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j9&proved For Re#r"A&*BDAA0300180010-9
holt :do ' the cost f living, fs it nol attendant on the addition of stamp plans,
time we fgund out? Ai au Tioritative would it be cheaper for a consumer to
study on trading stamps once remarked go out and buy one of these items In a
that. o kssume that anyone, but the con- discount store, or a department store?
sumer, isaid for the cost of stamps, just What is the premium market itself do-
like she pays for everything else `also- ing to the neighborhood hardware store?
dated with a business, was patently,ridic- Stamp companies are already the'largest
ulous. Is it not? purchasers of appliances. What Is this
Just how much business, are the trad- doing to small business throughout the
ing stamp companies doing a year? We, Nation? Is this unfair competition?
just do riot know. And by not knowing, And what about the small man? Can
how can"we protect the consumer from he afford a truly competitive stamp plan?
any irregularities there might be? After Is the stamp industry running the small
all, one stamp-company is already issuing retailer out of business? Our whole
more stamps a year than the V.S. post' system of fair trade ' laws was built up
Office. Stamps are becoming legal to preserve the small business firm-are
tender, thgy are already a medium of we allowing circumvention of the law and
exchange. Are we not obligated to super- its intent to void past legislative deci-
vise all such items and them extension? sions?
In 1961 about 15 percent of total U.S. And what about the intangible effects?
retail sales were made } b stores offering What about the old specials, the week-
end leaders-that benefited both the
trading stamps. The figures are even
more impressive today. Over 43 percent consumer and the retailer?
of all food sold each year goes through The greatest price rises in foods today
stores that use stamps-well over a third are in perishable items-fruits, vege-
of all sales of service stations and 15 per- tables, and meats. The drought and
cent of all drugstore sales, tie in with shortages account for some of these
stamps. price increases. It is interesting to note
By "their very nature, the operations In the last Department of Agriculture
of some trading stamp plans create cer- study-now 8 years old-these same items
tain siiiestions. For instance, if we take were indicated as those in which there
the figures given by one. source on trod- was the greatest differential between
Ing stamp sales for 1964-some $650 mil stamp and noristamp stores-over 6-per-
lion-over $38 billion in retail sales are cent difference in prices to the con-
tied in to trading stamps. Allowing the sumer. What about the gas stations
companies the 95-percent redemption that offer the consumer the choice `be-
they claim for tax purposes means that tween a price discount and trading
almost $1 million in unredeemed stamps stamps? Are not they admitting a price
is distributed each week-$50 million in rise with stamps?
sales eac week are tied to stamps never Are stamps a fie-in sale? What about
to be ' redeemed. What happens to this the question ' of competitive advantage
mane 7 What are the companies doing held by stores which are large enough
with The pool of interest-free tax-free to own their own stamp companies?
money reserved ad infinitum against Are there instances here of exclusive
stamps that may never be redeemed? dealings and price discrimination? What
What are the redemption rates anyway? about the practice of proximity selling
Is it true that stamp companies have in the gas station field?
reserved about one billion tax-free dal- T. throw out all of these questions, be
lars since 1.950? Many have questioned cause I just don't know the answers. But
the *95-percent figure allowable by the we should. We should as legislators, we
Internal Revenue Service. Does this fig-, should as protectors of the small business
ure have any basis in reality at all? man, we should as protectors of the con-
Stamp companies are more, than reticent sumer. The questions must be asked and
.about releasing their actual figures. answered. In its own bailiwick, the Fed-
And the questions continue: Are eral Trade Commission has in the past
stamps really time purchases? Are they conducted investigations and fulfilled its
installment buying? It would appear statutory authority in this regard-but
that trading stamp companies have a the paths along which it may tread are
very low ratio of invested capital to total narrow, the trees separating it from the
assets. Thus, they are in the main op- other governmental agencies are ' thick,
erating with other people's money just and the undergrowth plentiful and en-
like a savings or commercial bank. tangling. The Justice Department, the
Should not they also be regulated in some Department of Agriculture, the Depart-
way as holding a public trust? Is the ment of Commerce, the Small Business
consumer getting interest for his money? administration, and other governmental
What happens when a stamp company agencies and representatives have all, at
goes out of business-and they have-to one time or another, entered the picture.
these time payments? What right does But each was interested in only a seg-
the stamp company have to change the ment of the problem, each investigation
number of books necessary for an item- was rather short lived and confined in
a bank cannot change the interest rate scope.
in midstream while you are paying back I am asking today that each of these
a loan. And are five.not already con- agencies of Government begin anew their
Bern with tide, great boom in install studies, coordinating them this time per-
ment buying of which this is a contribut baps under the aegis of the Special As-
ing factor? , , sistant to the President for. Cc isumer 11 What about .the redemptions them- Affairs recently appointed to . represent
selves? Ale the consume;'S getting items Mrs. Housewife amidst the tangle of
or just value? If there are price rises Government. But because the machin-
No. 127-20
ery of Government is often ponderous
and ungainly, in the interim I shall hold
an informal factfinding study of my own.
Meetings will be held in Washington and
New York-companies will be invited to
discuss with us their problems and their
causes-individuals will be given a
chance to air their gripes and present
their grievances. You, as Members of
Congress, are invited to participate in all
phases of these meetings. They will be
open and frank.
Some of these questions have been
asked before. ' We never received the full
answers. Many of them are new-born
of an age when trading stamps have fil-
tered into, and supersaturated, many
sectors of the economy.
The American family deserves greater
attention to this problem. I ask the
Members of this body to find the answers
and "act accordingly.
Mr. RESNICIt. Madam Speaker, will
the gentleman yield?
Mr. WOLFF. I yield to the gentleman
from New York.
Mr. RESNICK. Madam Speaker, I
would like to commend the gentleman
from New York for bringing this sub-
ject up, and I wish to associate myself
with his remarks. He did an outstand-
ing job in bringing this to the attention
of the Congress and the American people.
Madam Speaker, I share the concern
of the gentleman from New York that
many of these questions be raised about
trading stamps 'and, for once, be con-
elusively answered. Studies we do
have-and most of them belong to the
decade of the -fifties-are conflicting;
they are the product of either special
interest or emotionalism. At this point
in our economic development, when we
are concerned over the extent of credit
buying and rising prices,. especially in
the food sector, it is important that we
know to what extent stamps have contributed to~ this rise; that we know-
whether stamps-are time purchases, and
if so, 'what happens to the interest
charged, or the interest -free capital the
stamp company gets. It is important
that we learn the workings of a billion-
dollar industry. What are the actual re-
demption 'rates? What rights does the
consumer have if not one of the reputa-
ble, but a fly-by-night stamp company
goes out of business?
Now we have had extensive experience
in our daily lives with stamps-now
whole areas of our Nation are blanketed
with these little gummed pieces of paper.
Can all the stores that carry stamps, in-
crease their volume enough to pay for
stamps without having to pass this cost
on to the consumer? Are the stamp
companies exercising enough self-
restraint that we could consider. them
regulating themselves?
What about the complaints of dis-
gruntled . merchants-both those who
have and who do not have stamps?
What about the neighborhood hardware
stores? The neighborhood grocery
store? What about the owner who is in
a constant price squeeze?
In short, I think the gentleman from
New York has _xais.q questions which
should be .answered, . We as legislators
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Approved Fo 8 1A11 h L~e- 1,J
P_6T#9eWR00030018001 141 1965
must ask questions, we must know some- Orignally, a beginning stamp program
thing about as massive an industry as can be a boon to a gas station owner.
one that affects $42 billion in retail sales. The station's volume increases and the
Let us hope the answers will be forth- cost of the program is more than offset
coming shortly; we have already waited by increased gallonage. Then, the sta
too long for them.
(Mr. RESNICK asked and was given
permission to revise and extend his
Mr. MINISH. Mr. Speaker, I should
like to commend the gentleman from
New York for bringing the important
question of the relationship between
trading stamps and food prices before
the House today.
This is a problem of deep concern to
me. I feel strongly that consumers
should be aware of the facts surrounding
these stamp plans that so sharply affect
the investigations cost of ations living. have been Various studies and
by Fed-
eral agencies in past years, and I recently
requested the Federal Trade Commission
and the Department of Agriculture for
data on their inquiries.
I have also recommended to the chair-
man of the Banking and Currency Con-
sumers Affairs Subcommittee, upon
which it is my privilege to serve, the ad-
visibility of hearings on trading stamp
operations. Under our able chairman,
the Honorable LEONOR K. SULLIVAN, this
subcommittee has been a highly effective
champion of consumer rights. It would
be most worthwhile to focus full atten-
tion upon this problem that so directly
affects American families. The National
Commission on Food Marketing held a
3-day hearing on the subject in May,
and the testimony developed then should
provide most valuable Information.
I have further been in communication
with Mrs. Esther Peterson, the Special
Assistant to the President for Con-
sumers'Affairs as to the need for an
educational campaign in stamp plan
1ractices. The undeniable appeal of
trading stamps cloaks the additional
price paid for essential commodities that
their usage necessarily entails--money
that could well be used for other pur-
poses if the customer had real freedom of
choice. In essence, collecting stamps
amounts to buying merchandise on a pre-
payment plan. Indications are that the
higher grocery prices required by the
food market to cover the stamp premium
exceeds the price the consumer would
have to pay were he to shop for his gift
with cash.
American families spent 18.5 percent of
their disposable income on food products
in 1964. With more than 43 percent of
food purchases going to stores that use
stamps, it is important that we deter-
mine the relationship between stamp
plans and food prices. As our colleague
from New York has observed, stamp
?companies today are making more money
on the sale of food than the food mer-
chant himself.
Apart from protecting consumer
rights, a major element in the problem
is the burden upon small business firms
that are compelled to participate for
competitive reasons that in the end are
damaging to all but the stamp company.
Take, for example, gasoline retailers who
are the second largest users of stamps
ranking only behind food markets.
tion across the street sees his business
going to his stamp-giving competitor.
Out of self defense he too initiates a
stamp program. Soon a situation is very
likely to arise such as we saw on our
own Georgia Avenue here in Washington
last November. Ten out of thirteen
stations in a 26-block stretch on that
street were issuing the same trading
These retailers were obviously paying
for something they were not receiving;
that is, a competitive advantage. And
the consumer-how many stamps wind
up crammed into glove compartments?
Who can really believe that the consumer
will not pay for these stamps eventually
through higher prices that could other-
wise be reduced?
The Greater Washington Service Sta-
tion Association recently polled its mem-
bership on the question of using stamps
as merchandising tools. Seventy-nine
percent of those who responded directed
that the association not only be opposed
to stamps in any and all forms but take
positive, aggressive action to eliminate
the existing problem. The association
has undertaken a campaign to make con-
sumers aware of the fact that a penny
per gallon price savings is a far greater
value to the customer than trading
Trading stamp plans constitute a bil-
lion dollar a year industry, with hundreds
of companies operating programs. A
premium of at least 6 percent is earned
by these companies as approximately
that percentage of stamps are not re-
deemed. Incidentally, it should be
pointed out that the expense of the
stamps is borne by the customers who do
not use them, as well as by the users,
since the higher prices are paid by all.
Those who do not save stamps are
charged for merchandise they will never
care to claim.
It is time that we took a fresh look, in
the light of current circumstances, at the
operations and methods of trading stamp
companies. There is no thought or de-
sire on my part to inhibit legitimate busi-
ness activities, but I do feel strongly that
there is need for a thorough inquiry into
stamp practices and their impact upon
the consumer and the retailer.
Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, I want to
commend my colleague from New York
[Mr. WOLFF] for bringing this matter to
the attention of the House and for rais-
ing a series of important and relevant
questions about trading stamps and
their economic effect.
Stamps have infiltrated merchandis-
ing ranks; the price of food has risen.
