement might
result in a government sympathetic to
communism. Leading voices in the Con-
gress supported and encouraged policies
built on illusions-illusions such as the
possibility that communism in China
would disappear if we closed our eyes to
its existence.
Within the CIA and the military were
vo s w o a vise that we had found
a leader, in the person of Ngo Dinh
Diem, who would cooperate with the
United States in maintaining a strong,
anti-Communist government in South
Vietnam, regardless of the cost. And the
military, of course, advised the adminis-
tration that South Vietnam could be
held if we wished to disregard the re-
unification election provisions of the
Geneva agreement. Not only could it
be held, but it could be held by the Viet-
0 namese alone, provided we paid for and
trained a large enough native army.
Other voices provided other justifica-
tion-the sudden, vital importance of
South Vietnam to the defense of the
free world; the rich resources that would
fall to communism if we neglected our
clear duty to be "the guardians at the
gate"; the eminent peril to the freedom-
loving Cambodians, Indonesians, Lao-
tians, Thais, Burmese, and others if
South Vietnam "fell to communism"
Today, of course, the major justification
for continuing is merely that we cannot
stop what we have been doing-other-
wise it would appear that perhaps we
should not have been doing it to begin
A tragic corollary to our denial of the
elections called for in the Geneva Ac-
cords is that we justified it on the
grounds that elections would result in
a Communist government-a govern-
ment that would eventually suppress in-
dividual freedom and liberty by force
and terror. To prevent this, we mpln-
tained a family dictatorship which de-
prived large segments of the population
of freedom and liberty by force and ter-
ror. We not only footed the bills for
this dictatorship, paid 90 percent of the
cost of a half-million-man army to prop
it up, and paid for most of the foreign
imports necessary for its survival, but we
did so in such a way as to allow the
wealthy merchants of Saigon to get
wealthier at the expense of the U.S. tax-
payer; the bureaucrats to line their pock-
ets with graft; and the generals to divert
payroll funds meant for their armies-
provided by our military assistance pro-
gram-into their own pockets.
If there were any important errors of
judgment or practice that could have
been made by the United States in con-
nection with South Vietnam which were
not made, I have yet to find them.
Today the government that we deal
with in Saigon that is pictured as rep-
resenting the people of South Vietnam
is that collection of hand-picked gen-
erais, wealthy businessmen and landown-
ers,, and grafting bureaucrats who have
managed to siphon enough out of the
multibillion-dollar stream of American
All'.) money to .become independent for
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life. They, naturally, want to continue
this fortunate-for them-state of af-
The President, has said that "nor
would surrender in Vietnam bring peace."
I say that there is no possibility of vic-
tory in the situation we have created
there. We can only hope that a benev-
olent diety will forgive us our mistakes
and allow us another chance to do bet-
ter. If we do not acknowledge our mis-
takes, even that is impossible.
I say further that "victory in Vietnam,"
whatever that term may mean, -will not
bring peace to the world. The American
people delude themselves if they believe
that the defeat of an enemy by virtue of
superior military force anywhere in the
world today will prevent the further out-
break of wars and revolutions all over
the world. The conditions that bring
forth wars and revolutions-the insatia-
ble demands by the world's underpriv-
ileged,for freedom, for Justice, and for
economic progress-will continue to
break forth in violence as long as the
demands are unmet and the causes
I desire that my country be the voice
for freedom, justice, and economic prog-
ress in the world. I believe that our suc-
cess in that role will do immeasurably
more to roll back communism than will
our support of petty dictators around
he world, our devotion to a crumbling
atus quo that claims to be anti-Com-
unist, and our willingness to allow our
oreign policy to be controlled by the
achinations of the CIA.
I desfIT a my coon ry-'lead the way
ward a new world, a world based on
law and respect for individual human be-
ings. This is the road to victory to-
day-not not just victory for the United
States, but victory for mankind. The
other road, which is the road followed by
all the great empires of the past-the
road of power exercised for the sake of
power and national honor-leads but to
(Mr. GARMATZ (at the request of Mr.
PRICE) was granted permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECORD
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. GARMATZ. Mr. Speaker, I have
long called attention to the fact that the
policy of the Department of Defense in
distributing naval shipwork between
Government and private shipyards was
undermining the private yard capability
on which we. must depend in times of
It will be remembered that for many
years the naval shipyards have been re-
ceiving Jhe lion's share of this type of
work, and that for the last 3 years the
Congress directed that at least 35 percent
should be awarded to the private yards.
This minimal amount of Navy work has
not stopped the closing of commercial
yards nor has it prevented the escape of
skilled workers to other more steady em-
As a consequence, at this very moment.
when ships for our Vietnam Commit-
ments must be put into service quickly,
many of our private shipyards are having
great difficulty in finding trained workers
In sufficient numbers. This acute situa-
tion is detailed in an August 1, 1965,
article by Walter Hamshar, marine
editor, the New York Herald Tribune.
Mr. Speaker, as evidence of a badly
premised policy which inhibits the ability
of our shipyards to respond in times of
emergency, I include Mr. Hamshar's
timely article in the body of the RECORD
at this point:
(By Walter Hamshar)
The reactivation of merchant ships from
the Nation's reserve fleets for the military
buildup in South Vietnam has created the
problem the ship repair industry has been
warning the Navy about for years.
And the solution of that problem will cost
the Government-and the taxpayers-mil-
lions of dollars that would not have to be
spent had the Navy provided more repair
work to private shipyards, especially in the
New York area, instead of allowing such
yards to close while it funneled its work to
Navy shipyards.
To meet the needs of the stepped-up war
against the Vietcong, the Navy's Military Sea
Transportation Service must double, at least,
.the flow of military supplies to the Far East.
The MSTS, which has the responsibility of
delivering all military supplies by ocean, has
been seeking the extra merchant ship ton-
nage for the additional cargoes.
Almost 2 weeks before President Johnson's
announcement Wednesday of the military
huJdup, the MSTS was frantically seeking
to charter every suitableAmerican merchant
ship that was available. Unable to fulfill all
its needs, the Navy service was forced to re-
quest the reactivation of ships from the
M?rchant Marine Reserve fleets.
As a starter, 14 World War II Victory ships
have been withdrawn-4 from the Hudson
River fleet-are being readied in various ship-
yards for service.
For future ship breakouts, the Navy
has asked the Maritime Administration to
conduct a survey of the ship repair industry
to determine how many ships can be readied
per month.
To the layman, the breakout of ships from
reserve fleets may Seem a simple, routine
process of scraping off a few barnacles, oiling
up the engines, and slapping a coat of paint
over rust spots. Nothing could be further
from what actually is necessary.
The reactivation of a ship which has been
idle for years involves 110 standard items and
a thousand and one detailed Items. All
take time and money and skilled workers.
The Navy has ordered a crash program to
get the ships in service early this month. A
deadline of August 7 has been set for some
of the vessels to be on berth so that they can
load supplies for the increased forces in
A survey indicated that the deadline will
not be met for most of the reactivated ships.
The sky is the limit on overtime and men are
working around the clock 7 days a week. But
the trouble is a shortage of Skilled workers.
Since the Navy began starving the private
shipyards several years ago, the skilled men
who were laid off have drifted to other in-
dustries. Expert machinists and mechanics
of the type needed for reactivating merchant
ships have no trouble getting shore jobs.
And they are not eager to leave their present
jobs for a temporary upsurge in shipyard
work. Even welders are hard to get.
"The skilled workers we have been able to
keep are working as fast as they can, but
there is a limit to what one man can do,"
one yard official. said.
The Maritime Administration is hoping to
get the Victory ships reactivated at a cost
of about $250,000 a ship. A yard official
laughed at the figure. He estimated it will
be closer to $405,000.
"When ships were reactivated for the Suez
crisis the average was $325,000 per ship,"
he said. "Now the ships are that much
Although the Maritime Administration has
followed a preservation program, the sun,
wind, rain, and salt air takes a heavy toll on
idle ships. When ships are in regular service
the crews look to the maintenance of cargo
gear, engines, decks, and other equipment.
When a merchant ship is laid up in the
reserve fleet, virtually everything movable
that is exposed to the elements is stored in
the vessel's holds. This includes booms,
cable, navigating instruments, lifeboats,
davits and a long list of equipment. The
decks inside and the machinery are sprayed
with oil. Bedding, table linen, crockery,
crew furnishings are stored ashore. Com-
passes, chronometers, radio equipment is
taken ashore to prevent it from being
Even lighting fixtures must be replaced
because they have mysteriously disappeared
during layup. Brass fittings for various
equipment are almost invariably gone when
the ship repairmen start looking for them.
Replacing and restoring, cleaning and
painting all take time. Rusted-out plates
must be torn out and new ones installed.
Every welded seam must be checked inch by
inch for.corroslon during the long years of
Should the Vietnamese situation develop
into a full-fledged world war the United
States has a fleet of 1,600 ships laid up in
various anchorages throughout the country.
This would mean that theoretically a total
of 1,600 ships would ultimately be available
for war duties.
But only 960 of those ships have been
given any form of preservation. The other
700 are mostly Liberty ships and were in the
process of being sold for scrap at the rate of
100 a year for the last 10 years. To make
the 960 priority ships serviceable on a crash
basis as has been required for the 14 ships
already withdrawn, would cost an average
of $400,000 to $500,000 per ship. This would
be about one-twentieth the cost of building
new ships as was done for World War IL
To restore the neglected ships will cost con-
siderably more.
The Maritime Administration's preserva-
tion program had to be content to limp
along at an annual budget of $5.5 million.
This reduced to about $3,000 for each prior-
ity ship. The average age of the ships in
the reserve fleet is 21 years. The average
time each has been laid up is 15 years.
(Mr. GARMATZ (at the request of Mr.
PRICE) was granted permission to extend
his remarks at this point in the RECORD
and to include extraneous matter.)
[Mr. GARMATZ' remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
By unanimous consent, leave of ab-
sence was granted to:
Mr. NELSEN (at the request of Mr.
GERALD R. FORD), for today, and the bal-
ance of this week, for personal reasons.
Mr. BINGHAM (at the request of Mr.
SCHEMER), for today and tomorrow, on
account of illness.
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When his vagrant melancholy lifted, as It
always did at the touch of wit or the chal-
lenge of a fresh idea, lie could be a compan-
ion so beguiling that time folded its wings
and crept away into a corner, until-the cas-
cade of talk at last came to an end,
He honored us all by refusing to stoop in
order to conquer. Now we are left with a
huddle of grief-stricken memories When only
yesterday we had a valiant friend` and a
radiant champion.
Tread lightly, for here is a name certain to
blossom in the dust.
[From the Washington (D.C.) Post, July 18,
? ..1965]
"We shall not come again
We never shall come back again
But over us all, over us all,
Over us all is-something."
=Thomas Wolfe.
(By Richard N. Goodwin)
Twice lie had come as close as a man could
come to leadership of the American Nation.
Yet no one not'ced as, for a moment, Adlat
Stevenson looked toward the taped statue
of Franklin Roosevelt, walked a few hundred
yards, grasped the thin steel columns of a
sidewalk railing, and died.
Questions of man's survival, of war, and
of human progress had very nearly rested
on the qualities of his personal mind and
will. The destiny of every man and woman
'.Us passed that afternoon was almost placed
in his 1and. Yet no one cheered or waved
,or even turned to Stare.
For he had escaped power. And for a
politician, power is the tool which etches out
one man's figure, from among his com-
Would he have been a good leader of his
country, or a great one? We will never
know. Many deny it. And they give reasons
which start to persuade, until we remember
that they-or their counterparts in other
years-has said the same of past leaders such
as Jol}n. Kennedy and Franklin Hossevelt
and, violently, of Abraham Lincoln.
The fact is no man who has not been
President can survive analysis of his capacity
for the task. Nor can we predict his quali-
ties until they pass through the purification
of power and responsibility. We do know
he had more promise than most. We do
know the impressive qualities of mind and
spirit his career permitted him to reveal.
We also know he was ambitious. For you
do not run for President unless your ambi-
tions are greater than those of other men.
Was that ambition tinged with self-doubt?
It is for every man except the very danger-
ous. Did he have the courage of decision?
His own words, public and in private con-
versation, cloud judgment. But perhaps
they only mask the fact that never in his
public life did he fail to decide when'it was
time to decide; except in 1960 when the
shameful prospect of leading his party to a
third defeat postponed judgment beyond the
reach of action,
Where public issues were concerned he
spoke-on the platform and in the meeting
room-with a clarity of conviction few had
courage to match. 'And on this question the
judgment of those who knew him is disflg-
ured by the tortured musings of a man who
had nelr,r,quite learned the trick of hiding
his soul;, whose confidence had been twisted
and battered by defeat and by the indiffer-
ence and contempt of lesser men, which
finally killed him.
He was not, 'as some have said, marked
by fate for failure. He was the victim of
less mystical forces: bad luck, poor timing,
unfortunate issues, a party too long in office,
and an opponent who could not be defeated.
Had 6 percent of American voters switched
to him in 1952 then all the hesitation and
humility would today be regarded as the
skillful genius of a master politician.
So we do not know, and will never know,
if Adlai Stevenson would have been a good
President of the United States. But we
must be reluctant to believe that'the judg-
ment of so many who had desired his victory
so furiously could have been so wrong. .,
Great men of affairs are either kings or
prophets. Very few are both. And honor
comes more reluctantly to prophets because
they touch us more deeply. Adlai Stevenson
never became it king, but he was a prophet.
Death is already beginning to dissolve the
masks of public failure and private person-
ality which hide that recognition. It will
become clearer as the self-justifying com-
mentaries of those who scorned him in life
begin to fade.
I knew Adlai Stevenson as a colleague in
my work for President Kennedy and, more
recently for President Johnson. Both
valued him most highly. Both had worked
for his election to the office which they, not
he, were to hold. Both knew, as others did
not, what it took to bare yourself-ambitions
and hopes-to the faithful, the indifferent
and the hostile alike.
Many others in Washington, in these years,
looked at him with a certain condescension.
At times, thankfully only a few times, my
own instinct was submerged in the need to
be fashionable. But Adlai Stevenson will
be mourned more deeply and remembered
longer than any of these. It is not that
millions loved him and millions more ad-
mired him because they did not know him.
It is that closeness and ambition, envy and
rivalry obscure the heart's truth. Yet that
is the truth that finally matters; which se-
lects the man from among the shadows,
sadly past the hour when recognition might
bring personal joy.
But though I knew him and admired him,
opposed him in 1960 and occasionally worked
with him thereafter, many can speak far
more intimately than I.
I remembered best the Adlai Stevenson I
never knew, when the world was young and
the ringing phrases tumbled like the sowers
seed on the unplowed ground.
In the fall of 1952 I was a senior in college
-in Massachusetts. John Kennedy was a
young Congressman I had never met now
running for the Senate. And Lyndon John-
son was the uncertainly familiar name of a
Senator from Texas.
But Adlai Stevenson was my hero and my
leader and my candidate for President of the
United States. I never met him or even saw
him nor had I read the carefully crafted texts
of his speeches. But something was in the
air. My tiny world suddenly seemed to
widen. Events and the course of history
were drifting back within the reach of a
mans skill and brains. The pursuit of power,
and its use, were not solely the object of
greed and vaulting ambition but infused
with service and nobility and the love of
It wasn't that he talked sense or spoke the
truth harshly. It was the more profound act
of telling us-my generation-what we knew
but didn't realize. He revealed a world we
already sensed was there, bared challenges
we were aching to undertake. The words
were the words of sacrifice but the music
sang "of' 'meaning "and urpae to a' joung
As much as any, he was the end of postwar
America and the beginning of a time still
nameless. We knew and still repeated the
old political phrases and the outworn battle
cries. But we did not understand them be-
cause the lines had been drawn in a different
war, ' and it was not our war. Now finally,
there was a language we could understand
and make our own.
Bight dreary, near-tragic, years were to
pass before that prophesy was to be fulfilled
by different men. It is hard to overstate the
extent to which he_ helped shape the dialog,
and hence_.the"purposes, of the New Frontier
and then the Great -Society. He dissolved
the old, unserviceable simplicities and taught
us to apply to the world the complex wisdom
we have used so triumphantly in the affairs
of our Nation; We could seek peace while
resisting danger. Everyone who was not a
friend was not an.. enemy. Agreement and
accommodation could come from. self.-con-
fidence as well as fear. By helping others we
could strengthen ourselves. Particular prob-
lems could be resolved, but we must learn to
live for generations with a troubled world.
The contest was not simply between our sys-
tem and communism, but between those who
found security in dominion and those who
found it in a world of strong and diverse
And all these principles, and many more,
he suffused with another welcome and shin-
ing truth: the pursuit of national self-inter-
est was not inconsistent with the desire for
justice and dignity and well-being for all the
people of the world-that there was no basic
unresolvable contradiction between realistic
policies and high ideals.
To our domestic problems he brought the
same elevated and critical intelligence. He
told us our sights were too low, the course
we had charted too narrow. In every area
of our national life we not only could do
more than we were doing but more than we
thought. And he taught that wealth was not
excellence, power was not greatness, the pur-
suit of abundance was not the pursuit of
After he spoke, no leader of his party nor
the dialog of democracy itself, would ever
sound the same again. He was eloquent and
acclaimed for eloquence, but finally it was not
how he spoke, but what he said that mat-
tered. Others would bring new accents and
perhaps even greater powers to leadership.
But it had all begun in Springfield, Ill., in
that hopeful dawn year of 1952.
The most farsighted policies molder and
dissolve, lose content and direction, in the
hands of the mediocre and. the indifferent.
The Nation rests on the quality of its public
men, and they in turn are shaped by the
quality of American politics. Adlai Steven-
son brought many individuals into Govern-
ment who have enriched the administrations
of President Kennedy and President Johnson.
But this is the least of it. More than any
man, he created the citizen-politician. He
told an entire generation there was room for
intelligence and idealism in public life, that
politics was not just a way to live but a way
to live greatly, that each of us might share
in the passions of the age.