We should be vitally interested, as the
gentleman from New York pointed out
just a few minutes ago, in any connec-
tion that may exist. This Issue must be
explored in a dispassionate, comprehen-
sive way.
Consumers are concerned about this
problem. Who is paying for trading
stamps? Is it not the housewife every-
time she goes shopping? Whose money
is - filling up the multimillion dollar
reserves of the companies against stamps
that may never be redeemed? Is it ours?
How can we forget studies like the one
done by the Agriculture Department in
1957 which showed a 6-percent price dif-
ferential between stamp and nonstamp
stores in the price of fruit and vege-
If the price of an evening meal con-
tains part of a new toaster, we should
know about it. I want to know about it
as a consumer. I want to know about it
because the hardware store down the
block where I used to buy my toaster is
having a hard time. I want to know if
the neighborhood grocery store is being
squeezed out of the market. I have
fought to protect small business.
How many toasters are being bought
each year along with our tomatoes and
cantaloup and how many of those toast-
ers are really obtained? Are our con-
sumers getting what they paid for?
Mr. Speaker, I urge that the appro-
priate Federal agencies conduct a full
investigation into the various questions
which have been raised. Without proper
regulation the distribution of trading
stamps is subject to many possible
abuses. Actin $uired before it is too
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs.
GREEN Of Oregon). Under previous or-
der of the House, the gentleman from
California [Mr. GUSSERI is recognized
for 20 minutes.
Mr. GUBSER. Madam Speaker, as a
member of the Committee on Armed
Services of the House of Representatives,
it is my obligation to speak out when I
believe we are making serious military
President Johnson's policy in Vietnam
to the present has received my enthusi-
astic support. I still support the prin-
ciple that this Nation has a moral obli-
gation to assist the people of South Viet-
nam to resist the terroristtactics of the
Communist Vietcong. Americans cannot
accept the murdering of civilians includ-
ing women and children, the pillaging,
the torturing, and the cruelty which
characterizes Vietcong tactics.
In addition to its moral justification,
President Johnson's strong military
commitment in southeast Asia is correct
on legal grounds and is in our national
self-interest. The President and Secre-
tary of State have clearly stated our legal
right to be there. Furthermore, our
homeland, our system, and our freedom
are in jeopardy if we do not take a stand
against communism in Asia and if we
allow free government to disappear.
My concern is not whether we should
be committed to defeating communism
in Asia, but whether we are presently go-
ing about it in the right way. I believe
we are now making two serious mistakes..
First, present administration policy is
one of lopsided escalation which accepts
the liabilities of escalation and claims
few of the benefits.
Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000300180010-9
proved for R D ~B 0300180010-9 16-275
Present adminstration policy seems to tion axe assigned from Washington on Mr. Mitchell notes in his testimony on
be one of escalating the ground war and a mission to mission basis. Frequently S. 1201 that the provisions of this bill onary rather curbing other -F ground sot. which com- cenlisted hanged theltype of weapons loaded on tory.dlMr.tiMitchell declares athhamanda-aboard our carriers have are por is xnthe gwe kd effort.
oT ariy weeks it has been well an aircraft two or three time to comply in each of these vital sections the word
known that ground-to-air missile instal- with orders from Washington. A repeat "should" gethat p if ears instead Lehas ad the same "shall." We
lations.--AM sites-have been under strike against a partially damaged target as shall the statute then the letme ring
construction in the vicinity of Hanoi. Is not permitted except on specific orders as sh be b the because the there would
no doubt that these safeguards are bind-
The press reports at least two of these from Washington. If bad weather pre- be would
sites in an operational condition except vents a photo reconnaissance pilot from ing on an administrative official. Anything
for the actual installation of the missiles photographing his objective on one day, less than a clear mandatory requirement will
themselves. Not to have destroyed these he cannot photograph it the next day undoubtedly open the door for abuse of the
must r objective, rights of those who are being displaced.
6ltes prior to their completion Is indefen- enroute to there to anoth
sible and unforgivable. It cannot be Certainly be decisionmak- The provisions of S. 1201 are based on
written off as a necessar9` political deci- ing and target selection from Washing- a report by the Select 1201 are ittee on
sion which, follows the tired line that such ton, but it is apparently being carried on Real Property Acquisition. Its provi-
installations are defensive and to destroy to a ridiculous and absurd extent. An sions for setting fair procedural stand-
ck or on-the-scene commander Is in the housing and urban renewal
This is the
them would be provocative. Tn should be assigned a mission and allowed program were part of the Republican
Korea political decisions resuitiea III I1JGi+ tactics which his experience dictates
,char ieito defeat their aveenemy. without This fair are the most feasible. As an experienced
chance which should e not repeated. a a military man, he should exercise on-the-
anistake w geab soll would spot judgment as to whether bombs,
No knowledbaabte sportts fan would rockets, napalm, or other armament
tolerate a baseball team without
eig boxer. an out. would be most suitable for destroying
Wld or a os ould ad itaywoperation the assigned target. If a second strike
-denle the d the sho use uld of a mlil every itary reasonable e strat- within an hour at the same target is re-
egywhich could contribute to victory? quired, he should have the power to order
Admittedly, political decisions must in- it.
fluence military policy. But how the de- Thanks to Washington decisionmaking
struction of missile sites built for the by remote control, we are deploying so-
lusticate I Pnuipment against relatively
siruetion, bf a military barracks a few
miles away completely evades logical
Zt 1S II known that the docks at
j s* r ty to and from those docks.
any strike against this vital military tar-
tions prevent us from denying the use of sonable balance between political and
these docks to England, France, Russia,
and other military considerations and more on the
.countries which deal freely
with the Ilanol Communist Govern- scene decisionmaking.
To allow such targets to go unharmed
on the basis of arbitrary political deci-
sions and to escalate the ground war at
the same time is lopsided escalation and
military folly,' As the French proved
conclusively at Dienbienphu, it com-
,mits tg fighting a type of war we cannot
win. Since the French debacle in 1953,
the skills of the Vietcong in terrorist and
guerrilla warfare have been increased so
markedly that we have even less of a
chance of winning a ground war than the
French had. t must, therefore, join with
other critics of the present policy of lop-
sided escalation.
'A second serious mistake of the present
administration is the jealous manner in
which it guards decisionmaking. From
Washington it controls the selection of
both large and small targets and also the
method to be used in destroying them.
The riio&t serious need in Vietnam today
is "on deck" command of the naval forces
and on the scene command of ground and
air forces.
From conversations with those who
have actuall seen action in Vietnam, I
have "lear1he that 'targets 'arid the type
of armament to be used in their destruc-
overfly nleaningful and strategic mili-
tary targets. We have risked planes
.cuing millions of dollars to destroy indi-
vidual trucks and vehicles and we have
sent B-52's to raid sectors of jungle.
Such deployment is wasteful and about
as effective as bombing an insect when a
flyswatter would do.
The administration has shown great
courage in this difficult situation in
southeast Asia. By and large our ma-
teriel is excellent and our manpower is
housing bill, H.R. 6501, and were in-
cluded in the omnibus housing bill, H.R.
7984, paseed by the House. The Repub-
licans made the change from "should"
to "shall" and from discretionary to
mandatory legislation, which Mr. Mitch-
ell has now asked the Senate to provide
in all Federal and federally assisted real
property acquisition programs.
Mr. Mitchell also touches on the ade-
quacy of relocation procedures and
There is a strong suspicion that a careful
analysis of the housing now occupied by dis-
placed persons would show that far too many
have moved into areas with greater over-
crowding and worse slum conditions than
the places that they left.
Mr. Mitchell concludes by stating that
even the provisions of S. 1201 and S. 1681
being considered by the Senate Subcom-
mittee on Intergovernmental Relations
"will not do the whole job." I have been
in full agreement with this analysis of
the matter for some time, and I believe
my own statement to the Senate Sub-
committee on Intergovernmental Rela-
tions outlines fully and completely the
provisions of the just compensation pro-
gram for condemnees which I am seek-
ing to establish.
I include as part of my remarks the
excellent statement by Clarence Mitchell,
as well as my own statement to the Sen-
ate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental
Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the sub-
committee, I am Clarence Mitchell, director
of the Washington bureau of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored
People. Today I am present to express sup-
port for the purposes of S. 1681, introduced
by Senator MusKIE, and S. 1201, introduced
by Senator JOHN SPARKMAN. Approximately
63 percent of the persons displaced by urban
renewal projects are nonwhite. It is almost
inevitable when an old or dilapidated area of
a community is marked for demolition, im-
provement, or a change of use, one will find
that the largest burden of displacement is
borne by those least able to move to another
locality without serious financial loss and in-
The intent of the proposed legislation is to
give uniformity and also some administra-
tive flexibility in compensating persons, busi-
nesses, or farms displaced by Federal and fed-
erally assisted programs. The Advisory Com-
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from New Jersey [Mr. WIDNALL] is
recognized for 15 minutes.
Mr. WIDNALL. Madam Speaker, the
NAACP is rightfully concerned with re-
location problems, since approximately
63 percent of the persons displaced by
urban renewal projects are nonwhite.
The testimony given to the Senate Sub-
committee on Intergovernmental Rela-
tions on July 13 by Clarence Mitchell,
director of the Washington Bureau of
the NAACP, is particularly worth noting
in light of the passage of the Housing
and Urban Development Act of 1965,
H.R. 7984, by the House on June 30;1965.
This act contains a title IV which was
adapted by the House Special Housing
Subcommittee from the suggestions for
full compensation by condemnees of-
fered by the Republican minority mem-
bers in their own housing legislation,
H.R. 6501 and its companion measures.
Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000300180010-9.
16276 Approved Fo RE M,15RM& Ek7jgI R00030018001yiay 14, 1965
mission on Intergovernmental Relations in uais, and (b) that there are or are being pro- In arriving at a consensus on what form
its January 1965 report makes this statement vided standard housing units at least as great the suggestions in H.R. 6501 and identical
on page 114: in nnmh- nc *hn --- _d -- -? ..--
interest of (a) expeditious Nandi of relo- -~~'"""'"`?' ` anme to ~uemn, members of the House Special Subcommittee
cation claims, b directive within their financial means, reasonably ac- on Housing could be included immediately
( ) provision of an cessible to their places of employment and in the Housing and Urban Development Act
overall system of relocation assistance, in- in areas that are not generally less desirable of 1965, Chairman WILLIAM A. BARRETT, of the
cluding advice as well as compensation, and in regard to public utilities and public and Housing Subcommittee, and I consulted with
(c) the needs of those most urgently re- commercial facilities than the areas from the top officials of the Housing and Home
quiring relocation help, responsibility for de- which they are displaced." Finance Agency. The result is the new title
to and mgarel cation payagencies nts subject be Although it is stated by housing officials IV of the Housing and Urban Development
v j t that the record of finding homes for dis- Act of 1965, H.R. 7984, which the House has
maximums established by statute." placed persons and families is Improving, since adopted without controversy-on June
th From a
that practical standpoint, is Impera- the figures given do not seem to give the 30---as part of the total housing package.
tive e that those vested with the little rto complete story. For example, the Commis- In taking this step we also had In mind
act in discretion be given very a way twill put the little displaced room o pet- stoner of Urban Renewal in his 1963 report the statement, in the Senate report on the
act in a wadisadvantage. that t will states that about 46 percent of relocated Housing Act of 1964, that the Senate Bank-
nor examle, section 101 (a) (3) of the families whose housing conditions were ing and Currency Committee would take the
.~pao example, states section toffering price known went into standard private rental matter of just compensation and property
to the person bill that the h is btaken using, 21 percent into standard sales hous- acquisition up this year following the com-
tolzoul ersbil on whose t less property tthe bein fair ing, 25 percent into public housing. About pletion of the Real Property Acquisition
value." (not)
ot)ob lethan p ge 8 percent went into housing which did not Subcommittee study.
"Thection 101 ,(6) states: att: of pub- meet the requirements of the locally ap- In view of the solid progress made by
tic i a construction development of that proved relocation plan. One might well ask the House, first in the study by the Select
no mprovements should
lawfully old dld be so real pe what is the significance of the words "whose Subcommittee on Real Property Acquisition,
will erron laved ll move from a al prot a ps ty housing conditions were known?" There and second, by the House Special Subcom-
to move his business or farm operation with- Is a strong suspicion that a careful analysis mittee on Housing in developing title IV of
out o least b180 u days' or farm operation
from the of the housing now occupied by displaced H.R. 7984, it is the hope of those of us in
out written
ty cfrom the persons would show that far too many have the House who worked on this problem,
n thi
In of bey these such vial is requi the word and worse slum conditions than the places Act of 1965, when it is signed into law by
"should" appears they left. the President, will contain the just com-
Fpears instead of "shall." We j
suggest that if should has the same meaning To the extent that the proposed legislation N
pensation by or should title IV as passed r the House.
as shall in the statute then the latter word will correct some of the problems experienced Nor sld it come as any surprise to find
would be better because then there would be by displaced persons under the present sys- she housing and urban renewal laws again
no doubt that these safeguards are binding tem, it will be most welcome. However, it property the acquisition st far st compensation and
on an administrative official. Anything less should be remembered that even these pro- andards are con-
than a clear mandatory requirement will posals will not do the whole job. pcaned. t These programs Involve the dis-
an any
undoubtedly open the door for abuse of the of more of more displaced more sma ll all businesses, and the
spl, than any
rights 'of those who are being displaced. STATEMENT OF HON. WILLIAM B. WIDNALL OF other federally assisted program,
Usually, at the community level the,pres- NEW JERSEY BEFORE THE SENATE SUBCOM- Title IV of HR. 7984 covers the full range
sures to get the job done may outweigh the MITTEE ON INTER-GOVERNMENTAL RELA- of Federal programs in the housing and
human considerations. Unless he Is certain TIONS, JULY 13, 1965 urban renewal fields. It provie 'Pro-
that the property owner can get redress un- i am pleased to acedural safeguards recommen
der the statute, an official dealing face to face mittee on the issue your compere- the
with the owner may YulI and before just oanpen- Select Subcommittee on
y give liprervice only to sation. In an able speech in the CoNGRES- Acquisition and incorporated
permissive regulations. While it is impor- SIGNAL RECORD of April 1, 1965, Senator ED- except that these safeguards area
tart to get on with roadbuiiding, public im- MUND S. MUSKIE show
rather th
d h
an suggest
ow important a
vements,"and slum clearance, it is equally matter this is, for he
important to make certain that overzealous pointed out that Fed- before any funds -for acquisitit
Offic;ials do not put material results ahead of oral and federally assisted programs, aortic- matted by the Federal Go
the rights of ularly housing and urban renewal programs, addition, the bill contains a requirement I
people who must move from highway programs, and so on. will annually have been suggesting for some time; namely,
their homes, their places of business or their displace in the next 4 to 8 years 111,000 that the property owner receive 75 percent
farms. fam-
ilies and individuals, 18,000 businesses, and of the Government-appraised value of his
In closing I would like to call attention 4,000 farm operators, property immediately, rather than being
to pages 114 and 116 of the Advisory Com- forced to wait for funds should he decide to
mission on Intergoveof that Relations re- the Senator highway MUSKIandE'S bill, SFederal. 1681, would bring contest the full award in court. We expect
port;. real property Sc- quisitlon programs this to cut down heavily on business failures
up to the compensation because of lack of capital for relocation, or
The important statements are as follows: standards prevailing in the urban renewal the heavy borrowing which homeowners
"The Commission recommends that the and housing programs. Senator SPARKMAN's
Congress require that State and local govern- bill, S. 1201, which is based on the work of now find necessary in order to buy a new
meats administering Federal grant-in-aid the Select Subcommittee on Real Property funds home when the
uward is being contested said
programs assure the availability of standard Acquisition of the House Public Works Com- H.R. are held up.
housing before proceeding with any property mittee, would set procedural standards for relocation 7984 paym also ents for contains allb i businesses in
acquisition that displaces people. This re- all Federal and federally assisted property quirement should be at least comparable to acquisition programs, costs fo$1,500 $2,500,
r the from forthe to transfer and the payment of
that in existing Federal urban renewal legis- As the ranking minority member of the committee report real property. he
lation, assuring that (a) there Is a feasible House Special the administrators of the report on program are 7dir the
method for temporary relocation of displaced have beeconcerneedmfa some time aver the to consider insurance andgstorage fees, and
families and individuals, and that (b) there inadequacy of compensation received by the cost of reinstallation of .relocated
are or are, being provided standard housing thoseforced to give up their property as a fixtures as part of the definition of moving
units at least as great in number as the result of an eminent domain taking. In costs.
number of such displaced families and in- January of 1964 I introduced a comprehen- In light of these significant House actions,
dividuals, available to them, within their ii- give housing bill containing a title devoted if the objective of the two bills before your
nancial means, reasonably accessible to their solely to the problem of compensation for subcommittee, S. 1201 and S. 1681, is to
places of employment, and in areas that are oondemnees, Again, on March 18 of this bring the standards of the other Federal
not generally less desirable in regard to pub- year, I introduced a Comprehensive housing and federally assisted programs of property
lic utilities and public and commercial fa- bill, H.R. 8501, containing a similar title acquisition up to the standards prevailing
cilities than the areas from which they are which had been expanded to include a re- now in the housing and urban renewal pro-
displaced. vised version of the procedural recommends- prams, the Senate bills will be incomplete
`The Commission recommends that the tions made by the House Real Property Ac- without further amendment. The subcom-
States enact legislation requiring State and quisition Subcommittee staff report. This mittee, in effect, will have to run in order to
local agencies to assure the availability of was in line with the Real Property Acquisi- stand still. And I would go further to sug-
standard housing before proceeding with any Lion Subcommittee recommendation that gest that even this new effort in the housing
property acquisition that displaces people, the appropriate committee having jurisdic- and urban renewal field represents only an
This requirement should assure (a) that tion over a Federal or federally assisted prop- increase in the minimum equitable treat-
there is, a feasible method for temporary re- erty acquisition program should act within ment that our citizens can rightfully expect
location of displaced families and individ- Its particular jurisdiction, on the problem. from their Government. For example, if
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July 14, 1A-AProved For ReleraMqM F I:PIIl/ CP B084 88300180010-9 16277
moving expenses can be defined to include
reinstallation of fixtures, there is no reason
why it cannot be defined to include reinstal-
lation of equipment as well. It had been my
understanding that this would be included
in the House committee report, but a late-
hour objection by the BHFA, on totally
specious grounds, prevailed. Similarly, the
entire arbitrary limitation of $25,000 on busi-
ness moving expenses, administratively de-
termined, deserves reexamination: This ar-
bitrary figure, in its lack of sufficient re-
imbursement for some, and its potential for
abuse through overreimbursement for others,
points up the need to consider a more useful
approach for arriving at just compensation
If this subcommittee seeks the opportunity
to make a significant breakthrough in this
field, rather than continue the more routine
approach to the problem, I would suggest
that it, examine the possibility of substi-
tuting a replacement cost concept for the
present actual value concept used to deter.
mine compensation for property taken. It
is the only way I know of to avoid the pit-
falls of arbitrary awards and ad hoc solu-
tions and yet still reflect in the award such
items as business reopening expenses, loss of
rents or profits on a temporary basis, and the
increase In price for suitable replacement
homes as a result of a decreased supply and
an increased. demand occasioned by clear-
ance and relocation. By accepting this new
concept for Federal and federally assisted
acquisition programs, Congress would set a
persuasive example for the States to follow,
which could then be applied without ques-
tion to all Federal and federally assisted
property acquisition programs.
I would urge the caieful consideration by
this subcommittee of the replacement cost
concept, particularly as contained in my bill,
H.R. 6501. In order to take up no further
time of the subcommittee, I would simply
like to request your permission to include
for the record at this point a copy of title
IV of HR. 7984, the Housing and urban De-
velopment Act of 1965 as passed by the
House; that section of the House Banking
.and Currency Committee report dealing with
title IV; a copy of that title of my bill, 1f.It.
6501, dealing with compensation for con-
demnees; and a section-by-section analysis
of my compensation suggestions. None of
-these iteiis are particularly long, but I do
believe that they will be useful to the sub-
committee In determining what action to
take in, this highly important field.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man fxopi New York [Mr. DULSKII is
recognjsed for 30 minutes..
[Mr, PULSKI addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
(Mr. PERKINS (at the request of Mr.
McCAiTUY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECOAb and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. PERKINS. Madam Speaker, on
Friday, July 2, in his address before the
National Education Association in New
York, President Johnson announced that
he would propose a National Teachers
Ilbis speech he said, and3 quote him:
I will propose a National Teachers Corps
to enlist thousands of dedicated teachers,to
work aiopgside of local teachers in city slums
and in areas of rural poverty, where they can
serve their Nation. They will be young
people, preparing for teaching careers.' They
will be experienced teachers willing, to give
a year to the. places in their country that need
them the most.
Today, I am introducing a bill which
puts the President's proposals Into form
and places those proposals before us here
in Congress. This proposal is particu-
larly appropriate at this time as the Gen-
eral Subcommittee on Education is con-
ducting hearings on legislation to
strengthen the quality of elementary and
secondary education by a program of fel-
lowships for teacher graduate study.
The bill I am introducing will enlist
thousands of dedicated teachers to serve
their country and their fellow citizens;
a bill which will offer thousands of young
people the opportunity to channel the
boundless energies of youth into learning,
teaching, and serving; a bill which will
make it possible for teachers whose dedi-
cation has long been acknowledged as a
source of national strength to share their
valuable experience and training with
those who-although equally dedicated-
have not had the opportunity to gain ex-
perience and training. Today, I am pro-
posing that we establish a National
Teachers Corps which will offer to chil-
dren in the Nation's schools the same
opportunity which we offered to' the peo-
ple around the world when we established
the Peace Corps.
When the Peace Corps was established,
it was deluged with offers of service from
thousands of people who were eager to
share experience and training with
others, Thousands of people willing to
work-not for money-but for mankind.
We tapped a reservoir of talent just
waiting to be used. This reservoir is
still full-full of energy, talent, and
willingness to serve.
The National Teachers. Corps will
further tap the reservoir. It will serve
as another means to channel dreams,
energy, and talent into reality, work, and
The dedication in the measure the
President called for iseno stranger to the
American charactsr_ t ,ham been
in peace and war, in youthrand
age, at home and abroad. It is an ele-
ment essential to the success of the Na-
? tional Teachers Corps and one about
which our minds may be at rest. The
American. teacher., will. respond to this
challenge with all the, strong sense ,of
mission,_all the. good and purposeful en-
ergy, that this exciting opportunity af-
fords. And this, opportunity to serve will
appeal most to the teachers with the
greatest sense of mission-those best
suited to the tasks at hand.
The National Teachers Corps would be
designed to bring able and spirited
teachers to our most disadvantaged rural
-and urban schools and to attract into the
teaching profession highly qualified
young Americans like those who have
made the Peace Corps such a brilliant
The Teachers Corps will recruit experi-
'eliceLl teachers who are able-through
their experience and training-to work
and teach effectively in areas where pov-
erty has placed children at a disadvant-
aged-where poverty has deprived them
of the educational opprotunities which
are available to other children. The
Teachers Corps will also recruit talented
college graduates-though they are not
experienced teachers-who are qualified
to serve as teacher-interns among young
people-setting an example of what edu-
cation can do as well as imparting knowl-
In the proposal I am introducing, all
members of the Teachers Corps would
join for up to 2 years of service. For the
teacher-interns this would be 2 years of
service and professional training. Train-
ing would be provided by colleges and
universities on a contract basis. After
3 months of, intensive training at a uni-
versity, teaching teams, made up of
teacher-interns and led by experienced
teachers, would work in schools provid-
ing the services and skills which are
needed at that school.