My first experience in national politics
was in an overflowing, chaotic room of the
volunteers for Stevenson. Many thousands
had the same initiation. Today, the citizens
groups, the volunteers, the clubs to discuss
issues and the clubs to reform politics, are
a force which every politician must confront,
and which the best will welcome. Thus, he
changed the face of American politics; en-
riching the democracy, providing a base on
which talent could aspire to power, opening
a gateway to public life through which many
who never heard his voice will someday
All these-ideas and men-are contribu-
tions to be remembered. But there was some-
thing more to Adlai Stevenson, a quality that
resists thought and language alike. For
none of this explains the fierce desire millions
brought to his cause, the disappointed tears
of many who never knew him, the deep im-
pulse which could make even experienced
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politicians forget commitment and interest
alike to be at his side.
It Was, not the first time we have seen this
quality, nor the last. But how rare it Is In
'those who find their way to power.
Part of it was in his lesson. It was not a
new lesson, It runs like a vein of light
through the dark history of the race. It suf-
fuses the religion and beliefs of every people.
It says that man is more than the sum of
his needs and desires and fears. It ennobles
those who look beyond their own interest to
great principle. It acclaims, not wealth and
power, but the charity of the spirit and the
reach of the heart.
This is what he wanted for the American
people. And although we may never be
equal to it, many loved him for thinking we
The rest was the man himself. You didn't
need to know him to feel it, although know-
ing brought confirmation. There was a
gentleness, a spaciousness of sensibility, a
:love which in unseen ways was felt by mll-
lions. He could laugh and be cynical. If he
read these words he would joke about them,
and he would deride this writing with soft
self-deprecation. But all the wonderful hu-
mor, the urbanity, the captiousness was, In
large part, a mask to protect himself from a
world which so easily confused humility with
weakness, sentiment with unreality, ampli-
tude of understanding with failure of will.
Many who met him were fooled. Millions
who never met him knew the truth.
This is the secret of today's mourning and
to his place In the play of passion clothed in
fact which is history. People `return what
they receive. They believe in the man who
believed in them and thus made them believe
in themselves. They love the man who loved
them and thus let them love themselves a
little more. They honor the leader who told
them they were better than they were and,
in so doing, made is so.
He has often been compared to Hamlet.
And those who make the comparison do so as
a metaphor of irresolution. Hamlet is the
story of a man who tries to understand and
:reach for certainty before he strikes. But
be does strike; and for justice loses kingship
and life while the election lights on a young
and valiant captain.
Our judgment must echo Shakespeare's
own when the new king stands beside Ham-
let's body, saying:
"Let four captains
Bear Hamlet, like a soldier, to the stage;
For he was likely, had he been put on,
To have proms s ositiroyally * * *.
Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, last
Wednesday, President Johnson again
defined the American purpose in Viet-
nam. He avoided any trumpet call for
a wider war, focusing his attention upon
South Vietnam. Our commitment-from
the beginning- has always been confined
to South Vietnam. It is in South Viet-
nam that the guerrilla war is being
fought, and it is there that a solution
must be found.
I was also reassured by the President's
emphasis on our stated goal-a peaceful
settlement at the conference table. In
the past, I have strongly urged negotia-
tions, in which I`have believed the Unit-
ed Nations should play it role. On June
24 I called for free, elections in South
Vietnam, once the requisite internal or-
der would permit them, and suggested
that peace talks would have to include
the Vietcong. I am gratified that the
President indicated his willingness to
move in these directions.
In my judgment, the best assessment
of the President's news conference was
written by Walter Lippmann. and pub-
lished in the July 30 issue of the Wash-
ington Post, under the title "Realism and
Prudence." I ask unanimous consent
that Mr. Lippmann's column be printed
at this point in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the column
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Walter Lippman)
The decisions taken by the President as
the result of the review of the situation in
Vietnam are, it seems to me, realistic, and as
a result, the American position is strength-
ened and improved. The crucial issue which
he had to resolve was what this country
should do in view of the fact that the South
Vietnamese Government has lost to the Viet-
cong the control of virtually all the high-
ways and most of the villages and territory of
South Vietnam. Should the United States
volunteer to fight the war which Saigon has
so very nearly lost, substituting American
troops for the Vietnamese troops, taking mil-
itary command of all the fighting forces and
of the government in Saigon? Or should the
United States defend its presence in South
Vietnam for the purpose of negotiating a po-
litical settlement?
The difference between these two strate-
gies is all the differdence between, on the one
hand, an unlimited and Illimitable war that
could escalate into total war, and, on the
other hand, a limited war, as the President
calls it a "measured" war, which is clearly
within American military power, demands no
exorbitant sacrifice, and keeps the struggle
within the possibility of diplomatic negotia-
tions. The President on Wednesday an-
nounced, If I understand him correctly, his
choice between these two strategies. Al-
though he repeated the grand formulas of a
great war, In fact his decision as of now is to
fight a limited war. The size of the callup
Is in accord with this decision: the addi-
tional troops are sufficient, or can be made
sufficient, for a limited and defensive stra-
tegy. They would be absurdly inadequate if
our objectives were the reconquest of South
Vietnam. Instead of 125,000 men, the troops
needed would, according to the usual formu-
la of 10 to 1 for guerilla war, mean more
nearly a million.
There is additional evidence from the offi-
cial disclosures on Wednesday that the Presi-
dent has decided against a serious escala-
tion of the war in North Vietnam. He has
been under pressure to send the, bombers
Into the heart of North Vietnam, into the
area of Hanoi and Haiphong, where are
the industries and the population centers of
the country. While it is never wise for a
commander to say what he will not do, there
is considerable evidence that the administra-
tion has decided not to bomb the popula-
tion centers, and to avoid putting Hanoi
in the position where, having nothing to lose
in the north, it uses its formidable army to
invade South Vietnam.
Moreover, high U.S. Government officials
have let it be known that we do not intend
to comb the countryside to eliminate the
Vietcong from villages, but rather to confine
ourselves to conventional military action.
Along with the decision to keep the war
limited, the President has launched a strong
diplomatic campaign for a negotiated peace.
He has in the past proposed, or hinted at,
most, perhaps all, of the elements of his
campaign. But the combination he de-
scribed on Wednesday is new and impressive.
In calling upon the United Nations and all
member governments, severally or jointly, to
bring the fighting to an end, he has, for the
first time I think, given the mediators some-
thing concrete to talk about with Hanoi.
The President has agreed that the prin-
ciples of the 1954 agreements, which are
the declared war alms of Hanoi, are an ac-
ceptable basis of negotiation, and that we
are prepared in South Vietnam, or in all
Vietnam, to accept elections supervised by
the U.N. This is contrary to the position
taken by Secretary Dulles 10 years ago, and
the President's willingness to return to "the
purpose of the 1954 agreements" opens the
door wide In principle to a negotiated set-
Probably, Hanoi will still refuse to ne-
gotiate. For the Vietcong and Hanoi are
within sight of a military victory, not over
the United States but over the Saigon Gov-
ernment, and it is by no means certain that
General Westmoreland with his reinforce-
ments can prevent that. But even if he
cannot prevent it, the strategy adopted by
the President will leave the U.S. Army in-
vincible in Vietnam, with the United States
exercising an influence which cannot be ig-
nored in the eventual settlement.
Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, after a
year in Europe on a Ford Foundation
grant, Max Lerner is back in his role of
one of the most perceptive social and
political analysts of our day. His first
column after returning discusses Adlai
Stevenson, Arthur Goldberg, and the re-
markable ability of President Johnson to
put the right man in the right position.
Commenting on the appointment of
Justice Goldberg as Ambassador to the
United Nations, Mr. Lerner writes:
It is an exciting country that can offer this
example of stripping away the inessential
in order to get at the quality most needed,
of talent seized imaginatively, reexamined,
relocated. It is also exciting to find a man
willing to give up a safe place in a snug har-
bad for life, and accept the risks of storm
and battle anew.
I believe Senators will find this column
of uncommon interest. I ask unanimous
consent that it be printed at this point in
There being no objection, the column
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the Washington (D.C.) Evening Star,
July 30, 1965]
(By Max Lerner)
Returning to the battlefront after a more
serene vacation month than anyone has a
right to enjoy in our troubled time, one
finds a profusion of events clamoring for
comment-a death that left a sear on the
Nation, a dramatic appointment, disclos-
ures of the inside story of past events, emerg-
ing political battles, war decisions in the
making. Such event clusters link past and
present in an unbreakable web.
One is the death of Adlai Stevenson and
the appointment of Justice Arthur Gold-
berg to his U.N. post. The Nation gave
Stevenson, on his death, the kind of under-
standing and devotion that it had never
given him during his life, much as most of
us do when some good kind friend dies,
whom we have neglected unconscionably
and treated shabbily. We suddenly redis-
covered in Stevenson a number of lofty
qualities we might have noted earlier, in
1952 and 1956, when we not only managed
to dissemble our love but kicked him down-
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--App'roved For Releealg11W(AM90002-7 August 2, 1965
*ftfi6iil l eiiig able to reach the gulf, Mobile
wasjlo longer useful to the Confederates.
There are so many histories within history,
and so many famous people connected with
Mobile that it would be hard to even begin
saying which were the most important.
There are many historical spots open to the
public, including Fort Gaines, on Dauphin
Island, and Fort Morgan, out on the point.
But if one really wanted to see Mobile, the
city, the time to get the proper atmosphere
is during the annual Mardi Gras, started in
1831 (even before the'one held annually in
New Orleans),
Of modern" Mobile County and City, there
is much to See, too. The oil fields of Citro-
nelle have opened up an entire new industry
to Alabama and to the South east of the
Mississippi.' The State docks at Mobile ship
Alabama merchandise all over the world, and
included in shipments received, there are
ores from South America 'for, use ixj the
steel mills of Birmingham.
The two ;naln river sysfema of the State
are the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa, anti the
Warrior-Tombigbee. These two systems flow
together just 45 miles north. of the city of
Mobile. A canal 125 feet wide and 12 feet
.deep at Mobile is part of the Intracoastal
Waterway that stretches from Brownsville,
Tex., all the way around the coast of the
United Stater, in the east to Maipe. All this,
water and the gulf coast make recreation a
delight, and` industry boom. Mobile' and
Motile County can go only one way-the
way of prosperity.
t : The Kentucky Lineage of Adlai
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent to have printed in
the RECORD an article prepared by Mr.
J. Emerson, Miller, secretary of the Dr.
Thomas Walker Family Association, in
which he traces the Kentucky lineage of
the,late_Adlai Stevenson to Dr. Thomas
Walker, the first white man to enter what.
is now the Commonwealth of Kentucky
back in 1756.
In a note accompanying the article,
Mr. Miller stated that Ambassador Ste-
venson "took a deep. pride in his Ken-
tucky heritage, and cherished an un-
varying love and affection for this State
and its people, and "liked to point out
that he was 'a Kentuckian once removed."
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By J. Emerson Miller, secretary, Dr. Thomas
: Walker. Family Association)
"Kentucky lost a great and brilliant grand-
son In the death of Adlai Stevenson, Gov,
Edward T. Breathitt said In expressing his
grief at Stevenson's sudden and unexpected, The man who was twice,Peri ocratic presi-
dential nominee, U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations, and former Governor of
Illinois, was Indeed a grandson of Kentucky.
There is no family more closely identified
with the early history of Kentucky or
whose roots go more deeply in the soil of
the Bluegrass State than that of lai !;wing son and served a term as secretary of State of
Stevenson. The Stevenson family tree Illinois. , He ran for Governor of Illinois in
spreads into all sections of the State and 1916, and though defeated ran 60,000 votes
the late U.N. Arimbassador s background is ahead of Woodrow Wilson, the presidential
such that he was about as well known in candidate. He was married in 1892 to Helen
Kentucky as he was in his native State of Louise Davis, daughter of Pennsylvania-born
Illinois. Quaker, William O. Davis, publisher of the
The first direct Kentucky ancestor of stanchly Republican Bloomington Panta-
Stevenson's was Dr. Thomas Walker, a great- graph, one of central Illinois' richest and
great-great-grandfather, who In 1750 crossed most influential newspapers.
the Great Warrior's Path at Cumberland Grandfather Davis married Eliza, daughter
Gap with his exploring party, and became of Jesse W. Fell, who emigrated from Ches-
the first white man to set foot on our soil.' ter, Pa., in 1832, traveling part of the way on
He and his party camped for the night close foot, and settled down. to the practice of law.
to what is now the tannery near Middles- At Vandalia, first capital of the State, he met
boro. and roomed with a gangling young lawyer
A paternal great-great-grandfather, Wil- by the name of Abraham Lincoln, became
lie Green, born in 1752, removed to Ken- his devoted friend, and suggested the Lin-
tucky from Culpeper County, Va., in 1779 by coin-Davis debates and played an important
way of Cumberland Gap, represented this part in Lincoln's election.
district in the general assembly, during the Although a tyro in politics, as candidate
Revolutionary War served as ensign and for Governor of Illinois in 1948, Adlai Stev-
lieutenant, and removed to the neighbor- enson carried the State by a record 572,000
hood of Stanford, in Lincoln County, where `votes, the greatest plurality in the State's
for many years he was the county clerk. He history, topping President Truman's State
was married to Sarah Reed, daughter of the margin by more than a half million votes.
noted Indian fighter, Col. John Reed. In 1955, Adlai Stevenson III, the late Am-
The next in line going back was Duff bassador's son, then a student at Harvard,
Green, who married as his first wife a Miss met an attractive Kentucky girl, Nancy An-
Barbour, while a daughter of his son Willis derson, studying at Smith College, daughter
married Maj. James Barbour, who with his of Louisville advertising executive Warwick
brother 'Richard Barbour owned` the land An.dersoal,, Their marriage united two fin-
where Barbourville now stands and which eal descendents of Dr. Thomas Walker,.
was named for them. Nancy's father being a great-great-grandson
Duff Green married, secondly, Ann Willis, of the discoverer of Cumberland Gap. The
a daughter of Col. Henry Willis, founder of couple have four children, Adlai Stevenson
Fredericksburg, Va., who married Mildred IV, age 9; Luey, age 7; 5-year-old Kate, and
Washington, only sister of Gen. George Warwick Anderson Stevenson, 2, named for
Green, noted clergyman and head of Centre
College, Danville, married Mary Peachy Fry,
a daughter of Thomas Walker Fry and his
wife, Elizabeth Speed Smith.
Lewis Warner Green was named for his
greater-great-grandfather,, Col. Augustine
Warner, Speaker of- the "Virginia House of
Burgesses and his wife Mildred Reade, who
was the, 11th in ;descent from Edward III,
King of Englarid:?
Martha, a sister of Thomas Walker Fry,
married David Bell, of Danville, Ky.,and was
the mother of Josua Fry Bell, from whom
Bell County was named. A great-grand-
daughter, Martha Bell Jackson, of Danville,
represented Centre College at the Mountain
Laurel Festival in 1933,
Another great-grandfather of Adlai Stev-
enson was Capt. James Speed, whose family
was among the earliest settlers of Jefferson
County. They came to Kentucky in 1782 and
took a conspicuous part in the development
of the State, Capt. James Speed assisting in
the drafting of the State's first constitution.
His sons and grandsons attained prominence
in public life, the most eminent of these be-
ing James Speed, Attorney General in Lin-
coln's Cabinet, and Joshua Fry Speed, Lin-
coln's most Intimate friend.
The Stevensons were among the first fam-
ilies to settle in Rowan County, N.C.,
where they lived as neighbors to Adlai Os-
borne, another ancester of the Illinois Gov-
ernor, and whose name he bears. The family
moved to Kentucky at an early date.
In 1852 Adlai's paternal great-grandfather,
John Turner Stevenson, removed to Bloom-
ington, Ill., from the family's old home near
Hopkinsville. His son, Adlal Ewing Steven-
son, born in Kentucky, and educated at
Centre College, was a lawyer and a Democrat
yin a stanchly Republican district but he
got elected to Conppress and was elected Vice
President under 91eve
lar=d in }&,Q2. He mar-
ried the brilliant Letitia Green, four-time
president-general of the National Society of
the Daughters of the ' American Revolution
and one of the founders of the Parent=
Teachers Association.
Adlai's father, Lewis Green Stevenson,
acted as secretary to Vice President Steven-
Mr. CALLAWAY. Mr. Speaker, on
last Thursday I spoke of the pride and
.confidence In which the people of my
district hold the 1st Calvary Division-
Airmobile-the outfit that has just been
called upon to handle our efforts in Viet-
nam. On that same day a fine editorial
appeared in the Atlanta Constitution by
its Editor Eugene Patterson, describing
the capabilities of the unit and voicing
the hopes of all of us in the 1st Air
Under unanimous consent, I insert
this in the RECORD and to verbally under-
score Mr. Patterson's closing sentence,
that "the State that cradled the sky
cavalry sends it in with a salute and a
(By Eugene Patterson)
Once more Georgia sends a division into
battle. Many have gone out to fight wars
from our bases. But uncoiling from Fort
Benning to strike in Vietnam now is the most
radically different kind of combat division
since the advent of paratroops.
Until !aptAnti,1-it was called the 11th Air
Assault Division. It was an experimental
unit. For_ 3_ years it had been developing and
testing a newArmy tactic in and above the
pine thickets and ' scrub fiats of southwest
The tactical dream was to create a full
15,000-man division that could deploy itself
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August 2, 1965 Appro k(t04lldft IA- ipptR M46R000300190002-7
terpreted the situation, is not offering either
clarification or criticism.
In the good old days it was not considered
ethical for a White House aid to tell all In
public, once the President he served was
dead or retired. This was good manners, if
nothing more.
A President has a right to let his hair down
once in a while, and should feel that what he
blurts out in a moment of temper is not
going to be interpreted to posterity as mean-
ing that he really thinks Cabinet member X
is a stupid oaf or a two-faced s.o.b.
This was sound, politically and ethically.
We know all that is worth knowing about
F.D,R: s regime, about Mr. Truman's, General
Eisenhower's, even if we lack the juicy tid-
bits that their Presidential advisers could
have supplied had they dared to take pen in
But now it appears the Nation and the
world are going to be treated to every big
and little, whimsical and cozy, highlight in
the big-time political career of John F. Ken-
In the process-as the first accounts,ap-
pear from Schlesinger and Kennedy confi-
dant Ted Sorenson-various living persons
are getting the knocks that used to be with-
held until they were dead.