The interns would continue to receive
professional training while teaching
through seminars in curriculum, teach-
ing methods, and other teacher training
The teachers and teacher-interns
would be made available to schools in
areas with high concentrations of low-
income families. Their salaries would
be the same as the salaries of other
teachers in those schools with similar ex-
perience, education, and duties.
The bill I am introducing has guaran-
tees against Federal control of the corps-
men after they are selected by the
schools. Local schools will retain com-
plete_ control of their curriculums and
administrations. Teacher corpsmen will
be subject to the same regulations which
the school places on its regular staff.
I am sure that I need not detail the
need for a program to assist schools with
high concentrations of low-income fam-
Congress has now studied this problem
intensely for 2 years. We have already,
in this session, passed a major education
bill to develop programs for the educa-
tion of disadvantaged children. We
passed the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965 which contains
more than a billion dollars for the edu-
cation of educationally deprived children.
Some of the difficulties of poverty-
stricken school districts will be solved
as a result of grants available to them
,.w,ider, title. I. of the Eelementary and
Secondary Education Act. They will be
able to expand programs to take in reme-
dial and special teaching. They will be
able to upgrade teacher's salaries when
necessary to retain and secure qualified
personnel in schools serving concentra-
tions of low-income students.
Schools all across the country are now
developing programs as a result of this
legislation. Most of the programs being
developed require the hiring of new per-
sonnel-new teachers who are qualified
to teach in the programs that are
With the funds these. schools are now
receiving, they will be in a position to
recruit experienced, talented teachers-
the teachers which the new programs re-
quire-but this takes time-more time
than is available, Moreover, they will be
recruiting in a field which is already
lacking in qualified teachers.
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Approved F r & lAQ/1kE DPf7B 6R0003001800JR7~ 14
According to the National Education
Association the national supply of new
teachers fell more than 100,000 teachers
short of the 248,000 new teachers needed.
The passage of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act makes this
shortage even more acute.
The Office of Education now estimates
that the passage of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act has created
a demand for almost 30,000 teachers
this fall-teachers who are qualified
to teach in programs designed to meet
the needs of disadvantaged children.
Two years from now this demand will be
65,000; 65,000 teachers which must be
trained now but are not now in training.
The shortage of qualified teachers is
most acute in rural areas of poverty.
Children in rural areas, in some ways are
even more disadvantaged than those
in the slums of the big cities. Rural
school districts simply have not had the
funds to pay their teachers adequate
salaries. Rural children have not had
access to the public facilities-such as
libraries and museums-which are lo-
cated in the cities.
I am personally most familiar with
the teacher shortage in our rural areas
and small communities.
More prosperous areas of the country
have been able to attract new higly
qualified teachers with the result that
communities which have limited re-
sources are losing young teachers and are
not attracting new teachers, We have
reached the point that we now have to
rely on dedication to duty to hold our
teachers. We know and appreciate this
dedication and service-we also know
that dedication is not limited to teachers
in our own areas.
There are dedicated teachers and
young people in every community in the
Nation-who want to serve for the sake
of service.
We, who have received and apprecia-
ted the benefits of dedicated service,
would like to offer dedicated individuals
across the Nation the opportunity to
show their dedication to us in our
schools. Teacher corpsmen with ex-
perience, talent, training, and duty
would be welcomed in these communities
and others will find his speech in the gen-
eral interest.
Under unanimous consent, I Include
this speech in the body of the RECORD.
The speech follows:
MEETING IN DALLAS, TEx., Just 19, 1965, By
Ladies and gentlemen, there was once a
time when a reporter returning from the field
of battle with bad news was beheaded.
I, therefore, fear the worst from you, for I,
too, returning fxom a 2-week tour of South
Vietnam have news that Is anything but
I ask your indulgence, however, and pray
that you will forego the beheading until I
have finished. At that time you may cut me
down at your leisure with your questions.
To be very blunt about it, and I think that
is what you want, the war in southeast Asia is
not going so good. Actually we hold less
ground than we did at this time last year, in
spite of the fact that the number of troops
we have in Vietnam has spiraled up and up
and up.
And before this summer is gone-a summer
that will be long and hot In places other than
Selma, Ala., and Detroit, Mich.-yes; before
the leaves fall from the trees this winter, we
will have in excess of 70,000 troops in South
However, I can express the belief of the
people to whom I talked-and that runs the
gamut from a two-star general of marines
to a West Virginia lance corporal-these peo-
ple say, "We will win this war if the people
back home stick by us."
I ask you. Ladies and gentlemen of the
press, could they ask anything else?
Although a half world removed from con-
tinental United States, Vietnam has become
a household word in America as world at-
tention focuses on events shaping the destiny
of southeast Asia.
In Vietnam a massive effort is being waged
to combat Communist insurgents to allow
the 14 million people of this young Asian
Republic to live in freedom and peace.
The Republic of Vietnam is about the size
of the State of Washington. It stretches in
a 700-mile are. For the most part it is 50
to 150 miles wide and lies next to Laos and
Cambodia, and borders on the South China
Sea. The country has a spine of dense
jungle-covered mountains extending from
north to south, almost reaching Saigon, its
capital. South of the densely populated
capital city area, the flat, fertile, canal-laced
".rice bowl" or Mekong Delta extends to the
Gulf of Thailand.
Because of its strategic coastal location,
Vietnam has for centuries been an impor-
tant factor in southeastern Asian affairs.
Today its richness In natural resources, par-
ticularly food and rubber, makes South Viet-
nam a coveted prize by food-short North
Vietnam and Communist China.
Rice production in the rich Mekong Delta
alone has the yet untapped potential of
feeding the combined populations of South
and North Vietnam and still having a sur-
plus for export.
The Republic of Vietnam is a vivid mani-
festation of a nation determined, with assist-
ance from other free world nations, to check
the spread of Communist oppression. In
addition to United States aid, assistance is
being provided by 16 countries Including the
Republics of Korea and China, the Philip-
pines, New Zealand, Thailand, and Australia.
However, It Is South Vietnam itself that
carries the brunt of the anti-Communist
battle with nearly half a million men and
women serving in the Armed Forces.
Although the Communist movement in
South Vietnam dates from the early 1930's,
the present Vietcong (Vietnamese Commu-
nists) structure traces from the signing of
the Geneva accords in 1954 that presumably
ended the Indochina War. As 80,000 Viet
Mirth (Communist) troops allegedly with-
drew to North Vietnam following expulsion
of French Forces in Indochina, a cleverly con-
cealed nucleus remained behind to prey on
the New Republic of South Vietnam.
From 1954, the Vietcong in South Vietnam
concentrated on establishing rural political
cadres and on exploitive propaganda.
In 1960, Ho Chi Minh, the Communist
leader in Hanoi? realized that political and
propaganda actions alone could not subvert
the government in Saigon which was already
receiving substantial U.S. aid. Plans were
made in North Vietnam to include military
operations in the Communist formula by in-
filtrating large numbers of reinforcements to
the underground Vietcong Forces in South
Vietnam during the rainy season of 1961.
Thereafter Vietcong violence broke out al-
most everywhere, necessitating much greater
effort by South Vietnam with increased sup-
port, from the United States to contain it.
The current struggle in South Vietnam
cannot be classified as an internal conflict
between dissident guerrillas and a weak gov-
The magnitude of the conflict is revealed
by the fact that Vietcong main and local
force units number more than 30,000 full-
time soldiers. Also there are perhaps 80,000
or more irregulars who work as farmers by
day and often undertake guerrilla actions by
night. These forces are supplied with lead-
ers, technicians, replacements, modern weap-
ons and logistic support from North Viet-
nam. Their obvious intent is the replace-
ment of the South Vietnamese government
by a pawn of the Communist regime in North
The Vietcong, though active throughout
most of the countryside, have a few regions
in which they are particularly strong. These
areas, known as secret bases or war zones,
are located in remote difficult terrain and
serve as the rear base for Communist activity
In South Vietnam. Five of the strongest
Vietcong bases are: the U. Minh Forest in the
delta; the Plain of Reeds, an inundated area
west of Saigon near Cambodia; War Zone C
in Tay Ninh Province northwest of Saigon;
War Zone D in Phuoc Thanh Province, north-
east of Saigon; and the Do Xa area in the
mountains far north of Saigon.
The large Vietcong force, supported in
varying degrees by perhaps one-quarter of
the rural people and established in some
areas for more than 20 years, represents a
formidable enemy. The military aspects of
battle involve separating the VC from their
base of popular and logistic support and
eliminating the VC themselves as organized
military forces responsive to political dirpc-
The enemy is highly elusive since, except
for his secret bases, he has no territory to
defend. He operates mostly during hours of
darkness; he withdraws and disperses into
the countryside when opposed by superior
forces; he attacks without warning when
the situation is most favorable; and he
stands and fights only when he chooses to
do so. The Vietcong are known to plan at-
tacks in meticulous detail, often training for
and practicing an operation for weeks or
even months using sandtable drills and, at
times, fullscale mockups of the target.
The battle Is further complicated by the
difficulty of distinguishing friend from foe
since both sides are primarily Vietnamese.
I saw one engagement by troops of the
7th Division (ARVN) in which the soldiers
Identified themselves by placing large red
scarves around their necks.
The Vietcong are able to conceal their
weapons and blend easily with the popula-
tion. As a result, the battlefield has neither
front nor rear. This is a war with no con-
ventional battlelines.
(Mr. EVINS of Tennessee (at, the re-
quest of Mr. MCCARTHY) was granted
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr.
Speaker, Lt. Col. William "Bill" Dyer,
U.S. Army Reserve, former editor of the
Smi.thville,Tenn., Review, was invited by
the Department of the Army as a rural
editor to visit Vietnam and give a first-
hand report on the conditions as he saw
them in southeast Asia.
Mr. Dyer, a resourceful reporter and an
experienced news analyst, recently in an
address to the National Editorial Asso-
ciation and Texas Press Association
meeting in Dallas, Tex., gave-a firsthand
report on the situation in southeast Asia.
I believe that my colleagues, the press,
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Jur2i 1 1roved For f~el~ffl_OQ300180010-9
Ethnic minorities such as the Chinese,
Cambodians, mountain tribesmen and relig-
ious sects play important roles in the strug-
gle, thereby emphasizing the political aspects
of the counterinsurgency battle.
Activity waxes and wanes as the Vietcong
shift areas or emphasis and tactics. Likewise,
the government has the ability to concentrate
its resources In various regions and on differ-
ent activitles. Recognizing that it is not
necessary to kill all the Communists in South
Vietnam in order to establish law and order
throughout the country, the Government of
Vietnam devotes the bulk of its resources in
an effort to pacify the rural countryside...
Simply stated, pacification is the sum total
of integrated military-economic-political-
psychological-sociological efforts to win the
support of the people by providing security
and meeting their aspirations for social and
economic justice.
The present pacification program to restore
government control is based upon the oil spot
concept of extending control by gradual ex-
pansion from a secure to a less secure area in
the manner of an oil droplet spreading over a
surface. As seen in many pictures from
Vietnam, U.S. forces do such things as dis-
tribute clothing to children. It is hoped that
through friendly gestures the people will
learn to feel secure and safe in the hands
of the Government.
In order to expand the size of an already
secure area, or"base, the region around it is
first cleared by destroying or displacing Viet-
Bong military units and driving the Vietcong
political structure out or underground.
When the balance In the so-called contested
zone llas_tipped in favor of the Government,
securing operations can be started to provide
protection for the population, to reinstitute
and strengthen the Government structure
and to develop a better social and political
life in the area.
Once an area is secure and becomes part
of the expanded. oil spot, pacification activi-
ties can reach,out to the next area and repeat
the process of clearing and securing. Mean-
while efforts continue inside the oil spot to
develop the area economically, politically, and
socially in order to demonstrate that life
under Government auspices is to be preferred.
The most extensive pacification operation
began in, September 1964 in the area sur-
rounding Saigon. Called Hop Tac, which
means cooperation In Vietnamese,_the oper-
ation involves the integration of military and
civilian elements, both Vietnamese and
United States,
The project is supported and assisted by
the major U.S. agencies in Vietnam with the
military assistance command exercising co-
Ordination responsibility.
Traditionally, wars are fought because of
political differences, and the Republic of
Vietnam's battle against Communist-in-
spired insurgency is no exception. The
Communists want to rule the country.
Their aggression, founded on political and
social grounds, cannot be defeated by mili-
tary action alone. Economic, political and
social measures designed to prove that the
Government's programs are superior to Com-
munist promises are equally important.
This is what pacification seeks to accomplish.
Pitted Against the Vietcong are the sizable
and capable Armed Forces of the Republic of
Army, Navy, and Air Force units, operating
under a single high commander, are daily in-
volved in thousands of separate but related
aeti( argijging in size from a squad ambush
'Gt) & eegimental combat team, supported by
air and naval lints, in an attack against an
entity reinforced battalion. The capabili-
ties of the individual Vietnamese fighting
man are. highly regarded by the courage and
endurance he constantly displays.
South Vietnam's Army (ARVN) of over
800,000 , men consists of 9 divisions and
4 corps. Flans _ are underway to increase
It further. With modern equipment selected
for the character of operations it undertakes,
the ARVN organization is tailored to the
type of terrain and enemy it faces,
In addition to the regular forces, the Na-
tion has paramilitary forces numbering ap-
proximately 200,000 divided almost equally
between regional and popular forces.
The regional forces, assigned to the prov-
inces, augment the regular forces and are
particularly active in pacification. Their
availability frees more powerfully equipped
army units for operations against major Viet-
cong units and base areas.
Popular (or people's) forces, who are na-
tives of the area, provide village level pro-
tection to the rural population living In
hamlets. These forces are not purely de-
fensive since they must carry out, by day
and by night, small unit offensive actions to
search out Vietcong guerrillas who seek to
interrupt pacification by harassing and ter-
rorizing the people.
The scope of the military effort Is indicated
by the average of about 2,400 monthly inci-
dents of Vietcong attacks, assassinations,
terrorism, kidnappings and sabotage. More
than 550 South Vietnamese soldiers are
killed monthly as a result of insurgent activi-
ties, while some 1,800 Communists are killed,
captured or defect each month.
Objectives of the U.S. assistance in Viet-
nam are to assist the South Vietnamese Gov-
ernment to achieve peace and stability. This
requires considerable aid and advice in de-
veloping a viable economy, instituting a
sound system of social and economic justice,
building a stable, popular government, and
developing armed forces that can provide de-
fense for the country.
Responsibility for achieving these objec-
tives is the U.S. mission to Vietnam, headed
by the U.S. Ambassador. Agencies responsive
to ., the . Ambassador, which assist in the
various aspects of countering the insurgents
and building a nation, are the U.S. Embassy,
the U.S. Operations Mission (USOM), the
U.S. Information Service (USIS) and the
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
(IVf.ACV). The Embassy deals with political
and social stabilization; USOM is involved
with social and economic development; USIS
is concerned with information and psycho-
logical operations; and MACV is charged with
military security matters.
The U.S. Armed. Forces through the per-
sonnel and. equipment of the Military As-
sistance . Command, Vietnam (MACV) are
playing a significant role in helping the Re-
public of Vietnam maintain a free and inde-
pendent government. With the mission of
advising the Republic of Vietnam armed
forces, members of MACV continue to per-
form their vital task with zeal and skill. By
performing their jobs persuasively and skill-
fully, they are progressively working them-
selves out of jobs. The nature of the Assign-
ment requires the presence of advisory per-
sonnel only until the battle is won and a
fully capable defense force is developed-no
Professionalism Is the cornerstone of ad-
visory activities and associations in Viet-
nam. A highly select body of American
service personnel are accomplishing their
assistance mission irk a thoroughly profes-
sional manner, despite the myriad chal-
lenges of service in a strange land engaged
in a life and death encounter with tyranny.
Since I am on the subject of advisers,
there is one group of which I cannot say
enough. If it is possible to fall in love with
a group of, men, without being called an
ugly word, I fear I am guilty. For I believe
one of the finest aggregates of men I ever
knew is In the 5th Special Forces Group in
Vietnam. These skilled men are located
throughout the republic in isolated locales
training and working with the indigenous
personnel to establish protective security.
Organizing the populace into integrated
-;Pis mettle.
Ladies and gentlemen of the NEA and
TPA, I will be frank to say that I went to
Vietnam_ with a cynic's view. I had mixed
emotions, but my concern was for the lives
of men being lost in this struggle. I won-
dered, and maybe some of you have, if the
struggle is worth the cost: After all, Viet-
nam is a small country with a small popula-
tion, so why spend millions of dollars daily
to help save it from communism?
After being there, I feel differently. I feel
rrgw that we skiQuid save this country at all
As one editorial writer put it, "The ques-
tion of whether we should be in Vietnam at
all has long since become academic. It is
like the man who was in jail for something
for which he could not be put in jail. He
was there. And SO are we."
T'he Issue as I see it now is that our mis-
.sion In Vietnam la to help the Vietnamese
people attain peace and stability. The issue
at stake is all-and I repeal, all-of southeast
Asia. And the word I got there to bring back
to you is help us in the fight. Support us
with everything you have. Be critical if you
must, but justly criticize.
America and South Vietnam can win this
struggle. It will be long, and it will be hard.
But it can be won.
. And in the words of another editorialist,
"We have finally gone to war in Vietnam.
And now we must win."
(Mr. BINGHAM (at the request of Mr.
MCCARTHY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I have
today introduced a bill which would
direct the Secretary of Commerce not
to make Federal aid funds available for
the proposed superhighway along the
east bank of the Hudson River, which
was authorized by the New York State
Legislature in its recent session and ap-
proved by Governor Rockefeller.
The proposed superhighway would not
only threaten the program for preserv-
ing the scenic beauty and recreational
potential of the Hudson River, but it
would also necessarily cut across the
community of Riverdale and Van Cort-
landt Park in Bronx County.
At the very least no such drastic de-
cision affecting the future of the area
should be made without extensive public
hearings and consultation with the com-
munities involved. I join with my col-
league', the gentleman from New York
[Mr. OTTINGERI, who has today intro-
duced an identical bill, in expressing the
hope that the Subcommittee on Roads
of the House Public Works Committee
will hold such hearings in the area af-
fected in the near future.
Under leave to revise and extend my
remarks, I include herewith an editorial
from the Riverdale Press of July 8, 1965,
a weekly newspaper which has deserved-
ly won many awards for excellence and
for service to the community:
[From the Riverdale (N.Y.) ' Press, July
8, 1965]
More than 350 years have passed since
Hendrik Hudson anchored the Half Moon
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Approved Foe8e 9 :/1 15 9P6 it3R00030018001Yu?y U, 1965
off Spuyten Duyvil. Many controversies have
raged over the Hudson River since then, No
year in the past, however, has matched 1965
for the amount of attention given to this
majestic waterway. Riverdale is especially
concerned, since the Hudson forms our west-
ern boundary.
A Riverdalian, George Perkins, was chiefly
instrumental in preserving the Palisades
along the New Jersey shore for the perma-
nent enjoyment of generations to come. But
the Riverdale shoreline has suffered.
In one corner, below Kappock Street,
apartments have been crowded together so
that narrow streets are all but impassable.
What should have been a beautiful resi-
dential area has been permitted to become
an unplanned, uncomfortable jumble of un-
prepossessing buildings.
Our park along the river has never been
developed. Erosion has taken a heavy toll.
What's left has been torn up during the con-
struction of new sewers so that the river
edge looks like an Appalachian strip mining
operation. We doubt that it will be restored
to beauty for years to come.
Riverdale is far from alone in its concern
over the future of the Hudson. At Corn-
wall, conservationists are fighting a vigorous
battle against a proposed Con Edison devel-
opment. They fear its effect both on scenic
beauty and the spawing of fish. The cur-
rent drought has turned the attention of
the city toward the possibility of using the
Hudson as a source of water supply. And
there is increased concern over the preserva-
tion of waterfront areas from continued
Bearings to be held tomorrow and Satur-
day at Hawthorne Junior High School, in
Yonkers, will discuss the scenic Hudson
Riverway bill, cosponsored by Congressman
BINGHAM. The measure was introduced to
enable the Secretary of the Interior to pre-
serve- the river's scenic and recreational
values. Uncertain, as yet, are the steps to
be taken to extend the Secretary's authority
to New York City.
Meanwhile the State legislature has pasted,
and Governor Rockefeller has signed into
law, another bill to establish a Hudson
Scenic Expressway along the river bank.
This would transform Route 9 into a super-
highway, extending from Beacon to New
York City.
Of special concern to Riverdale is a pro-
posal to link this highway with the Major
Deegan Expressway via an extension at some
point in the Bronx. The only possible road
of this type would have to cut across River-
State officials have said they will do every-
thing possible to retain the river's scenic
beauty. Information concerning plans for
the highway has been limited, but a series of
hearings for communities to be affected has
been proposed. We hope Riverdale wai be
considered among those areas entitled to
be, heard.
The Henry Hudson Parkway now splits
Riverdale in half. Access roads to the heavily
traveled Major Deegan Expressway now
create bottlenecks and add to traffic hazards.
We believe another superhighway cutting
across Riverdale would cause irreparable
damage to the community.
First of all, wh,,,t's left of Riverdale's wa-
terfront would be lost forever. No matter
how :hard he tries, the highway commissioner
cannot preserve scenic beauty by substitut-
ing a ribbon of concrete for a stretch of
greenery and woodlands. Secondly, what we
least need is the noise, confusion, and air
pollution of thousands of cars on a main
artery cut through our residential sections.
The new expressway will entail tremen-
dous expense as well as dislocation. An
easier solution to the mass transportation
problem is so obvious, that we wonder why
it has been bypassed. That solution lies in
implementing rail commuter service.
The proposed new highway parallels the
tracks of the New York Central. Fast, com-
fortable transportation could. be provided
for thousands of riders by modernizing the
rail system. Legislation enabling such a
move has already been passed. Precedents
have been established. Other cities have
fast, modern commuter service. Why not
offer this convenience to Hudson Valley com-
There is an obvious inconsistency between
Federal efforts to preservescenic and recrea-
tional values and the State's plan to build
an expressway. We cannot, have both. Of
the two proposals, we favor the measure
introduced in Congress. We see no necessity
for an expressway that will mean the per-
manent destruction of a riverfront that has
been despoiled already, almost beyond the
hope of preservation and restoration.
(Mr. BOLAND (at the request of Mr.
MCCARTHY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Speaker, I would
like to take this opportunity to welcome
all the many thousands of members of
the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine of North America
who have arrived this week in our Na-
tion's Capital for their 91st annual con-
As an organization, the Shriners are
an outstanding example of a group dedi-
cated to a living, vital Christianity and
to the great democratic ideals which have
built and strengthened America. The
838,000 members of this organization are
men who believe in the, united, humani-
tarian action of free men in accepting
the responsibilities that come with citi-
zenship in the world's greatest demo-
cracy. Through their sponsorship of the
amazingly successful Shriners' hospitals
for crippled children, they are demon-
strating the best concepts of community
and national service.
Founded in New York in 1872, Shrine-
dom has spread across our Nation. And
as the late Hubert N. Poteat, a Past Im-
perial Potentate wrote:
If there is one thing our harassed world
needs more than another today, it is brother-
ly love.