Aside from the assault on Rusk by Schles-
inger, we can also get along without the re-
hashes and elaborations on the Bay of Pigs
fiasco, especially since they cast new slurs
on the way Allen Dulles operated as Central
Intelligence Agency chief.
And we dislike the recent Schlesinger ef-
fort to recite chapter and verse In an effort
to show that Mr. Kennedy didn't really want
Mr. Johnson as his 1960 running mate, nor
did brother Bobby.
If true, the Kennedys were not the smart
politicians they were supposed to be, because
Richard Nixon would have won in 1960 with-
out Mr. Johnson on the Democratic ticket.
There are some other books besides Schles-
inger's and Sorenson's, coming out soon, that
are supposed to give more inside lowdown ac-
counts of Mr. Kennedy's days in the White
House. The authors or coauthors include
Pierre Salinger, Lawrence O'Brien and Kenny
Let's hope that they don't intentionally
besmirch the living or inadvertently reflect
on the dead simply for the sake of making
a fast buck.
[From the Philadelphia Inquirer, July 28,
"Kiss and tell" is something almost uni-
versally regarded with contempt. When the
telling violates confidence and records off-
hand comments, it is unethical and bad-
When it takes advantage of a dead man
who can neither confirm nor deny published
statements, it becomes an extraordinarily
dirty business-especially when it is done
for personal profit and political revenge.
We have been furnished prime examples
of tattling in the excerpts, appearing in na-
tional magazines, from books written by
former White House aids Arthur Schlesinger,
Jr., and Theodore C. Sorensen.
Supposed to be inside accounts of the
high and low spots of the Kennedy admin-
istration, these memoirs do a great disservice
to the Presidency. No one can know whether
what they reveal Is the truth or not.
Because many of the statements are un-
verifiable, they leave defenseless the persons
whose reputations they tarnish.
We are told, for instance, that President
Kennedy intended to get rid of Secretary
of State Rusk, and we are treated in the
process to a venomous appraisal of the Sec-
retary by Schlesinger. The damage thus
done to Rusk, and to his continued effective-
ness as head of the State Department, could
be serious.
In other portions of the memoirs, the im-
pression is given that Kennedy did not really
want Lyndon Johnson as his running mate
in 1960, and offered him the vice-presi-
dential nomination in the expectation that
he would turn it down. This is contrary
to other accounts of the ticket-framing epi-
sode. It also downgrades the political wis-
dom of John F. Kennedy, who doubtless rec-
ognized the voting support that Johnson
would bring to his ticket.
Sorensen and Schlesinger are only the first
of a stream of writers eager to tell all that
they saw and heard from various vantage
points in the White House during the Ken-
nedy administration. If the Presidency is
degraded, if someone happens to be hurt
by rumor and gossip, it is just too bad.
The lure of the fast buck is often irresisti-
It would appear, in the case of the former
White House assistants, that the power and
the dignity of the Presidency, and their near-
ness to it, went to their heads. It Is to be
hoped that future Presidents will be spared
this kind of arrogant conduct, and the mad
rush to "tell all," for a price.
The President should not have to look be-
hind curtains to make sure that some future
writer of White House memoirs is not hiding
there, notebook in hand. He should not
have to worry about every remark he makes-
and some not made at all-appearing later
in a bestseller authored by one of his con-
fidential aids.
The eruption of "inside stories" of the
Kennedy years is not history. It is indecent
It is almost morbid, however, to plunge a
knife into the hard-pressed Secretary of
State while he is engaged in delicate maneu-
vers to try to prevent Vietnam from plung-
ing the world into the holocaust of war.
Does it help American at this critical junc-
ture to have Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., write
a book in which he declares that Mr. Ken-
nedy planned to replace Secretary Rusk be-
cause of "one muddle after another," at the
State Department and Rusk's "reluctance to
decide" questions of policy?
Schlesinger, a leading light in the left-
wing Americans for Democratic Action, says
Rusk's mind is an "irrevocably conventional"
one that mistrusts "the flashy or sensa-
tional." t
All we can say to that is, Thank heavens.
Surely America is on a hot enough seat with-
out having a Secretary of State who rejoices
In "the flashy or sensational" approach to
The tattling Mr. Schlesinger writes that
during the Kennedy administration Rusk
lived "under the fear of inadequacy and
humiliation." This would suggest that
Rusk has remarkable foresight. Perhaps he
had a premonition of what Schlesinger would
try to do to him as soon as Mr. Kennedy's
reins were removed.
The Real Alabama-Part XXXVII
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama. Mr.
Speaker, the most populous county in the
First Congressional District of Alabama
is Mobile County.
The history of the county provides as
fascinating a study as perhaps any
county in the Nation. It is rich with
Indian history, French and Spanish ex-
ploration and settlement, and Civil War
A brief summary of the county's his-
tory follows here, and it is my hope that
it may stimulate additional interest in
Mobile County, where our citizens always
extnd a cordial welcome to friends and
Mobile County is in the extreme south-
western corner of the State and is bounded
by Washington County on the north, by the
Mobile River (after the joining of the Tom-
bigbee and the Alabama Rivers) and Bald-
win County on the east, by Mobile Bay and
the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and by the
Mississippi line on the west. The county
was created by a proclamation of Gov. David
Holmes of the Mississippi Territory on De-
cember 18, 1813, soon after Gen. James Wil-
kinson took possession of the town of Mobile
for the United States. The county was
named for the Maubila Indians, called Mo-
bile by the French, who named the post
established in 1702 Fort Louis de la Mobile.
DeCraney's map of 1733 shows an Indian
town, Nanihaha, probably built by Appala-
chees just south of the junction of the Mo-
bile and Tombigbee Rivers on the Mobile
River. Another town, Chacteaux, in the
angle of the Dog River and Mobile Bay, was
probably settled by Chattos Indians who
were settled there by Iberville. Several other
Indian towns were shown in regions where
water surrounded the town on three sides.
Many mounds containing interesting arti-
facts were found, also.
Fort Louis de la Mobile was located at
Twenty-Seven Mile Bluff on the Mobile
River, and Fort Louis de la Mobile 2d, located
between Church and Eslava Streets extend-
ing from the riverfront to Royal Street in
Mobile, was built by Bienville in 1711, after
the French were driven from Twenty-Seven
Mile Bluff by river floods. Fort Conde, where
now the headquarters of the Colonial Dames
of America stands, was built in 1717 by
Crozat. To better understand how Mobile
has been under five flags, a list of dates is
helpful :
In 1702: Village established at Twenty-
Seven-Mlle 'Bluff (French).
In 1711: Village of Mobile moved to mouth
of Mobile River.
In 1720: Capital of Louisiana- Territory
moved to New Orleans. (Mobile).
In 1763: By secret treaty, Mobile sur-
rendered to English, October 20.
In 1779: Spaniards captured Mobile.
In 1813: United States takes possession of
In 1817: Alabama becomes a State of the
In 1864: A Confederate stronghold-the
South's only major city that did not fall to
the Union.
In 1865: Back In the Union.
The Battle of Mobile Bay during the Civil
War was one of the very important happen-
ings in the history of both Mobile and of the
Civil War. The Federal fleet, consisting of
4 ironclads flanking 14 wooden ships of
war lashed together in pairs as they sailed
Into battle, with Fort Morgan on the east
and Fort Gaines on the west, sailed against
the Confederate fleet of 1 ironclad ram
and 3 wooden ships, and won the victory.
It was after one of his Ironclads had been
sunk by Confederate mines that Admiral
Farragut of the U.S. Navy, climbed Into the
rigging of his ship to see above the dense
smoke of battle and yelled the now famous
words, "Damn the torpedoes-full speed
ahead]" Historians wonder why Admiral
Farragut did not continue on up the bay and
capture Mobile, but It was probably because
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August 2,' 1,~~ roved For WWS9185I JAS 1&4B$7D68~300190002-7
Into combat entirely by air, substituting hell MR. FORTAS TO THE COURT
oopters for ground transportation and enter- A President may mold the course of na- leagues. Nine of ha have Introduced
ing the battlefield in sub-
order-not scattered as tonal affairs for 8 eights, but the influence stantially identical bills in the House of
parachute infantry sometimes is, and not exerted by this appointments to the Supreme Representatives.
dependent on Air Force aviation, . Court is more likely to be felt for decades or
Commal}ded by Maj. Gen. Harry W. G. even generations. There can be no assurance Public interest and awareness in the
Kinnard, the experimental division was fre- . that any appointee will measure up to the matter is growing. Increased discussion
quently levied upon for Army helicopter pi- intellectual demands of the future, that he the press and in Congress i having a
lots to go to Vietnam. A large proportion of will exhibit the qualities of flexibility and good effect: In place of emo people
those pilots who have been transporting and emp ac tions
athy that are essential if the Constitu- are now talking about the facts of the
Supporting the South Vietnamese troops tion Is to remain a living document. The Problem. The Nation is realizing, the years came out of Fort Benning. President is compelled to base his critical that the I be
But the gaps were filled; other Army pilots decision on the candidate's past career, and lieve, population explosion is
poured into Columbus to man the division's by that stndard his choice of Mr. Abe Fortas one of the ga great Pleasure thus facing read
challenges us
400 aircraft, most of them helicopters. Last must be accorded a high rating, today. It is a great pleasure tto read
month thj experimental days ended. The The great strength of Mr. Fortas, who has in the Washington Post a new series of
division was clir tened with the honored for long been the President's intimate legal articles, entitled "Our Crowded Earth,"
name and, the spectacular shoulder patch- adviser, lies in the breadth of his experience by Jean M. White. I think these articles
black ,horse's head .on a yellow field-of the and accomplishments. A brilliant law stu- state well the problems and the pros-
1st Cavalry Division. dent and for a time a teacher at the Yale Pects. Now this air mobile division IS ready and University Law School, he went on to a I commend them to every think-
headed Tor-combat. With its owl aviation it precociously successful career In the Govern- ing American.
can pick itself up by its bootstraps and move ment, first with the Securities and Exchange The initial article follows:
Into battle once the Air Force and Navy land Commission and then as Harold L. Ickes' [From the Washington Post, Aug. 1, 19651
it in Vietnam. The, soldiers who will ride the Under Secretary of the Interior. THE PooR ARE ENGULFING THE EARTH: THE
helicopters into battle are air-trained and After leaving the Government service, Mr. "POPULATION EXPLOSION"-ACTUALLY, A
air-orientesi. - If any U.S. ground unit can Fortes entered upon the private practice of HOLIDAY FOR DEATH-IS OccURRING WHERE
take effect-against the hit-run tactics of the law and soon rose to an eminent place in IT'S LEAST SUPPORTARLE
Vietcong guerrillas in the Vietnamese. delta or that profession, It Is a tribute to Mr. Fortas'
central highlands, this one will.. talents as a lawyer that his formidable (By Jean M. White)
Not bound to mpyement by ground or road, reputation in the corporate world was ac- In just 35 years-when many of us still
It will be hard to ambush. Swiftly mobile, quired in spite of his attachment to various will be around-it many very likely that there
It can drop troops into swift counterstrikee unpopular causes which challenged his in- will are as many people on earth as
wherever guerrillas strike. Trained as a unit, mate sense of justice. During the McCarthy there are today.
It can deliver blows In massive strength, even era he was not afraid to raise a strong voice The time to do anything about that, if
at night. It Is not bound to perim ter, but. can drop from foxholes oskyy into ciagainst vil libtertieswunder rethbent upon e banner of destroying problem is here and n w and grows
any battlefield-and climb away from any communism, bigger gger by at least I% million people each
battlefield into, the sky. Large units can More recently Mr. Fortes argued and won week.
Hedgehop into an enemy's rear, operate, then two cases which have become judicial and- Population projections used to be interest-
hedgehop out. It is the best, strike force marks. The Durham case, which he argued rap ere to redic exercises enabling -rmm-
gainst guerrillas that the Army can devise, before the District of Columbia Court of rappers to predict when a standing-room-
These will. he the shock troops in Vietnam. Appeals, has done_..nynh to make the legal Only sign wouldbe posted on a crammed
Now the brave young Americans of this concept of mental illness more compatible earth. But today we are finding that runa-
newest U.S, assault force move away from With modern views of psychiatrists. In the way population is bound up with many of
their Georgia homes for their combat test, Gideon case it was Mr. Fortas' powerful brief our big problems: hunger, poverty, illiteracy,
The State that cradled the sky cavalry sends that led the Supreme Court to reverse its economic stagnation, political instability.
it in with a salute and a prayer. previous position and rule that States must It will touch the very quality of life for
provide counsel for Indigents under Grim- those being born today. Yet a recent Gallup
+... .,.~.~..- 1-1 charges, poll showed that only 3 out of 10 Americans
8 ppo rges, the Supreme Court rarely who had heard of the population problem
if over command universal approval. There were at all worried about it.
Abe Fortas Named to Supreme Court are those who had hoped that the President should we suddenly get excited about
or --`- distinguished wrists of the lower Federal A NEW DIMENSION
courts. But since facile predictions about The human family is growing at a faster
HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO the role of new justices have often proven rate than ever before in man's history. This
IILIS egregiously wrong, it is hazardous to argue Is the new, alarming dimension of the popu-
tbat the Court can be balanced or consciously lation problem-the rate.
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leavened with an $ppolntment from a Human multiplication is self-accelerating,
Monday, August 2, 1965 campus, a court, or the political arena. like compound Interest. It spurts upward
Mr: AN onday, AuMr. gust
Speaker, some it Whether his judged by his Intellectual capac- in geometrical progression: 2-4-8-16-32-64-
egal experience, or his deep concern 128. The annual rate at which it is growing
of my colleagues in the House of Repre- over civil liberties and civil rights, Mr. Fortas has doubled In the last decade, from 1 to
sentatjves iiaye expressed their criticism 1s admirably equipped to take-his place on a percent.
se the appointment of Abe Fortes to the the Court, and there is every reason to believe This increase may not seem extraordinar
go on r the that he will serve it with great distinction. fly high until you follow the spiral of geo-
o ointm I want a to progr
Lyndon B. metrical
congratulating President
had begun with a withsa n. single If the human time
Johnson on, his choice. coupleat the time
of Christ and increased at a rate of 2 percent
Mr. Fortes has been In the forefront The World Population Explosion ayea ethere now would be 20 million people
of liberal causes for many, many years. ry person now sear h. loo people
It is common knowledge that Abe Fortes EXTENSION on Teach he current square foot
has argued and won legal cases which OF REMARKS The t will take 15 yrs is m bile
have become judicial landmarks. His of lion. It will take only 15 years to complete the fourth varied legal experience, his brilliant in- HON. PAUL H. TODD, JR, low in just 10lyears The
after billion will rol-
tellectual background, and his accom- OF MICHIGAN THE DANGER SPOTS
plishments in Government can lead one IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Most of this population
only to the conclusion that Mr. Fortas is growth as is ord
eminently qualified to assume the re- Monday, August 2, 1965 underdeveloped countries, which can sfford
aponsibilitiee of the high office to which Mr. TODD. Mr es least. Thecaal a po instababili l keg _ b social
he has been named. . Speaker, one of the unrest and and political is uAding
most heartening things about this ses- up as runaway growth smothers efforts to
It Is my privilege to insert Into the sion of Congress is the sharpened interest give a little better life to millions of people
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD an editorial from in, and awareness of, problems posed by who are III-fed, 111-clothed and 111-housed.
the Washington Post of July 30 support- the world population explosion. Sena- Like the Red Queen, the poor countriey run trig this_,appointmer;t, have s as fast as they can just to stay
tor GRUENING Is presently holding hear- In the same me place-bare subsistence for their
The editorial follows: Ings in the other body on a bill intro- people. By the time the Aswan Dam is com-
Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RJP67B00446R000300190002-7
A4238 Approved 1 OR,&RDR q]XeR0003001906A$'zlst 2, 1965
pleted, Egypt's population is expected to have THE REAPER REPULSED
grown so much that the new irrigated lands What is the reason for the speed of growth
will merely provide food enough for the ad- that lies behind these population problems?
ditional people. The answer is a matter of simple arithmetic:
PLENTY AND PENTRCY births minus deaths.
There has been no sudden burst of fertility
wof revolution Of erld's poor are ising egptr to set off the "population explosion" (demog-
At a time
hop s," the wd poor arfinding thheiei r raphers cringe at the use of this phrase).
hopes frustrated. world is separated rapidly groups co- Birth rates haven't gone up. But death rates
"haves" " v and "" have n no ets." have dropped dramatically.
"had Man now is practicing effective death con-
m North Ir 1963ope 17 percent Am theerica and papule- trol without balancing this with equally ef-
tion and 17 perc Of the world's rl world's income, , fective birth control. it is ironic that one
tiers and 64 percent of of man's great humanitarian achievements-
d serv-
as measured in the value of goods an
ices produced. Asia had 56 percent of the
world's population and 14 percent of its in-
Today, roughly a third of the population
is in the capitalist world, another third is
in the Communist camp and the last third
is uncommitted. In Latin America and the
Far East, runaway populations are creating
more poverty and misery in which commu-
nism can breed.
The world's already hungry countries are
growing more people than food to feed them.
Some demographers and agricultural experts
are warning of the threat of serious famine
production is growing only about two-thirds
as fast as the population. Per capita food
production is actually declining in many of
these countries and has slipped below levels
at 25 vears ago.
the control of "mass killer" diseases-has
created a new critical problem of runaway
population which, in turn, raises a threat
to life.
The dilemma is neatly summed up by the
National Academy of Sciences report: "Ei-
ther the birth rate of the world must come
down or the death rate must go back up."
The only choice-for the earth cannot
contain or support population growth at the
present rate. over a long time-is between
humane birth control and the cruel equalizer
of death. In a way, the bogey of Malthusian-
ism, apparently buried a century ago, has
risen again.