As a group the Shriners are men of
reverent mind, merry heart, and a dis-
tinct humanitarian vein. Back in 1888,
Jacksonville, Fla., was almost laid waste
by a tragic epidemic of yellow fever. Five
thousand were affected before cold
weather could destroy the virus. To
their great credit, the members of the
Shrine organized themselves into a re-
lief corps and through their donations
of personal labor and more than $10,000
initiated the order's first major charity.
In the years that followed, every im-
perial potentate urged Shriners every-
where to carry on the works of charity,
with the results of these pleas culmi-
nating in today's multimillion-dollar an-
nual program for the Shriners' hospitals
for crippled children.
These hospitals have been the soul of
the Shriners. The first cornerstone was
laid in 1922 in Shreveport, La. Today
this program has expanded to a total of
17. These hospitals are among the Na-
tion's most modern, progressive, and well
equipped, and are offering free care and
love to thousands of young children who
so badly need it. One of these very ex-
cellent hospitals is located in my home
city of Massachusetts in Springfield. It
has been offering hope and health to the
children of the area since 1925.
An extremely significant new program
has recently been added to the already
heavy obligations of the Shriners.
Young burn patients, long the most
neglected of the pediatric wards, have
gained a new friend. The Shriners have
now put both feet forward in a mighty
attempt to alleviate the crucial problems
in this area.
In November of 1963 the first Shriners'
Burns Institute was opened in Galveston,
Tex. Two others followed in Cincinnati
and Boston. These are interim opera-
tions being carried out in rented space in
already existing hospitals. But in these
three locations, two new and modern
Shriners' Burns Institutes are now under
construction and the third will be by
next fall. It is a mighty undertaking
in an area of serious need.
The Shriners of America like parades
and they like good fun, but they are also
seriously in pursuit of a better life for
the misfortunate young children of our
Nation, children who with help and love
can become productive, vital citizens of
this Nation.
And the next time those of us who are
sports fans enjoy the excitement of the
annual Shriners' East-West football
game, maybe we should pause a moment
and remember that it is more than a
football game.
It is a classic of love and sacrifice for
a goal that transcends the yards gained,
the passes thrown, or the runners
stopped. This is a game played that
Joe, with two clubfeet, may walk and
even run and play 'like other children.
It is played for little Mary, who lies in a
plaster cast as the curve is removed from
her spine. It is played for Ralph and
Ruth, Nancy and Bill, Sue and Dick-
white, black, yellow, Protestant, Jew, and
Catholic-who._lie in the Shriners' hos-
pitals, and for the others who are waiting
to reach that mansion of mercy.
We are proud to have the Shriners in
(Mr. WHITE of Texas (at the request
of Mr. MCCARTHY) was granted permis-
sion to extend his remarks at this point
in the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. WHITE of Texas. Mr. Speaker,
death to a member of an economically
less fortunate family or a family of mod-
erate means strikes a blow that is doubly
cruel to that family. The grief from the
loss of a loved one is coupled with the
financial hardship incurred by the pay-
ment of funeral expenses of that loved
one. An equitable method exists for the
Congress to minimize this terrible finan-
cial hardship-an income tax deduction
to the members of the decedent's family
Approved For Release 2003/10/15 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000300180010-9
July 1. , 1 15proved For ReI T(Z B-9 AICI C 60=11460300180010-9
for the, expenses surrounding the funeral
of the, loved one
Pre,=entlaW makes a deduction avail-
ably to wealthier members oi' our society
through `the computation of the Federal
estate tax which may be due on the es-
tate of the deceased. But this existing
deduction is meaningless to people of
moderate means. The conscience of the
Natiorrin recent years has been directed
toward the hardships ofthe less-advan-
taged ,citizen and it is appropriate at this
time to make'some reasonable deduction
available to this group of Americans.
I am today introducing legislation to
make available a modest Income tax
deduction to those family members who
actually pay the funeral expenses of one
of their. loved ones. The bill` would, in
the usual case, allow the widower other
family member to deduct a total of up to
$500 for funeral expenses paid with re-
spect to the deceased. If family members
are "01ititled to receive lump-sum death
payment or a funeral or burial expense
allowance-generally $250-under the
Social Security Act, veteran's benefit leg-
islation, or other Federal law, the total
deduction ` made available by the ' bill
would be reduced to $250.
In recognition of the fact that several
family members may contribute to the
payment of the total amount of funeral
expenses, the bill provides that the allow-
able deduction is to be allocated to each
contributing individual in proportion to
the amount of funeral expenses he paid,
reduced by the amount of the lump-sum
payment he received.
To avgid misuse of this new deduction,
the bill also provides that any amount
allowable to a family member as an In-
come tax deduction shall not also be
allowable to the decedent's estate in com-
puting its Federal estate tax liability,
making only one deduction for the fu-
neral' expense allowable. This is con-
:sonant with present law.
This income tax deduction while allow-.
able to each American taxpayer, will be
most significant to the citizen of modest
means who Is stricken by the loss of a
loved one.
We heard this salve argument last
year when the voluntary wheat certifi-
cate program was before Congress. It
was a false argument then, and it has
proven to be false.
Opponents of the program last year
made dire predictions that its passage
would surely result in higher bread prices
to the consumer, but it didn't.
Consumer prices for wheat products
have remained stable. Bread prices in
the the past 12 months have averaged
around 21 cents a loaf or less, virtually
unchanged from the period before the
certificate program` went into effect.
..And yet the wheat certificate program
has meant about $450 million more in
farm income to the wheatgrowers than
they would have received without the
program. And wheat program costs to
the taxpayer were $300 million lower
than the year before.
Publicly owned wheat stocks have been
reduced by about 150 million bushels be-
low the previous marketing year. ..
And yet profits to wheat users thus far
in 1965, according to recent Standard
& Poor's surveys, are higher in nearly
every case than for the same period in
The bakers are a lot better off finan-
cially than the farmers who grow the
wheat, and they get a lot more than the
farmer does for the loaf of bread they
The bakers, however, do not seem to
want to give the farmer parity of in-
come with his city brethren. And they
do not seem to want to reduce the costs
of Government farm programs.
The immediate goals of this adminis-
tration's farm program now before Con-
gress are these:
First. To raise farm income by $250
million a year.
Second. To reduce farm program costs
by $200 million a year.
Third. To cut back Government-held
stocks of farm commodities and reduce
storage and handling costs.
The extension of the voluntary wheat
certificate program' in the bill before
Congress is -a key feature of the legisla-
THE "BREAD TAX" ARGUMENT IS Yet we hear it attacked and smeared
FALSE by its opponents as "bread tax" legisla-
(Mr. PURC1r7L (at the request of Mr. Well, now, let us just see how much
MCCARTHY) was granted permission to money the farmer gets for the wheat In
extend his remarks at this point in the a loaf of, bread compared to what the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat- bakers and wholesalers and the retailers
ter.) get.
Mr. PURCELL. Mr. Speaker, last In the years from 1947 through 1949
week I called the attention of the House when the retail price of bread averaged
to published reports that the giants of 12.7 cents, the farmer's share of that
the baking industry have hired a Wash- loaf of bread,was only 2.7 cents for the
ington lobbyist to work for the defeat wheat in that bread.
of the Johnson administration's farm By February of this year the average
bill. retail price of a loaf of bread had risen
I pointed out to my colleagues of the to just under 21 cents, but the-farmer was
House that this insidious attack on the still getting only 2.7 'cents for the wheat
farm bill is being carried out under the in that loaf of bread.
smokescreen of a "bread tax" propaganda Now, the Secretary of Agriculture has
smear. stated repeatedly that the bill now be-
I want to keep reminding my col- fore Congress will provide the wheat
leagues of this cunning, deceitful cam- farmer an increase of seven-tenths of a
by the big baking fallacy of the cent fo esti wheat used lzi a lpa;(-,, I bread
I P want toaudulent argument emphasize they the companies,
are putting by domestic bakers. _ _
y This would be the first time in 1;;
up. years that the wheat farmer has had an.
No. 127-21
Increase In his share of the returns from
a loaf of bread.
And yet the wheat-users are threaten-
ing that If the share of the farmer Is in-
creased by seven-tenths of a cent, the
price of bread will be increased 2 cents
a loaf.
Why, Mr. Speaker, would this be so?
Who would be imposing a bread tax on
the consumer? It would not be the
farmer. It would not be this adminis-
tration. It would be the bakers and the
wholesalers and the retailers.
The farmer today actually receives 15
percent less for the food he produces than
he did in 1947-49, while prices paid by
consumers for food have risen by 31
Since 1947-49 the cost of farm-grown
food has risen only 14 percent, but the
processing and marketing costs have
risen 42 percent.
Expenditures per person for food in
the United States increased by $105 from
1950 to 1964. But of this $105 a year
increase in the cost of food, the farmer
got only $1 and the processing and mar-
keting firms got $104.
Mr. Speaker, let us be done with all this
nonsense about the administration's
wheat program constituting a "bread
tax" on the consumer.
We need to enact this program, Mr.
Speaker, to raise farm income, to reduce
Government costs to the taxpayer, and
to cut back surplus grain stocks.
Let us not be fooled by any fraudulent
"bread tax" arguments against it.
(Mr. WAGGONER (at the. request of
Mr. MCCARTHY) was granted. permission
to extend. his, remarks at this, point in
the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. WAGGONNER. Mr. Speaker an
editorial concerning the administration
of the.. "Head Start" program appeared
in the July 5 issue of the Shreveport
Journal which deserves the attention of
every Member.
It makes a single point and It is one
to which I wholly subscribe: That the
program has, in the headlong rush to
pour out the funds appropriated, granted
funds to just about everyone except those
who are qualified to administer the pro-
gram. There rare some exceptions, I am
sure, but they are few and far between.
I commend this editorial to the atten-
tion of the House and congratulate the
editor of the Journal for a forthright and
clear insight into the mistakes that have
been made in this program so far.
Operation Head Start officially gets under-
way this week with projects in some 2,300
communities hastily set up to prepare pre-
school-age children from culturally deprived
homes for entering the first grade next fall.
It was conceived as a $17 million program
to offer assistance to 100,000 children this
summer, but the antipoverty planners be-
came so enthusiastic about it that the pro-
gram has reached $84 million proportions,
extending help to 560,000 children.
Ten Head Start projects have been ap-
proved for Caddo and Bossier Parishes.
klogro churches, nurseries, day-care centers,
and a PTA group are sponsoring these units,
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Approved F cLr(? gfNX(j1fkt l pMIW4 6R0003001800Jn 14, 1965
Although school boards in some cities are
acting as sponsors of projects, the Office of
Economic Opportunity does not require units
to be under the supervision of school
systems. '
Since children for whom the program is
planned have individual problems which
handicap their learning, one would expect
the projects to be staffed with teachers who
are specialists in the field. But that is not
the case. Teachers having had only 1 week
of training in kindergarten techniques will
be conducting classes. Few experts regard
this training as adequate, the Wall Street
Journal observes.
In most projects over the country teachers
will receive the same rate of pay as regular
elementary public school teachers earn. The
national average comes to about $3 an hour.
However, in New York City, Head Start
teachers will bepaid from $8 to $9.20 an hour.
They refused to Work for any less, and Head
Start was determined to get going regard-
less of the cost. When the school nurses
discovered how the teachers had succeeded
they, in turn, demanded and got $6 an hour.
Their regular scale was $2.85. Directors of
the New York projects are to be paid $1,000
a month.
During these coming 8 weeks of Head
Start about 40,000 teachers will be employed.
There will be some 8,000 additional paid
workers. The Federal Government bears 90
percent or more of the cost of the program.
By far the greater part of the funds will go
for salaries.
Certain experts who are In complete sym-
pathy with the aim of Head Start doubt
that it can accomplish its objectives if help
is not continued after these children are
enrolled in public school. Among them .is
Dr. Martin Deutsch, of New York Medical
College. He said, as quoted by the Wall
Street Journal: "There is some evidence that
children who do get a head Start which has
no followup momentum will return to their
orginial failure levels."
The administration has asked Congress to
appropriate $150 million to carry on Head
Start after this fall. In justice to the chil-
dren, their families, and the taxpayers, too,
the program should be placed on a firmer
educational basis before more funds are
lavished on it. Good intentions and plenty
of money cannot substitute for adequately
trained teachers and competent direction.
(Mr. OTTINGER (at the request of
Mr. MCCARTHY) was granted permission
to extend his remarks at this point in
the RECORD and to include extraneous
[Mr. OTTINGER'S remarks will ap-
pear hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. FRASER (at the request of Mr.
McCARrHY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RkcoRD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. FRASER'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. GILBERT (at the request of Mr.
MCCARTHY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. GILBERT. Mr. Speaker, I wish
to call to the attention of my fellow Mem-
bers of the House a statement by Mr.
Paul Hall, president of the Seafarers'
International Union of North America,
which apepared in the July 9, 1965 edi-
tion of the "Seafarers' Log." The state-
ment discusses the Cargo Preference Law
and the proposed amendment by Con-
gressman PAUL G. ROGERS of Florida.
(By Paul Hall)
A truly constructive proposal that would
require a minimum of 75 percent of U.S. Gov-
ernment-generated cargo be carried on Amer-
ican-flag vessels has been introduced in the
House of Representatives by Congressman
PAUL ROGERS, Democrat, of Florida. Repre-
sentative ROGERS' bill is an example of the
kind of recommendations that are needed to
reverse the dismal decline of the American-
flag merchant fleet.
Representative ROGERS' proposal is more
than just another Idea of how to save the
U.S. merchant marine from vanishing from
the oceans of the world. Th significance of
the bill lies in the fact that the Nation's
present cargo preference statutes are not
doing the job for which they were passed.
Congressman RoGERS is obviously aware of
this fact. In introducing his bill he declared,
"The present requirement of 50 percent has
proved insufficient, if this Nation is to main-
tain a strong merchant marine."
The. SIU has long maintained that the
lackadaisical enforcement of the existing
cargo preference statutes is a shocking exam-
ple of bureaucratic negligence, to say noth-
ing of governmental indifference to the plight
of the V.S. Shipping Industry. Our lengthy
list of grievances against the Government
departments that have ignored the spirit and
intent of this legislation tells the sordid story
of how ineffectively the present statutes
have been administered.
If one were to take a cynical attitude to-
ward the Nation's present cargo preference
laws, an argument might be made that Rep-
resentative ROGERS' bill calling for a 75 per-
cent Government cargo requirement is the
best way to actually get the presently re-
quired 50 percent on American bottoms.
However, we can rightfully expect that the
statutes will be obeyed.
We in the SIU do not think it is too much
to ask that the departments of the Federal
Government adhere to the cargo preference
statutes duly enacted by the representatives
of the people. If these departments continue
their practice of ignoring these laws, a law
calling for no less than a 100-percent cargo
preference requirement would not be worth
the paper it was written upon.
Our objections to the present cargo pref-
erence setup is twofold in nature. The first
objection deals with the all-too-frequent
granting of waivers to evade the requirements
of the law. Our second point Is that even
if there were complete compliance with the
present 50-percent minimum, our country's
merchant marine would still need additional
assistance if it is to take its rightful place
among the fleets of the world.
Thus, we regard increasing the legal re-
quirement that American bottoms carry 75,
instead of the minimum 50 percent, of Gov-
ernment-generated cargoes, as an important
step in restoring the Nation's merchant fleet
to a healthier state of strength. Certainly,
our shipping industry will not find itself
taxed beyond its resources in finding the
space for the cargoes guaranteed to it by such
a law.
The sad truth of the matter is our Nation's
merchant marine is carrying well under 10
percent of the country's foreign trade. The
rapidly dwindling part played by the U.S.
maritime industry in its own country's for-
eign trade can only spell tragedy for the fu-
ture place of the American flag on the world's
oceans. The flow of Government cargoes
which keeps a portion of our fleet alive today
obviously cannot be depended upon to do
this lifesaving job at the rate at which they
are currently available.
As the strength of our merchant fleet
continues to ebb away, our Nation is con-
fronted with repeated reports of a strong
and steadily growing Russian shipping in-
dustry. Representative ROGERS recognized
this threat when he said, "It is clear the
Communists are engaged in an all-out effort
to dominate the world's sea lanes by 1970."
In his speech before the House in support
of his 75-percent cargo preference bill,
ROGERS pointed to statistics Showing that
Russia is building 15 times as many ships
as this country. We think facts such as
these indicate the damage of the country's
national security through governmental lack
of concern about our own merchant fleet.
Representative ROGERS was correct when he
said his proposed law would be an important
first step in rebuilding the U.S.-flag fleet.
The Florida Congressman also hit the nail
on the head when he said passage of his
bill would have a substantially beneficial
effect on our Nation's dangerous balance-of-
payments problem. His statement that the
cost of moving foreign aid cargoes on for-
eign-flag vessels worsens the outflow of U.S.
dollars is unfortunately, all to true.
The country is generally aware that our
Government program to help the less-for-
tunate nations of the world with U.S. assist-
ance is one of the chief reasons why we are
plagued by balance-of-payment problems.
Faced with this problem, we find it hard to
understand why the goods which are part
of this assistance do not move in U.S.-flag
vessels, thus saving a good many valuable
dollars. To continue the present practice
of ignoring the availability of American ship-
ping to handle these cargoes, only com-
pounds the International deficit in payments
faced by the United States. The passage of
Representative ROGERS bill, increasing the
maritime industry's share of Government-
generated cargoes, will be a great aid in bol-
stering the U.S. merchant marine, providing
that the Government agencies involved obey
(Mr. MULTER (at the request of Mr.
MCCARTHY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, President
Johnson has said repeatedly that this
country would not desert South Vietnam
in their fight to prevent the Communist
from taking control of that country. As
a result of this pledge this country should
come to grips with the fact that this
could be a very long and costly struggle.
Jerry Greene in the New York Daily
News wrote :
President Johnson Is geared for a 10-year
war in South Vietnam, if that's what it takes
to stop the Communist drive southward from
Red China.
Americans should also get geared for
this long struggle, and be realistic in
their thoughts toward the Vietnam con-
We all know President Johnson has
tried almost every possible way to bring
Hanoi to the peace table, but they have
refused, thinking that they can win a
military victory. This is what we must
show them they cannot do, and this is
what may take so long.
Mr. Greene's column of July 6, 1965
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July 14, 1M15proved For Rel $bMA I f3@6 '0300180010-9 16283
(By Jerry Greene)
WASHINGTON, July 5.-President Johnson is
geared for a 10-year war in South Vietnam, if
that's what it takes to stop the Communist
drive southward from Red China.
A close associate of the President told the
News that some White House advisers have
become concerned that Johnson's deluge of
invitations for peace negotiations may have
hurtfully obscured the recognition by most
top officials that extended conflict Is possible.
'Some Presidential consultants are con-
vinced that Johnson has by this time made
the U.S. willing, unconditional, position suffi-
ciently clear before the rest of the world, and
that prime attention should now be given
to laying the facts before the American
The willingness to negotiate seemingly flies
in the face of official acceptance of the grim
prospects. It has brought a troublesome con-
fusion in the minds of the people.
The American spectaculars, like the use of
the B-52 bombers this weekend for the second
strike against suspected Vietcong positions,
and the commitment of paratroops and ma-
rines-with more to come-have not been
Calculated to produce immediate, decisive re
The war still must be fought by the Viet-
namese, most military chiefs believe, with the
United States providing such assistance as
is required. There is little doubt that the
assistance, already of major proportions, will
be increased substantially as the months
But this assistance is not and has not been
of the crash variety. Rather, it has been the
development of long-term planning. The in-
tent.,is to stave off the expected rainy season
attacks of the Vietcong and to apply mount-
ing pressure against the Reds-north and
south-without going so far as to bring on
wholesale war with Red China or Russia.
This` is the ticklish key issue a matter of
political decisions that a ' couple of generals
said today the military men are more than
willing to leave to the White House.
Johnson and practically all his top offi-
cials have broadcast repeated warnings that
the Viet war could be long, but such admo-
nitions have received little attention-far
less 1 iiaq, the, npisy blatherings of a. minor-
ity demanding that we quit.
There Was, far`exampple'the appearance of
Defense Secretary Robert -MCNamara before
a House Appropriations Defense Subcommit-
tee, when he was asked about negotiations.
"There is very little to negotiate at the
present time," McNamara said. "The nego-
tiations were held in 1954 and led to,.a divi-
sion of the country. I do not understand
What we would 'negotiate today that would
be different from the* agreement of 1954."
Gen. Ii. I, Johnson, the Army Chief of
Staff, laid it on the line before the same
Congressmen :
"I believe It would take as long as 10 years.
I believe that one of the'-I .would not want
to term it -a mistake-but one of our errors
has been looking forward to success in the
course of the next year, or 2 years..
"I think that-we have to raise our sights
materially, plan for the long term, and if
it occurs sooner, fine. That will be just
Representative GEORGE MAHON, Democrat,
of Texas, the subcommittee chairman, said,
We mgrs. aps are, not p,,oted,,for our pa-
GTence, and said the, patience of the people
"is fibre or fens, threadbare" regarding Viet-
Three years ago, after spending a couple
of months In South Vietnam and attempting
to digest the conclusions of American ad-
(By James Lynn)
A special city council subcommittee rec-
ommended yesterday that the councilestab-
lish its own version of a civilian review board
to look into complaints of police brutality.
The body suggested in the subcommittee's
majority report would be a permament com-
mittee of the council itself, empowered to
review the findings of the police depart-
ment's own Civilian Complaint Review
As soon as the subcommittee report was
out it was condemned by the Patrolmen's
Benevolent Association, which opposes ex-
ternal review of police procedures in any
"Today it's made up of councilmen," a
PBA spokesman said, "and tomorrow who
knows? It opens the door to unlimited
investigation of the police department by
outside people."
There was an even more vivid protest out-
side city hall, where more than 30 pickets
paced yesterday afternoon, carrying signs
that read "The Police Are Our Last Defense
Against Communism" and "Policemen Pro-
tect Us-Please Don't Tie Their Hands."
The pickets were passing out petitions
drawn up by Citizens for Law and Order,
whose chairman was listed as Thaddeus S.
Dabrowski. The petitions said "any attempt,
in any manner, to form a civilian review
board * * * will only hinder" the police.
On the other hand, Councilman Theodore
S. Weiss, a member of the subcommittee, dis-
sented from its report because he didn't
thinly it went far enough. And another sub-
committee member, Councilman Richard S.
Aldrich, went most of the way with the ma-
jority but parted company with it on making
the review body an arm of the council.
The chairman of the subcommittee, Brook-
lyn Democratic Councilman Dominick Corso,
said he had no assurances of support for the
recommendations from Mayor Wagner or
Council Majority Leader David Ross, but the
mayor has voiced his approval of the bill's
broad outlines.
Besides recommending a council commit-
tee to check up on decisions of the police
department's civilian complaint review
board, the subcommittee report called for
some changes in police handling of civilian
'Specifically, it said all complaints should
be submitted in writing and acknowledged
by a written receipt; attorneys should have
the right to cross-examine and transcripts
should be taken at preliminary hearings, and
both the complaint and the police should
have the right to subpena witnesses for
hearings before departmental trial.
The recommended permanent council
committee on police affairs would be au-
thorized "to review police department ad-
ministrative findings in respect to allegations
of brutality," with complete access to police
records, and would make regular spot checks
on the handling of complaints by the police.