The sudden, spectacular drop in death
rates, particularly infant mortality, has come
chiefly in the developing countries. Indeed,
the lowest death rates in the world today
are not in the United States and Western
Europe but in such countries as Malaysia,
Taiwan, and Puerto Rico, with their younger
When people have to eat what they grow populations.
just to survive, there is nothing left to in-Modern medicine, vaccines, and pesticides
vest in better- seeds, fertilizers and pesticides have sharply cut death rates in a matter of
to increase food production. What science a few years. In Ceylon, after DDT spraying
might do with algae gardens and sea farms had largely eradicated malaria, the death
is too far in the future to fill bellies already rate fell 57 percent in less than a decade--
. t
increased more than
e ca
ita income _.. ---
Y'"g 8O percent an
The United States has long
to feed millions of Indians with its food-for- A low 20th century death rate (about 10 The developing countries themselves are
peace program. But the way the world is, per 1000) is now combined with a medieval acting. Egypt, India, Pakistan, Japan, and
there can be no common trough for all men. birth rate (40 to 50 per 1000) to send popula- South Korea have made family planning a
Last March, B. R. Sen, director general of tion spiraling upward. part of national policy. There are govern-
the United Nations Food and Agriculture Europe went through a "demographic ment supported or sponsored projects in
Organization, warned that the world must transition" (changeover from high birth and Ceylon, Taiwan, Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand,
raise food productivity and curb population high death rates to low birth and low death Malaysia, Barbados, Puerto Rico, and Hong
in the next 35 years or face "disaster of an rate) before achieving its nearly stable pop- Kong.
unprecedented magnitude." The alterna- ulation of today. But there the decline in Pope Paul VI has said that he hopes the
tive, he added, is that "mankind will be the death rate came gradually over many dec- Catholic Church can soon redefine its stand
overtaken again by the old Malthusiall car- ades starting with the early 19th century. on birth control.
rectives; famine, pestilence and war." After about 1875 (France was earlier), For whatever term is used-family plan-
A CRISIS AT HOME birth rates began to drop in Eui'opean coup- ning, fertility control, population control,
illions responsible parenthood-the issue comes
For Americans, the population problem is
not just that of faraway places. The United
States is having its own troubles at home in
its brave new urban world.
Think about 350 million Americans-
nearly double the number today-using some
300 million cars at the turn of the century.
(It is not that far away; children born to-
day will be 35 years old then.)
Then think of the new classrooms, roads,
jobs, houses, taxes for social services. Think
of the jammed buses, lengthened commuting
time, increased pollution of water and air,
the search for precious open space and pri-
Rapid population growth in the United
States-we are growing at a rate 50 per-
cent above that of Western Europe and close
to the world pace-is aggravating urban ills
and perpetuating poverty in the midst of
abundance. Some see our high rate of
growth as a real threat to the amenities
and esthetics of our preferred way of life.
In its study of world population growth,
the National Academy of Sciences empha-
sized'the population problem in these words:
"Other than the search for lasting peace,
no problem Is more urgent. Nearly all our
economic, social, and political problems be-
come more difficult to solve in the face of
uncontrolled population growth"
tries. Over the next 80 to 75 years,
of couples. made personal decisions to limit down to the deeply emotional subject of
family size against the opposition of both birth control.
church and state. There had been no ad- The issue touches the very fabric of so-
vances in contraceptives, so they relied on ciety, centuries of cultural traditions and
such folk methods as withdrawal. Marriages deeply held beliefs. There are many bar-
were delayed, particularly in Ireland. riers to its introduction: illiteracy, national-
To help it through its transition, Europe istic pride, the peasant desire for sons to
also had the safety valve of emigration. But work the fields and provide social security In
the 34 million who emigrated from Europe to old age, the low status of women, the tracii-
the United States from 1820 to 1955 represent tion of early marriage, contraceptive costs.
People have always been ahead of govern
Asssia than a single year's population growth in ments in the limitation of family size. Gov-
today. - ernment can help set the climate, but in-
A vicious CIRCLE dividual couples must make the final deci-
Unlike Europe, the developing countries sions--as they did in Europe,
today don't have have time for gradual ad- Mrs. Taeuber, the demographer, feels that
justments to balance birth and death rates. the change in attitude toward birth control
They are caught on a treadmill. Rapid pop- has now reached the ordinary man as well
ulation growth is blocking the modernization as his governments.
they need to achieve the conditions.--ides- "I have been to Indian villages," she says.
trialization, mass education, urbanization, "These people are shrewd. They have sur-
literacy-to bring their birth rates down. vived where we might not have. They pull
"The past is not relevant for the develop- out old maps of land holdings a century
ing countries today," says Irene B. Taeuber, ago and the divisions today, with more and
a noted demographer. "There must be a new more children living. Population is no ab-
pattern. Something has to happen that straction to them."
never happened before. They must cut birth Attitude polls have shown that the Chi-
rates either before or during the process of cago slum dweller, the Mexican factory
economic development." worker, and the Indian villager alike want to
President Eisenhower, who 10 years ago felt limit the size of their families. All want to
that birth control was not a proper concern give their children a chance at a better life.
of governments, has explained that he aban-
doned this view after seeing the erosion of
foreign-aid programs by population growth.
In a recent speech on the 20th anniversary
of the United Nations, President Johnson
called for all nations to face "the multiplying
problems of our multiplying populations" and
pointed out that less than $5 invested in
population control is worth $100 invested in
economic growth.
If population is growing at a rate of 2.5 or
3 percent a year-as it is in many of the de-
veloping nations-wit takes that same rate of
economic growth to stay even. It comes
down to a kind of holding operation at mis-
erably low standards of living.
It takes 9 percent of capital investment to
generate a 3-percent increase In income. It
will take heroic efforts to achieve the United
Nations' goal of 5-percent annual growth in
underdeveloped countries in this "decade of
development." Expanding population growth
also brings a heavy burden of child depend-
ency. In the developing countries, more than.
40 percent of the population is under 15
years of age. It is 25 to 30 percent In the
West.) That imbalance puts heavy demands
on health and education services.
Once, the subject of population control-
which imples birth control-was politically
taboo and considered too sensitive for public
discussion. Now governments are speaking
out on the need for action.
President Johnson's historic 25 words In
his state of the Union address lifted the
hush-hush attitude of the U.S. Government.
A Senate subcommittee under Senator
ERNEST GRUENING, Democrat, of Alaska, is
holding hearings on the need for birth con-
trol information here and abroad.
The United Nations will hold its Second
World Population Conference In Yugoslavia
Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300190002-7
1.9B.Spproved KPPJf$[AW0300190002-7
c>3inr NEW CONTROL sftion of a processing tax. 'his would raise
t Along with the change in attitudes is the the farm price of such wheat by about 50
recent progress in contraceptive technology. cents a bushel.
The Intrauterine device-IUD-costs only a Some milling, baking, and cereal interests
i i~as are campaigning strongly against the pro-
feCtIVe Ce in pilot nproved -dramatically eft posal, claiming it would increase the cost of
can control contr rol projects. `Onths and andy years. . bread by 2 cents a loaf. There seems to be
fertility over mont little doubt that the measure would result
C" is an important word here. in some increase in bread prices. Pro-
lotion Frank ntrolk W. Co' 'oil toil a rpreivate president Of the which the which ponents of the measure claim the increase
, a e ins
11 has spent $20.4 million on the world's popu- would be only a penny or less per loaf. It is
lotion problems, emphasizes that the object difficult to arrive at an exact figure on this
of a population policy is not to tell a couple because neither side specifies whether it is
how many children they may have. Rather, talking about the 1-pound loaf of bread,
it is to give them "the basic right to choose which is considered the basic unit, or larger
"freely." loaves.
Most population experts feel that popula- In fact, it is difficult to discuss bread
tion doesn't have to be stabilized to the prices at all except in generalities because
point of no growth. They see it as a choice they vary considerably from place to place
between uncontrolled growth and a gradual in the United States. Bread prices are rela-
increase it a rate that will allow for lm- tively reasonably in the Midsouth where com-
provementof the human lot. petition between big bakers is sharp. Bread
Population projections are not predictions. prices in California, though, are another
If fertility is decreased, the United Nations story. It is reported that wholesale bread
has projected a possible 5.3 billion figure at prices there are a good deal higher than
the turn of the century rather than the 7 retail prices in this area.
billion In prospect if current trends con- In considering national legislation, there-
tinue. fore, about the best that can be done is to
And once the break is made, the leveling accept the figures of the U.S. Department of
oft effect will'be cumulative, just as the pres- Agriculture which represent a national
ent rapid growth is self-accelerating. average.
These figures show that the retail price of
a pound loaf of bread has crept up steadily
Lobby Campaign Hurts Farmers
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. ANDERSON of Tennessee. Mr.
$peakr, I am very much disturbed about
the lobby campaign being conducted by
the milling, baking, and cereal interests
against the wheat proposal contained in
the farm bill. This amounts to still more
fancy footwork designed to confuse the
consumer and deprive the American
farmer froze silarin5 in our general pros-
Secretary of Agriculture Orville Free-
man deserves huge thanks for his tireless
and extremely able efforts in behalf of
our farmers, indeed all rural Americans,
and I would like to submit for the RECORD
an excellent analysis of the proposed
wheat legislation as discussed in one of
our great newspapers, the Memphis
Commercial Appeal.
It is high time to stop begrudging the
2 or 3 cents the wheat farmer gets out
of a loaf of bread. The most dramatic
success story of this century is not a
story of military might, industrial pro-
duction, or the conquest of space. It is
the story of the American farmer-the
only man the Russians and Chinese Reds
have found it impossible to compete
The analysis follows:
Chairman HAROLD CooLEy,, Democrat, of
North Carolina, of the House Agriculture
Committee is worried that the opposition
to the whet proposal will bring about de-
feat of the new, farm legislation which is
expected to come before Congress shortly.
The wheat proposal would shift the cost
of the subsidy on wheat that is used in the
United states from the Treasury to the
wheat processing industries through impo-
eMai year since 1947 at least. The price in
1947 was 11.9 cents and in 1963-64 it was
20.7, according to the Department's figures.
Little, if any, of this increase can be at-
tributed to wheat prices received by the
farmers. The farm value of the wheat in
such a pound loaf of bread has hovered be-
tween 2.3 cents and 2.7 cents through all
those years.
So, if the, new legislation causes a bread
price increase due to higher wheat prices,
it will be the first time In 18 years or more
that the farmer will have received such an
increase. The other increases have gone to
pay higher wages to workers in the milling
and baking industries, to pay for increases in
costs of packaging and distribution and to
pay higher prices for other bread ingredients.
Whatever the outcome of this debate, it
has served to make one point more clear.
That is that the farm subsidies as they have
been paid for many years have also been
consumer subsidies. They have been hidden
and have been relatively small on each unit
of food the consumer has purchased at the
retail outlets, but they have been there all
the time.
The Bracero Blunder
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. TEAGUE of California. Mr.
Speaker, under leave to extend my re-
marks, I call the attention of my col-
leagues in the Congress to an excellent
editorial by Raymond Moley which ap-
pared in the July 19, 1965, edition of
Newsweek, entitled, "The Bracero Blun-
(By Raymond Moley)
Los ANGELES -The scarcity of farmwork-
ers is a hotte ' subject in California this
summer than the weather in the Imperial
Valley. This crisis in agriculture, Califor-
nia's I-argest Industry, was caused by-the
termination of the bracero program on 3an-
A4239 ,
nary f. The program was adopted in 1951
as a means of regulating the movement of
Mexican farmworkers, braceros, into the
United States in the summer and fall. Under
the plan, administered by the U.S Depart-
ment of Labor and validated by the govern-
ments of the United States and. Mexico, large
numbers of such workers were admitted for
a period of 6 to 12 weeks, were paid wages
equal to those of Americans and were re-
quired to return after the harvest to their
homes below the border. Most of the same
workers returned year after year to the same
employers. It was mutually profitable.
The pressure for the termination of the
bracero program came from the AFL-CIO,
largely because of its desire to unionize farm-
workers. Liberals in Congress supported the
termination of the program because of their
deluded belief that it would reduce unem-
ployment in the large industrial centers.
Union labor has not been able to supply
Workers necessary to the harvest. And no
unemployed worker now enjoying Govern-
ment benefits is willing to migrate to another
State for a temporary job.
The impact upon California agriculture
has been most severe. Many millions have
been lost because of unharvested, rotting
produce. And the flow of money into the
State from exports to the East and abroad
has been drastically curtailed.
As a result of this debacle, housewives else-
where in the Nation have been confronted
with rising prices for the many products im-
ported from California and other States in
the Southwest. In New York one purchaser
of a head of lettuce after hearing the price
asked that it be "gift wrapped." This rise in
prices will continue as the various crops ripen
on into September and October. And after
that, the prices of canned goods will rise dur-
ing the winter.
As the crops ripened this spring, the De-
partment of Labor attempted to supply the
need for workers by recruiting high school
students in the States west of the Mississippi
into what are called A-teams. Indians were
bestirred from their abodes to the east and
north and transported to the fields. But the
high school boys-athletes back home-
found the work too hard and the sun too
hot, and the teams melted away. College
students who a few months ago were stand-
ing up for their rights found stooping over
in the fields to earn a few dollars quite an-
other matter. Of 300 Indians recruited in
the Dakotas who were flown in at a cost of
$6,400 to Salinas growers, all but 20 vanished
within a few days.
The cream of the comedy is a notice that
the war on poverty program is spending $106,-
000 in Oxnard to educate and train 12 com-
munity advisers and leaders to train seasonal
workers. According to the person doing the
organizing, there isn't any teaching material
ready, but that will be developed in time.
It will take more uplifters to develop tech-
niques. If workers were available, growers
could easily enough tell them what to do.
A lasting loss to California is the trend of
large growers to lease lands in Mexico and
develop them along with Mexicans under
more tolerable conditions in a country which
has no Secretary Wirtz to "help" with their
problems. California can ill afford this
strain on its economy at this time because in
several communities I have visited there are
signs of declining business.
There is a human element in the termina-
tion of the bracero program. While the
bleeding hearts in the Washington regime are
spending billions 'to "help the poor in Egypt,
India, and elsewhere abroad, and while there
is much talk about the Alliance for Progress,
the Federal Government has visited a cruel
hardship on the people of our nearest neigh-
bor to the south. The termination of the
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Approved FokMaff Affi lAL0 ~1 P67 P (kP030019000August 2, 1965
bradero program has hacked away the live- and House, none has been more persistently by the Democratic President for its help in
lihood of tens of thousands of Mexican spread than the claim that American alms burying the Republican Party in a very deep
workers, for this visit to the north had come are somehow tricky and that the American grave.
to be their way of life. Their feelings can public is somehow in the dark. If Ameri-
well be imagined. can aims in fact suffer for credibility, it Is
from their simplicity and-yes-their hon-
esty and altruism in a world where pseudo-
sophisticates are forever on the lookout for
the gimmick and the clever phrase to mask
candid Intentions.
As to the American public, there has not
been in all these long months and years of
the running Vietnamese crisis the smallest
objective evidence of "confusion" as to what
this Nation is about in Asia. Every national
poll has indicated the exact reverse. Every
one has clearly shown that the people know
quite well what we are about and that
while of course they are not madly gay about
it, they fully recognize its necessities.
To this, this columnist can add a personal
note. In a 2-week absence from Washing-
ton "out in the country" it seemed plain that
the only people really "confused" are that
minority of breastbeaters in Congress who
profess endless "confusion" to avoid facing
up to the central truth that we are in Viet-
nam simply because it Is our duty to be there
as the leader and guardian of the free world.
There is a time for the fullest debate, even
for dog-in-the-manger debate, and for the
longest and most pompous of "teach-ins."
And these, Heaven knows, we have had in full
measure. Then there Is a time for a halt
to logic-chopping and emotionalized appeals
for a "peace" that would mean surrender
and a betrayal of our responsibilities on this
earth. This time has now arrived. For now,
undeniably and beyond further quibbling,
the United States of America Is at war.
The House Republicans who covered Mr.
Johnson's shortage of Democratic resources
in that branch were 21 in number on the
final vote, 221 to 203, by which the States
may no longer ban labor-management con-
tracts that make union membership a condi-
tion of keeping a job. If 10 of these Repub-
licans had voted the other way, the tally
would have been 213 to 211 In favor of pre-
serving the State authority-to ban or to per-
mit such contracts that is reserved to them
in section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act.
But, though the 21 Republicans are distrib-
uted among 8 States, 12 of them repre-
sent districts in New York and Pennsylvania.
So that these would have been sufficient to
make up the Democratic deficit on the repeal
proposal, even if they had not been joined
by three from Ohio, two from Massachusetts,
and one from New Jersey, Wisconsin, Wash-
ington, and Maine, respectively. Conse-
quently, the workers in 19 right-to-work
States, who now-the Senate concurring-
will have to join a union to hold their jobs
if their employers and their plant unions so
contract, have New York and Pennsylvania
Republicans in the House to thank for it.
All but two of the GOP firemen who saved
the Democratic President's child were so
dedicated to their mission that they trampled
on one of their most loudly professed princi-
ples on the way up the ladder. The other
19 opposed the motion of Minority Leader
FORD, of Michigan, to recommit the repeal
legislation because, under the "gag rule"
Imposed by the majority leadership, no
amendments could even be considered. This
"gag rule" was President Kennedy's ground
in 1961 for proposing to enlarge the Rules
Committee to prevent its use by the biparti-
san conservative committee majority at the
time. On that ground his proposal was saved
from defeat in the Democratic House by the
Republican bloc that made possible the re-
peal of section 14(b) this week through the
employment of the identical "gag rule."
This inconsistency enabled the Republican
bloc, the President and the Democrats who
voted for repeal to avoid taking a position
on these propositions: to exempt from com-
pulsory unionism the workers whose religion
forbade it; to deny the benefit to unions
which practice discrimination against Ne-
groes, or use their funds for political pur-
poses. A vote on such amendments was
denied the House on the wholly specious,
but authorized gag rule holding that they
were "nongermane."
Frustrated once again by defections from
their own ranks in the effort to establish a
political opposition in fact, the minority
leaders of the House face the same prospect
in the next attempt. This, now being gen-
erated by Representative LAIRD, of Wisconsin,
is to attack the President's position that the
costs of the escalation of the war in Viet-
nam can be financed without any restriction
on business as usual, and without any se-
rious reduction of the present and planned
program for the welfare State he has named
the Great Society. According to LAIRD'S rough
estimate, the total amount of new spending,
largely for this purpose, in all the admin-
istration's money bills now pending in Con-
gress is $8.86 billion. He wants to establish
a minority party from behind proposals to
reduce some of these appropriations and
defer the grant of others.
His concept is that this is a prudent fiscal
cost for a Government which is progressively
escalating its military force in what the Pres-
ident conceded the other day is actual "war,"
and maintaining meanwhile a huge mili-
tary establishment as a deterrent to Com-
munist aggression in other parts of the world.
United Stak%at_Wav-'Time To Beat
Drums, Not Breasts
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, if there is
any confusion or misunderstanding in
the United States over our objectives and
aims in southeast Asia, it is among those
clamoring so loudly for negotiations
and withdrawal-the peace-at-any-price
crowd. This is made quite clear in the
following column by William S. White
that appeared in the Monday, August 2,
1965, Washington Post:
(By William S. White)
As the fog of war thickens over Vietnam,
where by any standard a major American
action at arms is now unfolding, other fogs
of quite different ilk are lifting here at home.
The national atmosphere, though un-
doubtedly more dangerous than before, is at
all events now burned free of a great deal of
vaporous nonsense.
No longer can it be denied by any respon-
sible public official or private man that the
most vital of American interests are involved
In this struggle against Asian Communist
aggression. If 125,000 American troops
standing in Vietnam are not enough to give
somber refutation to this sort of pettifog-
ging, there is In addition the solemn dec-
laration of the President--of the United
States: "* * * this Is really war."
No longer can it be suggested by any re-
sponsible American, public or private, that
this country is somehow unreasonably re-
fusing to "negotiate" with a Communist in-
vader who a score of times has'scorned any
honorable discussion-and still does.
No longer can it be suggested by any re-
sponsible American, public or private, that
the purposes and motives of the United
States in Asia are somehow hidden and ar-
cane and that the people of the United
States are terribly, terribly "confused."
The position of the Government of the
United States has, in President Johnson's
address to the Nation by wo.y of his press
conference, again and for the umpteenth
time been made plain as the noonday sun.
We are determined to honor the pledges of
three American Presidents to the people of
South Vietnam. We seek no melodramatic
total "victory." We seek only an end to ag-
gression and invasion and a decent peace
decently guaranteed. But these aims we not
merely pursue but also demand; and these
aims we shall achieve, come what might.
It is not we who will determine how big
the war must get. It Is the Communist ad-
versary. And every American can only pro-
foundly hope that our little band of fringe
Democratic Senators crying "peace" where
there is no peace will give that adversary no
further cause to believe that this Nation
really does not mean what it says when it
says that aggression upon South Vietnam has
got to stop.
Of all the moonshine so long spread by
avowedly "liberal" splinters in the Senate
In the Nation: The Administration's
GOP Salvage Corps
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. SCHNEEBELI. Mr. Speaker, on
August 1, Arthur Krock, the famed New
York Times columnist included com-
ments on a very current and pertinent
subject. I commend to my colleagues his
able presentation of a subject that
seriously concerns the national welfare:
(By Arthur Krock)
NEWPORT, R.I., July 31.-The price de-
manded of President Johnson by organized
labor for its Intensive support, which mate-
rially contributed to his sweep of urban
areas in 1964, was the repeal of section 14(b)
of the Taft-Hartley Act. But the crowning
political irony is that when the President
was unable to liquidate his IOU with his
Democratic resources in Congress, the deficit
was supplied by Republicans.
This was the cream of the jest which des-
ignates the Republicans as the party of the
opposition, though it failed to attract much
notice because it has happened so often be-
fore; and because the Republicans who have
salvaged key legislative proposals of the Ken-
nedy and Johnson administrations from de-
feat in overwhelming Democratic Congresses
are usually the same individuals. But this
Republican rescue act was something very
special, considering the basic issues pre-
sented, and the general knowledge that repeal
of the State right-to-work laws was repay-
ment to organize labor of a promissory note
Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300190002-7
August' 2, Y965 roved For.j6Ve&I8/114i-11I3 67A
Ln13,p's argument for his plan is that it is many of the children come from families
lecesstry to awaken the American people
to the, realities of U.S. commitments that
lie believes the President's assurances of busi-
ness as usual, and so forth, have submerged
in the popular `consciousness.
The rough total of $8.86 billion is not all
designed for welfare programs of the Great
Society but the following, some of which
LAIRD hopes the congressional minority will
unite with him to reduce, are, antipoverty,
'`$1.9 billion; housing, $1.56 billion; educa-
tion, $1.876 billion. Also projected is an
appropriation of $2.7 billion for river and
harbor construction and improvement that
it would be in line with LAmD'S reasoning. to
But the breakdown of the list of the House
Republicans who, in varying but sufficient
numbers, have saved key measures on which
the last two Democratic administrations
gained and retained the party in national
power, leaves small if any prospect that they
will make an exception of LAIRD'S proposal.
To become a political opposition in the tradi-
tional and effective sense, the Republican
party must first become a cohesive and coura-
geous minority. And that day is not even in
Bureau County War on Poverty Goes Well
Beyond Poor
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, Bureau
County is a rural area in my 18th Con-
gressional District. It has recently begun
to participate in Project Head Start.
This program was intended for the poor.
An article which appeared in the Peoria
Journal Star, July 30, 1965, however, in-
dicates that OEO has deemed otherwise.
Mr. $hriver has a habit of reading the
law and then doing what he pleases.
The above mentioned article follows:
(By John Bell)
A front of the war on poverty has been ex-
tended beyond the poor in Bureau County.
The v.8. Office of Economic Opportunity is
financing a head start program for kinder-
garten-aged children in that county even
though the children aren't poverty cases.
They are simply boys and girls who live in
school districts which don't operate kinder-
Over 150 children are enrolled in nine
classes of the six Head Start centers in
Bureau County. Requirements for admis-
sion provide only that participants must be
ready to enter first grade this fall and live in
a grade school area which has no kinder-
Head Start is one division in the Federal
Government's war on poverty. It is intended
to help preschool children pf the poor to
learn skills and gain experiences that will
help them when they begin school. It is
hoped that the program will help reduce
school dropouts.
Normally the Head Start projects are in-
tended for, areas where at least 85 percent
of the families have an average annual in-
come of less then $3,000.
Joseph Newcomer, Bureau County superin-
tendent of schools and sponsor of this Head
Start program, said he got special permission
from Washington to start it even though
mission was granted, he said, because Bureau
County has so few kindergartens of its own.
Newcomer reasoned with the Office of Eco-
nomic Opportunity that without the kinder-
garten training these children will receive
in Head Start classes they would have been
"culturally deprived."
He also cited a clause in the application
that denies anyone administering the pro-
gram the power to discriminate on the basis
of race, color, or creed and argued that nei-
ther should administrators be permitted to
discriminate on the basis of a family's in-
Princeton, the county seat, has three pub-
lic kindergartens and therefore has none of
the Child Development Centers, as they are
called by Head Start people. Single classes
are held in the cities of Bureau, Arlington
and Wyanet, with two classes each in Spring
Valley, Manlius, and Ohio.
Director of the program is William Elmen-
dorf, a Bradley graduate who teaches speech
at Hall Township High School in Spring Val-
ley during the regular school year.
Elmendorf said the program is intended
to help the child go as far as he can with
the skills he learns in the kindergarten-
type classes. The popular conception of
kindergarten as strictly a place to play is
incorrect, he said, and that many children
of the county's head start classes have ac-
quired reading readiness skills, table man-
ners, other abilities on the early first-grade
Each child development center has a
teacher, an assistant teacher who is usually
a college student majoring in primary edu-
cation, and, in most cases, a parental vol-
Director Elmendorf pointed out that all
but one, of the instructors are certificated
teachers who work in county schools during
the rest of the year. School systems don't
usually sponsor a head start program, said
Newcomer (Peoria's is sponsored by the com-
munity council) but by doing. so in Bureau
County he felt he could secure the best pos-
sible instructors.
Elmendorf said the Bureau County pro-
gram has a teacher-student ratio of about
6 to 1, enabling the instructors to spend
more time for individual attention.
The program's staff also includes a school
psychologist, speech therapist, nurse, and
music consultant. The children have been
given sight and hearing tests and medical
examinations. Lunches as required by the
State and bus transportation are provided.
The program is costing the Federal Govern-
ment $21,230 and the county $2,425.
Princeton, Depne, Ladd, Spring Valley,
Sheffield, and Buda are the only county grade
schools of the 23 which have kindergartens,
but Elmendorf predicts that other county
grade schools will soon have kindergarten
classes of their own.
"This program has stimulated a lot of
other schools into seeking the possibilities
of getting their own kindergartens, and I
think I can safely say that there'll be more
public kindergartens in this county soon,"
he said.
International Youth Leadership Training
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. McGRATH. Mr. Speaker,. there
is presently in progress at Camp Thun-
derbird, N. Mex., one of the most unique
and important "people to people" pro-
grams in which Americans have ever
been engaged. It is the international
youth leadership training course, in
which 40 young leaders from 15 nations
in Asia, Africa, and Latin America are
being taught the essentials of directing
national youth-work programs.
The international youth leadership
course has been established unler the
auspices of Sports International and
Youth for Development, a private, non-
profit organization dedicated to foster-
ing youth development on an interna-
tional level through youth leadership
and sports training programs.
I am proud to note that the founder
and director of Sports International and
Youth for Development is a constituent
of mine in New Jersey's Second District,
Dr. David Dichter, of Atlantic City, a
former athlete and former U.S. Informa-
tion Agency officer. Since its incorpora-
tion in Febuary 1963, Sports Interna-
tional and Youth for Development has
been about the important work of ex-
changing athletic and youth leadership
know-how quietly and without fanfare.
Sports International and Youth for
Development has sponsored annual pro-
grams for foreign track and field ath-
letes who visited the United States to
"learn by doing" at American colleges,
universities, and high schools. These
programs, cosponsored by the host in-
stitutions and the U.S. Department of
Sta'',e, have proven of great benefit to the
foreign trainees and have resulted in
tangible improvements of the U.S. image
in participating countries, Dr. Dichter
reports. In helping emerging nations
achieve the pride of nationalism with-
out hostility, the programs help make
clear that there is no inbred Western
superiority in athletics-that excellence
ie achieved through hard work.
Avariety of programs has been
launched by Sports International and
Youth for Development in its relatively
short existence and still other, even more
far reaching, are contemplated. But
the international youth leadership train-
ing course underway in New Mex-
ico is truly worthy of attention, I feel.
While the United States has long rec-
ognized the importance of individual ini-
tiative and dynamic leadership in na-
tional life, the international youth
leadership training course is the first
program of its kind to develop self-reli-
ance, initiative, and confidence in for-
eign youth leaders.
Since World War II ended, there has
been a growing interest among newly
independent and developing nations in
utilizing their young people for national
development work. Youth of these na-
tions now play important roles in many
nation-building tasks. Sports Interna-
tional and Youth for Development feels
it is essential that their youth leaders
be able to cope with critical economic
problems they face, such as rural back-
wardness, rapid urban growth, and seri-
ous underemployment. The IYLTC was
devised to provide exactly such prepara-
"Learn by doing" is the program's
underlying philosophy. Its threefold
program includes classroom instruction
Approved For Release 2003/11/04 CIA-RDP67B00446R000300190002-7
Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300190002-7
on the role and mission of a youth lead- The editorial, which comments on Red
er; technical instruction on such actual China's relationship to the Vietnam situ
work projects as building roads, laying ation, points out that hunger, as well as
telephone lines, rearing fish in ponds as political ideology, can often be a cause
a food source, building small dams and of war.
schools, and so forth; and instruction There are some in the United States,
on how to utilize the physical challenge as the editorial notes,: who argue that
of outdoor living in developing conflfree world nations should not be supply-
dence. lug food to Red China. However, as the
After completing a 3-month course editorial also points out, southeast Asia
in New Mexico, the foreign leaders should can be a source of food for hungry Chi-
skills, be competent physical fitness in-
structors, and possess necessary self-
confidence to effectively administer na-
tional youth service corps programs.
Not only will they be competent orga-
nizers, skilled in imparting discipline and
espirit de corps, but by their example
they will also foster better citizenship
in their own young people.
The program's instructors are among
the world's most experienced and re-
spected in the youth leadership training
field. They include the former director
of a Pease Corps training camp in Puerto
Rico, a national official of England's
Outdoor Activities Council, the Peace
Corps director in Guatemala, and a for-
mer director of the Agency for Interna-
tional Development's youth conservation
program in Turkey. They are joined by
experts from the U.S. Forestry Service,
the Soil Conservation Service, the Bu-
reau of Fisheries and Wildlife, CARE,
"Food for Peace," and the Population
Because of its immediate practical na-
ture, this Sports International and
Youth for Development program will
doubtless enjoy widespread applicability
in the nations of the participants. As
the 40 youth leaders who are spending
the summer in New Mexico put into prac-
tice the experience they are acquiring,
the International Youth Leadership
Training Course will amply demonstrate
its effectiveness as a vehicle for harness-
ing the energy and enthusiasm of youth
in Asia, Africa and Latin America for
productive, nation-building tasks.
At the same time, Mr. Speaker, I feel
this program is a tribute to the willing-
ness and ability of American citizens to
dig in and do something to improve con-
ditions in other parts of the world on a
private basis and at a people-to-people
level. Dr. Dichter and his colleagues de-
serve the admiration of _411-Americans.
can editorial comments:
In trying to balance a variety of contro-
versial opinions, the United States must plan
on stopping Chinese military aggressions
into southeast Asia. But at the same time
the United States must help the Chinese
people to get food.
The editorial discusses matters that
merit close study and, under leave to
extend my remarks, I hereby include it
in the RECORD:
As the Vietnam war grows more serious,
it is necessary that the American people and
their leaders give more consideration to Red
China. Many Americans assume that, in
fighting the Red guerrillas in South Vietnam,
we are actually at war with Red China. It
is definite that China support North Viet-
nam in the present war.
Ambassador Lodge, recently returned' to
second hitch in South Vietnam, said in a
recent interview that China is supplying the
weapons and ammunition to' the Red guer-
rillas in South Vietnam and that China
originally got these weapons from Russia.
This would mean outdated weapons in a
sense but-the guerrillas use them effectively.
Lodge also says that up to now, since the
United States has actually been losing in the
war, China sees no reason to enter the war
actively and is perfectly willing to furnish
the weapons while the guerrillas pay a heavy
price in the brutal fighting.
This is the, best answer available on what
China is doing in the Vietnam war and it
may be considered official. Actually, the
American people know very little about Red
China and what it is doing In the war.
China has had a long and unfortunate
history of droughts and famines. while its
population continues to grow by leaps and
bounds. This is probably the chief reason
why it is a Communist nation today. Re-
liable reports show that in about seven of
the Chinese Provinces a severe drought pre-
vailed from November to April and so the
wheat crop in all this area is very short.
Even in Manchuria, the only section of China
that produces surplus food, drought prevailed
until May. Iowa farmers will be interested
in the fact that China's soybean crop this
got off to
C"' '` year
due to widespread drought
Marshalitowff -Tits-Republican Com- a poor start,
meats on Red China and the Vietnam Free nations ship big quantities of wheat
e ax such shipments
and this
d Chia
amomit to about 6,200,000 tons. Canada,
Australia and Argentina are the chief sup-
pliers of wheat to China and in 4 years China
got wheat amounting to half of the annual
crop in the United States.
The Sioux City Journal commented
recently that free nations seem to be feeding
the enemy while we fight them. Some sin-
cere Americans say we ought to sell them
wheat as much American wheat does reach
Monday, August 2, 1965
China through Canada.
Mr. BANDSTRA. Mr. Speaker, I If Americans try to figure out why Red
would like to call the attention of my China is backing a war in South Vietnam,
fellow Members to a perceptive editorial there are fertile lands in South Vietnam, in
from the July 27, 1965, issue of the Mar- urma and most of people Asia and
need China's hordes s of hungry y peoplle need that
shailtown Times-Republican of Mar- food. China takes communism along with
shalltown, Iowa. it, but in trying to block the spread of com-
niunism in southeast Asia, the United State.
Is also blocking the hungry Chinese from a
natural outlet to get more food. It is a
tough decision for Americans to make.
It is such dilemmas as the millions of
starving Chinese which lead some very sin.-
cere leaders to urge some friendly approach
to Red China. The noted historian, Arnold
J. Toynbee, voices such a plea in the current
Saturday Evening Post, bearing the title,
"We Must Woo Red China."
In trying to balance a variety of contro?-
versial opinions, the United States must plan
on stopping Chinese military aggressions
into southeast Asia. But at the same time
the United States must help the Chinese
people to get food.
Until China starts sending armies into
southeast Asia, or using nuclear weapons in
that area, the United States should not try
to stop our allies from shipping wheat and
other food to China. Shipments of U.S.
wheat to China through Canadian traders
should not be stopped. One of the Nation's
best historians, teaching in Iowa, has a book
which purports to show that hunger is the
thing that will drive Red nations to start a
world war--will surely drive them to do it.
Experts say China can hardly send a big
army into southeast Asia but its leaders may
try in time. Various reports express a fear
of China when it has a supply of nuclear
weapons. A recent report shows that China
is building submarines that can fire missiles
to the U.S. mainland. China is big, tough,
and enigmatic and its propaganda against
the white race is its most dangerous weapon
at the present time.
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. POWELL. Mr. Speaker, today
August 2, Jamaica celebrates the third
anniversary of her independence. On
this occasion, therefore, I wish to extend
warm felicitations to His Excellency
Alexander Bustamente, the Prime Min-
ister of Jamaica; and to His Excellency
Sir Neville Noel Ashenheim, the Jamai-
can Ambassador to the United States.
Jamaica's emergence from British
colonial status into independence made
her the first new state in the Western
Hemisphere since the beginning of this
century and the 14th member of the
Commonwealth. Jamaica is a stable
multiracial society with a history of
democratic institutions. The Jamaican
Government's efforts to industrialize
were called laudatory in an article which
appeared in the New York Times in
January of this year.