Mr. Aldrich, a Manhattan member of the
council's Republican minority, agreed with
the subcommittee majority that civilian re-
view is desirable but argued that Deputy
Mayor Edward F. Cavannagh, Jr:, is now au-
thorized to provide it and should merely be
given by law the power he already holds at
the mayor's order.
In fact, N&. ' Aldrich said, the deputy
mayor's review power should be widened "to
include all aspects of civilian-police rela-
tions," not just charges of brutality. A coun-
cil committee should not be given the job,
he added, because most councilmen are part-
time public servants.
Perhaps more important Mr. Aldrich said,
"Great pressures could be brought to bear
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visers there, we wrote that what would ' be
required was "patience-plus lots of sweat,
some blood, some tears and a thumping
amount of hard cash."
A few months later, Ho Chi Minh, the Red
boss of North Vietnam, said in an interview
published in an American magazine that the
United States did not possess the patience to
compete with the Viet Communists, that we
would tire of the bloody game in a few years
and quit.
It's a cinch that the American public won't
develop that essential patience very fast while
under the impression that there could be a
negotiation, an end to killings, and a peace
almost at any moment.
This is why some of. Johnson's friends
think the time has come to lift the illusion
that a fast peace is around the corner, that
the President might pull some big stunt and
run a dire risk of major war to get the shoot-
ing stopped before the 1966 or certainly the
Certainly the military men charged with
conduct of their part of the war, keeping in
mind that the Viet generals must remain in
the forefront as leaders in their own coun-
try, are proceeding on no crash basis.
How many Americans troops may even-
tually be required, what kinds of supporting
force are unknowns and the situation can
change from day to day. Defense Secretary
McNamara has announced the troop total is
in the process of swelling from 53,000 to 75,-
000. You can make a couple of phone calls
to high officials here and get estimates any
size you want, 100,000 to 150,000 to 350,000
and more.
But these changes, the switch. in tactics,
come as no quickie, shoot-from-the hip deci-
sion. The B-52's based at Guam and used
as desired over South Vietnam were prepared
a year ago.
Now it 3s expected that the new 1st Cav-
"alry Division (Airmobile) just formed at Fort
Banning, Ga., may start moving this month
toward South Vietnam-with its 15,787 men
supported by 428 helicopters-to give the
Communists a taste of something new in
warfare. And, of course, to see how it works.
(Mr. _M 1TJ1 I3 (at' the regalest of
Mr, MCCARTHY) was granted permission
to extend his remarks at this point in
the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, I com-
mend to the attention of our colleagues
the following article. from the May 19,
1965 edition of the New York Herald
The article concerns the proposed
police review board and is part of the
series on "New York City in Crisis":
"This report * * * will meet the need for
a full and open review of substantive cases
of police brutality while at the same time
protecting the good reputation of the thou-
sands, of mgn on our. police force who serve
with -dedicatiqar151 honor (City council
committee's majority report.)
"Nothing could be more detrimental to the
police department, the morale of the men
or the, efficient, protection for the people of
the city * * * the cops * * * . will be the
target of every cop-hater in the city *_ *
A cop would be looking down the throat of
a review board." , (Police Benevolent Associa-
tion statement,)
Approved 8ftVR00030018001"y 14, 1965
on the individual councilman by his con-
stitutents and pressure groups from his com-
munity." The deputy mayor, he reasoned,
would be above "partiality, prejudice, and
professional courtesy."
Mr. Weiss' minority report took Issue with
practically all of the subcommittee majority's
recoenmendations. lie filed a bill more than
a year ago that would establish a nine-man
civilian complaint review board whose mem-
bers would be appointed by the mayas' from
the citizenry at large.
Yesterday's subcommittee report recom-
mended that Mr. Weiss' bill be shunted aside.
Mr. Weiss retorted that a council commit-
tee "would give substance to the arguments
of those who fear a politically oriented ex-
tei-nal board without satisfying those who
seek a truly impartial board.
"To be perfectly blunt," the Manhattan
reform Democrat believe that the council
has not the political Independence to dis-
charge this responsibility. And even If it
did, no group of councilmen S * * could
long escape the charge, unfounded though
it might be, that they were deciding com-
plaints on the basis of political considera-
(Mr. MULTER (at the request of Mr.
MCCARTny) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, the sub-
ject of the following article Is New York's
housing crisis and Its part of the series
on "New York City in Crisis." The ar-
ticle appeared in the New York Herald
Tribune on May 20, 1965, and follows:
(By Maurice C. Carroll)
It was a rare Tuesday for the six Broderick
children: Their father came home at noon
so he could watch 10-year-old Ellen be con-
farmed in St. Catherine's Roman Catholic
Usually he didn't get home from the U.S.
Attorney's office in Foley Square to the gray
stone and stucco house at 215 Highbrook
Avenue, Pelham, much before suppertime.
But on Tuesday the children got a good
chance to visit with him.
It Is the kind of opportunity they won't
expect much from now on because in mid-
evening the telephone rang and, Vincent L.
Broderick said yesterday, "it was Mike Mur-
phy. He said he had submitted his resigna-
tion as Police Commissioner and recom-
mended me as his successor."
From that moment until he sat yesterday
afternoon in city hall, shoulder to shoulder
with what seemed an endless series of tele-
vision interviewers who repeated, one by
one, the same set of questions, Mr. Broderick
was so busy he never even got around to
finding out how much he was going to be
paid in his new job.
He walked out the city hall front door at
2:15 for lunch with Mr. Murphy, former
Commissioner Francis Adams and his cur-
rent boss, U.S. Attorney Robert Morgenthau,
and someone asked, "Will your salary be the
same $35,000 that Murphy gets?"
The tall, slim Mr. Broderick looked sur-
prised. His right hand strayed to his out-
thrust chin. "Why, I assume It is," he said
slowly. "We never did discuss it." He
smiled. "Maybe we should have."
He and his new boss, the mayor, had a
brief Oracle Mansion chat before Mr. Brod-
erick headed briefly back to his office, then
down to city hall to meet the press.
That telephone call from Mr. Murphy
stirred in him, he said, "shock and chagrin.
I've known Mike 11 years and I regard him
as a great police officer, a great attorney, a
great man." After they talked, he called
Mr. Adams, under whom he had served when
he was deputy police commissioner in charge
of legal matters from 1954 to 1956. They
chatted briefly. At about 10 pm. he called
Mr. Morgenthau.
At 9:30 am. yesterday he was at Oracle
Mansion for a meeting with Mr. Murphy,
Mr. Wagner and Mr. Adams. He was offered
the job. He took it. By mid-morning he was
making ready to take over as police com-
The city gains 3 inches of commissioner
and loses 25 pounds in the transition from
the heavy-set Mr. Murphy to the slender 6-
foot-1, 175-pound, graying Mr. Broderick.
It loses several decibels in vocal volume.
Mr. Murphy has a big voice. Mr. Broderick's
is soft, almost apologetic. But those who
know him say the soft tones cloak a firm
character. He is, they say, a calm and ac-
complished administrator.
He was born in New York 45 years ago,
son of the late Joseph Broderick, a former
Federal Reserve Board governor, and Mary
Lyons Broderick. He had two brothers, the
Reverend Joseph Broderick, a Dominican
priest who teaches law at Catholic University,
and Francis, director of the Peace Corps in
Educated at All Hallows, Barnard School
for Boys, Phillips Andover Academy Prince-
ton (class of 1941) and Harvard Law (1948),
he joined the law firm of Hatch, Root and
Barrett, 26 Broadway, after graduation. In
college he was editor of the Daily Princetoni-
an, a Quadrangle Club member, and on the
rwimming, JV soccer and rugby teams.
After his term as deputy police commissioner,
during which he conducted departmental
hearings against policemen accused of mis-
conduct, he served from 1956 to 1961 as gen-
eral counsel of the National Association of
Investment Companies (with service in 1958
and 1959 as special hearings officer for the
waterfront commission) and from 1961 until
now as chief assistant U.S. attorney for the
southern district.
He spent 4 wartime years in the Army Corps
of Engineers.
He has, he said, no special hobbies. "I'm
a situation golfer. If there's a course there
and nobody an it, I might play." Mostly,
he said, "I just like to spend time with my
children and tossing a ball back and forth."
Mr. Broderick's hazel eyes gaze downward
when he answers questions and he folds his
slim hands contemplatively. But his words
proclaim self-assurance. His new job? "The
second toughest job in New York. But I
am honored by the confidence the mayor has
expressed in me-and I have a certain degree
of confidence In myself."
The Broderick children heard schoolyard
gossip about their father's new job but it
was only as they drifted home in mid-
afternoon that they learned for certain-
Kathleen, 14, from Pelham High; Vincent, 12,
from junionr high; Mary, 11, Ellen, 10, and
Joan, 7, from Colonial Public School. Only
2-year-old Justin was home all day with his
mother, the former Sally Brine.
Their home is near the city line but Mr.
Broderick said they would now probably
move closer to the center of things. Where?
When? He threw out his hands. "That's
one of the things. I just don't know. It's
been so sudden."
Mrs. Broderick said she was "delighted"
with the appointment even though she knew
the job would make many demands on her
husband's time. He said, "I'm blessed with a
very understanding wife."
Yes, he said supper was usually at 7:30,
"although Mr. Morgenthau runs a pretty busy
office, too. And I don't always make it now.,,
When he's Commissioner?
"Sally is probably still going to have dinner
at 7:80-with the six children."
(Mr. BINGHAM (at therequest of Mr.
McCARTHY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mr. BINGHAM'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mrs. KELLY (at the request of Mr.
MCCARTHY) was granted permission to
extend her remarks at this point In the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
[Mrs. KELLY'S remarks will appear
hereafter in the Appendix.]
(Mr. SCHEUER (at the request of Mr.
MCCARTHY) was granted permission to
extend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. SCHEUER. Mr. Speaker, I would,
like to record here my profound shock
and brief at the death of Rabbi Maurice
J. Bloom, one of the outstanding moral.
and spiritual leaders in my district. Rab-
bi Bloom, leader of the Tremont Temple,
lived a life modeled after that which he
outlined for his congregation as "the.
good life." He was truly a living ex-
ample as well as a spiritual inspiration.
to his followers. Believing in service to
his country as well as to his God, he
acted for a period as Jewish chaplain.
at the U.S. Military Academy at West
Point, He also spent many hours in
service to the community as part-time
chaplain at Kingsbridge Veterans' Hos-
pital, president of the Association of
Reform Rabbis of New York City and
vicinity, as a member of the executive
board of the Synagogue Council of
America and as a member of the board
of the Central Conference of American
What Rabbi Bloom has left behind him
Is difficult to document here for in large
part it is in the hearts of his congrega-
tion and the people whose lives he
touched in an intangible way.
On behalf of my constituents in the
21st Congressional District in New York,
I would like to express here publicly our
grief at the passing from our midst of
this outstanding human being. As a pri-
vate person, I would like to extend my
heartfelt condolences to the rabbi's
family and to assure them that we shall,
never forget this great man's teachings.
What he has left behind will never fade
(Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of
Mr. MCCARTHY) was granted permission
to extend his remarks at this point in
the RECORD and to include extraneous
Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I have
long believed that the great contribu-
tions to the growth and development of
the United States made by the Mexican
immigrant ought to be formally recog-
nized by the Federal Government, that
such recognition should be in concrete
form in the nature of a permanent mon-
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J2 j 14, 1A0?roved For Rele6l B I9 v IARWSM09 88300180010-9
umerlt, and that the ideal location would
be the ;city of', San Antonio, Tex. San
nip bas ben a gateway to and from
Mexico' for centuries. Today it is per-
haps the largest bilingual city in the
Nation and a confluence of the Anglo
and Latin American cultures.
In 1968 San Antonio will celebrate the
250th anniversa>