To overcome the most pressing prob-
lems-a lack of investment capital and
technical know-how-the Government
offers incentives to new enterprises.
The incentive law permits duty-free im-
ports of machinery for manufacturing
plants and of raw materials for products
earmarked for export. One hundred
and fifty of the 1,000 plants operating
on the- island came into being with the
help of the incentive laws. The incen-
tive program was aided by Jamaica's
stable currency.
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,flu ics1, 2_ 1 -~~roved For ~;~ ~~1vlq1~1: t ~L7BAONJ r3R300190002-7
the programs for the principal grain crops- modity programs, which in recent years have
wheat, rice, and feed grains. The administra- averaged close to $4 billion (#1,428 million)
tion sponsored temporary legislation for the a year.
1964 and 3965 wheat crops, which requires The feed grain program, like the wheat
marketing certificates for wheat, For the tax originally a temporary measure, is up
1965 p, in. and other processors must for a 4-year renewal; its basic aim has been
buy ertlficates valued at 15 cents (5 shit- to divert acreage out of key feed grains and
lings 4 J4 pence) it bushel for wheat con- though feed grain stocks, have been reduced
sumed domestically. Domestic annual con- by some 30 million tons n the last 4 years,
sumption of wheat is estimated at about 500 it has proved to be very expensive. The
million bushels, thus yielding an estimated total expenditure amounts to nearly -$3.7
amount of $375 million (f184 million), billion (#1,321 million), equivalent to about
which in turn is paid to wheatgrowers com- $3.65 (26 shillings) for each bushel reduced.
plying with the program. The75-cent domes- The success of+ the scheme has further been
tic certificate payment (only-25 cents for ex- reduced as prices have continued to be sup-
port certificates) on top of the $1.25 price ported at levels attractive enough to spur
support loan provides producers with a 'total farmers on to increase yields on the remain-
support of $2 (14 shillings 31/4 pence) per Ing acreage. Consequently, there seems an
bushel on wheat consullned, domestically, obvious need for a change in farm programs;
For the 1966 crop, the administration pro- the proposed cropland adjustment program
prises to raise the cost of domestic wheat to can play a vital role In retiring whole farms
$2.50 a bushel by increasing the price of out of surplus production, provided that the
domestic certificates to $1.25 but to discon- land is not used for other crops; efforts
tinue the export certificate, For the same toward providing better training for farm
500 million bushels of, wheat made into people to speed their successful adjustment
bread, ffour, and other products, consumers in industrial or service occupations area a
would be paying $$25 million (#223 million) move in the right direction and need to be
in processing taxes, expanded. But any new program should
Since millers and baking companies al- work toward gradually bringing about a
ready operate on extremely thin margins, shift of resources and an adjustment of farm
the cost must ultimately be passed on to production to permit , the Government to
consumers in higher prices. This is why reduce sharply its costly intervention hi
the aomgsjic mar'aPtirlg certificates as a bread
to an excise tax. Certain excise taxes, in- No Reasonable
cluding those on furs and jewelry,, repealed
$618 million (#220 million) in fiscal 1966,
that is roughly equal to the projected ' 1966
yield of the wheat tax of $625 million.
Moreover, while these taxes were typically
assessed at rates of 10 to 20 percent, the in-
creased wheat tax `would amount to roughly
100 percent of the basic farm price, thus
almost dou_blk, the price to the miller. The
Agricultural secretary, Orville Freeman, es=
timated that the new programs for wheat
and rice would raise the cost of .,food 3,6
cents (3%4 pence) a week or $1.87 (13 shil-
lings, 434 pence) a year per capita, but he
stressed that this aluuld not cause any
hardship as over the past 4 years the take-
home pay of the average family has sharply
increased. However, this hardly justifies
prise increases in the necessities of life.
A wheat tax undoubtedly strikes hardest
at the poor;; the lower the family's income
the higher is the consumption of wheat
products. This was confirmed by the Agri-
cultural Department's survey of household
food consumption conducted in 1955, and a
similar survey 1s underway this year. The
incongruity of imposing such a regressive
tax at .a time when the administration is
stressing an antipoverty war needs no em-
phasis. It also contrasts with the President's
promise of additional income tax cuts for
"those taxpa'That. rs who now live in the shadow
of poverty." the aim in increasing the
wheat-processing ax is to provide a better
income, for, firmers.has .been revealed to be, the national debate on Vietnam pol-article by to the in a Budget t Director, Saturday KerReviewmit t Gordon, , ley, and for his wise support of firmness
the former, who stated that 80 percent of U.S. assistance against Communist aggression in south-
goes to the 1 million farmers whose average east Asia.
income exceeds $9,500, while the other. 20 Because of my belief that this article
percent of assistance is spread thinly among will be of interest to my colleagues, I in-
the remaining 21/a million, The farms that elude it at this point as it appeared in
produce most of the Nation's food and fiber? the Milwaukee Journal of August 1, 1965:
no 10.~ er f'" into the lowest one-third oY
the 1' atlon's" t1come distribution, and though No ALTERNATIVE IN VIETNAM: POTENTIAL
their success is not completely independent- Carrie TELLS WHY
of Government commodity programs, these (NoTE.-Last week as President Johnson
programs are no longer a means of distribut- announced large new commitments of U.S.
tug income to the neediest groups in the troops to the war on Vietnam, the public de-
population. However, the administration in bate over the administration's foreign pol-
shiftingthe wheat subsidy from the taxpayer icy continued. A teach-in at the University
to the, consumer makes it possible to show a of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a public hear-
reduction in Federal budget outlays for com- Ing conducted by Representative KASTEN-
mmm, Democrat of Wisconsin, in Madison
were among the activities. In the following
article, John Fischer, editor in. chief of
Harper's magazine, tells why he must differ
with some of his fellow intellectuals and sup-
port the administration policy. The excerpt
is reprinted by special permission from the
August issue of the magazine, just released.)
I should be listed as a potential critic of
the administration's foreign policy. I share
a good deal of the uneasiness expressed re-
cently by scores of other writers, artists, and
professors, many of them my friends. But
perhaps not for the same reasons. I am wor-
ried about our Involvements in Vietnam, for
example, because basic American strategic
doctrine ever since Admiral Mahan has held
that we should never commit a major land
force to combat on the Asiatic mainland, No-
body-certainly not President Johnson-has
so far offered a conclusive argument that
this doctrine has suddenly become obsolete.
Consequently it seems quite possible that
the United States map soon and itself with
a large share of its ready divisions bogged
down indefinitely-in a corner of Asia re-
mote from the enemy's vital centers, and
facing the vastly more numerous manpower
of China and its, satellites. That coui4 leave
us stripped of the power needed to cope with
a possible 'Communist .thrust into Europe,
the Middle, East, India, or Latin America.
Yet I have refused jo,sign any of the mani-
festos attacking the administration's policy
in Vietnam and Santo Domingo. For the
a--e-,` time being, at least, I remain only a poten-
in Vietnam tial critic-for reasons indicated below.
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Speaker, in the
wake of the criticism which has been lev-
eled at U.S. policy in Vietnam by seg-
xi~ents of the Nation's intellectual com-
munity, it was refreshing to read an ar-
ticle by the editor of one of the Nation's
most prestigious journals, Mr. John
Fischer of the Atlantic Monthly.
After giving the Vietnam situation a
careful and reasoned assessement, Mr.
Fischer has determined that the Presi-
dent's policies are the only reasonable
alternative. Unlike some intellectuals,
he has not allowed his emotions to sway
him into advocating withdrawal from
Be rightly points out that the only
hope of ultimately "taming" China lies
in containing its expansionist tendencies
in Asia.
At Speaker, I want to commend Mr.
Fischer for the insi
hts he has brou
In the case of Vietnam, I would feel freer
to criticize if I could -think of a reasonable
alternative. None has been suggested, so
far as I can discover, by the teach-in pro-
fessors or the other intellectuals and artists
who have been shouting "Hands off Viet-
nam." A slogan is not a policy; and they
have not said what, exactly, they would do
if they were sitting behind Johnson's desk.
After all, he didn't get us into the mess.
He inherited it, from Eisenhower and Ken-
nedy. If he simply pulled out all American
troops, as some of his critics urge, he would
not only be betraying an ally (and who would
ever trust us then?), but he almost certainly
would be turning over all of southeast Asia
to the Chinese. They have, remember, al-
ways moved south whenever China was ruled
by a strong dynasty.
Those who talk about "the moral issue"
don't specify what is so moral about extin-
guishing the nascent democracies of Malaysia
and India, or abandoning Thailand and Bur-
ma to foreign domination. And those who
have any doubt about the intentions of the
Chinese Communists toward these targets
simply haven't paid attention to what Chair-
man Mao has been saying these many years-
or how he has behaved in conquered Tibet.
The more moderate critics beg Johnson to
try harder to negotiate a peaceful settle-
ment-but, again, they don't say how. At
this writing the North Vietnam Government
and its Chinese allies have rejected every
plea for negotiations-from the British, Ca-
nadians, French, as well as the White House.
Indeed, I can't see why they should con-
sider negotiation, on any terms whatever,
until September at the earliest. Undoubt-
edly they think they are winning the battle
on the ground. If their rainy season offen-
sive does overwhelm the South Vietnamese
army and drives out or demolishes the Ameri-
can contingents (as the French were demol-
ished at Dienbienphu) then they will have a
political triumph far more resounding than
anything they could possibly win by negotia-
tions. So why not try for it?
If the offensive fails, they can always ne-
gotiate later-and against opponents wearier
and probably more driven by internal disa-
greements than they are now. (The peace
demonstrations in this country probably en-
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courage the Communists in this intransi-
gence, since they inevitably interpret them
as evidence of American weakness and fal-
tering nerve.)
So the best the administration can hope
for, apparently, is that the Saigon troops,
with our support, can hold until the rains
and heavy fighting stop. It may be a near
thing. Indeed, it is entirely possible that
either the South Vietnam Government or a
considerable part of its army or both, may
collapse before these words are in print,, so
at least, I am told by observers with long
experience in that country.
But there also is a reasonable chance this
will not happen-largely because our bomb-
ing of the North Vietnamese bridges, roads,
and railways makes it difficult for the Com-
munists to move In and to supply in pro-
longed combat any considerable number of
regular Red divisions.
Without such additional stiffening from
the north, the present Vietcong offensive is
by no means certain to succeed. It will in-
Met heavy losses on us and our South Viet-
namese allies; but the Vietcong losses are
likely to be at least as large. And when a
guerrilla force-any guerrilla force-suffers
heavy and continuing casualties, without a
major victory in return, its morale is likely
to get pretty fragile; witness what happened
in Poland and Russia during the early years
of World War II, and in the unsuccessful
Communist guerrilla wars against the Phil-
ippines and Malaya.
If, then, the Communists' summer cam-
paign ends in a bloody deadlock, they may
at last be willing to open negotiations,
secretly and through a third power.
More probably, however, the fighting will
simply dwindle away into an unspoken
armistice. For, throughout their history, the
Marxist states have always been reluctant to
negotiate a formal cease fire except under
two, conditions: (1) When they are con-
vinced that further fighting will cost them
more than they can gain and (2) when they
are pretty sure that they can win more at
the conference table than on the battlefield.
Such is the doctrine laid down by Lenin,
and followed faithfully by his disciples all
the way from Trotsky's 1918 negotiations at
Brest Litovsk up to Tito at Trieste, the
Chinese at Panmunjom, and the Pathet Lao
in Laos.
Today, with the Russians and Chinese in
desperate competition for leadership of the
world Communist movement, it'has become
harder than ever for either camp to admit
publicly that it is abandoning a "war of na-
tional liberation." Consequently, when the
Vietcong and their big brothers to the north
finally are convinced that they can't win,
they probably will just stop fighting-as the
Communist guerrillas did in Malaya, in
Greece, in the Philippines, and in Vene-
zuela-always with the thought that they
may start again on a more auspicious day.
Such a lull could come this winter-or in
2 years, or 5. (In Malaya, after all, it took
10 years for the guerrillas to get discour-
aged.) And any slackening of American
resolution or military pressure is likely mere-
ly to delay the coming of such a temporary
de facto peace.
For genuine peace in Asia does not seem
possible so long as the Chinese revolution
remains in its virulent, aggressive stage.
Chairman Mao urgently needs to get control
of the surplus rice production in southeast
For the time being, therefore, any attempt
to conciliate him is almost certainly hope-
less. Even if the United States were to with-
draw entirely from the Pacific arena, his
need for a major adversary would still re-
He probably would find it in Russia.
India and the other border states are too
impotent to look like convincing bugaboos;
they are more likely to be cast in the role of
quick and easy victims.
Someday the Chinese revolution can be
expected to cool off, as the Russian revolu-
tion did; and then it may be possible for
"There is not the slightest doubt," he
wrote, "that if America withdraws and leaves
southeast Asia to itself, Communist China
will advance and seize the continent. All
the people of Asia will soon be intimidated
to pay homage to the Communist Parties in
each of the regions of Asia. * * * There is
no hope for freedom of thought in Asia if
the hegemony, if not the empire, of China,
is established."
other countries to deal with China on some- Justice Goldberg to the United Nations
thing like normal diplomatic terms. Mean-
while, for perhaps a generation, the pros-
pect for Asia is continual turmoil and blood-
Nothing America can do will prevent it.
But a policy of patient, steadfast contain-
ment might hasten its end, helping to bring
the Chinese revolution a little earlier into
its mature, less bellicose stage. In the case
of Russia, such a policy has worked very well
Indeed-a fact easy to forget in the midst of
our current troubles. All it took was 20
years of unremitting diplomatic, economic
and military effort.
The lessons of history, therefore, seem to
suggest that Johnson's basic course is prob-
ably right. So far as I can see, it is the least
dangerous and ultimately the least costly of
any of the alternatives open to him. And,
as always in international affairs, a choice
of the lesser evil is about the best anyone
can hope for.
But this does not mean that the admin-
istration's day-to-day tactics should be ex-
empt from criticism. Surely Johnson has
been less than candid in explaining what we
are getting into, and why. The contradic-
tory statements flowing out of Washington
and Saigon inevitably have stirred up con-
fusion and mistrust, at home and abroad.
Domestic political considerations often
seem to weigh too heavily in Johnson's de-
cision-no doubt because his whole life has
been drenched in domestic politics, so that
he has little visceral understanding of the
way foreigners think and feel. * * *
Criticism on matters such as these is the
plain duty of the press, the political opposi-
tion, and the ordinary citizen who is inter-
ested enough to keep reasonably informed.
Johnson would do well to listen to them,
instead of howling like a cowhand with a
centipede in his boot; maybe their comments
could help him avoid fumbles in the future.
Another group of critics, however, need not
be taken too seriously. It includes many
(though not all) of the poets, pediatricians,
novelists, painters, and professors who have
been making so much noise during the last
4 months. Most of them are deeply humane
people who loathe war and wish itwould go
away. * * * They have every right, of course,
to express their views on matters of universal
concern. But their professional eminence-
Robert Lowell's in poetry, Mark Rothko's in
painting, Dr. Spock's in medicine-does not
automatically endow them with wisdom
about foreign policy. Here their opinions
are worth just about as much as Dean Rusk's
views on poetry or Robert McNamara's on
raising babies-which are also matters of
universal concern.
Personally I am inclined to give more
weight to the opinion of another rebellious
intellectual who in addition to his scholarly
accomplishments, has considerable experi-
ence in statecraft. He is Dr. C. Rajagopala-
chari, a leader in India's struggle for inde-
pendence, a companion of Gandhi, a pioneer
But what he needs more is a foreign enemy. in civil disobedience, and an apostle of peace.
Like other leaders of revolutions in this He also served after independence as gover-
stage-Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, even comic nor genera, of India. In a letter to the New
little Sukarno-he has found that nothing York Times of June 6, he spoke to "the best
else will serve to keep his people-keyed up, brains of America" about their "criticism
year after year, to the feverish zeal and end- and ridicule" of the President's policy in
less sacrifice which his theology demands. Vietnam.
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. CORMAN. Mr. Speaker, by ap-
pointing Supreme Court Justice Arthur
Goldberg as U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations, President Johnson has
reaffirmed our basic commitment to that
world body. Justice Goldberg is one of
America's most talented public servants,
a negotiator of unrivaled skill, and a
seasoned and able leader of men. The
Los Angeles Times, on July 21, expressed
its editorial support for the President's
outstanding nomination and, under
unanimous consent, I include that edi-
torial in the RECORD:
The voice that speaks for the United States
in the forum of the United Nations must be
articulate, persuasive, emphatic and rea-
soned. Supreme Court Justice Arthur Gold-
berg, President Johnson's choice to succeed
Adlai Stevenson as U.N. Ambassador, has
such a voice.
Mr. Johnson's selection was, of course, a
surprise. Speculation on a new Ambassador
had naturally centered on persons with ex-
perience in foreign affairs and international
diplomacy. Justice Goldberg's background,
as lawyer, union counsel, Secretary of Labor,
and High Court judge, touched but little in
these areas. Yet his other outstanding
qualifications would seem to fax outbalance
whatever lack of formal expertise he may
have in the arena of world politics.
America's Ambassador to the United
Nations, like the Ambassadors of all other
countries, is not a policymaker. Policy is
formed in the White House and State Depart-
ment, and the task of the chief U.S. repre-
sentative is to carry out these decisions, to
serve as the spokesman and, if need be, the
defender of official U.S. interests.
Justice Goldberg should be able to fulfill
this need admirably. He is, above all else,
an advocate, with great talents for present-
ing, arguing and upholding a case. His fine
legal mind and debating skills, sharpened
by years of labor negotiating, will be put to
good use in the give-and-take argumenta-
tion of the Security Council, where the U.S.
Ambassadoris most on public display.
In less open U.N. forums, in the private
meetings which are essential to the conduct
of affairs, Justice Goldberg can also be ex-
pected to carry his own. Security Council
proceedings are often adversary-type pro-
cedures, where an articulate toughness is
the first need. But in the quiet, informal
sessions where so much - of the business of
the world organization is transacted, debate
must give way to a reasoned search for con-
ciliation. The Ambassador-designate has
qualities which suit him for both kinds of
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It is probably not easy for Justice Gold-
berg to give up his place on the High Bench,
a position that had been his lifetime am-
bition, In becoming what he called our
Nation's advocate of peace in the council of
nations lre faces immense new challenges.
He carries to these challenges not only the
great prestige of his Supreme Court office,
but innate talents that give every promise of
serving him-and this Republic-well in the
years ahead.
.Project Head Start Going Wonderfully
Monday, July 26, 1965
Mr. MILLER. Mr. Speaker, President
Lyndon B. Johnson openly declared war
on poverty in America and recommended
to Congress broad programs to cope
with pockets of deprivation which exist
throughout our society today.
Congress acted with all due speed and
detailed deliberation to authorize steps
which would assist the development of
economic opportunity in America. One
of the programs which has been fostered
by this speedy attack on poverty is Proj-
ect Head Start. I am pleased to insert in
-tlle CONGRESSIONAL RECORD .an article
.from July 15 issue of the Times-Star of
Alameda, Calif., in my congressional dis-
trict, which outlines how well the head
start program is going in Alameda:
Project Head Start, designed to prepare
preschool-age children to meet the demands
soon to be placed upon them, is going won-
derfully, according to Clarence Kline, Ala-
meda's project director.
Head start, one of the programs sponsored
nationally by the Office of Economic Oppor-
tunity, is open to children who will enter
kindergarten or first grade in the fall. Na-
tionally, the program is aimed at primarily
.the less wealthy elements of the individual
communities in which it exists.
Thus far, 42 youngsters have been enrolled
in the program. Total capacity at the two
centers, located at Mastick and John Muir
Schools, is 50 children. When the program
began July 5, 37 children were enrolled.
Kline said that family visitations are being
made now, and "we have high hopes of ful-
filling the capacity by the end of the third
Kline reported that dozens of people, in-
cluding teenagers as well as older people,
have offered their aid to the program. In
addition, there are 4 teachers (ultimately
to allow for 1 teacher for each 12 to 13
students) working with the youth. Three
are at the Mastick. Center and one is at John
Muir. ,
Daily activities include everything from
playing to listening to stories, working with
arts and crafts, listening to music, and tak-
ing care of plants. The children from the
Mastick group went to Ben Reimer's nursery
yesterday and after a tour of the grounds,
were each given an individual plant to care
Noting that "we still have dates available
and we will remain very flexible in our pro-
gram so we may meet the needs of the chil-
dren and opportunities available," Kline
stressed the importance of community par-
ticipation in the program. For instance, he
said that police and firemen will be re-
quested to come speak to the children at a
future date.
"Maybe the people assume the school does
it all, or they must be approached first," he
said, "but actually we would be very pleased
to have them volunteer. Any one of a num-
ber of groups has a great deal to offer these
Doctor and dentist appointments have also
been planned for the children and arrange-
ments have been made for additional ap-
pointments, if they prove necessary.
Furthermore, nutrition programs are part
of the daily schedule, allowing children to
have not only milk, juice, and cookies, but
other foods which many of them have never
seen or tasted before as well.
Expressing pleasure with the parent par-
ticipation in the program, Kline commented
that "90 percent of the parents are respond-
ing well." Meetings with the parents are
held on a regular basis, giving them an op-
portunity to discuss child development,
nutrition, the progress their children are
making, and other pertinent topics.
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. YATES. Mr. Speaker, the funeral
services for the late Governor Adlai E.
Stevenson on July 19, 1965 which were
held at the Unitarian Church of Bloom-
ington, Ill., were simple, eloquent and
beautiful in closing the last chapter of
his book of life. I append them hereto
for all members to read:
(Conducted by Robert Reed, Minister)
"In the time of trouble the Lord shall hide
me in His pavilion * * * He shall set me up
upon a rock * * * I had fainted unless I had
believed to see the goodness of the Lord in
the land of the living. Wait on the Lord;
be of good courage, and he shall strengthen
thine heart.'- (Verses from Psalm 27, Mr.
Stevenson's favorite.)
Prayer: God of all, transforming spirit
ever rising in the midst of life and in the
hearts of men, persuading us, consoling us,
and binding us to one another, our days
are black with sorrow. Our father, brother,
friend, trusted leader, knidred spirit, Adlai
E. Stevenson, is dead. His voice is silent.
And more than that for those assembled here
he looks at us, he touches us, he walks with
us no more. his wisdom and his wit, his
deep concern for everyone, great and small,
his design to serve the building of a world
of freedom, peace, and and justice-all of
these are with us still. The well is full. He
left it so. But the water is strangely altered.
Halted, humbled by this loss, a diverse peo-
ple, bringing many faiths that we would
hold as one, we turn to thee that we may
accept his dying, be freed from bondage to
despair, and see again the glory which makes
life sweet among the living even with their
dead. Amen.
Here, on the prairies of Illinois and the
Middle West, we can see a long way in all
directions. We look to east, to west, to north
and south. Our commerce, our ideas, come
and go in all directions. Here there are no
barriers, no defenses, to ideas and aspira-
tions. We want.none; we want no shackles
on the mind or the spirit, no rigid patterns
of thought, no iron conformity. We want
only the faith and conviction that triumph
in free and fair contests. (From welcoming
address, July 21, 1952).
I have Bloomington to thank for the most
important lesson I have learned * * * that
in quiet places, reason abounds * * * that
in quiet people, there is vision and purpose
* * * that many things are revealed to the
humble which are hidden from the great.
(From the courthouse square in Blooming-
ton, Ill., on the evening of September 15,
I think that one of our most important
tasks * * * is to- convince ourselves and
others-that there is nothing to fear in
difference; that difference, in fact, is one of
the healthiest and most invigorating char-
acteristics without which life would become
lifeless. Here lies the power of the liberal
way; not in making the whole world * * *
(adopt our ways), but in helping ourselves
and others to see some of the possibilities
inherent in viewpoints other than one's own:
in encouraging the free exchange of ideas;
in welcoming fresh approaches to the prob-
lems of life; in urging the fullest, most vig-
orous use of critical self-examination. (From
a fairly recently letter, last year or so, to
We travel together, passengers on a little
spaceships, dependent upon its vulnerable
reserves of air and soil; all committed for
our safety to its security and peace; pre-
served from annihilation only by the care,
the work, and I will say the love we give our
fragile craft. We cannot maintain it-half
fortunate, half miserable, half confident, half
despairing, half slave--to the ancient
enemies of man-half free in a liberation of
resources undreamed of until this day. No
craft, no crew can travel safely with such
vast contradictions. On their resolution de-
pends the survival of us all. (From Adlai
Stevenson's final speech.)
Above the broad prairies rose the fragile
vessel of a human life striving to realize the
fullness of itself. Day by day his greatness
grew from small beginnings hardly recognized
by those close by steadily to become a giant
among men everywhere. He stood among us
as a beacon light unwavering for kindly re-
lations among men, for words that took men
seriously and enabled them' to see more
clearly, for gentle humor yielding a better
perspective on things, for reason, conscience,
and self-criticism, for personal integrity, for
freedom and for justice, and for steadfast
service to peace among men.
Shall all of this be lost with the sudden
coming of his death? Dare we not instead be-
lieve that one so much involved in life as
our beloved has long since won his place
in the enduring heart of being. Dare we not
believe indeed that his being lies within us
still as a gift received by us from him, as
surely as the grief we feel today because he
has become so deeply a part of us. Dare we
not believe that even such as we may learn
more greatly to express the qualities that we
have found so dear in him. Dare we not
believe that the greatness of this man like
the glory of the illustrious sons of man be-
fore him will continue to lead us on. 0 Thou
Lord of Being-Without-End made known to
us supremely through one another, teach us
as he has taught that human life is sweet
and purposeful even though it shall be lost,
show us that we, too, may be confident of the
ways of goodness if only we will give our-
selves to doing good, and encourage us to
serve more fully in ourselves the virtues dis-
closed in him. Amen.
May each of us live as a binder together of
those who are divided, an encourager of
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those who are friends, a peacemaker, a lover
of peace, impassioned for peace, a speaker
of words that make for peace. (From tradi-
tional Buddhist writings.)
The T,ord bless you and keep you.
The Lord deal kindly and graciously with
The Lord bestow his favor upon you and
grant you peace. (From 19'ti2 Jewish Pub-
lication Society of America translation of
"The Torah,")
A Taravxs To ADLAI STrvsNSON
(By Dr. Dana McLean Greeley, President,
Unitarian Universalist Association)
The very presence of this company speaks
more eloquently and more tenderly than
anything that we can say or sing. But here
in the community and the church of his
childhood and of lifelong associations, we
pay to Governor Stevenson our most inti-
mate and final tribute, In a time of lasting
bereavement for all mankind.
Many of those who have loved him the
longest and most dearly are with us, yet the
larger, company at Washington's National
Cathedral bowed as reverently in his honor;
and statesmen and the common people alike,
the world around have taken him to their
hearts, and will mold his memory into their
own image of the best life and prophecy of
America in the 20th century.
Adlat Stevenson was destined by his
heritage and his own nature for public serv-
ice. And although in moments he shrank
from that role, he also thrived upon It. It
was at once a bitter cup that he had to
drink, and the elixir of life that lifted him
to the fulfillment of his ovm powers. Be
may not have thought that he had accomp-
liabed enough, for there were disappoint-
ments, public and private, and yet unmis-
takably he was called to greatness; and the
God that shines in the firmament of the
heavens was radiant in his person and reso-
nant in his voice. Neither ancient Israel nor
modern New York could produce a more
articulate spokesman for justice and the
right. If Winston Churchill could turn a
phrase as well, It was not to liquidate the
empire, but to keep the past upon her
throne, whereas Governor Stevenson under-
took the tougher task primarily of persuad-
ing. a nation to minimize its sovereignty and
to merge Its hopes and fears with those of
other nations. In his own words his at-
tempt was "to defrost a segment of the
opaque window through which we see others
and others see us," and thereby to increase
understanding and fraternity among men.
He added very recently that change is not
the greatenemy of man, but violence is that
enemy. If political success is to raise the
level of the national debate and of the
world's dialog; to make truly qualified peo-
ple feel more at home in public life, and to
influence one's country and mankind for
good, then he achieved success emphatically
and dramatically. We shall remember his
combination of greatness and goodness.
We salute him for his modesty and his
ambition, for his ability and his affability,
for his wisdom and his wit, and for his fail-
ures and his successes. His mind was extra-
ordinarily free from prejudice, and subservi-
ent to the truth, If at times he seemed to
take longer to make decisions, it was because
he sought the moral context for the work-
able answer.
He was a philosopher and a politician. All
men counted with him, but none too much.
He was an American, but he died in England.
He was a Democrat, but his family newspa-
per, of which he was a part owner, Is Re-
publican. He was a Unitarian, but in our
capitol his flag-draped casket lay fittingly
before an ecumenical Episcopal altar. In the
climax of his career he was an Ambassador
to the United Nations, with strong convic-
tions of his own, and with an unflinching
fidelity to his country and his President.
If there ever seemed to be contradictions in
his life, Emerson's explanation is applicable,
"to be great is to be misunderstood." He
was not just an American or only a Dem-
ocrat, or exclusively a Unitarian or solely
an Ambassador. He was also always the
universal citizen. His patriotism was in-
tense, but it had no bounds. His politics
were both purposeful and personal. And
the cardinal principles of his religion were
freedom and human dignity.
My friend and colleague Robert Richard-
son reminds me that their great-grandfather
Jesse Fell, would be very proud to have us say
that the Governor was truly Lincolnesque in
his idealism, his integrity, his compassion,
and his humor, as well as in his love of the
State of Illinois. He was a devoted son, and
brother, and father. He was a loyal friend.
And he was a servant to all the children of
men. In that distant day when nobody
rattles a saber and nobody drags a chain, his
name will shine with an ever-increasing
He understood not only democracy and
communism, but likewise the moving forms
and shadows of a world revolution. He was
not cowed by complexity, but kept his eye on
the goals that he knew to be worth every
effort that could be bent in their direction.
He believed in a better world that we our-
selves can and must create here an now.
A decade ago, with his friend Albert
Schweitzer and Prime Minister Nehru, he was
a prophetic advocate of a nuclear test ban
treaty. How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him that publisheth peace.
G. X. Chesterton once said that if we only
had more visionaries among our statesmen,
we might get something really practical done.
Adlal Stevenson was that kind of a statesman.
Thought there was a poignancy in his life
that matched the hungers of his heart and
the sensitiveness of his being, he had a faith
that was greater than any problem or perils
or defeat. And he was able to say with Esdras
"Great is the truth and mighty above all
"The memorial of virtue is immortal be-
cause it is known with God and with men.
When It is present, men take example at it,
and when it is gone, they desire it. It wear-
eth a crown and triumpheth forever, having
gotten the victory, striving for undefiled re-
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. COHELAN. Mr. Speaker, in his
thoughtful column of July 30, the dis-
tinguished analyst and commentator,
Walter Lippmann, has evaluated the
meaning and significance of President
Johnson's statement to the American
people of last Wednesday.
Mr. Lippmann has pointed out that the
President has decided, for the time being
at least, to fight a limited war in Viet-
nam, to reject serious escalation, and to
increase our diplomatic efforts to achieve
a negotiated settlement. He has gone on
to suggest that these decisions are "real-
istic and as a result the American posi-
tion is strengthened and improved."
As I have stated repeatedly, Mr.
Speaker, I believe our proper policy in
Vietnam is a limited war designed to
deter aggression and so-called wars of
national liberation directed and sup-
ported externally; persistent efforts to
achieve international negotiations based
on the Geneva accords; and self-deter-
mination for the people of South Viet-
nam under United Nations' guarantees.
In the difficult months which lie ahead
I hope that these goals, which are con-
sistent with those outlined by Mr. Lipp-
mann, can be actively and aggressively
I include Mr. Lippmann's analysis for
our colleagues' information:
[From the Washington Post, July 30, 1965]
(By Walter Lippmann)
The decisions taken by the President as the
result of the review of the situation in Viet-
nam are, it seems to me, realistic, and as a
result, the American position is strengthened
and improved. The crucial issue which he
had to resolve was what this country should
do in view of the fact that the South Viet-
namese Government has lost to the Vietcong
the control of virtually all the highways and
most of the villages and territory of South
Vietnam. Should the United States volun-
teer to fight the war which Saigon has so
very nearly lost, substituting American troops
for the Vietnamese troops, taking military
command of all the fighting forces and of the
government in Saigon? Or should the United
States defend its presence in South Vietnam
for the purpose of negotiating a political
The difference between these two strategies
is all the difference between, on the one hand.
an unlimited and illimitable war that could
escalate into total war, and, on the other
hand, a limited war, as the President calls
it a "measured" war, which is clearly within
American military power, demands no ex-
horbitant sacrifice, and keeps the struggle
within the possibility of diplomatic negotia-
tions. The President on Wednesday an-
nounced, if I understand him correctly, his
choice between these two strategies. Al-
though he repeated the grand formulas of a
great war, in fact his decision as of now Is to
fight a limited war. The size of the callup
Is in accord with this decision: the addi-
tional troops are sufficient, or can be made
sufficient, for a limited and defensive
strategy. They would be absurdly inade-
quateif our objectives were the reconquest
of South Vietnam. Instead of 126,000 men,
the troops needed would, according to the
usual formula of 10 to 1 for guerrilla war,
mean more nearly a million.
There is additional evidence from the offi-
cial disclosures on Wednesday that the Pres-
ident has decided against a serious escala-
tion of the war in North Vietnam. He has
been under pressure to send the bombers
into the heart of North Vietnam, into the
area of Hanoi and Haiphong, where are the
industries and the population centers of the
country. While it is never wise for a com-
mander to say what he will not do, there is
considerable evidence that the administra-
tion has decided not to bomb the population
centers, and to avoid putting Hanoi in the
position where, having nothing to lose in
the north, it uses its formidable army to
invade South Vietnam.
Moreover, high U.S. Government officials
have let it be known that we do not intend
to comb the countryside to eliminate the
Vietcong from the villages, but rather to
confine ourselves to conventional military
Along'with the decision to keep the war
limited, the President has launched a strong
diplomatic campaign for a negotiated peace.
He has in the past proposed, or hinted at,
most, perhaps all, of the elements of his
campaign. But the combination he de-
scribed on Wednesday is new and impressive.
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In calling upon the United Nations and on munist leadership as bad as that of the organizations, and many others con-
all member governments, severally or jointly, Nazis. cerned with safety.
to bring the fighting to an end, he has, for Today the Polish people are still de- The Flight Safety Foundation, with
the first time I think given the mediators
something concrete to talk about with Hanoi. nied the right of self-determination. headquarters in New York City, will carry
The President his agreed that the princi-
ples of the 1954 agreements, which are the
declared war Sims of Hanoi, are an acceptable
basis of negotiation, and that we are pre-
pared in South Vietnam, or-in all Vietnam,
to accept elections supervised by the U.N.
This is contrary to the position taken by
Secretary Dulles 10 years ago, and the Presi-
dent's willingness to return to "the purpose
of the 1954 agreements" opens the door wide
in principle to a negotiated settlement.
probably, Hanoi will still refuse to nego-
tiate. For the, VietGcong and Hanoi are within
sight of a military victory, not over the
United States but over the Saigon Govern-
ment, and it is by no means certain that
General Westmoreland with his reinforce-
ments can prevent that. But even if he
cannot prevent it, the strategy adopted by
the President will leave the U.S. Army in-
vincible in Vietnam, with the United States
exercising an influence which cannot be ig-
nored in the eventual settlement.
The Warsaw Uprising
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. ROONEY of New York, Mr.
Speaker, I feel that the Members of this
body and all Americans should be re-
rYiinded that August 1, designated War-
saw Uprising Day, marks the 21st anni-
versary of the historic act of Polish
patriots to liberate their capital, the city
of Warsaw. from its cruel and inhuman
Nazi occupiers.
In President Lyndon B. Johnson's im-
pressive proclamation of last year, desig=
natig August 1 as Warsaw Uprising Day,
the President acted on the premise that
the American people regard the actions
of the Polish patriots in the Warsaw un-
Today as in_ 1944. they are subject to the out the new educational program on a
whims of _ an alien waster..._ Today their national scale with the full backing of
lives are still regulated and nonconform-
ity assures a swift and dire punishment.
So, Mr. Speaker, on this day 21 years
after one of the greatest displays of a
people's courage ever recorded anywhere
on the pages of history, we must remind
ourselves that the Polish people like all
the people behind the curtains and the
wall erected by Communist dictatorship
are still held captive. They are held in
bondage by those whose power can only
be maintained as long as there are no
free elections and no, toleration of the
people's voice and will.
On this day we pray that soon the con-
ditions of the world may be such that
those who love freedom may be able to
assert themselves to the extent that
domination of the weak by stronger, for-
eign powers will end and. that all men
may choose their own leaders, pursue
their own choice of occupation, worship
how and as they please, and be assured
of living in peace and security. This
goal to the pessimist is an impossibility;
to the optimist a golden era; but to us as
Americans it is but the practical attain-
ment by the people of the world of but
a fraction of what we in America have
long enjoyed. May this anniversary re-
mind us of our obligations as Americans
and help us to rededicate ourselves to
the attainment, worldwide, of liberty
and justice for all.
Greater Air Safety
rising as a great manifestation of bravery Thursday, July 29, 1965
and -devotion to home and country. He Mr. DORN. Mr. Speaker, I would like
urged that this historic effort should to call to the attention of the House an
serve to inspire people everywhere to re- announcement regarding a new national
dedicate themselves to the cause of free- educational program to reduce general
dole and justice. aviation accidents and promote greater
Mr..Speaker, the words of our Presi- air safety. As many Members of Con-
dent are just as meaningful a year later gress know, general _ aviation includes
as they were when proclaimed. The im- private flying, business aviation of the
portance of being reminded of the val- type being employed by increasing num-
iant and heroic efforts of a captive nation bers of U.S. corporations, crop dusting,
to overthrow, its oppressors is vital to all and as a matter of fact all other types of
of us living in the free world today. flying being done ,in the Nation except
Today the Nazi occupiers are but a re- that performed by the military services
corded historic failure, but the memory and the airlines. It is growing by leaps
of their cruelty, their arrogance and and bounds, both in hours flown and
their lack of interest in humanity is as numbers of private and corporate air-
vivid as it was a score of years ago. Un- craft involved.
fortunately the patriots of Poland who Any sound program to promote greater
survived the punishments meted out by 'safety in this segment of aviation and
the Nazis to the Polish people, whether bring it up to the level of the U.S. com-
actually participating in the uprising or mercial air carriers which are the safest
not, were not to enjoy freedom when the in the world, deserves support and as an
Nazi forces were finally subdued. ,Air Force veteran of World War II, I
All too soon a new and sinister force salute all efforts such as this latest one
took over the destiny of Poland and sub- to add to the fine work already being
jetted its freedom-loving people to a life done by Government agencies, aircraft
of privation and servitude under Com- manufacturers and pilots, groups and
OF _
the Federal Aviation Agency. The Foun-
dation is a nonprofit corporation, headed
by a distinguished retired officer, Maj.
Gen. Joseph D. Caldara, who has held the
post of Director of Air Safety Research
for the Air Force. I know personally one
of its vice presidents, Ansel E. Talbert,
who made a fine record as an editor and
foreign correspondent in many parts of
the world before he took up his present
work; his family and ancestors have
lived in my neck of the woods since be-
fore the Revolutionary War; and during
World War II he was promoted from pri-
vate to lieutenant colonel.
I believe that Members of the House of
Representatives will be interested in fol-
lowing developments in this national
safety educational program, which will
affect many of their constituents as well
as corporations located in their district.
The Flight Safety Foundation will under-
take an extensive new national educational
program with the backing of the Federal
Aviation Agency aimed specifically at re-
ducing accidents in general aviation, Maj.
Gen. Joseph D. Caldara, U.S. Air Force re-
tired, president of the foundation, announced
General aviation is the rapidly growing
segment of the aviation community com-
prising all flying other than airline and mili-
tary. It includes both private flying and
business aviation, and such specialized fields
as crop dusting.
General Caldara disclosed that the prime
objective of the foundation's program would
be to persuade pilots and others in general
aviation to upgrade their flight proficiency
and knowledge as the chief means of reduc-
ing the number of aircraft accidents.
He noted that the immense value, safety-
wise, of a professional approach had been
demonstrated beyond any possible doubt by
the excellent safety record attained by cor-
porations employing well-trained profes-
sional pilots, and stressing good maintenance
at all. times. This was comparable to the
operational safety level of the U.S. airlines,
he said.
General Caldara, who on March 1, 1964, be-
came president of the Flight Safety Founda-
tion, a completely independent, nonprofit,
nongovernment organization-supported by
more than 300 corporations located in the
United States and many other nations-gave
details of the new educational program to
representatives of the aviation and daily press
at special meetings held last week at the
Wings Club (Hotel Biltmore, 43d and Madi-
son in New York City) and at the National
Press Club in Washington.
General Caldara reported that a mail cam-
paign comprising a series of letters explain-
ing objectives and details of the general
aviation safety program would be employed
at once to reach approximately 11,500 differ-
ent aviation organizations and key person-
nel including State aviation departments,
operators of fixed bases, and by private and
business pilots, manufacturers and firms do-
ing aircraft modification, flying clubs, air-
port managers, flying farmers, flying physi-
cians, flying lawyers, and many others.
A "FSF flight safety kit," he disclosed,
will be sent on a monthly basis to the same
group. This will include a flight safety edu-
cation cartoon, special aircraft accident sum-
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wary and analysis reports, safety bulletins,
and other Items having a bearing on aircraft
accident prevention.
The foundation, according to General C;a1-
dara, plans to provide and supervise the
operation of at least 100 visual programing
trainers. These electronic pushbutton de-
vices allow a pilot to test and update his
safety knowledge on a true or false question-
and-answer basis, through films which will
be changed at frequent intervals.
The Flight Safety Foundation, General
Caldara revealed, will put out these devices
on loan to facilities throughout the conti-
nental United States used by general avia-
tion people. The devices will be in operation
at least 8 hours a day.
The Flight Safety Foundation, according
to General Caldara, will develop and conduct
at least qne flight safety rally of 3 days
duration during the next year in a conven-
ient location for pilots and other general
aviation people in each of the following
areas: Eastern region, New York City area;
Richmond, Va., area. Central region, Wich-
ita. Eons., area and Omaha, Nebr., area.
Nenthwest region, Dallas, Tex., area and
pklaholna City, Okla., area. Western re-
gion, Los Angeles and San Francisco areas
and Portland, Oreg.-Seattle, Wash., area.
It plans to conduct special conferences on
request and take part in aviation meetings
sponsored by manufacturers, aircraft modi-
fication firms, State aviation officials and
There will be periodicsafety presentations
at each of the five FAA regional headquar-
ters and' the special Flight Safety Founda-
tion staff working full time on the general
aviation educational program will attend
FAA meetings on safety as required. On a
more personalized basis the general aviation
Safety project staff will provide a hot line
advisory service for answering questions sent
in by telephone, telegram, or airmail letter
by participants in the program and it will
conduct numerous field visits and make
personal contacts with organizations and
operators participating.
The full-time staff will be headed by Allen
C. Miner, vice president, operations of FSF
and a deputy; and will include research
analysts, information and education special-
ists and an operation safety survey team.
A far-reaching safety campaign to reduce
general aviation aircraft accidents was an-
nounced yesterday by the Federal Avihtion
Agency following the award of a $268,635
contract to the Flight Safety Foundation,
Inc., to launch Project GAPE-general avia-
tion pilot education.
Object of the year-long project as stated
by FAA will be to "develop and apply an
educational program which will persuade the
general aviation segment of the aviation
community to upgrade its flight proficiency
and knowledge in order to reduce the num-
ber of aircraft accidents."
The program, with the support of the gen-
eral aviation industry, various general avia-
tion organizations, the Civil Aeronautics
Board and others, will supplement FAA's own
extensive and continuing efforts in safety
General aviation is the largest segment of
the aviation community. It includes all
aviation except military and airline and is
comprised of more than 88,000 active aircraft,
and over 300,000 pilots.
Project GAPE will be directed to the solu-
tion of what has been the main problem
behind most general aviation accidents in
recent years-lack of pilot proficiency and
knowledge of safe flight procedures and prac-
tices. These were the chief reasons for al-
most 80 percent of the slightly more than
5,000 general aviation accidents in 1964.
Scheduled to be kicked off immediately
with reporting to FAA to begin October 1, the
program will cover every facet of general
aviation operations.
Some 11,500 different organizations and
aviation industry personnel will be con-
tacted and their cooperation requested in
supporting a nationwide program of acci-
dent prevention through a vigorous publicity
campaign, displays, meetings, seminars, spe-
cial conferences, personal contacts, and
similar educational activities.
A large variety of safety educational and
promotional kits will be developed and sent
to program participants on a regular monthly
basis. The kits will consist of pilot news
bulletins, accident summaries, safety edu-
cation cartoons, "cause and cure" bulletins,
posters, special accident reports, mechanics
bulletins, and other safety material.
At least 100 film projectors will be rotated
among various airports showing filmstrips on.
safety. These will be in operation 8 to 12
hours a day for a period of several weeks at
general avaiation activity airports.
Flight safety surveys will be offered gen-
eral aviation operators on their flight and
maintenance operations. Three-day safety
seminars will be conducted at key cities.
Special conferences and meetings will be held
with regional FAA officials, airplane and
equipment manufacturers, State aviation offi-
cials, and others. Semiannual safety rallies
for the flying public will be conducted on
an area basis.
Flight Safety Foundation will furnish field
personnel to help organize local programs and
establish personal contact with program par-
ticipants. FSF also will provide a hot line
advisory service to answer questions from
program participants in the field.
Quarterly progress reports will be sub-
mitted to FAA throughout the course of the
program with a final summary report late in
Miami News ndorse President's
Position in Vietnam
Monday, August 2, 1965
Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Speaker, with
good cause, the people of southern
Florida, just as all Americans, are ex-
presng great concern about the Nation's
position and efforts in Vietnam. The
United States has had a deep interest in
the sovereignty of South Vietnam for
more than a decade. Our nonmilitary
economic aid in this time amounted to
some $2.8 billion, and we have at the
same time been involved in a military
effort to one degree or another. Only in
recent months, however, has this turmoil
been so grave as to capture the attention
and anxiety of all Americans. With
President Johnson's message last week, it
has become common knowledge that the
Communist aggression in South Vietnam
constitutes the United States most cru-
cial problem on the international scene.
Editorial reaction to the President's
message is contained in two of Florida's
finest newspapers, the Miami Herald and
the Miami News. Endorsing the Presi-
dent's decision both to build up our mili-
tary involvement and simultaneously to
plea for peaceful settlement at the con-
ference table, these two editorials repre-
sent, I am confident, the consensus of the
citizens of Florida's Fourth District and
the United States.
For their lucid articulation of the posi-
tion I share with so many Americans, I
would like to bring to each Member's at-
tention these two articles which appeared
in the July 29, 1965, editions of the Miami
News and the Miami Herald:
[From the Miami (Fla.) Herald, July 29,
Only in its moderation was President
Johnson's announcement on Vietnam a sur-
prise for the Nation.
In the past week Mr, Johnson has con-
sulted scores and even hundreds of Con-
gressmen, military advisers, aids and pri-
vate citizens in the startling absence of na-
tional debate.
The people have been prepared for prodi-
gies of national effort in southeast Asia.
Yet when the President spoke from this prod-,
uct of decision-by-consultation he asked
only for a doubling of the draft calls and
the dispatch of some 50,000 more troops to
Thus, the effort will be partial and the
physical commitment piecemeal-if more pa-
cific schemes fail. For once, however, the
purpose is clear. The President's "carefully
measured" steps were described in carefully
measured words which will permit little
twisting abroad. He said:
"Our power is a vital shield (against Asian
communism). If we are driven from the
field in Vietnam, then no nation can ever
again have the same confidence in our prom-
Ise or protection. In each land the forces
of independence would be weakened. And
an Asia so threatened by Communist domi-
nation would Imperil the security of the
United States Itself."
This is the premise of U.S. policy In south-
east Asia. Thoughtful men may quarrel
with it successfully, but the commitment it
implies Is now irrevocable.
In the name of the United States its Presi-
dent has proclaimed no surrender and no
retreat. The escalation is on. It can be
lowered or halted only by surrender or sin-
cere negotiation on the other side.
To this end the President left a door open
at the United Nations.
If the United States has been remiss in
anything, it can be faulted historically for
failing to go to the forum of nations before
this time.
History may not show, however, that the
U.N. is feeble and hamstrung by the Soviet
veto. Thus in naked reality there has had
to be recourse to other methods of determin-
ing a political issue, We hope that Am-
bassador Goldberg will move the world or-
ganization. But, in short, we doubt it.
There can be little doubt on the other
hand of general public acceptance of Mr.
Johnson's charge to the Nation.
He was clear, precise, forthright, humble,
and convincing. He did not bluster, nor
did he plead. He laid it on the line. It
was, we think, the best performance of his
political lifetime.
But it was also, in southeast Asia, a grim
demarcation of the point of no return.
[From the Miami (Fla.) News, July 29, 1965]
President Johnson's determination that
democracy will triumph in the steaming
jungles of southeast Asia is exceeded only
by his patient efforts to secure peace at the
conference table.
Before he announced his "agonizing and
painful duty" to double the size of American
military forces in Vietnam, the President
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nks'te4in somber tones that "15 efforts have
been made to star discussions with the Com-
Imunls'ts"=ail without response.
"But we will persist," he declared, a vow
that he emphasized in his initial assignment
to the United Nations.
Mr. Johnson sent a special message yester-
day to U Thant, the U.N. Secretary General,
urging that "all the resources, energy, and
immense prestige of the United Nations be
employed to find ways to halt aggression and
bring peace in Vietnam.
Mr. Johnson's statement to the Nation was
not totally unexpected although some ob-
servers thought he might call up the Na-
" _
Cabinet and turned that down- without dU-
culty. Evidently he was aiming higher.
This is the first time in American history
that a President appointed a personal attor-
ney to the High Court. Fortas"knows many
Johnson secrets, including the growth of the
family TV-radio fortune, the real facts of
the Bobby Baker in$uence case, _ and the
inside of the unfortunate and sordid sex
scandal involving the top White House aid,
Walter Jenkins, on the eve of the presidential
Fortas represented Baker until Mr. John-
son became President. He then withdrew
as counsel for Baker, making himself the
decision to double the draft calls from 17,000 which has now come to he
him. -In t Jen-
young men to35,000 each month will have a kips case, Fortas proved himself among the
great and immediate effect in homes across most adept of news managers. He per-
the land. But in a time of war this is a,nec- suaded or induced two Washington news-
essary evil. papers not to print a line on the scandal.
The American public will applaud the He was working on the third when the story
President for his firm stand in the face of -was disclosed by a news service.
Communist tyranny and aggression. Cer The Fortas affinity for Communist asso-
tainly we are faced with doing more and
giving more than' we have ever done before
Report From Washington: Speculates on
Maneuvering "To Get Abe Fortas on
High Court
"., lt~F".ILLINOIS
Mr. DERWIN$KI. Mr. Speaker, there
is rightful concern across the country
over the obviously political and personal
motivation of the President in the ap-
pointment of his attorney and confidantAbe Fortas to-the Supreme Court. Mr.-
Walter TrQhan, the distinguished chief
of the Chicago Tribune Washington bu-
reau, in his report from Washington of
Saturday, July, 31, discusses, some ques-
tionable aspects of the Fortas appoint-
(By Walter Trohan, chief of Chicago
Tribune's Washington bureau)
WASHINGTON, July 30.-A most interesting
point for speculation has been raised by the
appointment of Abe Fortas, Washington in-
fluence lawyer; White House adviser, Great
Society news manager, and personal attorney
to President Johnson, to succeed Arthur
Goldberg in the U.S. Supreme Court. The
question is: Did Fortas from his place be-
hind the throne counsel the appointment of
ordert g mas Ambassador to ake room forhin se f on the o High
Perhaps we will never know for certain,
but Fortas' operations in the past would
indicate that there Is a distinct. possibility
he did get the President to have Goldberg
move over on the bench of the hierarchy of
the Great Society. There is no question but
-that ortSq Was cprlsulted on. the successor
to Ada._?tevg4SOn and on the successor
to Goldberg.
It may be, as friends of Fortas insist, that
he didn't want the, appointment, but he took
it. He didn't want an appointment to the
ciates is well known, , He served in. the De-,
partment of Agriculture in the early 1930's
where his best friends were members of one
or another of the Communist cells which
were fermenting under the tender care of
Henry Wallace, who later.ran for President
on a third party ticket dominated by Com-
munists. As the member of a top Wash-
ington influence firm, Fortas represented a
host of men accused of Communist connec-
tions or associations, not without consider-
able success.
Less well known is, the Fortes- military
record. At the time of Pearl Harbor, Fortas
was 31 years old. Although he 'had pumped
for the war, he was slow to take part in it.
On October 29, 1943, he was inducted into
the Navy, but he remained in service only
a few hours. As soon as he reported for
duty as an apprentice seaman, he popped
right out again with the aid of the late
Secretary of Navy Frank Knox and other
New Deal admirers. They got him out of
the Navy to act as civilian head of an alpha-
betical government mission to study oil re-
serves in Arabia.
When he returned, he went back into the
Navy, but he was released on December 13,
1943, after serving 1 month as an apprentice
seaman, 29 days of the month in the hos-
pital of Camp Sampson Naval Training
Station in New York. He was then 33 years
old, married, and with no children. . His
wife was and is a highly competent lawyer,
able to earn her own way as she now does.
He was discharged because it was said he
had an arrested case of ocular tuberculosis.
Twenty-two years later the case is still ar-
rested and hasn't interfered with a lucrative
law practice or a High Court appointment.
Fortas recently purchased a home in fash-
ionable Georgetown at a price running into
six figures. This would indicate he will be
one of wealthiest men ever to serve on the
High Court. His appointment is expected to
breeze through a Senate dominated by his
client, Lyndon Balms Johnson.
The Independence Day of Dahomey